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Human Rights Project

1. Choose an Article to research from The Universal Declaration

of Human Rights.
2. What does it mean? What does it not mean? Answer these
questions both in writing and with a picture. Fill out handout
on the Article you have been assigned. If you need to use
another piece of paper to get all of your information
included, you may.
3. Do we have this right in the United States currently?
a. If so, when did we gain this right in the United States?
b. How did we gain this right? What happened in history
to allow us to gain this right?
4. Do other countries have this right currently? Why or why
5. What can we gain from knowing more about this right we
have or should have?
6. What positive action can we take to ensure this right is
granted to all citizens today?

Complete all the steps and answer all of the questions above. You
must use at least two different types of sources (electronic or
books) to find your information. You must depict what your Article
is about either electronically (creating a powerpoint or video) or
on poster board. You will present your research to the class, I will
be videoing the presentations.

Your project will be graded with the attached rubric. You will also
be getting a daily grade for what you accomplish each day.

Standards we are working on:

RI.5.4 RI.5.7 RI.5.9 W.5.2 W.5.4 W.5.6
W.5.7 W.5.8 W.5.9 SL.5.1 SL.5.4
What does the Article  

What does the Article not  


Why is it significant?  

Why was there a need for  

this Article to be included
in the UDHR?

Do we currently have this  

right as citizens in the
United States?
If so, when did we gain  
this right?

What happened in history  

to allow us to gain this

Are there other countries  

that currently do not
have this right? Why?

What can we gain from  

knowing more about this

What positive action can  

we take to ensure this
right is granted to all
citizens today?
1   2   3  

  The  team  did  not   Only  some  of  the   You  shared  
  work  together   team  members  did   responsibilities,  
  well.  You  did  not   not  have  a  role  in   you  assigned  roles,  
Teamwork   help  each  other.   the  project,  you   you  helped  each  
You  did  not   helped  each  other   other,  you  
encourage  each   some,  but  also  had   encouraged  each  
other.   conflict.   other.  
  I  do  not   You  defined  the   You  defined  the  
  understand  what   Article,  but  did  not   Article  clearly  
  the  article  means.   use  BOTH  words   using  both  words  
Defined  the  Article   and  pictures.  I   and  pictures.  I  
somewhat   understand  what  
understand  what   the  article  IS  and  
the  article  means.   what  it  is  NOT.  
  You  did  not   You  completed   You  completed  all  
  complete  the  form.   most  of  the  blanks   of  the  blanks  on  
  Answers  you  did   on  the  form.  Most   the  form.  All  
Completed  form   provide  are  not   of  the  answers   answers  were  
complete.   were  thorough,  but   thorough  and  
there  is  some   make  sense.  
  The  visual  is   The  visual  is  nice,   The  visual  you  
  messy.  It  does  not   but  not  very  easy   created  is  neat  and  
  include  all  of  the   to  understand.   easy  to  read.  All  of  
  information   Some  of  the   your  information  
Visual   necessary  to   information  is   is  included  in  the  
understand  the   included,  but  it  is   visual.  
article.   missing  some  
information  as  

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