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This set of Signals & Systems Interview Questions and Answers focuses on

“System Classification and Properties – 2”.

1. Amplifiers, motors, filters etc. are examples for which type of system?
a) Distributed parameter systems
b) Unstable systems
c) Discrete time systems
d) Continuous time systems
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Answer: d
Explanation: Amplifiers, motors, filters etc. are examples of continuous time
systems as these systems operate on a continuous time input signal and produce a
continuous time output signal. Whereas discrete time systems operate on discrete
time signals, distributed parameter systems have signals which are functions of
space as well as time and unstable systems produce unbounded output from
bounded or unbounded input.
2. Which among the following systems are described by partial differential
a) Causal Systems and Dynamic systems
b) Distributed parameter systems and linear systems
c) Distributed parameter systems and Dynamic systems
d) Causal systems and linear systems
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Answer: c
Explanation: In distributed parameter systems, signals are functions of space as
well as time. In dynamic systems the output depends on past, present and future
values of input, hence, both of these systems are described by differential
3. Which one of the following systems is causal?
a) y(t)=x(t)+x(t-3)+x(t2)
b) y(n)=x(n+2)
c) y(t)=x(t-1)+x(t-2)
d) y(n)=x(2n2)
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Answer: c
Explanation: A causal system is one in which the output depends on the present or
past values of the input, not future. If it depends on future values then it is non-
causal. For y(t)=x(t)+x(t-3)+x(t2), y(n)=x(n+2), and y(n)=x(2n2), the output
depends on future values i.e., x (t2), x (n + 2) and x (2n2) respectively. Whereas in
y(t)=x(t-1)+x(t-2), the output y(t) depends on past values only i.e., x(t – 1) and x(t
– 2).
4. Which among the following is not a linear system?
a) y(n) = Cx(2n) + 2D
b) y(t) = ∫t0 x(w)dw
c) y(t) + 2y(t) = tx(t)
d) y(n) = x(n)coswn
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Answer: a
Explanation: Here is the Explanation.
A linear system is one which follows the superposition principle i.e., the weighted
sum of outputs is a linear function of weighted sum of inputs.
–> y(n)=Cx(2n)+2D
For an input x1(n), y1 (n) = Cx1 (2n)+2D
Similarly, for input x2(n), y2 (n)=Cx2 (2n)+2D
Multiplying first expression with a and second with b;
⇒ ay1 (n)+by2 (n)=aCx1 (2n)+2aD+bCx2 (2n)+2bD is the weighted sum of outputs.
Now, the weighted sum of inputs is y3 (n)=C[ax1 (2n)+bx2 (2n)]+2D
Clearly, the weighted sum of inputs is not equal to weighted sum of outputs.
∴ The system is non-linear.
–> y(t)= ∫t0x(w)dw
⇒ y1 (t)= ∫t0x1 (w)dw
⇒ y2 (t)= ∫t0x2 (w)dw
Weighted sum of outputs → ay1 (t)+by2 (t)= a∫t0 x1 (w)dw + b∫t0 x2 (w)dw
= ∫t0 [ax1 (w)+ bx2 (w)]dw
Weighted sum of inputs → y3 (t) = ∫t0 [ax1 (w)+ bx2 (w)]dw
Clearly, the weighted sum of inputs is equal to weighted sum of outputs.
∴ The system is linear.
Similarly, y(t) + 2y(t) = tx(t) and y(n) = x(n)coswn are linear systems.
5. Determine the nature of the system, d2y(t)dt2+2dy(t)dt+4y3(t)=x(t−4).
a) Static, linear, causal and time variant
b) Dynamic, non – linear, causal and time invariant
c) Static, non – linear, causal and time variant
d) Dynamic, non – linear, causal and time variant
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here is the Explanation.

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Communication Engineering MCQs
6. Which one of the following is an example of a bounded signal?
a) et coswt
b) et sinw(-t)
c) e-t coswt
d) et cosw(-t)
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Answer: c
Explanation: A bounded signal is the one which satisfies the condition |x(t)|< M <
∞ for all t.
Clearly, the signals et coswt, et sinw(-t) and et cosw(-t) are exponentially growing
signals as the power of the function is positive i.e., the signals will grow beyond
infinity. Whereas the signal e-t coswt is an exponentially decaying signal, hence it
will decay to zero and will always be less than infinity. Therefore, it is bounded.
7. A system produces zero output for one input and same gives the same output for
several other inputs. What is the system called?
a) Non – invertible System
b) Invertible system
c) Non – causal system
d) Causal system
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Answer: a
Explanation: A system is said to be invertible if the input fed to the system can be
retrieved from the output of the system. Otherwise the system is non-invertible.
Also, if a system gives zero output for any input and gives the same output for
many inputs, then the system is non-invertible.
8. Which among the following is a LTI system?
a) dy(t)/dt+ty(t)=x(t)
b) y(t)=x(t)cosπt
c) y(n)=x(n)+nx(n-1)
d) y(n)=x3 (n+1)
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Answer: d
Explanation: A system is said to be linear time invariant (LTI) if the input-output
characteristics do not change with time.
This expression has a coefficient which is a function of time. ∴ the system is time
Output when input is delayed by T, y(t,T)=x(t-T)cosπt
If the output is delayed by T, y(t-T)=x(t-T)cosπ(t-T)
Clearly, both expressions are not equal ∴ The system is time variant.
Output when input is delayed by N, y(n,N)=x(n-N)+nx(n-1-N)
If the output is delayed by N, y(n-N)=x(n-N)+(n-N)x(n-1-N)
Clearly, both expressions are not equal ∴ The system is time variant.
Output when input is delayed by N, y(n,N)=x3 (n+1-N)
If the output is delayed by N, y(n-N)= x3 (n+1-N)
Clearly, both expressions are equal. ∴ The system is time invariant.
his set of Signals & Systems Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced
people focuses on “Properties of Systems – 3”.

1. Which one of the following is an example of a system with memory?

a) Identity System
b) Resistor
c) y(n)=x(n)-2x(n)
d) Accumulator
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Answer: d
Explanation: An identity system gives the output same as input hence it totally
depends on the present state of the input. Therefore, it is memory less. Similarly, a
resistor and the expression in option c are memory less systems as they depend
upon the present state of the input. An accumulator sums up the values of all past
and present states of input. Therefore, it is a system with memory.
2. Which among the following is a memory less system?
a) Delay
b) Summer
c) Resistor
d) Capacitor
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Answer: c
Explanation: Options Delay, Summer and Capacitor are all systems with memory
as they depend upon past, past and present, past and present values of input
respectively. Whereas, a resistor is a memory less system as its relationship with
output always depends upon the current or present state of the input.
3. In a continuous-time physical system, memory is directly associated with
a) Storage registers
b) Time
c) Storage of energy
d) Number of components in the system
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Answer: c
Explanation: Memory is directly associated with storage of energy such as electric
charge in the capacitor or kinetic energy in an automobile. Storage registers are for
discrete time systems such as microprocessor etc. Time and number of components
of a system have got nothing to do with memory.
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4. A system with memory which anticipates future values of input is called
a) Non-causal System
b) Non-anticipative System
c) Causal System
d) Static System
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Answer: a
Explanation: A system which anticipates the future values of input is called a non-
causal system. A causal depends only on the past and present values of input. Non-
anticipative is another name for the causal system. A static system is memory less
5. Determine the nature of the system: y(n)=x(-n).
a) Causal
b) Non-causal
c) Causal for all positive values of n
d) Non-causal for negative values of n
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given system gives negative values of input i.e., past values of
input when we feed positive integers to LHS. However, it gives positive values for
negative values of n i.e., future values. Therefore, the system depends upon past
values for some integers and future values for some other. A system cannot be
called partially causal or non-causal, therefore, the system is non-causal.
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Engineering Books
6. Which among the following is an application of non-causal system?
a) Image processing
b) RC circuit
c) Stock market Analysis
d) Automobile
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Answer: c
Explanation: Image processing, RC circuit, and an automobile are all causal
systems as they do not anticipate the future values of an image, RC circuit and
future actions of a driver respectively. Instead, they function upon either the stored
information or on the current values of the input. Whereas, in the stock market,
analysts try to figure out a trend in the future based upon the stored information.
Therefore, it is non-causal.
7. Determine the nature of the given system: y(t)=x(sint)
a) Causal, Non-linear
b) Causal, Linear
c) Non-Causal, Non-linear
d) Non-causal, Linear
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Answer: d
Explanation: The system is non-causal as it gives future values for some inputs.
E.g. y (- π) = x (sin (-π)) = x (0)
For linearity, it needs to satisfy superposition principle,
⇒ y1 (t) = x1 (sint)
⇒ y2 (t) = x2 (sint)
⇒ ay1 (t) + by2 (t) = ax1 (sint) + bx1 (sint) Equation 1
Now, y3 (t) = x3 (sint) = (ax1 + bx2)(sint) = ax1 (sint) + bx1 (sint) Equation 2
Clearly, Equation 1 and 2 are equal, hence the system is linear.
8. Is the system y[n]=2x[n]+2 linear?
a) YES
b) NO
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Answer: b
Explanation: The system needs to satisfy superposition principle for linearity:
For input x1[n], y1 [n] = 2x1 [n] + 2
For input x2[n], y2 [n] = 2x2 [n] + 2
⇒ ay1 [n]+ by2 [n] = 2(ax1 [n]+ bx2 [n]) + 2(a+b) Equation 1
For, x3[n], y3 [n]=2x3 [n]+2 = 2(ax1 [n]+ bx2 [n]) + 2 Equation 2
Clearly, Equation 1 is not equal to equation
∴ The system does not satisfy superposition principle ⇒ The system is not linear.
9. An inverse system with the original system gives an output equal to the input.
How is the inverse system connected to the original system?
a) Series
b) Cascaded
c) parallel
d) No connection
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Answer: c
Explanation: An inverse system when cascaded with the original system gives an
output equal to the input.
10. Which among the following is an invertible system?
a) y[n] = 0
b) y[n] = 2x[n]
c) y(t) = x2(t)
d) y(t) = dx(t)/dt
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Answer: b
Explanation: A system is said to be invertible if it’s input can be found out from its
output. Implying, if a system has same outputs for several inputs then it is
impossible to find the correct input as output is same for many. Therefore, a
system is invertible if it gives distinct outputs to distinct inputs. It is non-invertible
if it gives same outputs for many inputs.
Option a produces 0 output for any input → Non-invertible
Option b produces different outputs for different inputs and also it’s inverse system
is (1/2)y[n] → Invertible
Option c, we get same output for both positive and negative values → Non-
Option d, we get 0 for all constant input values → Non-invertible.
11. Is the system time invariant: y(t) = x(4t)?
a) YES
b) NO
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Answer: b
Explanation: A system is said to be time invariant if a change input causes the
same change in output.
For change in input by T
⇒ y(t, T) = x(4(t – T)) = x(4t – 4T) Equation 1
For the same change in output
⇒ y(t – T) = x(4t – T) Equation 2
Equation 1 is not equal to equation 2.
∴ The system is not time invariant or is time variant.
12. Determine the nature of the system: y[n] = x[n]x[n – 1] with unit impulse
function as an input.
a) Dynamic, output always zero, non-invertible
b) Static, output always zero, non-invertible
c) Dynamic, output always 1, invertible
d) Dynamic, output always 1, invertible
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since the system depends on present and past values, therefore, it is
not memory less(dynamic).
Now, input is a unit impulse function. Unit impulse function = 1 at n = 0,
otherwise it is equal to 0.
For, y[0] = x[0]x[-1] = 1 × 0 = 0
For, y[1] = x[1]x[0] = 0 × 1 = 0
For, y[2] = x[2]x[1] = 0 × 0 = 0
∴ For any time, output is always zero.
Since, the output is always same, the system is non-invertible.
13. Determine the nature of the system: y(t)= t2 x(t-1)
a) Linear, time invariant
b) Linear, time variant
c) Non-linear, time invariant
d) Non-linear, time variant
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14. y[n]=rn x[n] is ________ system.
a) LTI
b) Time varying
c) Linear and time invariant
d) Causal and time invariant
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Answer: b
Explanation: The input-output relationship of the given system shows it does not
satisfy the condition of time-invariant system. Hence it is time varying system.
15. A system is said to be linear if _______
a) It satisfies only the principle of superposition theorem
b) It satisfies only amplitude scaling
c) It satisfies both amplitude scaling and principle of superposition theorem
d) It satisfies amplitude scaling but not the principle of superposition theorem
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Answer: c
Explanation: By the definition of linearity a system is said to be linear if it satisfies
the condition y1(t) + y2(t) = ax1(t) + bx2(t).
16. If the input-output relationship is given by y(t) = 2x(t) d⁄dx x(t). What kind of
system it represents?
a) Linear system
b) Non linear system
c) LTI system
d) Linear but time-invariant system
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Answer: b
Explanation: The given input-output relationship of the system does not satisfy the
principle of superposition theorem hence it is an example for non linear system.

This set of Signals & Systems Questions & Answers for Exams focuses on
“Properties of Systems – 5”.

1. For the system y (t) = x2(t), which of the following holds true?

a) Invertible

b) Non-Invertible

c) Invertible as well as Non-Invertible in its respective domains

d) Cannot be determined

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Answer: b

Explanation: When we pass the signal x (t) through the system y (t), the system
squares the input. Hence, inverse system should take square root, i.e.

W (t) = y(t)−−−√=x2(t)−−−−√ = ± x (t)

Thus, two outputs are possible, + x (t) or – x (t)

This means there is no unique output for unique input. Hence, this system is Non-

2. For the system y(t)=∑nk=−∞x(k), which of the following holds true?

a) Invertible

b) Non-Invertible
c) Invertible as well as Non-Invertible in its respective domains

d) Cannot be determined

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Answer: a

Explanation: y(t)=∑nk=−∞x(k)

Or, y (n) = x (n) + x (n-1) + x (n-2) + …….

Or, y (n+1) = x (n+1) + x (n) + (terms after this)

Or, y (n+1) = x (n+1) + y (n)

Or, y (n+2) = x (n+2) + y (n+1)

Or, y (n) = x (n) + y (n-1)

This is an alternate form of given system equation.

∴ x (n) = y (n) – y (n-1)

Taking z-transform on both sides,

X (z) = Y (z) = (1-z-1)


Or, w(z)y(z)= H-1(z) = (1-z-1)

∴ w (n) = y (n) – y (n-1)

Hence, the system is invertible.

3. For the system, y (t) = u{x (t)} which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

c) System is causal and stable

d) System is stable

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Answer: b

Explanation: Let x1(t) = v (t), then y1 (t) = u {v (t)}

Let x2(t) = k v (t), then y2 (t) = u {k v (t)} = k y1 (t)

Hence, non-linear

y1 (t) = u {v (t)}

y2 (t) = u {v (t-t0)} = y1 (t-t0)

Hence, time-invariant

Since the response at any time depends only on the excitation at time t=t0, and not
on any further values, hence causal.

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4. For the system, y (t) = x (t-5) – x (3-t) which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

c) System is Linear, time-invariant and stable

d) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

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Answer: c

Explanation: y1 (t) = v (t-5) – v (3-t)

y2 (t) = k v (t-5) – k v (3-t) = ky1 (t)

Let x1 (t) = v (t), then y1 (t) = v (t-5) – v (3-t)

Let x2 (t) = 2w (t), then y2 (t) = w (t-5)-w (3-t)

Let x3 (t) = x (t) + w (t)

Then, y3 (t) = y1 (t) + y2 (t)

Hence it is linear.

Again, y1 (t) = v (t-5) – v (3-t)

∴ y2 (t) = y1 (t-t0)

Hence, system is time-invariant

If x (t) is bounded, then, x (t-5) and x (3-t) are also bounded, so stable system.

At t=0, y (0) = x (-5)-x (3), therefore, the response at t=0 depends on the excitation
at a later time t=3.

Therefore Non-Causal.

5. For the system, y (t) = x (t2), which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is Linear and time-invariant

c) System is Linear and causal

d) System is Linear and stable

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Answer: d

Explanation: y1 (t) = v (t2)

And y2 (t) = k v (t2) = k y1 (t)

If x3 = v (t) + w (t),

Then, y3 (t) = v (t2) + w (t2)

= y1 (t) + y2 (t)

Since, it satisfies both law of homogeneity and additivity, it is also linear.

Again, y1 (t) = v (t2), y2 (t2-t0) ≠ y (t-t0) = v (t−t02)

∴ The system is time variant.

If x (t) is bounded then y (t) is bounded, so a stable system.

At time t=-2, y (-2) = x (-1), therefore, the response at time t=-2 depends on the
excitation at a later time, t=-1, so a Non-causal system.

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6. For the system, y (t) = cos 2πt x (t), which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

c) System is Linear, causal and stable

d) System is Linear, time-invariant and stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: y2 (t) k cos 2πt v (t) = k y1 (t)

Again, x3 (t) = v (t) + w (t)

So, y3 (t) = cos 2πt [v (t) + w (t)] = y1 (t) + y2 (t)

Since, the system is both homogeneous and additive, therefore it is linear.

Again, y1 (t) = cos 2πt v (t)

And y2 (t) = cos 2πt (t-t0) ≠ y (t-t0)

= cos [2π (t-t0)] v (t-t0)

∴ The system is time variant.

The response at any time t=t0, depends only on the excitation at that time and not
on the excitation at any later time, so Causal system.

If x (t) is bounded then y (t) is also bounded, so a stable system.

7. For the system, y (t) = |x (t)|, which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

c) System is Linear, time-invariant and stable

d) System is Linear, causal and stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: y1 (t) = |v (t)|, y2 (t) = |k v (t)|= |k|y1 (t)

If k is negative, |k| y1 (t) ≠k y1 (t)

Since it is not homogeneous, so non-linear system.

Again, y1 (t) = |v (t)|, y2 (t) = |y (t-t0)| = y1 (t-t0)

∴ System is time invariant.

The response at any time t=t0, depends only on the excitation at that time and not
on the excitation at any later time, so causal system.

If x (t) is bounded then y (t) is also bounded, so stable system.

8. For the system, tdy(t)dt – 8 y (t) = x (t), which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

c) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

d) System is Linear, causal and stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: All options are linear. Hence linearity is not required to be checked.

Let x1 (t) = v (t), then tdy1(t)dt – 8 y1 (t) = v (t)

Let x2 (t) = v (t-t0)

Then, tdy2(t)dt – 8 y2 (t) = v (t-t0)

The first equation can be written as (t-t0) tdy(t−t0)dt – 8 y (t-t0) = x (t-t0)

This equation is not satisfied if y2 (t) = y1 (t-t0). Therefore y2 (t) ≠ y1 (t-t0)

∴ System is time variant.

The response at any time t=t0, depends only on the excitation at that time and not
on the excitation at any later time, so Causal system.

The response will increase without bound as time increases, so unstable system.

9. For the system, y(t)=∫t+3−∞x(t)dt, which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

b) System is time-invariant and causal

c) System is Linear and time-invariant

d) System is Linear and stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: y1(t)=∫t+3−∞v(t)dt

And, y2(t)=∫t+3−∞kv(t)dt

= k∫t+3−∞x(t)dt = k y1 (t)

Now, x3 (t) = v (t) + w (t)

And, y3 (t) = ∫t+3−∞ [v(t) + w(t)]dt

= ∫t+3−∞v(t) dt + ∫t+3−∞w(t) dt

= y1 (t) + y2 (t)

Since, it is both homogeneous and additive, so linear system.

Again, y1 (t) = ∫t+3−∞ v(t) dt

And, y2 (t) = ∫t+3−∞ v(t-t0) dt

= y1 (t-t0)

∴ System is time invariant.

The response at any time t=t0, depends partially on the excitation at time t0 < t <
(t0 + 3), which are in future, so non-causal system.

The response will increase without bound as time increases, so unstable system.

10. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is

H(t)=(2e−2t−et−100100)u(t). The system is ____________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: b

Explanation: For t<0, h (t) = 0.

Therefore from the definition of causality, we can infer that the system is Causal.

Now, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt=∞

∴ From the definition of stability, we can infer that the system is unstable.

Hence, the given system is causal but not stable.

11. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is H (t) = e-|t|. The
system is ___________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: For t<0,

H (t) ≠ 0

Therefore the system is not causal

Again, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt = 13 < ∞

∴ The system is stable.

12. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is H (t) = e-t u (3-t).
The system is __________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: d

Explanation: For t<0, h (t) ≠ 0

Therefore the system is not causal.

Again, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt=∫∞−∞e−tu(3−t)dt=∞

∴ System is unstable.

13. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is H (t) = e-t u (t-2).
The system is __________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: a

Explanation: Since, h (t) = 0 for t<0, so the system is causal.

Again, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt=∫∞−∞e−tu(t−2)dt < ∞

∴ The system is stable.

14. The continuous time convolution integral y(t) = cos πt [u (t+1) – u (t-1) * u(t)]
is __________

a) sinπtπ [u (t+1) – u(t-1)]

b) sinπtπ u(t-1)

c) sinπtπ u(t+1)

d) sinπtπ u(t)

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Answer: a

Explanation: For t<-1, y (t) = 0

For t<1, y (t) = ∫t−1cosπtdt=sinπtπ

For t>1, y (t) = ∫t−1 cos⁡πt dt = 0

∴ y (t) = sinπtπ [u (t+1) – u(t-1)].

15. The continuous time convolution integral y(t) = e-3tu(t) * u(t+3) is


a) 13[1 – e-3(t+3)] u(t+3)

b) 13[1 – e-3(t+3)] u(t)

c) 13[1 – e-3t] u(t)

d) 13[1 – e-3t] u(t+3)

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Answer: a

Explanation: For t+3<0 or t<-3, y(t)=0

For t≥-3, y (t) = ∫3−∞e−3tdt

= 13[1 – e-3(t+3)]

∴ y(t) = 13[1 – e-3(t+3)] u(t+3).

This set of Signals & Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)
focuses on “Discrete Time Signals”.

1. Is the function y[n] = sin(x[n]) periodic or not?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: ‘y’ will be periodic only if x attains the same value after some time,
T. However, if x is a one-one discrete function, it may not be possible for some

2. What is the time period of the function x[n] = exp(jwn)?

a) pi/2w

b) pi/w

c) 2pi/w

d) 4pi/w

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Answer: c

Explanation: Using Euler’s rule, exp(2pi*n) = 1 for all integer n. Thus, the answer
can be derived.

3. What is the nature of the following function: y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n]?

a) Integrator

b) Differentiator

c) Subtractor

d) Accumulator

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Answer: d

Explanation: If the above recursive definition is repeated for all n, starting from
1,2.. then y[n] will be the sum of all x[n] ranging from 1 to n, making it an
accumulator system.

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4. Is the above function defined, causal in nature?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a
Explanation: As the value of the function depends solely on the value of the input
at a time presently and/or in the past, it is a causal system.

5. Is the function y[n] = x[n-1] – x[n-4] memoryless?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: Since the function needs to store what it was at a time 4 units and 1
unit before the present time, it needs memory.

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Communication Engineering MCQs

6. Is the function y[n] = x[n-1] – x[n-56] causal?

a) The system is non causal

b) The system is causal

c) Both causal and non causal

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: As the value of the function depends solely on the value of the input
at a time presently and/or in the past, it is a causal system.

7. Is the function y[n] = y[n-1] + x[n] stable in nature?

a) It is stable
b) It is unstable

c) Both stable and unstable

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: It is BIBO stable in nature, i.e. bounded input-bounded output stable.

8. If n tends to infinity, is the accumulator function a stable one?

a) The function is marginally stable

b) The function is stable

c) The function is unstable

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: The system would be unstable, as the output will grow out of bound
at the maximally worst possible case.

9. We define y[n] = nx[n] – (n-1)x[n]. Now, z[n] = z[n-1] + y[n], is z[n] stable?

a) Yes

b) No

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10. We define y[n] = nx[n] – (n-1)x[n]. Now, z[n] = z[n-1] + y[n]. Is z[n] a causal

a) No

b) Yes

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Answer: b

Explanation: As the value of the function depends solely on the value of the input
at a time presently and/or in the past, it is a causal system.

11. Discrete-time signals are _________________

a) Continuous in amplitude and continuous in time

b) Continuous in amplitude and discrete in time

c) Discrete in amplitude and discrete in time

d) Discrete in amplitude and continuous in time

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Answer: b

Explanation: A discrete-time signal is continuous in amplitude and discrete in time.

It can either be present in nature or is sampled from an analog signal. A digital
signal is discrete in amplitude and time.

12. Determine the discrete-time signal: x(n)=1 for n≥0 and x(n)=0 for n<0

a) Unit ramp sequence

b) Unit impulse sequence

c) Exponential sequence
d) Unit step sequence

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Answer: d

Explanation: Unit step is defined by: x(n)=1 for n≥0 and x(n)=0 for n<0.

13. Determine the value of the summation: ∑∞n= -∞δ(n-1)sin2n.

a) 1

b) 0

c) sin2

d) sin4

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14. Determine the value of the summation: ∑∞n= -∞ δ(n+3)(n2+n).

a) 3

b) 6

c) 9

d) 12

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Answer: b

Explanation: ∑∞n= -∞ δ(n+3)(n2+n)

⇒ δ(n+3)=1 when n= -3 otherwise 0.

Therefore, the limit reduces to n = -3

⇒ ∑∞n = -∞ δ(n+3)(n2+n) = (n2+n)|n = -3 = (-3)2-3 = 9 – 3 = 6.

15. Determine the product of two signals: x1 (n) = {2,1,1.5,3}; x2 (n) =

{ 1,1.5,0,2}.

a) {2,1.5,0,6}

b) {2,1.5,6,0}

c) {2,0,1.5,6}

d) {2,1.5,0,3}

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Answer: a

Explanation: Product of discrete-time signals is computed element by element.

⇒ x(n) = x1 (n) * x2 (n) = {2×1, 1×1.5, 1.5×0, 3×2} = {2,1.5,0,6}.

This set of Signals & Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)
focuses on “Discrete-Time Systems in the Time-Domain”.

1. Is the function y[n] = cos(x[n]) periodic or not?

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Explanation: ‘y’ will be periodic only if x attains the same value after some time,
T. However, if x is a one-one discrete function, it may not be possible for some
2. If n tends to infinity, is the accumulator function an unstable one?

a) The function is marginally stable

b) The function is unstable

c) The function is stable

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: The system would be unstable, as the output will grow out of bound
at the maximally worst possible case.

3. Comment on the causality of the following discrete time system: y[n] = x[-n].

a) Causal

b) Non causal

c) Both Casual and Non casual

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: For positive time, the output depends on the input at an earlier time,
giving causality for this portion. However, at a negative time, the output depends
on the input at a positive time, i.e. at a time in the future, rendering it non causal.

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4. Comment on the causality of the discrete time system: y[n] = x[n+3].

a) Causal

b) Non Causal

c) Anti Causal

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: The output always depends on the input at a time in the future,
rendering it anti-causal.

5. Consider the system y[n] = 2x[n] + 5. Is the function linear?

a) Yes

b) No

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Answer: b

Explanation: As we give two inputs, x1 and x2, and give an added input x1 and x2,
we do not get the corresponding y1 and y2. Thus, additive rule is disturbed and
hence the system is not linear.

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Electronics Engineering Books

6. Comment on the time invariance of the following discrete system: y[n] =


a) Time invariant
b) Time variant

c) Both Time variant and Time invariant

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: A time shift in the input scale gives double the time shift in the output
scale, and hence is time variant.

7. Is the function y[2n] = x[2n] linear in nature?

a) Yes

b) No

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Answer: a

Explanation: The function obeys both additivity and homogeneity properties.

Hence, the function is linear.

8. How is a linear function described as?

a) Zero in Finite out

b) Zero in infinite out

c) Zero in zero out

d) Zero in Negative out

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Answer: c

Explanation: The system needs to give a zero output for a zero input so as to
conserve the law of additivity, to ensure linearity.

9. Is the system y[n] = x2[n-2] linear?

a) Yes

b) No

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Answer: b

Explanation: The system is not linear, as x12 + x22 is not equal to (x1 + x2)2.

10. Is the above system, i.e y[n] = x2[n-2] time invariant?

a) Yes

b) No

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Answer: a

Explanation: A time shift of t0 will still result in an equivalent time shift of t0 in

the output, and hence will be time invariant.

This set of Signals & Systems Questions & Answers for Exams focuses on
“Properties of Systems – 5”.

1. For the system y (t) = x2(t), which of the following holds true?

a) Invertible

b) Non-Invertible
c) Invertible as well as Non-Invertible in its respective domains

d) Cannot be determined

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2. For the system y(t)=∑nk=−∞x(k), which of the following holds true?

a) Invertible

b) Non-Invertible

c) Invertible as well as Non-Invertible in its respective domains

d) Cannot be determined

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Answer: a

Explanation: y(t)=∑nk=−∞x(k)

Or, y (n) = x (n) + x (n-1) + x (n-2) + …….

Or, y (n+1) = x (n+1) + x (n) + (terms after this)

Or, y (n+1) = x (n+1) + y (n)

Or, y (n+2) = x (n+2) + y (n+1)

Or, y (n) = x (n) + y (n-1)

This is an alternate form of given system equation.

∴ x (n) = y (n) – y (n-1)

Taking z-transform on both sides,

X (z) = Y (z) = (1-z-1)

Or, w(z)y(z)= H-1(z) = (1-z-1)

∴ w (n) = y (n) – y (n-1)

Hence, the system is invertible.

3. For the system, y (t) = u{x (t)} which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

c) System is causal and stable

d) System is stable

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Answer: b

Explanation: Let x1(t) = v (t), then y1 (t) = u {v (t)}

Let x2(t) = k v (t), then y2 (t) = u {k v (t)} = k y1 (t)

Hence, non-linear

y1 (t) = u {v (t)}

y2 (t) = u {v (t-t0)} = y1 (t-t0)

Hence, time-invariant

Since the response at any time depends only on the excitation at time t=t0, and not
on any further values, hence causal.

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4. For the system, y (t) = x (t-5) – x (3-t) which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

c) System is Linear, time-invariant and stable

d) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

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Answer: c

Explanation: y1 (t) = v (t-5) – v (3-t)

y2 (t) = k v (t-5) – k v (3-t) = ky1 (t)

Let x1 (t) = v (t), then y1 (t) = v (t-5) – v (3-t)

Let x2 (t) = 2w (t), then y2 (t) = w (t-5)-w (3-t)

Let x3 (t) = x (t) + w (t)

Then, y3 (t) = y1 (t) + y2 (t)

Hence it is linear.

Again, y1 (t) = v (t-5) – v (3-t)

∴ y2 (t) = y1 (t-t0)

Hence, system is time-invariant

If x (t) is bounded, then, x (t-5) and x (3-t) are also bounded, so stable system.

At t=0, y (0) = x (-5)-x (3), therefore, the response at t=0 depends on the excitation
at a later time t=3.

Therefore Non-Causal.

5. For the system, y (t) = x (t2), which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is Linear and time-invariant

c) System is Linear and causal

d) System is Linear and stable

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Answer: d

Explanation: y1 (t) = v (t2)

And y2 (t) = k v (t2) = k y1 (t)

If x3 = v (t) + w (t),

Then, y3 (t) = v (t2) + w (t2)

= y1 (t) + y2 (t)

Since, it satisfies both law of homogeneity and additivity, it is also linear.

Again, y1 (t) = v (t2), y2 (t2-t0) ≠ y (t-t0) = v (t−t02)

∴ The system is time variant.

If x (t) is bounded then y (t) is bounded, so a stable system.

At time t=-2, y (-2) = x (-1), therefore, the response at time t=-2 depends on the
excitation at a later time, t=-1, so a Non-causal system.

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Electronics Engineering MCQs

6. For the system, y (t) = cos 2πt x (t), which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

c) System is Linear, causal and stable

d) System is Linear, time-invariant and stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: y2 (t) k cos 2πt v (t) = k y1 (t)

Again, x3 (t) = v (t) + w (t)

So, y3 (t) = cos 2πt [v (t) + w (t)] = y1 (t) + y2 (t)

Since, the system is both homogeneous and additive, therefore it is linear.

Again, y1 (t) = cos 2πt v (t)

And y2 (t) = cos 2πt (t-t0) ≠ y (t-t0)

= cos [2π (t-t0)] v (t-t0)

∴ The system is time variant.

The response at any time t=t0, depends only on the excitation at that time and not
on the excitation at any later time, so Causal system.

If x (t) is bounded then y (t) is also bounded, so a stable system.

7. For the system, y (t) = |x (t)|, which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

c) System is Linear, time-invariant and stable

d) System is Linear, causal and stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: y1 (t) = |v (t)|, y2 (t) = |k v (t)|= |k|y1 (t)

If k is negative, |k| y1 (t) ≠k y1 (t)

Since it is not homogeneous, so non-linear system.

Again, y1 (t) = |v (t)|, y2 (t) = |y (t-t0)| = y1 (t-t0)

∴ System is time invariant.

The response at any time t=t0, depends only on the excitation at that time and not
on the excitation at any later time, so causal system.

If x (t) is bounded then y (t) is also bounded, so stable system.

8. For the system, tdy(t)dt – 8 y (t) = x (t), which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant, causal and stable

b) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

c) System is time-invariant, causal and stable

d) System is Linear, causal and stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: All options are linear. Hence linearity is not required to be checked.

Let x1 (t) = v (t), then tdy1(t)dt – 8 y1 (t) = v (t)

Let x2 (t) = v (t-t0)

Then, tdy2(t)dt – 8 y2 (t) = v (t-t0)

The first equation can be written as (t-t0) tdy(t−t0)dt – 8 y (t-t0) = x (t-t0)

This equation is not satisfied if y2 (t) = y1 (t-t0). Therefore y2 (t) ≠ y1 (t-t0)

∴ System is time variant.

The response at any time t=t0, depends only on the excitation at that time and not
on the excitation at any later time, so Causal system.

The response will increase without bound as time increases, so unstable system.

9. For the system, y(t)=∫t+3−∞x(t)dt, which of the following holds true?

a) System is Linear, time-invariant and causal

b) System is time-invariant and causal

c) System is Linear and time-invariant

d) System is Linear and stable

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10. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is

H(t)=(2e−2t−et−100100)u(t). The system is ____________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: b

Explanation: For t<0, h (t) = 0.

Therefore from the definition of causality, we can infer that the system is Causal.

Now, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt=∞

∴ From the definition of stability, we can infer that the system is unstable.
Hence, the given system is causal but not stable.

11. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is H (t) = e-|t|. The
system is ___________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: c

Explanation: For t<0,

H (t) ≠ 0

Therefore the system is not causal

Again, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt = 13 < ∞

∴ The system is stable.

12. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is H (t) = e-t u (3-t).
The system is __________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: d

Explanation: For t<0, h (t) ≠ 0

Therefore the system is not causal.

Again, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt=∫∞−∞e−tu(3−t)dt=∞

∴ System is unstable.

13. The impulse response of a continuous time LTI system is H (t) = e-t u (t-2).
The system is __________

a) Causal and stable

b) Causal but not stable

c) Stable but not causal

d) Neither causal nor stable

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Answer: a

Explanation: Since, h (t) = 0 for t<0, so the system is causal.

Again, ∫∞−∞|h(t)|dt=∫∞−∞e−tu(t−2)dt < ∞

∴ The system is stable.

14. The continuous time convolution integral y(t) = cos πt [u (t+1) – u (t-1) * u(t)]
is __________

a) sinπtπ [u (t+1) – u(t-1)]

b) sinπtπ u(t-1)

c) sinπtπ u(t+1)

d) sinπtπ u(t)
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Answer: a

Explanation: For t<-1, y (t) = 0

For t<1, y (t) = ∫t−1cosπtdt=sinπtπ

For t>1, y (t) = ∫t−1 cos⁡πt dt = 0

∴ y (t) = sinπtπ [u (t+1) – u(t-1)].

15. The continuous time convolution integral y(t) = e-3tu(t) * u(t+3) is


a) 13[1 – e-3(t+3)] u(t+3)

b) 13[1 – e-3(t+3)] u(t)

c) 13[1 – e-3t] u(t)

d) 13[1 – e-3t] u(t+3)

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Answer: a

Explanation: For t+3<0 or t<-3, y(t)=0

For t≥-3, y (t) = ∫3−∞e−3tdt

= 13[1 – e-3(t+3)]

∴ y(t) = 13[1 – e-3(t+3)] u(t+3).

This set of Signals & Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)
focuses on “The Impulse Function”.
1. How is the discrete time impulse function defined in terms of the step function?

a) d[n] = u[n+1] – u[n].

b) d[n] = u[n] – u[n-2].

c) d[n] = u[n] – u[n-1].

d) d[n] = u[n+1] – u[n-1].

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Answer: c

Explanation: Using the definition of the Heaviside function, we can come to this

2. What is the definition of the delta function in time space intuitively?

a) Defines that there is a point 1 at t=0, and zero everywhere else

b) Defines that there is a point 0 at t=0, and 1 everywhere else

c) Defines 1 for all t > 0, and 0 else

d) Defines an impulse of area 1 at t=0, zero everywhere else

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Answer: d

Explanation: Arises from the definition of the delta function. There is a clear
difference between just the functional value and the impulse area of the delta

3. Is it practically possible for us to provide a perfect impulse to a system?

a) Certainly possible
b) Impossible

c) Possible

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: The spread of the impulse can never be restricted to a single point in
time, and thus, we cannot achieve a perfect impulse.

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4. The convolution of a discrete time system with a delta function gives

a) the square of the system

b) the system itself

c) the derivative of the system

d) the integral of the system

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Answer: b

Explanation: The integral reduces to the the integral calculated at a single point,
determined by the centre of the delta function.

5. Find the value of 2sgn(0)d[0] + d[1] + d[45], where sgn(x) is the signum

a) 2

b) -2
c) 1

d) 0

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Answer: d

Explanation: sgn(0)=0, and d[n] = 0 for all n not equal to zero. Hence the sum
reduces to zero.

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Communication Engineering MCQs

6. Where h*x denotes h convolved with x, x[n]*d[n-90] reduces to

a) x[n-89].

b) x[n-91].

c) x[n=90].

d) x[n].

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Answer: c

Explanation: The function gets shifted by the center of the delta function during

7. Where h*x denotes h convolved with x, find the value of d[n]*d[n-1].

a) d[n].

b) d[n-1].

c) d2[n].

d) d2[n-1].
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Answer: b

Explanation: Using the corollary, if we take d[n] to be the ‘x’ function, it will be
shifted by -1 when convolved with d[n-1], thus rendering d[n-1].

8. How is the continuous time impulse function defined in terms of the step

a) u(t) = d(d(t))/dt

b) u(t) = d(t)

c) d(t) = du/dt

d) d(t) = u2(t)

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View AnswerAnswer: c

Explanation: Using the definition of the Heaviside function, we can come to this

9. In which of the following useful signals, is the bilateral Laplace Transform

different from the unilateral Laplace Transform?

a) d(t)

b) s(t)

c) u(t)

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: c

Explanation: The bilateral LT is different from the aspect that the integral is
applied for the entire time axis, but the unilateral LT is applied only for the
positive time axis. Hence, the u(t) [unit step function] differs in that aspect and
hence can be used to differentiate the same.

10. What is the relation between the unit impulse function and the unit ramp

a) r = dd(t)/dt

b) d = dr/dt

c) d = d2(r)/dt2

d) r = d2(d)/dt2

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Answer: c

Explanation: Now, d = du/dt and u = dr/dt. Hence, we obtain the above answer.

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This set of Signals & Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs)
focuses on “BIBO Stability”.

1. Which of the following systems is stable?

a) y(t) = log(x(t))
b) y(t) = sin(x(t))
c) y(t) = exp(x(t))
d) y(t) = tx(t) + 1
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Answer: b
Explanation: Stability implies that a bounded input should give a bounded output.
In a,b,d there are regions of x, for which y reaches infinity/negative infinity. Thus
the sin function always stays between -1 and 1, and is hence stable.
2. State whether the integrator system is stable or not.
a) Unstable
b) Stable
c) Partially Stable
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The integrator system keep accumulating values and hence may
become unbounded even for a bounded input in case of an impulse.
3. For what values of k is the following system stable, y = (k2 – 3k -4)log(x) +
a) k=1,4
b) k=2,3
c) k=5,4
d) k =4,-1
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Answer: d
Explanation: The values of k for which the logarithmic function ceases to exist,
gives the condition for a stable system.
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4. For a bounded function, is the integral of the odd function from -infinity to
+infinity defined and finite?
a) Yes
b) Never
c) Not always
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The odd function will have zero area over all real time space.
5. When a system is such that the square sum of its impulse response tends to
infinity when summed over all real time space,
a) System is marginally stable
b) System is unstable
c) System is stable
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: The system turns out to be unstable. Only if it is zero/finite it is
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Electronics Engineering Books
6. Is the system h(t) = exp(-jwt) stable?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: c
Explanation: If w is a complex number with Im(w) < 0, we could have an unstable
situation as well. Hence, we cannot conclude [no constraints on w given].
7. Is the system h(t) = exp(-t) stable?
a) Yes
b) No
c) Can’t say
d) None of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: The integral of the system from -inf to +inf equals to a finite quantity,
hence it will be a stable system.
8. Comment on the stability of the following system, y[n] = n*x[n-1].
a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Partially Stable
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: b
Explanation: Even if we have a bounded input as n tends to inf, we will have an
unbounded output. Hence, the system resolves to be an unstable one.
9. Comment on the stability of the following system, y[n] = (x[n-1])n.
a) Stable
b) Unstable
c) Partially Stable
d) All of the mentioned
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Answer: a
Explanation: Even if we have a bounded input as n tends to inf, we will have an
bounded output. Hence, the system resolves to be a stable one.
10. What is the consequence of marginally stable systems?
a) The system will turn out to be critically damped
b) The system will be an overdamped system
c) It will be a damped system
d) Purely oscillatory system
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Answer: d
Explanation: The system will be a purely oscillatory system with no damping
This set of Signals & Systems Multiple Choice Questions & Answers focuses on
“BIBO Stability & Systems in the Time Domain”.

1. What is the full form of BIBO?

a) Boundary input Boundary Output
b) Boundary Input Bounded Output
c) Bonded Input Bonded Output
d) Bounded Input, Bounded Output
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Answer: d
Explanation: BIBO stands for Bounded input, Bounded Output. It gives the
stability of a system through a simple explanation that a system will be stable if it’s
both input and output are bounded i.e it is not infinity.
2. When is a system said to be BIBO stable?
a) When the boundary conditions of the system are stable
b) When there is stability in the overall system
c) Every Bounded input results in a bounded output
d) When the input and output conditions are stable
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Answer: c
Explanation: A system is said to be stable if, for any bounded input x(t), the
response y(t) is also Bounded.
i.e |x(t)|≤Bx<∞ implies |y(t)≤Bx<∞.
3. When does a signal say to be bounded?
a) When it is stable
b) When it gives slow responses
c) Magnitude does not grow without bound
d) When it has small inputs
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Answer: c
Explanation: A signal x(t) is said to be bounded if its magnitude does not grow
without bound.
i.e |x(t)|≤Bx<∞.
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4. How do you describe a stable system informally?
a) When small inputs lead to responses that do not diverge
b) When small inputs lead to responses that diverge
c) When large inputs lead to diverging outputs
d) All inputs lead to outputs that converge
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Answer: a
Explanation: When small inputs lead to output responses that do not tend to
infinity. The output of such systems does not diverge if the input does not diverge.
5. The system is stable when y(t)= tx(y).
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Here we can see,
|x(t)|≤Bx<∞, for all t.
Using the input output relation we have y(t)= tx(y). And so we may write, |Y(t)|=|
As tends to infinity, the output also tends to infinity. That is it is unbounded. So it
is unstable.
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Electronics Engineering MCQs
6. How is a time domain system analyzed?
a) Study of a system in accordance to changes in its inputs over time
b) Study of a system in accordance to changes in its over time
c) Study of a system in accordance to changes in its overall structure over time
d) Study of a system in accordance to how a system change itself overall in a time
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Answer: d
Explanation: Analysis in the time domain by done in how signals behave over
time. That is, a system or a signal is studied in accordance to how it changes itself
overall in time.
7. What is the frequency domain?
a) Analysis of signals in a frequency range
b) Analysis of signals in their bandwidth
c) Analysis of a signal with respect to its frequency
d) Study of a system in accordance to changes in its overall frequency
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8. Time domain is easier for mathematical operation than frequency domain.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Time domain analysis is much tedious and difficult to perform when
it comes to lengthy solvable problems. Whereas, in a frequency domain, it is very
quick to perform. Even stability is easily attained in frequency domain analysis.
9. What are the mathematical tools to convert a system from a time domain to
frequency domain?
a) Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, Z-transform
b) Fourier series only
c) Fourier series and Laplace transform only
d) Fourier series, Fourier transform and Laplace transform only
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Answer: a
Explanation: Fourier series, Fourier transform, Laplace transform, z-transform are
some tools to convert a system from a time domain to frequency domain analysis
to make it simpler. In fact, the concept of frequency domain has emerged from
these transformations. It was first given by Joseph Fourier.
10. One of the main limitations of time domain analysis is the noise and frequency.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: True, one of the main limitations of time domain analysis is the noise
and frequency. This is because it is easier in the frequency domain to read it and
detect it and solve it. Time domain analysis is much tedious and difficult to
perform when it comes to lengthy solvable problems.

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