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A Project Work Report

Submitted By

Prakash Kusari
Class 11
Roll no 24

Submitted to

The Faculty of Science

Gorkha Secondary School

Tulsipur-06, Dang

Nomember 2022

I hereby declare that the project work entitled “ TO STUDY ABOUT


the faculty of Science, Gorkha Secondary School, Tulsipur is an original piece

of work carried out under the supervision of Chiranjb khadka faculty

member, of Gorkha Secondary School, Tulsipur, Dang, and is submitted in

partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of grade 11/12. The

Project work Report hasn’t been submitted to any other university of

institution for the award of any degree.

Prakash kusari

Student Name

Gorkha Secondary School

Tulsipur, Dang

November 2022
The work report entitled ‘ TO STUDY ABOUT SPECIFIC HEAT

CAPACITY AND IT’S APPLICATION submitted by Prakash kusari of

Gorkha Secondary School, Tulsipur, Dang, is prepared under my supervision

as per the procedure and format requirements laid by the Faculty of Science,

Gorkha Secondary School Tulsipur, as partial of the project. The work has

been prepared for completion of 11/12 course of NEB. The study is original

and carries useful information in the concerned area.

I, therefore, recommend the project work report for evaluation.


Mr. Chiranjb khadka

Gorkha Secondary School

Tulsipur, Dang, Nepal

November 2022
We hereby endorse the project work report entitled TO STUDY ABOUT SPECIFIC

HEAT CAPACITY AND IT’S APPLICATION submitted by Prakash kusari of

Gorkha Secondary School, Tulsipur, Dang, in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for award of the grade 11/12)

Approved by

Mr.Chiranjb khadka Mr. Bishnu Prasad Bhandari

Date: November 2022 Date: November 2022

Supervisor Academic Co-Ordinator

………………………………… ………………………………………

…………………… ………………………………….

External Examiner Internal Examiner

First and foremost, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Chiranjb khadka for his
constructive comments, valuable suggestions, and unforgettable guidance. I equally thank
him for his kindness, cooperation, and necessary encouragement.

Similarly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Bijya GM, Gorkha Secondary
School, Tulsipur-06, Dang for his invaluable instruction and co-operation. All the
faculty members, Department of Physics, Gorkha Secondary School for their direct and
suggestions in the completion of this project work.

I would like to thank all of my friends with whom I enjoyed and got fruitful academic and
nonacademic supports during this tenure that boost my work.

Finally, I never miss this opportunity to extend my heartily thank to my parents and family
members, whose immense support in each and every steps of my life help to reinforce my
morale. Finally, the author would like to thank all whom the author has forgotten to mention.


Prakash kusari

Chapters Topics Page.No

1 ,2

I Introduction

Research Methodology 3,4 and 5


6 and 7

III Presentation and Data



V Summary, Conclusion and


Bibliography 10



This project work was assigned by our subject teachers, Mr.Chiranjb khadka , for
our activeparticipation in the project work.I chose the topic TO STUDY ABOUT

Specific heat capacity, or simply specific heat, refers to the heat capacity per unit
mass of a pure substance. In other words, it is defined as the amount of heat needed
to increase the temperature of 1kg of a material by 1K and is expressed in terms of
J/kg·K or equivalently J/kg·°C

1.1 Background of the study

Heat capacity or specific heat is the amount of heat per unit mass that is required to
raise the temperature by 1°C. Specific heat is helpful in determining the processing
temperatures and amount of heat necessary for processing and can be helpful in
differentiating between two polymeric composites.The specific heat capacity of a
system held at constant volume is different from that of one held at constant
pressure as the latter does work on its surroundings as it expands. Such differences
can usually be ignored for solids but they are very important when dealing with

1.2 Objectives of the study

The objectives behind the study and research are:

1. To study the concept of specific head capacity.

2. To determine the specific heat capacity of differences material.

3. To know the factor which in the specific heat capacity depend.

1.3 Significance of the study

The significance of the study are:

1.1. To explore various the main cause of different heat capacity of

different substance.

2. The concept of specific heat capacity is used in different field, this

research help to know how can we used the concept of specific heat
capacity in real life.

1.4 Limitations of the study

The limitations of the study are:

1. The very first challenge during the research was to collect because of
it’s not available so easily.

2. People are not informed about the term specific heat capacity and
how does its work


For the completion of this project, I took the help of our subject teacher, friends, seniors
andmy neighbors.

3.1 sources of information

1. I took some information from the books .

2.To some extent I tried to collect data adopting safety measures and had

conversations with some senior

3. I also took the help of internet sources.

3.2 Heat
Heat is a from of energy that is transferred from a system to its surrounding on account of their
temperature difference. As an external energy source, heat has specific effects on matter. It is not
uncommon to see your parent hold the mouth of a tightly closed jam jar over the burner flame; after
a minute or so, the lid becomes easily removable. This happens because the heat from the flame
causes the metallic lid of the jar to expand, which can then be unscrewed using minimal strength.

This change in the dimensions of objects due to the application of heat (and subsequent rise in
temperature) is called thermal expansion. Three kinds of thermal expansions occur depending on
the dimensions of the object.

1. Linear expansion - expansion in the length of an objec

2.Area expansion - expansion in the area of an object

3.Volume expansion - expansion in the volume of an object

3.3 Specific Heat Capacity depend upon :

The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a substance depends on three factors.

 Temperature difference

 Mass of the substance

 Nature of the substance

3.4 The Formula of Specific Heat Capacity:
The heat capacity of a substance is related to its temperature change ΔT when a certain amount of
heat ΔQ  s given to it. It can be expressed by the following.

The specific heat capacity of a substance determines how per unit mass of its temperature changes
when a certain amount of heat is supplied to it. It can be defined as the amount of heat absorbed or
released per unit mass of the substance to change its temperature by one unit. The specific heat
capacity is mathematically represented by the following equation.

Here, ΔQ is the amount of heat absorbed or released by the substance of mass m when it

undergoes the temperature change of ΔT.
The SI unit of specific heat capacity is Joule per kilogram per Kelvin (Jkg−1K−1).
The relation between heat capacity and specific heat capacity can be easily inferred from the above

3.5 How to Calculate the Specific Heat Capacity of a Substance:

When an amount of heat ΔQ is supplied to a body of mass m, resulting in a temperature
change of ΔT, the specific heat capacity of the body is given by

The above equation can be rearranged and used to solve a number of numerical problems.

While solving problems involving the transfer of heat, it is important to remember that when
two systems at different temperatures interact to reach a steady state, the heat lost by one
system is equal to the heat gained by the other.

3.6 Application of specific heat capacity:

Use of mercury

Mercury has low specific heat capacity . This means that mercury needs a low
amount of heat to become hot , and it needs to very low time to become cole that
why it;s is used in thermometer .

use of water
Water has the highest specific heat capacity. It therefore takes a long time to heat and long
time to cool. The following uses/ effects are due to the high specific heat capacity of water.1.

Hot water bottles are used for fomentation, as the water remains hot in the bottle
for a long time in spite of giving off large quantities of heat.
2. Car radiators:
Water is used as coolant car radiators. Due to its high specific heat capacity, it can
absorb a large amount of heat energy from the engine of the car, but its temperature
does not rise too high.
3. Bottled Wines:
In cold countries, wine bottles re kept under water. Due to the high specific heat
capacity of water, it takes a long time for the temperature to fall to 00 C.
4. Land and sea breezes:
The specific heat capacity of water is about five times more than that of sand. It
therefore, takes a much longer time to heat and to cool with respect to sand.
During the day, the land cools faster than the sea. The hot air from the sea rises
while the cool air from the sea moves to take its place, giving rise to a sea breeze.

During the night, the land cools faster than the sea. The hot air from the land moves to take
its place, giving rise to a land breeze.


3.5 High and low heat capacity

While the mathematical expression above gives the quantitative definition of heat capacity, it is
important to understand the physical interpretation of this term. A high value of heat capacity
implies that a high amount of heat energy is required to change the temperature of a substance by a
certain degree. A substance with a high heat capacity removes a substantial amount of heat from its
surroundings to increase its temperature by one unit. Similarly,

Consider the specific heat capacities of some common substances.

Substance Specific heat capacity (J kg-1 K-1)

Aluminium 900.0

Carbon 506.5

Water 4186.0

Ice 2060

Edible oil 1965

Mercury 140

As evident from the table, water has a very high specific heat capacity compared to those of other
common substances. Water requires 4186 J of heat energy to raise its temperature by 1 K. Thus, it is
capable of removing a substantial amount of heat from its surroundings for unit change in its
temperature. This is used to explain a number of naturally occurring phenomena and also used for
several applications of water.

 Water bodies heat up much slower than landmasses, resulting in cool winds blowing from
the sea to the land.

 Water is used in automobile radiators as an efficient coolant.

 Water is used in hot water bags to provide warmth for a long duration.
As water has high specific heat capacity, hot water stored in heating bags retains its temperature and
provides warmth for a long duration.


In thermodynamics, the specific heat capacity (symbol cp) of a substance is the heat
capacity of a sample of the substance divided by the mass of the sample, also
sometimes referred to as massic heat capacity. Informally, it is the amount of heat
that must be added to one unit of mass of the substance in order to cause an increase
of one unit in temperature. The SI unit of specific heat capacity is joule per kelvin per
kilogram, J⋅kg−1⋅K−1. For example, the heat required to raise the temperature of 1
kg of water by 1 K s 4184 joules, so the specific heat capacity of water is 4184

Specific heat capacity often varies with temperature, and is different for each state of
matter. Liquid water has one of the highest specific heat capacities among common
substances, about 4184 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1 at 20°C; but that of ice, just below 0 °C, is only
2093 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1. The specific heat capacities of iron, granite, and hydrogen gas are
about 449 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1, 790 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1, and 14300 J⋅kg−1⋅K−1, respectively.
While the substance is undergoing a phase transition, such as melting or boiling, its
specific heat capacity is technically infinite, because the heat goes into changing its
state rather than raising its temperature


5.1 Summary
Heat energy is the measure of the total internal energy of a system. This includes the
total kinetic energy of the system and the potential energy of the molecules.
It has been seen that the internal energy of a system can be changed by either supplying
heat energy to it, or doing work on it.
The internal energy of a system is found to increase with the increase in temperature.
This increase in internal energy depends on the temperature difference, the amount of
matter, etc.
Heat capacity is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature
of a given quantity of matter by one degree Celsius.
Heat capacity for a given matter depends on its size or quantity and hence it is an
extensive property. The unit of heat capacity is joule per Kelvin or joule per degree


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