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1. The children ________ when you _________ home.

A. were sleeping - came

B. sleep - were coming

C. was sleeping - came

2. When you _______ me the news, I _______for my exams.

A. told - were studied

B. told - was studying

C. were telling - studied

3. My brother ________ at the bus stop when I ________ him this morning.

A. was waiting - saw

B. waited - was seeing

C. were waiting - saw

4. You ________ basketball when I _______ you.

A. was playing - saw

B. played - was seeing

C. were playing - saw

5. What _______ when I _______ you?

A. were you doing - phoned

B. did you do - was phoning

C. was you doing - phoned

6. When they _________, Emily _________ dinner.

A. came - was cooking

B. were coming - cooked

C come - were cooking

7. My friends _______ math when I ________ yesterday.

A. were studying - came

B. was studying - came

C. studied - was coming

8. She ________ television when I ________ shopping.

A. were watching - went

B. watched - was going

C. was watching - went

9. My sister _______ a book when my brother _______ mineral water last night.

A. was reading - drank

B. were reading - drank

C. read - was drinking

10. It ________ when we ______ out.

A. were raining - went

B. was raining - went

C. rained - were going

11. After Heru …Los Angeles, he went to California.

a. Was visited

b. Had visited

c. Has been visiting

d. Has visited

12. Before Alin went to sleep, he …. his family.

a. Is calling

b. Calling

c. Called

d. Had called

13. Kevin …at the university for thirty years before he retired.
a. Is working

b. Had worked

c. Worked

d. Has been worked

14. After the committee members … the consequences, they voted on the proposal.

a. Had considered

b. Was considering

c. Considered

d. Has considered

15. The doctor …the patient thoroughly before he prescribed the medication.

a. Examine

b. Had examined

c. Examining

d. Examines

16. Saya belum berada di perpustakaan selama satu jam sebelum Dina datang.

A. I hadn’t been being in the library for an hour before Dina came.

B. I hadn’t been being in the library for an hour before Dina come.

C. I had been being in the library for an hour before Dina come.

17. Apakah kamu telah tidur selama satu jam ketika aku datang?

A. Had you been sleep for an hour when I came?

B. Had been you sleeping an hour when I came?

C. Had you been sleeping an hour when I came?

18. Apakah Faisal belum tinggal di Yogyakarta selama 5 tahun sebelum dia pindah ke Jakarta?

A. Had not Faisal been living in Yogyakarta for five years before he moved to Jakarta?

B. Had Faisal not been living in Yogyakarta for five years before he moved to Jakarta?

C. Hadn’t Faisal been living in Yogyakarta for five years before he move to Jakarta?
19. Saya telah tidur selama 3 jam sebelum saya mandi.

A. I had been sleeping for three hours before I take a bath.

B. I had been sleeping for three hours before I taken a bath.

C. I had been sleeping for three hours before I took a bath.

20. Aku telah memperbaiki mobilku selama beberapa menit sebelum aku menghadiri pesta.

A. I had been repairing my car for a few minutes before I attend a party.

B. I had been repair my car for a few minutes before I attended a party.

C. I had been repairing my car for a few minutes before I attended a party.

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