Research Framework

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Name : Anifa Mirza Liadiani

Class : International

NIM. : 4101417081


This research is based on the mathematics communication abilities of grade VII secondary
school student is in low level. The objectives of this research is to develop the mathematics
communication abilities. The Figure 1 below is a picture of framework that will researcher use
to do this research process. Hopely, this research will help gain the information to teachers in
developing the mathematics communication abilities of grade VII secondary student so it will be
in high level.

In learning activities every teacher certainly makes a learning model. The learning model can
affect how students understand. The learning model can also affect students' mathematical
abilities to be achieved. There are six students' abilities, namely collaboration skills,
communication skills, problem solving skills, mathematical literacy skills, mathematical
connection skills, and mathematical representation abilities. In this case, the researcher found
that mathematics communication skills in grade VII students were at a low level.
Communication skills can be improved through learning models. For that, the first step the
researcher will analyze what learning models have been used and researchers will use other
learning models to test the effectiveness of the learning model. There are many of learning
style, one of it is jigsaw learning. Based on the analysis of researchers, it was hypothesized that
the jigsaw learning model can help improve students' mathematical communication skills.

Jigsaw Learning can be interpreted as a teaching system that gives students the opportunity to
work together with fellow students in groups to work on structured tasks. The Jigsaw Learning
model which is full of student activities certainly emphasizes the importance of students
building their own knowledge in the teaching and learning process. The teaching and learning
process is more student centered than teacher centered, the direction of learning not only
comes from the teacher but students can also learn with each other. In addition, students not
only learn the material but also cooperative skills. This cooperative skill serves to smooth work
relationships and tasks that can be built by developing communication between group
members. While the role of the task is done by dividing tasks between group members during
learning activities.

The Jigsaw teaching technique was developed by Aronson and his friends at the University of
Texas, later adapted by Robert Slavin and his friends at John Hopkins University. This technique
combines reading, writing, listening and speaking activities. In this technique the teacher pays
attention to the background experiences of the students and helps students actively learn.

In using this learning model, researchers will use performance assessments. Performance
assessment is an assessment based on observers' observations of student activities as they
occur. Assessments are carried out on student performance, behavior, or interaction.
Performance assessment is used to assess student abilities through assignments. The
assignment is specifically designed to produce responses (oral or written), produce works
(products), or demonstrate the application of knowledge. With performance assessment
students are expected to be able to communicate the knowledge they have. Thus, the
communication skills of students can be improved and the communication skills of Grade VII
students can be at a high level.

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