Giao An Hoc Ki 2

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- To use lexical items related to the global warming
- To identify and pronounce intonation in Yes-no questions and echo question.
- To use perfect gerunds and perfect participles
- To use must and have to to express obligation.
- To read for specific information in an article about global warming
- To express opinions, agreements, or disagreements about solutions to global warming
- To listen for specific information about the causes and effects of global warming
- To write an essay about the causes, effects and possible solutions to global warming.
- To understand the global warming problem and Young voices for the planet

I. Objectives of lesson 1
1. Educational aim
- To introduce the unit in general in order to
+ draw Ss’ attention to the topic “global warming” of the unit and its objectives
+ check Ss’ background knowledge of the global warming and their comprehension of the
- By the end of the lesson, Ss are able to
+ understand the content of the text correctly,
+ read the text fluently
+ do the activities well
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Lexical items: chemical fertilizer, deforestation, ecological balance
- Grammatical structures/items: perfect gerunds and perfect participles
* Skills: - intonation in Yes-no questions and echo question
- Reading for specific information
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan,
- Ss: reading and considering the tasks
III. Anticipated problems
Ss may ................................................................................................................ so T
should ..............................................................................................................
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
-*T -T informs the class of the lesson objectives:
Introducing the topic, some vocabulary related to global
warming, the two grammar points (perfect gerunds and
perfect participles), and intonation on yes-no questions and
echo questions.
Task 1: Listen and read: (7ms)

-T asks Ss to look at the picture and tell them that the

people are Mr Hoa and her students – Mai, Minh and Lan. - Answer T’s Qs
Mr Hoa is checking how they are preparing for a team
presentation on global warming and is suggesting some
-T tells Ss that they are going to listen to the conversation
between Ms Hoa and her students.
-T plays the recording.

-T has Ss listen and read the conversation silently.
-T tells Ss not to worry about the new vocabulary as
unfamiliar words will be dealt with later in .
Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read at the same

Task 2: Answer the questions (7ms) Expected answers:

-This activity focuses on comprehension. Keys: 1. Global warming
-T tells Ss to read the questions carefully before they read 2. Three parts: the causes, the effects,
the conversation the second time. the solutions
-T helps Ss with key words or phrases to make sure that 3. Greenhouse gas emissions from
they understand all the questions. factories and vehicles; use of chemical
-T lets Ss work in pairs to answer the questions. fertilizers, and deforestation.
-T divides the class into three groups and has each group 3. Greenhouse gas emission, use of
write their answers to separate pieces of paper. chemical fertilizers, deforestation
-T divides the board into three sections. 4. Climate changes, infectious and
-T reads each question and has a S from each group stick heat-related diseases, impact on water
their answer onto their section on the board. supplies, threat to food production and
-T reads the three answers to each question and has Ss upset ecological balance
decide on the correct or best one. 5. They should change their daily
- Checks and gives the correct answers: habits
Ss listen , do T‘s requests 6. Causes: burning of fossil fuels,
using of non-environment friendly
Effects: natural disasters such as
floods, droughts, tsunami, acid rain

Task 3: Complete the definitions: (7ms)

T: -This activity focuses on the meaning of some key Keys: 1. C 2. G 3. D 4. B 5.
words used in the conversation. A 6. E 7. H 8. F
-T encourages Ss to use the context and clues in the
-T asks Ss to read the conversation again and find the
phrases in the left-hand column and underline them.
-T encourages Ss to guess the meanings of the phrases and
then match them with their definitions in the right-hand
-T checks Ss’ answer as a class.
Task 4: Find all the phrases having + past participle with Do as appointed
form. (5ms)
T: This activity focuses on having + past participle of the
verbs. Ask Ss to refer back to the coversation and find all
the phrases with the – ing form. Have them compare theirs
answers. Check answers as a class
- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs/groups
- Check Ss’ answers.

WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Ask Ss to tell class about conflicts between different
- Give feedback.
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Learn by heart all of new words and
- Prepare for the next lesson. give examples.
- Ss listen and take note 3. Prepare the next lesson
carefully.unit 6 : lesson 2 (language)

Lesson 2 : Language

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use lexical items related to global
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
 Words and phrases related to the topic
 Understand and use “ having + past participle” of the verbs
* Skills: carrying out the exercises quickly and exactly
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words and find some adjectives/nouns/verbs relating to the
III. Anticipated problems
- Students may have difficulty recognizing the differences in pronunciation of the stressed words with
the mark ,so T should prepare those words and structures to help them.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content
I. WARM UP (5ms) * Checking
- T asks Ss to make sentences using some words or
- T corrects Ss’ answers and gives mark.
Ss give answers

A. Vocabulary:(15ms) Task 1: Matching

-This activity provides Ss with an opportunity to use the Keys: 1. carbon footprint
phrases they learnt in Activity 3 in GETTING STARTED 2. infectious diseases
in the sentences. 3. emissions
-T goes through the phrases and checks Ss’ 4. ecological balance
understanding. 5. heat-related illnesses
-T tells Ss to read each sentence carefully and use the 6. climate change
contextual clues to work which phrase best completes it.
-T asks Ss:
+What are the surrounding words?
+What do they mean?
-T lets Ss complete the sentences individually.
-T checks answers as a class.

B. Pronunciation: (7ms) Task 1: Listen and repeat:

Intonation on yes-no questions and echo questions
1. Task 1
-This activity focuses on rising intonation on yes-no
-T plays the recording and asks Ss to listen to the
questions paying attention to the rising intonation at the
end of each question.
-T plays the recording again.
-T pauses after each question for Ss to repeat.
2. Task 2
-This activity focuses on rising intonation on echo
-T asks Ss to read through the exchanges.
-T tells Ss that B’s responses are echo questions.
-T elicits from Ss what echo questions are and what
intonation pattern is usually used for them.
-T plays the recording for Ss to check the answers.
-T has Ss write an upward arrow after the echo questions.
-T lets Ss practise the exchanges in pairs.
C. Grammar: (15ms)Perfect participles in clauses of Task 1.
time and reason. * Keys: 1. Having planned
-T asks Ss to read the “Do you know…?” box and focus After we have planned the content …
on the form and use of perfect participles. 2. Having treated
-T points out that perfect participles clauses can be rather Because/Since humans have treated the ….
formal and are not often used in speech. However, these
structures are very useful in formal writing as they help
combine information into one sentence.

1. Task 1
-The aim of this activity is to help Ss to understand the
meaning of perfect participles in sentences and how to
use them in clauses of time and reason.
-T asks Ss to read the sentences with perfect participles
they have written down in 4 in GETTING STARTED and
discuss with a partner how the perfect participle is used in
each sentence.
-T tells Ss to rewrite the sentences individually.
-T checks as a class.
2.Task 2

Perfect gerunds
-The aim of this activity is to show Ss how the perfect
gerund can be used to emphasize that an action had
happened in the past, before the past action denoted by
the main verb of the sentence.
-T points out the two structures:
+Verb + O + Preposition + perfect gerund verb
+ Perfect gerund.
-T tells Ss that in many cases the perfect gerund is
optional since it is often obvious from the context which Task 2. Matching and combine the
action takes place first so the simple gerund can be used sentences
as well. * Keys: 1. e
E.g. She denied breaking the flower vase 2. c
-T asks Ss to underline the verbs in the second sentences 3. a
that will be used as the main verbs or verb phrases in the 4. b
combined sentences. 5. g
-T elicits from Ss each verb or verb phrase. 6. h
-T has Ss pay attention to any prepositions that need to be 7. f
added. 8. d
E.g. Suspect (suspect somebody of doing / having done Keys:
something). 1.The students in group 11G were praised
-T has Ss do the activity individually first, then compare
their answers with a partner. for having planted the most trees in the
-After that, T checks as a class. schoolyard in the Tree Planting
-T tells Ss to read the “Do you know….”box. Competition
-For weaker Ss, T provides more examples with the verbs 2. The police suspected Mike of having cut
followed by a gerund (simple or perfect one). down the oldest tree in the park
-For stronger Ss, T has them work in pairs and make as 3. He denied having dumped lots of
many sentences as they can. rubbish onto the beach
- T asks Ss to exchange the answers with their partner. 4. Thank you for having saved the lives of
- T gives feedback. hundreds of wild animals
+Ss work individually to do the task, then discuss their 5. They regretted having hunted and killed
answer with their peers many wild animals
+ write their answers on the board 6. The factory was heavily fined for having
dumped tons of toxic waste into the river
7. Denis was rewarded for having taken an
active part in the Green Summer activities
III. WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
IV. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Exercises in workbook: A,B
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2.. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit 6 :
- Ss listen and take note lesson 3 Reading

Lesson 3 : Reading

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for read for general ideas and
specific information about “GLOBAL WARMING”.
- read for specific in an article about“GLOBAL WARMING”., understand word meaning in context
and understand references.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
Words and phrases related to the topic “GLOBAL WARMING”.
* Skills: - guessing meaning of words/phrases in a text
- answer questions in a text
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words
III. Anticipated problems
- T may not have enough time to do all the tasks , so T can ask Ss to do the left at home
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. WARM UP (5ms)
-T -T informs the class of the lesson objectives: Skimming and
scanning a text for general ideas and specific information.
- Ss give answers

Task 1: Discuss (7ms) Task 1: Discuss the problems

1. -This activity is a pre-reading activity which aims to get Ss depicted in the pictures
involved in the lesson and help them to activate their prior
knowledge about the topic.
-T has Ss work in pairs, discuss the problems depicted in the
pictures (greenhouse gas emissions from factories and cars,
deforestation, etc.) and answer the question.
-T invites some pairs to present their answers to the class.
-T don’t correct Ss’ mistakes at this stage of the lesson.
-T just praises them for expressing their opinions and tell them to
compare their ideas with those in the text after they have read it.
- Ask some Ss to share their opinions with the whole class.
- T- Check their answers
Task 2. Read the text and choose the best answer(3ms) Task 2:
2. T: -This activity provides Ss with an opportunity to practise * Keys: The best title of the text is
reading for gist and summarizing key ideas into a statement. "Global warming is mainly caused
-T asks Ss to read the text quickly and choose the statement that by humans and has negative
best expresses the main idea. impacts on people’s lives"
-T helps Ss to eliminate the wrong options by analyzing them:

+Option a is a definition of global warming.
+b mentions only about one of the effects of global warming
explained in the text.
+c is the most comprehensive one since it mentions both causes
and effects.
+d mentions only one solution.
+c is the best answer as it covers all points mentioned in the text.
Ask Ss to skim the text
Ss: Work individually first, then compare their answers in pairs .
T- Check their answers
Task 3: Matching words with the definitions (4ms)
- 3. T: Ask Ss to find the words in the text with the definitions
given. Task 3:Matching
Keys: 1. G 2. F 3. D 4. E
- Have Ss work individually, then check their answers in groups. 5. B 6. A 7. C
Ss: Skim the text and compare the answers.
Work individually, then compare the answers in groups
T - Check the answers again as in class
Task 4. Answer the questions(7ms)
- T asks sts to read all the questions, check if they understand all * Keys: 1.We are responsible
the question and underline key words of each question before 2. It releases a large amount of
finding the answer. carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
- Sts work in pairs to underline the answers in the text. Finally, 6 3. Deforestation disrupts the
sts say the answers, if an answer is incorrect, T tries to elicit it process of absorbing and capturing
from other sts. C02 from the atmosphere
T- Check their answers 4. They could lose their home
5. They can reduce crop harvest
6. Because human beings cannot
exist without species diversity on

Task 5. - Discussion (7ms)

- T - Arrange Ss into groups and set a time limit. T walks round
to monitor the class and offer s help if necessary.
- Have Ss work in groups and take turns to share their problems
- ask some pairs to report the results of their discussion
III. WRAP UP (2ms) -tell Ss what they have learnt
- Asks Ss: What have you learnt today
- Calls on some Ss to report their ideas to the class
IV. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Learn by heart new words
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2.. Prepare the next lesson
- Ss listen and take note carefully.unit 6 : lesson 4: Speaking

Lesson 4 : Speaking

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: - By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to talk about “GLOBAL WARMING”..
1. Language focus - To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of “GLOBAL
- To provide learners different expressions of uses and benefits
2. Skills - To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may be afraid of speaking in public , so T should encourage Ss to participate in the lesson
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. WARM UP (5ms)T: Inform the class of the lesson
objects :
Introduce the topics by asking Qs

Task 1: Discuss which of the activities in the table Task 1: *Key: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6

can help reduce global warming.(12ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
-This activity is the first step in preparing Ss for
achieving the final objective of the Speaking lesson –
expressing ideas/ agreements/ disagreements about
solutions to global warming.
-T has Ss read the activities carefully.
-T explains any new words/ phrases, if necessary.
-T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss which of the
activities in the table can help reduce global
-T checks answers as a class.
-T might also be necessary to explain the following
+”Travelling by air around the world to study global
warming” may contribute to the increase of global
warming instead of reducing it as air travel and other
forms of transport such as motor vehicles, rail and
sea transport are main sources of CO2 emissions.
-Just “Living in forest surrounded by a diverse
population of species” cannot stop deforestation or
protect species from extinction.

Task 2. Matching (10ms)

-Ask Ss to look at the task 2.
-This activity helps Ss link the activities in 1 to the
specific reasons why they can help to reduce global Task 2:
warming. KEY: 1e , 2b , 4c , 5a, 6d
-T has Ss read the reasons carefully.
-T explains any words or phrases if necessary.
-T demonstrate to Ss how they can use the clues or
key words in the reasons to determine the activities
they relate to.
-For example, in reason a, the clue are “petrol” and
“vehicle” as these words are related to “transport”
and “bicycle”.
-T has Ss work in pairs to match the reasons with the
-T checks as a class.

Task 3.Complete the conversation (10ms) Task 3:

* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Keys:
Explaination 1. energy use
-This activity provides Ss with a model conversation 2. electronic devices
expressing ideas, agreement and disagreement. 3. planting trees
-T asks Ss to read the conversation and use the words 4. carbon dioxide
in the box to fill in the blanks individually. 5. reusing and recycling
-T has Ss work in groups to role-play the

Task 3: Make the similar conversation (10ms) Task 3: Make the similar conversation
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
communication approach
-This activity is free practice: Ss use the activities
and reasons they learnt in 1 and 2 and the model
conversation in 3 to express their own ideas.
-T puts Ss into groups of three.
-T asks Ss to exchange their ideas and express
agreement or disagreement about solutions to global
-While Ss are doing the activity, T walks around the
class to offer support if necessary.
-T invites one or two groups to role-play their
discussions in front of the class.
-T provides comments and corrects any frequently
occurring mistakes.
.Ask Ss to work in groups
- Encourage Ss to use the structures listed in.
- Walk around and help Ss if neccesary.
Ss -Present orally in pairs.

3. Task 4: Make the similar conversation
Ask Ss to work in pairs
- Encourage Ss to use the structures listed in.
- Walk around and help Ss if neccesary.
- Ask some pairs to role-play their conversation, and
give feedback on their performance
Ss -Present orally in pairs.

III. WRAP UP (2ms)

* Methods/techniques of consolidation: .
communication approach
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
IV. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. write the dialogue in the notebook
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2.. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit 6 :
- Ss listen and take note lesson 5 Listening

Lesson 5 : Listening

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to listen for gist and specific information in a sports
instructor’s talk about the global warming..
+ Develop the listening skills for details and for specific details.
+ talk about the global warming
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
- Words and phrases related to the topic about the global warming

* Skills:
+ Listen to a sports instructor’s talk and do the true or false exercise and complete the table.
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook, pieces of papers and cassette
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
- Students may have difficulty understanding some words and structures, so T should
prepare those words and structures to help sts
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. WARM UP (3ms)
-T informs the class of the lesson objectives: Listening
to a talk by a professor for specific information about
the causes and effects of global warming.
Task 1:. Matching (8ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
communicative Suggested questions:
-This activity is a pre-listening activity with aims to 1c, 2d, 3a,4e,5b
introduce the topic of the listening text and get Ss to
brainstorm ideas related to the topic.
A.-T asks Ss to match the words with the pictures.
-T has Ss read aloud the words in pairs to make sure
that they can pronounce them.
B.-T asks Ss to discuss the question in pairs.
-T encourages Ss to write down their answers so that
they can compare them later,
- Have Ss compare their answers. Check their answers.
- Teacher may explain some new words if necessary.
Task 2. Choose the best answers(6ms) Answers:
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: . KEY: 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.c 5.a
2.T-This activity focuses on the skill of listening for
specific information.
-T tells Ss to read through the questions and the answer
options so that they have some idea about what they
have to listen for.
-T helps Ss to identify the key words in each question.
-T plays the recording without pausing.
-T has Ss answer the questions individually.
-T lets Ss compare their answers with a partner.
-T checks as a class. If there are many wrong answers,
play the recording again, pausing where Ss may have
difficulty understanding the listening text or where Ss
can get the answer to a specific question
Task 3: Listen and answer the questions (8ms) Task 3: Listen and answer the questions
* Methods/techniques of teaching and Keys:
learning: communication approach 1. Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide
-This activity provides further comprehension practice 2. The thick layer of the greenhouse gases traps
on the listening text by open-ended questions. more heat from the sun leading to the increase
-T has Ss read the questions and asks them to pay of the temperature on the earth
attention to the key word(s) in each of them. 3. Heat waves, floods, droughts and storm
-T plays the recording again. surges.
-T asks Ss to take notes while listening and then use 4. Famine, water shortages, extreme weather
the notes to answer the questions. conditions and a 20-30% loss of animal and
-For a weaker class, T pauses after the information for plant species.
each question. 5. When you have a lot of information about the
-T lets Ss compare their answers in pairs. topic, you’ll be more willing to change your
-T checks as a class. lifestyle and you’ll be able to inform others and
inspire change.
Task 4: Discuss the changes in weather patterns in Task 4:
Viet Nam over the last ten years.(8ms)
Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
communication approach
-This activity is a post-listening one, which provides Ss
with an opportunity to relate the content of the
listening text to their own situation.
-T puts Ss into groups to discuss the changes in
weather patterns in Viet Nam over the last ten years.
-For a weaker class, T gives Ss some hints such as
longer summer, heat waves, floods, drought, storms,
-T invites Ss from one or two groups to report the
results of their discussion.
-T gives encouraging feedback and correct only
frequently occurring mistakes.
III. WRAP UP (2ms) .
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: .
communication approach
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
IV. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Learn new words by heart :
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2.. Prepare the next lesson carefully in unit 6 :
- Ss listen and take note lesson 6 Writing

Lesson 6 : Writing

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to Write a short brochure introducing an global warming
+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge: some words and structures related to global warming
* Skills
- read the lists , fill a chart
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook, pieces of papers
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
Students may have difficulty using some words and structures to express their ideas ,so T should
prepare those words and structures to help sts
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content
WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
communication approach
-T informs the class of the lesson objectives: by the end
of the lesson, Ss should be able to write an essay about
the causes and effects of global warming and possible
solution to it.

Task 1: Fill in the gaps (8ms)

* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
. 1. -The aim of this activity is to provide some ideas and Suggested answers:
prepare Ss for the lesson’s final writing task. Causes: 2, 4, 7
-T draws the diagram on the board and explains to Ss its Effects: 1, 3 6, 8
different parts: there are several causes leading to global 5 9
warming, which has a number of effects on human life
and nature; then some of these effects can cause further
impact on humans and nature.
-T puts Ss into pairs.
-T asks Ss to read the phrases carefully and decide which
of them are causes and which are effects.
-T reminds Ss that they have already learnt about these
causes and effects in the reading and listening lessons.
-T asks a pair of Ss to come to the board and complete the
-T checks answers as a class.
Task 2. Discuss complete the outline (12ms) Answers:
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: 1. Introduction (introduce topic and the
Explanation main contents)
-The aim of this activity is to help Ss to develop an - one of the biggest issues facing humans
outline before they start writing their essays. nowadays
-T reminds Ss that all the ideas necessary for the outline - caused mainly by humans
have been provided for them in the previous parts of the - most catastrophic effects on humans
unit. - humans have to take actions to reduce
-T tells Ss that they can complete the outline with just the risks
phrases, not complete sentences. - the essay will discuss the causes and
-T writes the outline on the board and asks some Ss to effects, and possible solutions
complete the part of the outline about the causes and 2. What global warming is and its cause
effects while others complete the outline in their - the rise in the average temperature of
notebooks. the earth due to the increase of
-T checks as a class. greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
-T has Ss work in pairs to think about the possible - causes
solutions to reducing global warming. Carbon dioxide emission
-T reminds Ss of the solutions they have discussed in the Deforestation for farming land
speaking lesson. Increasing use of chemical fertilizers on
3. Effects of global warming
- heat related diseases and death, and
spread of infectious diseases
- melting of polar ice caps and rising of
sea levels
- extreme weather patterns such as severe
storm, heat waves, floods and droughts
- widespread extinction of species
4. Some possible solutions
- reduce energy use
- planting trees or plants
- Using green methods of transportations
Task 4: Write the text for the brochure (17ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Answers:
communication approach
T- -The product of this activity should be Ss’ completed
essays. Students’ answers
-T asks Ss to write their essays individually using the To begin with:
helpful expressions in the box and the outline they have The deforestation for farmland, wood
completed. and paper contributes to higher
-T lets Ss work in pairs swapping their essays for their temperatures which lead to the melting of
partners to read and give comments. polar ice caps and rising of sea levels
-If time is limited, this activity can be assigned as
Alternatively. Ss can write the text for the brochure at
home. They can also add some photos to inlustrate each
paragraph and make their brochures look attractive. T
collects Ss’ brochures the next class. Give feedback and
comments or invite Ss to show the best brochures and
present the information in class.
-After Ss finished the writing, T gives some general
comments and writes the good ideas in one column and
errors in another.

-T asks the class to comment on the ideas and correct the
WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Rewrite
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2.. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit
- Ss listen and take note 6 : lesson 7 Communication and Culture

Lesson 7 : Communication and culture

I. Aims/Objectives
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to further skill development
1. Language focus - Communication samples and cultural items
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students - Read through English Unit 6 - Communication and Culture at home
III. Anticipated problems
Students may have difficulty using some words and structures to express their ideas ,so T should
prepare those words and structures to help sts
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content
I. WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
communication approach
-Ask ss to answer his/he qs by looking at the pictures.
-Answer the qs
Task 1: Communication (8ms) Key :
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: KEY: 1.c 2.e 3.b 4f .5.d 6.a
A. Communication.
1. -This activity aims at developing Ss’ presentation skills
on the topic of global warming.
-T tells Ss that they have to present a talk to an
environmental club about one of the causes of global
warming and its effects. In the talk, they will also have to
suggest some solutions related to the problems.
-T asks Ss to read the causes in the Writing section and
choose the one they think is the most important and want to
talk about.
-T has Ss study the outline in groups or pairs before they
start preparing for their talk.
-T encourages Ss to practise their talks with their partners.
-T invites one or two Ss to present their talk to the class.
-T gives comments focusing on the structure of the talk and
Ss’ presentation skills.
-T encourages other Ss to give comments, too.
Task 2. Culture. (12ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Vocabulary:
Explaination +awareness
B. Culture. +be proud
-The aims of this section is to provide Ss with information +clean-up
about how young people can help to reduce global warming. +lawmaker
-As a warm up activity, T asks if Ss know anything about
Young Voices for the Planet or what the name tell them.
-T has Ss brainstorm ideas, but do not correct them at this
stage of the lesson.
-T tells Ss that they will find out more after they read the
-Some of the words/phrases in the text may be difficult or Suggested answers:
unfamiliar. T has Ss guess their meaning or, to save time. 1. It is a series of short films that tell
-T provides the equivalent words or explanation in real stories about the different ways
Vietnamese. young people have contributed to
1. Task 1 reducing the carbon footprint of their
-T asks Ss to read the text carefully and answer the questions homes, schools, communities and
1-4. countries.
-T checks as a class. 2. Because he has learned about how
-To make the activity more interesting and to save time, T trees can help to reduce the amount of
use the “jigsaw reading” strategy, T puts Ss into groups of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
four. 3. To raise money for the clean-up of
-Each S in the group has to read one paragraph and then the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in
answer the question(s) related to the content of that 2010.
paragraph. 4. One student stood covered in plastic
2.Task 2 bags in front of city lawmakers and
-The aim of this activity is to encourage Ss to relate the text asked them to ban plastic bags
content to the situation in Vietnam.
-T puts Ss into groups to discuss the questions.
-T invites one or two groups to present their answers to the

WRAP UP (2ms)
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: . communication
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
IV. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1- learn the structures and vocabularies.
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2- Prepare for the next lesson. Lesson
- Ss listen and take note 8:looking back and project

Lesson 8 : Looking back and project

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: Through the lesson, Ss will have time to review pronunciation, vocab, and
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
-some words and structures related to people with Globall warming
- understand and use the having PP
* Skills
+ Pronounce the use of rising intonation on echo questions.
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook, cd player, projector
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
-Students may have difficulty using some words and structures to express their ideas ,so T should
prepare those words and structures to help sts
-Ss may not have sufficient time to finish the part in 45 mins
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. Pronunciation (5ms) I. LOOKING BACK
-T informs the class of the lesson objectives: Reviewing
pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. A. PRONUNCIATION

1. Task 1
-T helps Ss to review the use of rising intonation on yes-no
-T plays the recording.
-T asks Ss to listen and repeat the questions paying attention
to the rising intonation.

2. Task 2
-T helps Ss to review the use of rising intonation on echo
-T has Ss listen and marks the rising intonation on the echo
questions individually.
-T asks Ss to practise reading the exchanges in pairs.
-If necessary, T explains that response 2 is a statement and
response 5 is a wh-question, and usually pronounced with
falling intonation.
-T invites some pairs to role-play the exchanges in front of
the class.
II. Vocabulary (10ms) B. VOCABULARY
Task 1: Complete the sentences (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Keys expected:
communicative *Keys: 1. energy use
-The eight words and phrases in the box are the ones most 2. extinction
commonly used in the unit. 3. emissions
-T has Ss write them in the gaps to complete the sentences. 4. carbon footprint
-If times allows, T asks Ss to make their own sentences with 5. absorb

these words and phrases. 6. deforestation
-Alternatively, T asks Ss to do this at home. 7. diversity
8. catastrophic

III. Grammar:(12ms)
*Key 1. Having learnt about the benefits
Task 1: Rewrite the sentences (5ms) …, the students …
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: 2. Having refused Nam’s offer of a lift
communicative in his car, Mai had to …
3. Having read some documents about
1. Activity 1: Green Earth
1. Task 1 4. Having used too much chemical
-This activity aims to help Ss to review the use of perfect fertilizer on their farm, the farmers …
participles in sentences. 5. Having replaced all the light bulbs …,
-T asks Ss to do the activity individually. she saved
-T checks as a class. 6. Having become too dependent on the
use of electricity.
Give Ss time to read the sentences. Set a time limit and get
Ss to do the activity individually.
Ask some Ss to read their answers. Write the correct ones on
the board if necessary.
Have sts work in pairs to work out the answers.
Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary.
Check sts’ answers by asking individuals to take turns
reading aloud their answers
– Have Ss do the task individually , then compare their
- Check their answers as class.
- T checks with class and asks sts why they make their
Task 2: Complete the sentences (7ms) KEY:
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: 1. Tony was strongly criticized for
having dumped …
communicative 2. Sam regretted not having worked
T Set a time limit and tell Ss to do the activity individually.
hard enough …
3. People admire Tony for having
Invite five Ss to write their answers on the board. Underline
rescued the …
any mistakes and ask other Ss to correct them. Provide help
4. I remember having seen him before
if necessary. 5. The politician denied having lied to
Have sts do this activity orally first the villagers
6. Thanh admitted having forgotten …
– Have Ss do the task individually , then compare their
- Check their answers as class.
- T checks with class and asks sts why they make their
*Lead in:
-T informs the class of the lesson objectives: Free practice in
using the language and ideas from the unit in a realistic
situation; team-work skills development.
1. Activity 1:
-T puts Ss into groups.
-T has Ss in each group choose a leader who will assign
tasks to the member and monitor the work, and a note-taker
who will be responsible for taking notes of the ideas and
consolidate them for later discussions.
-T tells Ss that they can choose from the given activities or
think of an activity that is more relevant to the needs of their
school or community.
2. Activity 2:
-T encourages Ss to make a detailed plan of their activity.
-T elicit what information they should put in the table.
For example: For the activity of planting trees, T asks Ss
some guiding questions such as:
+Where will you get the tree seedlings?
+Where can you plant them?
+How many trees do you plan to plant?
+When is the best time to plant trees?
+Who will do that?
+What difficulties may you face?
+What effects planting trees will bring to your community?
-T allows one week for Ss to work on their plans.
-T has Ss write their plans on large size sheets of paper so
that they can put them on the board or wall for the teacher
and the rest of the class to give comments and feedback in
the next class.
III. WRAP UP (2ms)
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: . communication
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents..
- Give feedback.
IV. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1- learn the structures and vocabularies.
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2- Prepare for the next lesson.
- Ss listen and take note


I. Objectives:

Ss will have time to revise what they learnt in the unit 1 and can present their project on the power
point in English
II. Teaching aids:- Textbook, handouts, pictures
III. Anticipated problems: Ss may not have sufficient time to finish the part in 45 mins
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: daily routine
work with whole class
T: ask Ss to talk about daily routine member in their
family usually does
Ss: Listen & think
T: Ask Ss to present
Ss: present
ACTIVITY 1: Looking back
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
work in groups
1. T asks Ss to read the parts of pronunciation and do
this activity individually. Then ask them to compare
their answers in pairs II. Vocabulary
* check ss’ answers by playing CD Key:
1. energy use
- Ss listen and check
2. extinction
2. Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the words in 3. emission
the box 4. carbon footprint
- Ss do the Ex individually then check 5. absorb
6. deforestation
7. diversity
check ss’ answers and provide correction if 8. catastrophic
ACTIVITY 2. Grammar
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Ex 1
work in pairs 1. Having learnt ….
1. Ask ss to rewrite the sentences using perfect 2. Having refused …….
participles 3. Having read …….
– T has Ss do the task individually , then compare 4. Having used ………..
their answers. 5. Having replaced …….
- Check their answers as class. 6. Having become ……..

Ex 2
1. Tony was strongly criticized for having
2. Combine sentences using perfect gerund dumped a lot of rubbish on the beach.
2. Sam regretted not having worked hard
enough in his previous job……..
ACTIVITY 3: Project
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
work in groups
- T instructs Ss to do project Discuss the activities your groups can do to
- Ss listen and focus on the part help to reduce the carbon footprint of your
1. Ask ss to 2 groups of 4 or 5 who have prepared for school and communities
the project .
2. Let the groups have some time together to
assemble the results of their reports and then present
to the class orally
- T and Ss pay attention to the presentation
- Ss prepare for thee project through overhead
C. WRAP UP (2 ms)
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: work with
whole class
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
D. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 1. Prepare new part: Unit 2
lesson 2. Review the part:
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I. Objectives:
1. Language focus
- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to further education
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in wh- questions
- For grammar, that is the present perfect and the present perfect continuous
2. Skills
- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7
- Reading: Read about higher education opportunities
- Speaking: Express preferences for different further education pathways
- Listening: Listen for information about studying abroad
- Writing: Write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities
3. Attitudes
- To help Ss get started for Unit 7 with the topic "further education "
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
II. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 3ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and
learning: work with whole class
- T asks Ss to answer some questions to
lead Ss to the lesson.
- Ask Ss to guess the content of the
- Ss stand up to say individually
- Feedback and comment slightly
- T introduces the unit and the first part. T
may begin by asking Ss about the picture . E.g. + Who are the people in the photos?
- Ss look at the picture to answer the + What are they doing?
questions + What do you think they plan to do after leaving
- T asks Ss to focus on the yellow box to secondary school?
inform the main points of the whole unit
- Ss look at the box then take notes
ACTIVITY 1: Listening and reading Activity 2
the text Practise the conversation
* Methods/techniques of teaching and
learning: whole class
- T introduces the text
- Ss look at the text and listen to teacher
- T asks Ss to read through the text in
silence in order to understand the main
content of the text and find out their new
words or the words they can’t read

- Ss read the text in silence and find out
their new words or the words they can’t
read correctly
- T plays the recording
- Ss listen to it
- T asks Ss to read out the text following
the recording
- Ss both read out the text and listen to it
ACTIVITY 2: Completing each Activity 2: Work in pairs. Complete each
sentence sentence with no more than three words.
Methods/techniques of teaching and
learning: work in pairs
- T introduces the activity with the table 1. academic or vocational
and instructs Ss to do them in pairs 2. undergraduate and postgraduate
- Ss listen to teacher then work in pairs to 3. a bachelor’s degree
do the exercise 4. vocational courses/ a vocational course
- T calls on 5 Ss to give their answers and 5. apply for scholarships
to give evidence from the text
- Ss stand in front of class to say answers
and evidence
ACTIVITY 3: answering the questions Activity 3: Work in groups of three. Read the
* Methods/techniques of teaching and conversation again and answer the questions
learning: pair work then whole class Keys:
- T introduces the activity and instructs Ss 1. They can pursue further education
to do the activity in groups 2. They can help students develop analytical skills,
- Ss listen to teacher then work in groups critical thinking and knowledge for higher education
to do the activity at a university or college
- T asks Ss to check answers in groups. 3. Because they want to take some time before
- Ss check Ss’ answers deciding on their career and major
- T calls on 6 Ss to give their answers and 4. Taking a gap year can allow students to do
to give evidence from the text voluntary work or internships, and travel. This
- Ss stand in front of class to read their practical experience will make their CVs look good
completed answers
- T listens and checks
ACTIVITY 4: Discussing your plans Activity 4: Work in pairs. Discuss your plans
after leaving secondary school after leaving secondary school
* Methods/techniques of teaching and - Keys:
learning: pair work then whole class I’d like to work in a business environment, so I will
- T instructs Ss to do the activity choose business administration as my major. After
individual graduating from secondary school, I will take some
- Ss listen to teacher then do the activity Business English courses and I will also work on my
- T asks Ss to check answers in pairs. presentation skills.
- Ss check Ss’ answers
- T calls on some Ss to give their answers
and to give their places from the text
- Ss stand in front of class to say
- T listens and checks
WRAP UP (2 ms) - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: do now?
whole class - Summarize the main points of the lesson.
- T sums up the period
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss 1. Prepare new part: Language
prepare for new lesson 2. Review the part: Getting started
- Ss write down and listen to teacher - Learning the words or phrases related to further
education by heart
- Talking about types of further education


I. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus
- To provide learners some language items in Unit 7
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to further education.
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in wh- questions
- For grammar, that is the present perfect and the present perfect continuous
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
II. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work the education system in Viet Nam and in
with whole class England.
- T asks Ss the questions about the education system in
Viet Nam and in England.
- Ss stand up to answer
- Feedback and comment slightly
ACTIVITY 1: : Complete the following simplified Activity 1: Complete the following
diagram of Viet Nam’s education system simplified diagram of Viet Nam’s
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work in education system with the appropriate
pairs words form the box.
- Ask Ss to work individually first and then in pairs to do
the task. Keys: 1. Kindergarten
- Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their 2. Primary education
partner 3. Lower secondary education
Ss do as asked 4. Upper secondary education
5. College
6. University
- T asks Ss to give answers and check again
ACTIVITY 2: Completing sentences Activity 2
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work in * Keys: 1. Academic 2. major
pairs 3. vocational 4.
- Ask Ss to work individually first and then in pairs to do postgraduate
the task. 5. analytical
- Ask Ss to do the tasks and compare the results with their

ACTIVITY 1: Listening and repeating 1. Intonation on wh- questions
Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work with
whole class Activity 1: Listen and repeat. Pay
- T introduces the part and instructs Ss to read the demand attention to the intonation
to know what to read correctly the intonation on wh- questions
- Ss look at the exercise and listen to teacher
- T plays CD three times
2. - Ss listen to CD and practice reading them
3. – T asks Ss to pay attention to the sentences
4. - Play the recording again for Ss to listen, pausing after
each sentence.
5. - Ask Ss to study the
ACTIVITY 2: practicing saying the sentences with a
Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: pairwork Activity 2: Listen and repeat with
- Ask Ss to read the word in rows paying attention to the correct intonation. The practice saying
intonation. the sentences with a partner.
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the answer with their
- Play the recording and let Ss listen and read chorally.
- Ask Ss to listen to the sentences and practice reading
them correctly
- Invite some Ss to read these sentences in front of the class
and correct mistakes, if there are any.
GRAMMAR ( 15 ms)
ACTIVITY 1: Finding the time expressions 2. Grammar:
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work in The present perfect and the present
groups perfect continuous
- T introduces the part, instructs Ss to talk in groups and Activity 1: Read the conversation in
gives some guide GETTING STARTED again. Find the
- Ask Ss to read the blue box and review the use and time expressions used with the verb
structure of the perfect participles. forms below.
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the answer with their * Keys: 1. for several days
partner 2. lately
- Ss listen to T and take notes 3. since grade 9
- Ask Ss to compare their answer (working in group) 4. before
- Check Ss’ answers,

ACTIVITY 2: Putting the verb in each sentence in

present perfect continuous
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work in Activity 2: Put the verb in each sentence
groups in present perfect continuous
-Let Ss finish the task and compare their answers with their * Keys: 1. have been surfing
partner's 2. has been living
- Monitor the activity and help them if necessary. 3. has been looking
- Check the answers again as in class 4. have been studying
5. has been teaching

ACTIVITY 3: Choosing the correct form of the verbs Activity 3: Choose the correct form of
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work in the verbs in brackets to complete the
groups sentences
- Ask Ss to work individually first, then in groups and Keys: 1.have read
check their answers. 2. have been reading
3. Have you applied
4. have been waiting
5. has been giving
6. have never understood
E. WRAP UP (2 ms) - Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: work with What can you do now?
whole class - Summarize the main points of the lesson.
- T sums up the period - Vocabulary related to further education
- The present perfect and the present
perfect continuous
- Intonation
F. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 1. Prepare new part: reading
lesson 2. Review the part: language
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I/ Aims:

1. Educational aim:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for specific information about preparation for
higher education and learn some vocabulary related to further education and higher education.
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills
- Skim the text to get the general idea
- Scan the text to get some specific details about higher education opportunities
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
III/ Preparation: -T: board, textbook, chalk, some pictures.
-Ss: revise old lesson at home.
IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may need help with the discussion task, so T should ready to help
V/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
. WARM UP ( 3 ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work
with whole class
- T asks Ss about higher education in Vietnam - Ss stand up to reply freely
higher education in Vietnam

* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work
in pairs Activity 1: Look at the table of the British
- T introduces the table & asks Ss to describe it state-run education system. Can you
make a similar table for the education
- Interactions between S & S system of Viet Nam.
- T checks their answers: - Ss work in pairs and say about them
Suggested answers:
Vietnamese state-run education system
School Age Examination
Kindergarten 3-5
Primary school 6-10
Lower 11-14
secondary 15-17 GCSE

Activity 2: Quickly read the text. Choose the best

answer for it. - Ss read the three heading
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: work - Ss to read through the text once without
with whole class stopping at the words that they don't know
- Let Ss read the three heading a, b, c d first and make the meaning
sure they understand all of them - Ss work in pairs to decide on the best title
- Ask Ss to read through the text once without stopping * Key: b
at the words that they don't know the meaning
- Ask them to work in pairs to decide on the best title for
the text that gives the general idea of the whole text
- Help them eliminate the choice that is only one aspect
of the text

Activity 3: Match the words with their meanings

- T instructs Ss to do the activity Keys: 1. d 2. c 3. e 4. a 5. b
- Ss listen to T and look at the activity
- T asks Ss do the activity
by themselves for about 6 minutes
- Ss do individually
- T asks Ss to do the task then compare the answer with
their partner
T checks and corrects
Activity 4: Read the text again. Decide if the
following statements are true, false or not given.
* Keys: 1. NG 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T
- T puts Ss in groups of 3, asks them to read the
questions first to make sure they understand them by
asking them to underline key words
- T lets Ss read the text again and locate the parts of the
text where they can get the answers

Activity 5: Work in pairs. Discuss how you can

prepare for higher education in the UK.
- T asks students to work in pairs to discuss about the
- T asks them to brainstorm ideas about how to prepare
for higher education in the UK.
- Ss read the questions carefully and work in pairs to
answer the questions.
WRAP UP (4 ms)
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: work with Sum up the passage
whole class - T calls on a good student to sum up the

passage and the message of the passage to each student.
- Ss stand up to say
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 1. Prepare new part: Speaking
lesson 2. Review the part: Reading
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I/ Aims:
1. Educational aim: - To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of further education
- To instruct learners how to express preferences for different further education pathways.
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Ss: answer
work with whole class
T: ask Ss to answer some questions about further
T: Control &give suggested answer.
Activity 1: Match the phrases with the description
to make sentences. *Key: 1.c 2. e 3. a 4.b 5.d
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, do activity
- Encourage Ss to explain their choice
- Ask Ss to work by themselves, do the task then share
their answer with their partner
Activity 2: Choose the correct phrases (a-f) to * Keys:
complete the conversation 1. b
Explain Ss this activity 2. e
- Put Ss in pairs, ask them to ask and do the task 3. a
- Let Ss read the text again and locate the parts of the 4. f
text where they can get the answers. 5. d
6. c
Activity 3: Read the conservation again and answer
the questions
- Ask Ss to work in pairs, do the activity.
- Do as appointed Keys:
- Let Ss work in pairs and do the task 1. Because higher education will help students
T calls on 5 Ss to read 5 complete sentences to gain knowledge and critical thinking skills
Ss stand up to read and a bachelor’s degree will help them to find
T checks and corrects a job more easily.
2. Because students need some skills for
getting a job before they can decide if they
want to pursue an undergraduate course or
3. They are campus-based, part time, full-
time, and online.
4. “Cloud” learning allows students to work
and study simultaneously.
5. They provide students with more flexible
Activity 4: Work in groups of four. Practice the programmes and schedules.
T divides class into groups of 4 to practice the
T lets Ss practice it
T goes around
Ss practice in groups
T calls on 3-4 groups in random to practice in front of
Ss go to board to practice in turns
T listens and give comment

Activity 5: Keys suggested

- Think about their choices and reasons for their 1. Because higher education will help Ss to
preferences for further education. gain more knowledge and critical thinking
Share their ideas in groups. skills and a bachelor’s degree will help them
Work together to find a job more easily.
Discuss using the expressions and flow in the model 2. Because students need some skills for
in 2. getting a job before they can decide if they
Role-play their conversation in front of the class. want to pursue an undergraduate degree or
3. They are campus-based, part-time, full-
time and online.
4. “Cloud” learning allows students to work
and study simultaneously.
5. They provide students with more flexible
programmes and schedules.
WRAP UP (2 ms) - Summarize what they have learnt by asking
- T sums up the period Ss some questions:
What have you learnt today? What can you do
- Vocabulary related to further education
- Speaking skills: making a conversation
based on the sample
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 1. Prepare new part: Listening
lesson 2. Review the part: Reading and speaking
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I/ Aims:
1. Educational aims:
By the end of this lesson, Ss can:
- listen for specific information in a talk from an Canadian undergraduate student studying in Vietnam.
2. Knowledge:
- Lexical items: undergraduate course, study abroad, knowledgeable, thorough, programme
coordinator, host family, outing, gathering, staff, fellow student.
3. Skill :
- Main skill: + Scanning for specific information to take notes about the main points
+ Deciding whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)
- Sub skills: Speaking; Listening; Writing
II. Teaching aids: Text book, teacher's book, a speaker and a mp3 player
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms) What will you do after you graduate from high
- T asks some questions school?
- Ss listen & answer .
Ss present their answers
T goes around & collect the answer
1. Activity 1: Show pictures of the students on page 21
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and do the task Ask:
Where are they?
What are they doing?
Expected answers:
They are in Vietnam. They are learning about
Vietnamese culture. They are getting to know
their Vietnamese fellow students.
Activity 2:
Have sts read the instruction about a famous girl
with a disability and the table they have to Keys expected
complete. 1. undergraduate
Play the CD. Ask sts to complete the notes while 2. Vietnamese history and economic
listening. development
Ss complete the notes while listening 3. very friendly and helpful
Ss listen the CD again and check their answers. 4. very organized, knowledgeable and thorough,
Ss compare their answers before checking always available for emergency
answers as a class. 5. lives with a host family, has his own room,
comfortable and clean, has Internet
Have sts listen the CD again and check their 6. Eat breakfast, dinner with host family, and
answers. lunch with Vietnamese fellow students; food:
Have sts compare their answers before checking healthy and delicious; has his favourite dishes
answers as a class.
Activity 3:
Keys expected
1. F
2. T
3. NG
Listen the passage gain and decide whether the 4. F
following statements are true (T), false (F) or 5. T
Write their answer individually and check with
their partners

Task 4: Work in pairs. Discuss how you should

prepare for studying abroad.
- Ask Ss to do the task then compare the answer
with their partner
- Do as appointed
Ss: Work in pairs
T: Go around for help.
Ss: Do the work
T: Call 1 or 2 Ss to report.
Ss: Report
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 m) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for 1. Prepare new part: Writing
new lesson 2. Review the part: Listening and speaking
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I/ Aims:
1-Educational aim:
- To teach Ss to write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities in
another country.
- To teach Ss to develop ability to think in a logical way to form a well-structured text.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Know information about higher education opportunities in the United Kingdom.
+ Write an email asking for information about higher education opportunities.
+ Develop the writing skills in general.
+ Build up vocabulary supported for writing.
2-Knowledge & skill:
*General language knowledge
- Vocabulary: words relating to describing study, email
- Grammar: the present simple tense and future simple.
*Skill: write email
II/ Preparations:
- Teacher: textbook, lesson plan
- Students: Textbook, prepare the lesson before going to school
III/ Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to help them.
V/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 4 ms)
T: ask Ss about England and study there England
Ss stand up to say about it
- T informs the class of the lesson objectives:
Writing an email asking for information about
higher education opportunities higher education opportunities abroad
- T encourages Ss to express their own
thought about this.
- Ss stand up to say
Activity 1: Read Mai’s email to her friend Studying in the United Kingdom
asking for information about higher
education in the UK. Fill in the gaps, using Keys: 1. I am writing to ask you for
the phrases in the box. 2. I want to consult you about
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and do the task 3. I am worried most
- T sets a time limit for this activity and assist 4. I have to take
Ss if necessary 5. I am eligible to
6.I should send

Activity 2: Read the email in 1 again and
complete the following outline. 1. Dear Kevin
2. I am writing to ask for some information and
- T asks Ss to do the task, then compare the advice on higher education in your country.
result with their partner. 3. What are the university entry requirements for
- T draws Ss’ attention to the instructions and international students in the UK?
questions 4. What types of accommodation are available for
- T gets Ss to work individually to find the international students?
answer 5. I wish you and your family the best. I look
- T asks them to practice in pairs forward to hearing from you soon.
- T calls on a few Ss to report the answers 6. Regards.

Activity 3: Choose two of the following

points about studying abroad. Write an
email of 160-180 words to a friend from
another country asking for information
and advice. Use the outline in 2.

- T asks Ss to do the task

- T draws Ss’ attention to the instructions.
- T points out to Ss how to write an email.
- T asks Ss to write their own letter and calls
on a student to write an email
- Ss write the letter individually
- T goes around and gives help, collects
common mistakes for later correction.
- T collects 5 emails to mark in class so that
all Ss feel the need to do the task.
- T walks around and offers help if necessary.
- T gets students' answers and comments.
- T gets some outputs to highlight and
comment and correct the possible mistakes of
- T gives feedback on these papers

- T asks Sts to exchange their writing with

another Sts for peer correction
- Ss exchange the writing for peer correction
- T walks round to check their work and give
necessary suggestions.
- T makes necessary corrections.
- Write down the teacher’s correction and
write it in one’s notebook
- T calls some to read the answers aloud on
front the instructions.
- T picks up some writing to check in front of
the class as a whole.
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare 1. Prepare new part: communication and culture
for new lesson 2. Review the part: writing
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I/ Aims:
1-Educational aim
- To teach Ss about higher education in Viet Nam.
- To teach Ss to talk and read about further education in Singapore.
- To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
+ Understand and read about higher education in Viet Nam.
+ Talk about about further education in Singapore.
+ Get knowledge of further education in Singapore.
2-Knowledge & skill : *General language knowledge
- Vocabulary: words relating to education
- Grammar: the present simple tense.
*Skill: Speaking and reading
II/ Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.
III/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to help them.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)T asks Ss to say about the higher
education in Vietnam and further education in the higher education in Vietnam and
Ss stand up to present further education in Singapore
1. Communication:
Higher education in Viet Nam
Activity 1: Work in groups of three. Label the
diagram of Viet Nam’s education system after primary
school, using the words in the box. Key: 1.a 2.d 3.c 4. b 5.e
- T goes through the words in the box and checks Ss’
understanding. Explain to Ss that diagram is more
detailed than the one in Vocabulary especially for the
higher education section.
- T asks Ss to work in groups of three and complete the
- T checks the complete diagram as a class, making
sure that all Ss have the right answers.

Activity 2: Listen to an overview on Viet Nam’s higher

education. Decide if the following sentences are true Keys:
or false. Tick the correct boxes. 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. G

- T lets Ss work in pairs to complete the task.

- T plays the tape twice
- T lets Ss listen to the recording, do the task then
compare the answer with their partner
- T elicits Ss’ answers and gives them the correct ones.

2. Culture:
Further education in Singapore
Activity 1: Look at the Singapore’s education journey.
Work with a partner. Briefly describe the stages
following secondary education

- T focuses Ss’ attention on the diagram and allow

enough time for the, to describe the stages following
secondary education in Singapore’s education system..
- T asks Ss to work in pairs and do it
- Ss work in pairs to practise.
- T invites individual Ss to present their descriptions in
front of the class.
- Ss stand up to say
1. To help students to discover their
Activity 2: Read the text and answer the questions talents and develop a passion for learning.
Singapore’s secondary and further 2. They have to pass standardized
education examinations.
3. It builds up students’ strengths and
develops their talents in both academic
and non-academic areas.
- T asks Ss to read the text in pairs to do the task 4. They can select pre-university
- T asks Ss to do as appointed education or technical education.
5. There are four local universities with
degree programmes for higher education
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 1. Prepare new part: Looking back and
lesson project
- Ss write down and listen to teacher 2. Review the part: communication and


I. Aims and Objectives:

- To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 7.
- To teach Ss some lexical items related to further education
- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop their speaking skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:
+ Use the intonation in connected speech correctly.
+ Use some key words of the topic further education
+ Do the exercises on the present perfect and present perfect continuous tense.
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- T asks Ss to talk about their plan after they
finish high school Plan after they finish high school
- Ss listen & think
- T asks Ss to present
- Ss stand up to present
ACTIVITY 1: Looking back
* Methods/techniques of teaching and Pronunciation:
learning: work in groups Activity 1: Listen and repeat the questions paying
- T asks Ss to listen to the intonation attention to the intonation
- T asks Ss read the exchanges and do the task
- T asks Ss to check their answer with other
- T elicits answers from the whole class
- T lets Ss listen again and pause to help them Activity 2: Listen and mark the rising or falling
to notice the intonation. intonation for each question.

- T plays the recording and let Ss listen and

do the task.
- T plays the CD once and asks S to check
their answers.
- T lets them listen again if necessary
- T asks Ss to check their answer with other
- T elicit answers from the whole class Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Complete these sentences using the
correct form of the words in bracket.
- T lets Ss do this vocabulary exercise in pairs
or groups of 4
- T asks Ss to work on their own first.
- Then T asks Ss to compare answers with a
partner to see if they have the same answer

- After that, T elicits answers from the whole
class and correct the wrong ones

Grammar: *Key: 1. Have taken

Activity 1: Complete these sentences with 2.have………..been waiting
the verbs in the box. Use the present perfect 3.have…….attended
or present perfect continuous. 4.have been writing
5. has been traveling
* Methods/techniques of teaching and
learning: work in pairs *Keys
1. The graduate students have been arriving since
- Ask Ss to work individually and then four o’clock.
exchange with others 2. The graduate students have all arrived at the
lecture hall.
Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences, using the 3. She has been doing her research project since
present perfect or present perfect continuous. last month.
4. They have visited this college three times
5. I have been learning to play the piano over the
last eight months/ for eight months.
6. I have been discussing my research proposal
with my professor since the beginning of my
- T asks Ss to work in groups and do the task. course.
- Ss work in groups to do
T and Ss correct the part

- T instructs Ss to do project
- Ss listen and focus on the part 1. Your English class is going to hold a
1. T asks Ss to work in 2 groups of 4 or 5 who discussion on the topic “Should we take a gap
have prepared for the project . year after secondary school graduation?” Work
in groups to prepare your presentation. Discuss
2. T lets the groups have some time together
reasons for taking a gap year and reasons for
to assemble the results of their reports and immediately entering college or university.
then present to the class orally
- T and Ss pay attention to the presentation
- Ss prepare for thee project through overhead
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms)- T gives * Homework:
homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 1. Prepare new part: Unit 2
lesson 2. Review the part:
- Ss write down and listen to teacher

Lesson 1 : Getting started

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
By the end of the lesson Ss can
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to our world heritage sites
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions
- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
 Words and phrases related to the topic
. Skills
- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 8
- Reading: Read for general ideas and specific information in an article about Ha Long Bay and its
- Speaking: Making suggestions about places to visit in the Complex of Hue Monuments.
- Listening: Listen for information in a radio programme about Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park
- Writing: Write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was recognized
as a World Heritage Site
3. Attitudes
- To help Ss get started for Unit 8 with the topic " Our world heritage sites"
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts, pictures,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words and find some adjectives/nouns/verbs relating to the
III. Anticipated problems
Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to help
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
I. WARM UP (5ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Introduction
- T- Lead in
- Ask Ss listen to answer some questions to
lead Ss to the lesson.
- Ask Ss to tell the class about our world
heritage sites.
Ss give answers
Lead in : We're going to read a text about our
world heritage sites
Task 1: Listen and read: (7ms) ←
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a
conversation between Nam and Dan.
- Ask Ss to look at the photos and tell you if
they can recognise these monuments ( The
North Gate, The Flag Tower of Ha Noi)
- Ask them to read the heading and guess what
the two speakers will be talking about
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read
the conversation silently. Then ask Ss if their
predictions were correct. Have Ss summarise
the conversation.
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes
new word

Task 2: Decide whether the sentences are Expected answers:

true, false or not given (13ms) 1. F( He wants to go sightseeing)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: 2. T
Explanation- T asks Ss to read the passage 3. F( Most of the citadel was demolished in the
again and get information to do Task 2 in pairs. early 20th century)
- Ask students to compare the answers with a 4. T
partner. 5. T
- Ask some students to read the answers.
- Checks and gives the correct answers:
Ss listen , do T‘s requests
Task 3: Matching(7ms) - Ss work individually to do the task, then
* Methods/techniques of teaching and discuss their answer with their peers
learning: Instruction - write their answers on the board KEY:
Match the words in the conversation with 1.b 2. d 3.e 4. f 5. a 6. c
the appropriate definitions
- Ask Ss to look at the highlighted words in the
conversation, paying attention to the context in
which they are used, then match them with the
appropriate definition.
- Let Ss compare answers in pairs or groups.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- T gives feedback.

Task 4: Find the sentences in the KEY:

conversation which have the same meaning 1. It is a cultural complex comprising royal palaces
as the following sentences(7ms) and monuments
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: 2. Most of the citadel, first built during the Ly
Instruction Dynasty in the 11th century and then expand by
- Ask Ss to find the sentences in the subsequent dynasties, was demolished in the early
conversation with the same meaning as the 20th century
sentences given. 3. The only structure to remain intact is the Flag
- Have them write the sentences in the space Tower of Hanoi
- Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to explain the
differences between the sentence structures.

Task 5: Ask and answer the questions(7ms) KEY:

* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
- Have Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs
- Invite Ss who have visited the site to tell the
class about their trip there
- Ask Ss who have not been there to tell the
class why they would (or not) like to visit the
- Let Ss compare answers in pairs.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- T gives feedback.
+Ss work individually to do the task, then
discuss their answer with their peers
+ write their answers on the board

WRAP UP (2ms)
-Ts asks Ss to summarize the main points of the
Ss give answers
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and 1. Learn by heart all of new words and give
phrases related to our world heritage sites examples.
- Prepare for the next lesson. 3. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit 8 : lesson 2
- Ss listen and take note (language)

Lesson 2 : Language

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
- To provide learners some language items in Unit 8
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to the World Heritage Sites in VN
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in choice questions
- For grammar, that is participle and to infinitive clauses
* General language knowledge:
Words and phrases related to the topic World Heritage Sites in VN
 * Skills: carrying out the exercises quickly and exactly
 - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
 - To encourage Ss to work harder
 - To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words and find some adjectives/nouns/verbs relating to the
III. Anticipated problems
- Students may have difficulty recognizing the differences in pronunciation ,so T should prepare those
words and structures to help them.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP * Checking
- T- Ask some Ss to write some new words and do the tasks
- T corrects Ss’ answers and gives mark.
Ss give answers

A. Vocabulary:(15ms) Task 1:
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: * Keys:
communicative Activity 1: Fill in the blanks with the right 1. heritage
form of the words from the box 2. dynasties
- Have Ss go through the words given in the box and discuss with 3. excavations
a partner their meanings. 4. intact
- Ss fill the blanks with the right form of the word from the box. 5. relics
Have Ss complete the sentences individually, then compare their 6. complex
answers in pairs or groups.
- Ss work individually.
- T asks students to compare the answers with a partner.
- T asks some students to read the answers.
- Checks and gives the correct answers:

Activity 2: Use the correct form of the word in brackets to

complete each sentence
- Ask Ss to study the sentences given and work out the part of
speech that needs to be filled in. Discuss the contextual clues that Task 2:
can help to figure out the answers. .
- Have Ss complete the sentences individually, then compare * Keys:
answers in pairs or groups. 1. archaeological
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 2. natural
- Ask some students to read the answers. 3. cultural
- Feedback 4. attraction
5. preservation
B. Pronunciation: (7ms) Task 1:
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Explaination
Choice questions
Activity 1: Listen to these exchanges and pay attention to the
intonation in choice questions
- Have Ss listen and notice the intonation pattern of the questions
- Have them listen and repeat the exchanges with appropriate
- Ask them to study the Do you know…? box to learn some
general rules of intonation patterns for choice questions.
Activity 2: Listen again and practice saying these exchanges Task 2: Listen and repeat
- Play the recording and ask Ss to read along with the recording,
imitating the intonation patterns.
- Have them practice the exchanges in pairs, taking turns to ask
and answer the questions.
- Ask some pairs to role-play the exchanges in front of the class,
using appropriate intonation patterns.
- Praise Ss who can reproduce these exchanges with good
pronunciation and appropriate intonation.
- Play the recording and ask ss to repeat once or twice. Extend
this task by having Ss take turns reading each of the sentences
twice – with and without elision of weak vowels. Correct ss’
mistakes if there are any.

Grammar: Task 1:
Participle and to-infinitive clauses *Keys:
Activity 1: Underline the correct words and phrases in each 1. lying
sentence 2. dating
- Have S work individually first 3. destroyed
- Encourage them to refer to the Do you know..? box to get more 4. made
information about the classes. Ask Ss questions to check if they 5. to see
understand the general rules related to the form and usage of this 6. to be recognized
grammar point.
- Ask Ss to compare answers in pairs
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences, replacing the relative
clauses with participle or to infinitive clauses Task 2.
- Ask Ss to study the example, Have them explain what changes *Keys: 1. Some of the relics
have been made to the reduced clause ( e.g. removing the relative found at the archaeological site …
pronoun Which and changing the verb connects to its present 2.The Japanese Bridge built in the
participle form connecting) early 1600s..
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. 3. Tourists should avoid purchasing
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. unusual relics …
- Checking Ss; answers by asking individual Ss to take turns 4. He was the last emperor to rule
reading aloud each of the sentences. both parts of the empire.
5.We visited an ancient house
overlooking Thu Bon River in Hoi
6. Trang An Scenic Landscape
Complex is the 8th World Heritage
Site in Vietnam to be recognized by
WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Exercises in workbook: A1,A2,
- Prepare for the next lesson. B1, B2, B3
- Ss listen and take note 2.. Prepare the next lesson
carefully.unit 8 : lesson 3 Reading

Lesson 3 : Reading

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for general ideas and specific information related to
Ha Long Bay
- guess the meaning of a word or a phrase
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
 Words and phrases related to the topic
* Skills:
- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills
- Skim the text to get the general idea
- Scan the text to get some specific details
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words
III. Anticipated problems
- T may not have enough time to do all the tasks , so T can ask Ss to do the left at home
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
- T : Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: skimming and
scanning a text for main ideas and specific information
Focus Ss on the heading, and ask them to guess the possible
content of the reading text
Activity 1: You are going to read a text about Ha Long Task 1:
Bay. Add other possible reasons if you can.
- Ask Ss to tick the reasons why they think people are
attracted to Ha Long Bay
- Have them do the task individually, and then compare
their choice in pairs or groups
- Elicit answers from Ss, encouraging all possible reasons.
Have Ss explain their choices
- Pre-teach some of the unfamiliar vocabulary items in the
text, but not the highlighted ones because Ss will be
required to work out their meaning from the context the
words are used in.

Activity 2: Read the text quickly. What is it about? Keys:

- Ask Ss to go through the three headings. Ask Ss to read Title C: How Ha Long Bay attracts
the text quickly to choose the heading that best summarises tourists
the main idea.
- Set a time limit for this activity since skimming is a
speed-reading technique with the purpose of getting a
general overview of the content

- Have Ss work individually, and then compare their
answers in pairs or small groups
- Check Ss’ answer as a class.

Activity 3: *Keys:
- Ask Ss to look at the meanings provided then read the text 1. islets
again to locate the words 2. breathtaking
- Have Ss write the correct words next to the definitions 3. cuisine
given 4. magnificent
- Ask them to compare their answers in pairs or groups 5. abundant
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- Sts work individually/pair, one st does the task on the
- T checks and elicit the use, the difference and cue words
- Sts work individually first then work in pair for peer
check. One st does the exercise on the board to get a mark
- T checks with the whole class

Activity 4: Read the text carefully, answer the following *Keys:

questions 1. in 1994
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and underline key 2. They can visit different caves and
words which can help them to locate the specific experience the local culture and life on
information in the text. the water
- Let them read the text individually to find the information, 3. It’s famous for its fresh seafood, such
them compare their answers in pairs or groups. Encourage as crabs, prawns and sea clams.
Ss to explain exactly which information from the text 4. Yes. Because Ha Long Bay offers lots
helped them to answer the questions of things at a reasonable price
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 5. These people can enjoy the comfort
Have Ss write their answers individually and check with a and elegance of five star hotels and
luxury cruise ships.
partner. Then check answers as a class and provide feeback. 6. Some may wake up to a beautiful
sunrise among the rocks, islets and
caves; others may enjoy the cave
dinners or the breathtaking view from a
mountain top overlooking the bay.

Activity 5: Discuss with a partner

- Ask Ss to discuss the questions in pairs and give reasons
for their answers
- Invite several pairs to summarise the discussions and
present their decisions to the rest of the class. Encourage
other Ss to ask follow-up questions.
Put Ss in pairs and let them discuss the Qs freely. If Ss have
difficulty coming up with their ideas, give them some
Ask ane or two pairs to report the discussion results to

WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.

HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. do task 5 page 50 at home
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2.. Prepare the next lesson
- Ss listen and take note carefully.unit 8 : lesson 4: Speaking

Lesson 4 : Speaking

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
- To provide learners some vocabulary and information related to Hue Imperial Citadel and its
* General language knowledge:
- Words and phrases related to the topic
* Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may be afraid of speaking in public , so T should encourage Ss to participate in the lesson
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
T: Ask Some Ss to go to the board and do the
tasks again
Ss: --Listen to the teacher to do the task.
Activity 1: Read the information about some Task 1:
attractions in Hue. Work in pairs. Choose . Suggested answer:
one of place in Hue you would like to visit. I would like to suggest visiting Quoc Hoc High
Tell your partner about it School. It is one of the oldest high school in VN and
- Ask Ss to read the information about some is famous for its beautiful ancient buildings. It is also
attractions in Hue. Have each student choose a very prestigious high school where President Ho
one place that he / she wants to recommend. Chi Minh and many scholars studied. Walking
-Ask Ss comprehension questions to make sure around the school can give you the feeling of old-
they understand the text time VN
(?) Which is the main place to see?
(?) Who can help you to learn about the
- Explain any further unfamiliar vocabulary, if
- Have Ss study the example given for
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Have them take turns
telling each other about the place they
recommend visiting in Hue.

Activity 2: Work in groups. Imagine that

you have one day to explore Hue. Which
attractions would you visit? Discuss and
decide on two places you all want to see. Use
the phrases below.
- To prepare for the task, ask Ss to study the
useful phrases and the example given. This will
help them to revise the expressions for making
suggestions and understand what they are
expected to do.
- Ask them to form groups of three, and set a
time limit for them to prepare and practise their
- Invite several groups ( or all groups if time
allows) to role-play their discussions in front of
the class. Encourage the other Ss to give
comments and ask follow-up questions.
- Give feedback on Ss’ role play.

Activity 3: Work in groups. Choose a Task 3: Make the similar conversation

cultural or natural site you think your class
would like to explore. What can you see and ***Helpful expressions:
do there?. Present your group’s idea to the We would like to suggest visit Hue Imperial Citadel
class. because of its significance and magnificence. We can
- Ask Ss to work in groups and decide on a
see ancient palaces and the luxury of the royal
place where all the members want to go.
- Set a time limit for the group’s preparation family. Let’s also visit Thien Mu Pagoda. We can
and practice enjoy the beautiful scenery of the pagoda and the
- Invite some groups to present their idea to the feeling of peace there
rest of the class.
- Encourage Ss to give feedback on things such
as interesting content, original ideas, fluency of
speech and good presentation skills.
. Ask Ss to discuss and practise the
conversation in pairs. Then choose one or two
pairs to role – play their coversation in front of
the class.
WRAP UP (2ms)
- Summarize what they have learnt by asking
Ss some questions:
What have you learnt today? What can you do
- Vocabulary related to our world heritage sites
- Speaking skills: making a conversation based
on the sample
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. - Vocabulary related to our world heritage sites
- Prepare for the next lesson. - Speaking skills: Making a conversation based on
- Ss listen and take note the sample
- Do the tasks again
- Complete tasks at home
- Read Unit 8 - Listening at home


I/ Aims:
1. Educational aims:
- To provide learners some vocabulary and information related to Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park
2. Knowledge:
- Lexical items: National Park, mountain climbing, explore, forests, numerous caves,…
3. Skill :
- To promote Ss to develop their listening skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- Sub skills: Speaking; Listening; Writing
II. Teaching aids: Text book, teacher's book, a speaker and a mp3 player
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
- T asks some pairs of Ss to talk about Hue Imperial
- Feedback Hue Imperial Citadel
- Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Listening Phong Nha – Ke Bang National Park.
for specific information about Phong Nha – Ke Bang
National Park.
1. Activity 1: *Suggested answers:
You are going to listen to a radio programme about This place is famous for its numerous caves.
Phong Nha Ke Bang National Park, one of the world The caves are Phong Nha-Ke Bang’s main
heritage site in VN. What do you know about this attraction. Tourists can explore various caves in
place? Use the words and phrases in the box to Phong Nha- Ke Bang
describe it It has forests with diverse flora and fauna
- T asks Ss to tell you what they know about this There are a lot of underground rivers in the
World Heritage Site caves.
- T encourages Ss who don’t know anything about Mountain climbing is a popular activity for
the site to make some predictions using the words visitors to Phong Nha – Ke Bang. Phong Nha –
and phrases in the box.
Task 2: Match the words with the correct pictures Ke Bang can be compared to a huge geological
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and match the museum.
words with the pictures Keys:
- T has Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. 1c. cave
- T and Ss check Ss’ answers as a class 2e. stream
3a. limestone
4b. mountain climbing
5f. underground river
6d. grotto

Task 3: Listen to a nature radio programme and .
choose the correct answer *Key:
- T asks Ss to look at the three options and make their Phong Nha – Ke Bang was recognized as a
own predictions for the reason why Phong Nha – Ke world heritage site because it is a significant
Bang was recognised as a World Heritage Site. geological site.
Encourage Ss to make all kinds of predictions.
- T plays the CD and has Ss listen to the recording
and choose one of the three options given
- T has them compare their answers in pairs or
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class
- T lets them listen again and pause the recording
after the sentences mentioning the word geological
Task 4: Listen again and complete the sentences
with no more than three words

- T asks Ss to read the sentences and predict the part

of speech and the type of information needed in each
gap. *Key:
- T gives Ss sufficient time to listen to the recording 1. 500 km south
so they can extract the information needed and hear 2. geological museum
the words they have to write down. 3. mountains
- T has Ss compare answers in pairs or groups 4. rivers and streams
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class 5. in the world
6. mountain climbing

Task 5: Work in groups. Discuss the following

questions Ss do the work
- T has Ss work in groups and discuss the questions Ss report
- T asks some groups to report their plans to the
class Ss:
T goes around for help.
T calls 1 or 2 Ss to report.

WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 m) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 1. Prepare new part: Writing
lesson 2. Review the part: Listening and speaking
- Ss write down and listen to teacher



I/ Aims:
1-Educational aim:
- To provide learners some vocabulary and information about Trang An scenic landscape complex
- To teach Ss to write an essay about the reasons why Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex was
recognized as a World Heritage Site.
- To teach Ss to develop ability to think in a logical way to form a well-structured text.
- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
2-Knowledge & skill:
*General language knowledge
- Vocabulary: words relating to describing scenic landscape
- Grammar: the present simple tense
*Skill: write essay
II/ Preparations:
- Teacher: textbook, lesson plan
- Students: Textbook, prepare the lesson before going to school
III/ Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to help them.
V/ Procedure:
Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content
WARM UP ( 4 ms)
- T asks Ss about Trang An Scenic Landscape Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex
- Ss stand up to say about it
Lead in (3 ms)
- T informs the class of the lesson objectives:
Writing an essay about the reasons why Trang Writing an essay about the reasons why Trang
An Scenic Landscape Complex was recognized An Scenic Landscape Complex was recognized
as a World Heritage Site.- T encourages Ss to as a World Heritage Site.
express their own thought about this.
- Ss stand up to say
Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex

Task 1: Ask and answer the questions below * Keys:

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to discuss the 1. Trang An Scenic Landscape complex is located
questions. in Ninh Binh Province. It is a tourist attraction. It
- If Ss have not been to the site, encourage is famous for not only its beautiful landscape but
them to say what visitors can do and see there. also cultural and religious value.
2. Not yet. I think that visitors can visit forests,
caves and places of worship.

Task 2: Complete an outline of an essay Cultural value: c, d
explaining the reasons why Trang An scenic Natural beauty: a, b
landscape complex was recognized as a world Geological value: b
heritage site Preservation of heritage: e
- T asks Ss to read the outline and work out
where the outline each of the points should be
- T has Ss discuss in pairs or groups, and put
the points under the right subheadings
- T checks Ss’ answer as a class

Task 3: Use the information and the *Suggested answer:

completed outline in 2 to write your essay Trang An scenic landscape complex, recognized
about Trang An Scenic Landscape Complex. as a world heritage site, is famous for its cultural
- T sets time limit for them to write the first value, natural beauty, geological value and the
draft of their essays. preservation of heritage.
- T has Ss exchange their drafts in pairs or The most outstanding feature of this site is its
groups for peer review. Encourage them to cultural value. Archaeologists have discovered
comment on the content and structure, on signs of human activity dating back almost
clarity of expression, grammar and spelling. 30,000 years. With such a long –lasting history,
Add any additional feedback, if necessary Trang An scenic landscape complex is home to
- T has Ss revise their drafts based on their many temples, pagodas and places of worship.
partners’ comments and your feedback. (This The natural beauty of the place with its
can be done at home) geological value is another outstanding feature.
- T collects Ss’ essay for checking or marking. Trang An Tam Coc Bich Dong not only has a
natural scenic landscape but also is an
archaeological site. Moreover, the area is famous
for its magnificent landscape of limestone
mountain tops surrounded by valleys and steep
As a place of cultural and natural value, Trang
An heritage is well preserved and protected.
Visitors are amazed to discover that the site is
home to more than 800 species of flora and fauna
Having met UNESCO criteria for outstanding
universal value to humanity, Trang An scenic
landscape complex was added to the world
heritage site list in 2014 as a mixed natural and
cultural property.
- T asks Sts to exchange their writing with
another Sts for peer correction
- Ss exchange the writing for peer correction
- T walks round to check their work and give
necessary suggestions.
- T makes necessary corrections.
- Write down the teacher’s correction and write
it in one’s notebook
- T calls some to read the answers aloud on
front the instructions.
- T picks up some writing to check in front of
the class as a whole.

WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare 1. Prepare new part: communication and culture
for new lesson 2. Review the part: writing
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I/ Aims:
1-Educational aim
- To provide Ss some communication samples and cultural items such as Hoi An Ancient Town, My
Son Sanctuary, Taj Mahal, …
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
2-Knowledge & skill :
*General language knowledge
- Vocabulary: words relating to cultural items
- Grammar: the present simple tense.
*Skill: Speaking and reading
II/ Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.
III/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to help them.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)
T asks Ss to say about the heritage sites in the heritage sites in Vietnam and in the world
Vietnam and in the world
Ss stand up to present
1. Communication: Việt Nam hiện tại có 8 di sản thế giới được
A field trip to a heritage site UNESCO công nhận. 5 trong số đó là di sản văn
hoá, 2 là di sản tự nhiên và 1 di sản hỗn hợp.
- T activates Ss’ knowledge about the five  Vườn quốc gia Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng, Vịnh Hạ
World Heritage Sites mentioned earlier in this Long là những di sản thiên nhiên. 
unit. You can do that either by asking them Quần thể di tích Cố đô Huế, Phố cổ Hội An, Thánh
questions about the sites or by having Ss địa Mỹ Sơn, Khu di tích trung tâm Hoàng thành
recall what they have learnt about them in Thăng Long và Thành nhà Hồ là những di sản văn
pairs or groups. hoá. 
- T asks Ss to study the three World Heritage Quần thể danh thắng Tràng An là Di sản hỗn hợp
Sites in Vietnam. Provide additional duy nhất tại Việt Nam và Đông Nam Á, và là một
information about these sites, if necessary. trong số ít 35 di sản hỗn hợp được UNESCO công
- T asks Ss to study the example to get an idea nhận.
about the language they can use and what Task 1: Work in groups. Your group needs to
they are supposed to discuss. decide on a heritage site on your next field trip
- T lets Ss form groups of three and start their Hoi An
discussion. Have one of them take notes My Son Sanctuary
- T walks around to offer help, if necessary Citadel of Ho Dynasty
and encourage all members to participate in
the group activity. Make sure all groups agree
on one site to visit and formulate the reasons
for their choice

- T asks Ss to consolidate their notes from Task 2: Present your group’s decision on the
Activity 1 heritage site to visit to the class. Try to convince
- T sets a time limit for the groups to prepare your classmates that this would be the best place to
their presentations. see
- T walks around to help Ss to organise their
- T invites several groups to present their
plans for a field trip. Encourage the other
students to ask follow-up questions
- T has the class vote for the most interesting

2. Culture:
Taj Mahal, a World Heritage Site
Activity 1: Look at the photo of Taj Mahal, a *Suggested answer:
world heritage site. Answer the questions 1. It’s in India
- T asks Ss to look at the photo of Taj Mahal 2. I can see a significant architecture, the tomb of
and answer the questions the King and the Queen
- T encourages them to share any information
or facts they know about this site. Even if Ss
haven’t heard about it, encourage them to
make some predictions.

Activity 2: Read the text. Match the * Keys:

highlighted words in the text with the 1. dome 2. masterpiece
definitions below. 3. mausoleum 4. mosque
- T asks Ss to look at the highlighted words
and the context in which they are used.
- T encourages Ss to work out the meaning of
each new word from the contextual clues in
the text. Have them find similar words in the

WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare 1. Prepare new part: Looking back and project
for new lesson 2. Review the part: communication and culture
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I. Aims and Objectives:

- To help students revise what they have learned in unit 8
- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop their speaking skills
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- To help Ss develop the presentation skill in English in front of the crowd
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content
WARM UP ( 5 ms) ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have
- T asks Ss to talk their ideas and opinions, learnt in Unit 8.
knowledge that they have learnt in Unit 8.
.- Ss listen & think
- Ss stand up to present
1. Pronunciation
Activity 1: Listen to the following short exchanges.
Mark rising or falling intonations on the choice
questions in these exchanges
- T plays CD and asks Ss to listen to the exchanges 1. A: Would you like to visit a natural or
and to mark the intonation patterns on the questions a cultural world heritage site ?
using a downward upward arrow on each choice. B: I’d like to see a cultural one.
- T has Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups 2. A: Which site is worth visiting in Hue?
- T checks Ss’ answer as a class The Citadel or the Royal
- T asks Ss to practice the sentences tombs ?
B: I think both of them are worth visiting.
3. A: Would you like to go to Phong Nha –
Ke Bang National Park by car or by
train ?
B: By train.
4. A: Do you prefer mountain climbing
or cave exploring ?
B: I prefer mountain climbing.
5. A: Are the ancient houses in Hoi An in
ruin or well-preserved ?
B: Most of them are well-preserved

Activity 2: Listen again and check your answer

- T plays the recording again and ask Ss to listen
and read along
- T asks Ss to practise in pairs, taking turns to ask
and answer the questions
- T walks around, comment on the pairs’
performance and praise Ss who try to use the
appropriate intonation. 2. Vocabulary:
Activity 1: Underline the correct word in each *Keys: 1. scenery 2. heritage
sentence 3. architecture 4. dynasty
- T asks Ss to underline the correct words in each 5. ancient
- T lets them compare their answers in pairs or
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class and give further
explanation, if necessary.
Activity 1: Combine the sentences using the correct Keys: 1. ringing 2. invited
form of the verbs in the box 3. living 4. to offer
5. called 6. to be recognized
- T asks Ss to work individually, and then compare
their answers in pairs or groups
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class and give further
explanations, if necessary.

Activity 2: Combine the two sentences into one, *Keys:

using either an ing or ed participle. 1. The taxi taking us to Hoi An Ancient Town
broke down
- T lets Ss work individually, and then compare 2. At the end of the street there’s a path
their answers in pairs or groups. leading to the Perfume River
- T asks individual Ss to write their sentences on the 3. The citadel gate damaged in the storm has
board. now been repaired
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class. 4. The excavation relics stolen from the
museum haven’t been found yet
5. Many of the foreign guests invited to the
opening of the heritage museum were able to

- T instructs Ss to do project
- Ss listen and focus on the part Work in groups. Choose a heritage site in
1. T asks Ss to work in 2 groups of 4 or 5 who have VN and find information about it. Then
prepared for the project . discuss and make a proposal for its
preservation and protection. Present your
2. T lets the groups have some time together to
ideas to the class
assemble the results of their reports and then
present to the class orally
- T and Ss pay attention to the presentation
- Ss prepare for thee project through overhead
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for 1. Prepare new part: Review 3
new lesson 2. Review the part:
- Ss write down and listen to teacher

REVIEW 3: UNIT 6-7-8

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Language focus :
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- To help students revise what they have learned in units 6, 7, 8
- To give them a chance to practice2. Knowledge and skills:
2. Skills - To promote Ss to develop their skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
+ pronounce correctly
+ Doing exercises on Vocabularies , grammar.
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook, cd player, projector
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
Students may have difficulty using some words and structures to express their ideas ,so T should
prepare those words and structures to help sts
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
Warm up (5ms) Grammar :
- T asks Ss to call out the themes in unit Pronunciation :
46-7-8 and the grammar points .
- T leads Ss in the lesson.
Task 1: Complete the sentences Answers:
1.Carbon footprint
- Explain new words if necessary 2.excavation
- Set time and let Ss work individually 3.Intact
- Check the answer as a class. 4.academic
Task 2:
- T asks Ss to work individually to use Answers:
the words in the box to complete the 1. further
sentences. 2. lower
- T asks Ss to write the answers on the 3. heat-related
board. 4. scenic
- T reads aloud each answer and asks the 5. cultural
class if they agree or not, then confirms
the correct one.
- Check the answers with the whole class.

- Ask Ss to do this activity individually.

- Ask a student to write his/ her answers
on the board. Read each one and ask the
class if they agree or not, then confirm
the correct one
Pronunciation(5ms) Task 3:
.- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, Key:
and then compare their answers with a
- Show the correct answers on the board.
- T checks with the whole class
- T asks Ss to read these words
Grammar(17ms) Task 4:
.- Rewrite and/ or combine the KEY:
sentences. Begin each one as shown 1. Having lived near a chemical plant for many years,
some villagers have now developed cancers.
Ask Ss to do the task 2. Having attended a conference on nature
T checks ss’ answers and and ask for conservation, Quang became more involved in
explanation then provide correction if environmental activities
3. Mai regretted having dumped rubbish in the
country park near her house
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers
4. The manager denied having allowed harmful gases
on the board while other Ss do this
to emit into the air from the factory.
activity individually.
5. They suspected Tom of having used explosives to
- Check answers as a class.
kill fish in the lake
- then compare their answers with a
- Ask a student to write his/ her answers
on the board.
- Check answers as a class.
Task 5: Complete sentences KEY: 1.has been studying/ 2. have … taken
. Complete the sentences with the 3. have been learning/ 4. has been living
verbs in the box. Use the present 5.has finished
perfect or the present perfect
Ask Ss to do the task. Then ask Ss to do
this activity individually, and then
compare their answer with a partner. Ask
a student to write his/her sentences on the
board. Then check the answers with the Answers:
whole class. 1. The London Tower Bridge, measuring 244 metres
Task 6: Finish the incomplete long, is a world heritage site
sentences. 2.Visitors come to admire the relics excavated from the
. Finish the incomplete sentences, ancient tombs
using either a participle or to 3.The capital city of Ecuador was the first city in the
infinitive clauses world to be declared a world heritage site by UNESCO
Ask Ss to do this activity individually and 4.The citadel of the Ho Dynasty, is located in Thanh Hoa
then compare their answers with a Province, was added to UNESCO’s world heritage list

partner. Have Ss write the correct in 2011
sentences on the board, and give 5.The complex of Hue monuments, lying along the
explaination for their choice of verb Perfume River in Hue City, is a good example of a well-
forms if necessary designed capital city

WRAP UP (2ms)
-Ts asks Ss to summarize the main points
of the text
Ss give answers
hHOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1- learn the structures and vocabularies.
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2- Prepare for the next lesson 2 : review skills
- Ss listen and take note

REVIEW 3: UNIT 6-7-8

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
- To revise the language and skills Ss have learnt and practised in units 6-7-8.
- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- Listen for gist and specific information
- Use the words and phrases related to words related to new ways to learn.
- Read for general ideas and specific information about an interactive white board.
- To talk about cultural heritages…..
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge: -some lexical items related to the topics in these units
* Skills
+ Listening for specific information
+ Reading for general ideas and specific information
+ Writing
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook, CD player, projector
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
There may not have enough time for the teacher to finish all the skills , so the teacher should provide
help to Students so that they can do at home .
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
- Inform the class of the lesson objectives:
Reading (10ms)
Task 1: Task 2:Answer the questions
-Read the text about the risk of sea-
level rise. 1. Because more than 20 cities are directly
Ask Ss to do the task affected. Rising sea levels can endanger water
- T asks Ss to do activities 1 and 2 individually and supply in these city and threaten the life of
check their answers with a partner’s. millions of people.
- T gives the correct answers and explanations, if 2. It is described as one of Asia’s most fertile rice-
necessary. growing regions and home to approximately 20
million people
3. More than 80 % of the Me Kong Delta could be
flooded. Rice production may drop by about 2.6
million tons per year

4. Natural ecosystems and economic activities
such as fisheries and tourism can be disrupted
5. They can lead to erosion of river banks and
beaches, and loss of land
Speaking (10ms)
Do as appointed
-Work with a partner, choose a - If you visit central sector of the imperial citadel
heritage site and talk about what you of
can do and see there. Use the Thang Long you can see with your own eyes stone
dragons in Kinh Thien Palace and relics of
information in Unit 8 if necessary.
Vietnamese royal families. You can know more
discuss any unfamiliar words or phrases. about our long history with different royal
4. T ask Ss to in the same pair or work with a different dynasties. You will understand your history
paeir partners. Have Ss present their answers to the lessons more and take pride in the history of our
class country.
Listen to the recording about Trang An scenic
landscape complex. Decide whether the following
statements are Key: 1T 2 F 3T 4F 5T
T or F according to the speaker.
Ask Ss to do the task - T plays the recording once for
Ss to listen and choose their answers.
- T plays the recording again, so Ss can check their
answers, and then give the correct answers.
Alternatively, plays the recording one or more times
for Ss to choose the correct answers.
Writing(10ms) Write an introduction to Thailand,.
-Read and complete David’s letter, using the words in Do as appointed
the box 1. higher education 2. admitted to
Ask ss to use the facts given( or find additional 3. scholarship
information if necessary) to write 4. extra-curricular activities 5. your culture
. - Ask Ss to make any revisions based on their
partner’s comments and complete their final versions
at home. Ss can use the example to start their
introductions. They can also refer to page 45 for the
features of information text and sample writing.
-Write a draft first in class , and then they may write
their final version at home..
WRAP UP (2ms)
-Ts asks Ss to summarize the main points of the lesson
Ss give answers
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases * Homework:
related unit 6-7-8 1- learn the structures and vocabularies.
- Prepare for the next test. 2. . Prepare the next period.
- Ss listen and take note


I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
Do the test on vocabulary and grammar related to Unit 6,7
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
 Words and phrases related to the topic
. Skills: Do multiple choice test
3. Attitudes:
- To help Ss review Unit 6,7
II. Preparation:
Multiple choice questions

Lesson 1 : Getting started

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to cities of the future
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in questions tags
- For grammar, that is question tags and the conditional sentence type 0.
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
 Words and phrases related to the topic
. Skills
- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 9
- Reading: Read about higher education opportunities
- Speaking: Explaining facts and giving predictions.
- Listening: Listen for information about future cities.
- Writing: Write an email to a friend about city life in the future
3. Attitudes:
- To help Ss get started for Unit 9 with the topic "cities of the future "
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts, pictures,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words and find some adjectives/nouns/verbs relating to the
III. Anticipated problems
Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to help
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities Content
WARM UP (5ms)
- T- Lead in Ss give answers
- Ask Ss listen to answer some questions to lead Ss to the
- Ask Ss to tell the class about cities of the future..
Lead in : We're going to read a text about our world
heritage sites
Activity 1: Phong, Chi and Ha are discussing their ←
class assignment. Listen
and Read
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation
between Phong, Chi
and Ha.
- Ask them to read the heading and guess what the two
speakers will be
talking about
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read the
conversation silently. Then
ask Ss if their predictions were correct. Have Ss summarise
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes new word.
Task 2: Answer the questions (13ms) Expected answers:
Answer the questions 1. It’s about life in the city in the year
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and answer the 2050
questions. 2. Both think life will be better; Phong
- Let Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups. believes modern technology will be
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. the reason, while Chi thinks there will be
- Ask some students to read the answers. no pollution
- Checks and gives the correct answers: 3. They choose to talk about the
Ss listen , do T‘s requests environment
4. Solar energy is mentioned. This energy
can be used for transport, lighting,
cooking, heating water and helping plants
5. Yes. Thanks to the development of
science and technology, our life will be
better and more liveable in the year 2050.
Task 3: Find the question tags in the conversation KEY:
(7ms) 1. It’s a group presentation, isn’t it?
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: Instruction 2. You mean it will be environmentally
Find the question tags in the conversation friendly, won’t it?
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and find the 3. We will have only ten minutes, won’t
question tags. we?
- Let Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. 4. Phong presented them so well, didn’t
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. he?
- Let Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. 5. Phong, you will do the talking, won’t
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. you?
- T gives feedback.
+Ss work individually to do the task, then discuss their
answer with their peers
+ write their answers on the board

Task 4: Complete the conditional sentences. (7ms) KEY:

* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: 1. … the air will become cleaner and our
Instruction health will be better (1)
- Ask Ss to complete the sentences. 2. People can develop health problems
- Have them write the sentences in the space provided and become ill … (1)
- Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to explain the differences 3. … we’ll be able to generate our own
between the sentence electricity (1)
structures. 4. … their impact on the environment is
less (0)
5. Let me know … (0)
WRAP UP (2ms)
-Ts asks Ss to summarize the main points of the text
Ss give answers
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to learn by heart the words and phrases related 1. Learn by heart all of new words and
to cities of the future give examples.
- Prepare for the next lesson. 3. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit 9
- Ss listen and take note : lesson 2 (language)

Lesson 2 : Language

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
- To provide learners some language items in Unit 9
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to cities of the future
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in tag questions
- For grammar, that is Tag questions, and conditional sentence type 0
* General language knowledge:
Words and phrases related to the topic World Heritage Sites in VN
 * Skills: carrying out the exercises quickly and exactly
 - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
 - To encourage Ss to work harder
 - To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words and find some adjectives/nouns/verbs relating to the
III. Anticipated problems
- Students may have difficulty recognizing the differences in pronunciation ,so T should prepare those
words and structures to help them.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms) * Checking
- T- Ask some Ss to write some new words and do the Ss give answers
tasks again
- T corrects Ss’ answers and gives mark.

Vocabulary:(15ms) Task 1:
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: * Keys: 1. inhabitants
communicative 2. infrastructure
Activity 1: Write the words or phrases given in the 3. renewable
box next to their meaning 4. urban
- Have Ss go through the words given in the box and 5. liveable
discuss with a partner their meanings. 6. sustainable
- Ss fill the blanks with the right form of the word from 7. overcrowded
the box. Have Ss complete the sentences individually, 8. quality of life
then compare their answers in pairs or groups.
- Ss work individually.
- T asks students to compare the answers with a partner.
- T asks some students to read the answers.
- Checks and gives the correct answers:

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the right Task 2:

forms of the words in the phrases in 1 .
- Ask Ss to read the uncompleted sentences and pay * Keys:
attention to the 1. urban 2. liveable
contextual clues such as words surrounding the gap and 3. infrastructure
the part of speech 4. overcrowded 5. inhabitants
needed. 6. renewable
- Have Ss complete the sentences individually, then 7. quality of life 8. sustainable
compare answers in
pairs or groups.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- Ask some students to read the answers.
- Feedback
Pronunciation: Intonation: Question tags (7ms)
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning:
Intonation: Question tags Task 1:
Activity 1: Listen and decide whether the question Keys: 1. falling 2. rising 3. rising
tags in B’s responses have a rising or falling 4. falling 5. rising
- Have Ss listen and notice the intonation pattern of the
- Have them listen and repeat the exchanges with
appropriate intonation.
- Ask them to study the Do you know…? box to learn
some general rules of
intonation patterns for question tags.
. Task 2: Listen and repeat
Activity 2: Listen and repeat the exchanges in 1
- Play the recording and ask Ss to read along with the
recording, imitating the intonation patterns.
- Have them practice the exchanges in pairs, taking
turns to ask and answer the questions.
- Ask some pairs to role-play the exchanges in front of
the class, using appropriate intonation patterns.
- Praise Ss who can reproduce these exchanges with
good pronunciation and appropriate intonation.
- Play the recording and ask ss to repeat once or twice.
Extend this task by having Ss take turns reading each of
the sentences twice – with and without elision of weak
vowels. Correct ss’ mistakes if there are any.

Grammar: Question tags (15ms) Task 1:

Grammar: Question tags *Keys: 1. c 2. h 3. f 4. d 5. g 6. a 7.
Activity 1: Mach the question tags with the statements b 8. e
to make complete sentences
- Have S work individually first
- Encourage them to refer to the Do you know..? box to
get more information about the classes. Ask Ss
questions to check if they understand the general rules
related to the form and usage of this grammar point.
- Ask Ss to compare answers in pairs
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. . Task 2.
Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct *Keys:
question tags 1. is there 2. can’t you 3. has it
- Ask Ss to read the statements carefully, underline the 4. will/would/could/won’t you
subjects and verbs in 5. shall we
these sentences, and write the correct question tags in 6. aren’t they 7. haven’t they
the blanks. 8. has she
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.

Conditional sentences type 0
Activity 3: Match the if clauses with the result clauses Task 3:
- Ask Ss to read through the conditional sentences used Keys: 1. e 2. c 3. f 4. a 5. h
in the conversation 6. b 7. d 8. g
- T explains to Ss the basic different between type 0 and
type 1.
- Ask Ss to do the task. Task 4:
Activity 4: Combine the sentences or rewrite them to *Keys: 1. If the baby is crying, he may be
make conditional hungry (1)
sentences. 2. If you travel on a budget flight, you have to
- Ask Ss to combine the sentences to make conditional pay for your drinks and food(0)
sentences. 3. If the weather is fine, I walk to work
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. instead of driving (0)
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. 4. If people start using more solar energy,
there will be less pollution (1)
5. If they have no homework, they usually
play soccer (0)
6. If you travel by train, It takes five hours to
get to Nha Trang (0)
7. If the government reduces the use of fossil
fuels, our city will become a
more liveable place (1)
WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Exercises in workbook: A1,A2, B1, B2,
- Prepare for the next lesson. B3
- Ss listen and take note 2.. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit 9 :
lesson 3 Reading

Lesson 3 : Reading

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for general ideas and specific information related
the topic of preserving the environment
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
 Words and phrases related to the topic
* Skills:
- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills
- Skim the text to get the general idea
- Scan the text to get some specific details
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words
III. Anticipated problems
- T may not have enough time to do all the tasks , so T can ask Ss to do the left at home
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
- T : Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: skimming and scanning
a text for main ideas and specific information
Focus Ss on the heading, and ask them to guess the possible
content of the reading text
Activity 1: Use a dictionary to find the meaning of the words Task 1:
in the box. Keys: 1. a warning 2. detect
Then complete the sentences with their correct form 3. a sensor
- Ask Ss to look at the picture. Ask some questions as warm-up: 4. promote 5. an
+ What do the colours indicate? insoluble 6. dwellers
+ What energy sources will be used in the future?
+ Why is our planet placed in a hand of a person?
- Have them do the task individually, and then compare their
choice in pairs or groups
- Elicit answers from Ss, encouraging all possible reasons. Have

Ss explain their choices
- Pre-teach some of the unfamiliar vocabulary items in the text,
but not the highlighted ones because Ss will be required to work
out their meaning from the context the words are used in.

Activity 2: Read the text about Superstar City and choose Task 2:
the best title for it Keys:
- Ask Ss to go through the three headings. Ask Ss to read the text The best title of the reading passage
quickly to is C – A safe and green city
choose the heading that best summarises the main idea.
- Set a time limit for this activity since skimming is a speed-
technique with the purpose of getting a general overview of the
- Have Ss work individually, and then compare their answers in
pairs or
small groups
- Check Ss’ answer as a class.
Activity 3: Read the text carefully, answer the following *Keys:
questions *Keys: 1. Barbara is an engineer
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and underline key and Mark is a city planner
words which 2. It can depict and locate probable
can help them to locate the specific information in the text. disasters by using the sensor
- Let them read the text individually to find the information, installed in
them every home and public place
compare their answers in pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to 3. Its main function is to deal with
explain exactly urban environmental problems to
which information from the text helped them to answer the make
questions Superstar City greener, cleaner and
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. more sustainable
4. An example is the people’s use
of renewable fuels for cooking ,
and heating
5. Because they have more time for
study , entertainment and
relaxation; they can enjoy the
highest quality of life
Activity 4: Complete the following summary about Superstar *Keys:
City using the words in the text 1. safe 2. detecting
- Ask Ss to read through the summery about Siperstar City and 3. threats
4. energy
decide which part of speech may fit in each gap. 5. carry out
- Invite several pairs to summarise the discussions and present 6. deal with
their decisions to the rest of the class. Encourage other Ss to ask 7. paradise
follow-up questions.

Activity 5:
Do you think that our cities will all be like Superstar City in the
year 2060?
- T helps Ss know how to do the task.
(- Let SS work in groups to do this task at home. )
- Ask Ss to discuss the questions in pairs and give reasons for
their answers
. If Ss have difficulty coming up with their ideas, give them some
Ask ane or two pairs to report the discussion results to class.

WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
* Homework: 1. do task 5 page 50 at home
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 2.. Prepare the next lesson
- Prepare for the next lesson. carefully.unit 9 : lesson 4: Speaking
- Ss listen and take note

Lesson 4 : Speaking

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
- To provide learners some vocabulary and information related to the predictions about cities of the
* General language knowledge:
- Words and phrases related to the topic
* Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may be afraid of speaking in public , so T should encourage Ss to participate in the lesson
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
. WARM UP (5ms) Ss: --Listen to the teacher to do the task
T: Ask Some Ss to go to the board and do the
tasks again
Activity 1: Choose the sentences to complete
the conversation between Task 1:
two Londoners Suggested answers:
- Ask Ss to read the conversation quickly to get an 1. c 2. d 3. a 4. b
overall impression of the
-Ask Ss comprehension questions to make sure
they understand the text
- Explain any further unfamiliar vocabulary, if
- Have Ss match the sentences with the gap.

Activity 2: Answer the questions Keys:

- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and 1. London is stressful and overcrowded city with
underline key words which lots of traffic jams and
can help them to locate the specific information in pollution
the text. 2. They are making plans to improve the
- Let them read the text individually to find the transport system and to make
information, them compare London a green city
their answers in pairs or groups. Encourage Ss to 3. Yes, it will be cleaner and more sustainable
explain exactly which
information from the text helped them to answer
the questions
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.

Activity 3: Practice the conversation with a

partner Task 3: Practice the conversation with a partner
- Ask Ss to practice the conversation in pairs.
- Set a time limit for the pair’s preparation and
- Invite some pairs to role-play in front of the
- Encourage Ss to give feedback on things such as
interesting content,
original ideas, fluency of speech and good
presentation skills.

Activity 4: Choose one of the cities below. Use

the ideas provided or your own to make a Task 4: Practice the conversation with a partner
similar conversation Example: Tokyo’s trains are overcrowded
- Ask Ss to work in pairs. Ss should choose one during rush hours, aren’t they?
city and make a similar
- Encourage Ss to use question tags to check
information or ask for

Activity 5: Work with a partner. Make Task 5: Practice the conversation with a partner
predictions about a future cities
- Suggest some ideas for Ss’ discussion including
current facts such as the
environment, people’s quality of life and
infrastructure; future plans and
predictions about the city.

WRAP UP (2ms)
- Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss
some questions:
What have you learnt today? What can you do
- Vocabulary related to the predictions about cities
of the future
- Speaking skills: making a conversation based on
the sample

* Homework: - Vocabulary related to the predictions about
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. cities of the future
- Prepare for the next lesson. - Speaking skills: Making a conversation based
- Ss listen and take note on the sample
- Do the tasks again
- Complete tasks at home
- Read Unit 8 - Listening at home


I. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus
- To provide students some vocabulary and information about a better or worse place to live related to
cities of the future.
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their listening skills: Listening for specific information about future cities.
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparations:
1. Teacher
- Teaching aids: Textbook, lesson plan and cassette
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students
- Read through English Unit 9 - Listening at home
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

WARM UP (3ms)
- T asks some pairs of Ss to talk about future cities.
- Ss stand up to feedback
- T informs the class of the lesson objectives:
Activity 1: Discussing with a partner (7)
A better or worse place to *Suggested answers:
-This activity is a pre-listening activity with aims to - All these problems currently exist in big cities
introduce the topic of the listening text and get Ss to in VN like Hanoi and HCM City.
brainstorm ideas related to the topic. - It’s likely that many of them will be solved in
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and discuss the the next twenty years, as local authorities are
questions with a partner. taking measures to deal with them step by step.
- T encourages Ss who don’t know much about the site
to make some predictions using the words and phrases
in the box.
- Teacher may explain some new words if necessary.
Activity 2: Underlining the words or phrases that
you hear (6ms) Keys: a b d e h
* Methods/techniques of teaching and learning: whole
This activity focuses on the skill of listening for
specific words
- T plays CD once or twice
- T asks Ss to look at the words and phrases that can be
heard in the talk.
- T has Ss compare answers in pairs or groups.
- T explains the meaning of any unfamiliar words, if
- T plays CD again to check Ss’ answers as a class.

Activity 3: Listen again. Decide which of the *Key:
following predictions will come true (T) and which 1. T 2. NT 3. NT 4. T 5. T
will not (NT) 6. T 7. NT
-T tells Ss to read through the predictions so that they
have some idea about what they have to listen for.
-T helps Ss to identify the key words in each
-T plays CD without pausing.
-T has Ss decide which of the following predictions
will come true (T) and which will not (NT)
-T lets Ss compare their answers with a partner.
-T checks as a class. If there are many wrong answers,
play CD again, pausing where Ss may have difficulty
understanding the listening text or where Ss can get the
answer to a specific question

Activity 4: Listen again. Complete the summaries of *Key:

the two viewpoints 1. healthy; effective; overcrowded; heavier
- T asks Ss to read the through the summaries of the 2. medicine; renewable; fossil fuel
two viewpoints in the talk and try to complete the
- T plays CD
- T gives Ss sufficient time to listen to the recording so
they can extract the information needed and hear the
words they have to write down.
- T has Ss compare answers in pairs or groups
- T plays CD to check Ss’ answers as a class

Activity 5: Which viewpoint do you agree with, the + Do you think our cities will be better or
optimistic or pessimistic? Provide your reasons worse than they are now?
-This activity is a post-listening one, which provides Ss + What factors do you need to consider?
with an opportunity to relate the content of the + Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
listening text to their own situation.
- T asks Ss some warm-up questions before they start - Environmental problems, people’s use of
the discussion: energy sources, achievements in technology and
medicine, etc..

-- T asks some groups to report their plans to the class.

- T considers these points

-T invites Ss from one or two groups to report the
results of their discussion.
-T gives encouraging feedback and correct only
frequently occurring mistakes.
WRAP UP (2ms) .
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Learn new words by heart :
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2. Prepare the next lesson carefully in unit 9 :
- Ss listen and take note lesson 6 Writing


I. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus
- To provide learners some vocabulary and information about different predictions of future cities.
- To teach Ss to write an email to a friend about city life in the future.
- To teach Ss to develop ability to think in a logical way to form a well-structured text.
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to hepl them.
V/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
UP ( 5 ms)
- T asks Ss to describe Phu Ly city in the future Phu Ly city in the future
- Ss stand up to say
- T informs the class of the lesson objectives
Different predictions

Activity 1: Hung and his friend Tanaka are * Keys:

exchanging emails about the future of their cities. 1. To answer Hung’s question about Tokyo
Read the email and answer the questions in the future
- T introduces the email of Tanaka to Hung 2. Because the government will use
-Ss look at the email and listen to teacher advanced technology to deal with the
transport problem and make people’s life
- T asks Ss to read the email in silence then answer easier and more comfortable
the questions in pairs 3. Tokyo is threatened by nuclear and
- Ss work in pairs and read and answer the quextions radiation accidents and natural disasters
- T draw Ss’ attention to the two different 4. Tanaka wants to know Hung’s viewpoint
viewpoints on life in Tokyo 40 years from now on. on VN’s capital city in the future

Activity 2: Put the sections of the email in the

correct order
- T asks Ss to read through the list (a-g) and put the *Key:
parts in the order they appear in the email. 1. g 2. a 3. c
- T has Ss discuss in pairs and put the points under 4. b 5. f 6. d 7. e
the right subheadings
- T checks Ss’ answer as a class

Activity 3: Use the information below about New

York City to write an email of about 160-180
words to a friend
- T sets time limit for them to write the first draft of
their essay
- T has Ss exchange their drafts in pairs or groups for
peer review. Encourage them to comment on the
content and structure, on clarity of expression,
grammar and spelling. Add any additional feedback,
if necessary
- T has Ss revise their drafts based on their partners’
comments and your feedback.
- T collects Ss’ essay for checking or marking.

Activity 4: Write your predictions about a future

city in Vietnam in an email of 160 words to a
- T sets time limit for them to write the first draft of
their essays.
- T has Ss exchange their drafts in pairs or groups for
peer review. Encourage them to comment on the
content and structure, on clarity of expression,
grammar and spelling. Add any additional feedback,
if necessary
- T has Ss revise their drafts based on their partners’
comments and your feedback. (This can be done at
- T collects Ss’ essay for checking or marking.
- T asks Sts to read their writing again and correct
their mistakes
- Ss read their writing again and correct their
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new * Homework:
lesson 1. Prepare new part: communication and
- Ss write down and listen to teacher culture
2. Review the part: writing


I/ Aims:
1. Language focus
- To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items about the ideal city in the future
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
4. Knowledge &skill :
*General language knowledge
- Vocabulary: words relating to describing
- Grammar: the present simple tense.
*Skill: Speaking and reading
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative
II/ Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.
III/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to hepl them.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)
- T asks Ss to describe their ideal city in the Their ideal city in the future
Ss stand up to present individually in English
1. Communication Keys:
1. Public transport (eco-buses, smart
Activity 1: Use the information about the underground transport networks)
cities mentioned in this unit and complete the 2. Renewable sources of energy: wind and sun
diagram about the ideal city of the future power
- T asks Ss to refer to the information about the 3. - Waste is treated and turned into energy or
cities mentioned in the unit, select the relevant fertilizers
details for their ideal city of the future. - Wastewater is treated and turned into
- T asks Ss to study the example to get an idea drinking water.
about the language they can use and what they
are supposed to discuss.
T lets Ss form groups of three and start their
discussion. Have one of them take notes
- T walks around to offer help, if necessary and
encourage all members to participate in the
group activity.
Task 2: Discuss the questions in groups
- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and 1. What will the ideal city of the future look
underline key words which can help them to like?
locate the specific information in the text. means of transport, environmental conditions,
- Let them read the text individually to find the energy sources, treatment of waste, climate …
information, them compare their answers in pairs 2. How do you think an ideal city should be
or groups. Encourage Ss to explain exactly treated: by upgrading an existing one or by
which information from the text helped them to building a completely new one from scratch?
answer the questions
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Activity 2: Discuss the questions in groups
- T asks Ss to look at the questions quickly and 1. What will the ideal city of the future look
underline key words which can help them to like?
locate the specific information in the text. means of transport, environmental conditions,
- T lets them read the text individually to find the energy sources, treatment of waste, climate …
information, then compare their answers in pairs 2. How do you think an ideal city should be
or groups. Encourage Ss to explain exactly treated: by upgrading an existing one or by
which information from the text helped them to building a completely new one from scratch?
answer the questions
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class.

2. Culture:
Activity 1: Read the text about Songdo, a
smart city, and complete the table below *Suggested answers:
- T asks Ss to read the text and complete the 1. 60km southwest of Seoul, South Korea
table. 2. 53.3 square km
- T encourages them to share any information or 3. 2005
facts they know about this city. Even if Ss 4. more than 65,000 people
haven’t heard about it, encourage them to make
some predictions.

Activity 2: Decide whether the following

statements are T, F, or NG * Keys:
1. F 2.T 3. NG 4. F 5. T
- T asks Ss to read the text again to decide 6. T 7. NG
whether the statements are true, false or not
- T encourages Ss to work out the meaning of
each new word from the contextual clues in the
- T explains any unfamiliar words or
expressions, if necessary.

WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
* Homework: 1. Prepare new part: Looking back and project
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for 2. Review the part: communication and culture
new lesson
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus
- To help students revise what they have learned in unit 9
- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop their speaking skills
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
. WARM UP ( 5 ms)
T asks Ss to talk about Phu Ly city now and in the Phu Ly city now and in the future
Ss stand up to present
Activity 1: Decide whether the question tags in B’s Keys: 1. falling
responses have a rising or falling intonation 2. rising
- Ask Ss to listen to the exchanges and mark the 3. falling
intonation patterns on the questions using a downward 4. rising
upward arrow on each choice.
- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups
- Check Ss’ answer as a class

Activity 2: Listen and repeat the sentences in 1

- T plays the recording again and asks Ss to listen and

read along
- T asks Ss to practise in pairs, taking turns to ask and
answer the questions
- T walks around, comment on the pairs’ performance
and praise Ss who try to use the appropriate intonation.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the *Keys: 1. city dwellers 2.
words or phrases in the box infrastructure 3. overcrowded
4. advanced technology 5. detect
- T asks Ss to write the word in each sentence 6. urban planners
- T lets them compare their answers in pairs or groups
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class and give further
explanation, if necessary.

Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct
question tags

- T asks Ss to work individually, and then compare their *Keys: 1. shall we 2. don’t they
answers in pairs or groups 3. aren’t there
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class and give further 4. will you 5. haven’t you
explanations, if necessary. 6. do they
7. should they 8. isn’t it
Activity 2: Answer the questions, using conditional
sentences *Keys: 1. Flowers died if they are not
- T lets Ss work individually, and then compare their watered
answers in pairs or groups. 2. I expect my teacher to correct my
- T asks individual Ss to write their sentences on the mistake if I make one.
board. 3. People need to leave tall buildings
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class. quickly if there is an earthquake
4. I get green if I mix blue and yellow
5. I dial 114 if there is a fire
6. If I don’t have to go to school in the
morning, I usually get up at 8
7. I usually ask my best friend for help if
I’m in trouble
8. I usually go to the park if I want to enjoy
some fresh air
- T asks Ss in groups or 5 or 6 to present their ideal city Supergreen city: your ideal city of the
of the future in front of class using power point future
- Ss introduce their presentation to the class. Present the
features of their city and explain what make it the most
liveable city in the world
- T gives comment and marks
C. WRAP UP (2 ms)
* Methods/techniques of consolidation: work with
whole class
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
* Homework: 1. Prepare new part: Unit 10
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare for new 2. Review the part:
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and
- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported speech with to infinitives and
2. Knowledge and skills:
* General language knowledge:
 Words and phrases related to the topic
. Skills
- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10
- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific details about factors responsible for the increase in
life expectancy
- Speaking: Giving advice on body care
- Listening: Listening for gist and specific information about physical activity precautions
- Writing: Writing a story about how young people have changed their lifestyle to overcome a problem
3. Attitudes:
- To help Ss get started for the topic "healthy lifestyle and longevity"
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts, pictures,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words and find some adjectives/nouns/verbs relating to the
III. Anticipated problems
Ss may not have enough vocabulary to talk about the topic, so T should be ready to help
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
- T- Lead in
- Ask Ss listen to answer some questions to lead
Ss to the lesson.
- Ask Ss to tell the class about their lifestyle.
Ss give answers
Lead in : We're going to read a text about our
world heritage sites
Activity 1: Kim is asking Mark about a TV ← New words:
health show she missed. ← - principle(n):
Listen and read ← - relieve(v)
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a ← - weaken(v)
conversation between Kim and Max. ← -immune system (n)
- Ask them to read the heading and guess what ← - meditation(n)
the two speakers will be talking about
← -life expectancy(n)
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read the
← - remedy(n)
conversation silently.
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes ← -prescription(n)
new word ← -massage(n)
- Ask them to read the heading and guess what ← - acupuncture(n)
the two speakers will be talking about ← - workout(n)
- Play the recording. Have Ss listen and read the ←
conversation silently. Then ask Ss if their ←
predictions were correct. Have Ss summarise the ←
conversation. ←
- Ss listen and read the conversation, take notes
new word.

Activity 2: Find the verbs (13ms) Expected answers:

Read the conversation again. Find the verbs that relieve weaken practice increase do
go with the following nouns practice take
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and find
the verbs
- Let Ss compare their answers in pairs or
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- Ask some students to read the answers.
- Checks and gives the correct answers:
Ss listen , do T‘s requests
Activity 3: Complete the following notes on Keys:
Dr. Quan’s four principles to stay healthy relieving stress we practice meditation
- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and eating healthy food developing heart diseases
complete the sentences exercising regularly sports; yoga and t’ai chi
- Let Ss compare answers in pairs or groups. natural remedies; take prescription medicine -
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- T gives feedback.
+Ss work individually to do the task, then
discuss their answer with their peers
+ write their answers on the board

Work in pairs. Answer the following questions * Keys:

- Ask Ss to read the conversation again and 1. The first principle is relieving stress. The second
answer the questions. one is to consuming healthy food. The third one is
- Have them write the questions carefully. exercising regularly
- Check Ss’ answers. Ask Ss to explain the 902. Yes. I agree with these principles
differences between the sentence

I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
- To provide learners some language items in Unit 10
- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to healthy lifestyle and longevity
- For pronunciation, that is intonation in invitations, suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty and
- For grammar, that is reported speech with conditionals and reported
speech with to infinitives and gerunds
* General language knowledge:
Words and phrases related to the topic healthy lifestyle and longevity
* Skills: carrying out the exercises quickly and exactly
 - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
 - To encourage Ss to work harder
 - To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words and find some adjectives/nouns/verbs relating to the
III. Anticipated problems
- Students may have difficulty recognizing the differences in pronunciation ,so T should prepare those
words and structures to help them.
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms) * Checking
- T- Ask some Ss to write some new words and do the
tasks again
- T corrects Ss’ answers and gives mark.
Ss give answers

Vocabulary:(15ms) Task 1:
Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the right
forms of the following words and phrases * Keys:
- Have Ss go through the words given in the box and 1. cholesterol
discuss with a partner their meanings. 2. nutrition
- Ss fill the blanks with the right form of the word from 3. natural remedies
the box. Have Ss complete the sentences individually, 4. immune system
then compare their answers in pairs or groups. 5. ageing process
- T asks some students to read the answers. 6. meditation
- Checks and gives the correct answers: 7. life expectancy
8. boost Activity
Activity 2: Use a dictionary to check the meaning of
the following Task 2:
adjectives formed with -free or anti- . * Keys:
- Explain to Ss that free is used to form compound 2. lifestyle that does not cause stress
adjectives, which are 3. foods that do not contain cholesterol
usually hyphenated. On the other hand, anti- is used as a 4. foods that are believed to prevent the
prefix to form appearance
adjectives or nouns, which can be spelled with or from getting older
without a hyphen. 5. diet that prevents the formation of acne
- Have Ss complete the sentences individually, then 6. medicine that lowers cholesterol levels or
compare answers in prevents
pairs or groups. high cholesterol
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
- Ask some students to read the answers.
- Feedback
B. Pronunciation: Intonation: Invitations,
suggestions, polite requests, uncertainty (7ms) Task 1:
Intonation: Invitations, suggestions, polite requests, Keys: 1. invitation/ suggestion
uncertainty and surprise 2. surprise
Activity 1: Listen and repeat. Pay attention to the 3. uncertainty
fall-rise intonation
- Have Ss listen and notice the intonation pattern of the 4. polite request
questions 5. hesitation
- Have them listen and repeat the exchanges with
- Ask them to study the Do you know…? box to learn
some general rules
of intonation patterns for question tags.
Activity 2: Listen and mark the fall-rise intonation Task 2: Listen and mark the fall-rise
- Play the recording and ask Ss to read along with the
imitating the intonation patterns.
- Have them practice the exchanges in pairs, taking turns
to ask and answer the questions.
- Ask some pairs to role-play the exchanges in front of
the class, using appropriate intonation patterns.
- Praise Ss who can reproduce these exchanges with
good pronunciation and appropriate intonation.
C. Grammar: Conditionals in reported speech Task 1
Activity 1: Read the statement in direct speech.
Decide if it is necessary to change the verb tenses in *Keys:
reported speech after reporting verbs in the past 1. C/U 2. C/U 3. U 4. U
tense. Write C or U in the space provided 5. U 6. U 7. U 8. C/U
- Have S work individually first
- Encourage them to refer to the Do you know..? box to
get more
information about the classes. Ask Ss questions to check
if they
understand the general rules related to the form and
usage of this
grammar point.
- Ask Ss to compare answers in pairs
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Task 2.
Activity 2: Report each statement in 1 *Keys: 1. I told him that if I drank coffee
- Ask Ss to report the statements in 1, using the before bedtime,
reporting verbs in the prompts. I couldn’t sleep C
- Have them compare their answers. I told him that If I drink coffee before
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. bedtime, I can’t sleep.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. U
2.Dr. Quan said that we’d boost our immune
system if
we had a healthy lifestyle. C
Dr. Quan said that we will boost our
immune system if we
have a healthy lifestyle. U
3. John’s wife told him that it would be nice
if he could spend more time with the
children. U
4. Peter explained to us that if Ann called
him back, he’d
arrange an appointment for her. U
5.The travel agent explained to us that if we
travel to a
foreign country, we need a valid passport. U
6. My grandmother keeps telling us that if
we catch a cold, we should
try natural remedies before taking any
medicine. U
7.John told me that if he were rich, he’d
donate money to
charity. U
8.Mary’s father said that Mary/she would
recover quickly
if she followed the doctor’s advice. C
Mary’s father said that Mary/she will
recover quickly if
she follows the doctor’s advice. U

Reported speech with to infinitives and gerunds

Activity 3: Write the sentences in reported speech, Task 3:
using the Keys: 1. Jack’s father advised him not to eat
reporting verbs in bracket fast food every day.
- Explain that to-infinitives or gerunds can be used to 2. Ann asked Kim to do the dishes for her
report actions. 3. The doctor told me to do a 30-minute
- have Ss read the Do you know..? box and focus on the work-out every day
verb forms in 4. Mai invited Peter to go out for a coffee
reported speech after the three groups of reporting 5. Phong apologized for breaking my glasses
verbs. 6. Hoa reminded Lan to buy some groceries
- Ask Ss to do the task. on the way home
7. Carol suggested enrolling on a yoga
8. John and Max admitted forgetting to
submit the assignments the day before.

Activity 4: Change the sentences in reported speech Task 4:

into direct speech *Keys: 2. “Kim, don’t forget to turn off the
- Ask Ss to change the sentences in reported speech into lights before leaving the
direct speech. house”
- Have Ss rewrite their sentences on the board. 3. “You shouldn’t exercise too hard because
- Check Ss’ answers as a class. it’s not good for your heart”
. 4. “Let’s have a picnic next weekend”
5. “Don’t play near the construction site”
6. “Would you like to spend your summer
holidays on my grandparents’
7. “I’m sorry. I’ve made lots of mistakes in
the report”
8. “Yes, I took my father’s car without

WRAP UP (2ms) - Summarize the main points of the lesson.

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents. - Vocabulary related to healthy lifestyles and
- Give feedback. longevity
- Intonation in invitations, suggestions,
polite requests, uncertainty and
- Reported speech with conditionals and
reported speech with to
infinitives and gerunds
IV. HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. Exercises in workbook: A1,A2, B1, B2,
- Prepare for the next lesson. B3
- Ss listen and take note 2.. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit 10 :
lesson 3 Reading


I. Aims/Objectives
1. Educational aim:
By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for general ideas and specific information related
the topic of preserving the environment
2. Knowledge and skills:
1. Language focus - Vocabulary related to the topic of life expectancy factor
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their reading skills
- Skim the text to get the general idea
- Scan the text to get some specific details
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, handouts,
- Ss: read the text in advance , look up new words
III. Anticipated problems
- T may not have enough time to do all the tasks , so T can ask Ss to do the left at home
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
- T : Inform Ss of the lesson objectives: skimming
and scanning a text for main ideas and specific
Focus Ss on the heading, and ask them to guess the
possible content of the reading text
Activity 1: The machine described in the picture Task 1:
above help doctors to diagnose and treat Keys:
diseases. Discuss with a partner. MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) scanners and
- Ask Ss to look at the picture. Ask some questions X-ray machines take medical images of patients’
as warm-up: internal body parts. MRI images provide a 3D
+ Have you ever seen them? representation of organs, which X-rays usually
+ What are they used for? cannot.
- Have them do the task individually, and then
compare their choice in pairs or groups
- Elicit answers from Ss, encouraging all possible
reasons. Have Ss explain their choices
- Pre-teach some of the unfamiliar vocabulary items
in the text, but not the highlighted ones because Ss
will be required to work out their meaning from the
context the words are used in.

Activity 2: Read an article about the main Task 2:
factors for the increased life expectancy. Four
sentences have been removed from the article. Keys: 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a
Choose a sentence (a-d) to complete each gap (1-4)
- Ask Ss to go through the four sentences. Ask Ss to
read the text quickly
to choose the missing that best suits the passge.
- Set a time limit for this activity since skimming is
a speed-reading
technique with the purpose of getting a general
overview of the content
- Have Ss work individually, and then compare
their answers in pairs or
small groups
- Check Ss’ answer as a class.

Activity 3: Find the words or expressions in the

text which have the following meanings *Keys:
- Have Ss read through the definitions and the text 1. be attributed to
carefully, looking for the correct words or phrases 2. obesity
that match with the definition. 3. antibiotics
- Let them read the text individually to find the 4. vaccine
information, them compare their answers in pairs or 5. dietary
groups. Encourage Ss to explain exactly which
information from the text helped them to answer the
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.

Activity 4: Read the text again and answer the Keys:

questions 1. The three factors are healthier lifestyles, better
- Ask Ss to read the full text, include the gapped nutrition and advances in medical science and
sentences, again and answer the questions technology
individually. 2. Smoking, alcohol intake and fast food
- Invite several pairs to summarise the discussions consumption can increase the risk of hear diseases.
and present their decisions to the rest of the class.
Encourage other Ss to ask follow-up questions.

3. Doing regular physical activity and spending

more time outdoors can improve the ability of the
human body to function well
4. Because they want to relieve stress
5. Because the food we eat can affect longevity and
dietary changes can boost our immune system
6. They are the discovery of antibiotics and
vaccines, and the development of medical imaging

Activity 5: Which of the factors mentioned in the
article do you think is the most important?
Discuss with a partner
- T helps Ss know how to do the task.
- Let SS work in groups to do this task at home.
Healthy lifestyles (physical exercise, low levels of
stress and anxiety)
Better nutrition (nutritious diets and dietary
Advances in medical science and technology
WRAP UP (2ms)
- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.
- Give feedback.
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. 1. do task 5 page 50 at home
- Prepare for the next lesson. 2.. Prepare the next lesson carefully.unit 10 : lesson
- Ss listen and take note 4: Speaking


I. Aims/Objectives
1. Language focus - Provide learners vocabulary related to taking care of your body
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their speaking skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
II. Preparation:
- Teacher: lesson plan, chalks , textbook
- Ss: prepare the lesson
III. Anticipated problems
- Ss may be afraid of speaking in public , so T should encourage Ss to participate in the lesson
IV. Procedure
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP (5ms)
T: Ask Some Ss to go to the board and do the
tasks again
Ss: --Listen to the teacher to do the task.
Activity 1: Below is a set of note cards for a talk Task 1:
about skincare. Use Suggested answers:
the words and phrases in the box to complete B1: wear protective clothing - avoid sunburn
them wear sunscreen with a sun protection factor
- Ask Ss to look at the set of note cards for a talk on (SPF) of at least 15
skincare. B2: eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables –
- Explain to Ss that note cards can be a very helpful provide vitamins and
tool for preparing, nutrients - drink a lot of water – prevent
rehearsing and delivering speeches or talks. The note water loss
cards should contain B3: wash your face twice a day with warm water
the most important information as bullet points, and mild soap – remove dirt - Don’t squeeze
which can be used as pimples – can lead to swelling, redness and
prompts in case the speaker gets nervous or forgets infection
what to say.
- Explain any further unfamiliar vocabulary, if
- Have Ss make their own note cards and present
their answers to the class.

Activity 2: Work in pairs. Use the note cards to

talk about skincare,
paying attention to the following
- Ask Ss to pay some attention when they speak
* glance at the note; don’t read them
* use linking words and expressions for hesitation
devices to some more
natural and smooth
* to make your tips sound more reliable, use reported
speech to quote their
* maintain eye contact with your partner
* use appropriate gestures and facial expressions to
support your ideas.
Activity 3: Prepare another set of note cards for a
talk about how to take care of your vision. Use the Task 3: Talk about how to take care of your
information below and your own ideas vision
- Ask Ss to practice the conversation in pairs.
- Set a time limit for the pair’s preparation and
- Invite some pairs to role-play in front of the class.
- Encourage Ss to give feedback on things such as
interesting content, original ideas, fluency of speech
and good presentation skills.
Taking care of your vision
- Use some kinds of eye drop to ease your eye’s
- Practice to look at things in distance to develop
your eyesight
Activity 4: Work in groups of four or five. Take
turns to present your talk to your group members
- Let Ss work in groups to do the task. Make sure
each group chooses a
different activity.
- Ask groups to summarize and briefly report their
discussions to the class.
WRAP UP (2ms)
- Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss
some questions:
What have you learnt today? What can you do now?
- Vocabulary related to taking care of your body
- Speaking skills: pair work and group work talking
about how to take care
of your body
* Homework: - Vocabulary related to taking care of your body
- T asks Ss to do exercise at home. - Speaking skills: pair work and group work
- Prepare for the next lesson. talking about how to take care of your body
- Ss listen and take note - Do the task again - Read Unit 10 - Listening at


I/ Aims:
1. Educational aims:
- To provide learners some vocabulary related to exercise precautions
2. Knowledge:
- Lexical items: exercise precautions, a warm up, physical activity …
3. Skill :
- To promote Ss to develop their listening skills
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- Sub skills: Speaking; Writing
II. Teaching aids: Text book, teacher's book, a speaker and a mp3 player
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)
- T asks Ss to talk about doing morning
exercise in Phu Ly city doing morning exercise in Phu Ly city
- Ss stand up to say
ACTIVITY 1: Discussing with a partner Exercise precautions

Activity1: Discuss with a partner

- T asks Ss to discuss the questions with a
partner. a. Do you exercise everyday?
- T encourage Ss to say some words b. If yes, what is your favourite activity?
- Ss discuss in pairs then stand up to say in If not, why don’t you exercise?

Activity 2: Look at the picture. Listen to

John Keith, a fitness instructor, talking about
four types of physical activity. Number the
pictures as you listen.
Suggested answers:
- T asks Ss to look at the pictures and name the a. fitness walking
physical activities b. aerobic exercise
- Ss speak out c. yoga
d. swimming
- T asks Ss to look at the words and phrases Keys: a. 4 b. 1 c. 3 d. 2
that can be heard in the talk of John Keith
- T plays CD twice or three times
- Ss listen and do the task
- Ss have Ss compare answers in pairs or
groups and give the answers
- T play CD again to check and explain the
meaning of any unfamiliar words, if necessary.
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.
Activity 3: Listen again. Which safety rules .
are mentioned for each type of physical
activity? Tick the correct boxes *Key:
Aerobic exercise: 1,2
- T asks Ss to look at the table carefully, Yoga: 3,5
explains some words and instructs Ss to do it Swimming: 1,3,4
- T has Ss listen to the recording to complete Fitness walking: 2,6,7
the table
- T has them compare their answers in pairs or
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class
- T lets them listen again and pause the
recording to check the answer.

Task 4: Work in four groups. Each group

chooses a different activity from 3. Discuss the

- T lets Ss work in groups to do the task. Make

sure each group chooses a different activity a. Health benefits
- T asks groups to summerise and briefly report b. Safety tips mentioned in the talk: Do you agree
their discussions to the class. or disagree with them?
c. Add any additional precautions people may
need to take

- T asks Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ss stand up to say
- T has Ss work in groups and discuss the What have you learnt today?
questions What can you do now?
- T asks Ss give some vocabulary related to the
topic of exercise precautions
- T calls 1 or 2 Ss to say
- Ss report
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period

HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 m) * Homework:
- T gives homework and suggests Ss prepare 1. Prepare new part: Writing
for new lesson 2. Review the part: Listening and speaking
- Ss write down and listen to teacher



I/ Aims:
1-Educational aim:
- To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of changes in lifestyle
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their writing skills of story
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
*General language knowledge
- Vocabulary: words relating to the topic of changes in lifestyle
- Grammar: the present simple tense
*Skill: write story
II/ Preparations:
- Teacher: textbook, lesson plan
- Students: Textbook, prepare the lesson before going to school
III/ Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to help them.
V/ Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 4 ms)
- T asks Ss how people around them have Changes about their lifestyles to overcome a
changed their lifestyles to overcome a
problem problem
- Ss stand up to say
Lead in Writing a story about how people have changed
- T informs the class of the lesson objectives: their lifestyles to overcome a problem
- Ss stand up to say

Lifestyle changes * Keys:

1. appetite 2. overweight
Activity 1: Read a story posted on 3. weight 4. fainted
Medline, a website about fitness. Complete 5. dieting 6. supported
the story, using the correct forms of the
words in the box

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to do the task.

- Ss do the task in pairs
- T asks Ss to read a story posted on a fitness
website and complete the gaps with the
correct form of the words in the box.
Activity 2: Read the story again and
answer the questions * Key:
1. Because as a child he used to eat a lot of fast
- T asks Ss to read through the questions to food.
make sure that they understand the questions. 2. After he received hundreds of rejections and
- T has Ss discuss in pairs or groups, and couldn’t get a job.
answer the questions. 3. Fasting was his first kind of diet. He was
- T checks Ss’ answer as a class unsuccessful and was taken to hospital
4. For over a year, he had to follow a special diet

and joined a fitness class for overweight people.
5. Overweight people are not lazy and can work
effectively like other people, so they should not be
treated unfairly. However, their health can be
affected, so they should follow doctors’ advice to
lose weight.
Activity 3: Use the information below to
write a similar story. Writer: Kim Lee, 17 years old

- T sets time limit for them to write the first

draft of their stories: 17 minutes
- T calls on a student to write on board The story about the writer named Kim Lee, 17
- Ss write story by themselves years old
- T asks Sts to exchange their writing with
another Sts for peer correction
- T has Ss exchange their drafts in pairs or
groups for peer review. Encourage them to
comment on the content and structure, on
clarity of expression, grammar and spelling.
Add any additional feedback, if necessary
- T has Ss revise their drafts based on their
partners’ comments and your feedback. (This
can be done at home)
- T collects Ss’ essay for checking or
- T walks round to check their work and give
necessary suggestions.
- T makes necessary corrections.
- Write down the teacher’s correction and
write it in one’s notebook

WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
* Homework: 1. Prepare new part: communication and culture
- T asks Ss to rewrite the story and suggests 2. Review the part: writing
Ss prepare for new lesson
- Ss write down and listen to teacher


I/ Aims: - To provide learners some communication samples and cultural items

2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes
- To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
B. Preparations:
- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.
- Students: Textbook
C. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

1-Educational aim
- To provide Ss some communication samples and cultural items about meditation and longevity Hot
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
2-Knowledge & skill :
*General language knowledge
- Vocabulary: words relating to cultural items
- Grammar: the present simple tense.
*Skill: Speaking and reading
II/ Teaching aids: board, textbook, chalk.
III/ Anticipated problems: Ss may not have enough words to write about the topic, so T should be
ready to help them.
IV/ Procedure:
Teacher’s / Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms)T asks Ss to say about the
benefits of meditation benefits of meditation
Ss stand up to present
1. Communication: .
Task 1: Listen to Phong’s talk about meditation.
Complete the notes below.

- T focuses Ss on the notes of Phong’s talk and Keys:

guess what kind of information and kind of word to 1. five
write in each gap. 2.a Location: at a quiet place
- Ss look at the part and guess b Time: at night or early morning
- T calls on a student to write answer on board c Duration: 15 minutes a day
- The student goes to board to do d. Techniques: Listen to the silence around
- T plays the recording once or twice for Ss to you and breathe slowly and deeply
3. Benefits of meditation
complete the notes a. Relieving stress
- Ss listen to CD to complete the notes Reason: … you let your mind relax
b. Staying healthy and living longer.
- T plays CD again to check Reason: … may weaken your immune system
- Ss check and correct their answer
Task 2: Discuss the question with a partner
Keys: 1. To relieve stress and feel relaxed, we
- T asks Ss to look at the questions quickly and should
underline key words which can help them to locate - go swimming
the specific information in the text. - read a book
- T lets them read the text individually to find the - listen to soft music
information, them compare their answers in pairs or - spend your weekend in the countryside
groups. 2. I think listening to soft music may work best
- T encourages Ss to explain exactly which because it can ease your stress, lull you to
information from the text helped them to answer the sleep and refresh your mind
- Check Ss’ answers as a class.

2. Culture:
Activity 1: Decide whether the following
statements are T, F or NG
- Ss to read the text again to decide whether the
- T asks Ss to look at the photo of Taj Mahal and statements are true, false or not given.
answer the questions - Ss to work out the meaning of each new word
- T encourages them to share any information or from the contextual clues in the text.
facts they know about this site. Even if Ss haven’t *Suggested answers:
heard about it, encourage them to make some 1. F 2. NG 3. T 4. F 5. T
predictions. 6. NG 7. NG
- Explain any unfamiliar words or expressions, if

Activity 2: Discuss with a partner * Keys:

1. Education, dietary changes, exercise and the
- T asks Ss to read the text and anstructs them to spirit of cooperation
complete the task. 2. There should be close cooperation between
- T encourages them to share any information or local government, health association and
facts they know about this city. Even if Ss haven’t residents. The first step should be for a local
heard about it, T encourages them to make some
predictions. health association to start a campaign for
- Ss listen to the T and do the part promoting a healthy lifestyle and nutrition,
winning the support of the local residents and
local government
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
* Homework:
- T asks to read the passage carefully and do it 1. Prepare new part: Looking back and project
again as their homework and suggests Ss prepare 2. Review the part: communication and culture
for new lesson
- Ss write down and listen to teacher



I. Aims and Objectives:

- To help students revise what they have learned in unit 10
- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop their speaking skills about
longevity hot spots
2. Skills
- To promote Ss to develop their communication skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
- To help Ss develop the presentation skill in English in front of the crowd
II. Preparations:
- Teacher: textbook, lesson plan.CD and cassette.
- Students: Textbook
III. Methods: - The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.
IV. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities Students’ activities
WARM UP ( 5 ms) ideas and opinions, knowledge that they have
- T asks Ss to talk their ideas and opinions, learnt in Unit 10.
knowledge that they have learnt in Unit 10.
.- Ss listen to the teacher’s demand & think
- Ss stand up to present

1. Pronunciation

Activity 1: Listen and mark (fall-rise

intonation) in the following conversation

- T plays CD and asks Ss to listen to the

exchanges and to mark the intonation patterns
on the questions using a downward upward
arrow on each choice.
- T has Ss compare their answers in pairs or
- T checks Ss’ answer as a class
- T asks Ss to practice the sentences

Activity 2: Listen again. Then practice the

conversation with a partner. Try to use the
appropriate fall-rise intonation

- T plays the recording again and ask Ss to

listen and read along
- T asks Ss to practise in pairs, taking turns to
ask and answer the questions
- T walks around, comment on the pairs’
performance and praise Ss who try to use the
appropriate intonation.
* Keys:
1. boost
2. Vocabulary: 2. life expectancy
Complete the sentences with the correct 3. immune system
form of the words or phrases in the box 4. remedies
5. nutritious
6. dietary
- T instructs Ss to do the part and asks Ss to 7. are attributed to
write the suitable word in each sentence 8. prescription
- T calls on a student to do on board
- Ss do the part themselves
- T lets them compare their answers in pairs or
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class and give
further explanation, if necessary.

3. Grammar:
Activity 1: Report each statement. Make all *Keys: 1. The teacher told Tuan and Phong not
necessary changes. to talk in class
2. The doctor said to Mr White that if he eats/ate
lots of fatty food, he will/would increase his
chances of developing heart diseases.
T asks Ss to work individually, and then 3. Nam’s yoga instructor asked him to close his
compare their answers in pairs or groups eyes, breathe slowly and deeply, and not to think
- Ss do the part themselves about his problems
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class and give 4. The patient admitted not following his doctor’s
further explanations, if necessary. advice
5. Ha’s friend suggested playing some games to
relax because they had studied for three hours
6. Van’s manager said that he/she would get a
promotion if he/she could finish the project
before the deadline.
Activity 2: Read the conversation. Imagine
that Nga talks to a friend the next day, Keys: 1. My father said that if I want to be stress-
telling him/her what her father had said. free, I need to balance study and leisure
2. He told (advised) me to draw up a revision
timetable with time for other activities
3. He said that if I worked too hard, I wouldn’t
feel hungry
4. He told/asked/advised me not to study
- T asks Ss to work individually, and then continuously for long hours, but to take a five-
compare their answers in pairs or groups minute break every hour.
- Ss do the part themselves 5. Then he advised/told/asked me to do some
- T checks Ss’ answers as a class and give workout or take a walk in the park before
further explanations, if necessary. mealtime
6. Finally, he said that if I need more help, I can
just ask him.

ACTIVITY 2: Project
* Methods/techniques of teaching and 1. Work in groups of 4 or 5. Choose one of the
learning: work in groups- T instructs Ss to projects
do project 2. Compare the information about these
people and find out any common features.
- Ss listen and focus on the part
Present your report to the whole class.
1. T asks Ss to work in 2 groups of 4 or 5 who
have prepared for the project .
2. T lets the groups have some time together to

assemble the results of their reports and then
present to the class orally
- T and Ss pay attention to the presentation
- Ss prepare for two projects through overhead
WRAP UP (2 ms)
- T sums up the period
- Ss listen to teacher
HOMEASSIGNMENT (1 ms) * Homework:
- T asks Ss to review the whole unit 10 and 1. Prepare new part: Review 4
suggests Ss prepare for new lesson 2. Review the part:
- Ss write down and listen to teacher

REVIEW 4 (UNIT 9,10)
1. Language focus - To help students revise what they have learned in units 9,10
- To give them a chance to practice
2. Skills - To promote Ss to develop their skills and cultural understanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder
- To provide Ss some motivation
1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan
- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching
2. Students - Read through Review4
1. Class organization (1minute)
2. Check up(5 minutes) - Ask some Ss to talk about pros and cons of ecotourism
3. New lesson (35minutes)
Language Do as appointed
Vocabulary natural polluted environmental
1. Complete the sentences using the sustainable ecological
correct forms of the words in
Ask Ss to do the task
2. Complete the following * Do as appointed
sentences with suitable words 1.pollution 2. globalwarming
from the box 3.deforestation 4.protect
Ask Ss to do the task 5. acid rain
Pronunciation * Do as appointed
3. Sort out the words according poverty, energy, chemical, newsletter pollution,
to their stress patterns and read solution, awareness, protection economy,
them aloud. The ones in the first sustainable, ecology, environment
row have been done as
Grammar conversation
Do preservation, relaxation,
as appointed
4. Rewrite the following sentences 1. Mary said people were cutting down the rainforests
using reported speech 2. Tom said car pollution was a big problem in his city
Ask Ss to do the task 3. Scientists say chemicals are destroying the ozone layer.
4. He told me to turn off the lights when I left home
5. Our teacher explained burning gas, oil, and coal could
cause acid rain

5. Put the verbs in brackets in the Do as appointed

correct forms 1.didn’t throw 2. Will go
Ask Ss to do the task 3.closed down 4. is
6. Put the verbs in brackets in the Do as appointed
correct tenses 1. will…do 2. Would be
Ask Ss to do the task 3. were …would go 4.use
5. knew … would/could phone
4. Consolidation (3 mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units 9,10
5. Homework:(1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units 9,10
- Do the tasks again - Read Review 4 at home

REVIEW 4 (UNIT 9,10)
1. Languagefocus - To help students revise what they have learned in units 9,10
- To give them a chance topractice
2. Skills - To promote Ss to develop their skills and culturalunderstanding
- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs andgroups
3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to workharder
- To provide Ss somemotivation
1. Teacher - Teaching aids: textbook, lessonplan
- Teaching method: Communicative languageteaching
2. Students - Read through Review4
1. Class organization (1minute)
2. Check up(5minutes) - Ask some Ss to go to do the tasks again
3. New lesson (35minutes)
Skills Do as appointed
1.a. Read about three people describing 1. rubbish dump =landfill
some environmental problems and 2. hide underground =bury
solutions 3. serious skin disease = skin cancer
1.b. Find words which are closest in 4. waste gases = exhaust gases
meaning to the following 5. process =treat
Ask Ss to do the task
2.Readthetextagainandwritedownthe Do as appointed
environmental problems each one talk Linda: landfills - do more recycling
about and what can be done to solve it. Jenny: the thinning of the ozone layer – drive less
Ask Ss to do the task Kate: water pollution – treat all waste more
Speaking Do as appointed
3. Work in pairs. Choose one of the - Sa Pa (Lao CaiProvince)
following destinations for ecotourism in - Cat Ba NationalPark
VN - CentralHighlands
Ask Ss to do the task - Bach Ma NationalPark
- Can Gio Biosphere Reserve (HCMCity)
4. Answer the questions. Discuss with a Do as appointed
partner. - Where do you want togo?
Ask Ss to do the task - Why do you like to gothere?
- What is special about thedestination?
Listening Do as appointed
5. Listen to the recording about Cuc 1. 135
Phuong National Park and fill in the 2. tourists and scientists
missing information 3. 2000 – 400
Ask Ss to do the task 4. most impressive
5. 1000

Writing Do as appointed
6. Write a paragraph about different Today,wecan’tdenythefactthathumanbeingsare facing
environmental problems and give advice many environmental problems and they are doing their
on how to solve them. Use the best to solve them. First of all, people produce too
information in box of your own ideas Ask much waste which then is thrown everywhere and
Ss to do thetask pollute the environment. The best solution to this
problem is that we should do more recycling.….

4. Consolidation(3mins) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units9,10

5. Homework:(1 min) - Revise what Ss have learnt in units 9,10
- Do the tasks again

I. Aimsandobjectives - To evaluate the quality of teaching and learningprocesses
- To motivate Ss get ready for theirexam
- To help them systematize theknowledge
- To get general feedback from students, check their
understanding and markthem
II. Teachingaids - Chalk, board, lesson plan, textbooks,exercises
III. Procedure
1. Class organization(1min)
2. Check up(5mins) - Expressing opinion with passive and activevoice
3. New lesson (35mins)
Students’ activities Teacher’s activities
- Revise the knowledge in previous lessons:
* Vocabulary:
+ Unit 6: Gender Equality
+ Unit 7: Cultural Diversity - Asks Ss to review the knowledge in
+ Unit 8: New ways to learn previous lessons

+ Unit 6: The passive voice with modals
+ Unit 7: Comparative and Superlative
+ Unit 8: Relative Clauses

1. Consolidation: (3 mins) - Knowledge in previous lessons

2. Homework(1 min) - Knowledge in previous lessons

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. detect B. decide C. debate D. decade
2. A balanced B. yoga C. fatty D. natural
3. A. vegetable B. hygiene C. sugary D. longevity
4. A. opinion B. optimistic C. operate D. optional
5. A. assistance B. pessimistic C. assure D. fossil
6. A. rural B. ruin C. rubric D. ruminant
7. A. earthquake B. northern C. thorough D. thoughtful
8. A. exercise B. remedy C. medicine D. obesity
9. A. sugar B. consume C. trans-fat D. obesity
10.A. vitamin B. mineral C. fitness D. diet
11. A. trends B. decisions C. markets D. offers
12. A. lets B. pursuits C. sleep D. waterfalls
13. A. equipped B. delivered C. transferred D. received
14.A. planned B. developed C. valued D. recognized
15.A. introduced B. added C. participated D. appreciated

Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from that of the others.
1. A. healthy B. headache C. diet D. consume
2. А. уоgа B. fatal C. immune D. careful
3. A. unhealthy B. vitamin C. mineral D. natural
4. A. developer B. facility C. relaxation D. technology
5. A. sensor B. predict C. dweller D. function
6. A. prevent B. injure C. sugar D. fitness
7. A. approach B. attract C. decent D. install
8. A. project B. support C. secure D. believe
9. A. profit B. proceed C. promote D. profound
10. A. intact B. nightlife C. relic D. complex
11.A. infectious B. essential C. precaution D. properly
12. A. cultural B. heritage C. memory D. represent
13. A. broaden B. provide C. pursue D. succeed
14. A. college B. degree C. language D. subject
15. A. bachelor B. diploma C. internship D. scholarship

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of thefollowing questions.
1. I'd like to book a room with a/an ____ of the sea.
A. outlook B. sight C. view D. scenery
2. When I'm on holiday, I enjoy ____.
A. getting sunburnt B. getting sunstroke C. having a sunbath D. sunbathing
3. It can be quite busy here during the tourist ____.
A. period B. phase C. stage D. season
4. I always enjoy our school ____ to France.
A. excursion B. journey C. trip D. travel
5. The waste ___ system here is also innovative. There are no rubbish trucks or waste bins in the
A. dump B. disposal C. landfill D. throwaway
6. The ____ of living in some places can be very high. Prices in London are particularly exorbitant.
A. value B. price C. worth D . cost
7. The roads are terrible. I'm always getting ____ in traffic.
A. stuck B. lost C. exhausted D. late
8. The ____ is where you'll find all the large department stores and banks.
A. city heart B. town hall C . city centre D. business district
9. Exhaust ____ from cars are responsible for much of the air pollution in cities.
A. fumes B. smokes C. gases D . smog
10. Many factories still allow ____, such as toxic waste, to flow into our rivers
A. pollution B. litters C. garbage D. pollutants
11. The greenhouse ____ takes place when certain gases in the atmosphere trap sun's heat.
A emission B. gas C. effect D. affect
12. Pollution and heavy traffic are common problems in ____ cities.
A cosmopolitan B. modern C. metropolitan D. overcrowded
13. You have to be highly ____ to do well in these subjects.
A. competitive B. competitor C. competition D. competed
14. I can't cope well ____ all the homework I've got to do!
A. on B. of C. about D. with
15. This kind of fruit helps to____ the immune system.
A. decrease B. reduce C. boost D. maintain
16. If you take this medicine, you will ____ quickly.
A. recover B. get on C. get up D. get in
17. We should ____ healthy food and exercise regularly.
A. store B. purchase C. buy D. consume
18. ____ for both men and women has improved greatly in the pasttwenty years.
A. Living standard B. Life expectancy C. Life skills D. Lifeline
19. Too much fast food consumption can increase the risk of ____ and heartdisease.
A. being underweight B. obesity C. malnutrition D. fitness
20. Squeezing pimples can lead to ____, redness, and infection.
A. falling B. declining C. shrinking D. swelling
21. In order to ____ sunburn, many people wear protecting clothes when they goout.
A. continue B. encourage C. facilitate D. avoid
22. We should drink a lot of water to ____ water loss.
A. boost B. stimulate C. prevent D. trigger
23. John Keith has been a fitness ____ for more than ten years.
A. practitioner B. trainer C. learner D. intern
24. You should also ____ early in the morning when it's not too hot.
A. have a rest B. do housework C. do homework D. work out
25. If yoga is not done ____, it can do more harm than good.
A. socially accepted B. morally accepted C. properly D. easily
26. She didn't enjoy the Mediterranean ____ at all; she was seasick most of the time.
A. cruise B. tour C. voyage D. trip
27. The travel agent wasn't to ____ for the overbooking.
A. accuse B. charge C. blame D. claim
28. When I worked as a waiter, the hotel manager found ____ with everything I do.
A. blame B. complaint C. fault D. criticism
29. I don't really ____ the point of taking the exam when you are not ready for it.
A. annoy B. have C. see D. take
30. My dad wants me to go to university, but I'm in ____ minds about it.
A. different C. some D. two

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning tothe underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
1. Most of the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long was demolished in the early 20thcentury.
A. rebuilt B. pulled down C. put up D. pulled up
2. Taj Mahal is a giant mausoleum of white marble in Arga, India. It is consideredto be an outstanding work of

A. noticeable B. attractive C. brilliant D. significant
3. If we have solar panels on our roofs, we'll be able to generate our ownelectricity.
A. afford B. produce C. manufacture D. light
4. Many city dwellers, especially those in developing countries, still live inpoverty.
A. people B. migrants C. immigrants D. residents
5. I believe the government will use advanced technology to build faster trainsand make people's life more
A. modern B. expensive C. public D. latest
6. Children often get vaccinated in order to be immune to fatal diseases.
A. susceptible B. vulnerable C. allowed D. resistant
7. There are several ways to exercise and stay healthy.
A. apply B. exploit C. keep fit D. operate
8. In order to stay healthy, make sure you have a balanced intake of vitamins and minerals.
A. take-off B. take-away C. consumption D. digestion
9. A popular way to relieve stress in today's busy life styles is practising meditation.
A. reduce B. relax C. repeat D. require
10. Having healthy skin is especially essential to women to maintain their beauty.
A. trivial B. meaningless C. vital D. contributory
11. 26. Remember to wash your face twice a day with warm water and mild soap to remove dirt.
A. light B. destructive C. strong D . protective
12. Losing a lot of fluid can lead to heat stroke.
A. result from B. result in C. originate D. be due to
13. You should drink a glass of water before a workout and then pause regularly to drink more.
A. break up B. break down C. break off D. break in
14. If you are swimming and lightning strikes, you risk serious injury or death.
A. trivial B. bad C. important D. minor
15. Make sure you have warmed up your body by stretching or jumping beforeswimming.
A. exercised B. put on warm clothes C. had a warm bath D. rested

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning tothe underlined word(s) in each
of the following questions.
1. I have just received my first job offer after having been unemployed for two years.
A. got B. gained C. rejected D. acquired
2. When you walk, don't look at your feet. This will slow you down and cause back pain.
A. result in B. result from C. lead to D. activate
3. The major stone sections of the Citadel of the Ho Dynasty remain intact thanksto the unique construction
A. special B. common C. excellent D. ancient
4. Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact.
A. in perfection B. in ruins C. in chaos D. in completion
5. Tourists can do and see a lot in Ha Long Bay at a reasonable price.
A. inexpensive B. affordable C. cheap D. exorbitant
6. If I take the pessimistic viewpoint, Tokyo won't be a safe place to live in.
A. negative B. optimistic C. optical D. neutral
7. To reduce carbon emissions into the atmosphere, ways to limit the use of private cars must be found.
A. public B. personal C. common D. shared
8. People who live in towns and cities live in an urban environment.
A. remote B. deserted C. suburban D. rural
9. Governments have to join hands to solve the environmental problems on a global scale.
A. worldwide B. nationwide C. local D. international
10. You need to do some warm-up exercise such as stretching before you start youryoga practice.
A. remaining B. declining C. developing D. shrinking
11. Stretching will relax your muscles and prevent any damage to your joints.
A. allow B. avoid C. limit D. protest
12. After hundreds of rejections by the employers, I decided that I need to do something about my obesity.
A. denial B. refusal C. approval D. rebuttal
13. I have followed a special diet and joined a fitness class for overweight peoplefor over six months.
A. refused B. obeyed C. adhered to D. carried on
14. My family totally supported me during my fight against obesity.
A. aided B. discouraged C. assisted D. promoted
15. Most of the students in our country are interested in pursuing higher educationto get bachelor's degrees.
A. following B. giving up C. trying D. interrupting
Choose the best answer to complete the sentences:
1. Every time Parkas sees a movie made in India, he __________homesick.
A. will have left              B. felt             C. feels                            D. is feeling
2. The earth________ on the sun for its heat and light.
A. is depend B. depending C. has depend D. depends
3. There's a strange smell in here. Mother________ something.
A. cooks B. is cooking C. will cook D. has cooked
4. We __________ maths at this time last week.
A. were learning B. are learning C. was D. learnt
5. She was playing games while he __________a football match.
A. watched B. watches C. was watching D. watching
6. She __________school when she was six.
A. start B. started C. has started D. are starting
7. She__________ lunch by the time we arrived.
A. had finished B. finished C. have finished D. finishing
8. This is the first time I ________ here.
A. am B. have been C. was D. be
9. Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She ________ in several films.
A. appears B. is appearing C. appeared D. has appeared
10. I ________a famous pop star when I'm older.
A. am going to be B. am being C. am D. was
11. I just want to know what you__________ at this time tomorrow afternoon.
A. were doing B. will be doing C. are doing D. do
12. A: You’re just missed the last train! B: Never mind, I_______.
A. will walk B. will be walking C. walk D. will have walked
13. I ______ an exam next October.
A. am taking B. have taken C. take D. will be taken
14. A: “The phone is ringing” B. “ I ______it”.
A. answer B. will answer C. have answered D. will be answering
15. Do you think that _________ pass your exams in June?
A. you B. to C. you’ll D. will you
16. Bill’s wife doesn’t let him ________ go to the party.
A. go B. to go C. to have gone D. went
17. You will never know why Jane refused ________ the job.
A. getting B. get C. to get D. to be got
18. There are two important things ________ in your mind.
A. bearing B. to bear C. bear D. born
19. Carl ________ staying one more night in the village.
A. agrees B. hopes C. plans D. suggest
20. Can you manage ________ the work by yourself?
A. finish B. finished C. finishing D. to finish
21. I would rather ________ to Elvis than The Beatles
A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. be listened
22. Carl ________ staying one more night in the village.
A. agrees B. hopes C. plans D. suggests
23. Jean should seriously consider ________ an actress. She is a very talented performer.
A. to become B. become C. becoming D. will become
24. Peter said that he saw Mary ________ that beautiful vase
A. breaks B. breaking C. break D. broke
25. The police ________ them get out of the car.
A. made B. caused C. asked D. ordered
26. The magazine _________ you lent me is interesting.

A. what B. which C. whom D. whose
27. The man _________ is resting is very tired.
A. what B. which C. whom D. who
28. The people ________ courage you praised are now citizens.
A. whose B. which C. whom D. that
29. I talked to a woman __________ car had broken down on the way to the party.
A. which B. who C. whose D. whom
30. Were the Wright brothers the ones __________built the first aeroplane?
A. which B. whom C. whose D. that
31. He spoke to the messengers ________ you were leaving with.
A. which B. whom C. whose D. that
32. Ansel Adams was a landscape photographer ________ photographs of the western United States show natur
e on a grand scale.
A. whose B. of whom C. of his D. his
33. Summer is the time of the year _________ the weather is the hottest.
A. when B. which C. that D. B & C
34. Alaska, __________ my brother lives, is the largest state in the United States.
A. which B. where C. who D. All are correct
35. Tell me the reason ____________ you were absent yesterday.
A. where B. when C. why D. that
36. I have a message for people __________ by the traffic chaos.
A. to delay B. who delay C. delayed D. who delaying
37. Melanie was the only person __________ a letter of thanks.
A. wrote B. written C. to write D. writing
38. The pilot was the only man __________ after the crash.
A. was rescued B. rescued C. rescuing D. to be rescued
39. The woman _______next door is a famous singer.
A. lives B. who live C. living D. that living
40. The house ______ in the storm has now been rebuilt.
A. destroyed B. destroying C. which destroyed D. that is destroyed
41. The man ______ at the blackboard is our teacher.
A. stood B. stands C. standing D. to stand
42. Tom was the last ______the classroom yesterday.
A. to leave B. leaving C. left D. leaves
43. Linda was the last student ______ at the oral exam.
A. to be asked B. asking C. asks D. to ask
44. The bridge _____ by French architects is very nice.
A. was designed B. designing C. to design D. designed
45. The people __________ for the bus in the rain are getting well
A. waiting B. to wait C. waited D. wait
46. It is automobile industry ________ contributes the most greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere.
A. where B. in which C. that D. whom
47. It was the dog________ the boy hit in the garden.
A. which B. that C. who D. whom
48. My brother sent me a birthday card.
A. It was I who was sent a birthday card. B. It was me who was sent a birthday card by my brother
C. It was me whom my brother sent a birthday card D. Both B and C are correct.
49. Hung bought Lan a golden ring on her birthday.
A. It was a golden ring that was bought for Lan on her birthday by Hung.
B. It was a golden ring that was bought Lan on her birthday by Hung
C. It was a golden ring that was bought for Lan on her birthday.
D. It was a golden ring that Hung bought Lan on her birthday.
50. The girl gave the boy a special gift on Christmas.
A. It was the boy who the girl gave him a special gift on Christmas.
B. It was the boy who was gave a special gift on Christmas by the girl.
C. It was the boy that was given a special gift on Christmas by the girl.
D. It was a special gift that was given to the boy on Christmas by the girl.
51. If it_____ convenient, let's go out for a drink tonight.
A. be B. is C. was D. were
52. If you_____ time, please write to me.
A. have B. had C. have had D. has
53. If I find it, I _____________ you.
A. will tell B. would tell C. had told D. told
54. I shouldn't go there at night if I_____ you.
A. am B. was C. be D. were
55. What would you do if you_______________ a million dollars?
A. would win B. win C. had won D. won
56. If you inherited a million pounds, what______ with the money?
A. do you do B. will you do C. would you do D. are you going to do
57. If I found a wallet in the street, I_____ take it to police.
A. will B. should C. would D. shall
58. If _____ as I told her, she would have succeeded.
A. she has done B. she had done C. she does D. she did
59. If I had known you were in hospital, I ______ to see you.
A. will go B. would go C. went D. would have gone
60. If I______, I would have said hello.
A. had seen B. saw C. see D. would see
61. Charlie said, "Margaret has had a baby".
A. Charlie said Margaret has had a baby. B. Charlie said Margaret had had a baby.
C. Charlie said Margaret had a baby. D. Charlie said Margaret has a baby.
62. Charlie said, "I don’t know what Fred is doing".
A. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred is doing.B. He said that he didn’t know what Fred is doing.
C. He said that he doesn’t know what Fred was doing.D. He said that he didn’t know what Fred was doing.
63. Charlie said, "I hardly ever go out these days".
A. He said that he hardly ever went out these days.B. He said that I hardly ever go out these days.
C. He said that I hardly ever went out these days.D. He said that he hardly ever goes out these days.
64. Charlie said, '"I work 14 hours a day".
A. He said that he works 14 hours a day. B. He said that he worked 14 hours a day.
C. He said that I work 14 hours a day. D. He said that I worked 14 hours a day.
65. Charlie said, "I'll tell Jim I saw you"
A. He said he'll tell Jim he saw me. B. He said I would tell Jim I had seen you.
C. He said he would tell Jim he had seen me. D. He said I would tell Jim he had seen me.
66. Mary said: “What will you do this evening, John ?”
A. Mary asked John what would he do that evening.B. Mary asked John what John did that evening.
C. Mary wanted to know what she and John would do that evening.
D. Mary wanted to know what John would do that evening.
67. "If I were you. Bill, I'd buy the house, " Stephen said.
A. Stephen suggested Bill to buy the house. B. Stephen advised Bill to buy the house.
C. Stephen promised Bill that he would buy the house. D. Stephen forced Bill to buy the house.
68. “If I have more free time, I will visit you tomorrow,” he said.
A. He said that if he had more free time, he would visit me the following day.
B. He said that if he has more free time, he will visit you the following day.
C. He said if I had more free time, I would visit you the following day.
D. He said that if he had more free time, he would visit me the day before.
69. “If I knew her address, I would tell you,” he said
A. He said that if he knew her address, he would tell me.
B. He said that if he had known her address, he would have told me.
C. He promised to tell me her address if he knew it.
D. He said if I knew her address, I would have told you.
70. “If they had had enough money, they would have bought the book last night,” she said.
A. She said that if they had had enough money, they would have bought the book last night.
B. She said that if she had had enough money, she would have bought the book last night.
C. She said that if she had had enough money, she would have bought the book the previous night.
D. She said that if they had had enough money, they would have bought the book the previous night.
71. The film is good, _______________?
A. is it B. are they C. isn’t it D. aren’t they
72. The ticket to London doesn’t cost a lot, ______?
A. do they B. does it C. is it D. isn’t it
73. You have got a new car, _________?
A. do you B. don't you C. aren't you D. haven't you
74. They used to work as astronauts, ________
A. don't they B. weren't they C. did they D. didn't they
75. These books aren't yours, ____?
A. are these B. aren't these C. are they D. aren’t they
76. He seldom goes to the library, ______?
A. doesn’t he B. is he C. does he D. isn’t he
77. I’m a bit late, ______?
A. am not I B. aren’t you C. are you D. aren’t I
78. No one is indifferent to praise, ______?
A. is one B. isn’t one C. is he D. are they
79. Let's begin the meeting,_________?
A. don't we B. do us C. won't we D. shall we
80. Help me with housework, ____________?
A. don't you B. do you C. will you D. won't you
81. _________this movie last week, I still wanted to see it again.
A. Having seen B. had seen C. was seen D. seeing
82. _________the bottles, Mike poured the drinks for everyone.
A. To open B. To have opened C. Being opened d. Having opened
83. _________all the papers already, Sarah put them back in the file.
A. To have photocopied B. To photocopy C. Photocopying D. Having
84. George mentioned _________in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details.
A. having injured B. having been injured C. to have injured D. to have been injured
85. Martin denied _________the accused man on the day of the crime.
A. to see B. of having seen C. to have seen D. having seen

1. Lan: How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?Nam: ____
A. TV programmes are various. There are so many of them. B. Sports channel is my favourite.
C. Not much. Just about thirty minutes after dinner. D. My mother
spends hours watching soap operas.
2. Lan: Do you ever eat junk food? Nam: ____
A. Sometimes I have a snack for my breakfast. B. Junk food is not nutritious enough.
C. Junk food is also addictive. D. We should discourage children from eating junk food.
3. Nam: What exercise do you do? Lan: ____
A. I go jogging in the morning and aerobics in the afternoon. B. Exercising is time-consuming.
C. My teachers ask us to do so many exercises. D. I hate doing too much homework.
4. Nam: Do young people you know get enough exercise? Lan: ____
A. Not really. They are a little bit lazy. B. Getting enough exercise is very important.
C. They tend to eat too much junk food. D. Fast food is the young people's favourite food.
5. “____?" – "It's ten minutes' walk from here.”
A. How long does it take to get to the town centre? B. Can you show me the way to the town centre?
C. How far is it from here to the town centre? D. How can we get to the town centre?
6. "What's the weather forecast?” – “____”
A. Don't forget your raincoat, will you? B. Don't forget your raincoat, do you?
C. It's going to rain. Don't forget your raincoat, will you?
D. It's going to rain. Don't forget your raincoat, do you?
7. “Oh, I'm sorry! Am I disturbing you?” – “____”
A. Sure, you're a real nuisance! B. You're such a pain in the neck!
C. No, never mind. D. No, you're OK.
8. “Last year, we went to one of those resorts where everything - food and drink - is free.” – “____”
A. Wow! I didn't realise you were such snobs! B. Really? I prefer to go somewhere a bit quieter.
C. It sounds great. I've never been on an all-inclusive holiday.
D. If you want all your meals and drinks included, you can stay on anall-inclusive basis.
9. “My back feels sore. Does it look a bit red?” – “____”
A. Yes, it does. I think you'll get a lovely suntan. B. Yes, it does. Probably you should go for a swim.
C. Yes, it does. It's important to go for a paddle.
D. Yes, it does. Perhaps you should keep out of the sun for the rest of the day.
10. “____” – “Well, most of the citadel was demolished in the early 20th century.”
A. Is it still intact or in ruins? B. Has it been pulled down?
C. Is it a significant geological site? D. What has happened to it?

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction
in the each of following questions.
1. Lived here for seven years, my friend volunteers to act as tour guide for us all on our city break.
2. Amy seems like a bright student. She's always the first to be finished her work.
3. We decided not to travel, having hear the terrible weather forecast.
4. The book publishing last week is her first novel about a World Heritage Site in Viet Nam.
5. I don't want a brother or sister, unless it will happens, of course.
6. None of your friends really enjoyed themselves at the party, didn't they?
7. If you borrow my coat, don't get it dirty, can you?
8. People who eat lots of red meat are at risk of develop heart diseases.
9. Your body may not be able to fights infections naturally if your immune system is weakened.
10. I told him that if I drank coffee before bedtime, I can't sleep.
11. Nam’s wife told him that it would be nice if he spends more time with the children.
12. Peter explained to us that if Ann called him back, he'll arrange an appointment for her.
13. Khanh's father promised buying her a pair of Nike shoes if she passed her English test.
14. Lan's mother reminded her to turn off the lights before leaving a house.
15. My brother has applied for that scholarship for months, but he has never succeeded yet.



Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề

Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . …. . . .Lớp: 11A . . .

- Đề thi gồm 50 câu – 30 câu trắc nghiệm; 20 câu tự luận
- Học sinh làm trực tiếp vào đề
Mã đề: 149
I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions. .
Câu 1. People who eat lots of red meat are at risk of develop heart diseases.
A. develop B. who eat C. red meat D. risk of
Câu 2. Dr Lam said that we'd boost our immune system if we have a healthy lifestyle.
A. a healthy B. said that C. we'd boost D. immune system

II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the (3)_______ between the human and the
machine. All body parts will be replaceable. Computers will function like the human (4)_______ with
the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then produce fake people. We
will then be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves so we will appear to be alive long after we
are dead. Maybe a few decades later, a way will be found to transfer our spirit, including our
(5)_______ and thoughts, to the new body. Then we can choose to live for as long as we want. It
might be expensive. When it becomes possible to do a spirit transfer, they will figure out (6)_______
to do them automatically. So we will be able to reside within whichever duplicate we want, whenever
we want.
Miniature robots will be built to travel through your blood stream and repair damage. Also, larger
robots will be used when you are sick. When you have an upset stomach, you will (7)_______ a very
small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your stomach taking video of the mess. It will be
set up like a video game, so you can control the exploring and the selection of images. Then you can
replay the video to help a doctor diagnose your illness, or to prove to your employer that you really,
were sick.
Câu 3. A. difference B. appearance C. variety D. change
Câu 4. A. skull B. brain C. liver D. limb
Câu 5. A. memories B. health C. experience D. actions
Câu 6. A. how B. when C. what D. why
Câu 7. A. vomit B. chew C. drink D. swallow

III. Read the following passage to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Although most universities in the United States are on semester system, which offers classes in the fall
and spring, some schools observe a quarter system comprised of fall, winter, spring and summer
quarter. The academic year, September to June, is divided into three quarters of eleven weeks each,
beginning in September, January, and March ; the summer quarter, June to August, is composed of
shorter sessions of varying length.
There are several advantages and disadvantages to the quarter system. On the plus side, students
who wish to complete three degrees in less than the customary four years may take advantage of the
opportunity to study year round by enrolling in all four quarters. In addition, although most students
begin their programs in the fall quarter, they may enter at the beginning of any of the other quarters.
Finally, since the physical facilities are kept in operation year round, the resources are used efficiently
to serve the greatest number of students. But there are several disadvantages as well. Many faculty
complain that the eleven-week term is simply not long enough for them to cover the material required
by most college courses. Students also find it difficult to complete the assignments in such a short
period of time.
In order to combine the advantages of the quarter system with those of the semester system, some
colleges and universities have instituted a three-term trimester system. In fourteen weeks, faculty and
students have more time to cover material and finish course requirements, but the additional term
provides more options for admission during the year and accelerates the degree programs for those
students who wish to graduate early.
Câu 8. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage ?
A. The Academic Year. B. The Semester System.
C. The Quarter System. D. Universities in the United States.
Câu 9. Which of the following characteristics does NOT apply to trimester ?
A. They provide more options for admission. B. They last eleven weeks.
C. They allow students to graduate early D. They are long enough to cover the material
Câu 10. When may students begin studying in a school that uses a quarter term ?
A. At the beginning of the academic year. B. Summer semester only.
C. September. D. At the beginning of any quarter.
Câu 11. The word " them " refers to _____
A. faculty B. weeks C. courses D. students
Câu 12. How many terms are there in a quarter system ?
A. 4 regular terms and one summer term. B. 2 regular terms and two summer term.
C. 3 regular terms and one summer term. D. 1 regular term and four summer term.

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 13. A. properly B. precaution C. essential D. infectious
Câu 14. A. injure B. sugar C. fitness D. prevent

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indecate the corect answer to each of the
following questions.
Câu 15. Why don’t you take a break? You ________ the Internet all day.
A. are surfing B. have been surfing C. have surfed D. surfed
Câu 16. He _______ me to take a lawyer to court with me.
A. suggested B. advised C. threatened D. insisted
Câu 17. The house ______ in the storm has now been rebuilt.
A. destroying B. that is destroyed C. which destroyed D. destroyed
Câu 18. She was_______ of hearing about their trip to India.
A. bored B. keen C. interested D. tired
Câu 19. After _______ that chapter carefully, they began their experiments.
A. having read B. receiving C. have received D. reading
Câu 20. Tom was the last ______the classroom yesterday.
A. to leave B. left C. leaving D. leaves
Câu 21. The girl was so _______ that she didn't look at him in the face.
A. confident B. shy C. sneaky D. impatient
Câu 22. An understanding of other people's feelings is _______.
A. enthusiasm B. loyalty C. sympathy D. suspicion
Câu 23. Sometimes life must be very unpleasant for ________ near the airport.
A. those living B. people live C. someone to living D. they who live
Câu 24. No one wants to live in a polluted city, ____
A. does he B. do they C. doesn't he D. don't they
VI. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Câu 25. " Would you like another coffee?" - "__________________"
A. Willingly B. Very kind of your part C. I'd love one D. It's a pleasure
Câu 26. "If only I hadn't lent him all my money!" -"________________"
A. All right. You will be OK. B. I'm afraid you will have to do
C. Well, you did, so it's no use crying over split milk. D. Sorry, I have no idea.

VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 27. Today Islamabad is a thriving city of about 1 million people. It offers a healthy climate, a
pollution-free atmosphere, plenty of water, and many green spaces.
A. modern B. green C. healthy D. prosperous
Câu 28. Scientists hope that this new drug will be a major breakthrough in the fight against AIDS.

A. new cure B. sudden remedy C. important therapy D. dramatic
VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 29. A. tomb B. dome C. poetic D. mosaic
Câu 30. A. overcrowded B. network C. dweller D. Waste

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that its meaning stays the same.
1. They allowed him to write a letter to his family.
 They let _____________________________________________________________________________
2. When the police arrived, the car had gone.
 After ________________________________________________________________________________
3. It’s a waste of time trying to explain anything to Tony.
 It's not worth _________________________________________________________________________
4. I started working in this hotel six months ago.
 I’ve ________________________________________________________________________________
5. In the middle of our dinner there was a knock at the door.
 When we ____________________________________________________________________________
6. Because he was so sick, he didn’t go to work.
If _____________________________________________________________________________________
II. Give the correct form of the words to complete the sentences.
1. Nobody in the office has received an ________________to the party. (invite)
2. Her eyes were wide with ________________when she heard the news. (excite)
3. Parents should encourage their children (watch) ________________educational programs on TV.
4. Let’s hurry up! We must finish (paint) ________________the office by 3:00 today.
III. Give the correct tenses of the verbs to complete the sentences.
1. When we (finish) ____________________our meal, we went for a walk. .
2. Yesterday when I came to see John, he (write) _______________________a letter to his parents.
3. Billy said that he (go) _______________________to Ha Noi two months before.
4. I remember (take) ____________________ to the zoo when I was a child.
5. We are going to have my house (paint) ___________________ tomorrow morning.
IV. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition.
1. Banh Chung is made …………………sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork.
2. Too much fast food consumption can increase the risk ……………obesity and heart disease
3. When you walk, don't look at your feet. This will slow you down and result …………back pain.
4. She was worried …………………being robbed by thieves
5. I can't cope well ………………… all the homework I've got to do!

Thời gian làm bài : 60 phút, không kể thời gian phát đề
Họ tên học sinh: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SBD: . . . . . . . . .Lớp: 11A . . .

Mã đề: 149

I. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the
following questions. .
Câu 1. People who eat lots of red meat are at risk of develop heart diseases.
A. develop B. who eat C. red meat D. risk of
Câu 2. Dr Lam said that we'd boost our immune system if we have a healthy lifestyle.
A. a healthy B. said that C. we'd boost D. immune system

II. Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate
the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 31 to 35.
Over the next 20 to 50 years, it will become harder to tell the (3)_______ between the human and the
machine. All body parts will be replaceable. Computers will function like the human (4)_______ with
the ability to recognize feelings and respond in a feeling way. They will then produce fake people. We
will then be able to create a machine duplicate of ourselves so we will appear to be alive long after we
are dead. Maybe a few decades later, a way will be found to transfer our spirit, including our
(5)_______ and thoughts, to the new body. Then we can choose to live for as long as we want. It
might be expensive. When it becomes possible to do a spirit transfer, they will figure out (6)_______
to do them automatically. So we will be able to reside within whichever duplicate we want, whenever
we want.
Miniature robots will be built to travel through your blood stream and repair damage. Also, larger
robots will be used when you are sick. When you have an upset stomach, you will (7)_______ a very
small cherry tasting robot which will travel through your stomach taking video of the mess. It will be
set up like a video game, so you can control the exploring and the selection of images. Then you can
replay the video to help a doctor diagnose your illness, or to prove to your employer that you really,
were sick.
Câu 3. A. difference B. appearance C. variety D. change
Câu 4. A. skull B. brain C. liver D. limb
Câu 5. A. memories B. health C. experience D. actions
Câu 6. A. how B. when C. what D. why
Câu 7. A. vomit B. chew C. drink D. swallow

III. Read the following passage to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.
Although most universities in the United States are on semester system, which offers classes in the fall
and spring, some schools observe a quarter system comprised of fall, winter, spring and summer
quarter. The academic year, September to June, is divided into three quarters of eleven weeks each,
beginning in September, January, and March ; the summer quarter, June to August, is composed of
shorter sessions of varying length.
There are several advantages and disadvantages to the quarter system. On the plus side, students
who wish to complete three degrees in less than the customary four years may take advantage of the
opportunity to study year round by enrolling in all four quarters. In addition, although most students
begin their programs in the fall quarter, they may enter at the beginning of any of the other quarters.
Finally, since the physical facilities are kept in operation year round, the resources are used efficiently
to serve the greatest number of students. But there are several disadvantages as well. Many faculty
complain that the eleven-week term is simply not long enough for them to cover the material required
by most college courses. Students also find it difficult to complete the assignments in such a short
period of time.
In order to combine the advantages of the quarter system with those of the semester system, some
colleges and universities have instituted a three-term trimester system. In fourteen weeks, faculty and
students have more time to cover material and finish course requirements, but the additional term
provides more options for admission during the year and accelerates the degree programs for those
students who wish to graduate early.
Câu 8. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage ?
A. The Academic Year. B. The Semester System.
C. The Quarter System. D. Universities in the United States.
Câu 9. Which of the following characteristics does NOT apply to trimester ?
A. They provide more options for admission. B. They last eleven weeks.
C. They allow students to graduate early D. They are long enough to cover the material
Câu 10. When may students begin studying in a school that uses a quarter term ?
A. At the beginning of the academic year. B. Summer semester only.
C. September. D. At the beginning of any quarter.
Câu 11. The word " them " in line 11 refers to _____
A. faculty B. weeks C. courses D. students
Câu 12. How many terms are there in a quarter system ?
A. 4 regular terms and one summer term. B. 2 regular terms and two summer term.
C. 3 regular terms and one summer term. D. 1 regular term and four summer term.

IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position
of primary stress in each of the following questions.
Câu 13. A. properly B. precaution C. essential D. infectious
Câu 14. A. injure B. sugar C. fitness D. prevent

V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indecate the corect answer to each of the
following questions.
Câu 15. Why don’t you take a break? You ________ the Internet all day.
A. are surfing B. have been surfing C. have surfed D. surfed
Câu 16. He _______ me to take a lawyer to court with me.
A. suggested B. advised C. threatened D. insisted
Câu 17. The house ______ in the storm has now been rebuilt.
A. destroying B. that is destroyed C. which destroyed D. destroyed
Câu 18. She was_______ of hearing about their trip to India.
A. bored B. keen C. interested D. tired
Câu 19. After _______ that chapter carefully, they began their experiments.
A. having read B. receiving C. have received D. reading
Câu 20. Tom was the last ______the classroom yesterday.
A. to leave B. left C. leaving D. leaves
Câu 21. The girl was so _______ that she didn't look at him in the face.
A. confident B. shy C. sneaky D. impatient
Câu 22. An understanding of other people's feelings is _______.
A. enthusiasm B. loyalty C. sympathy D. suspicion
Câu 23. Sometimes life must be very unpleasant for ________ near the airport.
A. those living B. people live C. someone to living D. they who live
Câu 24. No one wants to live in a polluted city, ____
A. does he B. do they C. doesn't he D. don't they

VI. Choose the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the
following exchanges.
Câu 25. " Would you like another coffee?" - "__________________"
A. Willingly B. Very kind of your part C. I'd love one D. It's a pleasure

Câu 26. "If only I hadn't lent him all my money!" -"________________"
A. All right. You will be OK. B. I'm afraid you will have to do
C. Well, you did, so it's no use crying over split milk. D. Sorry, I have no idea.

VII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined
word(s) in each of the following questions.
Câu 27. Today Islamabad is a thriving city of about 1 million people. It offers a healthy climate, a
pollution-free atmosphere, plenty of water, and many green spaces.
A. modern B. green C. healthy D. prosperous
Câu 28. Scientists hope that this new drug will be a major breakthrough in the fight against AIDS.
A. new cure B. sudden remedy C. important therapy D. dramatic

VIII. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other
three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
Câu 29. A. tomb B. dome C. poetic D. mosaic
Câu 30. A. overcrowded B. network C. dweller D. Waste

I. Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that its meaning stays the same.
7. They allowed him to write a letter to his family.
 They let him write a letter to his family
8. When the police arrived, the car had gone.
 After the car had gone, the police arrived
9. It’s a waste of time trying to explain anything to Tony.
 It's not worth trying to explain anything to Tony
10. I started working in this hotel six months ago.
 I’ve worked in this hotel six months ago.
11. In the middle of our dinner there was a knock at the door.
 When we was having dinner, someone knocked at the door
12. Because he was so sick, he didn’t go to work.
If he hadn’t been so sick, he would have gone to work
II. Give the correct form of the words to complete the sentences.
5. Nobody in the office has received an invitation to the party. (invite)
6. Her eyes were wide with _____excitement___________when she heard the news. (excite)
7. Parents should encourage their children (watch) __to watch______________educational programs
on TV.
8. Let’s hurry up! We must finish (paint) _______painting_________the office by 3:00 today.

III. Give the correct tenses of the verbs to complete the sentences.
6. When we (finish) ______had finished______________our meal, we went for a walk. .
7. Yesterday when I came to see John, he (write) _____was writing ______a letter to his parents.
8. 12. Billy said that he (go) _____had gone ______to Ha Noi two months before.
9. I remember (take) being taken___ to the zoo when I was a child.
10. We are going to have my house (paint) ________painted ___________ tomorrow morning.
IV. Fill in the blank with a suitable preposition.
6. Banh Chung is made from sticky rice, green beans and fatty pork.
7. Too much fast food consumption can increase the risk of obesity and heart disease
8. When you walk, don't look at your feet. This will slow you down and result in back pain.
9. 2 She was worried about being robbed by thieves
10. . I can't cope well with all the homework I've got to do!

English Lesson Plan - Grade 11 Pilot


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English Lesson Plan - Grade 11 Pilot


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