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-actiuni care se petrec regulat

- actiuni sau adevaruri general valabile( apa fierbe la 100 grade)

Cuvinte cheie: always,often,never,daily,annualy,every day/week/year,rarely,sometimes,ever

Afiramativ :

S+ VB I make my bed everyday.( Imi fac patul in fiecare zi)

She/ he makes his bed everyday.




Pentru verbul to have la pers a IIIa -has


S+ don't / doesn't(pt pers a III A) + Vb( fara s/es la pers a III a) I didn't make my bed...

She doesn't make her bed...


Do/ Does +Vb Do I/ you make your bed everyday? / Does she/he make her/his bed


Make the present simple (choose positive, negative or question):

1. (he / drive to work every day) 6. (you / watch a lot of TV)

2. (I / not / think you're right) 7. (he / not / read the newspaper)

3. (we / have enough time?) 8. (she / dance often?)

4. (I / eat cereal in the morning) 9. (where / I / come on Mondays?)

5. (they / write e-mails every day?) 10. (what / you / do at the weekend?)


-actiuni care se petrec in momentul, vorbirii

-actiuni care ne enerveaza He is always forgetting my name.( El intotdeaunaimi uita


Cuvinte cheie: now, at the moment


S+ AM/IS/ARE+VB ING. I am reading a book now.

She/he is reading a book now.


S+ am not/aren't/isn't + Vbing I am not reading a book now.

She isn't reading a book now.


Am/Is/Are + Vb ing Am I reading.....?/Is she reading....?


You (use) my mobile phone!

My dad (wash) his car now.

It (not rain) today.

Who (she / chat) to now?

What (you / do) at the moment?

We(sit) on the train now.

The students (have) lunch in the canteen at the moment.

'Are you making dinner?' 'Yes, I .

Exercitii present simple + present continuous ( de tradus si in romana)

November 12, 1997

Today (be)   the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna. I am exhausted and my

legs (shake)   ; I just hope I am able to complete the trek. My feet (kill,

really)   me and my toes (bleed)  , but I (want, still)   to


Nepal is a fascinating country, but I have a great deal to learn. Everything (be)   so different,

and I (try)   to adapt to the new way of life here. I (learn)   a little bit of the

language to make communication easier; unfortunately, I (learn, not)   foreign languages

quickly. Although I (understand, not)   much yet, I believe that I (improve,

gradually)  .

I (travel, currently)   with Liam, a student from Leeds University in England. He

(be)   a nice guy, but impatient. He (walk, always)   ahead of me and

(complain)   that I am too slow. I (do)   my best to keep up with him, but he is
younger and stronger than I am. Maybe, I am just feeling sorry for myself because I am getting old.

Right now, Liam (sit)   with the owner of the inn. They (discuss)   the

differences between life in England and life in Nepal. I (know, not)   the real name of the

owner, but everybody (call, just)   him Tam. Tam (speak)   English very well and

he (try)   to teach Liam some words in Nepali. Every time Tam (say)   a new

word, Liam (try)   to repeat it. Unfortunately, Liam (seem, also)   to have
difficulty learning foreign languages. I just hope we don't get lost and have to ask for directions.



- O actiune petrecuta si incheiata in trecut

Cuvinte cheie: often,sometimes,always, last week/year/month, when I was a child, yesterday,

long time ago etc.


S+ vb II/ed I was at my grandparents yesterday./ She sometimes went to church.


S+ dindn't + vb She didn't go to church yesterday.


Did+S+Vb Did she go to church?


1) I (not/drink) any beer last night. 14) He (not/study) for the exam.

2) She (get on) the bus in the centre of the 15) (he/call) you?
16) (I/forget) something?
3) What time (he/get up) yesterday?
17) What time (the film/start)?
4) Where (you/get off) the train?
18) He (have) a shower.
5) I (not/change) trains at Victoria.
19) Why (you/come)?
6) We (wake up) very late.
20) (he/go) to the party?
7) What (he/give) his mother for Christmas?

8) I (receive) £300 when my uncle died.

9) We (not/use) the computer last night.

10) (she/make) good coffee?

11) They (live) in Paris.

12) She (read) the newspaper yesterday.

13) I (not/watch) TV.

1) She(go) home. 2) We (watch) a film. 3) When (he/arrive)?

4) I (buy) a new car. 10) They (drink) coffee. 16) we (not/call) you
5) Where (you/live)? 11) (you/see) that film?
17) They (not/arrive) on
6) I (play) tennis. 12) We (eat) dinner. time.
7) Where (you/work) 13) You (not/go) out last 18) It (not/rain).
before? night.
19) We (not/drink) beer.
8) (they/come) for lunch? 14) He (study).
20) You (clean) the
9) (we/study) this last 15) What (you/watch)? kitchen.


-o actiune petrecuta in trecut si intrerupta de o alta actiune in trecut While I was walking a dog
bite me.( In timp ce ma plimbam un caine m-a muscat)

- descriere in trecut( The sun was shinning and the birds were singing)

-doua actiuni simultane in trecut They were playing chess while she was cooking.9ei jucau sah
in timp ce ea gatea)

- o actiune petrecuta la un moment dat in trecut My brother was working yesterday at 7 o'clock.

Cuvinte cheie: when, while, at the time.


S+ was/were+vbing

I was washig dishes when you called


S+ weren't/wasn't+Vb ing

I wasn't washing dishes when you called.

Interogativ: Was/Were+S+Vb ing Were you washing dishes?


1.Make the affirmative or negative past continuous

1) Julie (sleep) at three o'clock.

2) You (study) at three o'clock.

3) Luke (read) at three o'clock.

4) I (work) at three o'clock.

5) They (eat) chocolate at three o'clock.

6) John (play) tennis at three o'clock.

7) We (watch) TV at three o'clock.

8) He (use) the internet at three o'clock.

9) You (cook) lunch at three o'clock.

10) We (travel) to London at three o'clock.

11) Mrs Brown (not/walk) in the garden when the murder happened.

12) Mr Black (not/work) in his study when the murder happened.

13) Miss Jones (not/talk) to Mr. White when the murder happened.

14) You (not/play) cards when the murder happened.

15) Dr Ford (not/read) in his room when the murder happened.

16) Mr. and Mrs. Green (not/eat) in the dining room when the murder happened.

17) Mr Blue (not/drink) coffee in the library when the murder happened.

18) The maid (not/clean) the bedrooms when the murder happened.

19) I (not/listen) to music when the murder happened.

20) The dogs (not/play) outside when the murder happened.

2.Make the correct form of the past continuous

1) (when / he / work there)?

2) (you / make dinner)?

3) (they / drink coffee when you arrived)?

4) (when / we / sleep)?

5) (they / study last night)

6) (we / talk when the accident happened)

7) (he / not / exercise enough)

8) (I / talk too much)?

9) (it / not / snow)

10) (how / they / feel)?

11) (they / not / talk)

12) (where / I / stay)?

13) (why / he / study on a Saturday night)?

14) (I / go to school when you saw me)

15) (you / sleep at 6am)

16) (she / work when I called)

17) (we / not / leave when you called)

18) (I / not / stay in a hotel)

19) (we / make too much noise)?

20) (they / take the exam)?

3. Choose the correct tense( past simple/past continuous.

1) I (sit) in a cafe when you (call) .

2) When you (arrive) at the party, who (be) there?

3) Susie (watch) a film when she (hear) the noise.

4) Yesterday I (go) to the library, next I (have) a swim, later I (meet) Julie for coffee.

5) We (play) tennis when John (hurt) his ankle.

6) What (they/do) at 10pm last night - it was really noisy?

7) He (take) a shower when the telephone (ring).

8) He (be) in the shower when the telephone (ring).

9) When I (walk) into the room, everyone (work).

10) It (be) a day last September. The sun (shine) and the birds (sing) . I (walk) along the street
when I (meet) an old friend.

11) He (live) in Russia when the Revolution (start).

12) When her train (get) to the station, we (wait) on the platform.

13) He (be) so annoying! He (always leave) his things everywhere.

14) On holiday we (visit) Rome, (see) the Vatican, and (spend) a few days at the beach.

15) Why (stand) on a chair when I (come) into the room?

16) They (live) in Germany when they (be) young.

17) At 7pm yesterday, we (listen) to music.

18) When I (leave) the house, it (snow).

19) He (work) in a bank when he (meet) his wife.

20) What (you/do) when I (call) you last night?

4. Use the past simple or past progressive to complete the sentences.

1. George   (fall) off the ladder while he   (paint) the ceiling.
2. Last night I   (read) in the bed when I suddenly   (hear) a scream.
3.   you   (you watch) TV when I   (call) you?
4. Ann   (wait) for me when I   (arrive).
5. I   (not drive) very fast when the accident   (happen).
6. I   (break) a plate last night. I   (wash) the dishes when it   (slip)
out of my hand.
7. Tom   (take) some photos when I   (play) in the garden.
8. We   (not go) out because it   (rain).
9. What   (you do) last week?
10. I   (see) Carol at the party. She   (wear) a new dress.
11. The cell phone   (ring) when I   (take) a shower.
12. It   (begin) to rain when I   (walk) home.
13. We   (see) an accident when we   (wait) for the bus.
14. The children   (sleep) all night.
15. The car   (make) strange noises all the way home.


- O actiune petrecuta in trecut cu repercursiuni in prezent I have seen that movie before.

-o actiune care tocmai s-a incheiat I have just finished my lunch.

-experiente de viata I have visited Tokyo.

cuvinte cheie: since( indica durata din 1990),for( de cat timp x zile, x ani),just( tocmai),yet(inca)


S+have/has+vb3/ed I have just finished the book.


S+ haven't/hasn't+ vb3/ed She hasn't seen him for years.


have/has+s+vb3/ed? Have you seen him today?


1.Present perfect simple

1 Someone (JUST,EAT) my apple.

2.Oh no ! I (BREAK) a window.

3.My sister (START) a new job recently.

4.You (NOT LEAVE) your homework on the bus. Here it is.

5.I (WRITE) my English essay.

6.We (ALREADY FINISH) our shopping.

7.I (LOSE) all my money.

8.John (NOT GO) to the supermarket. He’s still here.

9.Your girlfriend (JUST PHONE).

10.Mr and Mrs Jackson (NOT SEE) the new film yet.

11.Peter (NEVER SEE) such a large dog,

12.They (LIVE) here for a long time.

13.He’s late. He (NOT ARRIVE) yet.

14. (HE EVER BE) to Australia ?

15.I (BUY) some new shows and a hat.

2.Put the verbs at present perfect form

1) She (work) here for five years.

2) I (study) all day.

3) You (eat) a lot recently.

4) We (live) in London for six months.

5) He (play) football, so he's tired.

6) They (learn) English for two years.

7) I (cook) so I'm really hot.

8) She (go) to the cinema every weekend for years.

9) It (rain) the pavement is wet.

10) You (sleep) for twelve hours.

11) I (not/work) today.

12) You (not/eat) well recently.

13) We (not/exercise) enough.

14) She (not/study).

15) They (not/live) here for very long.

16) It (not/snow).

17) He (not/play) football for five years.

18) We (not/drink) enough water - that's why we feel tired.

19) I (not/sleep) I was reading.

20) They (not/watch) TV much recently.



- actiuni incepute in trecut si neterminate in prezent I have been here for hours/ I have been
living in London for 5 years/since 2002.

- actiuni/obiceiuri temporare I have been going to the gym lately.( am mers la sala in ultimul

- actiuni care s-au terminat recent si al caror rezultat este vizibil I am so tired, I have been
studying all morning.

Afirmativ: S+ have/has+been+vb ing I have been living here for 5 years.

Negativ :S+ haven't/hasn't+been+vbing I haven't been living here for 5 years.

interogativ :Have/Has+S+been+vb ing Have I been living here for 5 years?


1. . He (work)   in this company since 1985.

2. I (wait)   for you since two o'clock.

3. Mary (live)   in Germany since 1992.

4. Why is he so tired? He (play)   tennis for five hours.

5. How long (learn / you)   English?

6. We (look for)   the motorway for more than an hour.

7. I (live)   without electricity for two weeks.

8. The film (run / not)   for ten minutes yet, but there's a commercial break already.

9. How long (work / she)   in the garden?

10. She (not / be)   in the garden for more than an hour.
2.put the verbs to present perfect continuous form.

1.I'm bored. It(rain) for hours so I can't go out.

2. (you / use) my computer again?

3.My neighbour's children (argue) all morning.score

4.You (not study) for the maths exam.

5.Mel looks really tired. (she / work) all night?

6.The kitchen's a mess because we (make) a birthday cake for Dad.

7.I (read) an interesting book about the history of computers.score

8.Jim (not do) his homework. He's been texting his friends.score

3. put the verbs to the correct form( present perfect simple/present perfect continuous)

1) (you/buy) your train ticket yet?

2) The kitchen is a complete mess! What (the children/do)?

3) Julie (learn) to drive for six years!

4) Amanda (already/have) lunch, so she'll meet us later.

5) How much coffee (she/drink) this morning?

6) Simon (write) three books.

7) I (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!

8) It (not/rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.

9) I (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.

10) She (forget) how to get to my house.

11) I (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.

12) David feels great these days. He (get) up early lately.

13) We (always/hate) rush hour traffic.

14) Recently, I (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.

15) We (write) this book for months and months.

16) I (always/love) chocolate.

17) I (want) to go back to university for a long time.

18) What's that delicious smell? (you/cook)?

19) I (watch) seven films this week!

4. put the verbs to correct form present perfect or past simple

1) I (never/go) to Vienna.

2) My great great grandfather (have) five sisters.

3) He (live) in Manila for a year when he was a student.

4) Oh no! I (lose) my wallet!

5) (you/see) Julie today?

6) At the weekend, they (play) football, then they (go) to a restaurant.

7) I (read) six books this week.

8) Amy (live) in Portugal when she was young.

9) She (visit) her grandmother last month.

10) The Vandals (invade) Rome in the year 455.

11) She (live) in seven different countries, so she knows a lot about different cultures.

12) I (go) to the cinema last night.

13) Ow! I (cut) my finger!

14) (you/see) 'The King's Speech'?

15) John (never/understand) the present perfect.

16) She (break) her leg the day before her exam.

17) We (see) Oliver yesterday.

18) He (be) here all morning.

19) King Henry the Eighth of England (have) six wives.


14.5. Vocabulary Practice I

1. Ursoaica recunoscu că a fost silită să meargă până la peştera ei cu bicicleta.

2. Lupul nu s-ar fi dus cu camionul la târg, dacă nu-l ameninţa vulpea că-i va fura toţi

3. Râsul călătorise o zi şi o noapte înainte să-şi întâlnească logodnica.

4. Dihorul trăia împărăteşte de când moştenise banii tatălui vitreg, şi petrecuse ani de

zile călătorind prin India.

5. Nevăstuica şi-ar fi făcut de cap atunci când era în floarea vârstei, dacă n-ar fi fost

silită să viziteze tot felul de locuri.

6. Hârciogul era de mult un ghimpe în coasta rotarului, când pe popândău începu săl obsedeze
ideea de a face un pelerinaj cu hârciogul la altarul sfântului Ogar, şi porniră

amândoi la drum într-o dimineaţă de iarnă când se crăpa de ziuă.

7. Şoricarul merse cu autobuzul acela aglomerat, ca să-l audă pe ghicitor cum înşiră

zodiile: Berbec, Taur, Gemeni, Rac, Leu, Fecioară, Balanţă, Scorpion, Săgetător,

Capricorn, Vărsător, Peşti.

8. Broasca râioasă, broasca şi broasca ţestoasă începuseră prin a face pe locuitorii unui

orăşel s-o ia la sănătoasa, şi, ca să nu lungim vorba, curând după aceea, toată ţara

flutura drapelul alb, dispusă să le accepte ca regine, împărătese, sau orice voiau ele.

9. Buldogul putea să-l sfâşie pe şarpe, dacă stăpânul lui, care-l văzuse pe câine sărind

prin grădină, nu distrugea ideea în faşă.

10. O caracatiţă cu sprâncene stufoase iscodea din ochi norii care alunecau în goană

pe cer, încercând să-şi întipărească formele lor în amintire.

11. Mirele, un rac, purcese la drum în sus pe deal, către biserica unde naşul lui,

homarul, care avea să ducă mireasa la altar, frunzărea Biblia, sperând să găsească

hârtiile de cinci lire pe care bănuia că le-ar fi ascuns preotul acolo.

12. Şopârla zise că preferă să meargă lipa-lipa în diligenţe, în loc să treacă val-vârtej

într-un nor de praf, dar melcul se declară în favoarea trenurilor rapide, şi acesta este

mărul discordiei între ei doi de la o vreme încoace.

13. Cum melcul fără casă n-a ezitat să facă autostopul, el a fost primul care a ajuns la

comoara Olandezului Zburător, iar foca, cea care păzea comoara, l-a botezat „Melcul

cel Iute,” dar, desigur, voia să spună cu totul altceva.

14. Pe când trecea în zbor pe şosea, mai iute decât ceilalţi alergători, balena îi explica

unei tinere morse care era numai urechi, că doctorul i-a spus să slăbească, şi de aceea

s-a apucat să se antreneze pentru curse.

15. Atunci când nurcile cântă la cimpoi după ureche, lipitorile dau mereu târcoale

mlaştinilor, nerăbdătoare să le sugă sângele.

16. Cum cobaiul îi făcea ochi dulci viperei, se furişară amândoi în mansardă, temânduse că-i
prinde bursucul înainte să se căsătorească.

17. Veveriţa se plânse că cerbul a făcut-o de oaie atunci când a recunoscut de faţă cu

martori că, pe la treizeci de ani şi ceva, se ascundea ca haiduc prin pădure.

18. Porcul mistreţ nici n-a clipit atunci când a auzit că armăsarul s-a răzleţit de grup,

şi un vrăjitor l-a ajuns din urmă, l-a adormit într-o peşteră vrăjită, şi l-a preschimbat

în spiriduş.

19. Mânzul îi zicea iepei că degeaba despică firu-n patru, însă iapa călca ţanţoşă pe

uliţă, dând glas dorinţei ei de a-l vedea însurat cu o iapă tânără, într-o sută de feluri

diferite, foarte mândră de toate sinonimele pe care le învăţase.

20. După ce i-a spus măgarului că este un pungaş destrăbălat, catârul cu picioare lungi

s-a răsucit pe călcâie, şi a ieşit ţanţoş şi înţepat din cocină.

21. Ţapul intră pe vârfuri în odaie, şopti ariciului câteva vorbe, apoi se retrase păşind


22. Cârtiţa îi insultă pe toţi renii din jurul ei, iar apoi, ca şi cum nu s-ar fi întâmplat

nimic, intră graţios în biserică, cu pas uşor şi repede.

23. Un castor de pripas se împiedică de fusta cămilei şi căzu de-a berbeleacul, şi, în
acelaşi timp, un mops mic lipăi pe cărare, urmat de un berbec care înainta legănat, cu

mers de grăsan.

24. Salamandra încercă să fie politicoasă, dar vidra se apropie de ea cu mersul

crăcănat, şi începu să scuipe.

25. O barză trecea cu greu prin tufişurile până-n brâu, iar în urma ei o zbughiră o

droaie de gângănii înspăimântate.

26. Cocorul şi corbul se agitau de zor, adunând bucăţele de sfoară şi hârtie, încercând

să facă pivniţa să arate curată, întrucât foarte curând urma să sosească coţofana.

27. Câteva codobaturi alergau care-ncotro, pentru că gaiţa ameninţase să le dea în

vileag năzbâtiile din tinereţe.

28. Gânsacul o zbughi din coteţ, sâsâind că era revoltător că au decernat premiul

pentru cântat mierlei, când el era mult mai talentat decât ea.

29. Delfinul încerca să-l înveţe pe melc să înoate, iar melcul promise că-l va învăţa pe

delfin să alerge.

30. Şarpele se târî până la cuibul cocorului, nădăjduind să-l facă să plece de frică, şi săi fure


1. The dwarf strode forward through the deserted streets, trying as hard as he could to

he remembers his childhood misfortunes. His stepfather, a meat man, wandering

night after night, bringing home drunks he found sleeping on

benches through the park. They all entered, staggering to their feet in the dwarf's room, to look

at him.

2. "It's impossible to be your child," one exclaimed.

"Yes, it's mine, of course it's mine," replied the stepfather. I adopted him.
"But his real father was just a dwarf," the first insisted.

"It doesn't have to be that way," thought the stepfather.

3. It happens like that every night. When they came out of the room in an Indian line with a grin


their faces barked, the dwarf got out of bed, and began to get dressed. He was putting on his


his shabby print, then, on top of the best clothes, then a vindiac, scarf,

thick gloves with a finger and patent leather shoes. He usually wore cuffed pants with

straps and belt with buckle, a sleeveless shirt, striped, tight, bow tie, a

long-sleeved red T-shirt and sleeve, but when he was agitated, he grabbed and pulled on

any clothes fell into his hand.

4. Once, when he was fifteen years old, he became so angry with his father that he became

dressed like a girl. He sneaked into his freckled sister's room, and found stockings there

sweaters, a nightgown, a sarafan imported from Switzerland and a pleated skirt,

discolored. If his sister hadn't been so tall and obese, he would have dressed them, and

broke her out of the room, imagining that she would be able to travel all over the city with

speed as it was, nothing happened. A mischievous policeman may have spotted the dwarf as he

slipped against the walls of a house.

slapped him and said to him:

5. "I wish I hadn't looked at you in my life." I wish I was safe at home.

Why should I come across individuals like you? About turn! If I look at you again,

I'm going to have nightmares for the rest of my life

6. But this did not happen. It just wasn't to be. Not even the cops

they cared about the dwarf. The dwarf had started robbing banks so that they would notice him,
but he had only succeeded in becoming a millionaire.

7. "He couldn't make that much money unless he was a genius," they said

people. He is precisely one of those who know everything.

8. When he became rich, his misfortunes ended. His sister with limp ears

she suggested she get married, and, as he heard it, she erased it. He left his parents' house so that
he would not be forced

to marry a woman who plays on his fingers.

9. He began a new life, turning his back on close relatives. Success had succeeded

head. By the time he turned thirty, he had set his mind on becoming President

island. He advertised in the newspapers that he was looking for help, and hired all sorts of people

of former prisoners on the roads: individuals with beveled foreheads, jugs, baskets, pits in

cheeks or bulging eyes.

10. Have the tailor turn the clothes of those individuals upside down so that they are not

by the bank officials they had robbed. Frightened by the dwarf's plans, in

the decisive night some of them had erased. The remaining ones received instructions as to a

moment to turn his glasses upside down, and start screaming in voices

tickled to drive the cops away.

11. It is strange that the dwarf's plan succeeded in a country where everyone earns money

and no one is cowardly. What is certain is that once the dwarf became the president of the island,
no one

she no longer thought of quarreling with him. They have longed for a change.

12. The dwarf had a faithful associate, a hunchback with a goiter, whom he loved as if

he would have been his good brother. The hunchback traveled a lot, made mysterious roads, and
when he did
when he returned, he looked as if he had been handed over to the police and released countless

The dwarf insisted that the hunchback should not get into those awful messes.

13. He often told her:

"At least if you did everything in his time!" At least if you wouldn't let it

Lidia Vianu

English student


spread the word about your misfortunes! At least you wouldn't do it forever

your! I'd rather my partner never get there, because he's driving me crazy

to run after you all over the city. If they come across you before me!

14. The rooster was approaching fifty years of age, and he was overly stubborn.

He had left a pregnant woman with a heavy hand, and she was holding him briefly.

15. "You didn't have to marry her," the dwarf scolded him when he found out. It is accurate

the kind of woman who always cracks her fingers, and talks with her hands on her hips.

You started life on the left, but after all, what do I care?

16. The hunchback reproaches him:

"I know we think we can starve to death."

"All you had to do was invite me to the wedding if I wanted to care."

"There was no wedding," protested the hunchback, stroking his fist

dwarf. She was in a bad mood, so we missed the ceremony.

17. "Perhaps I could have stopped her if she had called me," the dwarf continued, stabbing

with his thumb on the hunchback's chest.

18. Eventually, the dwarf managed to control himself, although he was unhappy that friend

his buckle had hurt her, at least in terms of marriage. Knowing that it is possible
he put it under anyone's skin, he hoped he would force the hunchback's wife to behave

properly. He was, in fact, sure he would be able to climb the table, pull her

buttonhole, and command him:


19. What really happened was that the hunchback's slippers were given to him first

to grab his friend to help him.

"It's beyond me how you can be so naughty," the woman had told him, "think you don't

I can take the thought from you.

20. The woman even wanted to party with him. But the dwarf and the hunchback escaped

clean headscarf: they remained bachelors, living in peace and luxury, going to bed at eight

night after night, and dreaming of being the kings of the world. And they lived happily ever after

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