Basics of Java

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BASICS OF JAVA Public class classname ATUL Kum aR(LINKED IAL). is NOTES GALLERY (TELEURAM ) jeThe Main Method _ l@Public Static void Main (), e Pylnt text = Susrem. out. printin (“Hetlo Woyld”) 5 Data types int, chay, Float, double , void , bool. le comments @// single ine comments /* multiline coerament Text | ® Axithmatic operators et-( Addition), —(Subtvaction), *(Mmultipiication), / (division) le Reiarto Operaroy. 2 = (less than ov equal to), < Cress than), > (greater than), >= (gveater than or eyial to), ==( equal to © Logical Opeyator 71! (logical OR), &%&( togical AND) , | Ctogical Nor), © Foy Loop | For ( statement 1; statement 2; Statement 3) e While Loop —__I] code block. AIOTES GALCeRy (TELEGRAM, o If - else ® §€ ( condiHon ) ! C II Code of False candition. a je Ayray i» Il declave aryat Tees ers @ Swi h @ Switch ( expression) € case vatue L: I) Code to be executed break; “Care value 2: !) Continue default: Hl Code to be executed If all the cases ave not matched. a MOTES GALLERY (TELELRAM)| je File Methods ~ _l-} CanRead C) 2] CreatenewFile() “S| Canwivite () 4] existcl ) S|} gerniame C ) & Put goss QetabsoiurePath () B/ length € ) “ list C) 10-1 MKdty( ) jo Cveg € 9 CIQSS * fl a Class With name “main” With variable x. public class Maln £ o create of name Myobj". ic class main © e NIOTES GALLERY (TELEGRAM), © T/o Operators Sustem.out: srand@rd output Stream. - me 2-] 2 Standard input stream. 3. System. ery: Standard eryor stream.

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