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Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A

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Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula

I. Navarro-Blascoa; J. I. Alvarez-Galindoa a University of Navarra Faculty of Sciences Department of Chemistry Pamplona (Navarra) E-31080 Spain, Online publication date: 10 November 2010

To cite this Article Navarro-Blasco, I. and Alvarez-Galindo, J. I.(2003) 'Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula',

Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 20: 5, 470 481 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/0265203031000098704 URL:


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Food Additives and Contaminants, Vol. 20, No. 5 (May 2003), pp. 470481

Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula

I. Navarro-Blasco* and J. I. Alvarez-Galindo
University of Navarra, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Chemistry, Pamplona (Navarra), E-31080, Spain

Exposure of adults to aluminium occurs through drinking water, food additives and antacids or buered analgesics. However, aluminium and its compounds appear to be poorly absorbed and are eliminated eectively in the urine. It has been reported that neonates are more susceptible to exposure because of their greater intestinal absorption because of an immature gastrointestinal tract (Sedman et al. 1985). In infants, aluminium toxicity has been relatively well documented in the case of neonates with impaired renal function, and ill, premature or low birth weight neonates (Sedman et al. 1984a, b, Moreno et al. 1994, Puntis et al. 1986, Bishop et al. 1997). High aluminium levels in infant formulae have been implicated in aluminium intoxication in two infants with neonatal uraemia (Freundlich et al. 1985, 1990). Infants, and especially preterm neonates, display a narrow tolerance to aluminium because of immaturity in the tissues and organs involved in its metabolism. Human milk provides a balance of elements suitable for infants and thus a knowledge of the aluminium content of human milk serves as the basis for formulating appropriate substitutes. Regardless of the wide variability, the aluminium content in human milk is between three and 160 times lower than that found in infant formulae (Koo et al. 1988, Coni et al. 1990, Simmer et al. 1990, Baxter et al. 1991, Ballabriga et al. 1994, Fernandez-Lorenzo et al. 1999, Krachler et al. 2000). It is thus possible to suggest a reference aluminium range of 379 mg l1 for human milk. Ballabriga et al. (1994) and Fernandez-Lorenzo et al. (1999) found an aluminium content in Spanish human milk of 6.5 5.3 mg l1 (n 16, range 0.919.8 mg l1) and 23.9 9.6 mg l1 (n 45, 742 mg l1), respectively. Given the evident toxicological impact of aluminium on neonates, it is desirable that infant formulae should be proportionally similar or lower in aluminium concentrations to human milk. The high aluminium content found in certain infant formulae derived from complex manufacturing processes has led to a call for an evaluation of aluminium levels, mainly in both soya and preterm formulae (AAP 1996).

(Received 31 July 2002; resubmitted 19 November 2002; revised 3 February 2003; accepted 12 February 2003)

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Levels of aluminium in 82 dierent infant formulae from nine dierent manufacturers in Spain were determined by acid-microwave digestion and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometry. The inuence of aluminium content in tap water in reconstituted powder formulae was examined and an estimate was made of the theoretical toxic aluminium intake in comparison with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI). Possible interactions between aluminium and certain essential trace elements added to infant formulations have been studied according to the type or main protein-based infant formula. In general, the infant formulae contained a higher aluminium content than that found in human milk, especially in the case of soya, preterm or hydrolysed casein-based formulae. Standard formulae gave lower aluminium intakes amounting to about 4% PTWI. Specialized and preterm formulae resulted in a moderate intake (1112 and 810% PTWI, respectively) and soya formulae contributed the highest intake (15% PTWI). Aluminium exposure from drinking water used for powder formula reconstitution was not considered a potential risk. In accordance with the present state of knowledge about aluminium toxicity, it seems prudent to call for continued eorts to standardize routine quality control and reduce aluminium levels in infant formula as well as to keep the aluminium concentration under 300 g l1 for all infant formulae, most specically those formulae for premature and low birth neonates. Keywords: aluminium, infant formula, drinking water, daily intake, provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI)

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail:

Food Additives and Contaminants ISSN 0265203X print/ISSN 14645122 online 2003 Taylor & Francis Ltd DOI: 10.1080/0265203031000098704

Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula


The aims in the present study were to analyse the concentration of aluminium in the majority of infant formulae sold commercially in Spain to determine the inuence of aluminium content in the tap water on nal concentration in reconstituted powder formulae, to estimate the theoretical toxic aluminium intake in comparison with the provisional tolerable weekly intake (PTWI) established by the joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (WHO 1989) and, nally, to discuss the possible interactions of certain essential trace elements added to formulae with aluminium according to the type or main protein-based infant formula.
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(provincial capital). A strict protocol was thus established to carry out tap water sampling.

Sample handling
Special care was devoted to this phase to minimize the risk of adventitious contamination when handling. All plastic material (low-density polyethylene) or implements used that came into contact with the samples (infant formulae or tap water) were cleaned previously in 5% nitric acid solution (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) for 6 days and later rinsed three times with ultrapure water before use. Infant formula containers were opened in the clean laboratory under a ow laminar bench, using vinyl talcfree gloves (Rotiprotect , Carl Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) and plastic material (Plastibrand , Brand, Wertheim, Germany), when performing the sampling.

Material and methods

Sample collection Most infant formulae were purchased directly from manufacturers. The remainder were obtained from a distribution company in Pamplona, Spain. A total of 82 dierent infant formulae from nine dierent manufacturers were studied. Formulae included both powder (n 61) and ready-to-use preparations (14), such as those based on cows milk (68) or soybased formulae (7). Cows milk-based formulae included: preterm formula (n 7), starter formula (adapted, n 16formula for infants from the rst day to 45 months of age following the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition recommendationsand non-adapted, n 4formula prepared for infants from birth to 12 months of age under American Academy of Pediatrics regulations), follow-up formula (19) and specialized formula hypoallergenic (12), designed for lactose intolerant (7), or inborn errors of metabolism (10) formulae. Infant formulae were stored in accordance with the directions on the label. Containers were kept in the dark at room temperature in a humidity controlled room. Samples of drinking water were collected in duplicate from the Community of Navarra, Spain, in both urban and rural areas. Thirty-nine tap water sampling points were selected according to a population census provided by the local oce of the National Statistical Institute and piping information obtained from several public water-treatment plants in the community. Eighteen samples were taken from populations in rural areas and 21 samples in Pamplona

Suprapure nitric acid was purchased from Merck and puried by sub-boiling distillation before use. Ultrapure deionized water type Milli Q was used for preparation and/or dilution of the treated sample and standard solutions. Magnesium nitrate was used as a matrix modier for aluminium determination (1.4 g Mg(NO3)2 6H2O (Merck) and 2 ml Triton X100 (Sigma, St Louis, MO, USA) were diluted in 1 litre with ultrapure water).

Sample treatment
Infant formula samples (0.3000 g powder, 1.500 ml liquid) were placed in high-pressure Teon digestion bombs and digested with 4 ml sub-boiling nitric acid (Merck) in a closed acid-decomposition microwave system (Milestone MLS 1200, Millestone s.r.l., Sorisole, Italy). The solutions obtained were then diluted up to 10 ml with ultrapure deionized water and kept in frozen storage at 20 C until analysis. Samples were digested in triplicate. Sampling and treatment operations were described in greater detail by Navarro and Alvarez (2002). In the case of drinking water samples, to avoid occulation or losses by adsorption to the plastic walls in sampling containers always after measuring pH, 1 ml of subboiling nitric acid per litre was added until approximately pH 2, and the solution was stored at 4 C until analysis.


I. Navarro-Blasco and J. I. Alvarez-Galindo

Instrumental analysis
Aluminium concentration was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS, GBC GF 2000, Dandenong, Victoria, Australia). The operating parameters and optimizing temperature programme of the instrument are given in table 1. Digested samples were diluted in matrix modier solution. Injections (20 ml) were made in triplicate on Lvov platforms positioned inside pyrolytically coated tubes. Samples were quantied by reference to a calibration curve obtained for aqueous standards. Working standard solutions (080 mg l1) were made up each day by dilution from stock 1000 mg l1 standard solution (Merck) in enough sub-boiling nitric acid to a nal acid concentration similar to prepared samples. All solutions were kept in the covered carousel throughout the analysis to prevent any contamination. Iron and zinc concentrations in digested acid solutions were analysed by ame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (FAAS, GBC GF 2000) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry with Meinhard nebulizer (ICP-AES, Jobin Ybon JY 38S Plus Sequential) was used for manganese. Iron, zinc and manganese calibration curves were accomplished using direct calibration against aqueous standards. Details of measurements, operating parameters and

trace element quantication were described by Navarro et al. (1996, 2000).

Quality assurance
Two blank reagents, an aqueous internal standard and a replicate of infant formula control, as well as 10 infant formula samples were included in each analytical batch to provide an on-going quality control information. The relative standard deviation determined for repeatability (precision for triplicates with a run) with the blank reagent (13.9%), internal standard (1.6%) and infant formula control (1.6%) were comparable with those calculated for the reproducibility (day-to-day precision), 15.5, 2.6 and 2.7%, respectively. Analytical blanks corrected for any possible contamination during analysis. When expressed in terms of infant formula, the aluminium content was 2.3 0.3 mg l1. The detection limit was dened as the average of three times the standard deviation of the reagent blanks and corresponded to 3.3 mg l1 (wet weight) for the infant formulae. In the case of drinking water, blank reagents consisted of ultrapure water which was subjected to the same procedures of treatment, storing and mixing with matrix modier. Aluminium level in analytical blanks was 0.2 0.5 mg l1, resulting in a detection limit of 1.7 mg l1. Reference infant formulae were run throughout the course of the study (174.8 4.2 mg l1). The control sample was previously analysed by the standard addition calibration to minimize matrix eects and aluminium at 176 7 mg l1 was obtained. Recovery assays of spiked aluminium at dierent amounts (200, 400 and 800 ng aluminium) before digestion in this in-house control formula were satisfactory (96104%). An internal aqueous quality control (20 mg l1) was run concurrently with analytical samples. The mean SD of aluminium determined was 20.0 1.1 mg l1 (n 34, range 18.222.3 mg l1). The acceptable range established in the quality programme was 17.622.4 mg l1. Given the lack of adequate standard reference material for aluminium based on milk powder with certied values, IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) 155 whey powder was analysed to provide an estimate of accuracy and guard against instrument bias. The obtained result (43.2 2.6 mg kg1) showed an acceptable agreement with the information value

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Table 1. Instrumental parameters and optimizing furnace programme for aluminium determination.
Instrumental parameters Wavelength (nm) Slit width (nm) Lamp current (mA) Sample volume (ml) Measurement mode Source Background correction 309.3 1.0 10 20 peak area hollow cathode lamp deuterium lamp

Temperature programme Step Drying 1 Drying 2 Charring Atomization Cleaning Cooling Temperature Ramp Hold Argon ow ( C) (s) (s) (ml min1) 110 250 1500 2500 2600 20 5 10 20 1 1 5 15 15 5 4 5 3 300 300 300 0 300 300 Read on yes

Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula


(non-certied) provided from the reference material (53 mg kg1, range 3868 mg kg1). The IAEA milk powder A11 was assayed as a certied reference material to validate the analytical method for metals other than aluminium. The values determined (12 independent analytical runs) were: iron, 3.62 0.09 mg g1; zinc, 37.10 0.38 mg g1; and manganese, 0.250 0.021 mg g1; in comparison with certied values (condence intervals) the values were (plus range): iron, 3.65 mg g1 (2.894.41); zinc, 38.9 mg g1 (36.641.2); and manganese 0.257 mg g1 (0.2480.266).

The wide variability in aluminium content found in some of the formulations included in this study is of special relevance. Because of this, both means and medians are included, although we have only used the median as the most representative parameter. The range of aluminium found in the infant formulae was consistent with those in the literature. The variability of aluminium content is a result of the way it can be incorporated in the infant formulae. The total aluminium content can originate from: (1) the raw materialcows milk or isolated soy protein; (2) contamination during processing from surfaces of metallic equipment or utensils; (3) additives or mineral supplements or (4) migration from the containers during storage. Each factor could explain the high variability in the aluminium concentrations found in the dierent infant formulae. Lower aluminium values in standard formulae (starter and follow-up formulae) in comparison with specialized, preterm and soya formulae are readily apparent. This is conrmed by the KruskalWallis test ( p 0.003). As previous studies have reported (Koo et al. 1988, Dabeka and McKenzie 1990, Simmer et al. 1990, Baxter et al. 1991, Biego et al. 1998, Bloodworth et al. 1991, Ballabriga et al. 1994, Ikem et al. 2002), the lower aluminium values were detected in milk-based formulae, such as starter formulae (adapted, 196 152 mg l1; non-adapted, 231 128 mg l1) and followup formulae (272 189 mg l1). These nding levels are in agreement with those found by others (Coni et al. 1993, Ballabriga et al. 1994, Hawkins et al. 1994, Fernandez-Lorenzo et al. 1999, Ikem et al. 2002). Lower levels found in raw cows milk show that this by itself is not necessarily the greatest source of aluminium. However, the large ranges of aluminium content observed in standard formulae are indicative of the potential for contamination during manufacture. It is well known that aluminium is associated with proteins. Table 3 summarizes the aluminium levels found in dierent infant formulae, focusing on the main protein. There is clear evidence of the involvement of intrinsic aluminium from a protein source on the nal level found in standard formulae. The highest aluminium content is provided by those formulae based on whole milk (adapted starter formulae, 338 114 mg l1; nonadapted starter formulae, 368 mg l1; follow-up formulae, 296 185 mg l1), followed by skim-milk-based formulae (adapted starter formulae, 190 83 mg l1; non-adapted starter formulae, 136 115 mg l1; follow-up formulae, 223 220 mg l1) and lastly,

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Statistical analysis
Statistical analysis was performed with SPSS v.9.0 for Windows. Dierent groups of samples were compared through non-parametric KruskalWallis and MannWhitney U-tests or a Wilcoxon test for paired groups, with statistical signicance set at p<0.05. Observed tendencies in some trace element contents with regard to aluminium were analysed with the Spearman coecient.

Results and discussion

Aluminium contents in infant formula Table 2 shows the aluminium concentrations for each of the dierent types of infant formulae. The aluminium concentration found in powdered infant formula was calculated according to the manufacturers dilution instructions and expressed in mg l1.
Table 2. Aluminium content in dierent types of studied infant formulae (g l1).
Infant formula Preterm formula Starter formula Non-adapted Adapted Follow-up formula Specialized formula Without lactose formula Hypoallergenic formula Inborn errors diet Soya formula n Mean Median SD 7 449 4 237 16 252 19 292 7 12 10 7 574 687 453 930 421 137 231 128 196 152 272 189 399 451 294 945 443 112 573 1132 Range 317726 118368 68573 66788 1021439 1052720 307655 3133479


I. Navarro-Blasco and J. I. Alvarez-Galindo

formulae that include whey proteins (adapted starter formulae, 181 177 mg l1) or casein (adapted starter formulae, 126 38 mg l1) in its composition (table 3). The present tendency to reduce the protein content and replace dierent proteins with whey protein to mimic the protein prole found in human milk may advantageously inuence the aluminium content of newer types of infant formula. The complex manufacturing process of specialized formulae seems to play an important role in the degree of aluminium contamination. The highest aluminium value was found in formulae designed for inborn errors of metabolism (443 112 mg l1), an intermediate level was found for formulae without lactose
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(399 451 mg l1) and, nally, the lowest content was found in hypoallergenic formulae (294 945 mg l1). The probable source of aluminium contamination might be the added formula ingredients (calcium and phosphate salts, vitamins, and other minerals) and the complex processing operations in which infant formulae come into contact with aluminium-containing surfaces and equipment for the long periods that their preparation requires. The high levels of aluminium in formulae designed for diverse pathologies is an additional source of aluminium for infants fed on these. This may represent a health hazard for this risk group of infants. Among the formulae without lactose, mainly casein-based formulae, one formula had an aluminium content of 1439 mg l1. Similarly, there were two hypoallergenic formulae with aluminium values of 2649 and 2720 mg l1, both based on hydrolysed protein (casein hydrolysate) and from the same manufacturer (gure 1). Table 3 shows that the aluminium content of casein-hydrolysed hypoallergenic formulae (654 1233 mg l1) is signicantly higher ( p 0.015, Mann Whitney U-test) than whey-hydrolysed hypoallergenic formulae (190 110 mg l1). These contents are explained by the necessity for aggressive treatment in order to modify highly the raw material, which means that formulae can be exposed to a signicant amount of aluminium during manufacture from the chemicals used, machinery and dust particles. Specialized formulae also contained higher levels of substances such as calcium, iron and citrate complexes that may enhance aluminium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract (Sahin et al. 1995). Thus, the increased bioavailability of aluminium and the elevated plasma concentration noted in the infants fed on casein-hydrolysed formulae (Hawkins et al. 1994) are not unexpected ndings. These may turn out to be recognized risk factors that must be taken into consideration. The aluminium content of premature formulae (421 137 mg l1) is signicantly higher than that of formulae for infants at term (non-adapted starter, p 0.042; adapted starter, p 0.010). These results are consistent with those reported elsewhere (Coni et al. 1993, Ballabriga et al. 1994, Hawkins et al. 1994, Plessi et al. 1997) and explained to be a result of the type of processing or use of aluminium-containing food additives. Preterm infant formulae are regarded as a potential source of aluminium exposure. The risk of aluminium accumulating in these formulae may be raised

Table 3. Aluminium concentrations in dierent types of infant formulae with regard to the main protein contained (g l1).
Aluminium Infant formula Preterm formula Whey-based Skim-milk-based Whole-milk-based Casein hydrolysed Starter formula Non adapted Skim-milk-based Whole-milk-based Adapted Whey-based Casein-based Skim-milk-based Whole-milk-based Follow-up formula Whey-based Skim-milk-based Whole-milk-based Specialized formula Without lactose formula Casein-based Skim-milk-based Hypoallergenic formula Whey hydrolysed Casein hydrolysed Inborn errors diet Casein-based Skim-milk-based Whey hydrolysed Casein hydrolysed Free aminoacids No protein Soya formula Soy-based n 4 1 1 1 3 1 6 3 2 5 1 13 5 6 1 7 5 1 1 1 4 2 1 7 Median SD 402 43 726 436 317 136 115 368 181 177 126 38 190 83 338 114 334 223 220 296 185 460 439 102 190 110 654 1233 307 518 655 449 98 401 51 370 573 1132 Range 339421 118325 158573 68139 132249 261541 66788 121459 3091439 105412 2982720 335529 364438 3133479

Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula


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Figure 1. Aluminium distributions in infant formulae provided by dierent manufacturers (g l1).

especially in preterm infants with renal immaturity linked to a low aluminium clearance due to decreased urine excretion (Sedman et al. 1984b). Moreover, the hypothesis that aluminium overload may be due to an increased intestinal absorption during the rst weeks of neonate life has been reported. Both increased absorption and low excretion could explain the high plasma values observed in healthy premature and low birth weight newborns (Sedman et al. 1984b, Puntis et al. 1986, Stockhausen et al. 1990). Aluminium absorption in infancy has been investigated in a previous study on antacids (Chedid et al. 1991), and the risk of toxicity as a result of exposure to drugs containing aluminium or aluminium contamination of infant formulae has been conrmed. In addition, adverse eects on bone mineralization associated with high plasma aluminium levels in infants have been reported (Bougle et al. 1997). Although direct inhibiting eects of aluminium on bone mineralization have not fully been explained, they seem to be a consequence of interactions with both calcium and phosphorus enhanced by the high aluminium content in premature formulae. In spite of this, taking into account the nutritional benets of

premature formulae, it is necessary to keep up to date with these formulations and request manufacturers to total restructure older production processes in order to achieve a further reduction in the aluminium levels in this kind of infant formula. Concentrations of aluminium in the soya formulae ranged from 313 to 3479 mg l1 (median 573 1132 mg l1). These formulae provide the highest aluminium levels and as table 2 shows, the aluminium content is signicantly higher than in standard formulae (adapted formulae, p 0.001; non-adapted formulae, p 0.024; follow-up formulae, p 0.004). High levels have also been reported elsewhere, calling into question the nutritional safety of soya formulae for neonate feeding. Aluminium is naturally present in soybeans, and aluminium impurities that are contained in other basic components of the soya formulae or caused by contamination during manufacture represent the most probable reasons for such high aluminium levels in soya formulae. The manufacture of soya formulae requires crushing, rening and washing procedures to isolate the soy protein from the soya bean. Treatment with calcium hydroxide is carried


I. Navarro-Blasco and J. I. Alvarez-Galindo

out, which often contains high amount of aluminium as an impurity. It therefore seems likely that a signicant contribution to the nal aluminium concentration in soya formulae may be attributed to adventitious contamination during the isolation rather than the intrinsic aluminium content of soya beans. In this survey, we found one formula with an aluminium content of 3479 mg l1 that was very high with respect to other infant formulae. This level is comparable with other reported values where, for example, several formulae had aluminium content of anything up to 5076 mg l1 (Woollard et al. 1990). In order to know the inuence of the aggregation state on the amount of aluminium found in infant formula, we evaluated statistically the aluminium contents in both powder and ready-to-use liquid formulae. The industrial production process of milkbased powder formulae involves several operations (warming, centrifugation, drying, homogenizing, bleeding, sterilization, packing, etc.), which bring it into contact it with metallic surfaces of industrial machinery. In the case of ready-to-use formulae, processing is quite dierent. The critical process for liquid formulae is the treatment in cationic interchange columns, besides the addition of vitamins or mineral salts. For 14 pairs of infant formulae (powder and liquid forms), the aluminium content did not dier signicantly ( p 0.060, Wilcoxons test) between powder and liquid data groups, although the aluminium content in ready-to-use formulae had a tendency to be lower than in powder formulae, as in recent studies (Ikem et al. 2002) but in contrast to earlier ndings (Gruskin 1991). Aluminium levels for both powder and liquid formulae for the dierent types of infant formulae are summarized in table 4. Although the dierence found in aluminium might seem surprising, it should be noted that liquid formulae started to be sold in

Spain only during the past decade, and are manufactured with novel processing operations and better attention to reduced contamination, in contrast to older powder infant formulae.

Manufacturer and determined values

Figure 1 shows the concentrations of aluminium determined in the dierent infant formula belonging to the nine manufacturers which can be examined for indications of aluminium content being related to processing operations. The meticulous care shown by manufacturers 7 and 2 (150 90 mg l1, n 5 years, 142 929 mg l1, n 14, respectively) is curious, while manufacturers 3 and 6 (436 67 mg l1, n 7 years, 416 126 mg l1, n 8) show quite the opposite with a large range of aluminium concentration (338541 and 261573 mg l1, respectively). It is also necessary to mention manufacturer 8, which includes numerous (n 16) and complex formulations in its stock with a discrete aluminium contribution from prepared infant formulae. When the dierent infant formulae were considered as a whole, median aluminium content was 340 mg l1 (where percentiles 25 and 75 were 177 and 478 mg l1, respectively). However, seen separately, median aluminium values of dierent brands ranged from 142 to 436 mg l1. Considering both points, recommending an upper limit to be set in infant formulae around 300400 mg l1 is a reasonable target that manufacturers could take on without excessive economic cost. In view of these results and moves to reduce the level of aluminium in infant formula in other European countries (Baxter et al. 1991), it seems suitable to call for an eort (1) to control as far as possible the critical points of aluminium contamination, (2) to modify the industrial handling process in order to

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Table 4. Aluminium levels (g l1) from dierent types of infant formulae studied attending to aggregation state (powder or liquid formulae).
Powder Formula Preterm formula Starter formula Non-adapted Adapted Follow-up formula Specialized formula Hypoallergenic n 6 3 12 13 10 Mean 467 271 273 313 784 Median 428 20 325 18 215 26 340 46 338 1014 Range 317726 118368 130573 66788 1202720 n 1 1 4 6 2 Mean 340 140 187 245 201 Ready-to-use Median 172 14 223 14 201 19 Range 68340 150460 105300

Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula


obtain formulations in which the concentration of aluminium is less than 300 mg l1 in premature and standard formulae, and 400 mg l1 in the other formulae, a criterion which is a little more restrictive than the recommendation suggested by Simmer et al. (1990), and (3) to analyse frequently or routinely the aluminium contents, especially in those formulae with potential impact such as premature or soya formulae.

the paediatric specications or manufacturers guidelines and infant weight. Figure 3 contains the estimated weekly aluminium intake by infants fed on preterm formulae. These formulae provide an intake similar to special formulae (around 810% PTWI), which is far greater than that supplied on average by Spanish human milk (0.1%) or the upper limit human milk reference value (1.3%). Aluminium levels ranging from 6000 to 8000 mg l1 would be required for the hypothetical case of an infant formula to exceed the PTWI. In fact, for the highest aluminium level determined in the infant formulae analysed (3479 mg l1, soya formula), the daily aluminium intakes would be approximately 4555% PTWI.

Estimated dietary aluminium intake

Assuming that the newborns in each age period observe a similar feeding regime, the aluminium intake for infants fed on dierent types of infant formulae has been estimated according to recommended doses and the feeding tables specied by the manufacturers. Table 5 shows the daily amount of aluminium supplied by dierent infant formulae. Dietary aluminium intake estimated by Dabeka and McKenzie (1990) through human milk was 2 and 3 mg day1 for Canadian infants 01 and 13 months old, respectively. Assuming a human milk reference value from published levels (379 mg l1), a daily milk intake of 200 ml kg1 implies a daily aluminium intake of 2.463.2 mg day1 (0.615.8 mg kg1 day1), which is slightly higher than previous estimated intakes. Figure 2 compares the weekly aluminium intake (percentage of PTWI) estimated for each type of infant formulae studied. Starter and follow-up formulae contributed the lowest aluminium intake (about 4% PTWI), specialized formulae, such as hypoallergenic formulae gave an intermediate intake (1112% PTWI) and soya formulae contributed the highest intake (15% PTWI). Preterm intakes were calculated taking into account

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Complementary contribution to daily aluminium intake from drinking water

The aluminium concentration in natural waters varies signicantly depending on numerous physicochemical, mineralogical and geochemical factors. Water treatment in purifying plants includes a coagulation process using aluminium sulphate to remove organic matter. The benecial eect of the use of this metal in treated water is recognized. Nevertheless, in spite of good operating conditions, a residual amount is retained and supplied in drinking water. European Community legislation (Directive 80/778/EEC) and WHO guidelines have established an acceptable aluminium concentration of 200 mg l1 in drinking water (Commission of the European Communities 1980, WHO 1998). This authorized aluminium level is similar to that found in standard infant formula. As a consequence, it is of interest to evaluate aluminium exposure from tap water and its relative contribution to dietary intake of infants fed on reconstituted

Table 5. Daily intakes of aluminium for infants fed on infant formulae and drinking water used in the reconstitution of powder formulae (g day1).
Starter formula Age 02 weeks 34 weeks 2 months 3 months 45 months 6 months 7 months Non-adapted 148 188 238 238 283 257 Adapted 155 203 244 264 295 302 Follow-up formula 296 249 Specialized formula Without lactose 387 516 597 654 761 793 Hypoallergenic 510 608 754 778 986 854 Inborn errors diet 381 508 574 680 785 846 Soya formula 538 731 798 915 1055 1133 Drinking water 12.2 16.2 20.3 20.3 23.7 14.2 10.8


I. Navarro-Blasco and J. I. Alvarez-Galindo

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Figure 2. PTWI (%) for aluminium estimated from infant formulae.

Figure 3. Weekly dietary aluminium intake for infants fed on premature infant formulae and human milk (mg week1).

powder formulae. In accordance with the legislation currently in force, taking into consideration the high daily intake of newborns with respect to body weight, tap water used in prepared formulae could supply similar aluminium amounts to those provided by the infant formulae itself.

The aluminium content of tap water was determined as 22.6 4.5 mg l1 (range 4.5172.4 mg l1). There was no signicant dierence between aluminium levels found in rural (24.2 9.3 mg l1) and urban (22.3 2.2 mg l1) sources. The mean aluminium value was used to establish the inuence of aluminium content in

Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula


drinking water on the nal concentration of reconstituted infant formulae. The amount provided by tap water used in reconstitution of premature formulae is similar to the lower limit found in human milk, approximately 0.050.06% of the PTWI. At the same time, the aluminium supply to another infant formulae, is also low, about 10% of standard formulae and 23% of special and soya formulae (table 5). Our results indicate that aluminium exposure from tap water used for formula preparation is not clearly a potential risk. However, it should be appreciated that the aluminium concentration in drinking water can vary signicantly depending on the geographic and geochemical medium where the water supply or spring are sited.

higher aluminium content as discussed above. On the other hand, for those follow-up formulae based on skimmed milk, the iron supplementation is important and the manufacturing process is simpler. The distribution of iron added to infant formula depends on the chemical form of iron supplement used. Supplementing with Fe(II) results in a formula with a high iron content in the fat fraction (Hegenauer et al. 1979), whereas if Fe(III) is used, the iron is bound to casein micelles (Demott and Dincer 1976). Probably, the existing correlation in whole-milk-based formulae ( p 0.010) could correspond with the dierent chemical form used in iron supplementing and the technological process used by manufacturers. The same consideration might be established for formulae designed for inborn errors of metabolism ( p 0.013), although the complexity in formulations included in these groups does not allow a clear explanation. Another negative correlation ( p 0.004) was found between zinc and aluminium concentrations in standard infant formulae (gure 5). This corresponds to

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Interactions between aluminium and other trace elements

The levels of trace elements in infant formulae are generally higher than in human milk. In recent years, changes in the levels of these elements in infant formulae have been introduced in the light of improved knowledge of infant requirements. Trace elements normally added to the raw material (cows milk or soy) are supplied in an inorganic form, sometimes at a high level to compensate for the lower bioavailability of infant formulae (Bratter 1996). There is little information on the impact of these changes or of other added elements on the nal concentration of potential toxic trace elements, including aluminium. In order to study trends in the levels of certain essential trace elements in relation to the aluminium level in infant formulae, a comparative statistical analysis using the Spearman coecient between the aluminium and dierent trace element contents was carried out. Aluminium behaves similarly to iron in many biological systems (Goyer 1997). As can be seen in gure 4, an inverse correlation was established for follow-up formulae between both concentrations ( p 0.044). Cows milk is a very poor source of iron. A total of 14% of iron occurs in milk fat, about 24% is bound to casein, while 29% is bound to whey protein and 32% is associated with a low molecular weight fraction (Fransson and Lonnerdal 1983). Follow-up formulae are mainly based on skimmed and whole cows milk. This interaction could be attributed to the lower amount of iron added to whole-milk-based formulae, which is linked to a

Figure 4. Iron versus aluminium in follow-up infant formulae.

Figure 5. Zinc versus aluminium in standard infant formulae (starter and follow-up formulae).


I. Navarro-Blasco and J. I. Alvarez-Galindo

changes in the protein prole by manufacturers, since as in cows milk most of the zinc is in the skimmed milk fraction and 95% is associated with casein micelles (Blakeborough et al. 1983, Sing et al. 1989). Lower aluminium and higher zinc concentrations were found in casein-based formulae, followed by intermediate values of both elements in whey- and skimmed-milk-based formulae and, nally, wholemilk-based formulae provided the highest aluminium and lowest zinc added concentrations. This same trend was observed for starter and follow-up formulae by themselves with a statistical signicance correlation p 0.004 and 0.030, respectively.
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is present in human milk and infant formulae (Bratter et al. 1998), with the goal of determining the real toxicity of aluminium compounds and evaluating the true risk of feeding neonates on infant formulae.

The authors thank Gobierno de Navarra for nancial support.

Finally, a positive correlation was established for hypoallergenic formulae between manganese and aluminium contents ( p 0.006). Manganese is distributed in cows milk with 67% binding to casein, 18% to low molecular weight proteins and 1% to the lipid fraction (Lonnerdal et al. 1985). This ts with both higher aluminium and manganese contents found in hydrolysed-casein-based formulae and lower values of these elements in hydrolysed-whey-based formulae.

AAP (AMERICAN ACADEMY OF PEDIATRICS), 1996, Aluminum toxicity in infants and children. Pediatrics, 97, 413416. BALLABRIGA, A., MORENO, A., and DOMINGUEZ, C., 1994, Aluminium. Annales Nestle, 52, 118131. BAXTER, M. J., BURRELL, J. A., CREWS, H., and MASSEY, R. C., 1991, Aluminium levels in milk and infant formulae. Food Additives and Contaminants, 8, 653660. BIEGO, G. H., JOYEUX, M., HARTEMANN, P., and DEBRY, G., 1998, Determination of mineral contents in dierent kinds of milk and estimation of dietary intake in infants. Food Additives and Contaminants, 15, 775781. BISHOP, H. J., MOLEY, R., CHIR, B., DAY, J. P., and LUCAS, A., 1997, Aluminium neurotoxicity in preterm infants receiving intravenous-feeding solutions. New England Journal of Medicine, 336, 15571561. BLAKEBOROUGH, P., SALTER, D. N., and GURR, M. I., 1983, Zinc binding in cows and human milk. Biochemical Journal, 209, 505512. BLOODWORTH, B. C., HOCK, C. T., and BOON, T. O., 1991, Aluminium content in milk powders by inductively-coupled argon plasmaoptical emission spectrometry. Food Additives and Contaminants, 8, 749754. BOUGLE, D., BUREAU, F., MORELLO, R., GUILLOIS, B., and SABATIER, J. P., 1997, Aluminium in the premature infant. Trace Elements and Electrolytes, 14, 2426. BRATTER, P., 1996, Essential trace elements in the nutrition of infants. ` Therapeutic Uses of Trace Elements, edited by J. Neve, P. Chappuis and M. Lamand (New York: Plenum), pp. 5962. BRATTER, P., NAVARRO, I., NEGRETTI DE BRATTER, V., and RAAB, A., 1998, Speciation as an analytical aid in trace element research in infant nutrition. Analyst, 123, 821826. CHEDID, F., FUDGE, A., TEUBNER, J., JAMES, S. L., and SIMMER, K., 1991, Aluminium absorption in infancy. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 27, 164166. COMMISSION OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITIES, 1980, Council Directive of 15 July 1980 relating to the quality of water intended for water consumption (80/778/EEC). Ocial Journal of European Communities Legislation, L229, 1129. CONI, E., BELLOMONTE, G., and CAROLI, S., 1993, Aluminium content of infant formulas. Journal of Trace Elements and Electrolytes in Health and Disease, 7, 8386. CONI, E., FALCONIERI, P., FERRANTE, E., SEMERARO, P., BECCALONI, E., STACCHINI, A., and CAROLI, S., 1990, Reference values for essential and toxic elements in human milk. Annali dellIstituto `, Superiore di Sanita 26, 119130.

It has been shown that of the infant formulae studied, the aluminium level was higher than that found in human milk, especially for complex formulae such as premature, specialized and soya. International paediatric organizations (AAP 1996) have requested that manufacturers reduce the aluminium level in infant formulae, particularly with respect to soya and preterm formulae. The results show that specialized formulae based on hydrolysed protein like casein must also be included in this risk formulae group owing to their high aluminium content. High aluminium infant formulae should be evaluated by manufacturers, which should routinely monitor aluminium concentrations, especially in those formulations prepared for premature or low-birth neonates. Based on the present knowledge about aluminium toxicity, it is appropriate to set a maximum guideline value for infant formula at 300 mg l1, which is achievable by manufacturers. Most infants who consumed infant formulae containing more than this limit had a raised plasma aluminium concentration and so could be at risk of aluminium toxicity (Hawkins et al. 1994). Speciation studies are now required to establish and characterize the chemical forms in which aluminium

Aluminium content of Spanish infant formula

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