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ICT Express 7 (2021) 366–370

Artificial Intelligence outflanks all other machine learning classifiers in

Network Intrusion Detection System on the realistic cyber dataset
CSE-CIC-IDS2018 using cloud computing
V. Kanimozhi ∗, T. Prem Jacob
Department of CSE, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, India
Received 8 January 2020; received in revised form 7 September 2020; accepted 9 December 2020
Available online 17 December 2020

Our paramount task is to examine and detect network attacks, is one of the daunting tasks because the variety of attacks are day by day
existing in colossal number. The program proposed detects botnet attacks using the newest CSE-CIC-IDS2018 cyber dataset published by
the Canadian Cybersecurity Establishment (CIC). The cyber dataset can be accessed on AWS (Amazon Web Services). The realistic network
dataset consists of all the modern and existing attacks such as Brute-force attacks and password cracking, Heartbleed, Botnet, DoS (Denial
of Service), DDoS also known as Distributed Denial of Service, Web attacks i.e. vulnerable web app attacks, and infiltration of the network
from inside. The objective of the proposed research is to identify a classification of Botnet attacks. Botnet attack is a Trojan Horse malware
attack that poses a serious security threat to the banking and financial sectors. Since a specific classifier could possibly work for such datasets
it is crucial to finish a comparative examination of classifiers in order to achieve the most noteworthy execution in such basic detection of
network attacks. The proposed framework is to incorporate different classifier methods such as KNearset Neighbor classifier, Naïve Bayes,
Adaboost with Decision Tree, Support Vector Machine classifier, Random Forest classifier, and Artificial Intelligence to distinguish a portrayal
of botnet attacks on the recent and realistic cyber dataset CSE-CIC-IDS2018. The results of the classification are given as precise precision
for the specific classifiers. And furthermore, the proposed framework uses the Calibration curve as a standard approach in analytical methods
which generates reliability diagrams to check the predicted probabilities of various classifiers are well-calibrated or not. Finally, the displayed
graph proves how well the artificial intelligence technique outperforms all other classifiers which generates reliability diagrams to check the
predicted probabilities of various classifiers are well-calibrated or not.
⃝c 2020 The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS). Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
Keywords: AWS; Botnet; Calibration curve; CSE-CIC-IDS2018; Various machine learning classifiers

1. Introduction The most well-known classifications are NIDS (Network IDS)

and HIDS (Host-based IDS). HIDS that screens significant
An IDS (Intrusion Detection System) can be defined as OS (Operating System) files and NIDS that screens incoming
a programming application or hardware that screens a sys- network traffic in the network. It is additionally conceivable to
tem or frameworks for noxious movement or violations of rearrange IDS by detection methods also. They are detection
the policies. Such a movement is commonly revealed either methods such as signature-based (perceiving terrible patterns,
to a supervisor or gathered midway utilizing security data. for instance, malware) and anomaly-based (identifying devia-
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) are accessible in several tions from a good model traffic, which frequently depends on
sorts; the 2 main types are the Host intrusion detection systems AI (Artificial Intelligence) [2].
(HIDS) and network intrusion detection systems (NIDS) [1]. Malicious activities like denial-of-service attacks, scans,
∗ Corresponding author.
and network traffic are observed by NIDS. All arriving pack-
ets are read by NIDS and searches for any suspicious pat-
E-mail addresses: kanimv@yahoo.co.in (V. Kanimozhi),
premjac@yahoo.com (T.P. Jacob). terns. Once threats area unit discovered, supported its severity,
Peer review under responsibility of The Korean Institute of Communica- the system will take action like notifying directors [3]. To
tions and Information Sciences (KICS). watch and analyze network traffic to safeguard a system from
2405-9595/⃝ c 2020 The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS). Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
V. Kanimozhi and T.P. Jacob ICT Express 7 (2021) 366–370

network-based threats, NIDS has been employed. The pro- 3.2.2. Split the dataset into training and testing model
posed system is to detect botnet attacks which pose a serious The dataset partitioned into two subsets
threat to financial sectors by incorporating various classifier
• training dataset — a training model subset
models on CSE-CIC-IDS2018 with better prediction [4].
• test dataset — a testing model subset for evaluation

2. CSE-CIC-IDS2018 ON AWS The dataset should be part of the training and testing split. We
allocate the dataset into training and test sets, with an 80–20
This is the latest and realistic cyber dataset by Canadian split to deliver the best accuracy score.
Establishment for Cybersecurity (CIC) in 2018. For intrusion
detection and malware anticipation, datasets by CIC and ISCX 3.2.3. Make the training model learn and fit the various
have been utilized worldwide. The primary target of this machine learning classifiers
dataset is to build up an orderly way to deal with producing The training model is created and is made to fit with
different and far-reaching benchmark dataset for intrusion different classifiers to check which delivers the best accuracy
detection on the formation of client profiles which contain score, and which classifiers precisely ranges on the Calibration
Standard Curve like Naive Bayes Classifier, Random Forest
theoretical portrayals of occasions and practices seen on the
Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbor’s Classifier, Support Vector
Machine Classifier, Adaboost with Decision Tree Classifier by
This dataset consists of seven distinctive attack situations:
using a model.fit() method.
Botnet, Heartbleed, Brute-force, Denial of Service and Dis-
tributed Denial of Service, inside network infiltration and Web
3.2.4. Calculate the accuracy score by using the testing
attacks. The assaulting framework incorporates 50 machines model
and the victim association has 5 divisions and thirty servers Predictions are determined by bringing in sklearn package
and 420 machines are incorporated. The dataset incorporates and the coding as follows:
the catches, organize the traffic and framework logs of each
machine, alongside 80 highlights removed from the caught # predicted class = model.predict(training model)
traffic utilizing CICFlowMeter-V3. also, the accuracy or precision score is determined between the
CICFlowMeter-V3, written in java is a traffic flow generator predicted model of all the various machine learning classifier
in a network to have good control of the features as well as models and the testing model by deploying classification report
time flow duration. Here this particular dataset is produced from sklearn.metrics and the coding is as per the following:
as a CSV document with six significant features labeled as
#print(accuracy score(testing model,predicted class)
SourceIP, FlowID, DestinationIP, DestinationPort, SourcePort,
and 80 features as Protocol [5]. #print(classification report(testing model,predicted class)

Availability of Dataset on the website: http://www.unb.ca/cic 4. Incorporate machine learning classifiers into
/datasets/ids-2018.html CSE-CIC-IDS2018
Classification is the way toward predicting the class of
3. Implementation given data. Every method embraces a learning calculation to
recognize a model that best fits the relationship between the
3.1. Making an Artificial Neural Network with Anaconda, training data and the testing data. Subsequently, a key target
Jupyter Notebook and SciKit-learn of the learning calculation is to construct a predictive model
that precisely foresee the class labels of already unknown
To fabricate this Artificial Neural Network, we use Ana- records. The classification method is a deliberate way to deal
conda 3.0 and the most recent Scikit form 0.19.1 and Pandas with grouping models from input data. For instance, Decision
version 0.23.1 in Jupyter Notebook. It very well managed tree classifiers, rule-based classifiers, Neural systems, Support
through pip or Miniconda (Package Manager) [6]. Vector Machines, and Naive Bayes classifiers are a diverse
strategy to tackle a classification issue.
3.2. Steps to be followed to incorporate the various machine
4.1. Naïve Baye’s classifier
learning classifiers
It is a classification model dependent on Bayes’ Theorem
3.2.1. Preprocess the dataset by clearing noisy, irrelevant which assumes the fact that the specific variable is independent
and missing data among other class variables. In straightforward terms, a Naı̈ve
The dataset needs to be cleaned by removing the null (Strong) Bayes classifier accepts that the specific feature of a
values, missing values are filled by a mean value and various class is irrelevant to the other features of the class.
features value ranges are often scaled in standard format using It is a probability-based algorithm, used for problem classi-
StandardScaler. fication and is quick, intuitive and yet in many cases performs
V. Kanimozhi and T.P. Jacob ICT Express 7 (2021) 366–370

surprisingly well. Email app uses for spam filtering are based point has no less than two branches and a leaf node point
on Naive Bayes, for Instance when the dataset is small it per- addresses a course of action or decision. The most noteworthy
forms better than more complex models. Other, more complex decision node in a tree which looks at to the best pointer called
models, tend to outperform Naive Bayes when data is plentiful. the root node. Decision trees can manage both numerical and
categorical data.
4.2. Random forest classifier It is the fruitful boosting calculation produced for classifi-
cation. It can be used to improve execution linked to various
Random Forest Classifier could be a tree-based graph that different kinds of learning calculations. The output of the
involves building many trees (decision trees), then combining other learning calculations (‘weak learners’) is consolidated
their output to enhance the generalization ability of the model. into a weighted total sum that displays as the last output
the methodology of mixing trees is understood as an ensemble of the helped classifier. The most suited and consequently
method. Ensembling is nothing however a mix of weak learn- model utilized with Adaboost are decision trees with one level.
ers (individual trees) to supply a robust learner. It can be used Since these trees are so short and just contain one decision
to solve the issue of both categorical data in classification and for classification, they are frequently referred to as decision
continuous data in regression problems. stumps.

4.3. K-nearest neighbors classifier 4.6. Artificial Neural Network Classifier

The k-nearest-neighbors is the supervised classification Artificial Intelligence is implemented through the Artificial
model, the whole training dataset is created as a model for Neural Network Classifier as MLP (Multi-layer perceptron).
KNN i.e., also called Instance-based learning (data rows). At The main objective of the MLP neural system is to make a
the point when a prediction is required for an unknown or new model that can take care of complex computational issues from
data, the kNN algorithm will look through the model (training the enormous arrangements of data and with different features
set) dataset for the k-most matching data or instances. The that are outside human ability to comprehend. Neural Net-
most matched prediction cases are reported and returned as works comprise of varied blends of perceptrons that together
the prediction for the unknown or new data where “k” is the establish the structure called Multi-layer perceptron.
number of neighbors (instances) it checks. Fundamental multilayer perceptron comprises three layers:
1. Input layer — where data comes in;
4.4. Support Vector Machine Classifier 2. Hidden layer — the one where all the activity is;
3. Output layer — the consequences of the activity
Support Vector Machine in short known as SVM classifier A neural framework contains units (neurons), arranged in
can be used for both classification and regression. The aim of layers, which convert a data input into some output. Each unit
SVM is to build a hyperplane in multidimensional space that takes a piece of information, applies an (as often as possible
uniquely classifies the record instances. Hyperplanes are said nonlinear) ability to it and a short time later passes the output
to be decision barriers that help classify the record instances. on to the accompanying layer. Generally, the frameworks are
Instances falling on both aspects of the hyperplane may be portrayed to be feed-forward: a unit reinforces its respect all of
accustomed to another variety of classes. Also, the hyper- the units on the accompanying layer, yet there is no feedback
plane’s dimensions rely upon the number of features. If the to the past layer. Weightings are associated with the layers
dimension is two, then the hyperplane is appeared to be a line. running from one unit then onto the following, and these
If the dimension is three, then it becomes a two-dimensional weightings produced in the training phase to regulate a neural
hyperplane. It is hard to imagine when the dimensions exceed framework to handle the particular problem [8].
three [7]. Artificial neural networks are used to address varied busi-
Support vectors are statistics factors which are closer to ness problems, such as forecasting sales, the research study
the hyperplane and affect the location and direction of the of the customer, validation of data and Management of risk.
hyperplane. The use of those support vectors, the margin of For instance, neural networks use at Statsbot for predictions
the hyperplane can be classified. In SVM we maximize the of time-series, data anomaly detection and NLP (Natural lan-
margin between the statistics factor and the hyperplane and guage comprehension) (see Table 1).
thus how we built the SVM Classifier in our proposed system.
5. Results
4.5. Adaboost with decision tree classifier
The statistical metric scores are as follows and also the
score values range from 0 to 1. Score 0 for the worst model
A decision tree is a tree-like structure with nodes speaking
and Score 1 for the best model.
to where we pick a property and make an inquiry; edges speak
to the appropriate responses to the inquiry, and the leaves ◦ Accuracy: The Accuracy Score shows how well the
speak to the output or class name. A dataset has been dissected model making an exact prediction overall and it is one of
into tiny subsets by the decision tree while in the meantime the most precise metric scores. It provides a high score
a correlated decision tree is steadily created. A decision tree of 0.9997 for Artificial Neural Network than all other
V. Kanimozhi and T.P. Jacob ICT Express 7 (2021) 366–370

Table 1
Accuracy and different metric scores of various machine learning classifiers on CSE-CIC-IDS2018.
Classifier models Accuracy Precision Recall F1 AUC
Artificial Neural Network (MLP) 0.9997 0.9996 1.0000 0.9998 1.0000
Random forest classifier 0.9983 0.9992 0.9988 0.9992 0.9000
KN neighbor classifier 0.9973 0.9980 0.9988 0.9984 0.9980
SVM classifier 0.9980 0.9000 0.9988 0.9994 0.9990
ADA boost classifier 0.9996 0.9996 0.9988 0.9992 0.9988
Naïve Bayes classifier 0.9920 0.9929 0.9976 0.9953 0.9810

Fig. 1. Calibration curve shows the MLP Classifier exactly spans on the dotted perfectly calibrated curve. . (For interpretation of the references to color in
this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

classifiers. Accuracy score simply not enough to gauge 6. Calibration curve

the performance of the model, so as to possess a deeper Right here is a sklearn plot comparing the calibration curves
picture, there is a need to evaluate the model by using for some of the famous type algorithms. The best possible
other performance metric scores like Recall, precision, method of measuring the performance of a classifier’s prob-
F1 and AUC SCORE. ability prediction on a dataset is using the calibration curve
◦ Recall: Recall could be a measure that tells us how great which is also referred to as a standardized curve. Following is
our model is when all the actual values are positive and the calibration curve created.
it shows a really high score on the Artificial Network The dotted line shows the perfect calibrated curve (stan-
dardized curve). We have tested the various classifiers such
as Artificial Neural Network (MLP Classifier), Naive Baye’s,
◦ Precision: It is a recognized actual value from all the ex- KNeighbors, Support Vector Classification, Random Forest,
pected actual values, precision is also high for Artificial and AdaBoostClassifier for a model and tends to calibrate the
Neural Network compared to all other classifiers. best-performed classifier model on the cyber dataset. Calibra-
◦ F1 score: It can be a metric which, by taking its mean tion curves may be brought up as reliability diagrams.
value, mixes recall and precision and this is also signifi- The graph in Fig. 1 illustrates the deviation of six dif-
cantly greater for Artificial Network Classifier. ferent classifier models from the perfectly calibrated curve.
Big structured data is difficult for computational regression to
◦ AUC Score: If the score of AUC is 1, the classifier
manage. We use the dotted line to show the perfectly calibrated
is ready to distinguish correctly between all the actual curve, and the brown line denotes the MLP Classifier, which
values and also the false values and it shows the outstand- stretches exactly on the calibrated curve and is very near the
ing score for Artificial Intelligence implemented through calibrated curve. And the curve which is the second best match
Artificial Network Classifier. is the Adaboost classifier with limited variance and the third
V. Kanimozhi and T.P. Jacob ICT Express 7 (2021) 366–370

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