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1. Which two soft skills do you believe are your strengths? Why?

My two soft skills that I believe are my strengths are communication and Problem
solving and Critical thinking. These are my two soft skills that I believe are my strengths
because I have never had problems communicating with people or solving my own
problems and searching for answers to questions I have.

2. Which two soft skills do you believe are your weakness? Why?

Teamwork and Networking have always been my two soft skills that are my weaknesses.
This is because creating a team or working with a group of people has been always
difficult for me. When I work with groups, there are these kinds of people that do not do
anything, and this is what makes me stress a lot about teamwork and networking.

3. Which soft skill would you like to improve on the most? Why?

I would like to improve teamwork because I think that working in a team is especially
important. Working in a team can make improvements on your work, we can apport
different ideas or conclusions.

4. How would you go about improving on your soft skills?

I will try to make them work at secondary school. For example, I will try to be
professional with my work and projects. I will also try to have a better communication
with my schoolmates and do better TeamWorks with them.

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