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Our Vision 03
Our values 03
About GRDC 04
Why Tokenise Real Estate 05
How GRDC Tokens Work 06
How Can I Buy GRDC Tokens 06
How Do I Receive My Tokens 07
Can I Sell My Tokens 08
Tokens Distribution 09
Who Holds The Deed To The Property 10
How Do I Receive My Rental Income 10
Who Manages The Property 11
Road Map 12
Growth Projections 13
GRDC Portfolio 14
Our Team 15
To create green residential properties by
rehabbing or building new. Our vision is to
have 100% recycled waste, green power and
increased green space

Be Compassionate
We treat everyone we encounter with com-
passion, seeing the humanity behind their
problems and experiences.

Be Mindful
We do not take advantage of our users' atten-
tion and adopt mindful working practices so
that we can create safe spaces both in our
working environment and in our products

Research First
We challenge our own and others' assump-
tions through qualitative and quantitative
research. Not sure about an idea? Test it.

GRDC Litepaper 03

GREEN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY is a platform that tokenises

real estate ownership while taking care of the environment.
I have been in the real estate and Ed has spent most of his career in
construction worlds How for
do over 22 the world?! By recycling every
you change thepiece of garbage
financial at a time!having
service industry, Or, in
years. My first construction job was
our instance recycling 1000’s of pounds of garbage annually! Green Real
worked for American Express in Estate
to fire a General Development
onsite and take Company is building and developing
Atlantaa GA
blueprint whereFinancial
and Towers apartment in
over a job he wasn’tcomplexes
doing. That was
will have zero garbage going to the landfills! 100% of the garbage is
NYC. Leaving the world of business going
23 years ago! Since to then i’ve built
be recycled onsite! As an early Investor you can
he grab yourself
founded a front row
insurance seat as
and invested into this
many different
new concept unfolds and becomes a reality!Systems. Inc and is the current Pres-
types of real estate deals. This is by ident.
far the best deal. With the simple click of a few buttons you can buy your share of our property
portfolio based on the number of tokens you own.

We are taking the first steps to realise the true potential of the blockchain with its
ability to bridge the gap between digital and physical asset ownership.

We have developed a digital system using the blockchain that retains the same
I have been in the real estate and I have been in the real estate and
legal rights and protections as traditional ownership of real estate.
construction worlds for over 22 construction worlds for over 22
years. years.
Tokens are created on the Solana blockchain. These tokens represent digital owner-
ship of that property, removing and automating the hassle associated with tradition-
al property purchasing.

Our model revolves around tokenized ownership in our portfolio of properties

while putting at the forefront eco-friendly real estate development.

04 GRDC Litepaper

Technology has always been the mechanism by which control is distributed and resources are made available and accessible to
the masses.

With the GRDC token you can purchase a fraction of  real estate portfolio digitally, allowing real estate to be purchased from
nearly anywhere in the world. GRDC properties are fractionalizable, so suitable investors can invest any amount that fits their
situation. Additionally, GRDC has reduced the time to purchase real estate from a minimum of 30 days and numerous steps
with third parties, to just 30 minutes and on your phone or computer.

With the advent of cryptography and web3 the concept of ownership is changing. People are moving away from personal
ownership and the global trend towards sharing keeps growing.

Uber democratised access to cars. Platforms like Airbnb opened up new ways to make money from your home for millions of
people around the world.

Technology has reduced costs by removing unnecessary middlemen from the equation and automation has directly connected
buyers and sellers of accommodation, drastically improving the efficiency and use of the world’s limited resources.
However, these platforms remain centralised and have grown with minimal distribution of the benefits of their enormous
success to their customers.

Traditional real estate structures do not promote an evolution of ownership and have no deflationary tool against the rising
costs to own a property. No matter where you are from, the time and cost needed to acquire an investment property can be
detrimental to your financial position.

GRDC Litepaper 05
GRDC core product is an investment security offering for real estate in USA. We offer our customers digital tokens embedded
with smart contracts using the Solana blockchain.

Every GRDC token has been designed in accordance with the SPL standard - for more detailed technical information please

The purpose of tokens is to:

1. Digitally enable legally recognised ownership of a property asset.
2. Give token holders the right to co-own properties.
3. Give token holders the right to cash flow generated by their share of the property.

How can I buy GRDC tokens?

You can purchase tokens anywhere you have an internet connection and access to your personal and finan-
cial information.
It’s as simple as following the steps below:


Submit a picture of your Decide how many tokens you Once you’ve made your Sign our purchase agreement
national identity card or would like to purchase. decision click the “Market- and agree to the T&Cs. You will
receive a confirmation e-mail
passport and take a picture of place” button where you can
and the necessary documents
yourself - remember to smile! choose to pay normally with a you need to sign to secure your
credit card or bank transfer as tokens and ownership stake in
well as cryptocurrency. the property.

You are now an investor hold your tokens and receive your rental income!

Welcome to the GRDC community

06 GRDC Litepaper
How do I
receive my tokens?
As soon as you make a token purchase they
will be associated with your GRDC account.

You then have two choices:

1. Allow GRDC to securely store your

tokens connected to your account
You will be able to use your tokens as well as
receive rental income which can be viewed
on your finance dashboard. Anytime you wish
to withdraw money you can do simply
connect your bank account or card details
and click "withdraw".

2. Withdraw your tokens to your personal

digital wallet
We recommend this option. You will still be
able to book your stay in your apartment as
normal. The only difference is that the rental
income will automatically be distributed to
your wallet directly.

GRDC Litepaper 07
Can I sell my tokens?
You can sell your tokens just as easily as you can buy them with the simple click of the 'sell' button.

Your choices are:

1. Sell your tokens directly back to GRDC: By logging into our platform and clicking the ‘sell tokens’ button found on your
profile you can initiate a sales request for GRDC to buy back your tokens. We will always buy back tokens at a fair market
value based on the most recent appraisal of the property. Properties are appraised once per year.

2. List tokens on our token marketplace: Set your price and list your tokens on our internal marketplace to give other
community members the chance to to accept your offer.

3. Sell tokens on an external market: e.g. NFT marketplaces or exchanges like Uniswap, Airswap, Swapcat but please make
sure you consult relevant legal counsel before doing so! Bricknest will not be held liable for any issues relating to our
tokens listed and exchanged on external marketplaces.

08 GRDC Litepaper
Token Distribution

50% Token Sale


10% Seed Investors 20% Marketing

(1,000,000,000GRDC) (2,000,000,000GRDC)

GRDC Token

5% Ecosystem 5% Team & Advisors

(500,000,000GRDC) (500,000,000GRDC)

10% Reserve

GRDC Litepaper 09

The deed for each property is held by a legally separate and distinct GRDC LLC that has been created with the sole
purpose of owning that specific property.

The deed recognises the GRDC LLC as property owner and records this in the public record of the country where the
property is located.

How do I receive my rental income?

The smart contract that each token represents automatically

distributes rental income, pro rata, to the digital wallet that holds
the token:

1. If you have transferred your tokens to your wallet the rental

income will automatically appear there.

2. If your tokens are being held securely by GRDC the rental

income you are entitled to will be displayed on your account
balance when you log in to our platform and you can withdraw
anytime from there.

Please note: in the event that the property is not rented out
there will be no rental income for distribution. GRDC will do
everything that is possible to ensure the property is rented out and
all income is evenly distributed amongst token holders.

10 GRDC Litepaper
Who manages the property
GRDC manages its properties using its local professionals.

This allows us to focus on ensuring the best customer experience and delivering the most value to all members of our com-

Considering the large number of co-owners of each property it would be difficult to co-ordinate and make effective property
management decisions any other way.

The property management company is paid from the rent collected from each property.

The third party managing each property is named in the GRDC LLC designation document and our token holders retain all
ownership rights to the property.

Meanwhile, we ensure that the properties are monitored and regularly inspected carrying out any maintenance, repair or
improvement works as appropriate.

Day to day management of the property is outsourced but our token holders input into crucial decisions such as whether to
refurbish, remodel or sell a property.

NB: Token holders can also, with a unanimous decision, dismiss the property management service and can elect to have
full sovereign control of the governance entityholders.

GRDC Litepaper 11
Enabling a green energy and sharing
economy mod. GRDC Pilot project
CustomerValue Proposition: Is one of the most foward thinking,
Innovative and exciting projects in
We incentivize the use of green building materials in Real Estate Development.
the sphere of energy transition ane
sustanableliving in real estate
How do we do it? development This project does not
only advance the agenda towards a
1. Our board of directors will approve all green real estate projects
green energy future but proposes a
funded by the GRDC. vialsle opportunity for residents
2. We will allow investors to purchase and/or stake GRDC. and businesses alike to shift to a
3. Once projects are profitable, investors of GRDC token will share the profits. sharing economy model while
taking advantage of the most self
sustaining blockchain technology.
GRDC has competitors in both the crowdfunding and the green real estate development space. With only one international
company who is offering very similar services. Therefore, the competitors used in this analysis were related to the more gener-
al area of crypto crowdfunding and green real estate project development.

It is the understanding of this team, that once the programming and development of GRDC token has been developed, the
team will revisit the assumptions made in this analysis to understand if those assumptions are still valid.

The landscape is competitive for crowdfunding crypto projects. Over 87% of crowdfunding projects are hosted on their own
platform. Many companies have created a full suite marketplace on their platform for both the funded and funders. The barrier
for entry into this market is low, due to the blockchain technology, however, the platform's ability to attract and maintain its
users are largely tied to the financial incentives offered and the company's digital marketing presence.

12 GRDC Litepaper
Growth Projections:

Both the crypto-crowdfunding market and the sustainable real estate development markets are projected to grow exponential-
ly through 2025. Climate Change and Cryptocurrency Investments have managed to garner a lot of public
interest and awareness based on the current world political climate.

In 2020, the crypt-crowdfunding market raised $214.9M from 1035 new companies.

By 2025 Investment products tailored for environmental, social and governance factors could grow to more than $53 trillion in

Projected RoadMap:

Concept Development Research and Planning 11/30/21 - 12/31/21

Blockchain Development 1/1/22 - 1/1/23
Pre-Sale Begins 1/1/23 - 2/1/23
ICO Launch 2/1/23
ICO Period Ends 3/1/23
Smart Contract Listing and Deployment 5/1/23 - 6/1/23
Exchange Listing 6/1/23
RDC invest in first Green Project TBD

GRDC Litepaper 13

Each GRDC property has a property man-
UNIQUE TOKENS agement company managing the property
Ownership of each property is distribut- on GRDC owners behalf. The property man-
ed across a finite number of representa- agement company sources tenants, collects
tive tokens. Based on token share, rent, and manages repairs, so the diverse
owners can collect revenue from rent, group of GRDC owners don’t have to.
and vote on property decisions.


GRDC, LLC will purchase, build or rehab a prop- With blockchains, we no longer need to wait
erty using the funds collected from the sale of 30 days to receive a bank transfer. Owning
GRDC tokens. As a token holder you can stake property with GRDC allows you to get and
your tokens for a share of the profits generated monitor you investment real-time. Dividends
from these properties. As a token holder you are paid using a US-Dollar stablecoin, sent to
will also share in the profit if any of the proper- your wallet.
ties are sold

14 GRDC Litepaper


Chief Executive Officer Chief Technology Officer Finance Manager

I’ve been in the real estate and Extensive experience in -Technolo- Ed has spent most of his career in the finan-
construction worlds for over 22 years. gies: Artificial Intelligence, Machine cial services industry, having worked for
I’ve built and invested into many Learning, Blockchain, Quantum Com- American Express in Atlanta, GA and
different types of real estate deals. puting, Decentralisation, Mathemati- Towers Financial in NYC. Leaving the world
This is by far the best the most impor- cal Modelling, Data Analysis My speci- of big business he founded several compa-
tant I’ve ever worked on: building resi- ality is in breaking any seemingly com- nies and has been a partner is several more.
dential complexes where 100% of the plex topic into basic building blocks During the last decade he has served as
garbage is recycled and reducing the along with correlation to real life CFO of MLE insurance, a FinTech start-up
carbon footprint. I am so excited about scenarios. You will inherently find me and Extraction Alternatives a FoodTech
the future that I’ve invested the past using the word Basically while explain- start-up. He currently is managing Staff
couple years of my time and resources ing concepts Outsource Solutions, LLC, a remote
into seeing GRDC come to life. Join offshore staffing company and Insurance
me in a new world using crypto to Marketing Sytems, wholesale insurance
build a better world for everyone! agency.
GRDC Litepaper 15
30N Gould St. Sheridan, WY 82801

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