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Gong Labs Private Limited

D-201, Palm Springs, Sector 54, Gurgaon 122002

Coffeee Front End Development Bootcamp – 0002

About Coffeee Bootcamp:

Learn Front-end Technologies from leaders from FAANG (Facebook, Amazon, Apple,
Netflix, Google) and other top tech giants with this free Coffeee Bootcamp.

This Bootcamp is for beginners. By the end of this course, you should be able to develop
the front-end part of a website. Isn’t that awesome!

Course Start Date: 8th Sep 2022

Course End Date: 6th Dec 2022

Total Course Duration: 78 hours (52 sessions of 1.5 hours each)


Following key areas of Front-End Development will be covered in this bootcamp:



• HTML / CSS: DOM, Accessibility and SEO

• JS

• React

• NgRok and deploying

• Minor Project on

o Building Enterprise Application

• Major Project on

o Building Enterprise Application

To view the detailed curriculum, please refer to the table below

Gong Labs Private Limited
D-201, Palm Springs, Sector 54, Gurgaon 122002

Session Details Date Time Duration

Session 1 : How internet works 8th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 2 : HTML : Doctype, Head, HTML, Title, Tags 9th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 3 : HTML : Tags, Semantics, Forms, tables, links and Images 12th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 4 : HTML : Graphics and Media 13th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 5 : HTML / CSS : emojis, symbols, charset, Introductions to css 15th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 6 : CSS : Comments, colors, box model, fonts 16th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 7 : CSS : display, layout, position, z-index and overflow 19th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 8 : CSS: Flex box, !important, icons, Background, gradient, transforms and animations 20th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 9 : CSS : Grid, selectors, Pseudo, Media queries and Responsiveness 22nd Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 10 : HTML/CSS : DOM, Accessibility and SEO 23rd Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 11 : JS : Events, JS : Strings, Objects, Data types and Functions 26th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 12 : JS : Strings, Loops, Switch, Comparisons, Alerts and This 27th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 13 : JS : Prototypes, inheritence, Classes and OOPS 29th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 14 : JS : Event loop and Arrow functions 30th Sep '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 15 : JS : Generators, Promises and Async/Await 3rd Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 16 : JS : Fetch, Array Buffer and Blob 4th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 17 : JS : Abort, WebSockets, Long Polling 6th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 18 : JS : Cookies, Local storage, Session Storage and Indexed DB 7th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 19 : JS : Web components, Regex and Web workers 10th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 20 : React: Reconcilation, Introduction, JSX and Components and Props 11th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 21 : React: State, lifecycle, Events, Class components 13th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 22 : React: Conditional rendering, Lists and Keys 14th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 23 : React: Lifting states, Error boundaries and Refs 17th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 24 : React: Learning px, em, %, webpack and babel 18th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 25 : React: Firebase authentication, State management with Context Api 20th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 26 : React: Redux basics 21st Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 27 : React: Typescript, Interface and Redux 24th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 28 : React: Typescript 25th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 29 : React: Styled Components 27th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 30 : React: Babel, Eslint and Prettier 28th Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 31 : React: Ant design, PWA 31st Oct '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 32 : React: PWA in detail 01st Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 33 : React: Light house, Unit testing, Graphql 3rd Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 34 : NgRok and deploying 4th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 35 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 7th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 36 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 8th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 37 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 10th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 38 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 11th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 39 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 14th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 40 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 15th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 41 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 17th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 42 : Building Enterprise Application (Minor Project) 18th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 43 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 21st Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 44 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 22nd Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 45 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 24th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 46 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 25th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 47 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 28th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 48 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 29th Nov '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 49 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 01st Dec '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 50 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 2nd Dec '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 51 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 5th Dec '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Session 52 : Building Enterprise Application (Major Project) 6th Dec '22 8:30 pm 1.5 Hrs
Gong Labs Private Limited
D-201, Palm Springs, Sector 54, Gurgaon 122002

Some Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Who can apply for Coffeee bootcamp? Final year students from CS / IT / DS
& AI / ML / MCA / BCA / B.Sc. IT / M.Sc. IT will benefit the most from these

2. How many bootcamps can one student apply for? One student can apply
for one bootcamp at a time.

3. If I am already registered for a Coffeee Bootcamp, will I be able to

register for this new bootcamp? Although you can enrol for one bootcamp at a
time, if you still want to switch to a different bootcamp, you can write to us at

4. Will bootcamps schedule not impact my college timing? No, bootcamps

have been scheduled in a way that all classes will be conducted during late evening
after college hours

5. What will be the mode of the bootcamp delivery? Bootcamps will be live
online instructor led classes

6. Will I get certification at the end of the bootcamp? Yes, on successful

completion of bootcamp, one will receive a certificate of completion

7. Will I get recording of previous bootcamp sessions? Yes, you will find
previous bootcamps video recording on platform

8. Can unplaced passed out students attend these bootcamps? Yes, passed
out students from above mentioned specialization can take benefits of the

9. Will I able to take assessments on only after completing

bootcamps? No, students can take self-assessments at any time. Bootcamps help
students to crack assessments and increase chances of placement in dream

10. Why do I get webinar registration link on my email ID when I confirm

bootcamp enrolment on the platform? Since, bootcamps will be
delivered through webinar, it is mandatory to complete webinar registration through
the link shared over registered email ID

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