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ISOM 2600 Business Analytics


OCT 25, 2022

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 1

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 2

Series and

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 3

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 4

Pandas offers data structures and operations
for manipulating numerical tables and time
series. This library is our main focus.

Pandas is a library for data analysis. It gives Python the ability to work with
spreadsheet-like data for fast data loading, manipulating, aligning, and merging, among
other functions. In the first lecture , we will focus on DataFrame only and learn to read
data file and do column-wise operation.

Import pandas and read data

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 5

csv Data File
Information is separated with a comma. The comma is not the only type of
delimiter, however. Some files are delimited by a tab (TSV) or even a
semicolon. The main reason why CSVs are a preferred data format when
collaborating and sharing data is because any program can open this kind of
data structure. It can even be opened in a text editor.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 6

Index: date and hour

Columns: Hourly power consumption in

Different regions of PJM LLC.

PJM Interconnection LLC (PJM) is a

regional transmission organization (RTO)
in the United States. It is part of the
Eastern Interconnection grid operating an
electric transmission system serving all or
parts of Delaware, Illinois, Indiana,
Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, New
Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio,
Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Virginia, West
Virginia, and the District of Columbia.

Monday, October
24, 2022 7


Data Model of Pandas

The most often used data structures are the Series (array data) and the
DataFrame (tabular data).
DataFrame consists of multiple columns of Series.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 8

In pandas, DataFrame is two dimensional data structure which has thes index and
columns, similar the excel spreadsheet. Each column is a Series.



Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 9

1. A Series is used for one-dimensional data which has an index and
a name.

2. A column of DataFrame is a series.

3. The leftmost column contains the index and the rightmost

column in the output contains the values of series. The default
index is the counting number.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 10

Series and DataFrame

Pandas introduces two data types to Python: Series and DataFrame. The
DataFrame represents your entire spreadsheet or rectangular data, whereas
the Series is a single column of the DataFrame. A Pandas DataFrame can also
be thought of as a dictionary or collection of Series objects . The DataFrame
has Columns and Index.

A Series is a column of DataFrame without column name.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 11

Methods and Attributes
The pandas library provides a lot of functionality. Both series and
DataFrame have their own lists of methods and attibutes. There are over 400
method and attributes on a series.

Colab can pop up a list of attributes for

completions(after “.”) when you hit

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 12

Methods and Attributes
In python, the attributes are the characteristics of data type and methods
define the operation/actions

Attributes Methods

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 13


Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 14

Statistical methods of Series

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 15

Methods of DataFrame

All Series methods can work in DataFrame. But the DataFrame is two-
dimensional. How do we know if the method work row-wisely or

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 16

DataFrame Axis
A DataFrame has two axes which are referred to as axis 0 and 1 or the index
(row) axis and the columns axes

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 17

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 18
Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 19

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 20

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 21

This method is powerful to find frequencies for discrete or categorical

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 22

sort_value of Series

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 23

Sort_value() of DataFrame

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 24

Chaining manipulation


Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 25

Chaining manipulation


Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 26

Plot Methods of Series and
Pandas is integrated with matplotlib deeply. With plot attributes, we can easily
chain the plot with other methods.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 27


Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 28


Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 29

Line plot

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 30

Bar plot

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 31

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 32
Pie plots

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 33

Data Slicing


Monday, October 24, 2022

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 35

Data Slicing (Subsetting )
The data is usually large and it is better to check details by displaying or make
a copy of a part of the data.

We can use the head or tail method to look at the first or last the several
rows . This is useful to see if the data is loaded correctly and has a sense of
the data contents, i.e. index, columns, values etc.
We can select one or multiple columns to compare different variables
We can select one or more rows to check data pattern only in certain
time window.
Mixed selections of rows and columns
Selection of data following certain conditions

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 36

Head or Tail

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 37

Selection of Columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 38

Selection of Rows

ATTN: Loc method is right inclusive and iloc is right exclusive

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 39

Mixed Selection

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 40

Split data into train and test data (80% train and
20% test)

If the data is time series, the first 80% If the data is cross-sectional (not time series), we
rows as train and the most recent 20% need to shuffle data first before selecting using iloc
as shown in the left.
as the test data.

Slice data using iloc method

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 41

Conditional Selection with One Condition
We also may select part of data which satisfy certain conditions. For example,
select all data, such that income is above median

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 42

Conditional Selection with Multiple Conditions



Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 43

Changes to

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 44

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 45

Add Columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 46

Update Columns
We make a new column “Season”

Change the new column directly

Value_counts() is to list the frequencies of all values.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 47

Algebraic Operation on Columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 48

Algebraic Operation on Columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 49

Dropping Column/Row
Drop Column

Drop Row

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 50

Handling Missing

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 51

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 52

What is NaN Value
Rarely you will get a data set without any missing values. Pandas displays
missing values as NaN. The NaN value in Pandas comes from numpy. Missing
values may be used or displayed in a few ways in Python—NaN, NAN, or nan—
but they are all equivalent.
We can get NaN when we load in a data set with missing values, or from the
data preprocessing
NaN value may be useful in data preprocessing.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 53

Count Missing Values

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 54

Replace NaN Values
We can use the fillna() method to recode the missing values to another value.
For example, suppose we wanted the missing values to be recoded as a 0 or
mode/median of the column.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 55

Fill Missing Values with Fill Forward Method

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 56

Fill Missing Values with Fill BackWard

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 57

Drop Missing Values

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 58

of Data

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 59

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 60

Max-Min Standardization
Mean-standard deviation

Max-min Standardization
Standardize data into those with the range [0,1]

Mean-SD Standardization
The range of standardized data is not bounded but most of data
is in between -3 and 3. It is applicable for the bell-shaped data.

Methods for Time
Series Data

Monday, October 24, 2022


Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 65

Convert string to Datetime
You read time series data from csv file and index is in the format of year-
month-days. However it is not in the type of datetime and their type is string.
We need to transform the index using pd.to_datetime

If the index is converted to datetime type, we can get day, month

,year and time easily

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 66


Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 67


Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 68

Rolling Method
The rolling() function is used to provide rolling window calculations. In
financial times, it can be applied to compute all kinds of dynamic
statistic, e.g. moving average,.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 69

Compute Rolling STD

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 70

Compute Cumulative Sum Cumulative sum is
different which compute
the sum starting from
the first row.

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 71

Compute cumulative max

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 72

Methods and
Attributes Select columns pd.to_datetime()
Type, .index, .column, Select rows with loc sort_index()
.shape and iloc shift() and
Methods of Drop missing values pct_change()
Mixed selection
statistics:sum(),size() Fill with a value
Conditional selection Rolling mean, std, sum
with one or multiple Fill forward Cumulative sum,
(),quantile(), median()
condition. Fill backward max,min
Axes of DataFrame

Series and Handling Missing Methods for Time

Data Slicing
DataFrame Values Series

Make Changes to
Advanced methods Standardization

value_counts() Create and update a Max-min

sort_values() column
Chaining styles of Algebraic operation on
methods columns
Plotting() Drop columns

Monday, October 24, 2022 XUHU WAN, HKUST 73

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