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SANnav v2.0.

Management Portal
Student Guide
Revision 1119

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Revision: Month 1119

SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

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SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

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SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

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SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

Footnote 1: There is a separate class for the overview of SANnav Global View called:
SANnav Global View Overview (course code: SANgOV-220)

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SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

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SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

Footnote 1: To view a full listing of completed courses which provides the ability to print
out certificates of completion follow the path illustrated below
• From main Brocade Learning Portal page you can use the available hyperlinks to go to
the (your) My Transcript page


Notes continued on next page

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SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

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SANnOV-120 Welcome to Brocade Education

• Then from the My Transcripts page change the view from Active (courses) to Completed
(courses) as shown below using the drop-down menu
• All Completed courses will appear and you can search for a specific course as well
• Select drop-down on right side of window to view certificate

Search for a specific course

Select drop-down to
view certificate

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: There is a separate class for the overview of SANnav Global View called:
SANnav Global View Overview (course code: SANgOV-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: More information on Base and Enterprise later in this presentation.

Footnote 2: For more information on SANnav Global View, see the SANnav Global
Overview course (course code: SANgOV-220). If you go to the education web site, just
search on SANnav Global View to find the course.

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: Licenses are subscription based. For more information on the licenses, see
the SANnav Management Portal Installation and Migration course (course code: SANnIN-

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: For more information on Dashboard, see course SANnav Management

Portal Dashboard (course code SANnDA-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: For more information on reports, see SANnav Management Portal Reports
class (course code: SANnRP-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: For more information on Topology View, see course SANnav Management
Portal Topology View (course code SANnTO-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Click on the
ICON to pull up the
symbol list

Click on Links to show

meaning of ISL colors

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: For more information on the inventory page, see course SANnav
Management Portal Inventory (course code: SANnIV-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: From the previous slide, just click on the down arrow on the far right side of
the page, to open a pull menu, then click on Investigate to jump to the investigation mode
page. (see example below)
• Note: The following objects are supported in Investigate: switches, switch ports, flows
and collections (collections are a collection of flows). The example in the slide is from a

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: For more information on Events and event management, see the class
SANnav Management Portal Event Management (course code SANnEV-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: For more information on MAPS see course (SANnav Management Portal
MAPS (course code SANnMP-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Note: Clicking on View, allows you to provide a tag and description for that alias

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1:
• For more information on User Accounts, see the SANnav User Accounts class
(course code SANnUA-220)
• For more information on FICON Display mode, see the SANnav v2.0.0 Product
Update training (course code (PUT-232)
• For more information on Persist Last Column Selection see the SANnav User
Accounts class (course code SANnUA-220)

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: New classes are being released all the time, so if you do not see a class on
a specific subject, check back from time to time or send email to to get more information.

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SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: At the time this class was created there is training available on (May not be
the same SANnav version, but classes are being update and created all the time):

• For Fabric Discovery, see course: SANnav Fabric Discovery (course code: SANnDI-

• For Filter Management, see module 3 of course: SANnav Inventory (course code

• For Network Scope, see module 3 of course: SANnav Inventory (course code

• For MAPS Policy Management, see SANnav MAPS (course code SANnMP-220)

• For Health Score Computation, see SANnav Dashboard (course code SANnDA-220)
and for SANnav v2.0.0 updated information see SANnav v2.0.0 Product Update
Training (course code PUT-232)

Revision 1119 1 - 29
SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: At the time this class was created there is training available on (May not be
the same SANnav version, but classes are being update and created all the time):

• For Logical Fabric Management, see course: SANnav v1.1.1 Product Update
Training (course code: SANnDI-220). Not a lot of information here, but provides an
overview of the feature. Look for a more detailed class sometime in the future. Email to get more information.

• For FOS Version Management see course: SANnav Firmware (course code:

• For Inventory Name and Mapping Management there is some information in the
BNA-to-SANnav migration class (course code: BNA-SANn-220)

• For Port Commission Setup see SANnav v2.0.0 Product Update Training (module 10:

Revision 1119 1 - 30
SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: At the time this class was created there is training available on (May not be
the same SANnav version, but classes are being update and created all the time):

• For more information on all these topics see module 3 of the course SANnav Event
Management,(course code SANnEV-220)

Revision 1119 1 - 31
SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: At the time this class was created there is training available on (May not be
the same SANnav version, but classes are being update and created all the time):

• For more information on all these topics see module 3 of the course SANnav User
Accounts (course code SANnUA-220)

Note: AD  Active Directory

Revision 1119 1 - 32
SANnOV-120 SANnav Management Portal Overview

Footnote 1: At the time this class was created there is training available on (May not be
the same SANnav version, but classes are being update and created all the time):

• For SANnav Licensing, see course: SANnav v2.0.0 Installation and Migration (course
code: SANnIN-220)

• For SANnav Email Setup and Call Home Configuration see module 3 of SANnav
Event Management course (course code SANnEV-220)

• For Supportsave Management, see course: SANnav SupportSave (course code:


• For Inventory Custom Field Management, see module 3 of course: SANnav

Inventory (course code: SANnIV-220)

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