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Allen Joshua S. Labitad Sonvent Jhon Orpilla

BSCS Student BSCS Student
Gango, Libona, Bukidnon Canitoan, Cagayan de Oro
09262358320 Telephone number, incl. country code


ABSTRACT immersive and exciting believable world that the computer
In this paper, the researchers have conducted the study of
“VIRTUAL REALITY“ Which is connected to the researcher’s
subject. The chosen topic is decided due to it’s use of technology
which is mostly being used to these days. The introduction of this What we know today as VR, has been existing for decades
paper is about the background of virtual reality and what is virtual now. Taking you back to when 360° paintings took the world by
reality or how did virtual reality had been invented. surprise, giving a virtual element. VR merely is ‘The Wise Guy’
of the digital world. It creates a world which neither functions
Then, the body of the paper does consist of various things such as according to you, nor does it respond to your actions. It gives you
citation and explanations that supports the research paper. Also, a first-hand experience with even the after-effects of an event
the main topic will be discussed within this part of the research along with the ability to interact and interrelate with the world
paper. After narrowing down the topics and citations at the body. created.
We then now proceed to the conclusion.
The conclusion does give a lot of more defined keywords and
does remind you of what the topic is all about as the research This technology holds vast potential insights into the workings of
paper is coming into an end. Then we will get into the last part the Human Brain. According to researchers and medical
which is the reference area where we will paste the used link as specialists, VRs have the ability to diagnose medical conditions
we make this research paper. from social anxiety to chronic pain. Though the use of VR to
tweak the brain is still at a budding stage. While most people were
too engrossed in its advancements and leap in the gaming and
exploring the industry, many are unaware of its achievements in
1. INTRODUCTION the health sector. VRs have been successfully treating post-
Virtual reality is a computer-generated environment with scenes traumatic stress disorder since the 1990s, the new programs thus
and \\objects that appear to be real, making the user feel they are address a much broader range of conditions. The VR content
immersed in their surroundings. This environment is perceived exposes the patients to a virtual, safe and controlled environment
through a device 1 known as a Virtual Reality headset or helmet. where they can explore and eventually learn that the threats they
(iberddroda, 2022) are worried about can be tackled patiently with time, thinking and
VR displays are available in various forms. Ranging from the
Imagination is to Technology as Fuel is to Fire. Imagination
ones that already contain the display, splitting the feed for each
and purpose together drive technology. It is due to these that
eye using a cable to transfer the feed to the console, to the more
technology today is evolving at an exponential rate. Virtual
affordable ones which depend upon the VR mode and applications
Reality on one hand places the viewer inside a moment or a place,
on Smartphones. The HTC Vive, the Oculus Rift and Sony
made possible by visual and sound technology that manoeuvres
PlayStation VR are a few of the head-mounts that use this setup.
the brain into believing it is somewhere else. It is an experience of
One can create one’s own Virtual Reality Box at home, along with
a world that does not exist. Sounds cool, right?!
a smartphone-compatible with the VR mode. Irrespective of the
use, Virtual Reality produces a set of data that can be used to
develop models, communication, training methods and
Virtual Reality tricks one’s mind using computers that allow interaction. In simple words, the possibilities are endless.
one to experience and more interestingly, interact with a 3D (GeeksforGeeks, @anikait8900,)
world. This is made possible by putting on a head-mounted
display which sends a form of input tracking. The display is split
between the eyes and thus creates a stereoscopic 3D effect with
stereo sound to give you a graphic experience. The technology
feeds in the images of the objects taken at slightly different angles
which creates an impression of depth and solidity. The LCD or
OLED panels inside are refracted by lenses completely fills the
field of vision with what is to be displayed and experienced.
Together with the technology and the input tracking, it creates an
military simulation that would later advance the development of
virtual reality.

Sensory stimulation was a promising method for creating virtual

2. BODY environments before the use of computers. After the release of a
promotional film called This Is Cinerama (1952), the
cinematographer Morton Heilig became fascinated with Cinerama
virtual reality (VR), the use of computer modeling and simulation and 3-D movies. Like Waller, he studied human sensory signals
that enables a person to interact with an artificial three- and illusions, hoping to realize a “cinema of the future.” By late
dimensional (3-D) visual or other sensory environment. VR 1960, Heilig had built an individual console with a variety of
applications immerse the user in a computer-generated inputs—stereoscopic images, motion chair, audio, temperature
environment that simulates reality through the use of interactive changes, odours, and blown air—that he patented in 1962 as the
devices, which send and receive information and are worn as Sensorama Simulator, designed to “stimulate the senses of an
goggles, headsets, gloves, or body suits. In a typical VR format, a individual to simulate an actual experience realistically.” During
user wearing a helmet with a stereoscopic screen views animated the work on Sensorama, he also designed the Telesphere Mask, a
images of a simulated environment. The illusion of “being there” head-mounted “stereoscopic 3-D TV display” that he patented in
(telepresence) is effected by motion sensors that pick up the user’s 1960. Although Heilig was unsuccessful in his efforts to market
movements and adjust the view on the screen accordingly, usually Sensorama, in the mid-1960s he extended the idea to a
in real time (the instant the user’s movement takes place). Thus, a multiviewer theatre concept patented as the Experience Theater
user can tour a simulated suite of rooms, experiencing changing and a similar system called Thrillerama for the Walt Disney
viewpoints and perspectives that are convincingly related to his Company.
own head turnings and steps. Wearing data gloves equipped with
force-feedback devices that provide the sensation of touch, the
user can even pick up and manipulate objects that he sees in the
virtual environment. The term virtual reality was coined in 1987
by Jaron Lanier, whose research and engineering contributed a
number of products to the nascent VR industry.


Artists, performers, and entertainers have always been interested

in techniques for creating imaginative worlds, setting narratives in
fictional spaces, and deceiving the senses. Numerous precedents
for the suspension of disbelief in an artificial world in artistic and There are also 3 different types of this the following are: Virtual
entertainment media preceded virtual reality. Illusionary spaces reality, Augmented reality, Mixed reality. So the Virtual reality is
created by paintings or views have been constructed for already been explained. Though what could be the definition or
residences and public spaces since antiquity, culminating in the background of these two?
monumental panoramas of the 18th and 19th centuries. Panoramas
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience that
blurred the visual boundaries between the two-dimensional
combines the real world and computer-generated content. The
images displaying the main scenes and the three-dimensional
content can span multiple sensory modalities, including visual,
spaces from which these were viewed, creating an illusion of
auditory, haptic, somatosensory and olfactory.[1] AR can be
immersion in the events depicted. This image tradition stimulated
defined as a system that incorporates three basic features: a
the creation of a series of media—from futuristic theatre designs,
combination of real and virtual worlds, real-time interaction, and
stereopticons, and 3-D movies to IMAX movie theatres—over the
accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects.[2] The
course of the 20th century to achieve similar effects. For example,
overlaid sensory information can be constructive (i.e. additive to
the Cinerama widescreen film format, originally called Vitarama
the natural environment), or destructive (i.e. masking of the
when invented for the 1939 New York World’s Fair by Fred
natural environment).[3] This experience is seamlessly
Waller and Ralph Walker, originated in Waller’s studies of vision
interwoven with the physical world such that it is perceived as an
and depth perception. Waller’s work led him to focus on the
immersive aspect of the real environment.[3] In this way,
importance of peripheral vision for immersion in an artificial
augmented reality alters one's ongoing perception of a real-world
environment, and his goal was to devise a projection technology
environment, whereas virtual reality completely replaces the user's
that could duplicate the entire human field of vision. The
real-world environment with a simulated one.[4][5]
Vitarama process used multiple cameras and projectors and an
arc-shaped screen to create the illusion of immersion in the space
perceived by a viewer. Though Vitarama was not a commercial Augmented reality is largely synonymous with mixed reality.
hit until the mid-1950s (as Cinerama), the Army Air Corps There is also overlap in terminology with extended reality and
successfully used the system during World War II for anti-aircraft computer-mediated reality.
training under the name Waller Flexible Gunnery Trainer—an
example of the link between entertainment technology and
The primary value of augmented reality is the manner in which Carlos; Bruno, Fabio; Muzzupappa, Maurizio; Otaduy,
components of the digital world blend into a person's perception Miguel A. (January 2013))
of the real world, not as a simple display of data, but through the
integration of immersive sensations, which are perceived as
natural parts of an environment. The earliest functional AR Virtual Reality is currently one of the most powerful tools within
systems that provided immersive mixed reality experiences for the 3D industry. The more capacity the teams and the technology
users were invented in the early 1990s, starting with the Virtual have to develop more realistic and impressive immersive
Fixtures system developed at the U.S. Air Force's Armstrong experiences, the more uses we find for it in diverse professional
Laboratory in 1992.[3][6][7] Commercial augmented reality fields.
experiences were first introduced in entertainment and gaming
businesses.[8] Subsequently, augmented reality applications have
spanned commercial industries such as education, This time, from forma’s blog we want to review the various
communications, medicine, and entertainment. In education, professional areas that can benefit from using virtual reality.
content may be accessed by scanning or viewing an image with a
mobile device or by using markerless AR techniques.[9][10][11]
Use of virtual reality in medicine

Augmented reality is used to enhance natural environments or This is currently one of the most favoured fields. Thanks to the
situations and offer perceptually enriched experiences. With the use of virtual reality, the medicine reaches a higher degree of
help of advanced AR technologies (e.g. adding computer vision, efficiencyand becomes a powerful ally in the operating rooms, for
incorporating AR cameras into smartphone applications and example.
object recognition) the information about the surrounding real
world of the user becomes interactive and digitally manipulated.
Virtual reality is used in medicine in simulations to train doctors,
Information about the environment and its objects is overlaid on
surgery, phobia treatments and psychological traumas; it is also
the real world. This information can be virtual. Augmented
used for pain control, thanks to distraction techniques.
Reality is any experience which is artificial and which adds to the
already existing reality.[12][13][14][15][16] or real, e.g. seeing
other real sensed or measured information such as electromagnetic An example of the use of virtual reality in medicine is the one
radio waves overlaid in exact alignment with where they actually shown in this episode of The good doctor, in which two of the
are in space.[17][18][19] Augmented reality also has a lot of characters use virtual reality to guide themselves and train as if
potential in the gathering and sharing of tacit knowledge. they were really operating.
Augmentation techniques are typically performed in real time and
in semantic contexts with environmental elements. Immersive Use of virtual reality in training
perceptual information is sometimes combined with supplemental
information like scores over a live video feed of a sporting event. A more popular use of virtual reality is military training. These
This combines the benefits of both augmented reality technology professionals can so improve their abilities and train their skills in
and heads up display technology (HUD). (Cipresso, Pietro; a save environment. They simulate different scenarios, as if they
Giglioli, Irene Alice Chicchi; Raya, iz; Riva, Giuseppe (7 were in a real battle field, with the advantage, though, that they
December 2011). can increase the training frequency at a lower cost than if they
were in a real training field.
Mixed reality (MR) is a term used to describe the merging of a
real-world environment and a computer-generated one. Physical Apart from the on site training, virtual reality is also used for
and virtual objects may co-exist in mixed reality environments training pilots thanks to flight simulation. Some of the big
and interact in real time. Mixed reality is largely synonymous advantages of using virtual reality in aerial training are the
with augmented reality. reduction of transfer time between land and real flight training,
safety, being this system cheaper and less polluting.

Mixed reality that incorporates haptics has sometimes been Use of virtual reality in education
referred to as Visuo-haptic mixed reality.[1][2]
The possibilities of virtual reality in the field of education are
In a physics context, the term "interreality system" refers to a endless and allow creating new educating models that are
virtual reality system coupled with its real-world counterpart.[3] changing the way we teach, independently from the learners’ age.
A 2007 paper describes an interreality system comprising a real One of the most frequent uses is architectural models or human
physical pendulum coupled to a pendulum that only exists in body parts visualization, in relation to the above mentioned uses
virtual reality.[4] This system has two stable states of motion: a of virtual reality in medicine.
"Dual Reality" state in which the motion of the two pendula are
uncorrelated, and a "Mixed Reality" state in which the pendula Use of virtual reality in tourism
exhibit stable phase-locked motion, which is highly correlated.
The use of the terms "mixed reality" and "interreality" is clearly
Virtual reality is used in tourism to carry out visits as if the
defined in the context of physics and may be slightly different in
visitors were actually in the place they are seeing.
other fields, however, it is generally seen as, "bridging the
physical and virtual world".[5] ( Cosco, Francesco; Garre,
One of the most remarkable uses of virtual reality takes place in THANK YOU!
museums, as it allows easily putting the art works into context and
improves the message to be transmitted. In this sense, virtual
reality provides dynamism and interaction, improves the visitors’
experience and attracts visitors that may have perceived museums
as boring places before.

In the case of guided tours through architectural ruins or natural

spaces, virtual reality brings plasticity and aesthetic beauty. Plus,
it preserves objects and buildings thanks to a lower erosion.

Use of virtual reality in leisure and entertainment

The use ofvirtual reality in videogames is the most common use

for the general public. It is also the fastest growing market in the
three last decades and its fans can spend huge amounts of money
in order to gather any required element to experience a full

Although medicine, training and tourism are nowadays gaining

ground in relation to the gaming industry, this has made a
qualitative step forward thanks to devices such asSamsung Gear
VR, Oculus VR, PlayStation VRand HTC Viveamong others.

Last but not least, it is worth highlighting that virtual reality

applied to the fashion industry has meant a revolution, bringing
the most exclusives catwalks to the mass audience.

At formaVR, we are experts in developing tailor-made virtual

reality experiences. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you
would like to have more details or want to get a deeper knowledge
in virtual reality.
(By formadisseny, August 29, 2018)


Therefore, I conclude that Virtual reality is mostly one of the most

powerful 3D technology as of now. Also, Virtual reality is helpful
in each and every field of work such as in medical field, science,
and especially in technology. It helps the people to develop more
knowledge and new things to discover.
In the most people’s mind, the recognition for VR technology
stays on the stage when using VR glasses to view virtual space.
Every VR-related things we see today is only a small part of VR.
Though VR has a great potential and bright future, it’s still
uncertain whether VR technology could be popular in our life.
The wide function of VR is its software application. To lead users
experiencing different virtual spaces, it relies on more than just
these VR shooting devices or displaying devices, but on whether
technicians in various industries can build different virtual spaces
according to various needs to service the public. (Liza Brown,

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reality#ref253103 
 conclusion.html
introduction/ 

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