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“What is the impact of the information revolution on my learning (in

school and in the community)?”

Together we will break through the most profound revolution in human history. Its
impact is personal, national, global, and in many ways limitless. Yes, the impact of
technology. In this new Connected Age, there is an urgent need to completely
rethink what it means to teach, learn, educate and school. Education has changed
even more since the printing press was invented over 500 years before him.
Because today the world is a classroom and learning is lifelong. Two billion
students already spend four-fifths of their working hours outside of school on
iPods, YouTube, Google, Wikipedia, and more. And you can share your talents and
skills with millions - both for fun and income.

It's Interactive:
features a new digital platform and templates that make learning by doing,
creating and interacting simple, easy and fun. This is a new world of creative

It's Global:
The ever-expanding global internet owned by no one and used by all. There, with
the tap of a digital keyboard or touchscreen, the collective knowledge of mankind
was made available to virtually everyone.

It's mostly free:

or so for the price, one click at a time. The World Wide Web, browsers, search
engines, and digital platforms provide free and easy access to a wealth of

Technology has a significant impact on our lives. In fact, it has redefined the way
we live. There is no doubt of technology playing an important role in all sphere of
life. It is due to technology that all our daily difficult tasks can now be automated
easily and efficiently. Thanks to the application of technology, living has changed
and it has changed for better.

The advent of technology in education has made the process of learning and
knowledge sharing more interactive. The biggest impact technology has on
education is by changing the way we see the world. A significant shift in thinking
from local to global

Technology has made life easier for students. Today, instead of using pen and
paper, students use a variety of software and tools to create presentations and
projects. The iPad is very light compared to stacking notebooks. Reading an
e-book is easier than a thick book. These tools help increase interest in studying.
There are online libraries that do not require physical space. Teachers, students
and researchers in different parts of the world can access the same online library at
the same time.

Julian Assange: Why the world needs WikiLeaks

1. Difficult concepts: (provide at least three)

The idea I find difficult to grasp was how people cannot be tracked if they have
been leaked information.

The idea that I found difficult to grasp was how to disperse knowledge in just a few

The idea that I found difficult to grasp was how Julian Assange defends the privacy
of his own people.

2. Learning Insights: a. before watching the video I thought that_______. However,

after watching the video, I now think/learned that _________.

My first thoughts on WikiLeaks is all about distributing media freely on the

internet, after watching the video I realized and learned that it was all about
classified information, media that is happening right now. It can serve all of us
because information is important especially right now we’re on a digital era.



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