5016 Assignment 2

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A data set from an in-control process is required for process capability, which implies that the output measures

the process in question and then constructs a normal bell-curve distribution over time. The effectiveness of
process capability analysis is dependent on the use of standard, in-control data sets.

Difference Between Cp, Cpk, and Pp, PPk

Understanding the differences between the various computations is critical. The potential capacity (Cp) of a
process is used to evaluate how capable it is of producing parts within specified constraints or specification
restrictions. A lower specification limit (LSL) and an upper specification limit (USL) specify these restrictions
(USL). Six process standard deviation units are used to calculate the difference between the present process and
the process capability.

In Bobby's situation, the LSL and USL would stipulate how short or long the bats should be in order to fulfill
MLB regulations.

Cpk (actual capacity during production) determines if the process is centered between the previously stated
specification boundaries. The k factor is the one that centralizes the data. If you imagine a bell curve, the Cpk
measures how well the curve is centered between the LSL and USL boundaries.

Both the Cp and Cpk measurements are based on the assumption that the sampling is drawn from a normal
distribution of a large (greater than 50 measurements) randomly selected sample.

The preliminary process capability (Pp) and its corresponding preliminary process capability index (Ppk) are
more typically used to evaluate new processes that have not yet been formed or processes that do not come
from a regular data distribution.

If Bobby decides to adjust his process to handle a larger production volume, he should compute a Pp and Ppk.

Practical study of the organization

How to Measure and Calculate Process Capability in an organization
When doing a capacity analysis, various procedures must be taken. The first step is to define the process's upper
and lower specification limitations. These constraints might be set by the consumer, client, or staff involved in
the product's creation.

The second stage is to gather a sample of the present manufacturing process in order to calculate the mean and
standard deviation of the current product output. To guarantee robust and accurate sampling, gather a high
sample size (usually 50 or more measurements) and collect samples over a lengthy period of time in one
manufacturing run.

By dividing the specification width by the process, the potential capability is computed.

Bobby will multiply the standard deviation he determined from his sample six times to acquire the process
width since the potential capability is computed using six standard deviations. He'll also deduct the LSL from
the USL to get the specified width, which is as follows:

Bobby is seeking more than one process capability (1). If this is the case, it signifies that his method has the
ability to provide the needed specifications, depending on how the process is structured. We must calculate the
real capability throughout production to decide on process focusing (Cpk).

The Cpk measures how well the process is centered between the parameters. This is determined by computing
the process capability of both the lower (Cpl) and upper (Cpu) specifications:

Cpl=(Process Mean-LSL) (3s)

Cpu=(USL-Process Mean) (3s)

After those are computed, we take the least Cpl or Cpu value, which may be determined as follows:

Cpk=Min(Cpl, Cpu)

If the minimum value is less than one (1), the procedure cannot be accepted and will not fulfill the
requirements. While a minimum of one (1) is acceptable, numbers between two (2) and three (3) are preferable.
It should be noted that most businesses consider a Cpk greater than 1.33 to be a sufficient process capacity.

If Bobby's real production capabilities are just below this potential, he'll need to make some modifications if he
wants to create greater volume this summer. To do this, he may strive toward a more substantial decrease in
process variability or toward centering the process output midway.

Non-Normal Data Processing Capability

Calculating a preliminary process capacity should be utilized only when establishing a new process that has not
yet gained statistical control. The primary distinction between a preliminary process capability index (Ppk) and
an actual process capability index (Cpk) is that the Ppk can only analyze information from the past owing to a
lack of current process data. Unfortunately, this equation cannot be utilized to accurately anticipate future
process results.

It's also worth noting that Cpk and Ppk numbers will fluctuate substantially when the procedure isn't
statistically controlled. Understanding these distinctions will help you select the capability analysis that is most
suited to your data collection.

Minitab is a common tool that many professionals use to do statistical calculations such as the normality test,
process capacity analysis, and many more. Process capacity analysis, for example, Minitab analysis for
computations produces better outcomes.

Data Collection Method

The benefits of conducting a Process Capability Study allow you to determine the “short” term stability and
capability of a process.

Process Performance Studies are performed to identify how well a process, that is in statistical control,
performs long term (for example, one week or longer). Two types of variations within the process are
statistically measured: variation within subgroups and variations between subgroups. Variables should include
different operators, materials, tool changes, adjustments, and so on. For the Process Performance Study to be
successful the Process Engineer must ensure the following:

Data is obtained over an extended period of time (a minimum of 5 days of data) under normal conditions

A minimum of 100 pieces in 20 subgroups of 5 is gathered

The benefit of a Process Performance Study allows you to determine the “long” term stability and capability of
a process.

The number of ways to misuse a capability index are legion. For example, calculating the index for a process
that is not in statistical control or for a process that isn’t even approximately normally distributed. These indices
are useless at best, misleading at worst.

Cp, Cpk, Cpm are hard enough for a quality engineer to understand. Lay people often have no clue as to what
they mean in the real world. Nor should they need to know.

Process capability indices can be deliberately manipulated to make a result appear the way an unscrupulous
supplier or manager wants. For example, conducting a capability study over a time interval that is too short to
show the impact of multiple potential special causes. Or assuming normality when the metric is not normally

They are only useful for a single metric. Capability indices apply to a single process metric. But products and
services are complex and involve dozens of performance metrics.

The key idea that plays an important part in determining the overall performance level of the system is process
capability analysis. More than likely, it is a must-study for the professional seeking a solid understanding of
capacity analysis Minitab with statistics.

Using the services of a reputable accrediting firm such as Sprint zeal can greatly assist you in acquiring a
complete understanding of this procedure.
The capacity to deliver a product or service that meets the specifications established by the customer's criteria is
referred to as process capability analysis. It can demonstrate how successfully your organization's production
process is working.

You may also gain suitable manufacturing information to estimate the amount of productivity. It will improve
the operation and allow us improvement.





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