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It was April 25, 2008. It was the Lenten Season.

I joined my
grandmother in attending the "Krusada" for Mrs. Luzuiminda
Quisto's residence. When the novena was finished, we were served
with merienda. When I was full, I asked for a glass of water. Mrs.
Quisto handed me a bottle of water, so I immediately drank it. After
a few seconds, I felt dizzy and lost consciousness. I was rushed to
the hospital.

They found that the water I drink has cyanide. Cyanide is a

deadly chemical. There is cyanide in the water because Mrs.
Quisto's brother used it to clean his jewelry. Mrs. Quisto didn't
know cyanide was mixed in the bottle of water she gave. Since San
Jose District Hospital lacked facilities to treat me, I was transferred
to Mediatrix Medical Center and confined to the Intensive Care Unit
(ICU) because my life was in danger.
with sweat on my face. I saw my mother looking at me with a
worried face.

She called the doctor, "Doc, doc!" I looked at her and;

“Mama." I said

“She asked me, "Are you okay?" I just nodded.

The doctor treated me while I was vomiting They even cut the veins
in my ankle so they could insert the dextrose needle and revive me. I chose not to tell anyone about it because I feel that they would not
I was hospitalized for five days because I needed to be observed and believe me But every day, it haunts me until now. I still have those
treated. On my first day in the hospital, I thought my life would end kinds of dreams. After a day in the Intensive Care Unit, I was
there. I could not feel anything at that time. While asleep, I saw my transferred to a private room. My mother and grandparents took
grandmother standing and smiling in front of me. I was scared care of me while recovering from this incident.
because, at that time, I was aware that she was gone.

My life has changed a lot. I was not allowed to go out when no one
I had a second thought if I should come near her or not. I decided to was around. I always bring my water, so I don't need to ask for
take one step closer to her, which made her smile more. water from others. This incident taught me many lessons. We can
never tell what may happen. . Never trust anyone who offers you
She said, "Apo," which made me shiver.
something for you. Life is so extraordinary that it can be taken away
It was not her real voice. It was like the voice of a demon. I ran until from it. Thank God that I was given another life to cherish and value.
I was out of breath, but it seemed like I was not moving and just After that incident, I felt loved and well taken care of. I saw how my
running for nothing. I was terrified at that time. I suddenly woke up mother, especially my grandparents, loved me and was worried
when they told me I could die. I saw how afraid they were that I
may not be able to come home. This incident made Mrs. Quisto's
family sorry for what happened. They even offered help to pay for
the expenses my grandparents paid in the hospital, but my
grandfather refused this help, saying that no one was to blame for
that accident. I realized that death may come anytime, at no specific
time or age. But because I am still alive and given a second life, I
genuinely thank God I devoted 9 Sunday novena to St. Vincent
Ferrer since I believe in his wisdom in curing the sick, especially
children. Even though there was a typhoon and flood over our
street, that did not stop my grandmother and me from pursuing our
novena. The Lord God, through St. Vincent Ferrer, healed me and
made me fully recover. I learned a lesson that in times of trials like
this, you have to give your strong hope and belief to our lord
almighty because he will be the one to decide whether you live or

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