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‘your old Transparent Language directory into the Titles folder in your c Titles may ot may not have logs to use with Conversation Practice, Titles from Version 3 or earlier with the icon PE LanguageNow! Version 6. cannot be ran by ich you purchased before 6, do the following to make sure that ks to LanguageNow! Vers + GrammarPro!* 1.0: R Location box on the Install screen, select your new Transparent umaePro!®, Whe Location, choose your ent Language folder. The GrammatPro!® instalation will create a folder called Transparent Language 5.0 within your Transparent Language folder. Open this Transparent Language 5.0 folder and copy the TLQuiz. into your Transparent Language folder. Then drag all in the Extras folder in the Transparent Language sour Transparent Language ‘amessage that some ‘moving. Click OK to says Install sp for information specifically nus LanguayeNow! versions what's LanguageNow! topic on the contents page of the Help file Instaiuaron Guoe | a Runninc LancuaceNow!— {7 3 Winpows AND MacintosH 2. Launch the program. + Windows 95: Choose Start / Programs / Transparent Language / LanguageNow!, + Windows 3.1: Double-click the LanguageNow! icon in yout Transparent Language program group. *+ Macintosh: Double-click the LanguageNow! icon in your ‘Transparent Language folder. & Click” Main Sereen appears. From there, do one ot lowing + Click Open a Title to open a Title. These foreign language texts are the heart of LanguageNo + Click Getting Started for ideas on what to do first LanguageNow! LanguageNow!® has an extensive on-line Help file wi CTD Hyon" confused anguageNow!, the on-line Help detailed ideas about what * efbts to aay Now! patkage—SpanishNNow'!, FrenchNNow!, ‘Ghapren 3: Runune LansuaeNow! 9 SSL a jmonsoynonry Survasn =z AaLavID onus “ion gouarg ‘yjaonusyundg—uUUEIOOR BINg doxs ‘pouNaHALIDAO [995 NOK I] « “mow .Hop nos sxapay ue uo day 205 souarapy reqeudty tp asn Soqeuee sorursun ue yp Sonic] og "usyo avadde yy gpuoa aztoaat ye TOK WoOS ng “PIO 42349 305 409] 0 any At Nok 55g ay ‘sUOHE|SHEN WouUTOS pus log amp 7 7001 ‘NOW ,Wop nos spION JO “pK mH BuypEAD UNIS. + sweioxdjssonfenan7 oy 30 pue oBonBuy amo Soseg amp oy wo ssonponur odo si, “joNeBeiue Jo Waou09 renteo am st aon y (1 aed) Geypumszopuy smog Wa, « 1 sfod) seams Buu) + 8d) oBunueT yy UNE 1 ed) 1 Avg pur Tawa « (£1 9808) spaog, a1 BupHION + (1 a80a) sopu0 Suv uy sas Kpapoe soy omy 0} Uo 08 “EEA af gEHOTLIOD [29] ‘nod HoH) ISIE 198 GtANoe sup oG—Surpueysuepuy pue Surpusy :s40[9q 798 KANE Ue A800 “uoqssas yx9U NOE JOy SYPOA Sanne uowp kop au0 smog BurKpras £9 ae suOISsas WOYS ‘quonbaxy ys ouoUd wave] [Ho nog “MEN w 7 SeyMUTU CT C3] 4 20} Kop Joo Aton 10 Kup Krone wrosfoud amp 957) jssaxoxd Fy screen appears. By default, in CAPROGRAM FILES\TLNTLE for accept this directory. Accept the default directory or click Browse to select a new one, ten click Next. fall the Alphabet Reference on your hard drive cr to leave it on the CD-ROM, then click Next. If you choose Yes, ‘you need approximately 4 MB of extra disk space, but the reference. can be run without the CD in the drive, IF you choose No, you must run the reference from the CD. 6. Click OK when you see the message that setup is complete 7. Your LanguageNow! CD must be in the drive to hear sound and see ‘video or illustrations for the Titles listed on the CD. If you do not want to see the setup screen every time you use the CD with these Titles, go ‘back to the setup screen and check Don’t show this screen again. From the setup sereen, you can also click Go to wwwatranspar- ‘ to visit the Transparent Language web ste installation, see TD Hyow have wonble wit “Troubleshooting” on page 17. See “Running LanguageNow!” ‘on page 9 for instructions on starting the program, or check cout the “Getting Started” Help file. New Titles—Windows Launch LanguageNow!* and go tothe Main Seren, (The Min Screen appears when you open LanguageNow!. To get to it from anywhere else in the program, choose File / Go to Main.) Insert the Title CD-ROM into your CD-ROM dive, Choose File / Install a New Title, The Install a Title box appears. ‘Where it says Look in, select the drive you are installing from In the Title box, you will see the name of the Title. Select this Title and click OK. (If you are reinstalling an older Title created for Versions 4 or 5 of LanguageNow!, you may lave to open the TLA sub- directory on the CD before you see the name of the Tile.) TD Tits eat before Version 4 cannot be read by Version 6 sand do not appear inthe Install a Title box. yaey + CanguageNow!™ refers to any Now package—SpanishNow!", Frenchtow'!#, RussienNow!”, ec, 4 _hsauanow Guwe Working with Words LanguageNow! has many ways to help you focus on specific words. + Reread your section of the Title. When you see an interesting word, ‘ora word you don't know, make it a CeckWord, Click on each, CheckWord in the Check Word tab to see it in context inthe Title, This step fixes the words in your mind. Find each CheckWord in the text and attach « Note to help you remember its meaning, It may look lke « related English word, or remind you of a silly pun or rhyme. Print your CheckWord and Note Lists to study away from the computer. ‘Open the Sound Palette and listen to each CheckWord. Use ‘SlowSound to listen closely to each sound, Set the SlowSound rate to a comfortable pace. Pronounce your CheckWords with the Sound Palette. Look at the context and meaning of each word as you say it. Compare your pro- nunciation to the native speaker’. For help with the sound of indi- vidual letters, use the Alphabet Reference. Reinforce listening, spelling, and speaking skills by using the Listen and Speak Sereens to practice Word Dictation and Word heckWords. Don’t wony if your wave- speaker's exactly; variation is normal ‘Try to get the same general pattem, Play Crosswords with your CheckWords. Use sound and clues when needed. Crosswords is good for beginners: the format is familiar, translations and sound are available, and each word helps with con- nected words, Play Vocabulous!® with your CheckWord List. Use the Information windows and sound when needed. + Hide the Word Meaning window, Read your section using just the Segment translations for help. Figure out which words mean what in the Segment, Restore the Word Meaning window to check your + Reread your section ofthe Title. Many Check Words will now be familiar. ear It and Say Tt ‘Communication isthe goal of learning a foreign language. These activities prepare you for conversation by helping you understand and speak more than oné word ata time, + Reread your section of the ‘Title. Listen tothe words continuously as you read. Adjust the Word Pace if needed. This step helps you ais0- ‘ite the spoken word with its written form. Use SlowSouad to lis- ten closely to each sound, ‘CHAPTER 4; Gernne SraéD 13 € _SSULL any jmonao¥noHry MAH) 7 2 MoM ESSE, “simonemonaig‘sinonreunds—afeyoud oN Ae SE asco 'SZguLNN SUNTEISUE TONY "Te 0} jaMONEUNEL"] orto HO OT ‘o1oyat) axe'dnyos\ L4SIP\SZEUI\ meron UT TE SOPHIA « ‘9A iMoNeBenBue mabuome sreadte toaros dnyos OU, +56 SMOPTIAL + SBupnoyioy tp Jo ou oq ‘wopeyesut Sup pasn st a) say om Aquo “Zp 200 eM azOUE HO saUOD tresBoud jaoNoReNsTET M04 Jy ‘eaup aqwndordde ow ur WHOW-CO *iMONSONTUT] SmopuIMm—9 UoIsien jMoNabenbuey | uuotp *(@Atp a 2d “uny / Wersuy > jmonoBendtur'y ay, “n0K op —~imonssenduv' Jo suo) PUAE—SOPEL MON BuEISUY + YsoNUIDeW——9 uoHIgA jwoNSBeNsUey SuNTEISUT + SMOPUTA\—|uonosienduvr] Jo suo‘r9A snopvate Wows Bayes SMOpULA—senLL MON FuNESH] + OPULN—D UOIStA jsoNoBeNsuey FueAsuT + suomenis Sumoq[oy a9) 3 suopINNSUY UoRETTEISUT ae MOTE, Sal NV | iMONJDVNONV] ONITIVISN] Yad VHD} | 1 uayss poe WaA2ITP JOIST PLOA\OAN ® PLING 01 JOOY PULY / PUL 211 + ‘puowt v oquionay 0} Kea v yo un nok sdyay owe’ ox JE ION v aE “POPOEUE ‘Ways punos pun SOPHIA UORBULOU amp Osp,“g|sOOTNAUOOA AVL « ‘plow paraautuoo Wt sax] PIO. ow ‘am punos puv suone|suey Sf Sp1oMss8012) "popaots way Son} ‘qog Jo apne B S90p & *faNqROOA PLEA} onan op uo o} Koss Buypmatas pure ung sf woes ‘quan nod aAu8 yeXN syuoMog Jo spION IH doy Joy aN 9m 01 4a sng ‘pros, A2ox9 pueysiopun jo sao anos tse ap, ofp OF UIST] = somyeay jmonoBenBue'y oO ‘1p 1pm pasa way Joo) uA x Us aq WED I sUORIE ppv ‘saumso8 ‘sjuacraaous diy 1a Sonny ayp 20u9 -Hrdxo nok so] o9pt4 tsnontinto9 10 ueMBag Ka UPA OapIA 1a8 COPIA ayy uodo ‘Ay, ooptA v Bupsn ame NOK JT "+ soywods aanu omy jo ump. a 4 squauifag counouosd o} anarea punog sag v Jo ured se quassyIp punos war jourtag £q avawog Op, 1p OF UIST + yeotro8 oures amp yo 0} Aa, 12k ‘Apouxo s,taquods anpeu oyp YareUN 3,usDOP WLIO} Snow j,uog “wonerounuarg PON Wwods pu wns] ‘it pure ante punog orp Tpit sjasmMO€ spION ay) souNoUoLE uo) ‘spon uaxods Sarztuo2ar uo Sn90¥ 0} NOTEIC| PION 2aHOKI + wuuou st awa 10k + Play Plug-n-Play. This challenging game has no translations, so use the context of the Segments to determine whic word goes where, Gaining Grammar ule i less important than experiencing the lan- rnguage, you don’t think “I need the third person tense vert.” You fill in the word that sounds you may already have @ feel for the grammar of your foreign language. These activities strengthen that grammar knowl- edge. + To see grammar in the context of the language, read a section of the Title, paying attention to the comments in the Grammar window, Link to Grammar Basics to read about parts of speach. + Use Find / Grammar Link to find words of the same graminatical type and check them. View these CheckWords and make Notes about their si Do they have similar endings or prefixes? Do they appear in similar situations? Ate they in the same position in a sentence? Print your Note List to study. Hide the Grammar window and try to find several words of the same type without using Find Link. Check these words, then restore the Grammar window to verify your answers, Play Crosswords and Vocabulous!® using a Part of Speech as the Segment Range. Focus on endings, prefixes, or other elements that ‘mark the words as being a certain type. ‘+ Hide the Grammar and Root Word windows. Guess the part of speech of several words and type your answers in the Note window. For conjugated verbs, type the infinitive as well. Restore the hidden ‘windows and check your answers. Use Find Root to build a Check Word List of different forms of the same verb, Play Vocabulous!® with that list to practice verb conjuga- tions. Retum to the Title, find your CheckWords, and rewrite each ‘Segment in a different tense to practice more. + Play Plog-n-Play and Unscramble using your knowledge of gram- ‘mar to decide which word goes where. ‘Test Your Understanding ‘When you've worked with a Tile Jong enough to have & good grasp ofthe ‘meaning and vocabulary, you can test your understanding in many ways + Test your knowledge of how words work together by hiding the Segment translation, Read the Tile and type Notes with your own Segment translations, Restore the Segment window and check your understanding. Gamera 4: GeriNs Starreo 15 ‘mos uanedsman aay ‘8 G8AA PEM PEON 300 514 ‘wos yuamedsuen @ yoddns ‘woo uaredsuR @oput ‘woo'ymamdsuan vapid CONNRINT osze-sor (e09) IDL 6196-4 q ‘aNona 6LLC-S9F (609) wodng rwormpayyss0pI0 Berd ‘suorseas pue ‘suonsonb ‘squataroa ‘ya0qpacy nox 0} pmBa0y YOO] ipaxd sno Zuyxosdan Jo ssao0%d yenunuoo ay Jo Joadse yucodwm ysour OW st ySeqpoay sOUOIST:) aBenbuey yueredsuea 6un>e34U0> is Bupjrom pur ‘spares Buisooy9 an gosanof 9200 wey nok Jf Tamndua0d N04 30 nok seuunsse apm uoMD]POISUT STL, suasp s0yndwio> Man 0} 9}0N ¥ NIDIG NOA JNO YALdVHD) ‘woo quaredsueraauiiy/:dny ‘ays gaat oBeniue ywosvdsuey, 10 “SARL, MOK ©} we yom a sSuguvour stoyp 908 0} umafosd oxy asn nox stu axoU ap WAND 1 pe MOLE ,uOp NOK prom sVUE Os ‘SuORETSAEN OARH JOU S9OP paiuud ayy, 2yndwoo anos qe 29 3,109 nq aaqjoesd oy EA no ‘umn S940 AUP ‘SeAQns aM UC “Bupueysropum mos yoyo uv siopuyn uoneuoyy ip aoWsoy “pL, op UF suaddeg Tey ynoqe qui SaION 2tp UF SON aU ue TuOUIBEG YORE JO} OaPIA am Avi "sMopura, UONPEOJUL [Te 9PIY pur ApoU OAPLA “afenuny wpa} v uy asroAttao oy p2du nok sIPyS Fupods Jo puny amp uadinys 01 Aes wai w st asfazox0 ST jonesraAuo%) 35 suopuysuy mmo pur “smopuEls 2qf 2103891 0} UMEBE BLL WOOZ / MOIA 200U>) “AOU 3HH0P NOK sprout yay “wo nok se APL, a JO Yon se puay "2ou0 78 sMopuy voMeALLOFUT a1 Te APH o} BALL WOOT / MOIA 3800 + jo axogog peat on OAL, aM TUE + pa. ampang + re - Fonts Not Displayed. [ERBEleshooting windows Windows 95—Error: “Unable to start DDE communication with Program Manager” Solution: ly after Windows 95 restarts, so this error has no time to occur, Windows 95 or Windows 3.1—Error: “Code Base Error Solution: IfLs terminated, your database files 3. Restart LanguageNow! Windows 3.1—Error: “Your video driver cannot run the program.” OR Title opens with no video, Solution: Run Video for Windows ROM. up from the LanguageNow! CD- Note: Do not run lation in Windows 95. See the on-line Help ifyo have Windows 95 video problems. TP fist LanguageNow! CD in * LanguageNow!™ relers to any Now! RussiaaNow!™, te sunauniog 40 2, ysowupey Bupooyse|qnou, SOpUIA BUROOYsa/ANOUL * SNUOOHSTIBNOUL 3g YALdVH Ypeorddy uoysrouiun yngssaoons GRLUVIS ONLLISD) ty WALAVH djaH Buy[-Uo BuIss=2>y imonaben6ue Bujuuny HSOLNDVIAL ANY SMoaNi—iMONASYNONV] ONINNAY 1 NaLaVHD Lorene, ysCAUDRWHIMONABENBUEY 40 suo|si9q sno|nedd wos BuIpesBdn, YsoUDeW—sSORLL aN 6 ysoupeWy—9 uoIsian imonsben5ue) 6: SMOpUIM\—iMONOB SUOISIaA SMOINaIe WHOM, SMOPUIM—SONILL MON 6 STULL GNV jMONBOVNONY] ONITIVISN :Z HALdVHD ~~ aBen6ue quaredsued, Bure U0} “-si9s7) 4@ynduloD MBN 0} BON W DAG NOA INOS 2] NALAVHD sanp nowrmasiy at | oq nou ip woyy 4BBUE| Suorsuayxg / sjoued [OUD / 2915 *v Josue 6996 OST fa1O “ITO, saNW Old addy ‘280i Jo 18 10 at108 anvy ACU NOK “ss9099 2] uv ‘sde00y alg BUDIS UBIE ‘Sse09y ‘sse00¥ dD o1pny jy, a49 0 3 Heap ‘oH tuo payeato uo9q sey sopjoy afenuer] waradsue, ej. “1 Smyworoy 219 op ‘wonnjos, Syduna axe payvaso s19pI0p 249 40 (LEASH OF SOY gi NONDBENFUE] 10. ysowupen, Suncoissigeng onsBonBary P NOK IT ey 40} GI L1 pure woneyresur won roy EAE ZL S291 7 P9at OK "waains axp Jo wrowog auf we seq sme axp Jo FouI0 PUL sur ous aney jou Xe NOR uonnjos, muy au a YouE, £2024 —1E SHODUIAA jmonsReaine7 esting ode oy Un sop 18 unroud auyuuc9 30 aa(9cSu0o4 de wo p atoar eqearo ote Jes ARIZ SAOPULML :CORNIOS openers “wo9y oad HOMI—L'E SWOPULAA, © Copyright 1997, Transparent Language, Inc. and is licensors. All rights reserved. ‘Transparent Language, Ine. 22 Proctor Hill Rd. Post Ofice Box 575 New Hampshire, 03049 USA. “hupyiywmtransperenteom Part Number: UGO140060 10/97 ‘Transparent Language” is a registered trademark of Transparent Language, Ine. ‘This document contains other product and corporate names, which may’ be rade- ‘marks or registered trademarks of other companies, and which are used only for ‘explanation without inteat to infinge. Error: On-Line Help, Get the Sets dialog box, select All Off from the pop-up menu. c. Reselect your CD-ROM extensions from the Extensions list. ‘+ System 7.0 and 7.1 software: , Open your hard drive, then open your System fold er b, Find the Extensions (disabled) folder. If none exists, create one. ‘ Open the Extensions folder. Drag all extensions except your CD-ROM exter tothe Extensions (disabled) folder. 3, Restart your Macintosh and reinstall LanguageNow!, (Once LanguageNow! is installed, you can enable all your extensions again, ig Started, Grammar Basies, the Alphabet Reference, GrammarPro!* and WordAce!™ Fall to Launch Solution: If LanguageNow! Help, Getting Started, eps instead of launching the of ramamar Basics, the Alphal Reference, GrammarPro!* or WordAce!, you do not have enough memory avtilable. Do one or both ofthe following * Quit other applications running atthe same time as LanguageNow. + Use the Memory Control Pane totum on or increase ‘Virtual Memory, then restart the computer, aHSOLNIOV. HO ¢SMOGNIM HO4 ACINS) NOLLVTIVISN] 0°9 NOISUAA .PSVNSUDT Jussedsuesy ec

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