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Write "TW” if the statement or example refers Technical Writing; "CW" if it refers to
Creative Writing.

___TW___1. Before writing a news story, begin by asking the 5 W's and 1 H.

___CW___2. Education is the movement from darkness to light (Allan Bloom).

___TW___3. Of the ten largest shopping malls in the world, three are found in the

___TW___4. This is to request payment for your bill amounting to Php150.00.

___TW___5. Social Engineering has become about 75 an average hacker's, toolkit,

and for the successful hackers it reaches 90%o or more MacAfee).

___TW___6. Manufacturing is more than just putting parts together. It's coming up
with ideas, testing principles and perfecting the engineering, as well as final assembly
(James Dyson).

___CW___7. Man is still the most extraordinary computer of all John F Kennedy.

___TW___8. Food is everything that we are. It's an extension of nationalist feeling,

ethnic feeling, your personal history, your province, your region, your tribe your
grandma. It's separated from those from the get-go (Anthony Bourdain).

___CW___9. Anything is good if it is made of chocolate (Jo Brand).

___TW___10. Popeye was right about spinach: dark green, leafy vegetables are the
healthiest food on the planet. As whole foods go, they offer the most nutrition per
(Michael Greger).

Let us discuss some ideas by answering the following questions. Explain and/or give

1. What other types of writing would be considered under technical writing?

 articles in science and medicine. Because it can be challenging to explain
research findings, scientists and technical writers work together to organize and
interpret results.

2. What other considerations can you give before writing a technical paper?
 Whenever describing how something operates, use specific examples. Readers
struggle to follow discussions that are solely given in abstract terms. Briefly
summarize any data that your project uses. Give cases or examples that
demonstrate its essence. Software installation guidelines, for example.

3. Are there other properties of writing that you can add to make a technical writer an
effective one?
 Technical validity, completeness, clarity, consistency, focus, organization, and
punctuation accuracy are all aspects of good technical writing.

4. Aside from the purposes given about technical writing, can you think of other
purposes which we can add to the list?
 I believe that the main goal of technical writing is effective communication. Most
of the time, the technical writer serves as the situation's translator. For example,
when an engineer and a conservationist are attempting to agree on how a project
should be carried out, the technical writer is typically the one who helps the two
of them communicate concisely and clearly so that everyone is aware of what is
actually desired and required.

5. Are you more inclined in technical writing or creative writing?

 I enjoyed creative writing because it made me feel liberated. By writing and
sharing my own ideas, I can be authentic.

Interview a teacher, an engineer, a businessman or any two (2) professionals of your

choice about their experience in writing a technical paper. Ask what their strengths
and weaknesses are in writing technical papers. Also, ask the value of technical
writing in their profession.

Determine whether the following statements are true or false.

TRUE 1. Subject and expression are properties of technical writing.

TRUE 2. It is important for a technical writer to take note of the attractiveness of

his paper.

TRUE 3. Writers have different writing styles.

TRUE 4. Technical writers can be creative when writing technical reports

TRUE 5. Technical writing is all about technical jobs.

TRUE 6. One purpose of technical writing is that it gives instructions.

FALSE 7. A business letter and a monograph are types of technical writing.

FALSE 8. A sales letter is an example of a creative work.

FALSE 9. Graphic aids are often used in creative writing rather than in technical

TRUE 10. The language of technical writing is simple, concrete and familiar.

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