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office of the controller of Examinations Prag ote aes creer Reyer eG Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University had ‘Shahbag, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh ES, Ref: BSMMU/COE/Course Exam. January 2023/67 Date: 21-11-2022 Notice Online Application for M.Phil, M.MEd & Diploma Examinations, January 2023 for BSMMU and affiliated Institutions. Instructions for Examinees : 1, Examine, intend to appear at the M.Phil, M.MEd & Diploma Examinations in January 2023 should have registration before they proceed to fil-up online application. 2. Only the eligible examinee already completed e-reaistration will get entry to fil-up online application form using own e-registration number and password. 3. Departmental Chalrman/Head of the insttution will send list of eligible examinees (both regular & itregular) to controlier’s office, BSMMU latest by 24-11-2022 through Dean of the respective Faculty for online form fil-up for appearing at the M.Phil, M.MEd & Diploma Examinations. 4, After deposition of examination fees (non-refundable), examinee must fill-up the online application form available in the BSMMU website within the deadline mentioned below: Period of Payment + From 08 November to 05 December 2022 Period for Submission of Application: From 09 November to 07 December 2022 (upto 11.50 PM) Examination Fees and Method of Payment : 5. An Examines has to deposit examination fees as stated below in any online branch of Pubali Bank Ltd. in favor of COURSE EXAM. & MISC, FUND SND-A/C NO-0947102001727.. ‘Applicable for examinees who 3 a within course dinetier: Applicable for course out examinees Examinations | Examinations Course A pi Fine Total MPhil/M.MEd, Part-l Tk. 15,000.00 _| Tk. 15,000.00 | Tk. 50,000.00 | Tk. 65,000.60, MPhil/M.MEd, Part-II ‘Tk. 15,000.00 | Tk. 15,000.00 | Tk. 50,000.00 | Tk. 65,000.00, M.Phil Final Part (Thesis) Tk. 22,000.00 _[ Tk. 22,000.00 | Tk. 50,000.00 | Tk. 72,000.00 M.MEd Final Part (Thesis) Tk, 22,000.00 Tk. 22,000.00 | Tk. 50,000.00 | Tk. 72,000.00 a Teepe Ronee ee eee ae Te noua eaemoos eter eae DMRO Part-II Tk. 20,000.00 Tk. 20,000.00 | Tk. 50,000.00 | Tk. 70,000.00 erase Sena” [nom eae ‘Submission of Thesis : 6. All M.MEd Final Part examinees must submit their Thesis at the time of Online form fill-up latest by 07 December 2022 (last date of application submission), 7. All M.Phil Final Part examinees must submit their Thesis latest by 02 April 2023 & the Thesis ‘examinations of those examinees will be completed latest by 30 April 2023, 8. All M.Phil & M.MEd Thesis examinees must submit an undertaken, in 2 prescribed form available in ESMMU website, recarding Thesis title along with copy of IRB clearance Certificate through respective department/institute and Dean of the respective Faculty of this University. Page-1/2 ‘Geveiee Samra RON TOIDE BEE BOT SG Cha Ta Ne EIS CN REMAASESMALSND TOS NTTSUTIT Ay REVISED Course-out duration : 9. AS per rules of the university, course duration of different courses are given in the table below: ‘course duration MPhil Part-I | Maximum two years from joining in Part a Examinees promoted to M.Phil Part-II, may appear carry on M.Phil Part-II} Maximum two years from joining in Part-I paper within MPhil Part-I duration for appearing at the examinations. MPhil Final Part ‘Maximum three years from joining in Final Part, MPhil Final Part Radiotherapy, Radiology &’ | Maximum Five years from joining in Final Part. Psychiatry Must pass Part-I & II examinations within three M.MEd years of enrolment into the course, Candidates Part-I, 118 Final | must pass final examinations within five years of enrolment into the course. a Maximum five years from joining In Diploma ‘course. Diploma 10, Tentative Schedule for Written Examinations : 21 to 26 January 2023 11. AS per decision of 85" Syndicate, course out examinees will get three consecutive chances by depositing an additional amount of Tk. 50,000.00 (Taka fifty thousand) only as fine. Course out examinees from January 2009 will be eligible to appear at the examination after fulfilling the above (Dr. Md, Asikur Rahman) ‘Asstt. Controller of Examinations Copy forwarded for kind information & necessary action to : 1, Dean, Faculty of Mecicine/Surgery/Paediatis/ Basic Scence & Para ‘Cincal Science/Dentisry/Preventive & Social Medicine, BSHIMU, Dhaka (Charman, Dept. Principal, aka Medical Cale, Ghai Principal, Si Salmullah Medea College, Draka Principal, Mymersingh Medical Cllege, Mymensingh, Principal, Citagong Medical Callege, Chatagong. Principal, Rajshahi Medical Colege, Rashan, Principal, Syhet MAG Osamari Medical Calg, Syne Principal, Rangpur Medical Colege, Rangpur 10.Principal, Sher-e-Banyla Mecca College, Baral, 11. Prinopa, Staheed Ziaur Rahman Medial College, Boar, 12. Priel, Comila Medal Callege, Comal 13. Prinopa, Dhaka Dental allege, Dhaka. 14. Principal, Khulna Medical Coleg, Khuloa. 15.Princpa,Fardur Mecca Calege,Fardpur. 16:Prncpal; M Abdur Rahim Medical College, Dinajpur 17. Princpal naw Yourus Al Medial Colege Pos Pe Enayetpur ‘Shar, PostCode: 6751, UpailaChowha Stejgong 18.Drectr, NICVD, Sher-e-Banclanagar, Dhaka, 19: Director (Acadmey), BIRDEM, Dhaka. 20.Drector(Acadmey), NHF BRI, Mirpur, Dhaka. 21, Drector, (Acadmey}, DR MR KHAN SH & ICH, Mrpur2, Dhaka. 22, Director, NINH, Sher-e-Banglenagar, Dhaka, Khas (Dr. Md, Asikur Rahman) Asstt. Controller of Examinations ASM, Daa. ‘Tepe a omnes Ras OI, BOE BT AG Oa TOTO TT 23. Drecor, NIKOU, Sher-e- Banglanagar, Dhaka, 24, Director, NITOR, Sher-e- Bonglanage, Dhaka 25, Decor, NIO, Sher-e- Banglanagar, Dhaka 26, Director, Lions Eye Ins. & Hos, Agrgacn, Dhaka, 27. Oector, MAI of Opt. & sans Eye Hos, Famgate, Oka, 28, Drectr(Acadmey) BIG, Shere Barglanagay, Draka 29, irene, NPSOM, Mohalhal, Dhaka. 30. Doctor, NICR & H, Mehakhal, Drak, 31. Drector, NIDCH, Morakrab, Dhaka 32:Directr, CME, Mohakall, Dhaka. 33: Director, ICM, Matual, Chaka, 34: Director, NINMAS, BSMMU Campus, Dhaka. 35: cr, 0S Hosp Insel Feat Ayabg, Cua, 36 Died, Insite of ConmuntyOptihadoyy, Paka, Catan 37. Aca. Controter of Examinations, OSMMU, Dsl. 38. Deputy Registrar (Academic), 8SMMU, Dhaka 38, PS to Honble VC, ESHMU, Dhaka. 40.75 tPA & De Ves, ASML, Daa, 4 PO to Regisvar, BSHMU, Dhaka. 42. Managar,Puball Bank Lt, Shahbagh Avenve Bx, Dhaka 43. IT Cel, BSNMU, Ohaka-requested to take nescszary steps to upload the above notice ard to make ready the Online ‘sytem 50 that the candidates can il-up Online application for Diploma, M.Phil & M.MEd couse Examratios to be held in Jauary 2023 as mentioned inthis notice, 444 BSMMU Website: wi. bemmuedu be 45, Al Notice Board, BSMMU, Dhaka, Page-2/2 Cn“ En, CODON Sa

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