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How lube oil condition

monitoring enables
smarter maintenance

A simple addition to preventive

maintenance regimes – and a
prerequisite for predictive maintenance
– this future-proof diagnostic tool
discovers small problems before
they become big ones to reduce risk,
unplanned downtime, and OPEX.
2 MAN Energy Solutions
Continuous lube oil monitoring white paper 3

Key to risk management and smarter maintenance:

Condition monitoring
is now more
important than ever Observing the parts and parameters
that indicate the state of the engine
enables remedial action and is thus at
the core of even the most basic
corrective or preventive maintenance
No matter how far they have progressed
on their journey to predictive
maintenance, the discovery of emerging
anomalies as early as possible through
condition monitoring vastly improves the
strategies. When observation reveals MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES ability of operators to prevent small
that something is broken, we fix it. problems from becoming big ones.
As more operators move beyond
However, condition monitoring can be traditional corrective and preventive This not only reduces the operating
much more than simple observation and maintenance regimes and begin to expenditures and total cost of
quick fixes. When sensors in rotating embrace the many benefits of ownership throughout the lifetime of the
equipment collect data which is analyzed conditional and predictive maintenance engine. It also significantly reduces the
over time to identify changes that strategies, the importance of condition risks of unplanned downtime and
indicate developing problems, operators monitoring becomes even greater. catastrophic failure.
can improve maintenance dramatically.

Condition monitoring (CM) plays a role in all maintenance strategies


Run to failure Maintain according Detect & fix/maintain now Detect, analyze, & plan
to schedule optimal maintenance

Scope of Low-cost assets; no safety High-value, mission-critical assets; High-value, mission-critical assets; High-value, mission-critical assets;

Condition monitoring is essential to the CM use issues; assets easy to fix or

safety implications; unplanned
downtime not acceptable.
safety implications; unplanned
downtime not acceptable.
safety implications; unplanned
downtime not acceptable.

successful operation of all mechanical

systems. For high-value, mission-critical How CM
is used
Reactively: If CM reveals that
something is broken, we fix it.
Reactively: Although
maintenance primarily occurs
Proactively and in real time:
Maintenance is triggered when
Proactively, in real time, and
with an eye to the future: CM

assets such as marine and power according to predetermined

schedules, CM can discover
certain conditions & thresholds
are met. Of course, CM can also
enables trend analysis and
predicts when maintenance is

generation engines, it is a cornerstone problems that need to be

addressed before planned
be used reactively in conditional
maintenance regimes.
most cost-effective, allowing
optimal scheduling of planned

of risk management and a precondition maintenance intervals. maintenance. Of course, CM

can also be used reactively in

for maintenance regimes that can predictive maintenance regimes.

significantly improve operational reliability, CM Simple observation - but could Simple observation - but could Sensors, algorithms and Sensors, algorithms and

prevent catastrophic failures and architecture be enhanced by sensors,

algorithms and displays.
be enhanced by sensors,
algorithms and displays.
displays - in addition to simple
displays - in addition to simple

unplanned downtime, and lower OPEX.

Benefits CM enables better corrective CM enhances preventive CM is the precondition of CM is the precondition of
of CM maintenance. The quicker an maintenance. If problems are conditional maintenance. It predictive maintenance. It
anomaly is discovered, the detected, preventive schedules allows early detection of minor allows early detection of minor
quicker it can be remediated. can be overridden when anomalies that can develop anomolies that can develop into
necessary. into major problems and major problems and enables
enables timely maintenance timely remediation and
and remediation. optimally planned maintenance.
4 MAN Energy Solutions
Continuous lube oil monitoring white paper 5

The lifeblood of the engine:

Lube oil opens a 50% 70%

diagnostic window OF ALL ENGINE

into engine health

Learn more about the
importance of lube oil for CAUSED BY CAN BE DETECTED
four-stroke engines.

Just as physicians rely on blood tests to Fluid properties Contamination Wear debris
As lube oil performs its job and ages, it Over time, a variety of external impurities
identify human health issues, operators deteriorates and its physical and often make their way into lube oil. Fluids
In addition to the contaminants
mentioned above, lube oil analysis can
of mission-critical engines use lube oil chemical makeup changes. such as water and diesel fuel are one also identify wear caused by friction
example, particle contaminants another.
tests to better understand the condition Several fluid property tests expose
between moving parts in the engine or
its auxiliaries.
of the lubricant and the engine itself. such degradation so that operators can A range of tests are used to determine
proactively change the oil or add the presence of these pollutants: Oil tests provide information about
additives to restore oil health: these wear debris particles which can
• Particle counting: A fundamental be used to determine their source, and
Lube oil is often referred to as the • Viscosity analysis: Monitors and measure of oil’s cleanliness, particle thus play a vital role in predictive
analyzes the lube oil’s “thickness”, or counting monitors and analyzes the
lifeblood of the engine. Not only does it resistance to flow and shear, lube number and size of contaminant

keep engines healthy by lubricating oil’s single most important physical particles so operators can better • Wear debris density: Density
property impacting wear rate and fuel detect early signs of wear, evaluate
moving parts, dispersing heat, efficiency. filter performance, and assess the
analyses reveal the relative quantity of
debris, such as ferrous and non-ferrous
cleansing impurities, and preventing • AN/BN: More than a simple pH need for oil service. debris originating from wear.
analysis, by determining oil’s acid • Moisture analysis: Water in oil • Analytical ferrography: Ferrous
corrosion. It also reveals the underlying number (AN) and base number (BN), – whether free, emulsified, or solids are separated from the
condition of many critical engine and we understand its concentration of dissolved – corrodes and can cause lubricant and then analyzed by
acidic components (organic acids irreparable damage. When moisture
auxiliary components. created by oil oxidation and some is combined with other contaminants
trained analysts to better understand
their source and cause.
additives) and basic components its effects are even worse. Moisture • Elemental analysis: A fundamental
(e.g., some detergent additives). analysis can catch this early on. test that reveals the presence of
Through a range of tests, lube oil • FTIR: Fourier transform infrared • Patch test: Patch microscopy can 15-25 different elements stemming
(FTIR) spectroscopy discovers and quickly reveal oil contamination by
monitoring and analysis reveal assesses multiple common comparing in-line oil samples with a
from wear metals, contaminant
metals, and oil additives.
information about three important contaminants, lube degradation catalog of standard patches. Visual
byproducts, and additives. examination of particle morphology
categories of anomalies that both affect • Elemental analysis: A fundamental can also reveal the source of
the lubricant’s performance and indicate test that reveals the presence of observed particles.
15-25 different elements stemming • Flash point: An oil sample’s flash
engine and/or auxiliary issues that from wear metals, contaminant point is the lowest temperature at
require maintenance: fluid properties, metals, and oil additives. which its vapors will ignite under
specified conditions. Oil diluted
contamination, and wear debris. during long use by fuel or water has
a lower flash point than non-diluted
oil and can reveal contamination from
solvents and antifreezes, thermal
failure, and mixed or wrong oils.
6 MAN Energy Solutions
Continuous lube oil monitoring white paper 7


Fuel oil change management is key to As owners and operators worldwide 2020 2030 2040 2050

decarbonization, and condition transition to these future fuels with a

monitoring is key to fuel oil change lower carbon footprint, understanding Learn more about
management. Already today, many the consequences of these new fuels decarbonization and
alternatives to traditional heavy fuel for of both two-stroke and four-stroke future fuels here.
oil are gaining momentum, including: engines will be critical.

• MGO, ULSFO, VLSFO Condition monitoring of key engine

• LNG, SNG, biogas parameters – especially lube oil
• Ammonia condition monitoring – provides an
• Hydrogen early warning system to enable
• Methanol discovery of any negative effects of
A helpful tool in times of change: • Biofuels these new fuels.

Are your engines

Learn more about
• Electric compliance with the
Energy Efficiency eXisiting
ship Index (EEXI) here.

ready for the future? DIGITALIZATION

Operators of land-based high-value MAN experts are already ahead of the

engines, such as power plants, have curve on the key issues facing owners
already digitalized many aspects of who want to harness the power of
condition monitoring. Now, enabled lube oil condition monitoring to prepare
Engine condition monitoring will be by better connectivity, Industry 4.0 is for the future, now:
also sailing into the maritime industry
increasingly important in coming at full speed. • Increasing efficiency and lowering
years, and lube oil monitoring will be OPEX to improve competitiveness
As engine owners and operators • Smooth transition to predictive
especially critical. increasingly rely on the many benefits maintenance regimes
of digitalization and automation, • Alarms and automations that
smarter condition monitoring compliment and support reduced
This smart technology will play an will be an essential part of many staff levels
forward-thinking solutions. • Compliance with transnational
essential role in maintaining and certification society
competitiveness and reducing OPEX as Condition monitoring of some of the standards
industry’s most valuable assets – two • Standalone and
operators adapt to two mega-trends: and four-stroke engines – will be pivotal cloud-connected solutions
Learn more about how
MAN is helping the maritime
decarbonization and digitalization. in successful digitalization strategies. • Cybersecurity and data protection industry’s digital
transformation here.
8 MAN Energy Solutions
Continuous lube oil monitoring white paper 9

A helpful
Always on,
in times
of change:

Continuous lube oil


monitoring is a powerful What: Intermittent analysis of the

lubricant’s physical and chemical
What: Non-stop monitoring of the
lubricant’s physical and chemical

supplement to traditional
properties, contamination, and properties, contamination, and
wear debris wear debris

How: Lube oil samples are tapped from How: Sensors installed in the engine

periodic analysis
the engine at fixed intervals or ad hoc, collect data from the lube oil that is
then sent to and analyzed in offsite labs. algorithmically analyzed to display
always-up-to-date information and to
trigger alarms if predetermined
thresholds are met.

When: While engine operating When: Constantly

recommendations vary, most recommend CONTINUOUS LUBE OIL
lube oil analysis every 500 running hours. MONITORING PROACTIVELY
For engines that only operate PREVENTS PROBLEMS BEFORE
periodically, such as gen-sets, monthly THEY OCCUR
lube oil analyses are normally prescribed.
• Powerful diagnostics:
Monitors key lube oil parameters
Strengths: Provides the broadest and Strengths: Monitoring is continuous, that reveal critical oil and rotating
deepest array of diagnostic tests so data always represent the current part anomalies
condition of the lube oil in real-time;
Operators that supplement periodic monitoring also occurs in high-risk periods • Always on: Vigilant around the
such as cold starts after maintenance; clock– especially helpful in critical
monitoring with real-time continuous enables fast remedial reaction; diagnostic periods such as cold starts
monitoring achieve the best of both information paves the way to predictive
maintenance regimes for the engine and • Real time: Radically shortens the
worlds. its auxiliaries time between diagnostic insight
and remedial action
Weaknesses: Monitoring is not Weaknesses: Provides a narrower
Continuous lube oil analysis is a constant, so samples do not array of diagnostic tests and less detail • Simple to install: Easy to retrofit
necessarily represent the real-time han periodic analyses. For example, or integrate into new builds
powerful way to detect small anomalies condition of the lube oil; samples periodic lube oil analyses detect smaller
and nip emerging problems in the bud. are not normally taken in higher-risk contaminant and debris particles than • Simple to use: Easy to
periods such as cold starts after continuous lube oil monitoring. configure and calibrate, intuitive
It provides vital diagnostic information maintenance; diagnostic information multi-lingual interface
at all times, including during high-risk does not enable predictivemaintenance
regimes for the engine or its auxiliaries.
situations such as cold starts.

Periodic lube oil analysis compliments

this non-stop vigilance with depper
analyses that broaden operators’
understanding of the oil’s properties
and what these reveal about the engine
and its auxiliaries.
10 MAN Energy Solutions
Continuous lube oil monitoring white paper 11

Ideal for retrofits and new builds: How MAN lube oil monitoring works

It’s simple to add 1 COLLECT DATA


continuous lube oil


• Two simple hydraulic connections • Robust processing based on the • Information visualizations

draw lube oil for condition monitoring CANopen communication protocol • Daily, weekly, and monthly trend
• Two powerful sensors – specially • MAN’s patented algorithms compare analyses
adapted to MAN specifications – an- the monitored data with historical • Alarms and alerts based on
alyze the oil and generate data on and baseline data and asset-specific configurable thresholds that can be
key condition parameters thresholds to provide insights into delivered to any connected mobile
o Sensor 1: Fluid properties critical parameter status and trends device as well as the system’s
and contamination • The algorithms organize data into primary display
o Sensor 2: Debris from wear clear diagnostic codes that facilitate • Stop recommendations based on
and pollutants quick troubleshooting configurable thresholds
• One or multiple engines can be • Automated stops based on
monitored on a stand-alone basis or configurable thresholds
connect to local and/or remote • Onsite touchscreen display with
supervision systems configurable interface

A helpful tool in times of change:

Integration of MAN Fluid Monitor for lube oil Learn more about the
integration of MFM

SHORT VIDEO TO Filter Branch pipe Ideal for both onsite & remote supervision

MAN Fluid Monitor
Installation of continuous lube oil Once installed, MAN Fluid Monitor is an
monitoring is easy for operators of easy-to-use digital system that allows Turbocompressor Engine
Measuring Monitoring
four-stroke engines. For retrofits, operators to learn gradually how to panel panel
installation and calibration typically make optimal use of powerful analytical
take less than a day and require only data for smarter maintenance.
a few simple connections that can
usually be made without shutting First, operators simply use a range of
down the engine. helpful, pre-set diagnostic codes that Watch this video to
improve their ability to react to emerging discover MAN Fluid Monitor
In fact, since installation is so simple – problems in a timely manner. for lube oil in action
and because cold re-starts account for
a full 50% of the damages that occur As they become more familiar with the Pump
to high-value rotating equipment system and get better at understanding Main lube oil system The lube oil is oriented, before filtration, to the measuring panel through a branch pipe
– MAN Energy Solutions utilizes it in the trends that it reveals, operators MAN Fluid Monitor for lube oil system The lube oil is measured permantly through sensors
testbeds when building new engines can then use the diagnostic data more Electrical connection The data is instantly transferred to the monitoring panel
and MAN PrimeServ utilizes it during proactively and predictively. Ethernet connection The display screen constantly shows the levels of lube oil degradation and contamination and raises an alarm in the event of a deviation
major maintenance operations that The lube oil is returned to the equipment’s main lube oil system
require engine re-starts.
12 MAN Energy Solutions
Continuous lube oil monitoring white paper 13

A helpful
Insight tool
and in timesat
expertise ofyour

You can count on

MAN to do this right
MAN is a unique position to understand • We are an OEM that designs and Based on data from more than 30,000 LEARN HOW CONTINUOUS
manufactures engines, and have events collected across the entire LUBE OIL MONITORING
the significance of lube oil for deep, decades-long insight into spectrum of our businesses, we are PREVENTED MAJOR DAMAGE
high-value engines – and to develop engine construction, operation, and confident in emphasizing the significance ABOARD LA GIROLATA
maintenance. of lube oil monitoring over the lifetime
innovative lube oil monitoring and other • As a service provider, we maintain of high-value engines. Half of all the La Méridionale operates ferries
data-supported tools. our own and third-party OEM engines engine damage that we see can be between Marseilles, Corsica and
through our MAN PrimeServ division, directly attributed to the condition of Morocco. With four ships, 19 weekly
and have broad experience in lube oil, and more than two-thirds of all routes, and nearly 200,000 annual
corrective, preventive, conditional, engine anomalies that we encounter passengers, reliability and efficiency
and predictive maintenance regimes. can be detected in lube oil. are essential to the French
• MAN has extensive experience in fluid company’s success.
analysis, including periodic lube oil SEAMLESS INTEGRATION
analysis, through MAN PrimeServ Lab. WITH OTHER MAN PRODUCTS Always on the lookout for innovations
• MAN has pioneered continuous lube AND SERVICES that can improve operational efficiency,
oil monitoring through our proven MAN La Méridionale was an early adapter
Fluid Monitor portfolio. Now available Of course, MAN’s Fluid Monitoring of MANs lube oil monitoring solution
for four-stroke main and auxiliary system can be fully integrated with and installed it on one of it ferries, La
engines, we are also developing other MAN products and services. Girolata.Just a few weeks after
solutions for two-stroke engines. installation, the monitor proved its
• R&D for our continuous lube oil • MAN Fluid Monitoring works worth by discovering water leakage in
analysis solution is based on close seamlessly with the MAN one of La Girolata’s two main engines.
collaboration with our intra-company Multifunctional Monitoring System to
experts, customers using our own integrate lube oil condition data with According to La Méridionale’s
and third-party engines, and the other crucial operating data such as technical manager, Christophe
world’s leading manufacturers of crank pin lube oil temperature, main Séguinot, continuous lube oil
high-quality sensors. MAN engineers bearing and crankcase pressure, monitoring prevented major damage:
are continuously developing engine and turbocharger speeds, “Thanks to detection in real time, the
integrated solutions based on exhaust gas and fluid temperature engine was immediately stopped,
sensors and AI to improve both and pressure, and more investigation was carried out, and
preventive and predictive and • MAN Fluid Monitoring integrates the problem was solved. The cause
maintenance. effortlessly with MAN PrimeServ was water leaking through a defect
Assist for remote supervision and cylinder head gasket. Once that was
support via MAN CEON for fixed, we were able to restart the
secured-cloud operating data. engine without any disturbance to the
commercial operation of the ship.”

Learn more about our Contact MAN to learn how continuous Download and read
MAN Fluid Monitor solution lube oil monitoring can work for you the entire case here
MAN Energy Solutions
44600 Saint-Nazaire, France
P + 33 240 90 65 00

All data provided in this document

is non-binding. This data serves
informa­tional purposes only and is not
guaranteed in any way. Depending on
the subsequent specific indivdual
projects, the relevant data may be
subject toa changes and will be
assessed and determined individually
for each project. This will depend on
the particular characteristics of each
individual project, especially specific
site and operational conditions.

Copyright @MAN Energy Solutions
No77_EN Sep. 2022 - Printed in
MAN PrimeServ – the service brand of MAN Energy Solutions France - GKM - FR

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