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Class : 1B PGSD
Group 3 :
 Ade Ayu Rahmawati
 Chaeriyah Afrenia Putri
 Dhea Aliyyah Fahlihah
 Fitria Novianti
 Miftahul Jannah
 Nirmala Adhani
 Novia Nurlaila Fajar
 Oriza Izah Sativa


COVID 19 is now familiar to our ears. The massive spread of the Corona
virus in various countries, we can see how technology, economy, politics and
education have changed in the midst of a crisis due to Covid-19. Change requires
us to be ready, respond with attitudes and actions and always learn new things.
Indonesia is not alone in finding solutions for students to continue learning.
All affected countries have made their best efforts to maintain the continuity of
education services. Indonesia also faces several real challenges that must be
resolved immediately: (1) technological imbalances between schools in large
cities and regions, (2) limited teacher competence in using learning applications,
(3) limited resources for the use of educational technology such as the internet and
quotas, (4) teacher-student-parent relations in online learning that have not been

Minister of Education and Culture Nadiem Makarim revealed that distance

learning can be applied permanently after the Covid-19 pandemic is over. Based
on the assessment of the Ministry of Education and Culture, root-learning
activities by utilizing technology will be fundamental. He said, the use of
technology provides opportunities for schools to carry out various modeling of
learning activities. "This distance learning will become permanent. Not only pure
distance learning, but a hybrid model. "Adaptation of technology will definitely
not come back again," said Nadiem in a joint working meeting with Commission
X of the DPR, as reported by, Thursday (3/7/2020).
"Both full and hybrid, bold and attractive models. For those with full distance
learning, I don't think it's ready," Doni said when contacted by,
Friday (3/7/2020)

If the distance learning model is applied, continued Doni, there are only a
part of education units that are specifically for this. According to Doni, for
distance learning and face-to-face or blended learning models, it is still possible to
implement them. "For permanent distance learning, I think there should be
research first. Because currently distance learning still requires face-to-face
meetings with tutors, especially in open schools. However, this is not an ideal
condition," said Doni. He said, research-based academic studies were needed to
see the goals and objectives before implementing distance learning. Schools and
teachers, continued Doni, must be empowered in developing the management of
learning pages in their respective schools. "Not with a paid online platform
subscription," said Doni. The reason is, the learning orientation developed by
UNESCO leads to the independence of teachers and schools in utilizing
technology. Therefore, teachers must design their own learning. "If each school
has a platform that they have developed, this platform can be shared with other
schools so that there will be more learning alternatives," said Doni.

Face-to-face learning is more effective Do not think until now, face-to-

face learning is more effective and efficient. Based on research in the US, he said,
students in Uncle Sam's country do not really like distance learning. Students
want to return to their campuses because they want the education process to take
place face-to-face. "Because actually education is close distance, not long-
distance learning. Alternative distance learning is learning when normal situations
cannot be implemented. If it is normal, education will be effective through direct
encounter," said Dane. According to Dane, face-to-face education will not be
abolished because it is proven to have its strengths. By forcing all schools and
colleges to learn by distance learning, according to him, will discriminate against
certain groups who do not have the ability and access to digital technology
facilities. "If distance learning is carried out as the only learning method, it will
impoverish various kinds of learning methods that have been proven to be
effective in shaping the character of students," said Doni. Doni said that life is a
response to reality. If everything is done online or online, there will be something
fundamental that is missing in learning. Something that is missing is a touch of
experience in reality through interaction in learning.

Cannot be applied to all levels Meanwhile, education observer

Darmaningtyas assessed that Nadiem's statement stated that distance learning
could be done using a hybrid model. He considered this model only suitable for
certain categories of schools. "If that's what is meant by the hybrid model, then it
is suitable for high school students who were in the favorite category in the past
so that school facilities are sufficient, private facilities (laptops, WIFI) also exist,"
said Darmaningtyas, when contacted separately, Friday. "But for all levels of
education, of course, Mas Nadiem does not understand education," he continued.
Darmaningtyas said that the world of education is not only the transfer of
knowledge but also skills and values that are manifested in the form of character
education. The hybrid model, according to Darmaningtyas, is only suitable for
knowledge transfer, but not suitable for skills transfer and value transfer.
"Character education is not just knowledge, but an example of behavior. The
movements of the student body when explained by the teacher, how the student
greets the teacher, associates with others, the choice of words in the association.
All of these can be used as a means of seeing that the student has a character not.,
"he explained. This social relationship is very important in pursuing a career and
business after graduating from school. "If children from childhood have been
confined at home and are learning independently, in addition to creating
individualistic attitudes, it will also create isolated in the future because children
do not have the social relationships they need. This is actually the danger of
permanent distance learning., "said Darmaningtyas.

There is a lesson learned from the world of education in the midst of the
Covid-19 pandemic, namely that face-to-face learning activities with teachers
have proven to be more effective than online. This was explained by the education
expert of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) Aulia Luqman Aziz to coincide with
National Education Day 2020. "Forever, the teaching profession will not be
replaced by technology," said Luqman in his statement on UB's official website,
Saturday (2/5/2020). According to him, fully online learning has recently caused a
lot of complaints from students and parents. Some teachers in schools admit that
online learning is not as effective as conventional learning activities (face to face)
because some materials must be explained directly and more completely. In
addition, the material presented online may not be understood by all students.
Based on the experience of teaching online, this system is only effective for
giving assignments, and the possible results of doing these assignments are given
when students will enter so that it is likely to accumulate.


We return to the theme, then, are we continuing to teach online after the

1st pro arguments : Yes, I agree that online teaching will continue even
though the pandemic situation has disappeared later. This is because we can see
from the benefits of online teaching it self, which has so many benefits even
though it is not in the state of the covid-19 pandemic. As seen from:

1. Practical and flexible

The first benefit of online teaching is in terms of practicality. By continuing to
apply online teaching even though it is not in a state of the Covid-19 pandemic, it
will foster more practical interactions between teachers and students because they
do not have to travel to meet. In addition, there are no classrooms for formal
learning. The teaching and learning process can take place anywhere as long as it
is conducive and can help to focus. In addition, there is no need for extras such as
having to "dress up" or "appear formal" so that it is more flexible.
2. A more appropriate approach
Online teaching uses a technological approach that is more suitable for today's
students than the conservative method of classroom learning. The delivery
methods used in online teaching classes are generally a combination of formal and
informal. So that students find it easier to understand something that is conveyed
in a way that is more in accordance with the "style" of students.

3. Make the learning learning experience more enjoyable

Because online teaching has released learning items in class, such as teachers
with markers and blackboards, and students with notes and pens. So that students
will get more interesting teaching with various media formats, be it photos, videos
or audio. All of them will give you a more enjoyable learning experience.

4. More personal
Some online teaching techniques may use materials that are one-way in nature,
but many also provide two-way communication. Some online teaching classes
actually connect students and teachers at one time to be able to interact like in
class, but in front of a screen. The teacher will directly provide learning material
and students will be able to directly ask and discuss it. In this way, online
teaching can be said to be more personal because both teachers and students are
actually having two-way interactions at one time.

5. Easy to document
Another benefit of online teaching is that it uses media that allows students to
record and save the material provided in digital form. So that it can be easily
accessed and learned again at a later date. Unlike conventional teaching methods,
students must take notes and photocopy material so that it is not very practical.

6. Environmentally friendly
By reducing mobility, we indirectly reduce the pollution caused by motorized
vehicles. In addition, online teaching does not require paper either for providing
material, questions or data collection. This of course has a positive impact on the
environment because it reduces the consumption of paper which is made by
damaging the environment and reduces the waste generated from its use.

7. Save time and money

Both teachers and students must share travel time to reach the class used for
learning if there is no online teaching system. In addition, there are additional
costs such as procuring books and photocopying materials and so on. One of the
benefits of continuing to apply online teaching is that it cuts all these expenses so
that students and teachers only need to be connected to a screen and an internet

1st cons arguments : I don't agree that by 2021, online teaching and learning
activities will be extended. It has been two semesters, students do not get face-to-
face learning. This can have an effect on student development. Their social
interactions are less developed, especially for children at the PAUD, kindergarten,
and elementary education levels. They lose the process of learning and playing
with friends. It is best if face-to-face classes are held immediately. So, I don't
agree that online learning should be extended. Education in the pandemic era
where all learning is carried out remotely and in a network (online) by utilizing
each student's or student's smartphone. From basic education to lectures, all use
online / online learning but what is prioritized is learning at the basic level where
there is need for additional assistance from parents, because to operate cellphones
they have to guide and direct their children to do assignments and materials.
provided by the teacher. However, there are several things that are felt directly by
the parents of students, where parents cannot accompany their children for several
reasons such as a lack of understanding of how to run gadgets, work and so on.
Even though at the primary school level, children need guidance and supervision
from parents so that the child's learning process can be maximized. Furthermore,
in terms of the effectiveness of delivering online learning information at the basic
education level, it is deemed ineffective, parents are required to be child
companions and understand when their children do not understand the tasks given
from the teacher. Online learning also has many negative effects. The negative
impact of online learning is first, online learning is considered less effective and
efficient. Learning through online requires students and students to understand the
material and concepts that are presented and conveyed through videos,
powerpoints, and online classes. Second, skills in the use of technology. There are
still many teachers and teachers being taught who experience confusion in using
learning media such as Zoom, Googleclassroom, Googlemeet, and so on. Third,
technological developments that can trigger cyber crime in online learning
applications and / or platforms. Fourth, the emergence of pressure and stress
experienced by students and students. This pressure and stress is triggered by
boredom due to monotonous learning methods. On the other hand, there are also
individual concerns about the Covid-19 pandemic. Fifth, inequality of access in
various regions which often makes it difficult for students and students in certain
areas to access the network. The difficulty in accessing this network greatly
affects online learning, especially when online classes are held.

2nd pro arguments : Apart from that, another reason why online teaching
must be continued even though it will not be in a covid-19 pandemic, namely:
• Because online teaching can be done anywhere and anytime so that academic
interactions between students and teachers are not limited to 24 hours, so this can
improve the quality of student learning.
• Besides that, with the continued implementation of online teaching, teaching and
learning activities can be more adapted to the capacity of each student. "And
online teaching is also very good to implement because it prioritizes student
initiative and independence.”
• Furthermore, with online teaching, I think teaching and learning activities are
monitored, why ??? Yes, because the teacher can see student posts and provide
feedback on student assignments. So that interactions can be carried out widely.
So student involvement in learning is getting more intensive.
• And the last one is to foster sustainable motivation in students. Usually online
teaching also provides a mentor who will motivate students to stay excited about
learning. The sophistication of technology makes human life easier, including in
terms of education. With the presence of this online teaching, it is hoped that
students will be more enthusiastic about learning, so that they can advance the
level of education in Indonesia.

2nd cons arguments : I don't agree that I should continue to do online teaching.
because so far face-to-face learning is much more effective and efficient. with
online teaching this makes us more passive, because of the lack of interaction. In
addition, online learning can make some people lack the ability to access digital
technology. Now, geographic location is the main yardstick in online learning.
such as, network disconnection while learning is taking place. because we know,
the network becomes an unpredictable obstacle. Also, in online learning, many do
not take learning seriously. sometimes someone likes to ignore or even join
Google Meet but that person is in the kitchen. thus, online learning feels futile.
although not everyone is like that but of course we will definitely experience
boredom and become less focused in the learning process -If online learning
continues, it will create individualistic attitudes, especially for young people who
have been locked up and emphasized for independent learning, resulting in a lack
of social relations. Whereas social relations are very important, because education
does not only transfer knowledge but also needs to produce knowledge about
learned attitudes and skills. So, in essence I don't agree that after the pandemic
online teaching has yet to continue

3rd pro arguments : I think I should. Because there are many impacts
from PJJ. That is :
1. PJJ makes parents have the perception that they cannot see the role of the
school in the teaching and learning process if the learning is not done face-to-
2. growth and development constraints. That is, there is a learning achievement
gap. Differences in access and quality during distance learning can lead to
gaps in learning outcomes, especially for children from different socio-
3. there will be a risk of losing learning that occurs in a prolonged manner and
hinders the optimal growth and development of children.
4. Psychosocial pressure and domestic violence that cause stress for children due
to lack of interaction with teachers, friends and the outside environment as
well as pressure due to the difficulty of distance learning which causes stress
on children.
5. Some parents also face difficult obstacles in facilitating their children to join

So if the pandemic has ended face-to-face learning must be carried out. To reduce
the negative impact of PJJ. Because online education tends to be more affordable.
Often there are various payment options that allow us to pay in installments. This
allows for better budget management. Many of us may also receive scholarships,
so they are not expensive. parents also do not have to give money for trips to
school and money for shopping at school. In other words, spending less money,
but the result could be better options other options.
3rd cons arguments : I disagree, because studying with online applications is very
ineffective. Because we cannot meet lecturers and friends, we cannot socialize
directly, and one more thing, we also really need a large quota and are very
dependent on the internet, if the internet has a bad connection, the learning
process will be left far behind. And also some universities want to start face-to-
face study or mixed learning (online & offline learning). For example, the
University of Indonesia, Padjadjaran University, Gadjah Mass University, and the
last one is the University of March 11th. According to the news I read, these 4
universities will start in July or August.


From the online teaching background caused by covid 19 has many

positive and negative impacts on online learning. one of the positive effects is that
it is more flexible and saves time and space. and the negative impact that is the
main obstacle in online learning is geographic location. disconnection of the
network is one of the reasons for the delay in learning, the obstacles are

Based on the explanation we will conslude this policy that a decision

cannot yet be made after this pandemic whether we will continue to teach online
or not, because the situation is still uncertain and there are still many pros and
cons related to continuing online teaching after the pandemic.


Aulia Luqman, 2020 fully online learning has recently caused a lot of complaints
from students and parents. Statement on UB’s official website, Saturday

Nadiem, 2020 the use of technology provides opportunities for schools to carry
out various modeling learning activities. This distance learning will become
permanent., Thursday (3/7/2020)

Doni, 2020 hybrid learning model, the model is bold and attractive. And full
distance learning., Friday ( 3/7/2020)

Diakses pada link:

( Friday, 3/7/2020)

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