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AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER S SX-1280 SERVICE MANUAL OMmoONeEeRr Sx-1280 MODEL 5X-1280 COMES IN FOUR VERSIONS DISTINGUISHED AS FOLLOWS: 190, 120V. 2300 NOTICE © This service manual is applicable to the KU.and! KE types 10 the § and $/G types, please rafer to page BY CONTENTS 1. SPECIFICATIONS .... i = 2. CONNECTION DIAGRAM , 5 3. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES patstiivcree pox Faitacer 7 4, LEVEL DIAGRAM cic Rao 10 5 BLOCK DIAGRAM n 6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS 61 Tuner Section 3 e 62 AF Section... ccs z “ 8:3 Powor Supply Cireuit - : 16 64 Protection Circuit ite a 7, DISASSEMBLY ee am ; 18 8. PARTS LOCATION B.1 Front Panel View : eee 2 82 Front View with Panel Removed a 83 Top View peesvesenjae 84 Bottom View 2 85 Rear Panel View 24 9 DIAL CORD STRINGING 28 10. ADJUSTMENTS 10.1 FM Tuner Fs . a 12 AMTuner... 2... See eenaeE ce 10.3. Powor Amplifier oo... esc ee g 30 104 Meter Amplifier 0.2... c0eevece ses bseeccceuceeceseeas fs 30 11. EXPLODED VIEWS i preeal V2 internal Part =... sone) 12. PACKING ....... peataetera rad tseenentoeas se 4 13. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, P.C.BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST 13.1 Schernatie Diagram and Miscoltaneous Parts ooo... ee ese peeveee VBZ_—Tumar Asstmbly (AWED92) cece 13.3. Microphone Jack Assombly (GWM-10B) 0.22.2. 134 Cartridge Lond Assembly (GWSAS) ee 13.5 Function Switch Assembly (GWS:1331 sicet Eaaber 13.6 EQ. Amplifier Ascambly (AWE-031) . 0.05.0 .00000 000000020 13.7 Flat Amptifier Assembly (AWG:-060) ... 128 Tone Amplifier Asrombly (AWG-O59) 6.6.05. c ccc ce é 13.9. Filter Amplifier Assembly {AWM-119) 0. ..00000cceveveverecceveveeecese 13.10 Power Amplifier Assomisty (AWH.074) 13.11 Resistor Assembly (AWX-127) ,.... 13.12 Meter Amplifier Assembly (AWM.121) 13.13 Power Supply Assembly [AWR-157). 13.14 “Fuse Assembly (AWX-126) or (AWX-139) 13.18 Protection Circuit Assambly (AWMAI2Z8) ADDITIONAL SERVICE MANUAL VW. SPECIFICATIONS... 26.0 cece cece siveeveseieee Rehasierenl 2 CONTRAST OF MISCELLANEOUS PARTS iaeseanaeeenner 2 EXPLODED VIEW menue caer BM 4. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, F.C, BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST 43) Schematic Didgren..ceccesccetasesenssvevsncsasves saactn ses OS 4.2 BP Connector Assembly (AWK-O62) 028 enone eee 4.3 Fuse Assembly (AWX-134) Rees -88 NOTH: + Fuse amenity (AW:C:/26) le applictite to the KU tz. an ANE (HH i for thw RO type 1. SPECIFICATIONS Semiconductors FETs 5 ies 6 Transisiry a Dicdes 30 Power Amplifier Section’ Continuous power output of 185 watts" per channel, min., at 8 ohms from 20 Hertz to 20,000 Hertz with no more than 0.03% total harmonic distortion, Total Harmonic Distortion (20 Herts to 20,000 Hette) Continuous Kated Power Qulput Ni tore than 0.03% 90 watts Ber che! poner ‘output, ohn Ne | watt per chan power ‘output, # obi Noo more unan 0.01% Inerrnodulation Distortion ($0 Herz: 7,000 Hertz = 4:1] Continuous Rated Power Quiput No more than 0.01% 0 watt ser ehasnel power ‘output, 8 ohm 1 watt per channel power ‘ouaput, 8 ohm Frewuency Reapome Input Sersitvity/Innpedance br ‘No raoce that 0.008% POWER AMP IN 1VFS0 kilobroy Output SPEAKERS ABC AME BC.CoA, Darypine Factor {20 Herts to 20,000 Hest2, 8 oa) uo Hurn and Noise (IHF, short-circuited, A Netseork). 105d Preamplifier Section Input (Senwitviny/Impedanice} PHONO | Z5mV/S0 kitotene Catridge loud feupacitanee) 100, 200, 100, 400 PHONG 2 2 4mV/S0 kilohme Mic PSm¥/40 kiohary AUX 1544 ?30 kiln TAPE PLAY 1 1 Sri ¥?50 kates TAPE PLAY 2 1 Stias¥/50 bilby PRION Overtoua Level (MMe; TM.D; 0.0380) PHONO 1, 2 Ourput Lewetllmpodanes TAPE REC I TAPE REC 2 PRE OUT Taal hey Resporrs PHONOIRLSA raaleat » N00 40.208 Sx-1280 BASS, sera (| OOH) main contrat 1 5a |SOH) wat conta TREBLE +1088 (10kHA) main coiinol 42340 20kHe) sub coma Fitter Low ISH AT2ABioet| wich santa (1 nines Contour (Volume control set at 40u0 position) ‘68 (100eE), lh (108M) Hum and Nove {HE short-circuited, A Network) HONG, sed6 AUK. TAPE PLAY 9568 Martin ~20uB FM Tuner Section Usable Sensitivity MONO. 91848 (170) Soaft Quinting Sersitivity Mowo, pazanei2auy) STEREO ‘etl (34V) ‘Salto: Moise Ratio ba 78am). STEREO: Tau (au 63087) MONO. oat STEREO Tha. Distortion (a 9889) Wale MONO/STERED 0.1% /0.285 IkHe MONO/STEREO 0, (6/0. 15 GkHe MONO/STEREO 0.130. Frequency Response OF to 15,000tHe Capture Ratio fu ae Alternate Chavet Selectivity NO Spuriour Respome Ratio 100s we Resporne Rati "90a IF Resporve Ratio 10a ‘As Suppraion Ratio Sse ‘Muting Threshoa (9.208 (4) Stereo Separation... $0d (iki), 3548 (30H ~ 1 Sidr Subcarrier Product Ratio 5B SICA Relection Ratio, fi ‘Antenna Input 300 ohn balanced 25 ohne untali AM Tuner Section Seoshiity (IHF, Ferrite anterha) 300V IH” Ext. antenna 1 Selectnity vou o- Naive i Image Respofse Rats 1 UF Respanse Ra stats Miscellaneous ower Requiersents aV bole Power Comumption 430W (UL), roddvA {CSA Dimemions (W) & 8G(N) a AEHED) oe 211/48) x 615/16(0) x 17.5/1640) in Weight Without Package Th (GBI Fo) th Package 1ex) Furnished Parts FM Ttype Antenna 1 Operating Instructions 1 Hes. Wrench 1 *Messeted porsuant fi the Federal Trade Commisiin' Frode Regulation rule on Fowsr Output Claims fe Ampupare Nore. Specifications and Ihe deeun mubjert HEX. WRENCH The acrestory hexagonal wrench is provi rug the TUNING knob and VOLUME knob or tightening their set screws should they’ become loose If required, loosen the set screw by nye the wrench Into the hole on the side of the kn: turning the wrench counterclockwise. Be particularly careful nat to seratch the frant panel when employing the wrench. 2. CONNECTION DIAGRAM 3. FRONT PANEL FACILITIES — POWER SWITCH Flin thes witch to the ON position 10 wupply power ta the Meteo receiver. There will be u short delay when I set 1 ON, becauwe the routing. ciecult has boem actuaten 40. vuperess the mpleaunt robe that h sometimes yenerated when the power tawitchied on aru! oft PHONES JACK Flug the heafohoines into this jack when you want 1) Asien thronth vite slereo hearfphones Release the all SPEAKERS butines if you want 1 listen to the sound thraugh yuue Headphones only. (This-meam. | sale button wt be ela, SPEAKERS BUTTONS— Press the butnan corresponding to the speaker connected to the SPEAKERS terminals (A, B,C) on the rer panel ‘You can presi ro of these button to lion to sound From twe pairs of speaker ystems atthe sae ties. NOTE ‘No sound will be Reurl through the apecters if all there Fattons ave pressed at the mame time BALANCE CONTROL ——— Use this control to balance the tolume of the tft and Fight chahnel. Fist, howover; se the MODE ywited 19 MONO, aad adjust 10° that the sound appears to come fom samentiete exactly between the two speakers 1 he sound appears ioe louder onthe right, (¢ means that te \olutne af the Fight shannel is higher Turn the BALANCE SOMO! Ho the lef and adjust. Conversely, éf the sound appean to be louder of the left, it meam that) the volume of the left chanel i hither, Therefore, turn the BALANCE control te the right ste adjust, After aust Ing. return the MODE witch te STERES, POWER METERS | Thee impor met allow you 10 id ot the rated power level when speakers with a notihal impedance of ahr are conneeted fo the receiver speaker terminal. TE: ee wale ard rele! fo the bnpedanes uf the speakers wc they cary according to. the freauenry, Iv onder to fin! ot the Pract output level, ronneet we ohm dummy foot tnttead of the speak [FUNCTION INDICATOR MEMORY MARKERS. These are very comvenions Yor trem turing in to the Jame brosdcasting station, MUTING SWITCH Set this switch to the ~200% position vo. astenaste the ‘audio output indicated ty the VOLUME contol hy 2028 There fs no need 10 adjust the VOLUME contre if you Soe thi switch when turning down the audio. output Nomporatily and when changing over recorsh ot tapes ——— “VOLUME CONTROL ‘Use Uris control to adjuet the qua level to the ypeukiry and extphones. Tom Fk clockwise to wncreasé the ouput level Ne soured wil! bie heard 1 you vet Ht 10 =: The weale i pradumed in 4B which indicate the attenuation when ihe mantener output Sevel Oh TONE SWIT Set the TREBLE co arsplifies tn | FUNCTION Prove the tum am source before selec sound frum 0 Fer TWIN BASS. Use these. g0 TAPE DUPLI Set hs aia 2 pres econ TAPE MONI Set vwitsn ti to the TARE monitor the p 4 deck which PLAY] can be ON wore Set these Dating to 2 > TONE SWITCH am Preis this Brttow for. ASE troaduasts Set this lich to ON wep allbing the BASS snd AUX fre this bulton, when licen to an TREBLE cori, In the OFF pesto, 1) causes the ‘ideo Gap cariected ti the praied | aril Yo operate wlth a fat fhequency rexpoma ALIX input jac as of PHONO 2/MIC.. Pee thy func whan: slaying ea record nthe ental connected! 10 ;FUNCTION BUTTONS. the PHONO 2 Jacki, or shen using & Frew the function button which cotter tothe pec rnlctagheme wich you have paged am source. Tom the VOLUME cantial down first in the MIC jack hetone:weiecing 2 different funtion Button’ while the PHONED 4 ‘ik tian sehen playing sound from ace program youre is bein epvnduced record ary the furntible connected! 10 i rest. thc button for PM broadeasts the PHONG lacks The FM STEREO udiaior lhts up one wine the ree ton in an EME 1 Chala the merophane fom the MHC ce chen you Meteo bruadcast. The sound (5 2ute sti Wait iitonat 60 wee The microphone Phase post wo ihe ‘natleally recived. monophonicaly Slt wot he ale 0 uae fhe PEON che 2 Onis ane function button should Ke pritied at a during FM monaphanic braadcans | ADAPTOR SWITCH Set this switch to ON when reproducing sou (hom an TWIN BASS AND TREBLE CONTROLS iett. Use these controls. adjust he bass and the Weble 20M ‘optional componont which has been connected to Ie you. ADAPTOR jack, Almay. set it 10 its upper position if utp Yo are not ning 4 component with thes termina, ups, TAPE DUPLICATE SWITCH Set thin switch 10 ON ner you want to duplicate ox edit 4 prerecorded tape using two tape decks. LOUDNESS SWITCH ates TAPE MONITOR SWITCHES (1, 2) Set thiy switch 10: ON when litening, a1 a tow volume wget Set switch I 10.ON with 9 tape deck, which is connected The frequency response of the human ear varies sccording, escix 10 the TAPE 1 jacks (REC and PLAY] when you vant to, le the festening volume, and sesting this ewiteh to the Ot ‘shen Monitor the playback or meeaeding of a tape, The tap on Droilion compensates for heating respons by emphasising 4 deck which is connected 10 the TAPE 2 jacks (REC and "he fais and tebe PLAY) an be similarly monitored ny setting switeh 2 to ON, MIC JACK sore, us your microphone ints this jack Sit thewe awiteher fo: the upper iff) position when The microphone cignats are reproduced nena trough fiadening ta recon at 4 Broadens the buf apd eighy speakers. TUNING METER When tuning in to an FM station, the optimuien receptian oultion Is sncicated when the meter pointer deflects to deid center, Check that the SIGNAL meter pointer has feflected! ay Li the eink as posible. SIGNAL METER ———_____— — When tuning in te an AM or FM station, the optimum Iception position 1s indicated by the maximum delle: ‘ion of the meter pointer to the right, FM MULTIPATH BUTTON, Use this switch to detect multipath: sound when ingtaling FFM antenna ina position which yields the minemum) fhuttipath interference STEREO INDICATOR — FILTER BUTTONS 1SH2 When this Button ix prewied, 2 120 fect atten. lustion can be procided for Hequencies Below 1SH2. This meant that you can cancel out noise in the ultratow frequencies which iy generated bby law:pitched rumbfe tram 8 turntable anc other forme of diktortion. Although this nega ‘cannot be fare, it can generate intermedius ron disteton, Press tha bution to wrovide 2 | 2dB/oct ante: lustion at Frequencies above SkHe. Sot it vo thie ponition when you find high-lreawency anise, veh id that from seraiched records, unpleasant shite FM 25u3 BUTTON Pres this murine when listening 10:4 "Dolby FM beoad Cast) Otherwise keep this button 9t the released position. Sx-1280 PHONO 1 CARTRIDGE LOAD SWITCH Use this kro to select the input capacitance: (pF to accordance with the specified aad capacitance ol the roving magnet (MM) carte connected ts the PHONO Viet | TUNING KNOB. Use this to tune in ta bieaicating Select th tation dnd tune for optimum reception by | observing the SIGNAL meter for AM stations and both | the SIGNAL and TUNING meters for FM statians MODE SWITCH Use this switch I Selecting tcino oF stereo performances. STEREO: Set to this position for normal sterea opera MONO. Whe et ia thi nite, he leh and lat chanel signals wil be rained and reproduced manophanically from hoth speaker Systems ‘FM MUTING BUTTON ON [fefeaied pusition) .. Relesse this button tom press unpleasant ioer-iation foie when tuning in to FM Depress this burton 10 pick 1 weak (Lato OFF (depresses porition) 4. LEVEL DIAGRAM FREQUENCY ; LkHz 5. BLOCK DIAGRAM Toate 6 OOO Sx-1280 POWER AMPLIFIER 6. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS Hefer to the-blodl dingram on page 11 and th schematic an page 43 for the circuit composition ‘of this unit 6.1 TUNER SECTION AM Tuner The AM tuner employs a 2 pang variable eajsaci tor, one 10 (HA197) und one AM ceramic filter Ite block diagram is given in Pig. 1 HALIOT Is am IC containing an RF ait ronvertar, Z.stage IF amplifier, detector, and AGC cult, and features excellent AF frequency mw sporue and distortion. , of the output ciretit fem special AM muting circult, ‘This eireuit \s epermtad i} the AM tuner stabilizes immodintaly after FUNCTION AM switet hav t instant dha AM switch is wo to Ry. thr Cy. and biased Censeabiently, Qy bs tumed ON, and th Sutput signal Is shorted to ground during Use ant of Cy, Thy FM Front End @ FM front end employe a 4-qang variable or in the tuning ein fale MOS at the RF amplifier and mixer, ands local oncillator with 4-FET buffer The PM frontend input is 780 unbslanerd ingle-tuned circuit. The RF amplifier is a dua gate MOS FET, An Mcoupled double timed cir il is inmeried between stages. ‘The dual gate PET ia an amplifying element suitable for RP circuits, and features extremely stable amplification ti cause of its low NF (Naise Figure), high PG (Power Guin) and low feedback eapscitance The mixer is avon dual grie MOS FET. The reception ssigial Is applied to gate 1 and the local owcillator signal is applied This citcult en net to ON, The to ON, +8 ts supplied he’ base’ of °C AM has low local oscillator signal injection power and the strong neceplion signal has little effect wcillator, ‘The local ovcillutor bs w modified Clapp eireult Na cutput signal is injoctod into the mixer thru a FET buffer. IF Amplifier Four dual saluction lune ing owe differentiat samy {PASOO1-A) are used as the ump The TATSO2P compensatey for the jon. fou, and also Amita the apiplitudh O2F) conta, fone FAP LE IC 1001-A performs IF amplification, amplitude limiting and FM detection. It also driver the TUNING and SIGNAL meter and con trol The Fig, 2 am of the PABIOL Fin 2 Bleck ym of PAIOD 1 FM Multiplex Decoder T Locked:Loop) Shayari iv (Pha: buck FM fnultiples dicoder is» PLL MPX IC (PAIOOL-A), Ite in Pig. 3 Fig. 1 Stok a ALOD1:A contains « PLL VCO elzuit, double balince (ype: differntial demodulator with NFB amplifier, and pilot auto-cancel circuit to jmprave the distartian characteristics, tequency response, and S/N, The tonlinewr distortion pradkiced at the de modulator Has been improved by adding the NPI umplifier to the double-balance tye differential demodulator. The pilot auteeansel circuit feukage (18iH2), wi signal frequency response. Moreover, since the eance! signal Yovel tracks the input pilot signi level, the rejection ratio dees not drop even if the input pilot signal level changes out a l6sE of demodulated Fig. 3. Block iagoun oF PA 1001-8 FM Output Amplifier The FM output amp’ f& an IC (PAIOO2 pressed, The meter amplifivr cireuit ja shown in Fig. 7. ‘This circuit consists of w logurithinle: eorn- preasion circuit and a meter drive ceil, The GutpUt signal of the power amplifier Ia spplied tix the logarithmic compression ctrcwit, and ite dynarn- Je range fe compresied. The princiqles of the logarithmic compression eireuit are given in Fla, 6 The output voltage of this cirrult is thw value divided by Rj and Z, The attenuation at jaw signal input ia reduced and the attenuation at lange tignal input is increased, by uxing Uw ras of the diode current-voltage chameterintic nt Z_ ‘The comprested signal is shaped by 1, und anplind to @, of the meter drive circuit. Q), current amplifies the DC voliage from D, to drive the power mieter. Fig. 7 Schema diagram of mater inet 18 = uitnur crate Wri vata es 7 WF VONTAGT Fig.BSehematic diagram of logarithenie comotessor 6.3 POWER SUPPLY CIRCUIT ‘Toe Land R channels is ite power stage’ are oth equipped with independent coils, bridge fectitiem, und a par of 26000 capacitor: for independent sunply of = FOV ‘The clase A amplifier clrcuilx (equalizer amp, flat amp, tone contpol circuit, filter. amp. first stage of tbe pawer amp and the yeretsiver wage) ure supplied with ¢68V and /22V vis weal bridge twglifier, anet yollage regulator stage independent af the power stage The tuner snetion ts supplied with +L3.8V via lamp cxis, voltage multiplet rectifier, and vottagn repllatur sage ‘Surge Curremt Suppressor Cirewit (Fig, ‘The power supply stage in this equipesent en ploys toroidal tranxtormers of tow internal reaist. tance, and 4b high capacitance (150000) eleciralyt- ic capacitors for smoothing purpouee. ‘Therefore ‘without any effective wotintormensutea, a aun large surge of current would flow oftc# the POWER. switch was tuimod a, tosulting in posible damayn te fuses, the POWER switch iuelf, and other omponenta. Inv order to.prevent this, # surge rent suppressor cuit ius been incerperated. When the POWER switch ts turned O2, the AC rent ie applied to "(power transformer) via Ry aatd the micro terop (thermal fuse), The secondary ‘oll output in then rectified by diode 1D, texulting im caywicitor (Cy else charged up, aind relay Ry being activated. So until Ri is tumed on, the volt- ‘ate applied 10 the primary coll of T will be the voltage divided by Ry and the ‘T primary coil im pedlanee, Which mens thit the errent flowing is when the POWER switch le firs unre ON seill be very mall. The tiie favinid Cor ily to be tured ‘on will depend on the D and C; time eanitant Micro temp in a protection tise designed to blow Upon detection of heat ge should fal to. tam on, or the fail to opernte normally Fig. 9 Surg current eonpretsoy cirolt G4 PROTECTION CIRCUIT (Fig, 10) The protection circuit fewtured in thie agi inent employs an IC (PARDOA) cently develeport iy Planer, This 1C {acludes DC voltage detection (a), $B voltage level detaction (ts), ~B voltage level detection (¢), AC Vollage detection (i), Or itlscharge switching (¢), meluy’ drive trigger wwitet- ing if), and constant current virewitry (g 4 19) This protection cltciit i respomsible for muting when the POWER mwitah la turned ON and OFF, speakie protection in caw of an abnormal power amplifier neutral point potential, powse amplifier protection In case of overlouding, und speaker ‘Awonnection in case of peptection circuit failure due to: absormal voltage in the power supply to the protection cincult IC. Dewetor chan Sx-12680 POWER Switch Muting Tho delaying action employed when the FOWETt sawiteh (j turned ON is determined by the tre con- stants of the tinting caporitor (Cp) and the con- stant eurment circuit (q)- When the BOWEN switch is timed GN, +8 is passed via (g) to Charge ty CT. When fully chard. siviteh (f) will tim on, and a base current will Mow frond citcult (h) to Qe theteby taming the relay’ ot, When the ROWER evitch is turned OFF tigain, the AC soliage disappears immediately, resulting in witch (e) being turned on by the AC voltage de- Wwetor (a), thereby dichurying Or. Consequontty bf), Qo. antl the slay will all se Cuemed ot. Abnormal Power Amplifier Neutral Point Potential ‘The oceurrence of any abnormality in the power amplifine nowtral point patential-will be detectud (a). rmvultinig im awitch (etbeing asrned on. Cp will ‘hua be charged up, and switchithsg, mid the relay’ all turned off. Protection Against Overload If the bridge type detectur elreuit (C,) detects: he ‘presence af- ax overload condition, Qy will be chirge en, resulting in aL DC wol ape being apie” Up elatector (a). Switch (@) will thus tum on, and sewitel (f), Q), and the relay will all turn off Abnormal Protector Circuit Power Vottage ‘The power supply voltage level js detected by detectory «b) and (d), If the prescribed level ls not attained, switch (e) vill tum on, and awitch (f), Q).and the relay all tur oft fieire Love} Detectar | [eee | fed ta Detwcar pasoo =a Fig, 10 Prowerion eirevit 7 7, DISASSEMBLY e eo, oe fK . e Ow <= ’ Wooden cnet “= Banat o = SS YvoLuMe TUNING kod knob Fig. oo Wooden Cover Bottom Sx-1280 if Heat Sinks {Fig 1 Unde @~ Bio rem Fig. 12 8. PARTS LOCATION 8.1 FRONT PANEL ViEW Knob (FILTER) — Ke AAD: 140 AAD. Knob (SPEAKERS) —) AAD-140 Front panel ssaambly ANEEBA Levee tay (roweR! Knob iMUTING) ci] | ne e Kect asst vos (vobinae! Knot TONE! a2 AAG 8 Pus switch (LOW FLLTER, SALTER, MULTIPATH, DE-EMPHASIS. FM MUTING) asc-127 rane jack PHONES) | ARN OID Power switch (POWER) ASK-080 Varia Awa intor (RASS 5OH2)) Vorisbin reuistor (ASS 10H} ACW. Push vaitch (SPEAKERS) ASG133 Lever nstch (TONE) ASKta4 Variable resistoe (TREBLE: 10kHz) acwi03 SxX-12680 FRONT VIEW WITH PANEL REMOVED uth awiteh (FUNCTION) ASG:176 Double meter AAWOTS: Rouary witch [CARTRIDGE LOAD} | ASE-o0r | Tuning shatt assembly | AXA 188 Phona jack MICH 2 Variable resiter (VOLUME) ACWTTE Variable vesistar (BALANCE) AGV.180 Lever ewineh (LOUDNESS. MODE} ABK144 Levor vwteh (ADAPTOR, MONITOR) ASK-14B Lever switch (DUPLICATE) ASK 146 Maria vesstoe (TREBLE 20kHe) ACW 104 83 TOP VIEW Electrotytie capacitor - 1S00QUF 100V ACH OS ower amgilfier saemiy AWHo7e Protection circuit assarsbly L Ture assernbty AWHAZS, AWE O02 Powe supply assembly AWR.157 Sx-1280 84 BOTTOM VIEW Fine 128 (For KU typed AEK-201 (Fee Xo vee Fine 18 AER 106 Einnction wevitdr seventy GWS.133 ] | Futter sete assert | Avant ‘Microphone jack axsernbiy ‘GyMe TOs Tone ampifier maembiy AWwG-080 AWG-O5 85 AEAR PANEL VIEW i = Terminal (FAPE 2 AKBOS ARE O38 F Terminal (ADAPTOR) | AKERS ween Terminal (SPEAKERS) AKi-038 pre Terminal (GND) AC sacha KEG ARP-O0S Termine! (ANTENNA) | Terminal (PRE -QUT/POWER IN} eee AKH036 Bar anny ATHSOS 9. DIAL CORD STRINGING 1 with the starter point en the dial scale, and secuge it firmly to the cord inl) ko the coed apply the locking tion and position (tuning dura pr ul the dial pointer connec capacite at the apox (i.e, fac ‘ord out threwueh the gap in the tan. make half a tur, andl th and pass it ov ngs around the tun to the spring, maki tension in the cord (Figs. 15, 14) Tuninw capacitor Blind wash Fig 13 Sx-1280 10. ADJUSTMENTS 10.1 FM TUNER FM Tracking © Confirm that the dial is wee to the start pote ® Connect a shown in Fig. 20, and sot the UNCTION switch to “FM and the MUTING awitch to “OFF” 1. Set an FM signal gencrator to 400Hz, 100: lation, 1008 output 2 «bo Rear ¢ staince. Net the FM al yeneratat and the SX-1280 dial pointer 10. uu. 12, 13. to SOM, ani tion at the signal n T, for maximum deflec Unde ats of “2” abpve, adjust the pri mary (bottom) core of T #0 that Lhe pointer of the tuning moter doflects ta the cotner of the scale Set. the PM signal generntor output. ¢ and adjust T) . Ts, Set the FM signal genera dial to LOGMita T) for maxienu and adjust TC, for maximum deffection at the Set the FM signal gem TC; and adjust ‘TC. put Repeat. steps rreepition and LOGMHs is perfect. At Uhi for muximurn output. Adjust the primary core (bottom) of Ty so that the pointer of the tuning.mete to the center of the scale in the untuned state (noise only) Set the FM signal generator output to 6048, set the SX-1280 dial pointer to PSMHa, and tune the FM signal generator at the tuning meter. (Pointer of tuning meter deflects to the conter af the scale) Adjust the secondary side (top) of T, for minimum distortion. Repeat. steps 8—10 until the minimum distor. tion paint does not change. Set the FM signal generator output to 100d and adjest VR, for maximum deflection at the nal meter (Pig. 18). Set the FM signal generator output to 20dB. Set the MUTING switch to “ON” and adjust at SOME irae, ad ‘WR, so that the output waveform disappear MPX Decoder © Connect ae shown tn Fig. 20, und set ti FUNCTION awiteh to “FM" and the MUTING teh to “OFF 1 FM signal generator jo BSH un: 48 output c output of the MEX SG PLOT QUT terminal to the horizontal axis input ter minal. of an oscilloscope and tuner ass'y ter minal 13 to tie wectical axis input. 3 Set the SX-1280 dial painter ty 9BMHE anil adjust. the FM signal iat the tuning met ta Use center of the Adjuat ‘VAL, 20 thal a Liskajous patter ls te on (Fig. 19) Modulate the SC at Len (ietia) to deviate ‘gna (1cFta) BkHs 6. Adjust ty far ini channel distortion, (Howe : justment range) 7, Mike the MPX SG. tinal Lor Rand juat VER, for best 00 §, Next, set the MPX SG to 7,5kitz by pilot signal (19H), 8, Adjust VK, for minimum ourput Fig 18 Mion dtiection 102 AM TUNER Connect the AR signal generator (AMSG) to the AM ANTENNA terminal via 1k! resistor (Fig. 21), Tum the AM finetion switch ON. Pom the DUPLICAY pect an AC voltmeter TAPE L BC jae Apply 9 400H2, 30% modulated stat two AMSG, and set Die output ta LOOM. Adjust the tuning dial indicator and AMSG frequency to 600kHs, Adjust the Ty care to provide maximum read ing:in the AG voltmeter. Next redjust the tuning dial indicator and AMSG frequency to 1400kHs. Sx-1 B. Adjust TC. (crimmer) to again’ provide tis ‘mum reading in the AC voltmeter 9, Set AMSG to 30d8-output level. 10, Retum the tusing dial indicator, and AMSG. frequency to 600k 11, This time adjust har antenna core to provide maxiolien reading it the AC voltmeter. 12, Retum tho tuning dial indicator and AMSG ‘frequency back to 1400kH2. 24, Adjust TC, (trimmers) to agsin provide max mum reading in the AC voltmeter. 14, Repeat steps 10 to 13 above until no further changes occur in the AC voltage reading ut tho 6OOKEt= and L400kEt3 positions Fig 24 Fy. 22 10.3 POWER AMPLIFIER ‘Turn VR, (Land 1) fully around in the counter clockwise direction, but pet VR, (L. and R) to the center positions, Without any Jaad or input signal, tuum the POWER switch ON. Since the same configuration is used tor both left and right channels of the SX-1280 power amplifier amsembly, the following adjustments apply to bots channelt, DC Balance (Fig. 23) Adjust VR, 90 that the potential difference between, terminals No. 14 snd ground rends sero volts (to within ¢20mV). If this level cannot he attained, disconnect the Jumper leads A (or recon ect if already disconneeta!), and then neetjust. fle Current (Fig. 23) Adjurt VR, 80 that) the potential diftemece between the plus (+} terminal No. 17, and the minus (=) terminal No. 11 reads 16mV (or at least in the 10 to 26mV range). ‘The potential difference between + terminal No.18, and — ter ‘minal No, 12 should also register about 1bia¥ at thin time. After pasing a cumeat for uhout 10 iminuten, check these voltage readings again 104 METER AMPLIFIER Apply. a 1kHs vignal 20 the POWER AMP IN, terminals (ae any other power amplifier input terminals), Adjust the level of thix input signal no that the voltuge on the oufput terminals (SPIAK. ERS) reads 27,.96V rms (AC). Than adjust VR,(1,) and VR (R} of the meter amplifier assembly so that the outptit power sneters read 180 watt Fig. 23 \11. EXPLODED VIEWS 11.1. EXTERNAL PART Screw aXe, @ Al wm Wooden cover ABR Screw ax15 ¢ AMA.O87 ABA-113 ff << q a Serew 3X8 Soca ABA.088 | AEC 188 " | Seng ' ABH22 Front panel smmbly fs, ANBSE | Waser op | 05.068 Nut 86 Btt.008 | Lever knot amammbty —as” AAD.I38 ABHO35 Kaob = AABTTS Sevew 3X6 ABADBE Levee ate — AAD.I3E ‘ip——! a aye BAHOME a i nb \ a I we \ a SO Vb ee Anno ik sp Mae m4 AAGIIE 4 2 Sx-1280 a 5 6 NOTE: Pact indicated in green type cannot be mupptiat A 5 ¢ ‘attor siare sein 16 ABMS Z ABADI Foot assornbly AECITB 1 et am io Seon di} 2 : i 106 ie f ‘Screw 412 oe faa ceil Hewwace attde AEC. ese ter eo ABA.00 — 5 6 NOTE 7 z 3 1.2 INTERNAL PART Top Side Component (Front) pat ‘Seren 3X6 | ~ io LF Lore ten tye av, 0.38 me Lamp shat fas ARK 006 a Lace leh wie BY Sn, AELOME S seer 38 (Dngeees © aS ATO “a ; Powe ete Pale Somos \ ma : pxg | Scam wit nies, Boma Se as ee a Pulley tana) —— ' [SSR Ae 012 Lamp ints res, Bim Rly fe sw 38 SS Attu nec le ABA O86 —y Cutie tar ate atone (4 BS Aawars (asain | SRS a > a Dini gaat et eae Paley sna asanns fey ‘ay AEGON Sy i Of Seren 386 Dil pointer seaently * , actu AAF-008 Seruin 3X ee Ring ABADES b ae AAT-OB6 “Sern IKE saan vuiner oe ‘sca ee 45.066 AWA.068 [To Side Component (Rear) Seiew 4X6 ABA 128 A Power arnpitier Dae ines aoecakia ABA 128 Ce DATA = Player trenton | Stvay Elscrralytic capacitor # |_ ATT 480 } wspo0F, tov bhatt lomelator wafer ACH-O8S s - Tramitor [ |} 2so706-8 a + 4\zs0748-S) : asp7e6-0) be Wisin 3: 7 ae.008 ister mininhy of tis LEN == Vs Le men Spring washwr 39 ‘Sexo 3x1 : BEDS fo sancao [ ah Mauntiog plate Transistor 288706 (788 706-8) " (2887069) A Power amplifier aseriay AWH.O74 Irmulatoe water << AEC-430 Te moors 9} ABE-OO5 if Ligcaiiome Fepttor unary AVOCIZT a Nuts <— ABN-023 4 5 6 NOTE: = Seine lS Leaenmence ene Siig washer 3 naulator water AEC ‘Serew IK10 (ABA “vt ‘Mounting plate, Contact piece Resistor ARFO2 — AWX-127 Meat rink ig See | Samia am Cc D arnplifiee aambly AWG.080 ows-133 i mely be px 0 IK8 ots ABAOS ADE 9p NOTE / % ‘AWM.A2T susembiy (Foe XU type) AWK: 128 Fuse assambiy (For KC type) AWK (For KU type) Ar, 128 (Foe KC type Accolia Far KU type) T z - =3 Bottom Side Campanent a Fiat walter en (50 erctiar eoerby awc-960 ‘awesaat if taeee ted ~ Soren 38 ra lee ‘ ‘Microphone ack msentty Gwuioe 2 r, } Carton lad auernbhh ? ows. 134 — be, De ‘Sermw axe ABADAB Gooch ms Sermo X68 ABaos Crake co 8 Sermo ‘xb ¢ a reese) » $= Tete Gate webial (4P1 ee Wire sch —— gh Scxmw 3X8, | ABA-064 Washer 16 Waser 96 922.018 aag.oas _—s Mask = in a7i.a10 AEDOW piutba’ ‘Dn. tris il a7 Sx-1280 ear Panel Component ‘Terminal (SPEAKERS) | AKeoaa 5) (AC socker [AC QUT AKPOO5 I i Terminal (ADAPTOR) 5) IPREOUT/POWER IN} ARBO3S > NOTE, - Parts indicated in green type cannot be supplied Siar antenna msembly Bar antenna holder peel A Axeo12 ion AC power cord ix Aseers re | ~ : we “SO ‘Straiey retlet — dumper plug | Seen wacot on | | et eit sen ae Axeost \ i\ a, Washer 2 ABE-00 ~ Serew 3X10 ABAIIS Seraw 3410 ABAD? Tefal (TAPE. 21. [ c ARBOR - | verst|_ | | | Py Teyminal ANTENNAY | Fe Teminat AKADOE Se NPUT} ARBOR | Ban 122008 Fl 12. PACKING Upper pal (Lt View tag ANATBI Env-oa Operating instructions ARG-34 been ms ae ‘AnHa02 e Acco AHG-O8D Lower soc (1 ANA, > 7 — Vin) poses ANG.O77 Hexogonal wrench ANK DIE Inaide packing ANCA 07 ‘ome (Fer KC Avi) AHD S27 a0 Sx-1280 13. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, P.C. BOARD PATTERNS AND PARTS LIST 13.1 SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM AND MISCELLANEOUS PARTS Miscellaneous Parts Byerbed Past Na Deaeription ©) ROMER, SoG Trani wort oe OMEN Eee * Capacitor: wl wnlew otherwive noted ppP e BeNen tore © Renintors wi (, AW uniem oiherwiee nowt hk, MME 08 3EATORN m0 a Ram s6o TRANSFORMERS AND cons oo Rarmn too ‘emit penne, _Dwmipten * niv nm ancn nt 7 artasy ‘er rene For RU ta attaeo one taateat (For RC tyoet PG: BOARD ASSEMBLIES mani 3 Thom Simbel Part es eeroton Mow we c02 Tura marty ‘awi ont 10 epi sey caPaciTORS wea Farcton wach ey ‘ows-hae \Carwogy ot mney Spree fea. am 10 Veerhene jak mer e068 Fiat srotver serie cl Aches roy ANG oH Tore engi srbty 2 Achoes Bectroyee $5000 YOOV ene Fw amir sea & Remon Eeewayee 000 10Ow svmtone Bower are ti nay cH AheaD Bcrraivte 18080 100 ‘aw s21 ‘eo are sr kcoom frome 08 Awon73) Putman memey ar RU toe awn) Fa poly ery anes Crens aoT ta ion Fe arty Fe 2 ye {ar KE ppp sc Fite try (For KE trl Aven 2? Aes amaiy cs ckayeamaze9 came 00k ov Sh cKOYFamz a9 Grams ok poy LAMPS: AND FUSES SE CKOVF AMEE Chee © Ok Ov Cave aaz on Creme Ot BY Sym * Pan risen 51 CROVEADIZ ED Grame—O0k SW See PLY AELOCS are (wndgerveat UY B.A ci cxoveaoszs9 creme 904 ay mq ELos Lam mameyoat AY O38 C82 CKOVEab32 50 were eV M3 AELSEa Lamp negro AY 93K ci canyracizea Gowan = OR SOY Md RELO2D Lame Inwopegont BY 0.1K Ps -AELOW Lamps ortens AeLoae: — tamemid wien BY Soma ree. 28 AELOOT — Lan wihiniems BY HWA Meme Pure ___Dewerts AcLOGT Lamp with vara SY Soma ss aakoa Pome AELO? = Larwaihmies WBA neo Cw ester Agora nimi Vk AY -ROKPE 228) ashen timratiner 2:38 rian Le “ro, FUR ABR I0H Five 2 fuse On foe ia rue Aneio0 vane "0 External Appearance of Transistors and ICs : ‘ lpaeser acco faa ae ones ee I aie in Gee & = rae eo MATE 8 — , = ot HH Oe = . , = moe CBSE om a vensnoya IOI " mSDeOUA ¢. = uenen wg ceBc Cineatit Diagrams af ICs aster 'SxX-1280 —- — 12,18 ne 39.o.13 GH 192, Noite en ee ae . HO inatance t = Awn.707, Noa? e123, Nea are421, No.10 oes, rot GHE-183, Nos 132 TUNER ASSEMBLY (AWE-092) Sx-1280 Parts Li of Tuner Assembly (AWE-092) ‘TRANSFORMER, COILS AND FILTERS Syntet Part Me aniston Syineal_ Part Dewreton n ATeORI Fit ata 2) ORDYPAgIZ NH Owamie = case 12 ATCOIS FAT eal CH COE IMIS Gime 12m B0v mh ATCOW 2 RF col cm KDACATIZ7= Cnwne —aoty 26 4 — ATcesr FRE col CM KORE ARE 33 Gouie =A) anv T RTEOM@ Pha renering et Gls CRDVFaoRZ 9 Crnmie = OHO 1 ATH Md creer warmer C26 COSINE HI Cm xe Sov 7 RTH AM O86 ce 2? CHAONIM IS Elervatyse © ON gu CR CHARA SO — Eiecnotyie Ol} SOV f atroin Ft eararie Ge RGEC AIT 2 Cmme ODN 2 Areata Fewer CO -ERDYE AO2Z8° Ceramic FE aTROn 5s carer fe ATPOW Hd emer ther 1 CRDYFaOUZ50 Counc a fs ATROA (ow oe G2 CeACIORSO Gncrowre 1 Gd BYE WIERD Cmume a0 Fe TRONS Aiete tover St cABYF Aca a ao er ATROM [aM eats Hae Sh Caza joo 18 ‘0 ky rato AF chow dit on cea 1 mene IR crate eot G3? CERDIOP GO Eietotyte wv th ation tac inductor Gs CsA gio a5 ' sy ue Tato PE cho ei eu CRRA CIM, 2 ts rasan RF chor et ca, CaEA EAU on ow. O81 801180° Harvie de CAPACITORS CSEAIRI IG Ecwatyee «32 CSZAIAIM IG Miecvroine =] BY Sembst Part Wa. CEA RaOK 35 EHcoOWTS HR RV CSRARMOK 28 ictaiyte O58 BV a eee Tox ANOS Cenc emer SEAN Eerie 47 Tee CeAdor 1) faecalis aM 1 GOOTH HOR 8 car fm sav sara ia ee joy & Geom oms0 | ceeme NO iene a oy © cxoveweszes teame OT SXDVE MOE % Genie aot Gov © ccosuamorsd temme eV 8 GRMYF TORT Eewme Ok ca cxpyeaows0 cmc opt sav €82 EOSASILLEO. orm Sty SOV 8 cxavE war 50 amy oy 8) GKDYF W350 wee age ©) cuprH taon es ti aay ce cbs mor so cone ay cB coDTH tox on me tow co CROW" Weta Gweme (OG BOV eh cepa Yaa sD Me ov Ci CEUEL OFS Creme tO OU ce piece ey SxOvi 03K 8 amie aD) ow Ges Gove tomes Garewe atte -S0¥ cena. saue tp cee Noe cn Gove sow A0. cerme— Ot Say xovi tei Sa aera i ERDYENIKEO Sweet SEDEH aOOF 82 sav Ce ee ere 18 conc axe sa tie stv oH ROVE TORS Cewne $700" oY ei ccocn 180 50 We ay coe Gommamaad Nie oom tov Sie CKDVN 02RD Geer 1000 BY Gin Cowaeenisa —snur out tev S15 eenyewoirs) Gem OD” SOV Cou ckDWAg32N50 Comme le) kav ao expe ana mo CRA 1008 6 COL 181K 80 Gost 1st 50 SAT 18 ‘ean n> so KD Ye S61 60 (REA YooM 16 Osa 31440 ‘cxpve eat a caea ser ROVE mziK Bo (Cea te ‘cea 2000-16 ‘COMA a7DK cm GEA ome Cm eKDE Anse 20 RESISTORS ymbat vei emoay vez copaae var canast wat Ace.087 Ves AcPo8s RY RDKPE 106 m2 AONE tees m™ -RORVE IOS AS RORUE TEND Re noNve aa A] WDNPE Yeas fe RONES 1814 mon m0 fi nDNVE 10a ANZ AONVE #72) 3 NOKPS ton ms RORPS ADI Coram Eicrrolve Elenite mame leew Mya ecnahrie Carer Biscay cata en canto at Sarto ie, Cnt ‘Caos itn Caren m9 tt" 20 2 100 noe m4 ot ae say sav tev 1a iw wv Synaet na no Ne ron za rs ed nar a8 ne 90 vos Bu 33 oe na om 08 meen ADeG 231 AONVS Be ee) OWVS. 1621 ADRS 300) DPS 1910 OWS ata OPS ant) AD‘PS BRS OPS Sita OFS 3002 OMFS 160 Owes zzz ONES 102d mons ed DSPs 1812 DSPS ana OPS 1523 ice 10a ONO B21 mre TS ROMS \oed MoKPE Arad owes sm er AbMrN ars ADS 4784 ovis 20a ADIUPS 100) ADWPS 222s ROMPS 100 ROMS 2223 Rows 2a oun 752 OM maa Bateson acon i Cabo te saben The arbon 1 ron tlm on is caton fim at ie Cate fin rb tim cca tin San fs (exon fm ‘carbon fin ‘Sabon han avon Ties can ar Carter ert Sx-1280 [List of ehaniget atts information wil ny and yOu ‘muri i ik part fe be furnahed wen rene nee fequerted te amwnd parts Symtel Parte amnion List of Changed Parts for Factory Modification Ae) ROMPENII —Carbon'ram 7.54 Smite! ee. econ Fe} ROWE ISI) Carbon fim 150, Rex ROWED) Carton fim BBR foe ADWPE NBDE © Carbon fm 1.58 Ree ROEPE2OI) © Carbon fim 200 Bae RONPEISIY Gab thn Rey RONPS 1033 Carbon fen RE ROMFS 1001 Carbon fen Reo RONPS2214 —Cubon fern RTO, ROMPS 1924 athen ton RIY -RDNYESEO —Caentin 7D -ROMVS800) — Carbontim 58 SEMICONDUCTORS Symod _ Pret No Deesietion ee) rer oases ret ay 25ct806 Tran os | TA7OP © 05 FASGOI a rs oo Faoona ic a? AMORA te on MALia ie o ixeso Fer or rszaya Diode 13.3. MICROPHONE JACK ASSEMBLY (GWM-105) ux G0 12, Ho 20 ore-139, Neat ae ~ 2w6.133, a e GWE 133, He = on = GWE 139, Ho.29 a = e729, 0.18 Parte List caracttons frmbot Partie €1 CRDYA4T2I80 cwromic 7000 ab ‘commer Mite) ide av} ‘Gh GDYAzTa1O Cerume 77000" | COMA 272-60) Myter 270g sv) 1 | nesisrons : hanes errs i Cafeon tam 1608 { ROWS 18) Cuber thy 10 | ROMPS383) Capen tomy n RDMPSSe Ebon fi) 0k R21 HONPE66) —cxtam tim 500K OTHER Set iat ee Sein axnana Pome ack) SX-1280 134 CARTRIDGE LOAD ASSEMBLY (GWS-134) ‘e133 Nas (5-100, MoE (6965-133, No.0 =~ CAPACITORS. ‘rine Part fe, ©) cost tow 80 ‘tov e 2 como 80 ov 63 cost 201 90 ov Con 01380 soy 8 © com ao1J50 ‘soy oh oxi ONY 6 sv 7 RESISTORS Part Ho Dexristan Ai AMPS 10) 100 Pacts List AQ ADNPE SOY 100 AoXPE 1084 vi swiTcH mo AOMPS 108) tm Bymbal Part Nes Descriotion max fDi ros mm ———— 2 ADKPS 108 w 52 ASESO| Fay search A ADMPS ton) nt (GARTRIGGE LOAD) Aid ADWPE 108 tM z I = = 7 13.6 FUNCTION SWITCH ASSEMBLY (GWS-133) Pe awe.009, wasnt pg} fet + sha = J AWE om, N.2t = as ‘nvve-022, Wo28— Amon sera —! | 1 «| AWR.AST, to 17 AWE 92. 0.29-= ¢| je e Mul = a O Sx-1260 TW Tes |} [Ute A to — —— ; Parts List of Function Switch Assembly (GWS-173) surrcn e Symbol _ Partin, Deerietion Symbal Part Nn Bererntion sv asotia Pach aiten UNE pe ROMPS'WOL Eat fle 100 PROPS W1) Cron fm ton RO RORPEIOI bon fly 100 CAPACITORS AiG ADKPEISRY Sno Symbol Pere, __Dewseilen___ ig ROMP od © Earben firm 108 a CRA 100" 16 10. iy aa ROWPE 2702 Cuber fin 27 Se en eae: - Lag an OMFS 430 Guibon fim = 43 Ath MOSSAD) Gebonfan 43 nEsisTORS far MONPSII13—Gubonten 120 ymbst rani. _Owepron gc ONDUCTOR ra ius wots ae oa ha ROMPS 811 Sees Pete ” neem si ar 2SCMOAG ore Trmsintor 13.6 EQ AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWF-031) Foil side ice wsagoe.. “elciaoo.: “aScnaas, | o£ | eo) Parts List of EQ Amplifier Assembly (AWF.031) Sx-1280 caractrons Frmbol Paria, Berrioton Syrinal Part omerynion c) GEANLARIFED iecwane «22 Sov ROWPE 332) Caton‘ 22k C2 CEANLZAGPS0 Eimctroyie «92 oov own}? Mata iT Se a 4 CEDBLI00F'SG Caran = eV nono tal try 7a C8 CEASIOP IS Fimwiyne © 39 SHV acho? etl fim wouore Nea ion 8 co GEASIORSS——eiewvnia «32 BY ROWPS 360) Carton tim 38 CF COUELMTOK ED Geeme 4p aaV ROWPS 380) Cartan in 38 Ch COELATOKED Came = 4p co ceAay Eucwaiyue 470 BY ROMPE ON — ceanin 100 ema CEAATIFS == Ehowaivnc | 470 BV owes tots toa ROMS 3311 ery C1) COPA 1005 89 Potypropviene 0.07 stv nore san ze [12 COPA 109080 Polyprmpyiens O01 OV. ROVKPS 159) tek £13 CORA3SIG $0 PoNDrepvine 0038) SOV C1 GOPAISIC HD Polyprosiiene 0.035 SOV Fa ROWS 953) Cibo fim 15H 14 —CcOsL000080 came Bp SOV Rar AOS S02) Girton tim 55h RR RDMPS§5) Chon fim SHH ‘ecost.0000 50 ‘commie Bea fx RDMS1TH Chan tiny 110 GEAML S3P26 icvoirtle «3.2 BV FAQ ROKPS #11) Garbo lw 110 GEANL 273? 25 ecole «03 2HV COMA‘#72/50, Myler 7000 3a rar poles atone 110 (XDYA€725 0) (Cried 40 FOV RE ADMS11I Cuban tim 110 70 COMAMI2U50 yin 003 sv RIS ROMPSS60J Chon imi IEXDYA 472) 80} itereme! (4700 SV) RoE -ROKPS S50) Cutan tim 56 PAS ROMPS-622) Garon fin 6 cn acho eevee 47 BV cm AcHot Unctrvie | 4 38V Ras wows 62a on © COMA TTS tyr a7 ww Fay ROWS 1014 100 CROVA 73) 80 ore) 0.027 Sav) Pag APS 1014 400 em COMATIINSO vin oz) ov NCRDVA 2735 SA ican) AOR? BON cm CCOSLAIOK 8D Gomme =A So. SEMIGONDUCTORS Cm CCOBLA/OK GO came =, Sr ca ee ee rR CCOSL 271K 00 Cmte SOV. 01 28AG06.0 or Trams (ROABTE or oz 28a806-0.orF Trier RESISTORS (RSAR7EF a GI 3 28A0060 orf Trea Senbel Fret (2aAB2a- orc) 04 78A006GerF— Trmautor FY) ROGPSEZIINL acho fara (RBARIBF a cI 2 RDAPSEZINU Gotom tim Ok os 2icMOGF we Tomine 72 DNPSEAI) Caton fy 880 iaueraIeF eG} Aa ROKPSOEI) Gabon fer 680 Bh ROMPSZHUNL Coton fie 0k 08-25 MODR ore Tonia (2ocim10# ea) Bt —-ONPRRELANL Caton fy 2a OF SCWAEA or Tamar RT -ROMMEMI21, Caton ie .IH (RHt725- w O) RB -NOWPS4?24 Carbon fin APR oa FcinmA ora RO —-ROKPEYAUKL Cater tire 0 last T95-¢ «1 Mia -ROMPEIPGAML Caton fim 4 ao aga (2EAREOC w 0} ae aio BSamTERorG Tamme 12 NYSED NOM Neal ie BDU ianAs0 © oO AY -RONPERI21 Carmona st T z T a 13.7 FLAT AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWG-080) A Al 8 e = L HW ic e mF, 102 = e is ‘ANG-080, o.2 = ‘al Qo} A a Sx-1280 Parts List of Flat Amplifier Assembly (AWG-O60} snrones in. ee a Ot ce owes cy eM come wy = fmm ciicemes a seers) coe = See sana: = Sones Me My . & Seas = coach cere a on Boman eco ee er aes Scere arm oy 4 teen © leneemncutae Soaice Go| Se ay Some oom meow cure, make me wv exracirons cenit Sarina 10 Wy ee eer ans Sue = Suse San mS ck cake Gar il Taw & Gaui me Gi Sy © Sains’ are fap Shy AESIETORE & Gamrimsso faye tome Skits Se is _ recta i Gilkey Sete ly ay anton mee WE List of Charged Parts for Factory Modification Pee ee Sal ee ee ewan) cee a ey eecey cera ae 2 eae = lpeay) ee Re = -ADMPSZz2) Carbon © Roem eet to eoeet ce loys Paneer Ae cite cee S) pee eee ee is aerial) oe ae a ‘ADS 8221 Corben Bak | an oor Po eee eee see So bomb eh e faa ‘ADSSPS 1034 (Ctr Miler 10k eee cebiioislercns es) eo | ‘Ar@-060. 22 08-90, t= sx-1280 2SCISNZ or aseTES rie Tg elegans] ‘2SCraIRwrDsctae ASE NI ASCE SS aris List of Tone Control Assembly (AWG-059) TCH 1 AsKaae Levent PONE ZAPACITORS fret PartNo Beatin ct cszAdnmmas av Gsaaniezs oe CREA ARON 25 C5 COMA 853s c0 COMA Bes 0 Com B63 80 ase TOMA 583) 8 oss sav OBL 120 58 cost 'aoK 80 nani oy oe Deserotion Bary 00 0 a Sesh 2 BOY MA 10) 50 Mh A 18M SO hiv COMA 18160 Myla erry ote EXDVAZI2IN ower 20% SW EANL 2020 t Symbol Beseritton Symbol __ Pact Ne ce Acie Etectofvtle 0D AW poe MOWME Yad cw Aci Etoctrotve 100 BY rao fh eKOYEATIK 9G Commi 70 ov Rai moWRB TORN ML ce CROVEATIRED 2705 ov faz AOMPE 108d Me [4x CEZA \CoM Te 10, G2 ADP 220) NL Carbo fim 730 EM GRZATOOM2S —Elecouyte 19 FG4 —ADWPS Z2R/NL Carbon ime 7200 és COMA ERI 50 Nui oom fav Ray AGAMAY2] Carbon iim 474 46 COMA BHEISO tw 058 soy fas MOMME-@T21 Eamon‘ 4.7 Fa? © ADMPEGEL © Gwrven im BBE Rok ADWHS.G522 Carmen im Se RESISTORS R90 ADMPS 108) Caren nlm 100K Symes = RO‘OS'530) Cavan im ver acum iia rotor (BABS nO Mat ROSPS 932) akon (av.488) ROMS 332) Care iim veo Acwta0 aie veer (ASE YOO Me AOS 332) arto firm twevito as MOWPS 102) Carbon ti ves acybioe Variatn oitr FTREA BLE anv ater waht) as OWES 902) arbre te vee ace Vee risen ITREABLE SEMICONDUCTORS, ROMPS104) —Cboa tie — 1008 ROMPS 14s 1004 Symbol _ Part No _ omer poursaray an foseearsd me © 2969912004 Tremor ROWS 2h (28 1308 aS carpoyytien 338 faa 1984-8 6rF) " aionin 82 Oh CATO orn fe catenin 82 (ec YMA FI fo Cather fry 7k oe Reider mio Cxrbortim ak (ame 1348-8 oF ni et) eoitiim i> NDMPSIE 338 List of Changed Parts for Factory Modification Fd OMFS oaane vo RIG ROKPHIOMINL Carmen tim 1008 ris 2DNL carton tim 2308 xB ROMP TZ am mip ROMPHSRZD one Fao ROMPESEZA — Carton time Fai ROMPERI22 —Caitonmne 2th fet AOKPERAI — atten fine 24 Et ROMPENI34 —armon flim 110 Fo8 ROMP O02 Camon tiie 1D F265 ROMFEIONA —Camontiim 10% Fe 2420 Garpon firme z 7 13.9 FILTER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWN-119) Sx-1280 Parts List of Fitter Assambly (AWM.119) @ vw Srmbot Pat Mo. Dany st Smad Part Na esctieton armas 0sc-997 Pa st LW FILTER, 7 ERDYA SEIS. Ceramic G0 SOV WiGH FILTER’ ICOMAsezs 80) Mylar) MULTIRAT ch CKOYASERISO Careic © .00HB SOV BE EMPHASES, HCOMA eT 868 iver) Pav aries © ERDYAZTIIS Corenle 0.0027 SOV HooMA 2722.80) nytt CAPACITORS: C1 © CRDYAITII59 Gewese ©0027 BOY foowa 272) 601 iver) Avnet __ Fart Dmerition Serr Gil CRZANO0M 25 lective 10 5V C1 GBRARZ2U30° Bemoie 922 av Cl CHER 100N 2S acwoWEe «1 C2 CHEARIDM25 © Eeemette ©0225 cm ACEO Polystyrene kde aw Cl GRRANZMI0 letwinc 092 30V cu Aceon eivanyrone ICH SW CA GREARZ2M30 Ktecwotyie 822 BV COE COA RING SO Polystyrene Be OV 8 GHRAMR 725 Dietrvile «470 CM COBAWRIG 5 Puiyarirmne BO SV Cho CREAANTMIn lecnsiyic © 470 V RESISTORS fem _Peth mi Roareoats me noxesaos! fa powrsasai wi my powepecioe me RoMre scam fe mowe wasn. owes eras mosreeray Soursens nonresia) = ones wet owes roars zz2 ones et mie Ro om m2 moss 0) mm REAPS 021 me monte) fon ROPE an) fay roxraats ma hous) sewiconoucrons Poveet_tette oy piataaeF mm eisnaee ot aers oan Carbon tin 2408 xebon tien 1008 Carbon Hen 10 ‘Carbon iin Sth ‘Cetan fim Bt ‘Carbon Nim Tk ae Team Dios List of Changed Parts for Factory Modification —l ‘A0-123, No. 30 = aves, ott AWM 23, as = (awner2a, nat sro 27, = “AWA. No.20— (e087, Wo. 22h AiR87, Host TS (AWRAE7, Me.13) z 13.10 POWER AMPLIFIER ASSEMBLY (AWH-074) — AWA-15?, Not = AWA 18), Ne = Aware, Mao (avn, to. Lancer Lani |, anya [™ Sanita. AWE 27. Nod = AIM 23, a1 Yawne123, Me, = in, o.13 ‘an 123, No.15) B| Sx-1280 -—-— . s ei z: 4 at. oy 182 E Te ‘ISCHIS &, 2SANTS Party List of Pawar Amplifier Assambly (AWH-074) EAPACITORS. Symbol Pare Dessigtian Sytot ht Ne ce 101F 25 ro aow Ay RA Torn 35 to 38 ne 1 sav "3 10 Sv ra

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