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Trouble at the Airport 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. REGINA, CANADA 1A woman was at an airport in Canada, in a hurry to catch her plane. When she went through the metal detector’, it made a noise. Bzzz! Airport officials carefully checked her. There were no coins in her pockets and no metal in her shoes. *They told her to walk through again. Bzz2! ‘The officials searched her once again. There was nothing! “Finally, they let her pass and board the plane. SSeveral days later, the woman had a stomachache. She went to her doctor and got an metal check vy search y pass v official coinn letv board v 2. Rate the story How much did you li Mark an X. Not at All Alot (3 oc + et 2 units several adj stomachache 1 X-ray"*, There was a 30-centimeter-long metal insteument in her stomach from an old operation, She was surprised and angry. So that was why she had a stomachache—and all the trouble at the airport! ©"Everyone makes mistakes,” a hospital official explained. “No one is perfect.” * detector: something that finds metal -ray: a photo of the inside of your body instrument 1 operation 1 surprised adj perfect adj >> See Glossary on page 88. >> 3. Check your comprehension Put the s tences in the correct order. Number them 1-7. ¢ first one is done for you. a. __ Airport officials checked her. b. ___ Now the woman understood her trouble at the airport! ¢. ___ Later, the woman got an X-ray because she had a stomachache. 4. __ The airport offic et on the plane. ¢, __ The doctor found a long metal instrument in her stomach. £ _L. The woman walked through the metal detector, and it made a noise. g — They found no coins or m 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. a. Airport officials s b. They finally ce Sew. shed the woman, but she had no ¢___ _ in her pocket and bo... the plane. the woman's dector found a metal instr, in her stomach. 4d. A hospital of _ later explained that no one is 5. Listen to the story © wack 2 Now listen to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below as you Central Hospital 6. Retell the story Co g the New Words. unitt = 3 er the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story u 4 Answer the que: About the story... a, Why did airport officials search the woman? b. Why: cc. How did she fee after the X-r: id she go to her doctor? 4. How do you think the mistake at the hospital happened? About you... ¢. Do you like airports? Why or why not? an airport? What happened? f, Have you ever had trouble g- What do you do when you get a stomachache? h, Haye you ever had an operation? How did you feel? Learn word partnersh b. He/she doesn’t let Learn word groups Complete the senten FEELING SICK ips Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. My teacher lets us drink tea in class. Het my friend Eun-nyi use my bike. My sister doesn''t let me listen to her CDs. iglish teacher lets students Airport officials let the woman board the plane. $80 they are true for you. Use words from the pictures. ge astomachache a headache a. When I hay b. have never had. «Thad unit 1 ‘cough acut a bruise 1 drink tea or water, last year, a broken leg 10. Take a dictation ° track 3 Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 86. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. let cough — official, surprised several metal checked operation “A Strange % TAIPEI, TAIWAN For many years, a she looked surprised, too. “Oh, dear Taiwanese man had a bad (1) she “Lremember now. | lost a needle on our Finally, he went to see bed (6) his doctor. The doctor years ago! (2) him A hospital carefully but did not (7) sai that the needle was dangerously close to /. the man’s lungs. He had | | an (8) as | and nowthe needle find anything wrong. (3) me take an X-ray,” the doctor said. The X-ray showed a piece of (4)____deep. in the man’s back. It was a large needle*, and it was near the man’s lungs**. The man ke clothes was (5) ___ How did the needle ings: two parts inside your body that you use get there? When he told his wife about it, to breathe nl da py} Talk about the storics How are the stories of the Canadian woman and the Taiwanese man similar? How are they different? and the man’s cough are gone. - unitt = 5 10. Take a dictation ° wack 5 Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 86. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. guard isresponsiblefor —_ extremely scares clearly idea CS. BODYGUARD... KOREA Some people think that women cannot do dangerous jobs. But don't say that to Sun-hee Han. She is a bodyguard* for the Queen** of Jordan and (1) keeping the queen out of danger. Han was a soldier in Korea before she went to Jordan, She is (2) good at tae kwon do and karat and all about Now she is learning English Lamic culture***, tao. When she was a child, Han saw a soldier and thought he looked wonderful. ‘That gave her an (3) She wanted to be a soldier, too. Now she loves her work as the queen's (4) The job can be dangerous, and sometimes ic (5) her, but she is (6)______ happy. “Even after T'm married, | want to do this job,” she says. “bodyguard: someone who ki person out of danger “queen: the wife of a ** cultures the ideas ane of people ps an important Wy of life of a group Talk about the stories Which job would you like to do—Sergey Sokolov’s job or Sun-hee Han's job? Why? unit2 9 Yar el felt 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. MORBEGNO, ITALY "Students ata high school near Milan were coming to class in old blue jeans with holes in the knees. Some of them had wild pink hair and nose rings. 2The principal, Mr. Magon, was not at all happy. He did not want students to wear uniforms, but he wanted to bring some order to the school. #He sent a letter home to all parents. “We are going to punish students,” he wrote, “who do not dress suitably.” knee 1 pink adj uniform 1 order principal » not at all adv Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All ALot = 10° Unit 3 4The parents met and discussed the school’s letter. They were angry—not at their children, but at the principalf SThey warned Magon that they would take him to court. “Our children must be free to wear what they want at school,” they argued. 6Magon was very surprised. “Some clothes are not right for school. I really thought that the parents would agree with me.” parent 11 punish v suitably ad discuss warn v court argue v >> See Glossary on page 89. >> 3. Check your comprehension Correct five more mistakes in the story summary. The first ane is done for you. school Students at a espital in Italy were coming to class in old clothes. Some had wild hair and nose rings. The principal was not at all happy. He sent a book home to all the parents. He said that the school would punish teachers who did not dress suitably. The parents were happy. “Our children must be free to say what they want,” they argued. ‘The principal was pleased. 4. Check your vocabulary the New Words. Complete the sentences. a. The p pal was not ___ all happy with students’ wild p____ hair, b. He wanted to bring or___ to his school, He wa____ parents that students must dress sti__ 4. ‘The parents said they would take the principal to ¢___ 5. Listen to the story ° wack 6 len to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below as y G. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story using the New Words. units 11 7. Answer the questions About the story. a, What didn't the principal like? Bb, What did he write to the parents? ¢. How did the parents reply? d, Do you agree with the principal or th About you... fe. What do you wear to school? f. Which clothes are better for school—jeans or uniforms? Why? g What do your parents think about your hair and clothes? hh. What are the wildest clothes you have? parents? Why? 8. Learn word partnerships Study the parti ships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. 2 | The parents discussed the school’s fe a book We discussed the book. discuss one) | Idiscussed the movie SpiderMen with my sister. Bill discussed the problem with his teacher. Like to discuss interesting ideas. a. Inclass, we often discuss or B. I like to discuss c. I discussed the movie 9. Learn word groups Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the picture. FAMILY grandfather parents a. Ttalk like my b. Hook like my 6 Lwant to see my more often. 12° unit3 AA ee It's Hard to Stop! 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. TAIPEL, TAIWAN 1A lot of people have hobbies, but who spends eight hours a day on a hobby? Meet Shi-tung Chuang. He plays online* computer games eight hours a day! ?Shi-tung, 19, is a college student at De Lin Institute. 3He does well in school, so his parents do not mind that he spends so much time on the computer. “Does he have time for friends? “Sure, 1 do,” he says. “All my friends have the same hobby, so we play together online. Sometimes we even see each other in real life!” 5Many online players spend too much time on their games, says Stephen Kline of Simon Fraser University in Canada, and this can lead to family fights. Some players are addicted", he adds. ©*'m not addicted,” says Shi-tung, “although it is a bit hard to stop. It’s crazy and so much fun to play. I want to succeed! I want to win!” “onfing: on the Internet **adlcted: not able to stop doing something bad hobby 1 mind v lead to v abit mod succeed v game 1 each other pron add v crazy adj college» university = although conj fun n 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All (2 eat Alot i a: a 14° Unit 4 >> See Glossary on page 89. >> 3. Check your comprehension Check (#) the endings that are true, The first one is done for you. a Sh plays g b. Some online playe / for many hours have fights with their families. on his computer, __are addicted to games. with _— think that it is hard to stop. with Stephen Kline, spend too much time on games. fu because they 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the senten with the New Words. Shi-tung’s parents don't m____ that he spends so much time on his ho___ because he does: b. Shi-tun says that he is not addicted, alth_ hard to stop playing. «When Shi-tung plays an online game, he wants to su, 4. “Ws er, and so much {__!" he says. 5. Listen to the story © tack # Now listen to the story wo or three times, Look at the pictures below as you listen. the computer!/ five more minutes! G. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story using the New Words. unit4 15 7. Answer the questions About the story. a, How slaes Shi-tung spend his day’ b, How do his parents feel about his hobb: . Why is it hard for Shi-tung to stop playing? Do you think he spends too much time ph Z Why or wh About you... €. What computer games have you played? Which is your favorite? £. What are your hobbies? g. How much time do you spend each week on your hobbies? h. How often do you and your friends see each other? 8. Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. §)fun todo someneo) | B's so much fun to play. t's fun to spend time with my friends. it’s so much fun to ride a horse! (fun {will have fun this weekend. We had a lot of fun at the party. Thad fun when I went to Australi. a It isso much fen ! b. Lill fun ¢. Thad a lot of fun when ‘ 9. Learn word groups ‘Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the pictures. GAMES TIT si bi LA EYES (EEE . chess basketball volleyball baseball online cards computer games a. I think that playing is so much fun. b. I never play <. [want to learn to play 16 Unita 10. Take a dictation © track Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 86. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. lead university adds games = eachother _—fun to talk RAGUSA, ITALY Simona Barone, a a student in Italy, is addicted to her cell phone. Like many people, she carries it with her almost everywhere. “My friends and I like to talk to(2)___alll the time.” she says, Simona even sleeps with her phone at night. “I always think that my friends from around the world will call me,” she says. She plays (3)_____on her phone before she falls asleep. Her friend Davide Fiorito feels the same way about his phone, “It's like a part of me!” he says. Although itis (4)__on cell phones. they can (§)___to trouble. “Ltalk a bit too much,” Simona says. “It's expensive and my father gets angry.” Simona (6) that she is obsessive* about checking her messages**. When she is out with friends, she cannot stop checking her phone-which does not please her Friends! obsessive: thinking about something all the ** mesages: words that people send to one another oe: Talk about the stories Shi-tung Chuang and Simona Barone spend most of their day with technology: How about you? Do you spend too much time with technology? Why or why not? unit4 17 Stuck in the Mud 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pagi What is the story about? Now read it. BRIDGEWATER, MASS., USA 1O0ne winter | and a dog came in a special car with large wheels. day, Mike Hill was hunting for birds near a lake. It got stuck, too. ‘The ground was wet, and his boots got stuck” in | Finally, a helicopter arrived to save the day. It the mud, He could not get out. 2Hill quickly | pulled everyone up from the mud safely. One by became cold and scared, and he phoned for help. | one, Hill, the fire fighters, the policeman, and the First, three fire fighters came to save Hill but | dog went up through the trees in a muddy basket, had no success. They tried to get to him by boat, | "It was a pretty big mess,” said the helicopter but their engine got stuck in the mud. So they | pilot. tried to walk to Hill, but their boots got stuck. Now no one wasable to move! “Then a policeman | stuck: cannot move hunt — become y success 1 helicopter 1 basket » laken —scaredadj engine n safely adi’ mess 1 mudi save v beabletov — onebyoneady pilot » >> See Glossary on page 90. >> 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All ALot ) 2 en: et: eS 18 Unit S 7. Answer the questions 8. 20 About the story. a, What was Hill dk b. Why did he phone for help? «, Who came to save him? 4d. How did the heligopter pull everyone up? About you.. e, Would you like to ride in a hi £. Think of a time when yo were year the lake? ‘opter? Why or why not? e scared. What happened? g. Have you ever been in a big mess? What happened? h. Many people hunt. What do you think of the sport? Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. a b. I made . Eneed to mess when Learn word groups It was a pretty big mess. My closet is a terrible mess. We made a huge mess when we cooked. we) mess " Joni often makes a mess in the car. I1need to clean up the mess on my desk. Please clean up that terrible mess! Se: the mess infor, Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the pictures. FEELINGS Cs sO “aN () RA a. I'm sometimes b. When an old friend call ¢. When I speak English, I'm sometimes. it em when F play computer game: unit 5 aa delighted bored excited sad when I wateh sports on TV. Dc ee ge 10. Take a dictation © track 1 Use your own paper to write the dictation. Cheek your 11. Complete the story nswers on page 86. Use the words from the box to complete the story. seared saved mud safely SALISBURY, N.C.,USA Two young men in North Carolina got stuck in the mud while they were running away from police. Kevin Chawlk, 17, and Richard Neri, 20, were di ng their car too Fast, so two policemen began to follow them. Then the men became (1) even faster. The car and drove ally crashed into a tree. The men jumped out and began to fun across. muddy area near a (2) ‘The weather was very cold, and one man was only wearing pants and a T-shirt. Both men lost their shoes and got stuck in the cold (3) of G, ‘ Ba ' Talk about the stories lake were not able to a terrible mess i It took police three hours, but they got the men out (5) (6) ! we (7) them, so they didi die from the cold.” a policeman said. “They weren't too smart!” Itwas How are the stories of Mike Hill and the two young men, Kevin Chawlk and Richard Neri, similar? How are they different? Unit S 24 3. Check your comprehension Match the first and nnd parts of the sentences. a, The Freneh cops speed through Lin shape for the job. b. They chase criminals and give 2, traffic on in-line skates. stay 3. dangerous. work can be__ 4, photos of the cops. take 5. tickets to drivers. 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. — move through Paris on in-line sk____. — through the lov. a. A group of police off_ b. They «. They — streets. thieves and ¢_ f, _ up with them. d. ‘The streets are net als hurt yet. 5. Listen to the story ° tach 12 Now listen to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below as you listen. seueovie henpay 6. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story using the New Words. unite 23 10. Take a dictation © wack 13 Use your own paper to write the dictati ur answers on page 86. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. wheelehair speeds cool in perfect shape seriously —_ look out DAEJEON, KOREA (1) Here comes the principal! Yong-gyun Oh (2) ____ around his school in Korea. His students call him “Principal in a(3)_ A few years ago, Mr. Oh opened a school for children with disabilities*, Little by little, Mr. Oh said, he began to understand something important. People with disabilities have so much to give to the world. Mr. Oh’s students think that he is a (4)_____ principal, and Mr. Oh Now his friends envy*** is surprised at his new life. Ten years ago, _@ full life, “Lam living a very fruitful life.” he was wearing an air force** uniform, and __ principal says, “in a very new world.” hewas(5)________.Thenhebecame > (6)___illand could not walk any * disabilities: serious problems people have with more. Dark and angry days followed, but Rae ici t **air force: the airplanes and people that a country then Mr. Oh had the idea to open a school ies erigias for people like himself. He became happy. *** envy: want what another person has Hh Talk about the stories Imagine that you and a partner are a “cop on wheels” and Yong-gyun Oh. You are meeting for the first time, Tell each other about your life on wheels. Unité 25 [ el ieee 1, Match the words with the pictures. — a. guard — © uniform —— b. knee — f. coin © court — g. basket — 4. engine — h. instrument 2. Write the words in the picture. lake boots = mud _—_—inline skates. © game tourist police officer _—_ parents NU Ney ais tte re 26 — Review: Units 1-6 3. Are the sentences true or false? Check (W/) the correct box. TOF gogo aoa @ ig oo oa QO 8 oa a. A helicopter has an engine, b. People have four knee: ¢. Aprineipal works in a court. d. The world is flat. e. Police officers ¢a f. Coins are made of me g You have an operation in a hospital give tickets to people who speed. tal. Cross out the item that cannot complete each sentence. a. When Bob got on the horse, he was ared. 1. not atall 2. abit 3. extremely 4, safely b. The prison officials criminals. 1. searched! 2. punished 3. chased 4. succeeded «The children had fun playing with 1. the game 2. each other 3, the tourists, 4, success: d. Naomi was wearing a hat, 1. lovely 2. cool 3. crazy 4. surprised Lam yy little sister, 1. taking careof 2. speeding through 3. skating with 4. responsible for Match the words with the definitions. a. catch up with b. order save 4, step__ e. perfect f. mess —_ g warn __ h. look out —__ NS 2: 3. to be careful very good, with nothing wrong . when you move your foot up and put it down in another place, you take one of these . to tell someone about danger or about something bad that will happen to take someone or something away from danger when everyone is doing the right thing or everything is in the right place to move quickly so that you are not behind someone something dirty or a big problem Review: Units 1-6 27 6. Use the words from the box to complete the sentences. suitably studied one byone flat — seriously warned checked clearly leadto ~— safely + adds_~—slet_- ~—-University a When the officials at the airport__ the Canadian woman, they found nothing, so they __ her pass. by eriminals have ________ Soko ov's big footprints because they have stayed Ww c. Mr. Magon___parents that students had to dress___ for school. 4. Stephen Kline of Simon Fraser __says that computer games family fights, Some players ed he @ al f. The Par hurt himself yet. copter pilot pulled all the muddy people up streets are not always _, but none of the Paris cops has 7. Use the words from the box to complete the story. idea games although = take careof not atall boarded —_lovely Woman, 82, Loves Living on Water SOUTHAMPTON, ENGLAND Five years ago, Beatrice Muller, 82, (1) ___alarge cruise ship* and began traveling around the world. The woman says that the ship, the QE2, is now her home, and she plans to live on it for the rest of her life. “It’s (2) ________ and no more expensive than living in a home for old people,” she says. Muller got the (3) after her husband died. She says that a ship is the perfect place to live. She plays (@)___, dances, or just sits in the sun. There are people on the ship is plenty of good food. “This is where | live and | love ity” says Muller. (6) she is far from her family, she is (7) ________ lonely. She has made friends and uses e-mail to talk to fami who(5)________her. There * * cruise ships a ship for tourists 28 = Review: Units 1-6 Try a Little Kindness 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these What is the story about? ge Now read it, SINGAPORE 1s our world becoming a colder and less friendly place? Maybe it is, but Singapore is trying hard to change that. The country’ has joined the World Kindness Movement*. 2This movement started at a meeting" in Tokyo in 1997. Now Japan, Korea, Australia, Canada, the USA, and several other countries belong to the group, which wants to spread kindness around the world. 3How can people like you and me make life more pleasant for everyone? The Singapore Kindness Movement has some excellent ideas. 4For example, the group says, wash someone's car less adv join v kindness 1 spread v pleasant adj excellent adj 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X, Not at Al (2 mat Alot i a a 30° Unit? bother v neighbor 1 stereo 11 as a surprise. SAt home, try to spend a little time every day with your parents and grandparents, And don’t bother your neighbors with loud music—turn down your stereo after 10 pi. At school, invite a new student to share your lunch. Don't throw litter*** in the streets—try to pick up papers and bottles! ®And finally, don't forget to smile, smile, smile! “movement: a group of people who have the sam “= meeting: a time when people come together to talk litter: picces of paper and other things that people leave on the ground throw y pick up v turn down v invite v share v >> See Glossary on page 91. >> 3. Check your comprehension Check (W) the a. Singapore b. The movement wants people ings that are true. _—— wants to make the world a colder place. _—— to bother their neighbors. __ wants to spread kindness, jained the World Kindr to be nice to new students. 5 Movement to throw litter in the streets, jeas to make life more pleasant For people, — to smile more, 4. Chee Complet your vocabulary mtences with the New Words. a. Singapore has j__ ed the World Kind Movement and wants to make the world cold pla b, The people in the movement have some & «. Don't bo. 4.P__up ideas, loud music! on the streets. o . Listen to the story © crack 14 Now listen to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below as you listen, G. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the picture ove. Retell the story using the New Wor unit? 31 10. Take a dictation © track 15 Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 86. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story, neighbors bother kindness threw spread pleasant = share__—pick up tAn Act of Kindness} NAGOYA, JAPAN After he made a lot Later, the 26-year-old man went on ‘of money in the stock market*, a Japanese Japanese television and said that he had man wanted to eee too much money. a) “I don't need it,” he some with his said. “I wanted to give (2) some back to the The unnamed man world.” took two large bags ‘The man’s act** of of money to the top (7)_____dia floor of a tall building not (8) the police. “He did not break any laws,*#*" pin Nagoya. Then he took handfuls of = - bills-about $9,000-and (3)_____ | said a police officer. them from an open window. The money a rained down, and then the wind sic ais aati (4) it around the streets—a shares in companies 5) surpride For eieevoret + act: something that you do ——____ surpris yone! sols Count gat sahal pcdplecan People ran to (6)___ the money. | nnot do Talk about the stories Which act of kindness from the two stories would you like to try? Why? What are two more ways to spread kindness in your town? unit? 33 3. Check your comprehension Put the sentences in the correct order. Number them 1-7. The boy fell into the blanket They did not hesitate. -k and forth with their bla 4. __ They looked up at their apartment building. [hey moved bi et open wide, « he police chief congratulated the girls for their good work. f. __ They saw a small boy who was falling. g —— Two girls were having a pienic outdoors. 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. fternoon. a. The girls were having a pienic on the g_ onac, b. The girls did not hes_____ when they saw the boy fa c. A_ the boy turned o___ and o___, the girls opened their blanket w___. q, 1g from the window of his apar. mantha’s mother was pr___. of the girls. 5. Listen to the story ° irack 16 w listen to the story two of three times. Look at the pictures below as you lis Lg) 6. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story using the New Words. units 35 10. Take a dictation tack 17 Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 86. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. as branch —grass_-—outdoors back and forth —_is proud of | Kangaroo Saves Man’s Life — MORWELL, AUSTRALIA A family in Australia ( their kangaroo*, Lulu. | he wonderful animal saved the life of their father, Len Richards, 52. (2)____ Richards was walking (3) _____near his home, a tree (4)____~ broke and knocked the man to the ground. He was seriously hurt. ‘When Lulu found Richards, she barked** like a dog and went to find the family. She ran (5)__—__until the family followed her. “Lulu is never like that,” said Celeste Richards, 17, “so we knew something was wrong with my father.” The kangaroo stood guard in the long (6) next to Richards until help came. Richards does not remember the accident, but his family has told him what Lulu did that kangaroo; she saved my life," he says. Lulu finds herself food in the Richards’ kitchen when she is hungry, so they always knew that the animal was smart, But they did not think that she was that smart! Now she is also famous. I love mal in Australia that jumps an its * "barked: made a noise like a dog - q Talk about the stories How are the stories of the two Canadian girls and Lulu similar? How are they different? units = 37 BE. The Wedding Dress 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. NORTHMOOR, MO., USA Wells were planning a May wedding. @Before the big day, they bought a 50-year-old house with big trees all around and were busy repairing it—fixing the walls and cleaning the floors. SThere was alittle workshop" nearby. Jennifer hung her beautiful white wedding dress there to keep it clean. “Three days before the wedding, while Dan and Jennifer were at his family’s home, a wild tornado™* came out of nowhere. §The tornado missed his family’s home, but when Dan drove to his house, it was not there. The trees as well as the neighbors’ houses were gone. The tornado ‘Dan and Jennifer wedding repair v fix clean y nearby adv hang v 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All Alot (eG Jams lS 38 Unita destroyed almost everything inthe neighborhood. SJust one thing was still standing—the workshop. When Dan looked side, the wedding dress, untouched. 7He called Jennifer. “Your dress is here!” he told her. “I think our wedding is meant to bet” 8The lucky couple cried at their wedding. “They're grateful to be here,” explained a friend. he discovered *workshop:a place where people make things : yy strong winds that mave im a circle clean adj as well as conj destroy discover v couple » grateful adj >> See Glossary on page 92. >> 3. Check your comprehension Mateh the first and second parts of the sentences. ifer were planning 1. an old house. . nowhere, not touched. ir wedding. 5. her dress nearby in a workshop. f. The wedding dress _ 6. their house and neighborhood. 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. a, Dan and Jennifer were cl the floors in their house before their May b. Jennifer wanted to keep her dress ¢____,so she h___ it ina little workshop. 8 their neighbors’ homes ¢. Then their home as re de____yed by a tornado. d. The cou___ felt gra_____ to be alive on their wedding day. 5. Listen to the story © track 18 Now listen to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below G. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story using the New Words. unite 39 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. NAKHON NAYOK, THAILAND "People around the world eat different unusual foods. Some eat insects like grasshoppers* or flies. 2Paisit Chanta, 39, eats something unusual, too—a worm** a day! 3His habit began 30 years ago while he was sitting in a boat and waiting for a fish to bite, There was nothing to eat in the boat, and he got hungry. “Chanta looked at his can of worms. “Suddenly, 1 realized that fish don’t die from eating worms,” he said later, “so I won't either.” SChanta ate them one by one, until he felt full. They weren't bad? insect habit » bite v ann realize v either adv 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All _ Alot DO ya as a 5 42 Unit io be crazy about v medicine n SNow Chanta is crazy about worms and thinks they are like medicine. “I eat a worm a day to stay healthy,” he says. 7Chanta works asa fire fighter and often digs for worms near the fire station, “We are used to that,” says a coworker***, but we still think, itis strange.” 8Chanta does not eare what others think. “To. me, the worms taste just like rice!” + grasshoppers: insects that jump high with long back legs *+worm:a small animal with a long, thin body and no legs ++ coworker: a person who works with you healthy adj be used tov dig r care v >> See Glossary on page 92. >> Answer the questions About the story... a, When and why did Chanta’s habit begin? b. What does he think worms do for him? c. What do his coworkers think about the unusual habit? dd. What do you think about it? About you e. What unusual foods do you or your friends eat? f. Which foods were strange to you as a child? Are you used to them now? g. What foods are you crazy about? h. What healthy and unhealthy foods do you eat? 8. Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for y EEA | something | Chanta is crazy about worms. I'm really crazy about cats. be (really) crazy about ‘She's crazy about pop music. Jong something | I'm really crazy about traveling. He's crazy about dancing. a. I don’t like _____., but I'm crazy about b. My friend __erazy about __, but I'm not. c. Pm not crazy 9. Learn word groups Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the picture. a butterfly af Ne 4, 4 ’ , als a grasshopy aw W ( acricket"/ ow a. Sometimes | find in my house. b. When I see +1 feel scared. . Pthink is a beautiful insect. 44° unitio 10. Take a dictation © track Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 86. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. habit insect worms iscrazy about crickets. healthy SAN FRANCISCO, USA Have you ever eaten an (1)____? Scott Bowers, 32,(2)____them. His unusual (3) began in 1999. He was spending time in the country on a business trip, and he was bored. So he chased and caught some big black (4) and cooked them for his coworkers. They were very tasty! ‘What is Bowers’ favorite food? Scorpions! "They taste like fish,” he says. He also likes (5) He (6)____ them up from the ground and cooks them with vegetables. Bowers likes the taste of insects, but he also eats them because they are (7) Bowers shares his hobby with other insect-lovers in his. neighborhood. He goes out with them to restaurants that have insects on the menu. Bowers has also made a Website for people who enjoy eating insects and are looking for new recipes* * rovipes: pieces of writ at tell you how to cook something, Talk about the stories Imagine that you and a partner are Paisit Chanta and Scott Bowers. You are meeting for the first time. Tell each other what you like to cat. Unit1o |= 45 7. Answer the questions About the story... a, How long was the old woman under the rubble? b. Why did she live so long? « How can 4. What wor 1w explain the rescuers’ excitement? do you tl describe the woman? About you... ¢. What do you know about earthquakes? £. Do you know anyone w be him or her. g. Do you think you are brave? Why or why not? h. Have you ever had a hard time but not given up? What happened? 8. Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Rescuers did not expect to find anyone still alive. | Lexpect to finish schoo! soon. | Lexpect to visit Austalia next month. aE TINE | My sister expects me to cock dinner. expect expect you to clean up your mess. Our teacher expects students to be on time. a. Lexpect soon. b. always expects me « Lexpect_____t help me with 2 Learn word groups Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the pictures. NATURAL DISASTERS anearthquake a tornado a flood a wildfire a. [have seen, b. [have never seen in my country last year. 48 unit tt 10. Take a dictation * track 23 Use your own paper to wr on page 87 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. expected brave rescuers — fear over reached afterward KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA A woman has escaped death after she fll (1)_______ 1,500 meters. Tan Lee Ping went skydiving* for the First time. When she jumped from the airplane, her skydiving teacher, Aztan Ismail, never (2) her to have any trouble. He has been a teacher for 20 years and none of his students has ever had an aci But Ping did have trouble. Neither of her two parachutes** opened as she jumped, nt. yus*** when just do what I can and try not to hesitate. | | | She was already uncons she (3)______ the ground. Iwill jump again,” the (7) (4)_______ took her to the hospital. woman says. Itwas a miracle that Ping walked out of the hospital the same day! (5)__. * skyaliving: a sport where you jump from a ply opened * parachutes: things like balloons that you use when you jump out of an airplane she said that as she fell she her arms as wide as possible. have no (6) seems to... is happening on Gs + BY Talk about the stories Which story in this unit is the most surprising? Why? Which one did you like best? Why? unitit = 49 1, Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. CHICAGO, USA "Sho Yano is a genius*. He is only 12, but he is already studying medicine at the University of Chicago! He wants to become a doctor. 2Sho enjoys school. “I love to learn,” he says. Before Sho went to the university, he studied at home. His mother and father were his teachers because they could not find a school that was good ‘enough for him. *His mother taught him math. She had to study late into the night in order to, keep ahead of her son. SSho can also play the piano beautifully, and he does tae kwon do. study v math 1 medicine n in order to conj enough adv ahead ac 2. Rate the story How much diel you like it? Mark an x, Not at All ALot = a 50 unit 12 Sho grew up in C mother is Korean, and his father is Japanese. 7He says that his parents never push him. “But sometimes I pull then along!” Sho smiles. Hi mother agrees with him. “He will decide his own life,” she says. Sho dreams of fighting diseases like cancer** in the future. This intelligent young, man will surely succeed! ancer:a very serious illness that makes some cells grow too fast piano disease n grow up in the future 1 dream of v intelligent adj >> See Glossary on page 93. >> 3. Check your comprehension Cheek (W) the endings that true, a. Sho b. Sho’s pa is studying math at the university. _ were also his teachers __ dreams of fighting cancer. are Japanese and Korean, is intelli want to become doctors. n play the piano. have to push Sho. studied at home before he went to the university. ____grew up in New York. 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. a, Sho’s mother taught him m he schools were not good en. for Sho. b. She had to study hard in _ ~ of her son. of fighting d_ c. Sho d_ on . Listen to the story ° cack 24 Now listen to the story two or three tim Torrenity of these] Me” héedicat Senet ew his own G6. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story using the New Words uniti2 51 7. Answer the questions 8. 9. 52 About the story... a, What is unusual about Sho? b. What does he do when he’s not study ¢, What do you know about his parents! . What questions would you Ii About you. re you like Sho? How a £. Where did you grow up? Wh g. How much do your parents push you? 82 ike to ask Sho? 10 taught you? h. What do you want to do in the future? Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below, Gomplete the sentences so they are true for you. eels dream of ys dreaming of. b. Lhave dreamed of Sho dreams of fighting cancer in the future. | dream of being a soccer player. He has dreamed of studying in London for years. Alan dreams of traveling the world. I'm dreaming of summer! She is dreaming of a new car. for many years. €. My best friend dreams Learn word groups Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the pictures. SCHOOL SUBJECTS [ ] Nes” 0. 0) Uy a math music a. Lenjoy studying b. I don't enjoy studying [think chemistry biology geography more difficult than unit 12 history 10. Take a dictation ° « Use your own paper to wri wk 25 e the dictation. Check your answers on page 87. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. in order to intelligent in the future: ahead dreams of enough grew up Moruer Seris Home For Son’s Future CHESTER, ENGLAND Awoman has sold her home in Stockport (1)_____ send her son to ballet* school. Until recently*, living in a large, three-bedroom house. Her two sons (2) there. Then one day, her 11-year-old son, James, who loves to dance, got lucky. The smart boy won a place at the Hammond School, one of the best ballet schools in England. Morgan was happy that her son could go to the school, but she was worried. It cost $74,000 for five years. How was jleen Morgan was she going to pay? She wasn't rich (3) 1 So Morgan sold their comfortable house and everything in it. She moved her family into a small trailer***, “When you have a special child, you have to do everything to help them get (4)__"she says. Her younger son, Edward, is just as (5) as James, and he also loves to dance. He (6) following James to ballet school (7) ballet: a kind of dancing that tells a story with, music but no words. ly: mot long ago “trailer: a small house on wheels that a car ean pull © aaik about the stories How are Sho Yano’s and James Morgan's families and lives similar? How are they different? unit12 53 g Totally True Review: ries par) 1. Match the words with the pictures. 2. Write the words in the picture. grass couple blanket neighbor stereo can 54 — Review: Units 7-12 8. 10. Check (V) yes or no. Yes No a. I study very hard at school. oa b. [have over 50 CDs. oa «. Ilean my room every day, B . Lam an excellent dancer. oo ¢, Loften invite a friend to have tea or coffee. OG f. My friends don’t have stereos, and {don't either. OO g- Sometimes | throw cans in the street. oa h. My eyes as well as my hair are brown, oo Complete the sentences so they are true for you. a, I listen to the music of —___ over and ov B. I never share my with any . Lam erazy about di Teat healthy foods like —__________and e. My —_____ was less expensive than my £ I grew up g. Sometimes —___ bothers me because hI like to invite . Lam proud of j. Lalways hang my for in the closet. Fill in the chart with names of classmates. Try to write a different name in each blank. Walk around the room and ask questions such as: Do you spend a lot of time outdoors? Do you play the piano? The winner is the first person to fill in seven blanks. FIND SOMEONE WHO... a. spends a lot of time outdoors. b, plays the piano. ¢. dreams of studying medicine in the future. d. has a very clean room or apartment. e. can fix a bike. f. has felt an earthquake. g. nas a fear of insects. hn. Expects to study English for many more years. i. as pleasant neighbors. J. likes excitement. Review: Units 7-12 57 1, Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. MEXICO CITY, MEXICO ‘Like many big cities, Mexico City has a problem with crime in its subways*. @But it has found an unusual way to fight back—not with more police or bigger prisons but with books! The city is trying to make its underground stations big libraries. Javier Gonzales Garza, the head of the subway, says, “when people read, people change” 4The city has given free books to subway riders since 2004 and wants to give away millions more in the future. The city hopes that readers will return the books when they finish, but no one is checking. 6The books contain very short stories, city n problem 1 underground adj library 1 2. Rate the story How much Mark an X. Alot you li Not at All 58 unit 13 since prep give away so people can read them du ride. 7Passengers love the ide: out of our hands,” says one book volu ®The city is also putting art in some subway stations. Will books and art make the city safer and keep people out of prison? Not everyone is sure, “Maybe we'll just get more educated criminals,’ says one rider. a quick subway “The books just fly eer * subways: train systems that rum under the ground, volunteer: a person whe does a job for no money return contain v artn safe adj educated adj 7. Answer the questions About the story. a, Why is Mexico City giving away books in the subways? b. What happens if readers do not return the books? ¢, What do the baoks contai d. Do you think the city’s will work? Why or why not? About you ce. How does your city fight crime? £ What kind of books or stories do you g. Who is the best-educated person that you know? h, Has a book cl How? eto read? xd you or your id 8. Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. PROBLEM wea problem with someting | Mexico City has a problem with crime. I have a problem with my leg She has a problem with her car. be 2 (big / senous / huge) problem | Crime is a big problem in my town. Traffic is not a serious problem, Pollution is a huge problem. a. I havea problem b « problem in my city: problem here 9. Learn word groups ‘Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the picture, PLACES IN THE cITY a stadium a museum ee a. My that is very beautiful. b. We need . There my house, 60 unit 13 14a 3e-(H alti da) Water Again 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. HANALEI, HAWAIL, USA "twas early morning and Bethany Hamilton, a star surfer*, was waiting for a wave off the coast of Hawaii, The water was clear, and the waves were gentle, 2Bethany, 13, was lying on her surfboard** with her arms in the water, Suddenly, a shark*** appeared out of nowhere and bit off her left arm just below the shoulder. “The water around me was red with blood,” Bethany said later. She remained calm while her friends got her to the beach. Although she was bleeding heavily and in pain, she never cried. wave 1 coast 1. clear adj gentle adj appear v shoulder 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All ALot ( (2am: aa) aS 62 Unit 14 remain v bleed v Bethany is one of the best young surfers in the USA. $Several weeks after she lost her arm, she was smiling on TV and telling her story. “I'm lucky?” she said, “I’m alive!” 6A month after the attack, Bethany returned to the water on her surfboard. 7Friends on the beach cried when Bethany stood up on her board and rode her first wave. “Man, she's fantastic,” said a friend, “She gives people hope ‘surfer: a person who rides on waves on a board surfboard: a long board that a surfer uses ‘shark: a big fish with sharp teeth that lives in the sea painn fantastic adj attack n >> See Glossary on page 94. >> 7. Answer the questions About the story... a. What happened to Bethany? b. What did she do a month after the attack? . Why did friends cry when Bethany stood up on her board? d. What words do you think describe Bethany? About you... ¢. What would you like to say to Bethan £. Have you ever been near a dange g. What do you do at the beach’ h. Are youa calm person like Betha 8. Learn word partnerships Suidy the partnerships below, Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Bethany was in pain. terrible / a lot pain ‘She was in terrible pain. quite @ bit of The man was in quite a bit of pain. ; | pain | [didn’t feet any pain wen I broke my feo much | She didn’t feel much pain after the accident. a had an aceident and pain, b, When th to the dentist, 1 pain. «© | pain when 9. Learn word groups Complete the sentences so they are true, Use words from the picture. IN THE WATER awave a ee, a ndly to swimmers and surfers. b. loves big waves. ¢. Scuba divers and surfers have to be careful of _____ attack. 64 Unit 14 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. HEPHZIBAH, GA. USA Mr. McElmurray, a farmer, had a problem, His 300 cows were not 1g him enough milk, He often complained about it to his ten-year-old son, Daniel. The boy had an idea.“Should we play music for the cows?” he wondered. “Perhaps then they will give us more milk” 350 Daniel did an experiment. For a week he played loud rock music for the cows. But it did not help at all. #The next week the cows listened to country music, They gave only a little extra milk. 8The third week Daniel played classical music*— Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach—for the cows. They |. NEW. WORDS] farmer n enough det wonder v perhaps adv complain v should ¥ 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All Alot = 66 Unit 15 experiment r extra adj gave much more milk than before—430 kilograms more! Classical music was clearly their fav Daniel entered a school competition won first place for his experiment. 7“ guess slower, quicter music helps cows relax,” he said afterward. ®Daniel is proud that he was able to solve his father’s problem. But now there is another problem on the farm. His father does not like classical music! and * classical music: music from 18th and 19th century ** competition: a game or test that people try to win relaxv = farm solve v enter v guess v >> See Glossary on page 95. >> 3. Check your comprehension Put the sentences in the correct order. Number them 1-6. a. __ Daniel entered a school competition. b. __ He played different kinds of music for the cows for three weeks. ¢. The experiment showed that the cows prefer classical music. d. ___ Daniel’s father complained that his cows wet ¢. _ He won first place for his inter £. __ Daniel decided to try to solve his father’s problem. 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. a. Daniel’ b. He oft ce. “Per, milk,” he thought. d. He was proud that he could so___ the problem on the f__. father, a fa__ I help the cows give us 5. Listen to the story © wack 30 Now listen to the story two or three times, Look at the pictures below as you listen. LMS Cows Prefer "| ‘f CaSical, Music “7 Stowerq music helps them G. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above, Retell the story using the New Words. Unit 1S 67 7. Answer the questions About the story... a. Why did Daniel do the experiment? b. What did he learn about the cows? Does this surprise you? & What happened when Daniel entered the competition? 4. What do you think will happen on the farm in the future? About you... ¢, What is your favorite kind of music? f What ki g What competitions have you entered? h. How do you help your family? of experiments have you done? 8. Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below, Complete the sentences so they are true for you. complain about someting (: | Mr. McElmurray complained about his cows to Daniel. John complains about his job to his coworkers. 1 fke to complain about the weather. compisin | constantly My sister complains constantly about the noise et oudly Mimi complained lovaly about the food. a. 1__constantly about b, Sometimes I complain to & complained about ___tome. 9. Learn word groups Complete the sentences so they are true for you. Use words from the pictures. WAYS TO RELAX listen to eat out seeamovie takeanap takeawalk play a game music a. On Sunday b. I don't often » PHowe to ¢. Inthe evening, H often 68 Unit 1s A Cool Hotel 1. Read the story Look at the pictures on these pages. What is the story about? Now read it. Afi QUEBEC, CANADA "Do you like very cold weather? Then maybe you would like to visit the Tee Hotel in Quebec—an extraordinary hotel made of snow and ice. 2The rooms and all the furniture in them are ice. You sleep on an ice bed—in warm blankets, of course!—and sit in an ice armchair. Even the flowers and newspapers in the room are frozen. Only the bathroom has heat. *You can watch a movie in the frozen theater or; if you are thirsty, have a warm drink at the ice cafe and listen to a band. Sang-hee Ha recently visited the hotel from Seoul, Korea. “I have always seen this in my dreams,” she said, “but the real thing is unbelievable!” 6The hotel is only open for one season each year. Teach winter, about 35 builders work for six weeks to put up wood and metal walls, Then they cover everything with snow and water, which quickly harden to ice. ®In spring, this ice palace slowly disappears until nothing remains but a small lake. 0" armchair cafe dream 1 palace 1 extraordinary adj frozen adj band unbelievable adj disappear furniture 1 heat 1 recently adv season 11 2. Rate the story How much did you like it? Mark an X. Not at All Alot ) (2 yes a a 70° unit16 >> See Glossary on page 95. >> 3. Check your comprehension Match the first and second parts of the sentences. a. The Ice Hotel is open 1. heat. b. The furniture is__ 2. frozen beds. ¢. Only the bathrooms have 3. in the spring. d. In the cafe, you cau mae 4, for only ony €. Visitors sleep on 5. made of ice. £, The hotel disappears —_ 6. listen toa band, 4. Ch your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. a. The ew _ ~~ hotel in Quebec is made of snaw and i__. b. The beds and __ chairs are . You can listen to a b, d. The pal a . Listen to the story ° wack 32 Now listen to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below as you listen. IRS ea Og Ty we Bf G6. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story u g the New Words. unit16 74 10. Take a dictation © kb Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 87. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. recently furniture seasons extraordinary armchairs. lamps A High Hotel MYSORE, INDIA Would you like to sleep high up in a big tree in the jungle*? Ahotel near Mysore, Indi - has three tree houses—each 30 meters high. Visitors live in the trees with singing birds, wild monkeys*®, and other animals. The tree houses have very simple (1) two beds and two (2)__. There are also gas#** (3)____. The bathroom has a toilet The food at the hotel is wonderful. You eat everything on a banana leaf. When should you visit the hotel? The best (4)___are fall and winter because and a cold shower it rains a lot in spring and summer in the Indian jungle. Annie Brown, an American tourist, visited the hotel (5) “It'san (6) place,” she says. “But don't g0 if you're afraid of high place: “jungle: a thick forest i monkeys: hot part of the world s that can climb trees that you burn to get light gas: some BY tun about the stories Which hotel would you most like to vi in India? Why? t—the Ice Hotel in Canada or the tree house hotel unit 16 73 3. Check your comprehension Correct five mist in the story summary. Junko Tabel is @ large woman and a big hero. When she climbed Mount Everest in 1975, it was easy for her to reach her goal, Taday, Tabei still loves to swim. She says that mountains teach her how small her own problems are. Mountains are in trouble, she says, because climbers are leaving trees all over them. Tabei, the leader of a conservation program, is teaching people all over Asia to care for their lakes. 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentenees with the New Words. a, Junko Tabei,a le____ in conservation, says that mountains are in ser____ trouble. b. And the rea___? People leave tr___ behind as they climb. €. Tabei shows young people how to _____ for the mountains. . They pl___ trees and get ___ of cans, bottles, and old shoes. 5. Listen to the story ° track 34 en to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below as you listen. ‘How small my ‘own problems G. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story using the New Words. unit? 75 7. Answer the questions About the story... a. What was Taber's goal in 19752 b. What is Tabei doing now c. Why does she like to be in the mountains? 4. Would you like to climb with her? Why or why not? About you... ¢. What can you do to help the mountains, lakes, or part f. What do you do when you go to the mountains? g- Would you like to climb Mount Everest? Why or why not? h. Who are your hero you? 8. Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. each Tabei climbed on her hands and knees to reach her goal. nchieve | a goal John is sure that he will achieve his goals. | want to achieve my goal before | am 30. My goals to do something | My goal is to become a doctor. My goal is to have a restaurant in the future. a. One of my goals is to . b. Twantto my goal before Fam in the future. c. My best friend’ goal i 9. Learn word groups Complete the sentences so they are true for you, Use words from the picture. TRASH a glass bottle A scompuer Fa) PD Z ca IZ ZA a soda can \ paper 3 enapeers VS a ea bottle PETER iC a. In my trash ean, you can find and b, Sometimes | sce a person throw ‘on the street. off the street. week I picked up 76 uniti7 10. Take a dictation © wack 35 Use your own paper to write the dietation. Check your answers on page 87. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. impossible hero goal_—s serious. leader program OTTAWA, CANADA When he was six years old, Ryan Hreljac, a Canadian, was already af) to many people in Africa. How did this happen? Ryan’s story began in 1998. His teacher told the six-year-old bay and his class* that many people in Africa were dying because they had no clean water. Ryan could not stop thinking about this (2)_____ problem. He told everyone money for his (4) about it, and then he and his family began Foundation. to collect** money. Their (3) Ryan isa true (5) who tells was to build a water well*** in Africa. children that they can change the world. Ryan collected enough money and built “Nothing is (6) ___ "he says. the well, but he did not stop there. He spoke “Anyone can do anything. It doesn't matter to schoolchildren, collected more money, who you are.” and built even more wells. About 150,000 = more people in Africa now have clean water. cus grsup or ennARER HKG ean Lage? These days Ryan is a serious student + collect: take things from different people and with a lot of schoolwork. But in his free time pal ta soeeth Ira deep hole for getting water from u he travels around the world to collect more the ground BY cane about the stories Imagine that you and a partner are Junko Tabei and Ryan Hreljac. You are meeting for the first time. Tell each other about your lives. Unit 17 77 3. Check your comprehension Cheek (W) the endings that are true. a. Bill Gates b. His house has — lives in New York. — has many computers in his home. II his bath while in the ear, na mar . —apool. 4. Check your vocabulary Complete the sentences with the New Words. a When Bill Gates i b. When he nw his ean he ean f ath with water and the temperature. gets near the entrance to his house, the g___ opens just before his arr. cc. When Gates en___ swim underwater. d. Dave s music pl P. s that we will all liv smart house soon, 5. Listen to the story © track 36 Now listen to the story two or three times. Look at the pictures below as you listen, ay Ss G6. Retell the story Cover the story and look at the pictures above. Retell the story ising the New Words. unit 1 79 7. Answer the questions About the story... a, What controls Gates’ smart house b. What happens as Gates walks around his hou: 6 How is Gates’ house different from yours? 4. In your opinion, what is the best thing about Gates’ house? About you... ¢. Would you like to live in a smart house? Why or why not? f. What other things do you know about Bill Gates? g. What extraordinary changes do you think we h. Are you looking forward to them? Why or why not? n the future? 8. Learn word partnerships Study the partnerships below. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. LOOK FORWARD TO Jong someting | We ean all look forward to living in a smart house. | Look forward to meeting you I'm looking forward to starting college next year. something She's fooking forward to her trip. We're really looking forvard to the party! L always look forward to the weekend. look forward to a. [always look forward to going b. 1___ looking forward to__ next weekend. ¢. I'm not looking forward 9. Learn word groups Complete the sente A MANSION s so they are true for you. Use words from the picture. a. My house or apartment has but doesn't have b. L would like to have c. [don't need 80 Unit 18 10. Take a dictation © (rach 37 Use your own paper to write the dictation. Check your answers on page 87. 11. Complete the story Use the words from the box to complete the story. arrival controls. entrance temperature garage automatically = lawn A FUN HOME PALOS HILLS,ILL,USA Ben Skora, 69, is an extraordinary inventor*. He has built himself a “house of the future.” Although the house is not large, it is fantastic. Everything in it works by itselfthe doors, the toilets, the music, the room (1)__ and the furniture. Skora (2) everything with his cell phone. work everything in the house even when I'm in Tokyo,” he says. can On your {3)___ the first fantastic thing you see is the (4)___ to Skora’s house. Arok the robot cleans Skora’s carpet It looks like something from the next and waters his (6) century. A small, round door opens ‘Skora builds everything in his — anda talking robot**, (7) People say that he Arok, is there to say hello and bring isa genius. “But my family.” says Skora you a drink “thinks I'm craz; Skora can move his walls with his cell "inventor: nakes or thinks of person w phone. His chairs can speed around the room. In the bathroom, an arm comes work like 4 person: : soap: something that you use with water out of the wall to give you soap***, for washing. one Talk about the stories How are the houses of Bill Gates and Ben Skora similar? How are they different? Which one would you like to live in? Why? unit 18 81 3. - Are the sentences true or false? Check (s) the correct box. TF oa oa | oa oa oo a. Spring and summer are seas b. Computers control many things. . New York City is on the Pacific Coast. 4. A library contains books. e. The sun appears at night and disappears in the morning. £ Anarmehair isa piece of furniture. Circle the item that completes each sentence. a, Pm using Hideaki’s bike today and plan to___it tomorrow. 1, remain 2. return 3. promise 4. enter b. The __ of the palace is very beautiful. 1. entrance 2. arrival 3. coast 4. underground . There is no__ in the building; it's so cold! 1. ice 2. pain 3. heat 4. temperature 4d, Sam’s__is to goto college, 1. goal 2, hero 3. attack gate -¢. My trip to the Great Wall of China was ! 1. extra 2. heat 3. clear 4. extraordinary Match the words with the definitions. a. unbelievable to make things or people do what you want b. wonder everywhere <. guess very cold, like ice d. control ___ = very surprising or unusual ¢. allover to give an answer when you do not know if it is right aw f. frozen to ask yourself something Review: Units 13-18-83 8. Check (¥) yes or no. Yes No a. [often complain about the temperature, oo b, I cared for a child recently. oa Eh oo e. [ feel safe in my cit oo f. Like to solv us problems, oa g. Live ona farm. oo hh. I relax in front of the TV most evenings. oad i. T usually . oo j. I would like to live ina p: oo 9. Complete the sentences so they are true for you. a. [thi is famtasti b. Perhaps I should get c. My hero is favorite band is @. [was ina lot of pa £. It is impossible for me to and buy a new one. & | look forward to in the fate. be tthink is avery gentle person. in the chart with names of classmates. Try to write a different name in each blank. Walk around the room and ask questions such as: Would you like to live on a farm? Do you Tike art? The winner is the first person to fi in seven blanks. FIND SOMEONE WHO. @. WOUIK like to live. ona farm. b. likes art. Cc. often plants flowers. d. is in a band or wants to be. €. likes to relax in cafes. f. gives away old clothes. g. wants to become a world leader. n. loves cold temperatures. i. likes to do experiments. J. wants to become very educated. Review: Units 13-18 85 = a Unit 11 When the earthquake hit, the brave woman was in bed. ‘Many blankets covered her and kept her ali week. When rescuers reached her, there was so much excitement! They did not expect her to be alive, Soon afterward, the woman asked for tea Unit 12 Sho is only 12, but he is already studying at the university: Medicine and biology are two of his school subjects. This intelligent boy dreams of becoming a doctor in order to fight diseases like cancer, Sho loves school, but he also plays sports and the piano, Unit 13 Crime a huge problem in many cities. Mexico City ‘wants to make its subways safer. Since 2004, the city y free books and has put art in the stations. The passengers love the new underground libraries! The city thinks that educated people will stay away from crime, Unit 14 ‘The attack happened! sueldenly. Bethany was lying on her surfboard with her arms in the water. The water ss clear and gentle of nowhe! although she w: she is fantastic. Then the shark appeared out ind bit her arm. Bethan calm that in terrible pai Unit 15 Daniel's father, a farmer, had a problem with his cows, He offen complained about it to Daniel, The boy solved the problem. He did an experiment and showed that 1 music. 1 helps them relas, and so extra milk cows like clas they give a lot of Unit 16 The beds, dressers, and armchairs in the Ice Hotel are all frozen. Av said it was unbelievable hotel in her itor from Kor She said that she traordin dream td ‘The palace is only open for the winter season, appears in the spring. Unit 17 Junko Tabei love is that the mountains, ‘The reason, she say teach her many things. As a leader i she teaches people to care for them, conservatio She plants tr and gets like soda cans and plastic bottles. Her goal is to keep mountains clean. n the mou id of trash Unit 18 Bill G computers. Before his arrival home, the gate to his Uriveway opens, He ean also fill his bath to a perfect temperature, Would you like to live ina smart house? We ean alll look forward to having one in the future, es controls everything in his house with 87 ih metal 11 gold and silver are examples of metals it work official 1 a person who does importa check ¥ to look at someone or something to see that itis right or good coin 1 a round piece of money that is made of metal search v to lock carefully to find something let v toallow someone to do something pass to go past someone or something board r to get ona plane, hip, bus, or train several adj more than two, but not many stomachache 1 when your stomach hurts instrument n a thing that you use for doing a special job operation 1 cutting open a person's body to take out or fi a part inside surprised adj feeling or showing surprise perfect adj very good, with nothing wrong 88 © Glossary guard 1 a person who keeps someone or someth out of danger take care of to look after someone or somethings do what is nece sary owner n a person who example, home owner ora car owner be responsible for v to be the person who must do something plenty of 1 a lot neighborhood 11 a part of a town idea 11 a thought or plan in your head extremely adv very boot 1 a heavy shoe that comes above your ankle step 11 when you move your foot up and put it down in another place, you take a step clearly adv without a doubt; certainly study ¥ to look at something carefully almost ad nearly scare v to make someone afraid hunt y to look for and animals as a sport lake » a body of water that is smaller than a sea mud 1 soft, wet dirt become 1’ to change and begin to be something different scared adj afraid save v to take somec danger e or something away from suceess 11 doing well or getting what you want engine 1 a machine that makes something move beable tov can; to have the power to do something helicopter 1 a kind of small airplane that can go straight up and down in the sky safely adv without danger one by one adr first one and then the next basket 1 a container that you use to carry or hold things mess 1 something dirty or a big problem pilot 1 a person who flies an airplane or a helicopter 90 Glossary cool (informal) adj great in-line skate 11 a shoe with wheels in a line on the bottom lovely adj beautiful or ve nice police officer 1» a policeman or policewoman speed ¥ to go or move very fast look out ¥ to be careful chase v to run behind someone and try to catch th catch up with v to move qui are not behind someone skate ¥ to move on skates in shape ady in good health flat adj smooth; with no part higher or lower than the rest seriously adv very badly tourist 1 a person who visits a place on vacation less adv not as much join v to beeome part of a group kindness 1 being nive and good to people spread 10 move to other places pleasant adj nice, joyable, or friendly excellent adj very good | bother ¥ to do something that other people don't like neighbor 1 a person who lives near you turn down v to make a stercoya TYyete, quieter | stereo n a machine for playing CDs (or cassettes) invite v to ask someone to come to something like a party, dinner, or movie share r to give part of something you have to other people throw 1 to move your arm to send somethin through the air pick up v to take and lift something congratulate ¥ to tell someone that you are happy about something they have dor calm aelj quiet; without much wind outdoors adv outside, not in a building grass 1 a plant with thin green leaves that covers fields and wns, apartment 1 a group of rooms that you live in, ina larger building blanket 11 something that keeps you warm in a bed hesitate ¥ to stop fora short time before you do something be uuse you are not sure about it as conj while; at the same time over and over adv many times wide add \$ far or as much as possible back and forth adv first one way and then the yt other, m: nes be proud of ¥ to be pleased about som you or others have done hing that chief 1 a person who isat the head of a group Glossary 91 over prep more than earthquake 1 a sudden, strong shaking of the ground fear 1 the feeling that you have when you are afraid brave adj ready to do dangerous or difficult things hout fear century 1 one hundred years give up ¥ to stop trying rescuer 11 a person who saves someone from danger expect r to think that something will happen reach v to arrive somewhere excitement the feeling of being excited afterward ac later cover ¥ to be over or on top of something study ¥ to spend time learning about something medicine # the science that tries to understand illness and make sick people well again enough adv’ as much as you need math 1 the study of numbers in order to conj so that you can do something ahead adv in front of someone or something piano 1 a big musical instrument that you play by hitting black and white keys grow up v to change from a child to an adult dream of v to hope for something nice disease 1 an illness in the future 1 in the time that will come intelligent adj able to think and learn qui Glossary 93. farmer 11 a person who takes care of a farm enough det as muchas you need complain to say that you do not like something should v a word that you use to ask of tell someone what is the right thing to do wonder to ask yourself somethi perhaps acl maybe ma experiment 1 some nd out what will happen 1g you do to extra cudj more than what is usual enter v to give your name to someone because you want to do something like take a test or be in a competition guess to givean answer when you do nat know if itis right relax 1 to be calms to rest solve ¥ to find the answer toa problem farm 1 land and buildings where people keep animals and grow food er aL) ice 1 water that is hard because it is very coll extraordinary adj very unusual or strange furniture 1 tables, chairs, beds, et armehair 1 a big, soft chair with arms frozen adj very cold, like ice; something that is frozen cannot move heat #1 something that makes a place warm. cafe 1 a place where you can havea drink and something small to

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