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Labour legislation

1. 1. LABOR LEGISLATION Labor Legislation : The term ‘Labor Legislation’ is used to cover all the
laws which have been enacted to deal with employment and non- employment, wages, working
conditions, industrial relations, social security and welfare of persons employed in industries.
Thus ‘Labor Legislation’ refers to all laws of the government to provide social and economic
security to the workers. These acts are aimed at reduction of production losses due to industrial
disputes and to ensure timely payment wages and other minimum amenities to workers.

2. 2. OBJECTIVE OF LABOUR LEGISLATION • Preservation of healthy, safety and welfare of labour •

Maintenance of good relation between employer and employee • Safe-guard the labour from
profit seeking exploiters in the cut-throught competitive era. • Promote harmony between
employers and employee

3. 3. CONTI…. • Achievement of cordial industrial relation. • Strengthen industrial relation •

Provide mechaneary to solving industrial dispute • Insuring the protection of interest of women
and child in the factories.


5. 5. NATURE OF LABOUR LEGISLATION Products of Industrial Revolution Regards Individual as a

worker Deals with problems of Labor It Is Role -Relation Regulates Conditions of Labor

6. 6. Laws were also made to regulate the labor management relations. Some of them are : 1. The
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 2. The Trade Unions Act, 1926, and 3. The Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders ) Act, 1946. • Labor legislations ensuring labor welfare and minimum standards
were also enacted. Some of them are : 1. The Factories Act, 1948 2. The Minimum Wages Act,
1948 3. The Payment of Wages Act, 1936, and 4. The Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.
7. 7. Types Of Labor Legislations • Protective Labor Legislation • Regulative Labor Legislation •
Social Security Legislations • Welfare Legislations

8. 8. I) Protective Labor Legislations : The legislations whose primary purpose is to protect

minimum labor standards and improve working conditions are protective labor legislations.
Legislations laying down the minimum labor standards in the areas of work, safety, employment
of children and women and also the manner of wage payment come under this category. The
Indian labor laws under this category are : 1)The Factories Act, 1948, 2)The Mines Act, 1952,
3)The Plantation Labor Act, 1951,

9. 9. II )Regulative Legislations : The legislations whose primary purpose is to regulate the relations
between employers and employees and to provide for methods and manners for settling
industrial disputes are Regulative Legislations. This laws also regulate the relationships between
workers and trade unions, the rights and obligations of the organizations of employers and
workers, as well as their mutual relationships. The laws under this category are as follows : 1)
The Trade Unions Act, 1926, 2) The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, and 3) The Industrial
Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 194610. III) Social Security Legislations : The Legislations
which intend to provide social security benefits to the workmen during certain contingencies of
life are Social Security Legislations. Though this legislations may cover other classes of citizens
also, their primary goal has been to protect the workers. The laws under this category are as
follows: 1) The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923, 2) The Employees State Insurance Act,
1948, 3) The Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948, 4) The
Employees Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 5) The Maternity Benefit
Act, 1961, and 6) The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

10. 11. IV) Welfare Legislations: The legislations which aim at promoting the general welfare of the
workers and improve their living conditions are Welfare legislations. Such laws carry the term
“Welfare” in their titles. The Laws under this category are as follows : 1) Mica Mines Labor
Welfare Fund Act, 1946, 2) Iron Ore Mines, Manganese Ore Mines and Chrome Ore Mines labor
Welfare Fund Act, 1976 and 3) Beedi Workers Welfare Fund Act, 1976. All of these laws provide
for the funds which is spent on improving the general welfare of workers including housing,
medical, educational and recreational facilities.

12. 13. IMPORTANCE OF LABOUR LEGISLATION • Labour law regulates not only the condition of
work of industrial establishment but also industrial relation, payment of wages, registration of
trade unions. • It defines legal rights and obligations of employee and employers and also
provide guidelines for their relationship. • Labour legislation has helped the workers to remove
economic insecurity to a great extent.

13. 14. • Labour legislation helps the workers in getting basic amenities and benefits in terms of
occupational security. • With the enactment of labour legislation organization have to provide
hygiene and well maintained working condition to their employees • Helps in economic
development of the country

14. 15. • To deal with industrial dispute • To enforce social insurance and labour welfare scheme •
Necessary for health, safety, and welfare of workers • For the achievement of socio-economic
progress • Encourages and facilitate the workers in the organization

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