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Prevalence and factors associated

with nutritional status among female
university students in Florianópolis,
March 2013 · Revista Brasileira de Cineantropometria e
Desempenho Humano 15(3):326-337


Larissa Costa
Universidade Federal da Fronteira Sul


Federal University of Santa Catarina

Citations (8) References (39) Figures (3)

Abstract and Figures

0037.2013v15n3p326 University admission provides
the adoption of new behaviors, which can affect the
health of students. The objective of this study was to
identify the characteristics and factors associated
with the nutritional status of female university
students in Florianopolis, SC, and to assess their
prevalence. Socioeconomic and behavioral
variables were obtained by a structured
questionnaire. Nutritional status was assessed
based on body mass index, waist circumference
and body fat percentage. Food consumption data
were obtained through the application of a 24-hour
food recall. The chi-square test was used to select
independent variables associated with body mass
index. Response rate in this study was 86.6% (total
of 220 students). Most students were teenagers
(57.7%), lived with parents (69.5%), were sedentary
(55.9%), and eutrophic (72.3%). The prevalence
was 15.9% for underweight and 11.8% for
overweight. Breakfast was the main meal most
frequently omitted (16.9%), and most students
(79.0%) had an energy intake below2,200 kcal.
Energy intake was the only variable inversely
associated with nutritional status (p =0.0358). There
is a need to implement educational health measures
in universities in order to establish healthier lifestyle
and eating habits.

Figures - uploaded by FRANCISCO DE ASSIS

GUEDES DE Vasconcelos Author content
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Content uploaded by FRANCISCO DE ASSIS

GUEDES DE Vasconcelos

Author content
Content may be subject to copyright.

DOI: htt p://0037.2013v15n3p326

RBCDH original article

Prevalence and factors associated with

nutritional status among female university
students in Florianópolis, SC
Prevalência e fatores associados ao estado nutricional de
universitárias ingressantes em Florianópolis, SC
Larissa da Cunha Feio Costa1
Francisco de Assis Guedes de Vasconcelos1

Abstract – University admission provides the adoption of new behaviors, which can
aect the health of students. e objective of this study was to identify the character-
istics and factors associated with the nutritional status of female university students in
Florianopolis, SC, and to assess their prevalence. Socioeconomic and behavioral variables
were obtained by a structured questionnaire. Nutritional status was assessed based on
body mass index, waist circumference and body fat percentage. Food consumption data
were obtained through the application of a 24-hour food recall. e chi-square test was
used to select independent variables associated with body mass index. Response rate in
this study was 86.6% (total of 220 students). Most students were teenagers (57.7%), lived
with parents (69.5%), were sedentary (55.9%), and eutrophic (72.3%). e prevalence
was 15.9% for underweight and 11.8% for overweight. Breakfast was the main meal most
frequently omitted (16.9%), and most students (79.0%) had an energy intake below 2,200
kcal. Energy intake was the only variable inversely associated with nutritional status (p
= 0.0358). ere is a need to implement educational health measures in universities in
order to establish healthier lifestyle and eating habits.
Key words: Feeding behavior; Nutritional status; Students.

Resumo – O ingresso no meio universitário proporciona a adoção de novos comportamentos,

que podem repercutir na saúde dos estudantes. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o
perl e fatores associados ao estado nutricional de universitárias ingressantes em uma uni-
versidade pública de Florianópolis, SC. As variáveis sociodemográcas e comportamentais
foram obtidas por meio de entrevista com aplicação de questionário estruturado. O estado
nutricional foi avaliado com base no índice de massa corporal, circunferência da cintura e
percentual de gordura corporal. Os dados de consumo alimentar foram obtidos por meio da
aplicação de inquérito recordatório alimentar de 24 horas. O teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson
foi aplicado para selecionar as variáveis independentes associadas ao índice de massa corpo-
ral. A taxa de resposta obtida no presente estudo foi de 86,6%, totalizando a participação de 1 Federal Univ ersity of S anta
220 universitárias. As estudantes, em maioria, eram adolescentes (57,7%), residiam com os Catarina. G raduate Program in
familiares (69,5%), eram sedentárias (55,9%) e eutrócas (72,3%). A prevalência de baixo Nutrition. Florianópolis, SC, Brazil
peso foi de 15,9%, enquanto a de excesso de peso foi de 11,8%. O desjejum foi a refeição
principal de maior omissão entre as universitárias (16,9%) e a maioria delas (79,0%) apre- Received: 24 May 2012
sentou consumo energético inferior a 2.200 quilocalorias. O consumo energético foi a única Accepted: 23 October 2012
variável associada, inversamente, com o estado nutricional (p = 0,0358). Faz-se necessária
a implantação de medidas educativas de saúde na universidade, a m de estabelecer hábitos CC
BY Creative Commom
de vida e de alimentação saudáveis.
Palavras-chave: Comportamento alimentar; Estado nutricional; Estudantes.

Citations (8) References (39)

... National surveys conducted in countries

with emerging economies identified that
approximately 22% of university students
were overweight or obese 1 , while the
prevalence rates equivalent to excess body
weight have reached rates between 30% and
45% [2][3][4] in developed countries.
Specifically, in Brazil, data suggest that one
in three university students is overweight [5]
[6][7] . ...

... Also, we examined associations between

the outcome and demographic, university
environment, and selected health behavior
correlates. Although other Brazilian studies
have already investigated the excess body
weight of university students in particular [5]
[6][7] , to the best of our knowledge, this is
the first study examining the correlates
through hierarchical multiple regression
procedures, which allows minimizing the
influence of confounding factors.
Internationally, the study is also one of the
few to consider variations in associations'
nature in a specific context. ...

... A multicenter study showed an overall

prevalence of 22% 1 in Latin American and
African university students. Specifically, in
Brazil, available data have shown prevalence
rates close to 28% [5] [6][7] . ...

Prevalence and correlates of excess body

weight in university students
Article Full-text available
Jan 2021
Dartagnan Pinto Guedes · André Luís dos
Santos Silva

View Show abstract

... In Brazil few studies have sought to

investigate physical activity, eating habits,
and their association with variations of body
weight in representative samples of the
university population, leaving an important
gap in knowledge in the area. The few
studies identified so far have focused on
exclusive samples of specific courses from a
single institution and with participants
selected for convenience or another non-
probabilistic method (15) (16)(17). Most
studies on the topic among college students
were conducted in developed coun-tries (11,
(18)(19)(20)(21), and tend to show findings
and perspectives that are different from those
of developing countries. ...

... Body weight status was closely associated

with the frequency of exercise among
university students. The findings from this
548 D. P. Guedes 15 .8] of students reported
a low or nil frequency of fruit/vegetable
intake, respectively. The adequate proportion
of frequency of fruit/vegetable intake was
higher in female (χ 2 = 17.98; p < 0.001), and
increased with age (χ 2 = 6.38; p = 0.024)
and in the strata that included married
students (χ 2 = 14.52; p < 0.001) and those
who lived with their family (χ 2 = 13.03; ...

... Regarding the frequency of fruit/vegetable

intake, the results found showed that only 13
% of the study sample met the
recommendations for adequate intake (≥ 5
portions/day). Although possible
methodological differences and influences
resulting from cultural characteristics,
climate, and food production and
commercialization conditions can be found,
this result corroborates previous estimates
found in studies involving the Brazilian
population in general and, more specifically,
the population of university students (15)
(16)(17). However, this was significantly
lower than the findings of studies performed
in developed countries (18,19). ...

Exercise and fruit/vegetable intake, and their

associations with body weight status in…
university students
Article Full-text available
Apr 2021 · NUTR HOSP
Dartagnan Pinto Guedes · André Luís dos
Santos Silva

View Show abstract

... Information on the prevalence and factors

associated with EBW in Brazilian university
students is limited, since studies, to date,
have been limited to the participation of new
students entering university 7,12 and women
7 , as well as not having national coverage
7, 8,12 . In addition, the predominance of
cross-sectional studies 7,8,12 makes it
difficult to identify possible temporal trends. ...

... Information on the prevalence and factors

associated with EBW in Brazilian university
students is limited, since studies, to date,
have been limited to the participation of new
students entering university 7,12 and women
7 , as well as not having national coverage
7,8,12 . In addition, the predominance of
cross-sectional studies 7, 8,12 makes it
difficult to identify possible temporal trends. ...

Prevalências de excesso de peso corporal em

universitários: análise de inquéritos repetidos
Article Full-text available
Dec 2017 · Rev Bras Epidemiol
Thiago Ferreira de Sousa · Aline Rodrigues

View Show abstract

... In Egypt, of the 891 adolescents studied,

only 28% ate this meal [38]. In Brazil, a study
[39] with university students from Santa
Catarina, found a 19.6% BF skipping
percentage, close to that found in the present
study. Although BF skipping is more common
in adolescents worldwide [2], it is also
common among adults. ...

Breakfast Characterization and Consumption by

Low-Income Brazilians: Food Identity and…
Regional Food
Article Full-text available
Jun 2020
Janice Ramos de Sousa · Rita Akutsu ·
Renata Puppin Zandonadi · Raquel Braz
Assunção Botelho

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... Penelitian lain menunjukkan bahwa

terdapat hubungan yang signifi kan antara
tingkat kecukupan energi dengan indeks
masa tubuh yang mengacu pada status gizi
di kalangan mahasiswa di Iran
(Delvarianzadeh et al., 2016). Hasil serupa
juga ditunjukan penelitian di Brazil dimana
ada hubungan signifi kan antara asupan
energi dengan status gizi di kalangan
mahasiswi (Costa & de Vasconcelos, 2013) .


INDONESIA[Macronutrient Consumption and
Article Full-text available
Nutritional Status of International Students in
Jul 2019 Indonesia]
Airin Levina · Mamik Sri Sumarmi

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... Higher percentages have been identified in

studies conducted in other countries, such as
a study in the United States in which the
authors reported a prevalence of 36% being
overweight among men and 10% among
women, besides a prevalence of 5% for
obesity among the male population and 2%
in the female population 18, 19 . ...

Physical activity and nutritional habits among

Physical Education undergraduates: a…
crosssectional study in Brasília
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Jan 2019
Luciana Zaranza Monteiro · Andrea
Ramirez · Bruno Alves de Lira · José Maria Thiago

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Lifestyle and risk behaviors for chronic

noncommunicable diseases among healthcare…
undergraduates in Midwest, Brazil
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Jul 2021
Luciana Zaranza Monteiro · Andrea
Ramirez · Bruno Alves de Lira · Francelino Braga

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Current dietary intake and eating habits in

connection with socio-demographic…
characteristics of students of Nangui Abrogoua
University of Côte d’Ivoire
Jul 2018
G. A. Gbogouri · Patrick Aubin Dakia ·
Souleymane Traore · Kouakou Brou

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