After Stroke

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Medical Scenario

REP: Hello! My name is Anna and I'll be the nurse who's going to take care of you tonight.

LEP: Mucho gusto Anna, mi nombre es Julio.

REP: Nice to see you again, Julio. Can you tell me your last name and birth date?

LEP: Mi fecha de nacimiento es el 15 de Julio de 1955.

REP: Now, I want you to tell me what year it is.

LEP: Eso si no me acuerdo.

REP: Can you tell me who is the president?

LEP: Tampoco lo recuerdo. Sé que el que estaba antes era Obama, pero el de ahorita no sé cómo se

REP: That's fine. Do you know where you are right now? Is it a hospital or home?

LEP: Pues me parece una casa.

REP: No, you're at the hospital. This is OHSU.

LEP: ¿Y porque estoy en el hospital? ¿Cómo me vine pa'ca?

REP: Your family brought you because you had a wound on your foot that became infected and while
you were at hospital you had a stroke.

LEP: Ah sí, ahorita me estoy recordando que no podía hablar ni caminar. Y el doctor me dijo que tenía
sangre en mi cerebro.

REP: That's exactly right. Here at the hospital we are trying to make you feel better.

LEP: Muchas gracias.

REP: So, now I'm going to check your vital signs real quick. I'm going to take your blood pressure, pulse,
and listen to your heart and lungs.

LEP: Está bien.

REP: Your blood pressure is still high. I'm going to leave the Blood Pressure Cuff on your leg for a while.
It will be measuring your blood pressure every hour. It's not that I'm going to leave it on the whole night
but definitely for the next few hours.

LEP: ¿Y usted sabe cuándo me voy a poder ir?

REP: It will depend on how much time it takes for you to recover. Is there anything you need from me at
this moment?

LEP: Un poco de agua, por favor.

REP: Absolutely, let me get you the water. Meanwhile, if you need to tell me something just point to this
phone and we can get an interpreter for you.

LEP: Se lo agradezco mucho.

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