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International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Unit - 3
Primary Five
Issued by Maths Department

3.1 Multiplication of integers
1. To multiply two integers of the same sign, we take the positive sign
for the answer.
( + a ) × ( +b ) = ab
( - a ) × ( - b ) = ab

Example ( -2 ) ( -3 ) = 6
(3) (4) = 12

2. To multiply two integers of different sign, we take the negative sign

for the answer.
(+a) ×(-b) = -(a×b)
(-a) ×(b ) = -(a×b)

Example (-3)(4) = –12

(+6)×(-3) = –18

The products a × 0 , - a × 0 , 0 × a and 0 (-a) are 0.

Worked Example 4
Calculate the following.
(a) -51 × 16 (b) 27 × (-18)
(c) -95 × (-26) (d) 0 × (-27)
Solution :
(a) -51 × 16 = - (51 × 16) (b) 27 × (-18) = - (27 × 18)
= - 816 = - 486

(c) - 95 × (-26) = 95 × 26 (d) 0 × (-27) = 0

= 2470

Unit 3
Multiplication & Division of Integers

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Five
Issued by Maths Department

Exercise (3.1)
1. Find the products of the following.
(a) 3 × (-5) (b) 4 × (-1)
(c) -3 × (-2) (d) 0 × (-3)
(e) -5 × 0 (f) 18 × 11
(g) -14 × (-7) (h) -7 × (-2) × 3
(i) -3 × 4 × (-5) (j) ( 5 ) × (-3) × (2)
(k) 3 × (-8) × 0 (l) -7 × (-3) × (-2)
(m) -5 × (-8) × (-3) (n) -2 × (-3) × (-4) × (-5)
(o) -3 × 4 × (-8) × (-7) (p) -2 × 0 × 3 × (-5)
(q) -12 × (-11) × (-321) (r) -25 × (-26) × 123
(s) -16 × (-123) × (-37) (t) -214 × (-15) × (-125)
(u) 13 × (-10) × (-310) (v) 45 × (-14) × 377
(w) 6 × (-18) × (-7) (x) -27 × 8 × (-15)
(y) 5 × (-19) × (-102) (z) -25 × 6 × (-200)

3.2 Division of Integers

Division is the reverse process of multiplication.

For example, the ‘arrow diagram’ illustrates that
‘ - 7 multiplied by 6 is - 42’ and
‘- 42 divided by 6 is - 7’.


-7 -42


Unit 3 25
Multiplication & Division of Integers

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Five
Issued by Maths Department

Look at the following ‘arrow diagrams’.

× positive integer
positive positive
integer integer
 positive integer

× negative integer
positive negative
integer integer
 negative integer

× positive integer
negative negative
integer integer
 positive integer

× negative integer
negative positive
integer integer
 negative integer

These ‘arrow diagrams’ suggest the following rules for division of integers.

1. To divide one integer by another integer of the

same sign, we take the positive sign for the answer.

2. To divide one integer by another integer of a

different sign, we take the negative sign for the

Unit 3
Multiplication & Division of Integers

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Five
Issued by Maths Department

In symbols, if a and b are natural numbers, we write as follows:

a  b = a  b
-a (-b) = a  b
-a  b = - (a  b)
a (-b) = - (a  b)
Note: The quotients of 0  a and 0  (-a) are zero. The quotients of a
 0 and (-a)  0 are meaningless.

Worked Example 5
Evaluate the following.
(a) -984  8 (b) 598  ( -13 )
(c) -1932  ( -23 ) (d) 0  (-328)
Solution :
(a) -984  8 = - (984  8) (b) 598  (-13) = - (598  13 )
= - 123 = -46
(c) -1932  (-23) = 1932  23 (d) 0  (-328) = 0
= 84
Exercise (3.2)
Evaluate the following.
1) - 8  4 2) -24  6
3) -45  9 4) 9  (-3)
5) 42  (-7) 6) 0  (-18)
7) 72  (-6) 8) -9  (-3)
9) -32  (-8) 10) -72  (-9)
11) -123  3 12) -456  6
13) 448  (-8) 14) 207  (-9)
15) -244  (-4)

Unit 3 27
Multiplication & Division of Integers

International Language & Business Centre Mathematics

Primary Five
Issued by Maths Department

3.3 Addition and Multiplication of Integers, obey the

following laws.

1. The commutative law of addition.

a + b = b + a
Example 2 + 3 = 3 + 2

2. The associative law of addition.

(a+b) +c = a + (b+c)
Example (4+5) +3 = 4 + (5+3)

3. The commutative law of multiplication.

a × b = b × a
Example 2 × 3 = 3 × 2

4. The associative law of multiplication.

(a × b) × c = a × (b × c)
Example (3 × 5) × 2 = 3 × (5 × 2)

5. The distributive law of multiplication with respect to addition.

a × (b + c) = (a × b) + (a × c)
(b + c) × a = (b ×a) + (c × a)

Exercise (3.3)
1. Name the law for each of the following sentences.
(a) 2 + 3 = 3 + 2 (b) (2 + 7) + 3 = 2 + (7 + 3)
(c) 3 + (2 + 5) = (3 + 2) + 5 (d) 7 × 8 = 8 × 7
(e) (9 × 4) × 3 = 9 × (4 ×3) (f) 7 × (8 × 5) = (7 × 8) × 5

2. Express each of the following in the form of (a ×b)+(a ×c)or(b×a)+(c × a).

(a) 3 × (4 + 5) (b) 3 × (7 + 2) (c) 3 × (8 + 4)
(d) (5 + 2) × 4 (e) (3 + 1) × 5 (f) (7 + 4) × 11

Unit 3
Multiplication & Division of Integers

International Language & Business Centre

Primary Five
Issued by Maths Department

3. Copy and complete the following sentences.

(a) 3 × _____ = 7 × 3
(b) (7 × 8 × 3) = (____ × 8) × 3
(c) 5 + ____ = 6 + 5
(d) ____ × (10 + 3) = (2 × 10) + (2 × 3)
(e) (58 + ____) × 4 = (58 × 4) + (20 × 4)
(f) (3 + 4) + ____ = 3 + ( 4 + 5 )
4. Consider the following groups of statements. Check whether they are
true and then write a general statement for each group.
(a) 5 × 1 = 1 × 5 = 5 (b) 8 + 0 = 0 + 8 = 8
3 × 1 = 1 × 3 = 3 5 + 0 = 0 + 5 = 5
25× 1 = 1 ×25 = 25 11 + 0 = 0 + 11 = 11
5. By inspection, match each expression in column A with one in column B.
Give your reason.
For example, (a) is equal to (i) by the associative law of addition.

Column A Column B
(a) (3 + 2) + 4 (i) 3 + (2 + 4)
(b) 5 + (3 + 2) (ii) (4 + 7) × 2
(c) 4 × (3 + 7) (iii) 4 × (6 + 3)
(d) (6 + 3) ×4 (iv) 5 + (2 + 3)
(e) (7 + 4) ×2 (v) (1 + 2) × 3 + (1 + 2) × 4
(f) (9 × 3) ×2 (vi) (5 + 4) × (3 × 2)
(g) (1 + 2) × (3 + 4) (vii) (4 ×3) + (4 × 7)
(h) [(5 + 4) ×3]×2 (viii) 9 × (3 × 2)
(i) (5 + 3) + 6 (ix) 6 + (5 + 3)
(j) 12 + (3 + 5) (x) (12 + 3) + 5

Unit 3 29
Multiplication & Division of Integers

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