Lap BX 125 Ese Lightning Arrester

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Advanced Early Streamer Emission (ESE) Lightning Conductor

Since - 1997





Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

Sabo Systems Pvt. Ltd, formed in 1997, with an aim of providing safe & quality engineered products to
customers. We have expertise in Lightning Protection, Surge Protection, Maintenance Free Earthing,
equipotential bonding & Exothermic welding materials. We manufacture & provide the same, considering
latest technological advancements & standards. We always put at your disposal latest technology, innovate
everyday & provide customized solutions also.


Our mission is to provide optimum, safe & most advanced solutions to our customers. We aim to become a
referral in the field of Lightning Protection, Surge Protection, Earthing & Bonding systems.

Our technical experts, engineers & researchers develops latest technology products for providing safe,
efficient & cost effective solutions.


Ÿ NFC 17-102 / UNE 21186
Ÿ ISO 9001 : 2008
Ÿ IEC 61643-11
Ÿ UL 467
Ÿ IS 2309

Ÿ Site Surveys
Ÿ Risk Analysis
Ÿ Technical Assistance
Ÿ Installation
Ÿ Verification
Ÿ Maintenance Solutions
Ÿ Training 2
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

Lightning is one of the most beautiful natural phenomena to see & most disastrous one to experience.
Lightning discharge may carry current up to hundreds of kiloamperes (KA). It may cause damage to human
life, structure, electrical as well as electronic equipments. It may also cause fire & disrupt working operations
of any industry. It’s been an electronic era and our dependence on electronics has been increased. One
lightning strike can destroy partially / completely all equipments installed in any establishment. Hence,
protection from such natural disasters from lightning strike is essential.
Lightning Protection System has four basic objectives:
1. To capture lightning strike.
2. Safely routing the lightning discharge current to ground.
3. Provide efficient earthing / grounding path for dissipation of lightning current.
4. Remove secondary effects of lightning like over voltages / surges.

In normal conditions, atmospheric charges are balanced, but cloud formation creates charge polarization. In
such case, normally lower part of cloud gets negatively charged, inducing the positive charge at the ground
or other elements on ground. Electric field at the atmosphere can reach in kilovolts(KV). Positive charges are
more evident at pointed and metallic objects or well earthed objects & trees. When electric field becomes
high then cloud starts discharging towards ground, which results in downward leader. Similarly, metallic
parts / structure where positive charges are present, starts moving upwards forming an upward leader.
These upward and downward leader when meet may result in lightning discharge to ground. Such high
charged metallic part may struck by lightning. This discharge moves down to earth through most direct path.
Hence, if this path is not controlled then disasters may happen. However, lightning discharges can be both
positive and negative.

+ ++ + ++
+ ++ ++ + + ++ ++ +
---- - - - -- - -- - - -
--- - - - - - -

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Ÿ Thermal Effect – Excessive energy in lightning discharge may cause fire.
Ÿ Electrodynamic Effect – Damage to structure.
Ÿ Electrical Effect – Equipment may damage. Due to increase in ground potential, surge currents may
damage equipments connected to electrical network.
Ÿ Inductive Effects – Due to electromagnetic field, currents may couple to all conductors & may damage
equipments connected to it.
Ÿ Effects on living beings – Electrocution, burns or even loss of life & may lead to cardiac arrest also.
Damage due to lightning may be high in terms of loss of life, fire, equipments failure, loss of time, &
production. Hence, protection from direct lightning strike is must. 3
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

Standard for ESE Lightning Protection System

Our Lightning Protection System is designed as per NFC 17-102, UNE 21186 & other national standards.
Above standards consider Lightning Protection System in following cases:
Ÿ Important monuments / archaeological buildings.
Ÿ Structures occupied by large number of people.
Ÿ Equipments / machines used for production / working system / hospitals etc.
Ÿ High rise buildings.
Ÿ Isolated structures.
Ÿ Areas with high lightning density.
Ÿ Buildings containing flammable material / explosives.
Ÿ Buildings / structures which comes under risk index as per standards.
Procedure for risk analysis is also described in above standard & should be followed in selecting & design of
Lightning Protection system. Risk assessment determines the need of lightning protection system & degree
of security / level of protection required.
Level of protection / risk analysis: NFC 17-102 standards have mentioned 4 levels of protection based on
risk of lightning strike on a particular structure as Level I, Level II, Level III & Level IV

Efficiency Level of Protec on

> 0.98 Level I + Addi onal measues
> 0.95 & ≤ 0.98 Level I
> 0.90 & ≤ 0.95 Level II
> 0.80 & ≤ 0.90 Level III
≤ 0.80 Level IV

Protected area with level I
Protected area with level II
Protected area with level III
Protected area with level IV
Larger consequences in case of

Level I
lightning strike

Level II

Level III

Level IV
Higher probability of lightning strike

Accessing the risk of Lightning Protection System is based on lot of factors, however, it is recommended
to opt Level I protection level.


We have developed new Advanced Active Lightning conductor based on Early Streamer Emission (ESE)
technology. The main feature of our ESE air terminal is generation of an upward leader before any other
object within its protection area at correct time. So, when downward leader approaches the ground /
structure, upward leader intercepts the same and route the same to earth. This early discharge of upward
leader is called advance time / advance triggering time or ∆t. This is average gain in upward leader triggering
time compared to a conventional lightning rod. Advance triggering time determines the protection radius of
each terminal. If ∆t is more, then the distance at which downward leader is intercepted increases thus
avoiding strike in wider area.
Results of the same have been obtained in HV Laboratory of METU & CNAS (ILAC-MRA) as per test
procedures of NFC17-102 standards. 4
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

SABO LIVA ESE Lightning conductor are also tested in accordance with NFC 17-102 for short circuit test of
100KA from SIGMA HV Lab, temperature test of -40°Cto +120°C for its suitability for all environmental &
climatic conditions, CE certified & marked & carries unique serial number. Our lightning conductor also carry
30 years warranty.
NFC 17-102 has given upper limit value of ∆t as 60µs for calculating protection radius of lightning conductor,
but those found higher in testing are better and provides high safety factor.
Below are details of advance triggering time of various models tested in Laboratory:

Model No ∆t (µs)
LAP CX 040 22
LAP CX 070 31
LAP BX 125 40
LAP BX 175 60
LAP AX 210 82
LAP DX 250 96
LAP PEX 220 136
Protection Radius
Protection radius of ESE air terminal is related to its height
(h) relative to the surface to be protected, to its efficiency & +++
selected protected level. Protection radius calculation +++ D
formula is: +
Where, Rp (m)=Protection radius at given Height h
H(m)= Height of ESE at tip over the horizontal plane
through the furthest point of object to be protected. Rp
D(m) =20 m for Level I
30 m for Level II
45 m for Level III
60 m for Level IV
∆L=Distance to catch lightning in ∆t period =∆t
∆t = Advance triggering time in micro seconds.
Example for calculating protection radius as per above formula.
Value of ∆t for LAP BX 175 obtained is 60µs, ∆L=60m
Assuming Level I protection, D=20m, Height (h) = 5m
= 79 m
NFC 17-102-2011 has limited higher value of ∆t as 60µs. Hence, conductors with higher ∆t values should be
considered as 60μs & accordingly their protection radius will be limited.


Δt Early Streamer
Model Size & Weight Package Warning Time Protection Radius(M)
No. Size (According to NFC 17-102-2011standard) (According to NFC 17-102-2011 standard)
(At 5m height)
LAP-CX 040

Level Level Level Level

Length: 70cm 1 2 3 4
Net weight: 2.30kg 13x13x70cm 22 μsec
Gross weight: 2.90kg

39 46 54 61 5
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System


Δt Early Streamer
Model Size & Weight Package Warning Time Protection Radius(M)
No. Size (According to NFC 17-102-2011standard) (According to NFC 17-102-2011 standard)
(At 5m height)
LAP-CX 070

Level Level Level Level

Length: 70cm 1 2 3 4
Net weight: 2.40kg 13x13x70cm 31 μsec
Gross weight: 3.10kg

49 56 65 72


Δt Early Streamer
Model Size & Weight Package Warning Time Protection Radius(M)
No. Size (According to NFC 17-102-2011standard) (According to NFC 17-102-2011 standard)
(At 5m height)
LAP-BX 125

Level Level Level Level

Length: 80cm 1 2 3 4
Net weight: 4.20kg 17x17x80cm 40 μsec
Gross weight: 4.60kg

58 65 75 84


Δt Early Streamer
Model Size & Weight Package Warning Time Protection Radius(M)
No. Size (According to NFC 17-102-2011standard) (According to NFC 17-102-2011 standard)
(At 5m height)
LAP-BX 175

Level Level Level Level

Length: 100cm 1 2 3 4
Net weight: 4.80kg 17x17x100cm 60 μsec
Gross weight: 5.50kg

79 88 99 107 6
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System


Δt Early Streamer
Model Size Package Warning Time
No. Size
LAP-AX 210

Length: 100cm
Net weight: 5.00kg 17x17x100cm 82 μsec
Gross weight: 5.70kg


Δt Early Streamer
Model Size Package Warning Time
No. Size
LAP-DX 250

Length: 70cm
Net weight: 5.00kg 25x25x50cm 96 μsec
Gross weight: 5.70kg



Δt Early Streamer
Model Size Package Warning Time
No. Size

Length: 150cm
Net weight: 15kg 16x16x160cm 136 μsec
Gross weight: 16.5kg

New advanced active 3 rd generation Piezoelectric + ESE lightning conductor which has additional six
piezoelectric crystals along with ion generators that generates more charges in controlled time & emits with
greater speed to a higher altitude, that intercepts downward lightning leader at such high levels, providing
larger protection coverage radius. 7
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

Selection & Positioning of ESE Air Terminal

Selection of ESE air terminal should be made considering protection radius desired & risk of lightning strike
i.e., level of protection.
Positioning of ESE air terminal should be done considering:
Ÿ Minimum 2m above the highest point of structure including aerials, air conditioning towers, tanks,
dome, parapet, etc.
Ÿ Architectural view
Ÿ For protecting open areas like sports field, golf courses, swimming pools, campsites, etc. ESE
should be installed over specific places such as lighting masts, poles or any other nearby structure
that allows it to cover the whole area.

For buildings higher then 60m or any other point more

than 120m, protection against lateral lightning strike
should be considered. For such buildings, top 20%
height of the structure should be protected by
installing ESE air terminal at each wall. ESE on each
such wall should be considered having radius of
protection ≥20% height of the building. Also, minimum
4 down conductors interconnected by a ring
conductor along the perimeter should be used &
earthed for such high rise buildings.

Protection of buildings requiring level of protectionI + additional measures

For higher degree of protection more than Level I, apart from using ESE air terminal based on Level I, all
metal parts & reinforced bars of buildings used as down conductors should be connected to ESE / down
conductor at roof level & ground level. Also, ring conductors may be used at roof level & ground level.
For buildings, where lightning strike occurs more often, protection radius of ESE air terminal shall be
considered as 40% lesser than tested considering additional safety factor.

Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

1. One or more ESE Air Terminal

2. Connection component
3. One or more specific down-conductors
4. A test joint for each down conductor
5. One earth termination for each specific down conductor
6. Foundation earth electrode ( earthing of the structure )
7. Electric power cable
8. Main electric power distribution box with Surge Protection Device (SPD)
9. Main telecom distribution box with SPD
10. Telecom cable with SPD
11. One or more equipotential bonding bars
12. One or more equipotential bondings between earth terminations
13. Disconnectable bonding device
14. One or more equipotential bondings ( direct or through an Isolating Spark Gap )
15. Main earthing bar
16. Electric equipment
17. Metallic pipe
18. One or more equipotential bondings through a spark gap for aerial mast

Down Conductor
Function of down conductor is to conduct lightning current from the air terminal to the earth termination
system. They should preferably be placed at the external part of the structure. For a non isolated ESE
system, at least two down conductors should be used. For better current distribution the two paths to ground
should be situated on two different facades, unless unavoidable. For an isolated ESE system, one down
conductor is sufficient.
In case of pylons, mast, chimneys & other metallic structures:
Ÿ If structure fulfils the requirement for natural components*, then may be used as first down conductor.
Ÿ If structure is isolated it may be used as only down conductor.
Ÿ If structure is non isolated, it can be used as one down conductor only if it’s section is 100 sq mm or
*Natural components are external steel structure having minimum 2 mm thickness if it is pipe, resistance of
<0.1Ω, not coated with insulating material with more than 0.1mm coating and cross sectional area of 100 Down conductor should be of minimum 50 sq. mm. copper. It is preferred to use copper strip instead
of copper wire of 8mm dia, as copper strip surface area is higher. 25x2mm or 25x3mm copper strip / tinned
copper strip as down conductor.

Routing of down conductor

Down conductor should be routed through straight & shortest path. Sharp bends or upward sections are
avoided. Bend radii should be 20 cm or more. Bends formed edge wise should be used. They should not be
routed along or through electrical duct or conduits. Routing down conductor through parapet wall or cornices
or obstacles should be avoided. 9
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

Kindly check below figure for down conductor bend shapes.

l = length of loop
d=width of loop
Note: d > l/20 for avoiding risk of any dielectric breakdown.

Test Joint
Each down conductor should be provided with test joint to
disconnect the earth termination system for measurements.
These test joints are usually installed at the bottom of down
conductors. When down conductors are installed on metal walls
or when specific down conductor is not provided, test joints are
inserted between the earthing system & metallic part of the
structure. If test joints are installed below the ground level,
inspection pit cover should be provided.

Lightning Event Counter

It is used to get counts of number of times lightning gets discharged to earth through ESE system installed.
It should be installed at most direct down conductor at eye level above the ground. It should be water proof
and weather proof (IP65 / IP67), non resettable and of 6 digits.
We have developed Lightning Counter with Email / SMS Facility also. Testable version of lightning
counter is also available.
SDLC-6 Lightning Strike Counter Digital 6 Digits IP65
Technical Parameter
Ÿ Counting Range: 0 to 999999
Ÿ Discharge capacity: Above 1 KA Type Waterproof Lightning Strike Counter
Ÿ Degree of protection: IP65 Minimum Counting Current(8/20 ɥs) _
0 0
Ÿ Working temperature: -30C to + 80C Count Number 0-999999 times
Ÿ Should be installed preferably at approx. Down Conductor Maximum Diameter _
1.5meter / eye level from the ground.
Measure L*W*H 100x68x70mm
Model No. Working Humidity _
Operating Temperature -40~+85⁰C
Ÿ LSC-LX 01-E with Email facility
Ÿ LSC-LX 01-S with SMS facility 10
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System


Our all lightning conductors & testable lightning counter
are testable through an external digital tester Model

During the discharge of lightning current from lightning
air terminal to earth, dangerous spark may occur
between Lightning protection system & following
• Metal installations
• Internal systems
• External conductive parts & lines connected to the structure
These sparks may be avoided by bonding / interconnecting lightning protection system with structural
metallic parts, metal installations, internal systems, external conductive parts & lines connected to
structures. When lightning equipotential bonding is established to internal systems, part of lightning current
may flow into such systems which should be protected through surge protection devices. Hence, surge
protection device should also be bonded lightning protection earthing.
Lightning equipotential bonding for an isolated ESE system shall be established at ground level only.
For non isolated ESE lightning protection system, Lightning equipotential bonding can be done at following
• Ground Level / Basement – Bonding conductors should be connected to a bonding bus bar, which
should be connected to earth termination system. Such bus bar should be installed at intervals of
approx 20 mtr along the length of building for keeping bonding conductors as short as possible.
• In cases where insulation requirements are not fulfilled, all metallic conductors / water pipe electrical
equipments / data or power cable should be kept at a distance of 2 m or more from down conductor &
gas connection should be more then 5 m away from down conductor. For soils with resistivity greater
then 500 Ω-m the minimum distance between earthing / down conductor and electrical conduit /
metal should be kept as 5m.
16 copper wire should be the minimum cross section area of bonding conductor for connecting
external metallic parts & bonding bus bar to earth termination / earthing system & 6 copper wire for
internal metallic part / installations to bus bar.
For external conductive parts, lightning equipotential bonding shall be made at the entry point of that part
into the structure. Equipotential bonding may also be achieved by Isolating Spark gap surge protection
If internal equipments are screened or located in a metallic conduit, then such metallic conduit should be
bonded with equipotential bas bar.
If internal equipments are not screened / located inside
metal conduits, then they shall be bonded via suitable
SPD's. In TN systems, PE & PEN conductors shall be
bonded to ESE system directly with a surge protection

Earth Termination System

Earthing Should be provided at each down conductor. Minimum 2 to 3 electrodes are used for each down
conductor. Certain contact surface with soil should be assured in order to dissipiate lightning current in a
short time. For lightning protection system, copper bonded earth rod of 3 mtr length & of cross sectional
area ≥ down conductor size (preferably between 12 mm dia to 17.2mm ) is used with minimum copper
bonding thickness of 250 microns. Spacing between 2 electrodes should be kept as minimum 3m & joined
by copper strip of same size as down conductor.
Earth resistance for lightning protection should be kept <10Ω. 11
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

Earth resistance enhancement compounds (non-corrosive

& high conductive) SABO-EREC shall also be used along
with earth electrodes for getting low earth resistance values
per earth pit as well as for better dissipation of lightning
discharge and fault currents.
Earth electrodes should be laid horizontally below 0.5m in
case of hard soils / places where vertical driving of rods is
Earth Pit Cover
Ÿ Factory built holes for accessing strips/wires easily at two side
Ÿ Made of heavy – duty polyethylene for extra durability SABO PC1 SABO PC2
Ÿ Resistant materials
Ÿ Long service life
Ÿ Green top cap matches the environment
Ÿ Non breakable for load upto 5000kg
Specifications PC1: Specifications PC2:
Ÿ At Top: 260mm Ÿ At Top: 160mm
Ÿ At Bottom : 345mm Ÿ At Bottom : 212mm
Ÿ Height : 255mm Ÿ Height : 240mm
Special measures
An aerial on the roof of a building increases the lightning stroke probability and is the first vulnerable element
likely to receive the lightning discharge. The aerial support mast should be connected directly or through a
Surge Protection Device or an isolated spark gap to the lightning protection system with a suitable conductor,
unless the antenna is outside the protected area or on another roof. The coaxial cable should be protected
with a surge protective device.

A common support mast may be used under the following conditions:

Ÿ the ESE Air Terminal is fixed to the tip of the mast;
Ÿ the ESE Air Terminal tip is at least 2 m above the nearest aerial;
Ÿ the down-conductor is fixed directly onto the air terminal with a clamp;
Ÿ the aerial coaxial cable is routed inside the antenna mast.
In case of a trestle tower, it is preferable to route the coaxial cable inside a metal tube.

Flammable and explosive material storage areas

Tanks containing flammable fluids should be earthed but such earth connection may not provide adequate
protection against atmospheric discharges. A thorough additional survey is therefore necessary. ESE Air
Terminals should be placed at a safe distance of 5m or more from such areas higher than the installations to
be protected. If it is possible down-conductors layout should also be outside such area. When it is not
feasible, special care shall be considered to avoid electrical arc.
Earth termination systems should be oriented opposite to the storage areas.

Religious buildings
Steeples, towers, minarets and belfries are prone to being struck by lightning because of their
The main prominence(s) should be protected with ESE Air Terminals connected to the ground by a direct
down- conductor routed along the main tower. When the main prominence (s) is higher than 40 m, it is
recommended that the second specific down- conductor should follow the nave ridge. In case the end of the
nave is fitted with a non-metallic cross or statue then such objects will be provided with an air terminal.
Both ESE System earth termination systems and the electric earthing should be interconnected by an earth
Some religious buildings have electric bells. The electrical power supply must be protected against over
voltages using surge protective devices according to NF EN 61643-11 and CLC/TS 61643-12. 12
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System


It’s been an electronic era and our dependancy on electronic equipments has been increased. These equipments are highly
sensitive to surges or spikes. Surge enters to any structure or network system through lightning discharges and switching
operations of heavy loads, etc. They may enter through any conductor like power cables, signal and telecom cables, water, gas, fire
pipelines, structure reinforcements, etc. either directly or indirectly. Protection of such equipments from such hazardous surges are
must or else our equipments may get 0damage. These may be protected by providing following surge protection devices:
SPD connected to LV power supply systems up to 1000 V
• Type 1 / Class B SPD – Lightning current arresters
• Type 1 and 2 SPD – B+C combined arresters
• Type 2 / Class B SPD – Surge arresters
• Type 3 / Class D SPD – Overvoltage protection for
equipments operating upto 5V/12V/24V...upto 230V AC/DC
• Isolating spark-gap
SPD connected to installations of photovoltaic systems upto 1200V
• Type 1 and 2 / Class B+C SPD for photovoltaic systems
• Type 2 / Class C SPD for photovoltaic systems
SPD connected to data / signal / telecommunication networks
• Surge protection for measurement and control, security and
• fire alarm systems and telecommunications
• Surge protection for Ethernet and video lines
• Lightning arresters and surge protection for coaxial lines
Commercial buildings use very sophisticated systems prone to abnormalities caused by over
voltage in the power system and signal lines. Our products minimize shutdown time of production
technologies and subsequent financial losses.
• Protection of 230/400 V power system
• Protection of power system up to 1000 V
• Protection of access security and fire alarm systems
• Protection of signal and communication lines
Both residential and commercial buildings feature a great number of sensitive technologies and
appliances. Our products considerably increase their reliability and, consequently, greatly
improve the user comfort of such buildings.
• Protection of 230/400 V power system
• Protection of aerial systems
• Protection of access, security and fire alarm systems, CCTV, telecommunications
lines, data network, etc.
• Protection of technological facilities in buildings (heating, air conditioning, etc.)
Photovoltaic (PV) systems
PV systems must withstand weather conditions as they are located in highly exposed places. Our
products ensure the best possible protection against temporary over voltage to provide trouble-
free operation throughout their working life. Protection of PV power plants/PV technologies for
residential houses and for factories/O ffgrid PV technology.
• Protection of DC and AC side
• Protection of signal lines

Antennas and transmitters

Located in rather exposed places, receiving and transmitting systems must withstand harsh
atmospheric conditions during their working life. Our products ensure the best possible
protection of technologies against lightning strikes and induced overvoltage and thus they
significantly increase operational reliability of technologies on transmission routes.
• Protection of 230/400 V power system
• Protection of aerial down conductors
• Protection of communication lines
Data centres
In the era of information technologies, data centres and server rooms have become an inevitable
part of life and collected data are of vital importance. Inaccessibility or complete losses of data can
have catastrophic consequences in both industrial areas and everyday life. Our products can
protect them and prevent technical problems and financial losses.
• Protection of 230/400 V power system
• Protection of signal and communication lines
Oil and gas pipelines
Very large systems which are exposed to undesirable effects of lightning strikes, induction from
parallel lines of MV, HV or stray current near railways. These events negatively affect the
technologies which are necessary for their trouble-free operation. Our products ensure the best
possible protection of such technologies and significantly increase their reliability.
• Protection of 230/400 V power system and system, up to 1000 V
• Protection of access security and fire alarm systems, signal and communication lines 13
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System


ESE Lightning rod

Copper strip / wire connected

through lug to lightning conductor

Nylon / SS tie


5m GI pipe GI coupler Test Joint


Pit Cover

Hook 50 conductor

50mm Copper conductor


Lightning Counter

> 12mm > 110 mm

Protection pipe(1”-1 ”) > 350 mm (5mm thick)

Hook fastener
600 x 600mm

Earth pit tripod type consisting of

copper bonded rod 17.2mm dia 3m long 250µ, backfill compound & pit cover 14
Catalogue - Lightning Protection System

Sources of damage, types of damage and types of loss

according to the point of strike

Source of Type of
Point of strike Type of loss
damage damage

L1, L4 2)
D1 L1, L2, L3,
S1 D2 L4
D3 L1 1), L2, L4

S2 D3 L1 1), L2, L4

L1, L4 2)
L1, L2, L3,
S3 D2
L1 1), L2, L4

S4 D3 L1 1), L2, L4

1) Only for structures with risk of explosion, and for hospitals or other structure
where failures of internal systems immediately endangers human life.
2) Only for properties where animals may be lost.

• S1: Lightning hitting to a structure;

Ÿ S2: Lightning hitting near a structure;
Ÿ S3: Lightning hitting to overhead low voltage line;
Ÿ S4: Lightning hitting near to overhead low voltage line;
Ÿ D1: injury to living being;
Ÿ D2: physical damage;
Ÿ D3: failure of electrical and electronic systems;
Ÿ L1: loss of human life;
Ÿ L2: loss of service to the public;
Ÿ L3: loss of cultural heritage;
Ÿ L4: loss of echonomic value (structure and its content)

Documentation verification and maintenance

The entire lightning protection system layout drawing should be prepared including positioning of ESE,
Lightning Counter, down conductor, equipotential bonding arrangements and earthing systems.
Periodic verification of above system should be done once in a year preferably before rainy season and
deficiencies if found shall be rectified and documented. 15
(ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified)
Banarsi Complex, Opp. Umrao Cinema, Nishatganj,
Faizabad Road, Lucknow (U.P.) - 226006 (INDIA)
Tele : +91 522 4077769, whatsapp: +91 7800009601
Website -

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