Portfolio Alvian-1 9pib

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Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School

Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia


Answer the following questions-

• What are factors that can disturb our research process? Explain in brief!

The first factor that can disturb our research process is the resources
cannot answer the question or cannot give the best answer, so we can get the
wrong information from the people that we ask. The second factor that can
disturb our research process is the project that given from the school,
because of that we do not have time to do the research. The third factor is
our laziness, because many young people do not like to do the research
process and they just like to play the game from computer.

• What are the possible solutions?

The first solutions is we must find the right resources because if we

find the right resources we can get the right information, but before we
asked the resources we must find the background of the resources. The
second solutions is we must manage our time well. If I can manage our time
well we can do the project and do the research too. The third solutions is we
must learn how to become a diligent person. We can start a little move like
wake up in the morning. And the fourth is We must pray to God to help us
to do our research .

• Give at least 2 pieces of evidence showing that you have applied research and
information skills. The works can be from the previous years. Give some

Answer : - History(power point presentation) and art(power point


Mr. Anton asked me to do research about historical figure in World War 2. I have a
group and the members are Elbert, Dwi, Mitchell, Vincent, and Gideon. Vincent is the leader
of the group. Vincent asked me and Gideon to research about Erwin Rommel. First I
research the encyclopedia in library about Erwin Rommel and then I research it in Internet
with Wikipedia. After that I found many information about Erwin Rommel and I make the
Summary about the Erwin Rommel do in World War 2. After that I pack it into a summary
that I must put in power point to do the presentation

Mr. Antony asked me to research about photograph and I start the research with
making question and then I search it in Internet. I find many information in Internet and
Wikipedia. I research it to from the encyclopedia. After that I make the summary of that and
put in to the power point to do presentation.
Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia

• Create a slogan to promote the love for learning to solve problems!

I hereby declare that all information provided in my Information

User Profile is true to my knowledge, and I have tried my best to
acknowledge all information mentioned.

IU name: Alvian IU class & no.: 9Pre-Ib/ 1 Date:: Thursday ,


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