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Reproduction of the work or

CHAPTER V substantial portion of the work

LAW ON COPYRIGHT 2. Dramatization, translation,

adaptation, abridgment,
· Difference between patent and
arrangement, or other
trademark v copyright – copyright
transformation of the work
need not be registered to be
protected 3. The first public distribution
of the original and each copy of
· It is only in copyright that moral
the work by sale or other forms
rights are expressly recognized and
of transfer of ownership
accorded to the creator
4. Rental of the original or a
copy of an audiovisual or
· Aka literally “the right to copy” cinematographic work, a work
embodied in a sound
· Legal concept that gives the recording, a computer
creator of an original work exclusive program, a compilation of data
rights to it, usually for a limited period and other materials or a
of time musical work in graphic form,
irrespective of the ownership
· Gives the copyright holder the right of the original or the copy
to be credited for the work, to which is the subject of the
determine who may adapt the work to rental
other forms, to determine who may
perform the work, to benefit financially 5. Public display of the original
from the work, and other related rights or a copy of the work

· Scope: confined to literary and 6. Public performance of the

artistic works which are original work
intellectual creations in the literary
and artistic domain 7. Other communication to the
public of the work
RA 8293, Sec 177
· Copyright is synonymous w PATENTS
economic rights and shall consist of
the exclusive right to carry out, · Patents include the invention itself;
authorize or prevent the ff acts: whereas exclusivity to the actual
forms is not extended by a copyright
· Ex: protection of the drawing does h. Original ornamental
not extend to the unauthorized designs of models for articles
duplication of the object drawn of manufacture, whether or not
because copyright extends only to the registrable as an industrial
description or expression of the object design, and other works of
and not to the object itself) applied art

· Furthermore, a copyright is a i. Illustrations, maps, plans,

statutory right; and the rights granted sketches, charts and 3D works
are limited to what the statute confers relative to geography,
topography, architecture or

1. Original Works j. Drawings or plastic works of

a scientific or technical
a. Books, pamphlets, articles
and other writings
k. Photographic works
b. Periodicals and
including works produced by a
process analogous to
c. Lectures, sermons, photography; lantern slides
addresses, dissertations
l. Audiovisual works and
prepared for oral delivery,
cinematographic works and
whether or not reduced in
works produced by a process
writing or other material form
analogous to cinematography
d. Letters or any process for making
audiovisual recordings
e. Dramatic or dramatico-
musical compositions; m. Pictorial illustrations and
choreographic works or advertisements
entertainment in dumb shows
n. Computer programs
f. Musical compositions, with
o. Other literary, scholarly,
or without words
scientific and artistic works
g. Works of drawing, painting,
NB: scope of copyright was enlarged by
architecture, sculpture,
the advent of electronic communication
engraving, lithography or other
and commerce; hence, there is a need to
works of art, models or designs
relate the law on E-Commerce to
for works of art
Intellectual Property Code
See pp 332-338 Illustrative Case 5-1 arrangement of the published
Must Be Original edition of the work.
- May be expanded by agreement
Part II with the author

Derivative Works Non-Copyrightable Work

- Creations that are based on Unprotected Subject Matter

existing work (ex. Harry Potter
Films is derivative work based on 1. Idea, procedure, system and
the novel) others that are not in tangible form
- Also protected by copyrights as (only expressions of the idea can
new works provided that such new be protected by copyright)
works shall not affect the force of Ex. A book about healthy living
any subsisting copyright upon the (book may be copyright, but the
original works employed or any idea of healthy living cannot be
part thereof be construed to imply copyrighted)
any right to such use of the 2. News of the day for no one can
original works, or to secure or have monopoly of the news or
extend copyright in such original current events
works 3. Official government texts from the
- Dramatizations, three branches of government
translations, adaptations, Ex. Legislative texts
arrangements, and other See pp 342-345 Illustrative Case 5-2
alterations of literary or Game Show
artistic works and
See pp 345-349 Illustrative Case 5-3
- Collections of literary,
When News Footage is News
scholarly, or artistic works,
and compilations of data Works of the Government
and other materials which
are original by reason of - Created by an officer or employee
the selection or of the Philippine Government or
coordination or any of its subdivisions and
arrangement of their instrumentalities, including
contents. government-owned or controlled
corporations as part of his
Publisher’s Right regularly prescribed official duties.
- No copyright shall subsist
- Publisher shall have a copyright
consisting merely of the right of Elements of Works of the Government
reproduction of the typographical
1. The creator must be an officer of absence of agreement, their rights
the government shall be governed by the rules on
2. The work was done as part of his co-ownership
regularly prescribed official duties a. If the work consists of parts
that can be separated, the
GR: prior approval of the government author of each part shall be
agency or office wherein the work is the original owner of the
created shall be necessary for copyright in the part that he
exploitation of such work for profit. Such has created.
agency or office may, among other
things, impose as a condition of the In case of work created by an author
payment of royalties. during and in the course of his
employment, the copyright shall belong
XPN: no prior approval required for the to:
use of any purpose of statutes, rules and
regulations, and speeches, lectures, 1. The employee (if the creation of
sermons, addresses, and dissertations, the object of copyright is not a part
pronounced, read, or rendered in courts of his regular duties even if the
of justice, before administrative employee uses the time, facilities,
agencies, in deliberative assemblies and and materials of the employer)
in meetings of public character. The 2. The employer (if the work is the
author shall have exclusive right of result of the performance of his
making a collection of his works regularly assigned duties unless
there is an agreement, express or
Government and Copyright implied, to the contrary)

- The government can be a PART IV

copyright owner and can hold
copyrights transferred to it by Pacita Habana, vs Felicidad Robles
assignment, bequest, or and Goodwill Trading GR.No. 131522,
otherwise. July 19, 1999 p. 365-373

Copyright Ownership Plagiarism - is the practice of claiming or

implying original authorship of someone
Rules else’s written or creative work, in whole
or in part, into one’s own without
1. In case of original literary and
adequate acknowledgement.
artistic works, copyright shall
belong to the author of the work Note: it is concerned with the unearned
2. In case of joint authorship, the co- increment to the plagiarizing author’s
authors shall be the original reputation that is achieved through false
owners of the copyright in the claim of authorship.
Copyright infringement - violation of would otherwise unreasonably prejudice
the rights of a copyright holder, when the legitimate interests of the author.
material is used without the copyright
BY LIBRARIES - any library or archive
Note: Both plagiarism and copyright whose activities are not for profit may,
infringement apply to a particular act; without the authorization of the author
they emphasize different aspects of or copyright owner, make a limited
transgression. number of copies of the work, as may
be necessary for such institutions to fulfill
COPYRIGHT IN WORK OF their mandate, by reprographic
ARCHITECTURE - shall include the right reproduction:
to control the erection of any building
which reproduces the whole or a a) where work by reason of its fragile
substantial part of the work either in its character ot rarity cannot be lent to user
original form or in any form recognizably in its original form; b) where the works
derived from the original, provided that are isolated articles contained in
the copyright in any such work shall not composite works or brief portions of other
include the right to control the published works and the reproduction is
reconstruction or rehabilitation in the necessary to supply them, when this is
same style as the original of a building to considered expedient, to person
which the copyright relates. requesting their loan for purposes of
research or study instead of lending the
REPRODUCTION OF PUBLISHED volumes of booklets which contain them
WORK - where the reproduction is made and c) where the making of such limited
by a natural person exclusively for copies is in order to preserve and, if
research and private study shall be necessary in the event that it is lost,
permitted without the authorization of the destroyed or rendered unusable, replace
owner of copyright in work. a copy, or to replace, in the permanent
collection of another similar library or
Note: The permission shall not extend
achieve, a copy which has been lost,
to: a) a work of architecture in the form of
destroyed or rendered unusable and
building or other construction; b) an
copies are not available with the
entire book, or a substantial part thereof,
or of a musical work in which form by
reprographic means; c) compilation of REPRODUCTION OF COMPUTER
data and other materials; d) computer PROGRAM - the reproduction in one
program except as provided in Sec 189 back-up copy or adaptation of a
and e) any work in cases where computer program shall be permitted,
reproduction would unreasonably conflict without the authorization of the author of,
with a normal exploitation of the work or or the owner of copyright in, a computer
program, by the lawful owner of that PART V
computer program, provided that the
copy or adaptation is necessary for: a) Case of Pirate “Installers”
the use of the computer program in NBI-Microsoft Corp. vs. Judy Hwang, et.
conjunction with a computer for the al. pp. 376-383
purpose, and to the extent, for which the
computer program has been obtained Importation and Exportation of
and b) archival purposes, and for the Infringing Materials
replacement of the lawfully owned copy - Section 191. Subject to the
of the computer program in the event that approval of the Secretary of
the lawfully obtained copy of the Finance, the Commissioner of
computer program is lost, destroyed or Customs is hereby empowered to
rendered unusable. make rules and regulations for
preventing the importation or
Computer - an electronic or similar exportation of infringing articles
device having information processing prohibited under the Law on
capabilities. Copyright and under relevant
treaties and conventions to which
Computer program - is a set of
the Philippines may be a party and
instructions expressed in words, codes,
for seizing and condemning and
schemes or in any other form which is
disposing of the same in case they
capable when incorporated in a medium
are discovered after they have
that the computer can read, or causing
been imported or before they are
the computer to perform or achieve a
particular task or result.

Importance of computer program: a Note: The provision allowing importation

purchaser of a computer program thus of a copy of work by an individual for his
have a right to reproduce a back-up copy personal purposes subject to certain
without violating the copyright of the conditions was deleted by RA No. 10372.
software maker provided all the Hence, one may now bring into the
requisites are complied with: country more than three copies of work
on condition that they were legally
Sec. 189.2. No copy or adaptation purchased abroad and subject further to
mentioned in this section shall be used the rules and regulations to be imposed
for any purpose other than the ones by the Commissioner of Customs.
determined in this section, and such copy
or adaptation shall be destroyed in the Moral Rights
event that continued possession of the
copy of the computer program ceases to I. Nature
be lawful.
- These are personal rights modification of, or other
independent from the economic derogatory action in
rights mentioned in Sec. 177. relation to, his work which
- Certain moral rights cannot be would be prejudicial to his
assigned, it may happen that the honor or reputation. (Sec.
owner of the copyright is a 193.3) This is also known
different person from the owner of as the creator’s right of
the moral rights. integrity against
- There may also exist a situation “derogatory treatment.”
where there are two permissions (4) To restrain the use of his
necessary in order to properly use name with respect to any
another person’s work. work not of his own
creation or in a distorted
II. Scope version of his work. (Sec.
- The author of a work shall, 193.4) This is the author’s
independently of the economic right against false
rights in Sec. 177 or the grant of attribution.
an assignment or license with
respect to such right, have the WAIVER
right: - An author may waive his rights
(1) To require that the mentioned in Section 193 by a
authorship of the works be written instrument, but no such
waiver shall be valid where its
attributed to him, in
effects is to permit another:
particular, the right that his
name, as far as 195.1. To use the name of
practicable, be indicated in the author, or the title of his work,
a prominent way on the or otherwise to make use of his
copies, and in connection reputation with respect to any
with the public use of his version or adaptation of his work
work. (Sec. 193.1) This is which, because of alterations
therein, would substantially tend
referred to as the creator’s to injure the literary or artistic
right to be attributed or reputation of another author; or
credited whenever his work
will be used by another. 195.2. To use the name of the
(2) To make any alteration of author with respect to a work he
his work prior to, or to did not create.
withhold it from publication.
Right of Attribution in a Collective
(Sec. 193.2)
(3) To object to any distortion, - A “collective work” is a work
mutilation or other which has been created by two (2)
or more natural persons at the attribution) shall be coterminous
initiative and under the direction of with the economic rights, the
another with the understanding moral rights shall not be
that it will be disclosed by the latter assignable or subject to license.
under his own name and that The person or persons to be
contributing natural persons will charged with the posthumous
not be identified. (Sec. 171.2) enforcement of these rights shall
- When an author contributes to a be named in a written instrument
collective work, his right to have which shall be filed with the
his contribution attributed to him is National LIbrary. In default of such
deemed waived unless he person or persons, such
expressly reserves it.(Sec. 196) enforcement shall devolve upon
either the author’s heirs, and in
Editing, Arranging, and Adaptation of default of the heirs, the Director of
Work the National Library. (Sec. 198)
- In the absence of a contrary
stipulation at the time an author Breach of Contract
licenses or permits another to use - An author cannot be compelled to
his work, the necessary editing, perform his contract to create a
arranging or adaptation of such work or for the publication of his
work, for publication, broadcast, work already in existence.
use in a motion picture, However, he may be held liable for
dramatization, or mechanical or damages for breach of such
electrical reproduction in contract. (Sec. 194)
accordance with the reasonable
and customary standards or Right to Proceeds in Subsequent
requirements of the medium in Transfers of Copyright
which the work is to be used, shall
not be deemed to contravene the I. Sale or Lease of Work
author’s rights secured by this - In every sale or lease of an
chapter. Nor shall complete original work of painting or
destruction of a work sculpture or of the original
unconditionally transferred by the manuscript of a writer or
author be deemed to violate such composer, subsequent to
rights. (Sec. 197) the first disposition thereof
by the author, the author or
Terms of Moral Rights his heirs shall have an
- The right of an author under Sec. inalienable right to
193.1 (right to be attributed) shall participate in the gross
last during the lifetime of the proceeds of the sale or
author and in perpetuity after his lease to the extent of five
death while the rights under Sec. percent (5%). This right
193.2 (right to make alteration), shall exist during the
Sec. 193.3 (right against lifetime of the author and
derogatory treatment, and Sec. for fifty (50) years after his
193.4 (right against false death. (Sec. 200)
- The provisions of this legal entity, who or which takes the
Chapter shall not apply to initiative and has the responsibility for the
prints, etchings, first fixation of the sounds of a
engravings, works of performance or other sounds, or the
applied art, or works of representation of sounds;
similar kind wherein the
author primarily derives 202.6. “Publication of a fixed
gain from the proceeds of performance or a sound recording”
reproductions. (Sec. 201) means the offering of copies of the fixed
performance or the sound recording to
Performers, Producers, and the public, with the consent of the right
Broadcasting Organizations holder: Provided, That copies are offered
SECTION 202. Definitions. ‑ For the to the public in reasonable quality;
purpose of this Act, the following terms
shall have the following meanings: 202.7. “Broadcasting” means the
transmission by wireless means for the
202.1. “Performers” are actors, singers, public reception of sounds or of images
musicians, dancers, and other persons or of representations thereof; such
who act, sing, declaim, play in, interpret, transmission by satellite is also
or otherwise perform literary and artistic “broadcasting” where the means for
work; decrypting are provided to the public by
the broadcasting organization or with its
202.2. “Sound recording” means the consent;
fixation of the sounds of a performance
or of other sounds, or representation of 202.8. “Broadcasting organization”
sound, other than in the form of a fixation shall include a natural person or a
incorporated in a cinematographic or juridical entity duly authorized to engage
other audiovisual work; in broadcasting; and

202.3. An “audiovisual work or 202.9. “Communication to the public

fixation” is a work that consists of a of a performance or a sound
series of related images which impart the recording” means the transmission to
impression of motion, with or without the public, by any medium, otherwise
accompanying sounds, susceptible of than by broadcasting, of sounds of a
being made visible and, where performance or the representations of
accompanied by sounds, susceptible of sounds fixed in a sound recording. For
being made audible; purposes of Section 209,
“communication to the public” includes
202.4. “Fixation” means the making the sounds or representations of
embodiment of sounds, or of the sounds fixed in a sound recording
representations thereof, from which they audible to the public.
can be perceived, reproduced or
communicated through a device; Scope of Performer’s Rights
Subject to the provisions of Section 212,
202.5. “Producer of a sound performers shall enjoy the following
recording” means the person, or the exclusive rights:
203.1. As regards their performances, omission is dictated by the
the right of authorizing: manner of the use of the
performance, and to object to any
(a) The broadcasting and other distortion, mutilation or other
communication to the public of their modification of his performances
performance; and that would be prejudicial to his
reputation. (Sec. 204.1)
(b) The fixation of their unfixed
performance. Limitation on Right
- Subject to the provisions of
203.2. The right of authorizing the direct Section 206, once the performer
or indirect reproduction of their has authorized the broadcasting
performances fixed in sound recordings, or fixation of his performance, the
in any manner or form; provisions of Sections 203 shall
have no further application. (Sec.
203.3. Subject to the provisions of 205.1)
Section 206, the right of authorizing the - The provisions of Section 184 and
first public distribution of the original and Section 185 shall apply mutatis
copies of their performance fixed in the mutandis to performers. (Sec.
sound recording through sale or rental or 205.2)
other forms of transfer of ownership;
Additional Remuneration for
Subsequent Communications or
203.4. The right of authorizing the
commercial rental to the public of the
- Unless otherwise provided in the
original and copies of their performances
contract, in every communication
fixed in sound recordings, even after
to the public or broadcast of a
distribution of them by, or pursuant to the
performance subsequent to the
authorization by the performer; and
first communication or broadcast
thereof by the broadcasting
203.5. The right of authorizing the
organization, the performer shall
making available to the public of their
be entitled to an additional
performances fixed in sound recordings,
remuneration equivalent to at
by wire or wireless means, in such a way
least five percent (5%) of the
that members of the public may access
original compensation he or she
them from a place and time individually
received for the first
chosen by them.
communication or broadcast.
(Sec. 206)
Moral Rights of Performers
- Independently of a performer’s Scope of Right or Producers of Sound
economic rights, the performer, Recordings
shall, as regards his live aural (Sec. 208) Subject to the provisions of
performances or performances Section 212, producers of sound
fixed in sound recordings, have recordings shall enjoy the following
the right to claim to be identified as exclusive rights:
the performer of his
performances, except where the
208.1. The right to authorize the direct or (Sec. 212) Subject to the provisions of
indirect reproduction of their sound Section 212, broadcasting organizations
recordings, in any manner or form; the shall enjoy the exclusive right to carry
placing of these reproductions in the out, authorize or prevent any of the
market and the right of rental or lending; following acts:

208.2. The right to authorize the first 211.1. The rebroadcasting of their
public distribution of the original and broadcasts;
copies of their sound recordings through
sale or rental or other forms of 211.2. The recording in any manner,
transferring ownership; and including the making of films or the use of
video tape, of their broadcasts for the
208.3. The right to authorize the purpose of communication to the public
commercial rental to the public of the of television broadcasts of the same; and
original and copies of their sound
recordings, even after distribution by 211.3. The use of such records for fresh
them by or pursuant to authorization by transmissions or for fresh recording.
the producer.
Limitations on Rights
Communication to the Public (Sec. 212) Sections 203, 208 and 209
- If a sound recording published for shall not apply where the acts referred to
commercial purposes, or a in those Sections are related to:
reproduction of such sound
recording, is used directly for 212.1. The use by a natural person
broadcasting or for other exclusively for his own personal
communication to the public, or is purposes;
publicly performed with the
intention of making and enhancing 212.2. Using short excerpts for reporting
profit, a single equitable current events;
remuneration for the performer or
performers, and the producer of 212.3. Use solely for the purpose of
the sound recording shall be paid teaching or for scientific research; and
by the user to both the performers
and the producer, who, in the 212.4. Fair use of the broadcast subject
absence of any agreement shall to the conditions under Section 185
share equally. (Sec. 209)

Limitation of Right of Producers of TERM OF COPYRIGHT

Sound Recordings
- Sections 184 and 185 shall apply Term of Protection
mutatis mutandis to the producer Sec. 213.1 Shall be protected during the
of sound recordings. (Sec. 210) life of the author and for 50 years after
his death. Also applies to posthumous
Scope of Right of Broadcasting works.
In Case of Joint Authorship
Sec. 213.2. Shall be protected during the from the end of the year in which
life of the LAST surviving author and for recording takes place.
50 years after his death.
Sec. 215.2. In case of broadcast, 20
In Case of Anonymous or years. Can it be extended? It shall be
Pseudonymous Works applied only to OLD WORKS subsisting
Sec. 213.3. If published, 50 years from protection under the prior law.
the date on which the work was first
lawfully published. Where, before the REMEDIES AGAINST
expiration of the said period, the author’s INFRINGEMENT
identity is revealed or is no longer in
doubt, the provisions of Subsections A person infringes a right protected under
213.1 and 213.2 shall apply. If NOT this Act when one:
published, 50 years counted from the
making of the work. 1. Directly commits an infringement;
2. Benefits from the infringing activity
In Case of Works of Applied Art
Sec. 213.4. 25 years from the date of of another person who commits an
making. infringement if the person
benefiting has been given notice
In Case of Photographic Works of the infringing activity and has
Sec. 213.5. If published, 50 years from the right and ability to control the
publication. Otherwise, 50 years from the activities of the other person; or
3. With knowledge of infringing
In Case of Audiovisual Works activity, induces, causes or
Sec. 213.6. 50 years from the date of materially contributes to the
publication, otherwise from the making. infringing conduct of another

How to calculate? Remedies for Infringement

Sec. 214. From the date of the death or
of publication, but such term shall Any person infringing a right protected
ALWAYS be deemed to begin on the under this law shall be liable:
FOLLOWING THE EVENT which gave Sec. 216.1 (a) To an injunction
rise to them. restraining such infringement. The
Term of Protection for Performers, court may also order the defendant to
Producers and Broadcasting
desist from an Infringement, immediately
Sec. 215.1. For performances NOT after customs clearance of such goods.
incorporated in recordings, 50 years
from the end of the year in which the Sec. 216.1(b). To pay to the copyright
performance took place. For sound or proprietor or his assigns or heirs such
image and sound recordings and for actual damages, including legal costs
performances incorporated, 50 years and other expenses. Provided, That the
amount of damages to be awarded shall The copyright owner may elect, at any
be doubled against any person who: time before final judgment is rendered,
that instead of actual damages and
(a) Circumvents effective technological profits, he may elect to recover an
measures; or award of statutory damages for all
infringements involved in an action
(b) Having reasonable grounds to know
infringement, instead of actual
that it will induce, enable, facilitate or
damages and profits in a sum
conceal the infringement, remove or alter
equivalent to the filing fee of the
any electronic rights management
infringement action but NOT less than
information from a copy of a work, sound
Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000.00).
recording, or fixation of a performance, or
distribute, import for distribution, Factors of awarding statutory
broadcast, or communicate to the public damages:
works without authority, knowing that
electronic rights management 1. The nature and purpose of the
information has been removed or altered infringing act;
without authority. 2. The flagrancy of the infringement;
3. Whether the defendant acted in
Sec. 216.1(c). Deliver under oath, for bad faith;
impounding during the pendency of the 4. The need for deterrence;
action, sales invoices and other 5. Any loss that the plaintiff has
documents evidencing sales, all suffered or is likely to suffer by
articles and their packaging alleged to reason of the infringement; and
infringe a copyright and implements for 6. Any benefit shown to have
making them. accrued to the defendant by
reason of the infringement.
Sec. 216.1(d). Deliver under oath for
destruction without any compensation all In case the infringer was not aware and
infringing copies or devices, as well as had no reason to believe that his acts
all plates, molds, or other means for constitute an infringement of copyright,
making such infringing copies as the the court in its discretion may reduce the
court may order. award of statutory damages to a sum

Sec. 216.1(e). Such other terms and of not more than Ten thousand pesos
conditions, including the payment of (P10,000.00), provided that the amount
moral and exemplary damages and the of damages to be awarded shall be
destruction of infringing copies of the doubled against any person who:
work even in the event of acquittal in a
criminal case. 1. Circumvents effective
technological measures; or
2. Having reasonable grounds to empowered to issue such safeguards
know that it will induce, enable, and regulations as may be necessary.
facilitate or conceal the
Copyright Division Fees (Sec. 229)
infringement (Sec. 216.1) - The power of the National Library
to collect, for the discharge of its
In an infringement action, the court shall services under this Act, such as
also have the power to order the seizure fees subject to the approval of the
and impounding of any article which may Department head.
serve as evidence in the court
proceedings. TEN FAST LAWS ON
Notice of Copyright
1. Copyright is confined to literary and
Contents: artistic works which are original
● Name of the Copyright owner
intellectual creations in the literary
● Year of First Publication
and artistic domain protected from
● Copies produced AFTER
the moment of their creation.
creator’s death
● Year of such death 2. Ideas, concepts, principles,
discoveries and the likes are not
Ownership of Deposit and subject to copyright.
Instruments 3. News of the day is not subject to
Sec. 227. ALL copies and instruments in copyright.
writing filed with the National Library and 4. Official government texts are not
the SC shall become the property of the subject to copyright.
Government. 5. In case of a commissioned work, the
person who so commissioned the work shall
Effect of Registration and Deposit of have ownership of work, but the copyright
Work thereto shall remain with the creator, unless
- Purely for recording the date of the contrary has been
registration and deposit of the agreed upon.
work and shall not be conclusive
as to copyright ownership or the
6. Copyright is distinct from the material
term of the copyrights or the rights
object, such that assignment of copyright
of the copyright owner, including
neighboring rights. does not necessarily mean assignment
of the material object, and vice versa.
Illustrative Case 5-7 Manly Sportswear
Manufacturing, Inc. v. Dadodette 7. Among other limitations, recitation or
Enterprise and/or Hermes Sports Center performance of a work, once it has been
(See Page 400-402) lawfully made accessible to the public, if
done privately and free of charge or if made
Public Records strictly for a charitable or religious institution
The section or division of national library or society will not subject the performer to
and the SC Library shall be opened in liability.
public inspection. Director of the library is
8. Fair use will exempt liability from copyright

9. The author enjoys not just economic rights

but also moral rights
over the work.

10. The author has an inalienable right to

participate in the gross proceeds of the sale
or lease to the extent of five percent over
original work of painting, or sculpture, or of
the original manuscript of a writer or
composer, subsequent to the first disposition
thereof during his/her lifetime and 50 years
after his/her death. This provision of the law
shall not apply to prints, etchings,
engravings, works of applied art, or works of
similar kind wherein the author primarily
derives gain from the proceeds of

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