Grammar Intermediate 1

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The magnitude of English mastery urgency has made the author

of this book formulating guidelines provided for students. It aims making

learners to comprehend and apply what they have gotten in English class

into their lives.

Consequently, the book is composed to provide enlightenment for

early age English teachers on how English should be taught and how to

understand the children’s development process. These are efforts to

optimize the teaching learning process. This book can be utilized by

teachers who will teach English for elementary school students; parents

who will start teaching English to their children; and parties who will open

non-formal education institution.

The author is aware that this handbook is still far from

perfection and has weakness in some aspects. Therefore, criticism and

suggestion are welcomed for the improvement of this work. This

worksheet, hopefully, would give significant benefit among teachers,

students, as well as people in general who read it.

Kediri, 20th of July 2020

The Author

Present Perfect Continuous Tense .............................................................. 7

Past Continuous Tense .................................................................................... 13

Past Perfect Tense .......................................................................................... 15

Konsep 2 Kejadian ............................................................................................ 17

Conditional Sentence ....................................................................................... 24

Degree of Comparison ..................................................................................... 30

Non Progressive Verb ...................................................................................... 32

Choose the correct answers!

1. Martin _____ for a walk in the morning.

a. go

b. goes

c. going

2. My grandfather _____ his pet dog.

a. adore

b. adores

c. adoring

3. _____ the party?.

a. Are you enjoying

b. Do you enjoying

c. Are you enjoy

4. Sorry, I _____ hear you at the door.

a. wasn't

b. didn't

c. am not

5. Perhaps we _____ our grandparents this week.

a. will visit

b. visit

c. visited

6. Look at the sky. It _____ rain.

a. is going to

b. will rain

c. would rain

7. Plants _____ water and sunlight for making their food.

a. need

b. needs

c. needing

8. What _____ you eat for lunch yesterday?

a. Do

b. Did

c. were


Hurry up! The program _____

a. will start

b. is about to start

c. is starting

10. How often _____ to the cinema?

a. are you going

b. do you going

c. do you go

Translate into English!

1. Mereka tidak bekerja di kantor setiap hari.


2. Apakah kamu mengerjakan ujian bahasa Inggris minggu lalu?


3. Banyak orang mendaki gunung Semeru tahun depan.


4. Para murid tidak sedang bermain di kelas.


5. Apakah John minum cukup air setiap hari?



Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang dikerjakan pada masa lampau dan

sekarang masih berlangsung (durasi pendek)

 Verbal

(+) S + have/has + been + Ving + O

(-) S + have/has + not + been + Ving + O

(?) Have/Has + S + been + Ving + O + ?

 Example

(+) He has been waiting for you for an hour.

(-) We have not been running for 30 minutes.

(?) Have your friends been riding for three hours?

 Time Signal

For : selama All morning : sepanjang pagi

Since : sejak The whole night : sepanjang malam

Never : tidak pernah All afternoon : sepanjang sore


1. (+) .....................................................................................................................

(-) Their children have not been reading some comics in living room

for an hour.

(?) ....................................................................................................................

2. (+) .....................................................................................................................

(-) .....................................................................................................................

(?) Has she been waiting for me in the park for two hours?

3. (+) Search and Rescue Team has been evacuating some victims in


(-) .....................................................................................................................

(?) ....................................................................................................................

4. (+) .....................................................................................................................

(-) .....................................................................................................................

(?) Have you been talking to your mother in the kitchen for three


5. (+) .....................................................................................................................

(-) .....................................................................................................................

(?) Has Rudy been wearing that uniform since this morning?

The differences between Present Perfect and Present

Perfect Continuous

1. Form

a. Present perfect : have/has + verb 3

b. Present prefect continuous : have/has + been + verb ing

2. Term

a. Present perfect uses long term verb

b. Present perfect continuous uses all verb (short term verb),

except non-progressive verbs

Choose the correct one whether it is Present Perfect or

Present Perfect Continuous!

1. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. I’ve worked in the garden all day and now I’m tired.

b. I’ve been working in the garden all day and now I’m tired.

2. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. What have you done with my keys? - I haven’t seen your


b. What have you been doing with my keys? - I haven’t seen

your keys.

3. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. What have you done? You’re all wet.

b. What have you been doing? You’re all wet.

4. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. I’ve finished my homework. Now I’m going to watch TV.

b. I’ve been finishing my homework. Now I’m going to watch


5. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. She’s worked in the garden all morning and she’s still not


b. She’s been working in the garden all morning and she’s still

not finished.

6. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. I’ve had this computer for over 10 years.

b. I’ve been having this computer for over 10 years.


Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. How long has he seen her? - Not long, but they’re getting

married next month.

b. How long has he been seeing her? - Not long, but they’re

getting married next month.

8. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. Why are you sweating? - I’ve cut the grass.

b. Why are you sweating? - I’ve been cutting the grass.

9. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. I’ve had piano lessons for over 10 years and I’m still not very


b. I’ve been having piano lessons for over 10 years and I’m still

not very good.

10. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. How many biscuits have you eaten?

b. How many biscuits have you been eating?

11. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. How long have you known her?

b. How long have you been knowing her?

12. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. I have cooked for the last two hours and now you tell me

you’re not hungry!

b. I have been cooking for the last two hours and now you tell

me you’re not hungry!

13. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. He’s put on a lot of weight since he came to Germany.

b. He’s been putting on a lot of weight since he came to


14. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. Why are you crying? - I’ve cut onions.

b. Why are you crying? - I’ve been cutting onions.

15. Which of the two sentences below is the better or more likely?

a. They have built the new road around the school for more

than a year.

b. They have been building the new road around the school for

more than a year.


Untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau

 Verbal

(+) S + was/were + Ving + O

(-) S + was/were + not + Ving + O

(?) Was/Were + S + Ving + O ?

 Example

(+) He was sitting next to you when you slept.

(-) They were not studying English at 7.00 a.m. yesterday.

(?) Were you sleeping this time last night?

 Time Signal

When (sentence) : ketika…….

As (sentence) : ketika…….

While (sentence) : ketika/sementara………

At this moment yesterday : pada saat ini kemarin

At 3.00 p.m. yesterday : pada jam 3 sore kemarin

This time last night : saat ini tadi malam


1. (+) ......................................................................................................................

(-) ......................................................................................................................

(?) Were those cows saying some words this time last night?

2. (+) ......................................................................................................................

(-) My aunt was not telling a story in the library when I was there.


3. (+) The postman was sending many letters carefully.

(-) ......................................................................................................................


4. (+) ......................................................................................................................

(-) Several boys were not choosing uniforms for farewell party.


5. (+) .....................................................................................................................

(-) ......................................................................................................................

(?) Was Niely preparing a meal for her husband at 7.00 a.m.



Untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi ketika kejadian lain

terjadi atau sebelum suatu kejadian terjadi

 Verbal

(+) S + had + V3 + O The rain had stopped when I left.

(-) S + had + not + V3 + O He had not cleaned the house.

(?) Had + S + V3 + O + ? Had he returned my book?

 Nominal

(+) S + had + been + complement

(-) S + had + not + been + complement

(?) Had + S + been + complement + ?

 Example

(+) He had been a sailor when you came.

(-) This room had not been clean before you cleaned it.

(?) Had they been in the park when I called you?

 Time Signal

After : sesudah Until : hingga

Before : sebelum Till : hingga

As soon as : segera setelah When : ketika


1. (+) I had sent the letter before the postman took it.

(-) ......................................................................................................................


2. (+) ......................................................................................................................

(-) ......................................................................................................................

(?) Had the film already started when we entered the cinema?

3. (+) ......................................................................................................................

(-) This city had not been better before the police kept it.


Translate into English!

1. Mereka sudah pulang sebelum menyelesaikan PR.

2. Jessica barusaja pergi ketika kamu menelfonnya.

3. Matahari sudah terbenam sebelum kita siap untuk pergi.

4. Jonny suadah belajar bahasa Inggris sebekum dia berangkat ke


5. Ketika suamiku datang, aku sudah menyiapkan makan malam

selama 1 jam.


Pola 2 kejadian yang dihubungan oleh COMPLEX CONJUNCTION untuk

menunjukkan waktu.

K2K bisa terjadi dalam 3 macam waktu

- Present conjunction present

- Past conjunction past

- Future conduction present (conjunction tidak bisa bertemu


Terdapat 3 pola:

1. Pola bersamaan (while)

2 hal yang terjadi bersama-sama


 Long term

o Kalimat 1 (K1) : Simple present/past/future

o Kalimat 2 (K2): Simple present/past

 Short term

o K1 : Present/past/future continuous

o K2 : Present/past continuous


- Every night, Bella sits down at the park while she cries.

(Simple Present conj. Simple Present)

- Look! Anis is cooking food while John is washing the dish.

(Present Cont. conj. Present Cont.)

- Tomorrow, Jack will meet Gita while he brings a flower.

(Simple Future conj. Simple Present)

2. Pola berpotongan (when, while)

K1 sedang terjadi ketika K2 terjadi


 Tanpa durasi

o K1 : Present/past/future Continuous

o K2 : Simple present/past

 Berdurasi (since/for)

o K1 : Present/past/future Perfect Continuous

o K2 : Simple present/past


- When Lola wakes up, her mother is preparing the breakfast.

- Jessica felt dizzy when Chika had been singing for 3 minutes.

- My father will go home when my mother is sleeping.


Pola berurutan (after, before)

K1 selesai, lalu K2 terjadi


 Tanpa jeda

o K1 : Simple present/past/future

o K2 : Simple present/past

 Berjeda

o K1 : Present/past/future perfect

o K2 : Simple present/past


- After Hendy takes a bath, he goes to the office.

- Romeo had bought a flower before he visited Juliet’s home.

Translate into English!

1. Setiap hari Rafa makan sambil mendengarkan musik.

2. Ketika Lina datang, George sedang duduk di teras.

3. Setelah Rony mandi, dia pergi ke kantor.

4. Gerry pingsan ketika Cindy bernyanyi selama 5 menit.

5. Aku sedang menari sedangkan Budi sedang bermain gitar.

Choose the correct answers!

1. This time tomorrow, I _____ on the beach.

a. am lying

b. will lie

c. will be lying

2. She said that she _____ help me.

a. will

b. shall

c. would

3. Phone me when you _____ time.

a. have

b. would have

c. will have

4. I will follow you wherever you _____.

a. go

b. goes

c. will go


You _____ an accident if you go on driving like that.

a. are having

b. will have

c. would have

6. When you phoned, I _____ in the garage.

a. worked

b. am working

c. was working

7. I _____ all my childhood in South India.

a. was spending

b. spend

c. spent

8. The phone _____ while I was having a bath.

a. rings

b. rang

c. was ringing

9. I tried a little of the soup to see how it _____.

a. tastes

b. is tasting

c. tasted

10. When we were children we _____ our own toys.

a. were making

b. made

c. had made

Look for the errors!

1. My family lives in Australia for a year when I was a child.

2. Most major cities have growed significantly over the last 30

3. Mick usually walked his dog in the afternoon.

4. I’m tired. I have been studied for 3 hours!

5. This time next year I will have living in London for 7 years.

6. They will read the report fully before they voted.

7. While I was reading, the phone ranged.

8. I still having a pain in my stomach but it is getting better.

9. At present he is working in an ice-cream factory. This is the third

factory in which he has working this year.

10. Oh dear, I am leaving my books in the class. Could you go and

fetch them for me?

Translate into English!

1. Aku tidak menari karena kakiku sakit.


2. Mereka membunyikan belnya enam kali tapi tak seorangpun

membuka pintunya.


3. Ketika kamu menelfon, aku sedang mandi.


4. Jika kamu terlambat, aku akan marah.


5. Dia lelah karena dia sudah belajar selama 3 jam.



Sebuah kalimat pengandaian yang dibagi menjai beberapa pola

TYPE 1 (Future Possible)

Sebuah harapan dan masih bisa terjadi di masa yang akan datang

If Simple Present, Simple Future.

Simple Future, if Simple Present

 Example

 If you lend me your racket, I will play tennis.

 Jack will pass the examinations, if he studies hard.


1. Jika kamu pergi, ibumu akan mengikutimu.


2. Lolita tidak akan ikut pesta jika mereka tidak mengajaknya.


3. Jika saya punya banyak uang, saya kana membeli sebuah rumah.


4. Jill akan menjadi seorang dokter, jika dia pintar.



Jika cuacanya bagus, kita akan pergi ke pantai.


6. Kita akan mendapat uang jika kita membersihkan ruangan ini.


7. Jika ayah menelfon kita, dia akan pulang kerumah besok.


8. Jika Hussein sakit, jita tidak akan pergi memancing.


9. Para nelayan tidak akan berlayar jika cuacanya buruk.


10. Fifi tidak kan lelah jika dia duduk.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given!

1. If we _______, we _______there in time. (HURRY, GET)

2. I _______ to the doctor unless the pain _______ (NOT GO,


3. If you _______ in public places you _______into trouble. (SMOKE,


4. We _______for a picnic tomorrow if the weather _______nice. (GO,


5. Everyone _______ you if you _______them the truth. (BELIEVE,


TYPE 2 (Present Unreal)

Sebuah penyesalan di masa sekarang. Pada type ini, terdapat fakta

masa ini.

Conditional Sentence type 2 Fact

If Simple Past, Simple Past Future. Simple Present, so Simple Present.

Simple Past Future, If Simple Past. Simple Present, because Simple Present.


Jika Simple Past berupa Nominal Sentence, maka semua

Subject menggunkan WERE

 Example

 If I were a boss, I would give you a house.

FACT: I am not a boss, so I don’t give you a house.

 She would be a chef, if she had a stove.

FACT: She isn’t a chef, because she doesn’t have a stove.


1. Jika saya punya cukup uang, saya akan tinggal di Bandung.


2. Mereka akan sangat gembira jika kita mengundang mereka ke pesta.



Jika mereka disini sekarang, kita akan pergi berkemah.


4. Jika mobil ini cepat, kita akan sampai di bandara pukul 7 malam.


5. Mereka tidak akan meminjami kita sebuah buku jika kita nakal.



1. Those bears would sleep, if they ate much food.


2. If the security locked this door, we would not be at home.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given.

1. If I _______a car, I _______ to school. (HAVE, DRIVE)

2. If she _______ foreign languages, she _______ a job more easily.


3. I _______ to a lawyer if I _______ you. (GO, BE)

4. If I _______the lottery, I _______ myself for a new life. (WIN,


5. If I _______ a purse on the sidewalk, I _______ it to the lost and

found office. (FIND, TAKE)

TYPE 3 (Past Unreal)

Sebuah penyesalan masa lampau

Conditional Sentence type 3 Fact

If Past Perfect, Past Future Perfect. Simple Past, so Simple Past.

Past Future Perfect, If Past Perfect. Simple Past, because Simple Past.

 Example

 If my father had been at home yesterday, he would have helped


FACT: My father wasn’t at home yesterday, so he didn’t help us.

 John would have worked in USA, if he had got his VISA.

FACT: John did not work in USA, because he did not get his



1. Seandainya mereka sudah pulang, mereka tidak akan tidur disini.


2. Lily akan bahagia, jika kita sudah memetik bunga-bunga ini.


3. Jika Jeremy sudah bermain dengan baik, dia akan menang.



Jika Anne sudah naik taksi, dia tidak akan basah kuyup.


5. Pesta akan meriah, jika hujannya telah berhenti.



6. If Gerald had driven fast, we would have got injured in an accident.


7. Ferry would have been rich, if he had joined the competition.


Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb given!

1. If I _______ more, I _______ the exam. (STUDY, PASS)

2. Mark _______ me if he _______ my cell number. (PHONE,


3. We _______ a taxi if the public transport workers _______ on

strike. (NOT TAKE, NOT BE)

4. Mom _______ us to the beach if it _______. (TAKE, NOT


5. If I _______ you were coming, I _______ you at the airport.


Degree of Comparison


1 syllable: +er Bigger, cheaper, longer

2 syllables: +er / more + Adj Smarter, more handsome
>2 syllables: more + Adj More expensive

Superlative 1 syllable: +est Tallest, fastest

(paling / 2 syllables: +est / most + Adj Smallest, ugliest

ter……) >2 syllables: most + Adj Most beautiful, most diligent

Adjective Comparative Superlative

Beautiful More beautiful The most beautiful

Smart Smarter The smartest Regular adjective

Rich Richer The richest

Good Better The best

Bad Worse The worst Irregular adjective

Far Further The furthest


My car is bigger than yours.

My phone is smaller than his.

We are more diligent than before.

This book is cheapest.

Hendra is the smartest boy here.

You are the most beautiful girl.


Example: Lebih lambat slower

1. Paling lebar __________

2. Lebih bijak __________

3. Termalas __________

4. Paling kuat __________

5. Terjahat __________



1 Malu Shy Shyer Shyest

2 Malas

3 Cleaner

4 Elegant

5 Most famous

6 Marah

7 mysterious

8 Highest

9 Happier

10 Tua

Non Progressive Verb

There are certain verbs that we don't use with continuous tenses

although it is tempting to use continuous tense.

 I see you.

 I love you.

 I hear you.

Some errors:

 Do you hear that noise outside? (Are you hearing that noise


 I hope everything will be all right. (I am hoping everything will be

all right.)

 I prefer tea to coffee. (I am preferring tea to coffee.)

Non continuous verbs express thoughts and feelings and they are used

with simple present tense.

Non Progressive Verbs List

Appear believe belong care cost dislike exist

expect feel forget have hate hear hope

imagine include know like look love mind

need own prefer realize remember see seem

smell suppose taste understand want

Some of the non-continuous verbs are used in progressive tense but their

meaning changes.

I see there is a man in front of the door. (melihat)

The doctor is seeing a patient. (menemui)

What do you think he will do? (munurutmu? Berupa opini)

What is he thinking about? (apa yang dipikirkan?)

They don't have a car. (memiliki)

We are having our breakfast right now. (menikmati makanan)

The roses smell good. (baunya harum)

She is smelling the rose. (mencium)

We are feeling the cold steels. (menyentuh)

John feels afraid. (merasa)

Choose the correct answers!

1. If I had had enough money, I _____ that radio.

a. bought

b. would have bought

c. had bought

2. If it rains, you _____ wet.

a. will get

b. would get

c. had got

3. She would go to the Job Centre if she _____ a job.

a. had wanted

b. wanted

c. wants

4. The dog _____ you if it hadn´t been tied up.

a. will bite

b. would have bitten

c. bites


He went to bed _____ she did.

a. early than

b. earlier than

c. more early than

6. Dogs are _____ cats.

a. the friendliest

b. more friendly than

c. friendlier than

7. My English homework was _____ yours.

a. worst than

b. worse than

c. badder than

8. Luisa´s work is _____ mine.

a. gooder than

b. better than

c. the best

9. It _____ easy to paint pictures if you knew how to.

a. would be

b. had been

c. would have been

10. The sun is _____ the moon.

a. hoter than

b. more hot than

c. hotter than

11. I’m _____ in this class.

a. the shortest

b. the shorter

c. the shorttest

12. What _____ you _____ about my hair style?

a. do, think

b. are, thinking

c. were, think

13. If I come, I _____ you.

a. saw

b. will see

c. sees


She _____pleased if you came.

a. would be

b. would have been

c. was

15. Santander is _____ Sevilla.

a. wetter than

b. more wet than

c. the wettest

16. If it _____ I would stay at home.

a. rains

b. rained

c. has rained

17. Juan is _____ Mary.

a. more happy than

b. happier than

c. happyier than

18. I _____ you shouldn't do this.

a. feel

b. am feeling

c. Either could be used here

19. You will catch the train if you _____ earlier

a. left

b. leaves

c. leave

20. If he _____ thirsty, he would have drunk some water.

a. was

b. had been

c. is

Look for the errors!

1. If you washes the dishes, I will cook dinner tonight.

2. If my dad have time next week, we will painting my room.

3. You would learn a lot about American history if you were visited

the exhibition.

4. If the weather does not too bad tomorrow, we will play golf.

5. We would not got there on time if we did not catch the bus.

6. I feels you shouldn’t do this.

7. What do you think about mine hair style?

8. The elephant is the larger animal in the world.

9. An ocean is certainly more bigger than a sea.

10. I more interested in cricket than in football.

Translate into English!

1. Jika kamu butuh mobilnya siang hari, aku akan pergi belanja pagi


2. Jika aku memakai sebuah topi, aku akan kelihatan seperti seorang

wanita tua.

3. Aku akan membeli tas ini jika mereka menjual yang warna biru.

4. Dia tidak akan membayar tunai, jika menggunakan kartu kredit.

5. Aku mengerti apa maksudmu.

6. Makanannya tersara enak.

7. Susie adalah yang tercantik diantara empat bersaudari.

8. Planet Mars lebih jauh dari Bumi daripada bulan.

9. Jika aku tidak memilikimu, aku tidak akan tau apa yang aku

seharusnya lakukan.

10. Jika mereka lapar, mereka akan memakan pizza itu besok.


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