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Dear School Founder/Owner

School Principal/Director

Respected Sir / madam,

Greetings and I hope these 10 points find you in the best of spirits and with a focused intent to improve
education in our country.
A brief introduction. I am Col Merugu Solomon Saneev, (veteran from the Indian Army). Co-founder of
this company and am also presently serving as President and COO, This mail
to you is on behalf of team wissensquelle as well.

1. The aim of this initiative is to meaningfully assist the government and the school in implementing
NEP 2020 into our education system to ensure a better future for our children and our country. The
company is establishing STEAMIE Labs in schools with an aim to bridge the skill gap between present
education and modern needs of the system as elucidated in NEP 2020. Specific postulates we aim to address
which are in sync with NEP 2020 are as under: -
- Fosters ingenuity and creativity in education
- Builds resilience.
- Encourages experimentation.
- Encourages teamwork and builds future leadership
- Encourages Knowledge application
- Encourages technical use
- Teaches problem solving
- Encourages adaptation to new challenges
- Fosters theoretical understanding and promotes practical approaches to integrate Science,
Tech, Engg and Math.

2. STEAM/ k-12 education fosters the points brought out above, in addition we as a company have
designed a STEAMIE lab which can be best implemented in the schools for the benefit of the children in a
highly optimized manner. We have simultaneously kept it pocket friendly with purposeful tie ups with
manufacturers. The essence of our offer is as under: -
- Lab is highly optimized and promotes Key postulates of NEP 2020.
- It is pocket friendly keeping the parents in mind.
- Has zero maintenance charges from the school side as wissensquelle pays for the kit of 60
boxes, robots, and 3D printer.
- The company employs our own trainer who is paid by us as well to ensure high quality
and focused instruction.
- This ensures a brighter future for our children and to the nation at large.
- Our kits are imported from Europe at the company's cost and maintained, broken items are
replaced for the entire duration of contract, thereby relieving the school of an added
responsibility, thereby negating any paperwork on maintenance and assists the schools in
concentrating on pure academics.

3. The method of establishing STEAMIE labs is as below.

(a) Simple Responsibility of a school is to: - Allot a classroom with an overhead projector next to
the computer lab. 8-10 tables and 40 chairs.

(b) Responsibility of wissensquelle is to: -

- Establish the entire lab, 60 kits, robot, 3d printers.
- Free of cost AMCs for 5-year duration of contract and replacing of broken items.
- Deploy an instructor to impart quality education.
-40 classes per grade/child integrated into the overall school timetable in coordination
with the school.
-Make periodic reports for feedback to the schools and parents. on the child's progress.
- Maintain score cards and give incentives.
- Assist the school in science and innovation educational competitions from time to time.
- Revise and upgrade kits, curriculum, and kits of the Lab on a need basis to incorporate
new trends.
3. With no expense to the school, each child will pay an annual fee of Rs 3000 to Rs 5000 depending
on the strength of the students attending in each school. This band has been made to break even on the
costs of the kits and monthly pay of the trainer and maintenance thereof along with a modest running profit
for the company. Each child will attend 40 classes per year which would amount to either one or two
classes a week based on other activities like tests, exams, holidays, sports, art etcetera and the school is
free to integrate our classes as per the child's convenience.

4. Our nearest competitors who are a few in number have cost structures which are prohibitive with Chinese
kits and charge upwards of 10,000 a child annually. They also have a costed AMC etcetera. We urge the
school to do due diligence and make decisions early as placing orders for European kits by us will have a
time lag of 30 to 45 days at the least due to capacity at their end. We will fine tune the way we go about
establishing the lab, by visiting the site, coordinating, and integrating STEAMIE classes with the school.

5. We conduct classes in the STEAMIE labs in three groups. The mentioned sub parts are only
indicative and in essence are a vast pool of experiments/classes per class which we have shifted, clubbed,
and prioritized to be introduced sequentially year on year for an evolving teaching methodology.

Group 1 - Classes 1 & 2 - Simple science experiments, introduction to materials, basic building skills as
relevant to tiny tots.
Group 2 - Classes 3, 4 & 5 - where students are taught the basics of coding, robotics, building, basic
commands and the why, what, and how of AI, drone tech, problem solving, eliminating errors and biases,
integrating science, math, technology, and engineering.

Group 3 - Classes 6, 7 & 8 - The students start learning about building bots and humanoid robots and 3D
Printing. Enhance technical skill sets, Basics of IOT, innovations, Python basics, essentials of aero
modelling designs and much more.
An Optional Group 4 - Class 9 and above exists, should the school be interested at no extra cost to the
school or fees for the child. However, keeping an eye on the ultra-competitive academic atmosphere in
mind where high grades matter for the future of the child, we have left it to the schools to opt for the same.

6. How will it make a marquee difference to the school?

• Entire lab, kits, Robotics material including a 3D Printer and a fifth gen Robot are
deployed without any cost to the school.
• Pocket friendly fees for each child as elucidated above.
• A master trainer allotted to the school, trained and paid by the company. No cost to school.
• Addresses all postulates of NEP 2020 by establishing STEAMIE lab.
• School can advertise a Robotics web page on the school official website and mark themselves as
a STEAMIE school.
• Robotics Workshops and Competitions for students will be mentored in-house at no extra cost.
• Students will be part of National level competitions through which has an exclusive
tie up with Wissensquelle.

7. In addition, we can conduct exhibitions during parent - teachers meet at no cost for general
awareness. We can also plan for a 3-day workshop with a nominal payment of Rs 350 per child or
participant to make them aware of STEAMIE education and conduct a few one-time use experiments. This
collected money would be used for the cost of material for the one-time experiments, transportation, and
procurement costs. More involving information will be shared during our next level of talks and is also
available on our website

8. You can reply with an intent to take this further via this mail or leave a query on our website for
us to get back to you whichever you deem appropriate.
9. I am personally looking forward to enabling the school, the students with STEAMIE labs and
most importantly we as responsible citizenry to team up to upgrade our systems of education for a better
future for our children and our country. I will also urge the school leadership and parents at large to
assist us in sharing this mail with more school leaderships and spreading the good word so that a large
body of schools and students benefit from top class kits, well trained instructors, and purposeful work.

10. We are a wholly driven, profitable and purposeful company working with a primary aim of
establishing STEAMIE labs in as many schools as possible to serve our education system and bridge skill
gaps. The secondary aim is to do ethical business in a clean, transparent, and highly optimized method.

Thanking you for all that you do for the next gen. Looking forward to a call from you to take this ahead
Warm regards

Col Merugu Solomon Saneev, (veteran Indian Army)

President & COO
cell number – 7005620174

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