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OTHER TITLES OF INTEREST Ste[Tie EOF ean aoe S Vaastu is a Science discovered by our ‘teat saints and Sages to make the human beings more h Sh Z ‘appy and prosperous in their homes, shops, factories and offiees oy Ve cluding the human body comprises oF earth, water, fire, air and sky. ” are mainly’ dependent on the Srangement and balancing ofthese five elements hes ————— soun: —_ NShi= Bee Sus a wom = Non 5 _ ii ~ In Vaastu East and North hold special positions, because, oper order and proporons so thatthe nan can have dete ag cats ns pace rn oe ee East is the pace fom where the Sun, te sure of ies g a this earth rises and North is perhaps the roof of the world and the Magnetic Pole too So Vaastu is nothing except the Science of balancing of the above five elements in their proper proportions to Keep the residents’ mind in perfect harmony to enable them take the ‘ight decisions with the right mind to get peace and ha in their dwelling or working place. the cosmos and various othec heaven earth, = ee eo, hapa Pet the Vaastu principles so hat it should make you happier and prosperous at the new place past lke astrology, isa vast science. I isnot possible {or ordinary people 1 understand it fully, yet three ee pabortat aspects which one should keep in view whdle buying @ building or a plot of land —— weet ——— hills high’ grounds, burial or cremation places, stationary cppeing Water, ivers, brooks, streams, mules, ese tetbles, places of worship, high tension wites et, ine the 'VAASTU" of the place in one way or the orhen —— See eel Shen 00 sa uy 3 lod ou sto | | : Ean, Wes Nor Sou deco, exisenc of highway, | NoRTH 2 ‘The following three most important factors should be looked inte when you buy < piece of land, Firs thing to consider is the colour ofthe sil. Vaastu says white colour is suitable for the learned and the teachers, Red colour is good for the Warrior classes, Yellow eolout is very suitable to Business classes and Black colour is Suitable forthe lower or backward working classes, Se OT ey [teers ge toner ee j ——7_ | asst i dss Tis other testi5 to dig a knee-deep pit on the plot of land (iiddle) and then refill the same with the same excavated carb. Ifthe back filed material spills over the pit ie, some earth is sil leftafter the pit is filled. lisa good siga, Buy this land. I nothing islet and the pti fully fled Will be an average plot, neither good nor bud. If, howeves, the pit is still vacant after you have filled it with the whole carth excavated from the same pit it will not bring good 4 Jack Rather i will bing bad Iuek, food Cn pine things cannot be grown is not eousdarcs, food (like brick kiln land or rocky land) . west ~ WEST: 8 nortH ‘The easiest method of seeing 2 house, plot or business place is to observe the vibrations of the place. Go to the place which you want to buy or rent and stand there and observe the vibrations for one or two minutes with closed eyes and see how you feel there. If you feel happiness, some upliftment and good vibrations buy or rent it otherwise leave it asva west Norra — ° Sites of houses or factories sold by rich peaple who have been living happily ir the premises and ar: selling it for othe: reasons except poverty or misfortune are always good Houses sold by distressed, unfortunate people who became poorwhile living there shculd be avoided, Dilapidated and haunted houses should, also, not be bought, Plot of land which is free from pebbles, pieces of broken pottery (potsherds), worms, ants, bones, charcoal, pointed object, sludge, dust cavities, huss, thorny tres is a suitable sit forall eases and sects of people because it wil bring them success. Any plot where the middle of the land is raised like the back of a tortoise should be rejeced. The sae of yl ity on ale ards, | Haka bate wes 2 NORTH: “After you have seen the land, examined colour, taste, smell of soil, observed the vibrations, carried-out ground-excavation piteflling test, and its circumstantial and physial suitability, fou have to see the DIRECTION of your plot. “VAASTU” 1 every pasticular aboot the directions, rather “VAASTU" is Bf Science of Diretons ony. "ane ‘basically accounts for Eight out of Ten directions East (POORY), West [PASCHIM), North (UTTAR), South (DAKSHIN), North-East (SHAN KONE), South-East (AGNIKONE), South-West {PITR/MITRKONE), North-East, (VAYUKONE). ‘souTH | | | 4“ NoRTH Place @ compass in the middle of the plot. Take a reel of thread and align the same with needle of the compass from the north point of your plot tothe south point of your plot. This gives you exact position of Magnetic North and the South. Put some line or some mark under the thread. Take another thread and put the same at right angle on the earlier ‘marks at the place where you put your compass, That will sive East and West directions of your plot. From these four directions you can have other directions too, West ‘sourH | | NoRTH ~ 16 orTH \. | You can also have a big paper with lines marked as shows in this picturePut a compass in the tuiddle of the pape: and align the same with two lines ia the North and South ~4} of the compass needle. After that you can.align these lines ‘with the stated above to get exact directions. west souTH ST a oe Alfcr conducting these tests you should selec «square or rectangular pl kind of sed be sown there Act acquicing the plot 2 bam ee Possible 2 cow and is ea long with cow dung an hor er NNowh East should be the lowest point om your piece of land. IF isnot. you shouldbe able te make i y ling Some earth fom it and puting the same towards South ‘West. IFNorh East is rocky or higher or blocked by some other higher building, t should be rejected. An unblocked Nom East comer i considered tobe the best which wll sive name, fine and weal, The slope ofthe lands ery important in Yast fhe land Slopes toward Est wil ring good hick fhe land hopes towards North it wil bringin ecb, fhe Ind slope is towards West, it wil bring financial losses and ithe slope Is towards South it an cause destruction and evict ithe family. $0, if you hive & pe wich its towseds West or South biter fill in more earth inthe sme and make it In these days i is diffi wo get » square or rectangular lot exactly fitingin all the four diections of South, Newt, East and West. But even Ii ited by 15 to 20 dagres ite all ight li A Bot whichis longer from East to West is known as ‘Suryabhedi anda plo! whichis longer fora Nerth to South ‘sknown as ChandrathediChandrabhedi pt isrnech better than Suryabhedi | | i our plot is wider atthe font gate and naromer in the fend then i is clled Lion faced plot. {tis not good. Any plot of land which ie squeezed in betncentoo bigger lots isnot goed. Ic wil bring poverty. eject i 5 SZ © your entance is narow and rear portion bigger then itis & | = | /— 26 non Noni If you have a river, canal, or tube well in the North Eastern side of your plot itis very good, If there are mounds and hillocks or higher grou South and West of yous plot that will give you ‘wealth — weer — asva 23 norm — norte ——— 99 — If North West comer is extending in the house it means Reject any site if «hills towards Nom ot Eat of your plot 2 heavy expenditure and restlessness -*— ~ Nort —— If your plot is not rectangular see that at least South East and South West comers have a 90 degrees angle, —souni — Any plot which kas lover land in North and Eastern side and big or small hills on the Western or Soithern side or 8 very high building o3 the Western and Scuthern side it is a very good plot, 315 asva ~ 32 ————— wort Except in North East, if your land is elongated towards any other side itis not good. AL Soubh East comer is projecting towards East or South there sou ——— asva west Se North Eastern corer of the plot is extended it is very, if tae angle here is less than 90 degrees, NorTH 35 seed. It will sive you name, fame and weslth. It is better SN sourn 36 ——————- norrn ———— The plot should not bein the neighbourhood of any religiots| ble, ple aes is halls, hospitals, courts, 1d burial or cremation grounds. Norra ———— ‘The plot should not te at Y or T junctions asva 3 ‘NoRTH 4 ontH ‘The South or West of the plot must be higher th and East. If it is not, you should be able to maki filling and puting more earth on the same. If it is not possible you should not buy the plot ea Sea, [ west at : Fa square plot sound ty ond onl he Four sides cn [rove heaven forte ace Buy even ta iher co »> asva — sourn ~ ;- 40 ————— norma Ifyou are making an underground tank for water storage in your hhouse, locate it in the North Eastemn comer of your house: Muncipal water supply should also start from North East direction ofthe house, iv NontH ——————— Ifaroad ends in your house from the North Eastein comer it is considered very good. g ck, anpcipiBINGRTaERT a ouaie ca Souihern side road is not considered to be very good | ENorthem side road is good. asva st Se ee a ‘A road on the Wester side is reasonable west — asvs west — 6 1f roads are on the Northem and Western sides of your plot itis OK. noRTH [esata Eee ‘sourH asva Ff your plot has roads en the Eastern and Northern sides it is also good. asva p48 ————— norm Sree eee 5 Ifyou are a business man a road on the Wester or Southern side of your plot can also be good depending upon oher factors Reeser ener eel nee | North is not considered good ee ee — asva = eel i : NORTH a If three roads fiom the Souh, East and West surround P your plot itis also not very good al eee EL la sous — Roads in the North, West and South of @ house are aot good. L_____ sv Nort ——————— 3 5 AF your plot is not towards any of the four di:ections and the road is also not going straight you should plan your hhouse not parallel to the road whieh it abounds but i should "be located according tothe raagnetic South ani North line {fo make it in full calibration with the four divections aN 2 wonTH ‘As already stated neither the ground nor the building shld te higher in the North East. The ground should have a slope inthe North East andthe wall ofthe building shed also be lower inthe NorthEast han South West Ifpossble the walls inthe Nosth East shold be thinner than walls of the South West ~ asva — 8. non ‘A road ending in the house is very bad. Never buy a plot in which road comes like a dagger provided it isnot coming, from North East directions, Rubble, garbage and high ground opposite the gate of your ‘house or factory is also not good, if 3] 3 g an ae mot 3] [8 ‘sour — 56 —————— non — [ree stout testing Sar er ok oa oe a. ytd 38 Nowri If all these things are away from the main door by more than twice the length of your building then thy do not have any effect. A stream of filthy water in front of your house, factory or 5 office isa clear loss of wealih. Even stationary ditty water is bad, Do not use any material from an old building in @ new Duildirg. Always use new wood and new mate-ial in a new house. sour — west —o NonTH When you plan a building leave more space in the East and North of the building and less space in South and West. In other words.your building should always be located in the South West corner of your plot. Non as Ifyou leave more space on the West side in your house the ‘male members of the hause will get badly affected ee ee ee eee ee nowt ~ ay ‘Af you leave more space in the East and North in a West “facing house do not leave any open space in the West. The | main oor should be esactly in the middle of the West direction, Tilt towards Sooth or North is not good. it is not please correct the same. South West corner of ‘your house should be heaviest and walls taller and thicker a woRTH The South West comer should be exactly at right angle. If and floor litle higher. west: asva sour —o NoRTH om west Ina South facing house the door (if it could not be avoided) should be exactly in the middle of the plot. No verarda or balcony should be on this side. Even in this house more space should be left on the Eastern and Norther side. NORTH 6 “If your house is North facing place the door in North or North East. You can crect veranda and balconies in these sides Three doors exactly facing each other should not be placed in a North facie house, Rather two or three doors in a straight line and aligning with each other should be avoided in almost all the houses, ‘souTH asva i Sets ee a ro“ ORTH r NonrTH a North Eastem comer of your house should be a vacant The reof too should have a slope towards North or East place. North Eastern comer of your bed room, or any other or North East. Rain water should flow towards North-East, oom in the house should always be left vacant |) North or East. OAT Oug YVAASTU FOR DESIGN OF A HOUSE NoRTH o ‘When you wantto put a door in house, divide te front of the house in nine equal portions. “eave the Five portions from the right side while facing thehouse and make the door in the sixth square, asva sour NorTH eineesae 7m Norra worms ad Gu of te ton the Nort No Ease te Ea i | A dor below th Hoo el of you has o nary ae should not be fixed at all asva little smaller than the lower level door. g a \ | ‘The main door right a the top ofthe lower level should be ‘sour sour 4 ————— norm Number of doors and windows should be less on the first floor than on the ground floor, Norra Bo Your gate stould not face any religions place specially a temple. No shade of any religious place should fall on your = I the religious place is as far away as double the height of your house it has no effect soumn 16 NoRTH In case there are two external doors they should be in East and West for maintaining good balance. But the doors should not be in a straight line. asvs Nomm™ — «When your door is in the East or North do not keep it exactly in the middle of the house. Shift it towards North_ fom : a ey sour ‘souml — 98 nor’ ——— Nonth ———— 9» ‘Tae rest of the doors in the house should not be bigger then the main door. If possible keep windows in th: Easter and Southem side in the kitchen, E — = NORTH Norra as ‘Tae rain water from the building should flow to North A tubewell should not cross tie North East oblong line in Eastem comer, Water from the bathrooms and kitchen your house. It should be little away stould also flow in this direction and get out from the ihe Easter side. house in North East direction from this line towards asva akranoo_[rrrenen| l) - 2 — NORTH your water pipes are coiming from other directions, make ‘an underground tank in North East and then supply water {rom thereto the whole house. It wil give very good results, Bo = NORTH Place ef warship in your house should be in the Noth East comer of your house. If you want a male child you should Teave enough space in the North Eastside of your bedroom asva ‘sour — ea NoRTH acne 8s ‘Kitchen sheuld be in the South East and the cook of the house should always face East when cooking, It may avoid ‘medical problems in the house. Living room or drawing ro i ce 18 foom should be located in the asva 8 NorrH a ae Do not fet your bathroom or latine face the door of your Kitchen. Neither should they face the dining-table in the house. “Keep your store for costly goo¢s or money in the North side of your house. asva | a asva ” Norra ort est locations in an ideal house East Bathroom (without toilet) oe nels aren not South Bedroom one Sey North Store for money and jewellery _ North West Store room, Guest rooin gee an South West Litany, Bedroom ofthe maser ofthe PPE house North East Pooja room (Prayer room) eonoane Scuth East Kitchen Bias seams sour sourn —— mE NoRTH en 3 SOME DOS & DON'TS ‘Your servant quarters should be in the North West or South Garage should be in South East or North West Eastern side, For location please see Ideal house layout: r asva pe eee ae Ne ‘The maser ofthe house should have his bedroom in ‘South Western side, mie: ‘WEST Nowy — 3-5 ‘The attached bathroom shoulc always be in Mid Nosh West cor Mid West of every room but rever in the North Eastern ‘corner of the room. asva — ont — 75 ‘The ideal place for placing of the commode in your toilet is betweer South West and South. One should never face the sun when performing bilety functions. That means you shouli not face East or West when siting on the Nort Wash basin should be in the East or North direction in every house ‘commode, asvs -- ‘NORTH Altematively, you may Keep your toilets in West, South or North West, but not in North East under any circumstances, WEST NorTH 99 Balconies in your house should be in Northem and Eastem direct oily. ene Siava ly Norn - Nom — (Open terraces should be in North Eastern direct cl forth Eastern direction or North “The basement in a house, faclory or shop should be located or East. Verandah should also be in North East, in the North Eastern part ofthe house. tor NoRTH Lofts or Mezzanine should be {eofts or Mezzanine shouldbe only on the South Western zane | ‘sour, ———___ asva Nowra 1035 If you have a balcony towards South West, keep it closed and covered. asva — 193 —— norr Staircase should be in the South Western part of the house NORTH ‘Number of risers in your staircase should be in like 7-9-11 ete _ odd numbers Asya 1015 - 196 Norra nom ~ Out houses, annexes eic. should never be attached :o the Do not stat living in a house which is without écors and Easter of Northem walls. without proper roof ‘souTH NORTH Irae bl teres, cremation Never alant tees brows from cemeteries, cremation Stone sculpture, Moghul Gardens, Rock Gardens should rounds, road sides, given or presented by sick or te in South Wester comer of the building a people a ee West p> 110 ——— ont If the shade of a tree in your house falls on your buildirg in the second quarter of the day it will give troubles in the hhouse. It will not affect the inmates ifthe shade falls in the first quarter ofthe day or the lst quarter ofthe day, Rather it will give benefits sag es ‘NORTH. m5 house preferably on Grow a Tulsi Gasil) slant in your house prefe East, North or NorthEast side of the house. Its effect is very good. asva pu NorrH ren the mumber of tee’ inside the house sou Allo hem shouldbe onthe South West ea your \ | 1 isyg_____ | ort —————— 135 Do not plant trees in the house which give milky white stuff when you break some branch, Bo notplané tomy trees in your house, Even cactus is not good, but if you plant Ashok and Kathal tres in between them the resultant bad effects will be corsiderably reduced. asva If you-can the South, Peepal NORTH [North itis considered plant a Banyan tree in the East, Goolar tree in tree in the West and Ber tree in the me ni g 116 Nowri According to Vaastu Pomegranate (Anas), Amla, Coeonut and ‘Kathal trees are good inthe house. zy 5 ‘NORTH In your drawing room 4o not put furniture on the Eastern cor Northern wall. Put your sofa sets on the Wester and Souther walls, ‘Taller trees should always be in the South Westside, The blocking of the North East by trees or walls affect the newly born male children as well as the adult meles of the j— 120 NORTH ma ‘As a rule when you have built a house we should pray 10 ‘Vaastu Purusha like this : Oh Lord, you are the owner of this ste, We have come here to live. Please know us. Treat us as your family members. Remove all our problems ard help us in maintaining cordial relations among ourselves. Bless us free from all troubles and sorrows. Accept ox offerings and please leave this site so that we can occupy B the same and live happily in peace. {= ______ sour asva the main ga NorTH Keep Ganpati, Lakshmi or Kuber photos on the NORTH ‘Symbols ‘tke ‘Swastik, Om, Ganpathi Statue Rangoli eimenions stop the entry of evil spr and evil inflencet in the house if students face North or North East or East while studying they wil be more brilliant and shining. The room of the student can be in West but he should only face any of the above three directions when studying. ae ns: Tr sd Nor ate ron of noe nd | E iva f= ar (126 Ont ea arn | No garbage should be dumped in the North Easter side of. : i af west sourn ee sie ee us NORTH | ta your bedroom keep your bed in such away that your head ra yeins towards West or South. So that when you get UP in Ttnoming you will face either East or North which is very good. NORTH 129. If the arayer place is in yout bedroom, keep iti the North Eastern comer. In such < case keep your head towards East ‘while sleeping so that your feet should not face the prayer asva——— pat A ene NorTH Bia |, No furniture or cupboard should touch the Northern and Esstern walls “The almirahs or wardrobes in your bedroom should not open in the South dicection. If it is such do not keep money, cosily things, important papers in them. Buy another steel tlmirah and put it elsewhere, It may open in any direction except South, AF anavoidable and you Lave to keep them in North or East ‘keep them away by about 6 inches from the wall keeping a i ‘Bap between the wal! and the back of the cupboard, ina oe sourn f a -————— wes. North —— 13. All of your heavy goods, photographs of your ancestors should be placed in the South Westem side of your howe aa Keep your Geysers, Fumaces, Stoves, Electrical Appliances, and Gas Stoves in the South Eastern corner. ‘NORTH owt —————5 — ‘The image of your deity should be placed in the North East of your house, office or factory. IDEAS WANTED. Dear Reader, ‘fyouknow a good quote, line, stanza, couplet or proverb which, you feel, is very meaningful, encouraging, inspirational, ‘motivational and educational and you want to share the sae with others, please write us. If selected, it will find a place in ‘our tabloid monthly “The New Papes” with your name. ‘The Editor, BPB PUBLICATIONS, 20 Ansari Road, Daryaganj, New Delhi-t10002, 138 NORTH “While sitting for prayers keep your face towards North or East = NoRTH ——__ 439, Pigeons should not be reared in the house. But you can rear Ducks, Cocks, Parrots, Dogs and Cats and keep them in South-East or North-West side of your house. i | | ava — 40 ————— nora All mirrors should be fixed on the Northern and Eastern walls. ‘SOUTH isva west NORTH m1 Put the clock on the Easter, Western or Northern wall. @ | 9 SOUTH iq 142 ————— nort# Food storage should be in the North West. Nort! gate, ‘Do not hang any picture except Gods oT ~ 143 Just opposite your main ‘There should, however, be a sym always good. thing which is pious in your religion, ibol of Om, Swastika, or any fon the main gate. It is ‘west 144 Nort’ >) tures of dhimal fights, hunting, captured Never hang pict fire, trees devoid of flowers elephants, nudes, something 0 fand fruits and dead stuffed éhimals in the house. Do not hang pictures in the house in which Pigeons, Crows, Lions, Snakes, Vultures, Owls, and Bats are there, i NORTH “45 146 NORTH NORTH ur In the Dining-room while eating one should face East or West. Keep your food plate in South East while eating, ‘You should wash your clothes in South East comer because you will be using electricity for your washing machine. asva west asva cst 128 ———_— nortx —————} Keep your medical chest in the North East side in your house. The medicines shall have a better effect. & 5 NORTH ie If you have someone ill in il in your hose pt im in West oom. You can hose him in No West a for carly recovery. Hea | While taking medicines and drinking water you should face North East for early recovery. ; souTH 199 ————— nortw Tall trees should not block your gate or the North East side of your plot. Under no circumstances a tree should be in the middle of the pate of your house, shop or factory. asva VAASTU FOR FACTORIES & SHOPS ‘Here are some other guidelines fr Fatries and Shops _— 152 Nort — NORTH———___ 53 Factory plots should always be rectangular or square. If itis, ‘The North East comer should not be blocked with construction. renga te ratio between length and breadth preferably It should belek open 7 should be 1:2 nO 455, = . 3) 2) : ie = a ine ty There shoud notbe a stagnant dirty water near th nt dirty w gate of th fete sould also nat bein he South or West Sie ofthe factory. ‘The South East and South West comer should always be at 90 degree angle. (sour 154 _——NonTH— ast or North. Ifitis ‘Main entrance should be in the North Bast, Er East or not possible, cae shouldbe taken that itis not in South South West direction. West. Care should be taken that there should not be a pit, tubewell or a slope towards South or West or South West. souTH— ‘NORTH — 155 The walls i ie was ‘the South West direction should be thicker arid Borewell or tubewell should bein the North East direction only. ‘SouTH— NORTH —‘ 156 ‘The transformer, electric supply and instruments should be in the South East direction. Boiler should also be in the South East direction ‘Watchman’s room should be inthe North West comer. SOUTH NORTH —- 137 ‘The godown of raw material should be lecated in the South West direction. Waste material should also be in this direction: a ‘SOUTH. asva NORTH 459 ‘NORTH: | ‘Workers’ quarters should be in North West direction. | hese tae to sell quickly should be placed in the CT J | : eae | | ‘The heavy machinery should be located in the South West direction, Boiler should be in the South Bast direction, ‘SOUTH: SOUTH. ‘WEST 160 Finished goods should be kept in North West direction, The overhead tank should be in the North West comer. Parking can ‘be in East or North, NORTH NORTH———___ sg, ‘The main office of management should be in South West or ‘West.The owner should sit facing East or North, Care should be taken that no one sits under the beam. If ther is no choice ® the beam should be fully covered and should not be visible, NORTH- 163 ‘Water coolerstap should be in'the North East direction. flourish easily sHOWcASES asva WEST [counts CoE “tat The showeases, racks should be in the South and West part of the shop. Counter can be in the South East, South West of the ‘The counter and showcases should be st right angles. They Westside, should not be rounded. 162 — NORTH: ‘Shops which have openings in the North, East or North East & | ‘SOUTH souTH: west ———___ 14 — NORTH Do not make donations or payments facing West or South, Do not look towards ground while giving donations. You should face North or East while giving donations or making payments. isva NORTH- 165 North East comer of a house or building is governed by water. If this comer is lower than the whole building the water will flow to this comer. Keeping this comer high or having it cut ‘means suffering for the occupants as per Vaastu. No weight of ‘any kind should be kept in this comer and it should not have anything inthis comer except photos of your Gods. Asva ‘SOUTH- j— 166 norr—— ‘North West comer is governed by air. If this corner is cut it ‘means the air does not flow into the house. This comer should also not be higher and should not be blocked with heavy things. ‘WEST: NORTH 67. South West comer isthe comer ruled by our ancestors who have already gone from this world. Cutting ofthis comer means not honouring them and not giving them a placeto live. They create all sorts of problems for the family whose house, building or factory is cut in the South West direction. 168 South East comer is ruled by fire. This portion of the building can have anything which is hot. It should not be cut. A cut in this comer also creates lot of problems for the family. ut NEW PAPER A novel, new and newsy tabloid newspaper of its ‘own kind. It is illuminative, creative,- inspirational plus entertaining. ‘The New Papers blazing a new trail. entertaining journalism. Send Rs, 2.00 postal stamps fora sample copy. BPB PUBLICATIONS 22 Ansa! Road, Darya Ga, New Dah 110002

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