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Summary of Internal Key Findings

The following significant conclusions came from a thorough examination of Supercity Realty
Development Corporation internal environment:

1. Key Findings and Issues based on Value Chain Analysis

Primary Activities:

The safety of its building sites and the affordability of its projects are both aspects of the
construction process at Megawide Supercity Realty Development. Additionally, it keeps a
concrete facility, a prefabrication system that is economical, and other resources that are used to
satisfy customers, offer high-quality goods and services, and speed up the construction process.
Also, the company has several licenses, which gives it advantages when it comes to tenders.
Preparing project costs quickly and efficientyly is made possible by the system.

Supercity Realty Development Corporation is also essential in supporting the economy’s

recovery from covid-19. Through ongoing training and growth, the organization is committed to
preserving and enhancing the level of knowledge of its staff.

Support Activities;

Because they are not reliant on one or a small number of suppliers, the company purchases its
building supplies from a variety of regional vendors. Also, SRDC makes sure that the BQ
database is updated with the cost of labor and building supplies.

A sizeable share of the fixed assets that are connected to construction and other site-based
machinery are owned by SRDC. The business has been leasing its construction machinery on an
operating lease. It continues to lease its significant land development and construction machinery
on a project-by-project basis. A lease is a legal agreement that grants the right to use an item for
a specific amount of time in exchange for money. A specified asset is included in the SRDC
contract, either implicitly through the contract language or explicitly by the provision of the asset
to the company.

The effects of COVID-19 have significantly impacted SRDC's operations, forcing a temporary
office shutdown and construction activities in 2020. To mitigate the risks of disasters to its
operations, SRDC is putting together a business continuity strategy and doing scenario modeling.
In spite of this, the SRDC has improved its operations by using contemporary building
technologies, particularly the Steel Wall Form, T-joist systems, and MegaSystem. These
technologies enable the corporation to operate its management information systems and mass
home development projects successfully and efficiently.
2.Key Findings and Issues based on Risk Analysis and Strengths and Weaknesses

To ascertain whether these qualities are taken into account in the company's current operations, it
is necessary to determine SRDC's strengths. With this, the business can concentrate on them and
create a competitive edge over its rivals. For more than 20 years, SRDC has been offering
building services. They have taken advantage of the numerous chances this has provided to
solidify their market position, build a solid reputation, and establish their competitive advantages
over their rivals and new entrants. However, it is unavoidable for a business to have flaws and
run the danger of operational problems. One of the strength of this is it implements cost saving
measures. With also the use of Use of Steel Wall Form System and T-joist System made it
possible. However, due to covid-19, additional administrative costs for the health and safety of
employees occurred. The business was established in 2000 and has since been providing loyal
customers with excellent service. This demonstrates their reliability as a subcontractor and
construction business. Even though this company provides satisfying service quality, this
business is not the only one who has established a great consumer relationship and built their
image and reputation toward their customers. SRDC should be able to keep an eye on its
competitors and learn to adapt quickly in changes of environment. While having many suppliers
has its benefits, there are also some drawbacks that can be seen as the company's weakness. One
of these weakness are having difficulty in forming relationship with suppliers and also difficulty
in managing control. This company has a lot of strengths which could give a competitive edge
towards other competitors however it should also be wary of its weaknesses. These will serve as
its critical success factors and will eventually give a competitive advantage.

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