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Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School

Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia


Answer the following questions-

• What are factors that can disturb our research process? Explain in brief!

Budget is one of the most common factors that can disturb a research process. Some
research, especially scientific research requires a lot of investment for all the
equipment and people if necessary. Other factors also include environmental and social
factors. Sometimes, if we are people from different area which have different culture
and we want to perform a little survey in a certain region, we may have trouble
communicating with the people. Other example in this factor is language and manners.
Different areas have different culture which affect their language and manner, by
• means of which is polite and which is not. Personal factors are also included in the
matter. If we want to research something personal, sometimes people would not tell the
truth or wouldn’t even want to say. Some mood problem may also affect the accuracy
of a certain survey, as people tend to answer randomly to our questions when they’re in
a bad mood. Sometimes people also feel insecure if we did not introduce ourselves
properly. They might think we’re up to no good and such. Education factor may also
disturb the research process. Educated people and uneducated people always provide
different results if we research based on a survey. Other random problems also include
risk and threats. Even if we think that we are in a safe condition, we might encounter
mischievous people who might try to trick and fool us. Some other researches like
experimental research also have danger risk to it. Most of the problems mentioned are
external problem, but there are also internal problems. Teamwork is always an issue
within a group work. Sometimes not all the members are able to cooperate well or
support the research. Often times, if we don’t like to do something, we always feel lazy
and burdened in the process. Random problems may also encounter to us, such as
sickness and accidents which may provide obstacles that delayed the research process.

• What are the possible solutions?

Always be aware and always come prepared. Calculate everything from the start and all the
possible problems that might come. If it is a group work, discuss it with your team and
make sure everyone have no problem with all the group activities that might comes up. If it
is a survey, try being polite and no offensive, introduce yourself kindly from the start. Give
a little present to the person if necessary. Always be aware of your surrounding if you go
out doing your research project. It’s not worthy risking yourself getting injured or
intimidated since you can prevent it. If necessary, bring a guardian that can offer protection
along the way.

• Give at least 2 pieces of evidence showing that you have applied research and
information skills. The works can be from the previous years. Give some
Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia

My first evidence is based on my history project. A research and making a presentation

based on a World War II Timeline as a group work. Here are some pointers and pictures,
which I research and compile and particularly on the year of 1939, which was the task
given to me after distributing it fairly within the group.
Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia

Since the assignment was to make a timeline of World War II, I first searched through the
internet for simple timeline which can be understood clearly. Of course I basically know
some important events of World War II during school lecture. So, I searched one which
highlights only the significant events of the World War II. My fear is that, if I did not
choose carefully, I might end up with a long slide providing over-detailed presentation
that would seem ridiculous. After quite a long search, I was able to found a few, which I
later compile together to become one timeline, only putting in the significant events. I
used few key words in google, and browsed several websites for simple timeline of the
World War. Of course, timelines are rather short and summarized, so I mostly copy and
paste, and organize it myself. After that, I list all the references of which I taken the
information from. Here is more clear information on what I written on the slide:

March 18, 1939

Axis Formed - Germany and Italy form alliance.
August 23, 1939
Germany and the Soviet Union Russia sign Treaty of Nonaggression, because Germany sees that Russia is a can oppose a
threat and became a powerful country
September 1, 1939
Germany invades Poland in order to capture Danzig, and this started of World War II. It happens in 4:30 am, where the
German attacked several targets in Poland. On the same day, France and the Britain demanded Germany withdrawal.

German troops parade through

Warsaw, Poland.

September 2, 1939
France responds to Germany's invasion of Poland, because Poland is their coal supplier, Both France and Germany Declare war
against the Germans soon after.
September 10, 1939
Canada declares war on Germany.
September 17, 1939 The Soviet Union invades Poland from the east.

September 27-29, 1939

Warsaw, capital of Poland surrenders on September 27. The Polish government flees into exile via Romania. Germany and the
Soviet Union divide Poland between them.
October 1, 1939
Hitler signs an order authorizing involuntary euthanasia. Originally, the order was for the mass killing of Jews, also known as the
October 19, 1939
Portions of Poland are formally inducted into Germany. On the same date the Jewish ghetto was established in Lublin.
November 8, 1939
An attempt to assassinate Hitler with a bomb while he makes a speech fails. On the same day, the German appoints Hans Frank,
Governor and General of Poland and began the acceleration of anti-Jewish program in Poland.

My part was the year 1939 and compiling the whole group’s information into a
presentation. I waited for the others to submit to me some resources and references of
each year to me. Later on, I compile and summarize all of these into the slide and make a
presentation for the whole group. Later the next week, we have our presentation, and
mostly our group done a pretty good job.
Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia

My second evidence is on a biology assignment. The objective is to make a comparison

essay between Metagenesis and Metamorphosis. I know metamorphosis from school’s
lecture, and a little about metagenesis. Therefore, my first aim was to find out what is
metamorphosis and metagenesis. I searched through google, and find some good
definitions that give me a good explanation about them. Later on, I started to type the
introduction which contains the definition of the subject of comparison and a little clear
difference between them. It turned out they are very different and not much alike, so I just
explain each of them briefly and give example of each. After a long comprehensive
summary and explanation of both subjects, I thought that the reader would be able to
clearly distinguish both of them. Therefore, I ended the essay, and listed my reference.
However, the teacher asked for a short and simple reference, without any formal format.
Below is the assignment.

Metagenesis and Metamorphosis

Metagenesis and metamorphosis is both a process that occurs on lifef orms. More
specifically, metamorphosis occurs on most invertebrates and amphibians and metagenesis
occurs on fern (pteridophyta) and moss. Metagenesis is simply understood, by means of
genes alteration during the life cycle which one stage occurs by sexual means and the other
by non-sexual means. However, metamorphosis is a process of completion and change from
larvae into an adult form which often passes through a stage of cocoon and often occurs in
the life cycle of amphibian and invertebrates. Both of these are a part of a life cycle that
occurs on life forms whereas something changes and they would be able to reproduce again,
in such manner as from a young to an adult stage.

In metagenesis, one famous example is from the fern, also known as pteridophyta. In
its life cycle, the fern experiences several stages, and one of its life cycle reproduces sexually,
while another part reproduces using spore. Fern itself is probably one of the most common
plants through out the world, especially in the rainforests. Furthermore it varies from many
different kinds of species which sometimes take a form of a tree, epiphyte which lives on
other plants, hydrophytes which floats on water, but often as rhizome which grows and
spread on the ground. The main phases of its life cycle are diploid sporophytic and a haploid
gametophytic. Simply, it starts from a sporophyte (looks like the edge of a violin) which
produces spores by means of meiosis. This stage is known as gametophyte whereas the
spores fell onto moist ground and grows into a gametophyte by means of mitosis which
contains a photosynthetic prothallus. Later the gametophyte produces gametes by mitosis
which often consists of sperm and ovum on the same prothallus. When the gametes are fully
grown, the sperm which is mobile will fertilizes the egg on the same prothallus using water as
a media. At this stage, the fern reproduces sexually, and the fertilization process will produce
a zygote. Later on the Zygote will grow into another sporophyte and the life cycle goes on.

In metamorphosis, many insects like the butterfly, dragonfly, flies, mosquitoes or

amphibians like tadpoles experience it. The insects usually started out as an egg, and as the
larva comes out of the egg, it started to search for food. The larva then eats, and as it grows
larger it undergoes a cocoon or pupa stage for some and later reaches and adult stage through
metamorphosis or simply experiences a rapid growth of sizes and shapes and also bodily
function. However, the process does not necessarily undergo the cocoon stages, because
metamorphosis may varies on different animal. There are two types of metamorphosis in
insects, hemimetabolism or also known as incomplete/gradual metamorphosis and
holometabolism or also known as complete/complex metamorphosis. In hemimetabolism, the
Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia

larvae started out looking similarly like their parents, for example grasshoppers and
dragonflies. They look alike, but they lack bodily function and are very small in size. The
metamorphosis often happens by shedding their outer skin and growing new ones and new
segments of the body started to form. As they reach adult stage, some winged creature like
dragonfly and grasshopper would shed one last time and grow their wings. In
holometabolism, the process often undergoes a cocoon or pupa stage. For example, butterflies
and flies. One important characteristic is the larva stage is very much different than their
parents, and as it eats and grew bigger, there would come a time when they formed their own
pupa and during the process the larva will remain inactive. Inside the pupa the larva will
destroy its old body using digestive juices and using the nutrient from it, the body will start to
grow to reach an adult stage. When the process is completed, the new adult would emerge
from the cocoon and for butterflies and other winged insects, they would need some time to
expand their wing before they would fly.


Research & Information Skills 9 Pre-IB/Cita Hati Christian School
Teacher: Ms. Yuvencia

Create a slogan to promote the love for learning to solve problems!

Problems are one way to make you learn, without it no life is worth learning.
To learn better is to love learning, as how you love your hobbies.

I hereby declare that all information provided in my Information

User Profile is true to my knowledge, and I have tried my best to
acknowledge all information mentioned.

IU name: WindRiderZ IU class & no.: 9PreIB/20 Date::

18th September 2008

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