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Nommensen Journal of English Studies (NoJES)

Volume1, Number 1, October 2020



Titin Tarigan1 ), Shintya Sirait 2)Juni Simanungkalit 3) and Ega Sibarani 4 )
English Department , university of HKBP Nommensen
English Department , university of HKBP Nommensen
English Department , university of HKBP Nommensen
4) English Department , university of HKBP Nommensen


Listening is a skill that must be mastered by language students because it is the basis for
communicating. music is one media to improve listening skill and easy to increase their
vocabulary in answer the exercise with fill the blank. The sample of this research was class IX
which consisted of 20 Students. The researcher used random sampling to choose the sample. This
research used one group pre-test and post-test design. it is one of the research designs in
experimental research. The pre-test was given before treatments, while post-test was given after
students taught treatments using songs. The instruments used in this research were tests; they
were pre-test and post-test. The data analysis method is descriptive both for qualitative data and
for quantitative data. The results obtained from this study are that using media music can
improve students’ activity and learning achievement. This is evident from the results obtained in
Cycle I is 6.3 for learning achievement. From Cycle I to Cycle II it increased to 7.9 for
learning achievement. The conclusion from this research is that the Audio-Visual learning model
can improve learning achievement.

Keywords: listening ,Teaching Listening, music, class IX

I. INTRODUCTION andreading, which can directlyobserved. But
very few people seethat one's language
Teaching English language skills in Indonesia, abilityactually also determined by his ability to
listening(listening) is one of the skills that are understand spoken language(listening ability).A
considered difficult but neglected,when person's ability to understand spoken language
compared to skillsother languages, such as is one of the important factors in learning a
speaking,reading and writing. This is due language, because in fact in everyday life the
tobecause in teaching English inteacher schools most language activities a person does are
tend to prioritize teaching speaking, reading and language activities.
reading skillswrite (writing). Besides this
conditionexacerbated by public assessmentwho Music is something we all have an opinion
think that if someoneable to speak well, then the about and that we all have a relationship to. We
thingit is a reflection that peopleis also able to listen to music in different places through our
communicate withgood. Ability to talk togood is everyday lives. We even choose to include
an important component insuccessful various kind of music in our most important
communication, but good listening skills are occasions in life such as funerals, weddings and
alsoimportant component of communication. In celebrations. Nancy and Ron Brown (1997)
the community there arethe notion that mean that if music is constantly present in our
someone's successin communication is society, why not use it in language teaching?
determined byability to speak. Theyfocused on a
There are almost endless ways of incorporating
belief thatsomeone who learns languages
music into the curriculum. Themes can be built
especiallyforeign language can be seen or
around different songs, learners can use songs to
measured fromability to speak, write

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Nommensen Journal of English Studies (NoJES)
Volume1, Number 1, October 2020

memorize information and story writing can be 3. Teach a Variety of Tasks

inspired by songs (Brown & Brown, 1997). 4. Always Consider the Authenticity
and Difficulty of The Materia
2.3 Music in Language Learning
2.1 Teaching Listening The impact of including music in language teaching
Teaching is directing and facilitating has been investigated in several studies around the
learning, and language learning depends on world and many researchers have achieved positive
listening. Listening provides the aural input results. There are, for example, benefits based on
using the rhythm that the music provides to achieve
that serves as the basis for language
the inflow of speech. The singing method has long
acquisition and enables learners to interact in
been used to treat medical conditions such as
spoken communication. The effective language stuttering and Parkinson's disease (Wan et. al.,
teachers show students how they can adjust 2010). Batista (2008) means, “Other relevant” The
their listening behavior to deal with a variety reason for using songs in the classroom is because
of situations, types of input, and listening songs are one of the best ways to teach a foreign
purposes. They help students develop a set language. As a result, they can develop and integrate
of listening strategies and match appropriate the four basic skills: reading, writing, listening and
strategies for each listening situation. Nunan speaking, in a natural and harmonious way in the
(2003) defines listening as an active, language classroom” (p.158). Teachers can also use
meaningful process of making sense of what we music to set, for example, a calm, creative or
focused atmosphere in the classroom. This can be
hear. Contrary to the common belief that
done by adding certain background music during
listening is a passive skill and it is usually
exercise (Batista, 2008).
categorized as a receptive skill; listening is
actually a very active skill. When someone 2.4 Music and Learning
listens to something, he does not only obtain When looking at music and its impact on
information but also reacts to the information learners, it has been noticed inprevious studies
by relating or contradicting the new that young children hear music in other ways
information with the existed or prior than adults. For example,Paquette and Reig
information. (2008) write about a boy who was “caught”
dancing around with his umbrella. He said he
2.2 The Principles of Teaching Listening was listening to the music of the rain. By
Listening strategies are techniques or activities studying children with literacy difficulties the
that contribute directly to comprehension. research duo found that no matter what kind of
Listening strategies can be classified by how musical genre children listen to, or if they
the listener processes the input. There are compose music of their own, it will help as well
some principles that must be considered when as speaking (Paquette & Reig, 2008). Elissa
a teacher wants to teach the listening skill, Seeman (2008) means that it would be foolish
Nunan (2003) proposed the principles as not to take advantage of the “musical
follows: soundscape” the children are in.
1. Expose Students with Different
Ways of Information Processing III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
System The researcher uses listening test as the
2. Expose Students to Different Type instrument of the study for the pre-test and post-
of Listening test. The content of the test is multiple – choice,
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Nommensen Journal of English Studies (NoJES)
Volume1, Number 1, October 2020

the test contained 20 questions and it is applied music has succeeded in improving students'
to pre-test and post-test with different content. ability to forge knowledge as expected. music
The students are given 45 minutes to finish the is a suitable model for students if the teacher
pre-test and post test. Data collection wants them to have the ability to create,
techniques, students' listening skills were argue, express opinions straight forwardly,
measured by giving a listening test. The test exchange ideas, argue, considering the use of
consists of pre-test and post-test. Pre-test and this method is to cultivate students' intellectual
post-test were given to both classes. Both tests abilities, encourage students to be able to
were used to determine the effectiveness of the find themselves, place students on a central
treatment given to students. Pre-test was given position and strive so that students do not
at the first meeting. It aims to see and measure learn by memorizing. The results of this study
students' listening skills before using audio- turned out to have the main effect that the model
visual aids. While the post-test aims to see and applied in the learning process had a significant
measure students' listening skills after the effect on student achievement. These findings
teaching and learning process. Post-test was prove that the teacher has chosen the right
given at the last meeting after treatment. There method in carrying out the learning process
after obtaining the students' pre-test and post- because the method selection is something that
test, the scores were compared cannot be ruled out. The English subject
focuses on its studies on cognitive, affective
IV. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION and psychomotor aspects as a guide for
students' abilities, both thoughts, behaviour and
4.1 Cycle I test results
visuals occupy an important place because
The results of the multiple-choice test, the
they can activate students optimally. From the
average value in cycle I was 5.7 in the first
scores obtained by the students, more than half
session and 6.9 in the second session,
of the students got a score of 8.5, 13
although it was not perfect. These results
students got an intermediate score of 8. From
indicate an increase in students' ability to
the comparison of these scores, it can be
master English subjects,especially listening
believed that student achievement can be
skills. The results of learning achievement tests
improved by using the media music.
in cycle I have shown the effect of using the
method influences student achievement, in this
case using the media music give the impact to
the student .This is in accordance with the 5.1 Conclusion
results of the meta-analysis of learning The results of the multiple-choice test, the average
methods conducted by Soedomo which states score of students in cycle I was 5.7 in the first
session and 6.9 in the second session, indicating that
that the learning methods applied by a teacher
the students had mastered the material being taught
influence their learning achievement. even though they were not perfect. These results
4.2 Cycle II test results indicate an increase in students 'ability to master
The results obtained from the learning English subjects, especially in listening skills when
compared with the students' initial scores.
achievement test in cycle II showed that the
students' ability to take lessons was good 5.2 Suggestions
enough. This is evident from the student's As is well known, English subjects focus on
average score of 7.5 in session 3 and 8.3 in learning on cognitive, affective, and psychomotor
session 4. These results indicate that using the aspects as guidelines for the behaviour of students'
daily lives. To solve existing difficulties, the use
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Nommensen Journal of English Studies (NoJES)
Volume1, Number 1, October 2020

of this method can help students to be creative,

act actively, exchange ideas, issue opinions, ask
questions, discuss, argue, exchange information
and solve problems that exist together with
members of the discussion group. This is what
makes students think sharper, more creatively
and critically so that they can solve complex
problems and the next effect is that students will be
able to understand and absorb English subjects
further. The remaining obstacle that needs to be
discussed is the learning achievement achieved in
cycle I has not met expectations in accordance
with the demands of English lessons in this
institution, namely 7.5. Therefore, further
improvement efforts still need to be made so that
more careful planning is needed for the cycle next

Batista, J. S. (2008). Music and song: a
learning tool. Diálogos Pertinentes -
Revista Científica de Letras, 4(4), 155-
Brown, N., Brown, R. (1997). Use songs to
teach. Reading &Writing Quarterly, 13(4),
349- 354.
Brown, Steven. (2006). Teaching
Listening. Cambridge University Press

J. Elliot, Action research for educational

change, McGraw-Hill: Education (UK) 1991

Tri. (2017). The Influence of Listening English

Song to Improve Listening Skill in
Listening Class. Academia, Vol. 1
No. 1,
Januari- Juni 2017 ISSN: 2579-9703 (P) |
ISSN: 2579-971.

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Volume1, Number 1, October 2020

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