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:For the reticulocyte to develop into a mature red blood cell, it takes .1
a) 2 hours
b) 20 hours
c) 2 days
d) 7 days
e) 30 days

:The mature red blood cell volume is more than 100 femtoliters in .2
a) Vitamin B12 deficiency
b) Iron deficiency
c) Blood loss anemia
d) Hemolytic anemia
e) Sickle cell anemia

:In parasitic infection, there is a marked increase in the count of .3

a) Neutrophils
b) Basophils
c) Eosinophils
d) Monocytes
e) Lymphocytes

:Antigen-presenting cells present antigens to .4

a) Neutrophils
b) Monocytes
c) Reticulocytes
d) B- Lymphocytes
e) T- Lymphocytes

:Acute hemolytic anemia .5

a) Is associated with low MCV
b) Is associated with high reticulocyte count
c) Is associated with low MCH
d) Leads to low urobilinogen in urine
e) Is usually caused by renal failure

:The extrinsic pathway of coagulation is initiated by factor .6

a) I
b) II
c) III
d) IX
e) XII
:Which of the following substances is used as an anticoagulant in vivo only .7
a) Heparin
b) Calcium-chelating agents
c) Vitamin K antagonist
d) Thromboxane A2
e) Interleukin I

Urobilinogen .8
a) Is formed in the liver
b) Is not found in the normal urine
c) Gives the stool its normal color
d) Gives the urine its normal color
e) Its concentration in the blood is high in obstructive jaundice

:Concerning Hemoglobin S .9
a) The alpha-chain is missing
b) The beta-chain is missing
c) The alpha-chain is abnormal
d) The beta-chain is abnormal
e) Is more common in the Mediterranean area

:The only antibody that can cross the placenta is .10

a) IgA
b) IgG
c) IgM
d) IgE
e) IgD

:The main antibody in the primary immune response is .11

a) IgA
b) IgG
c) IgM
d) IgE
e) IgD

:The vasospasm following the injury of the blood vessel .12

a) Is due to sympathetic stimulation
b) Is reduced by pain
c) Is due to substances released by platelets
d) Lasts up to 5 minutes
e) Is more stronger in longitudinal than transverse injuries

:Neutrophils .13
a) Circulate in the blood for a few hours
b) Have blue granules
c) Are transformed into macrophages in the tissues
d) Have a kidney-shaped nucleus
e) Contain heparin
:Passive Immunity .14
a) Is due to antibodies produced by the body itself
b) Has a long duration
c) Forms the bases of vaccination against childhood diseases
d) Is due to memory cells
e) May be due to transplacental transfer of antibodies

:The globin part of hemoglobin F consists of .15

a) 2 alpha and 2 beta chains
b) 2 beta and 2 gamma chains
c) 2 gamma and 2 delta chains
d) 2 alpha and 2 delta chains
e) 2 alpha and 2 gamma chains

:The following are natural anticoagulants except .16

a) Thromboxane A2
b) Prostacycline
c) Protein C
d) Antithrombin III
e) Plasminogen

:The main constituent of a blood clot is .17

a) Thrombin
b) Fibrin
c) Plasminogen
d) Thrombinogen
e) Thromboplastin

:Endothelium produces all of the following except .18

a) Prostacycline
b) Thromboxane A2
c) Plasminogen
d) Protein C
e) Factor X

:Cellular immunity is due to .19

a) T lymphocytes
b) B lymphocytes
c) Monocytes
d) Neutrophils
e) Mast cells

:Action of plasmin is .20

a) Calcium chelation
b) Degradation of fibrin
c) Anti-thrombin
d) Stimulation of heparin
e) Release of tissue plasminogen activator
:Oncotic pressure of plasma is mainly maintained by .21
a) Fibrinogen
b) Albumin
c) Alpha-globulin
d) Beta-globulin
e) Gamma-globulin

:Hematocrit of 45% means that in the sample of blood analyzed .22

a) 45% Hb is in the plasma
b) 45% of total blood volume is made up of plasma
c) 45% of Hb is in the RBC
d) 45% of the total blood volume is made up of cells
e) 45% of the red blood cell is made of hemoglobin

:Iron is absorbed in the .23

a) Stomach
b) Duodenum
c) Upper ileum
d) Terminal ileum
e) Colon

:Which of the following statements concerning the monocyte is incorrect .24

a) More common in blood than eosinophils
b) Produced in the adult by the bone marrow
c) Does not leave the circulation
d) Not classified as a granulocyte
e) Has a kidney shaped nucleus

:Concerning Vitamin B12 .25

a) Is a fat-soluble vitamin
b) Is found in green vegetables
c) Is absorbed in the duodenum
d) Antagonized folic acid
e) Is required for myelin formation

:Physiological Jaundice .26

a) Is due to rhesus compatibility
b) Appears in the first 24 hours after birth
c) Is treated by exchange transfusion
d) Is due to excessive RBC breakdown
e) Is less common in pre-term babies

Vitamin K deficiency leads to the decreased production of the following .27

a) I
b) VII
d) XI
e) XII
:In a 30 year old man, red bone marrow will be found at all these sites except .28
a) Skull
b) Ribs
c) Pelvic bones
d) Shaft of femur
e) Sternum

:Reticulocyte count in normal blood is .29

a) Zero
b) 1%
c) 3%
d) 5%
e) 10%

:In obstructive jaundice .30

a) Bilirubin is excreted in the urine
b) Stool color is dark
c) Urobilinogen in urine is increased
d) Reticulocyte count is increased
e) Van Den Berg test is indirect

:Reticulocytes .31
a) Are found in the blood from a normal person
b) Contain a nucleus
c) Contain 30 picograms of hemoglobin
d) Are produced at a higher rate in a person with folic acid deficiency
e) Takes one week to mature into a RBC

:Causes of hypochromic anemia include .32

a) Removal of the ileum
b) Iron deficiency
c) Folic acid deficiency
d) Sickle cell anemia
e) Vitamin B12 deficiency

The following factors help in keeping the blood in the fluid state inside the .33
a) The collagen lining of the endothelium
b) Thromboxane A2
c) Thrombomodulin
d) Flow of the blood
e) Factor XII

:Antibodies against the Rhesus Factor (anti-D) .34

a) Are natural occurring antibodies
b) Follows Lansteiner's law
c) Are immunoglobulin D (IgD)
d) Can cross the placenta
e) Are found in the plasma of all Rhesus negative subjects
:Most of the iron contents in the body is found in .35
a) The skeletal muscles
b) The liver
c) The bone marrow
d) The red blood cells
e) The plasma

:Vitamin B12 deficiency .36

a) Is common among vegeterians
b) Causes microcytic anemia
c) May result from diseases of the duodenum and jejunum
d) Causes defect in myelination
e) Leads to neural tube developmental abnormalitites

:Hemoglobin A1C .37

a) Has a half life of a few days
b) Has iron in the ferric form
c) Is low in folic acid deficiency
d) Is an indicator of diabetes mellitus control
e) Is not found in normal subjects

:Conjugated Bilirubin .38

a) Is filtered by the kidneys
b) Its level is high in obstructive jaundice
c) Is formed in the small intestine
d) Circulates in the blood bound to albumin
e) Gives indirect Van Den Berg test

:Osponization 39
a) Helps the phagocytes recognize foreign antigens
b) Is the process of engulfing foreign bodies
c) Is the process by which neutrophils pass through the capillary membrane
d) Is the opposite of chemotaxis
e) Is due to the perforins secreted by T-lymphocytes

:Antibodies .40
a) Are essential for activation of both complement pathways
b) Are secreted by helper T lymphocytes
c) Circulate in the albumin fraction of plasma proteins
d) Provide cellular immunity
e) Important in osponization

:Concerning Plasma .41

a) Forms 40% of the blood volume
b) Forms 8% of the body weight
c) Has the same composition as serum
d) Fibrinogen is the main plasma protein
e) 90% of its weight is water
:Hemoglobin F consists of .42
a) Four alpha chains
b) Four beta chains
c) 2 alpha and 2 beta chains
d) 2 alpha and 2 gamma chains
e) 2 alpha and 2 delta chains

:The shafts of long bones do not contain red bone marrow after .43
a) Birth
b) One year
c) 10 years
d) Immediately after puberty
e) 20 years

:Monocytes .44
a) Form 2% of white blood cells
b) Are antigen-presenting cells
c) Have a lobulated nucleus
d) Contain blue granules
e) Cannot leave the circulation

:Causes of anemia with MCV of about 70 femtoliters is caused by .45

a) Removal of ileum
b) Iron deficiency
c) Folic acid deficiency
d) Sickle cell anemia
e) Vitamin B12 deficiency

:Eosinophils .46
a) Have a kidney-shaped nucleus
b) Characterized by blue cytoplasmic granules
c) Forms 0.4% of white blood cells
d) Count is typically high in bacterial infection
e) Count may reach 8% in parasitic infection

:Regarding iron absorption .47

a) Is reduced by increased secretion of HCl
b) Is reduced by absence of intrisinc factor
c) Is reduced by tetracycline admiysteation
d) Iron from meat s better absorbed than iron from plants
e) Absorption takes place mainly in the ileum

:Hemoglobin A .48
a) Forms 90% of hemoglobin in the adult
b) Consists of 2 alpha and 2 gamma chains
c) Has less affinity for oxygen than hemoglobin
d) Contains iron in the ferric form
e) Its amount in each cell is about 20 picograms
:A person who is group B negative .49
a) Has antigen B and antibody B
b) His children may develop Rhesum if wife is Rhetus
c) He cannot be a father of a child whose group is AB
d) He cannot be a father of a child whose group is O
e) He cannot be a father of a child whose group is A

:All of the following may cause anemia except .50

a) Folic acid deficiency
b) Removal of the stomach
c) Vitamin D deficiency
d) Diseases of the terminal ileum
e) Chronic renal failure

:Bilirubin .51
a) Is a product of globin breakdown
b) Normal plasma level is 10 mg/ 100 mL
c) Is excreted mainly in urine
d) Gives the urine its characteristic colour
e) Excretion is feces is increased in hemolytic anemia

:Iron .52
a) Is found in high amounts in mother's milk
b) Is absorbed mainly in the lower intestine
c) Is transported in plasma with plasma transferrin
d) Is stored in the liver mainly as haemosiderin
e) Deficiency causes anemia with red cell volume typically about 105

The following factors help keep the blood in the fluid state inside the .53
a) The collagen lining the endothelium
b) Thromboxane A2
c) Thrombomodulin
d) Calcium in the blood
e) Factor XIII

:The normal range of blood volume in a 60kg male is .54

a) 3.5-4.0 liters
b) 4.0-4.5 liters
c) 4.5-5.0 liters
d) 5.0-5.5 liters
e) 5.5-6.0 liters
?Which of the following might trigger erythropoiesis .55
a) Decreased tissue demand for oxygen
b) Increased tissue demand for oxygen
c) An increased number of RBC'S
d) Moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude
e) Taking large amounts of iron

:All of the following can be expected with polycythemia except .56

a) Low blood viscosity
b) High hematocrit
c) Increased blood volume
d) High blood pressure
e) Increased resistance to flow

:The process of WBC's slipping out of the capillaries into tissues is called .57
a) Thrombocytopenia
b) Diapedesis
c) Leukopenia
d) Leukocytosis
e) Osponization

?Which of the following is a characteristic of all leukocytes .58

a) They are phagocytic
b) They have cytoplasmic granules
c) They are nucleated
d) They are the most numerous of formed elements of blood
e) They are important in innate immunity

?Mr. Ali's blood was determined to be AB positive. What does this mean .59
a) Antibodies to A and B are present in plasma
b) There are no antibodies to A, B or Rh antigens in the plasma
c) His blood lacks the Rh factor
d) All of the above are correct
e) He has antigen A and B but not antigen D on his RBC's

:B lymphocytes .60
a) Have phagocytic functions
b) Produce helper cells
c) Their maturation is completed in the bone marrow
d) Characterized by a horse-shoe shaped nucleus
e) Constitute the majority of the lymphocytes

:The red blood cells in males compared to females .61

a) Have higher count
b) Live longer in circulation
c) Have more hemoglobin per cell (MCH)
d) Have larger volume (MCV)
e) Are less fragile
:Rhesus incompatibility of the new born occurs only if .62
-a) The mother is Rh-, and the baby is Rh
-b) The father is Rh+, and the baby is Rh
-c) The new born is Rh+, and the father is Rh
d) Cells in the fetus enter the mother's circulation
e) The mother and fetus are ABO incompatible

:The first factor to be activated in the extrinsic pathway is factor .63

a) II
b) V
c) VII
d) X
e) XII

:Platelets .64
a) Have a lifespan of 7 days
b) Count is 120 000 per mm3
c) Produces prostacyclin
d) Are controlled by erythropoietin
e) Deficiency causes hemophilia

:Plasma is different from serum in that it contains .65

a) More sodium
b) Less calcium
c) More albumin
d) More fibrinogen
e) Less neutrophils

:The type of white blood cells most likely to increase in parasitic infection are .66
a) Neutrophils
b) Eosinophils
c) Basophils
d) Monocytes
e) Lymphocytes

:T Lymphocytes .67
a) Are called T lymphocytes because they mature in the tonsils
b) Are more effective against intracellular antigens
c) Are essential for humoral immunity
d) Can produce antibodies
e) Are important in passive immunization of the fetus

:Normal blood contains .68

a) 3 millions RBC's per mm3
b) 15 000 WBC's per mm3
c) 300 000 platelets per mm3
d) 10 grams Hb per 100 mL
e) 3 grams protein per 100 mL
:Methemoglobin .69
a) Is formed by the reaction of hemoglobin to glucosea
b) Is due to CO toxicity
c) Is due to reducing agents
d) Contains ferric ion instead of ferrous
e) Has higher affinity to O2 than normal Hb

:Vitamin B12 .70

a) A fat-soluble vitamin
b) It is not found in green vegetables
c) It is absorbed from the stomach
d) Deficiency causes microcytic anemia
e) Deficiency causes neural tube defect

:The following cell produces antibodies .71

a) Helper- T lymphocytes
b) Cycotoxic- T lymphocytes
c) Monocytes
d) Plasma cells
e) Eosinophils

:The antibody found in highest concentration in mother's milk is .72

a) IgG
b) IgA
c) IgM
d) IgE
e) IgD

:The alternative pathway for complement activation is activated by .73

a) T-helper cells
b) Antigen-antibody complex
c) Circulating factor in the plasma
d) Histamine
e) Factor XII

:Eosinophil count of 6% is most likely found in .74

a) Normal subjects
b) Bacterial infection
c) Parasitic infection
d) Viral infection
e) Fungal infection

:The extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation .75

a) Is triggered by contact of factor VII with collagen
b) Is slower than the intrinsic pathway
c) Requires factor III
d) Requires factor IX
e) Utilizes all the clotting factors in the blood
:The following factor favors blood coagulation .76
a) Smoothness of the endothelium
b) Thromboxane A2
c) Prostacyclin
d) Calcium chelating agents
e) Vitamin K

:Blood stored for transfusion .77

a) Is stored at -20oC
b) Plasma K+ concentration rises
c) With concentration of 2,3 DPG increases
d) Warfarin can be used as anticoagulant
e) Its affinity for oxygen decrease

:Reticulocyte count of 4% is most likely found in .78

a) Normal subjects
b) Vitamin B12 deficiency
c) Folic acid deficiency
d) Lack of erythropoietin
e) Hemolytic anemia

:Packed cell volume in a blood sample was found to be 41% that means .79
a) 41% of hemoglobin is in the plasma
b) 41% of the total blood volume is made of plasma
c) 41% of the hemoglobin is in the red blood cells
d) 41% of the total blood volume is made up of all blood cells
e) 41% of the blood cells are made up of red blood cells

:Tissue plasminogen activator is stimulated by .80

a) Factor X
b) Protein C
c) Thrombin
d) Thrombomodulin
e) Factor XIII

:Vitamin B12 .81

a) A fat-soluble vitamin
b) Is needed for closure of the neural tube
c) It is absorbed in the stomach
d) Deficiency typically causes anemia of MCV more than 100 femtoliters
e) Is not stored in the body

:The following is true about iron .82

a) Milk is a rich source
b) Absorption needs intrinsic factor secreted by the stomach
c) Is found in hemoglobin in the reduced form
d) Deficiency is more common in males than in females
e) Is stored in the body mainly as hemosidrin
:Bilirubin .83
a) Levels in blood is 10mg/100mL
b) Is produced by the breakdown of the globin part of hemoglobin
c) Is excreted mainly in the urine
d) Excretion in urine is increased in hemolytic jaundice
e) Is converted in the intestine to stercobilinogen

:Platelets .84
a) Normal count is about 40 000/mm3
b) Have a lifespan of 30 days
c) Contain clotting factors
d) Secrete prostacyclin
e) Have receptors for protein C

:The role of platelets in hemostasis does not include .85

a) Release of vasoconstrictor substances
b) Adhesion to injured areas
c) Causing clot retraction
d) Activating the fibrinolytic system
e) Providing phosphoplipids to the clotting reactions

:Platelets .86
a) Normal count in the blood is 75,000- 120,000/uL
b) Produced in the yellow marrow of long bones
c) Need to be activated in the spleen
d) Can be stored in the refrigerator of the blood bank for 13 days
e) Do not have a nucleus

:The principal cells that mediate the specific immune response include the .87
a) Neutrophil granulocyte
b) Natural killer cells
c) Mast cells
d) Tissue macrophages
e) Oligodendroglial cells

:The following is not one of the plasma globulins .88

a) Angiotensinogen
b) Prothrombin
c) IgM
d) Elastin
e) Proteins of the complement system

:The following is a characteristic complication of massive blood transfusion .89

a) Transmission of the HIV virus
b) Transmission of the malaria parasite
c) Hypocalcemia
d) Massive intravascular hemolysis
e) Myoglobinuria
Salah's blood group is AB while the blood group of his wife Anna is B. Their .90
:children will NOT have the following blood group genotype
a) AB
b) OO
c) AO
d) BO
e) BB

:A bleeding tendency is NOT usually expected in individuals suffering from .91

a) Obstructive jaundice
b) Liver cirrhosis
c) Vitamin K deficiency
d) Vitamin C deficiency
e) Vitamin A deficiency

:Monocytes .92
a) Forms 2% of white blood cells
b) Are precursors of Kuppfer cells
c) Have a lobulated nucleus
d) Contain blue granules
e) Cannot leave the circulation

:The following is true about red blood cells .93

a) Their count ranges between 6-8 million/mm3
b) Polycythemia means a decrease in red blood cell count
c) Red cell production occurs in the spleen
d) The red cells are biconvex discs
e) The red cells carry myoglobin

:The following is true about Hemoglobin A .94

a) Its concentration in males is about 19 g/dL
b) Is made of two alpha chains and two gamma chains
c) Has four binding sites for combining with O2
d) Does not transport CO2
e) The heme component contains Ferrous

:Hemolytic anemia is due to all of the following except .95

a) Malaria
b) Sickle cell disease
c) Spheroctosis
d) Rhesus incompatibility
e) Iron deficiency

:Leucopenia .96
a) Reduction in white blood cell count
b) Caused by acute bacterial infections
c) Caused by Vitamin B12 deficiency
d) Is normally seen in children
e) Might involve the granular cells
:The following is a function of neutrophils .97
a) Phagocytosis
b) Antibody production
c) Cell mediate immunity
d) Humoral immunity
e) Complement activation

:The following are true about T-Lymphocytes except .98

a) They produce antibodies
b) They are involved in cell mediated immunity
c) They form memory cells when activated
d) They are involved in transplant rejection
e) They are attacked by HIV

:Hemostasis requires involvement of all of the following except .99

a) Activation of factor X
b) Vasospasm
c) Platelets aggregation
d) Intrinsic system activation
e) Extrinsic system suppression

:Hemophilia is caused by .100

a) Deficiency of factor VIII
b) Deficiency of factor IX
c) Thrombocytopenia
d) Thrombocytosis
e) Liver failure

:The following diseases are transmitted by blood transfusion except .101

a) HIV
b) Hepatitis C
c) Hepatitis B
d) Syphilis
e) Influenza virus infection

:The bleeding time .102

a) Normally equals 15-20 minutes
b) Is abnormal in thrombocytopenia
c) Is abnormal in hemophilia
d) Is abnormal in liver failure
e) Reflects the vascular role in the arrest of bleeding

:Unconjugated Bilirubin .103

a) Is water-soluble
b) Is the main type of bilirubin in hemolytic jaundice
c) Gives direct Van Den Berg Test
d) Appears in urine
e) Is converted in the liver to stercobilinogen
:The following cell produces heparin .104
a) Neutrophil
b) Eosinophil
c) Basophil
d) Lymphocyte
e) Monocyte

:The following cell is a precursor of kupffer cells .105

a) Neutrophil
b) Eosinophil
c) Basophil
d) Lymphocyte
e) Monocyte

:The count of the following cell is typically raised in parasitic infection .106
a) Neutrophil
b) Eosinophil
c) Basophil
d) Lymphocyte
e) Monocyte

:HLA type 1 is essential for the following cell to recognize foreign antigens .107
a) Plasma cells
b) B memory cells
c) T-cytotoxic cells
d) T-helper cells
e) T-memory cells

:Regarding iron distribution in the body .108

a) 50% in hemoglobin
b) 30% as ferritin
c) 10% myoglobin
d) 5% hemosedrin
e) 3% enzymes

Neural tube closure may occur in babies whose mothers were suffering .109
a) Vitamin B12 deficiency
b) Folic acid deficiency
c) Iron deficiency
d) Protein deficiency
e) Intrinsic factor deficiency

:Reticulocytes count in normal blood is .110

a) 10%
b) 7%
c) 5%
d) 3%
e) 1%
:In hemolytic jaundice .111
a) Bilirubin is excreted in urine
b) Stool color is pale
c) Van Den Berg test is direct
d) Urinary urobilinogen is increased
e) Reticulocyte count typically is < 1%

:The following cells are tissue macrophages except .112

a) Kupffer cells
b) Osteoclasts
c) Parietal cells
d) Microglial cells
e) Mesangeal cells

:Iron absorption takes place mainly in the .113

a) Stomach
b) Duodenum and jejunum
c) First part of ileum
d) Terminal ileum
e) Large intestine

:Myelination of the neurons may be abnormal if there is deficiency of .114

a) Vitamin B12
b) Folic acid
c) Iron
d) Erythropoietin
e) Interleukin 4

:The cell that is important in all types of immunity is .115

a) B-lymphocyte memory cells
b) T-memory cells
c) T-helper cells
d) Neutrophils
e) B-helper cells

:All of the following may be a complication of blood transfusion, except .116

a) Sodium overload
b) Potassium overload
c) Iron overload
d) Volume overload
e) Allergic reactions

:Methemoglobin .117
a) Is a hemoglobin bound to glucose
b) Is a hemoglobin with oxidized iron
c) Normally forms 30% of the total hemoglobin
d) Is formed when blood is exposed to reducing agents
e) Has a high affinity to O2

:Plasma .118
a) Is 85% water
b) Contains about 5g protein/dL
c) Contains 290 mosmol/liter
d) Volume can be measured by inulin dilution method
e) Constitute about 45% of the blood

Compared to other plasma proteins, albumin is the main generator of the .119
:colloid osmotic pressure of plasma because
a) Of its high concentration and relatively small molecular weight
b) It can bind other substances in blood
c) It can relatively easily cross the capillary membrane
d) It is not ionized
e) It can be made by the liver

Which of the following substances has the highest molar concentration in .120
a) Glucose
b) Protein
c) Sodium
d) Calcium
e) Bicarbonate

:Normal red blood cells .121

a) Rupture if suspended in a solution which is 0.9% sodium chloride
b) Are more fragile than sphercytes
c) Count is about 5 million/mm3 in adult females
d) Count about 40 picograms of hemoglobin per cell
e) Volume is about 85 femtoliters

During the last month of pregnancy, red blood cells of the fetus are .122
:produced mainly by
a) Liver
b) Spleen
c) Bone marrow
d) Yolk sac
e) Lymph nodes

:An increase in the number of reticulocytes occurs in .123

a) Severe hemolysis
b) Folic acid deficiency
c) Iron deficiency
d) Erythropoietin deficiency
e) Vitamin B12 deficiency

:The main storage protein for iron in the body is .124

a) Hemoglobin
b) Transferrin
c) Ferritin
d) Hemopexin
e) Haptoglobin

:Destruction of red blood cells in the vascular system is associated with .125
a) Decreased potassium concentration in plasma
b) Agglutination of red blood cells
c) Increased secretion of hemoglobin in urine
d) Cyanosis
e) High transferring concentration

:Appearance of the early forms of red blood cells in the blood may indicate .126
a) Iron deficiency
b) Folic acid deficiency
c) A high rate of erythropoiesis
d) Bone marrow failure
e) Erythropoietin deficiency

Of the total white blood cells, the normal percentages of the different types .127
:of cells is
a) About 40% neutrophils
b) Less than 1% basophils
c) About 60% lymphocytes
d) About 1% monocytes
e) 8% eosinophils

The lifespan of neutrophils .128

a) Is about one hour in the circulation
b) 4-5 days in tissues
c) Is prolonged in bacterial infections
d) In the circulation is longer than the half life of monocytes
e) Is longer than normal inpatients with hypersplenic function

Which of the following means attraction of white blood cells to the site of .129
a) Diapedesis
b) Ameboid motion
c) Chemotaxis
d) Complement fixation
e) Immune tolerance

:Active immunity .130

a) Develop against antigens with molecular weights greater than 8000
b) Does not develop unless a foreign organism or toxin invade the
c) Is a function of phagocytes
d) Acquired by the child through the milk of his mother
e) Acquired by the fetus through the placenta

:Which of the following is not a function of antibodies .131

a) Agglutination of antigens
b) Precipitation of antigens
c) Attraction of white blood cells to the site of infection
d) Neutrolization of toxins
e) Lysis of bacteria

A baby whose blood group is A+ve and whose mother's blood group is B+ve, .132
:can only mean that the father cannot be
a) Blood group O-ve
b) Blood group AB+ve
c) Blood group A-ve
d) Blood group AB-ve
e) Blood group A+ve

:The most important antigen for causing graft rejection is .133

a) Human leukocyte antigen
b) The ABO blood group antigens
c) The rhesus factor antigens
d) Cell membrane phospholipase
e) Cell membrane phospholipase A

The degree of vascular spasm following injury to a blood vessel depends .134
:mostly on
a) The degree of trauma to a blood vessel
b) The platelet count
c) The activity of the sympathetic nervous system
d) The concentration of clotting factors
e) The concentration of prostacycline in the blood

:The Von Willibrand Factor .135

a) Directly binds to and activates platelets
b) Is essential for formation of the platelet plug
c) Causes clot retraction
d) Activates the extrinsic pathway of coagulation
e) Deficiency prolongs the clotting time

?+Which of the following steps of coagulation does not require Ca2 .136
a) Activation of prothrombin
b) Activation of factor IX
c) Release of tissue thromboplastin
d) Activation of factor X
e) Formation of prothrombin activator

A patient with obstructive jaundice is likely to develop bleeding tendency .137

:due to
a) Deficiency of prothrombin
b) Thrombocytopenia
c) Deficiency of von willibrand factor
d) Tissue thromboplastin deficiency
e) Formation of prothrombin activator

:The tissue stabilizing factor is activated by .138

a) Fibrin
b) Thrombin
c) Thrombomodulin
d) Active factor X
e) Plasmin

:Folic acid .139

a) Is a fat-soluble vitamin
b) Is found only in meats
c) Is needed for ana formation
d) Deficiency causes macrocytic
e) Deficiency causes defect in mitochondria

:The most prevalent blood group is .140

a) A
b) B
c) AB
d) O (-ve)
e) O (+ve)

:Most white blood cells are .141

a) Lymphocytes
b) Monocytes
c) Neutrophils
d) Eosinophils
e) Plasma cells

:A good indicator of hemolysis is .142

a) Pale stool colour
b) High reticulocyte count
c) High white blood cell count
d) Macrocytosis
e) Microcytosis

:Platelets .143
a) Are produced in the spleen
b) Have a small nucleus
c) Change their shape when they make contact with collagen
d) Have a normal count of 10, 000 per mm3
e) Produce prostacyclin

The endothelium produces the following substances that helps keep the .144
:blood in the fluid state
a) Prostacycline
b) Thromboxane A2
c) Plasminogen
d) Protein C
e) Heparin

:Concerning hemoglobin S, the abnormality is in the .145

a) Alpha chain
b) Beta chain
c) Iron molecule
d) Porphyrin ring
e) The red cell enzymes

:A person whose blood group is AB .146

a) Has only antibodies against A antigens
b) Has only antibodies against B antigens
c) Has both antibodies A and B
d) Has no antibodies
e) Acts as a universal donor

:Iron deficiency anemia is .147

a) Due to intrinsic factor deficiency
b) Commoner in women than men
c) An example of hemolytic anemias
d) Typically seen in patients with hemoglobin S
e) Characterized by macrocytic cells

:Hemophilia is due to deficiency of .148

a) Platelets
b) Factor VIII
c) Factor X
d) Factor XI
e) Factor XII

:The white blood cells that contain blue granules are the .149
a) Neutrophils
b) Basophils
c) Eosinophils
d) Lymphocytes
e) Monocytes

:Which of the following is the primary function of B lymphocytes .150

a) Phagocytosis
b) Production of antibodies
c) Production of complement
d) Regulation of red blood cell production
e) Cellular immunity

:Functions of antibodies include all of the following except .151

a) Neutralization of bacterial toxins
b) Osponizing bacteria
c) Promoting phagocytosis
d) Active inflammatory response
e) Inactivation of viruses

:Vitamin K-dependent factors include .152

a) Fibrinogen
b) Prothrombin
c) Tissue thromboplastin
d) Factor X
e) Factor VIII

:Plasma is different from serum in that it contains .153

a) Contains less albumin
b) Contains more fibrinogen
c) Has higher sodium concentration
d) Does not clot
e) Has no cells

:The common pathway of coagulation starts with activation of factor .154

a) II
b) V
c) VII
d) IX
e) X

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