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Lesson 7.

Applications of Functions


A. Give the definition of linear and quadratic function in terms of formula and
geometric meaning.

A linear function, expressed as f(x) = mx + b, is represented in a graph through

displaying two points in a rectangular coordinate system and then linking them with
straight lines. On the other hand, a quadratic function, which is represented as f(x)
= ax2 + bx + c, has a graph that is a parabola sporting an opening that can either
be on an upward or a downward direction.

B. Define exponential function

An exponential function is illustrated as f(x) = b x. The base is represented as b; in

this case its value should be greater than zero and not equal to one. Meanwhile, x
can have its place taken by any real number.

C. Define logarithmic function

A logarithmic function is the inverse of an exponential function. It is illustrated as

y=logbx, where the base b has to be greater and not equal to 1, and the y can be
any real number that is x = by.

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