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Reaction Paper on Bloom’s Taxonomy

By: Earl Dominic A. Cayari, BSHM 411

When I first read the concept of what the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy is, I was confused and couldn’t
exactly grasp its whole idea in detail. But as I continue to research and read through the whole hand out,
I began to understand what the whole model was exactly for and where it’s supposedly used. As based
on my understanding, Bloom’s Taxonomy can be defined as a guide for many students in or outside of
classroom set-up. It can be described as a model with six (6) following levels: Create, Evaluate, Analyze,
Apply, Understand and Remember. Each having their own meaning and purpose for every level.

But before getting into the detail of every level, I’d first like to mention about the history on Bloom’s
Taxonomy before it was exactly revised. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a product of a group of cognitive
psychologists under the University of Chicago and in 1956 being named after the committee’s chairman
Benjamin Bloom. Before it was revised, it first only had three main categories: Cognitive, Affective, and
Psychomotor. But the group decided to mostly focus on the cognitive category as it has over six levels:
Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation similar to what’s called the
Bloom’s Taxonomy today. Meant to help researchers and mentors during that time when discovering
new things throughout their research and work.

But as time passes by, the Bloom’s Taxonomy had to be revised due to being outdated but also to be
made much simpler and easy to understand for students today. Now the Bloom’s Taxonomy is made to
target mostly students and helping them to have a better level of understanding of certain skills such as
the ability to analyse and such. Understanding what Bloom’s Taxonomy is truly helped me to find a way
to create most of my work such as this paper right here more efficiently. But how exactly does it work
and benefit me as a student?

Each level represents as to what you need to do or understand first, the first level being Create. Where I
began on brainstorming ideas on how I’m able to generate my ideas and thoughts onto this paper.
Second is Evaluate where once I began on writing my thoughts or organizing it, leading to third which is
Analyze. This is when I read thru all my thoughts and thought of how I’m able to add more into it and
thought of maybe I can do a short history of Bloom’s Taxonomy and such. This when Apply and
Understand comes in as I start my actual writing which is what I’m doing right and making to understand
it’s whole concept. Finally, for Remember I make sure to take note of Bloom’s Taxonomy summarized
concept to have a better understanding and remembrance of the topic itself.

Overall, it was hard at first sight but as I began to scan and understand what Bloom’s Taxonomy really is,
I can say that it’s helpful to not only students but to anyone as a matter of fact. Bloom’s Taxonomy can
help a person organize and apply their thoughts properly and is extremely useful to especially me as a
college student, I’ve always struggled with writing essays but with Bloom’s Taxonomy I was able to
create my essay in ease.

03_Handout_1, The Contemporary World-SY2223-1T

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