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Cardiac muscle  Occur frequently in daily and sporting

- Striated in appearance like skeletal muscles; activities.
involuntary like smooth muscles; cannot be 5. Eccentric contraction- opposite of concentric
controlled consciously by the will. contraction and occur when the muscle
- Contracts at steady rate; but can be lengthens when it contracts.
stimulated by the N.S to shift to high gear -ex. Quadriceps muscle of the thigh
when you run. 6. Isokinetic contraction- the muscle changes length
- It continuous pumping blood from the heart during contraction, differ is that
to all parts of the body. isokinetic contraction produces movement of a
- If 02 deprivation lasts longer than about 30 constant contraction.
sec.----- it will stop contracting ------resulting - Similar to isotonic but isokinetic movement
in heart failure. of a constant contract.
- Can be found in the wall of the heart; walls - Ex. Breast stroke swimming
of hollow visceral organ 7. Treppe – rested muscles but the muscle receives a
- Single, fussy form, no striation. repeated stimuli over pro-long period of time; rigorous
Muscle Function contraction of muscle; results to the fatigue of muscles
- The musculoskeletal system consists of bones and - Ex. Pro-long exercise
joints and the skeletal muscle system. EFFECTS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY TO
- These two systems work together to provide basic MUSCLE
functions that are essential to life, including: 1. Muscle fiber becomes larger and stronger.
1. Protection: protects the brain and internal organs 2. Muscle atrophy - It will shrink and become weak,
2. Support: maintains upright posture; Enabling to if unused.
stand erect and moves our body. 3.Regular Exercise increases muscle size, strength and
3. Hematopoiesis: blood cell formation endurance.
4. Mineral homeostasis; produces RBC 4. Exercise result in stronger, and more flexible
5. Storage: stores fat and minerals; temporary storage muscles with greater resistance to fatigue.
of food in the stomach; storing and moving fats and 5. Aerobic exercise makes the overall body:
mineral - metabolism more efficient;
6. Leverage (produce movement, stabilize joints): - improve the digestion and elimination of the
 A lever is a simple machine that magnifies waste product in our body;
speed of movement or force. - Enhance a neuro-muscular coordination in
 The levers are mainly the long bones of the our body.
body and the axes are the joints where the - Make the skeletal system stronger
bones meet. - The lungs become more efficient.
7. Produce heat- most especially during activities - Makes the heart increase normally
which makes the muscles contract; used to maintain EFFECTS OF AGING IN MUSCLE
normal body temperature. 1. Weak muscles, smaller and dehydrated
 Thermogenis: 2. Fibrous tissue appears; muscles infiltrated with fat
_____________________________________ 3. Muscle reflex slows down
TYPES OF MUSCLE CONTRACTION 4. Nocturnal Cramps (Night leg cramps) -
1. Twitch contraction- momentary contraction; single deficiency of sodium, improper blood flow.
stimulus; period of contraction and relaxation of the - Involuntary contraction; spasm
body. - Calf of the muscle
2. Isotonic contraction - causes muscle to change
length as it contracts and causes, movement of body MUSCLE FATIGUE AND OXYGEN DEBT
parts. 1) Prolong muscle activity----Muscle fatigue---O2 debt
 Muscle become shorter and thicker upon 2) Chemical energy--------mechanical energy----heat;
contraction (muscles contracts and changes uses up O2
length). (sometimes faster than it can be replaced).
 Used in walking, moving the body. 3) Muscles lack of O2-------Lactic acid
3. Isometric contraction- occur when there is no accumulates-------Low ATP
change in the length of the contracting Accumulation of L.A + low ATP=less contraction-----
muscle. stop contracting all together
 Muscles develop tension but remains the same **This happens commonly to marathon runners.
length (muscle contracts but does not change SKELETAL MUSCLE ACTIONS
length). 1. Origin – __________________________
4. Concentric- Cause the muscle to shorten as it 2. Insertion – ________________________
contracts. 3. Prime mover (agonist)
4. Synergists – MUSCLE STRUCTURE
____________________________________________ 1. A Muscle Fiber is a single,
. _______________________________ Muscle Cell.
5. Antagonist – 2. A Muscle is made up of hundreds or even thousands
____________________________________________ of ________________, depending
. on the _______________________.
6. Fixator – 3. Muscle Fiber makes up most of the Muscle Tissue, a
________________________________________ large amount of
______________________, _________________
The following are some terms used in naming muscles. Vessels, and _______ are also present.
Size: 4. Connective Tissue _________________________
1) Vastus ( ): VASTUS LATERALIS each Muscle Fiber and reinforces the
2) Maximus ( ): GLUTEUS MAXIMUS Muscle as a whole.
3) Longus ( ): PALMARIS LONGUS 5. The health of Muscle depends on a
4) Minismus ( ): GLUTEUS MINISMUS _____________________ and Blood Supply.
5) Brevis ( ): PERONEUS BREVIS Each Skeletal Muscle has a Nerve Ending that controls
Shape: its activity.
1) Deltoid ( ): DELTOID MUSCLE 6. Active Muscles use a lot of ______________ and
2) Rhomboid ( ); RHOMBOIDEUS major require a continuous supply of
3) Latissimus ( ): LATISSIMUS DORSI ____________and Nutrients, which are supplied by
4) Teres ( ): TERES MAJOR Arteries.
5) Trapezius ( ). 7. Muscle Fibers consist of Bundles of threadlike
Direction of fibers: structures called ____________________.
1) Rectus ( ): RECTUS ABDOMINIS 8. Each Myofibril is made up of
2) Transverse ( ): TRANSVERSE ABDOMINIS _____________________of Protein Filaments.
3) Oblique ( ): APONEUROSIS OF EXTERNAL 9. The ___________________________ are made up
OBLIQUE of a PROTEIN called ____________.
4) Orbicularis ( ): ORBICULARIS OCULI 10. The ____________________________ are made
of a PROTEIN called _____________.
Location: 11. Myosin and Actin Filaments are responsible for the
1) Pectoralis ( ); PECTALIS MAJOR Light and Dark Bands that can be seen in Skeletal
2) Gluteus ( ); GLUTEUS MAXIMUS Muscle.
3) Brachii ( ); BICEPS BRACHII 12. Thin Actin Filaments are Anchored at their
4) Supra- ( ); SUPRA SPINATUS Midpoints to a structure called the ________.
5) Infra- ( ); INFRA SPINATUS 13. The region from one Z-line to the next is called a
6) Sub- ( ); SUBSCAPULARIS ________________ the Functional Unit
7) Lateralis ( ); VASTUS LATERALIS of muscle contractions.
Number of origins:
1) Biceps ( ); BICEPS BRACHII
2) Triceps ( ); TRICEPS BRACHII
3) Quadriceps ( )

Origin and insertion:

1)Sternocleidomastoideus (origin on the sternum and
clavicle insertion on the mastoid process)
2) Brachioradialis (origin on the brachium or arm,
insertion on the radius).
1) Abductor (to abduct a structure)
2) Adductor (to adduct a structure)
3) Flexor (to flex a structure)
4) Extensor (to extend a structure)
5) Levator (to lift or elevate a structure)
6) Masseter (a chewer)
7) Depressor- Produce downward movement
8) Supinator- Turn palm upward
9) Pronator- Turn palm downward

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