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CENT Partnership Check In Team Member: Demcey Anderson

1. Team member agrees or disagrees then expands on each of these statements: Semester: One/Two Year: 2022
I am really enthusiastic about the vision and mission of Catholic At work, I clearly understand what is expected of me.
Education Northern Territory.
I love working at Mackillop and with the students, although at times they do push my Most of the time, stepping into my new role I really didn’t know what to expect as
buttons. For the most part it is great, I love the welcoming feel that our staff provide there isn’t a check list of things that need to be completed at what time. I simply went
and the service that we offer. I enjoy teaching the Catholic values at our school and off what Tahnee used to do. More support around this would have been helpful and
believe that these will put our students in a great position to take on the world once perhaps a role description.
they leave school and be active and kind citizens.
 I would like to discuss work I undertake that is not reflected in my Position
In my team, I am surrounded by people who share my values I have a chance to use my strengths every day at work

I love our HPE team, we work really well together, and everyone gets along. Yes I agree, I am able to use my strengths of teaching at work, I do find
We help each other out when we need and can all work towards a common though that I have had to develop behaviour management quickly which has
goal. meant that at times I feel my teaching is lacking in areas.
Stella has been a great support and sounding board for me this year, she has
worked really hard with the Year 8s and we have developed a great working

My team leader and colleagues support me in my work. I know I will be recognised for excellent work.
I find that I am recognised particularly by the students when they always want
Yes, Chloe is really supportive in her role as PE coordinator, and we are able to be in your classes, for me that is enough recognition that I am doing my job
to work together well. We share the roles equally and have been able to make correctly. I also find that although you do not hear much from leadership at
this work well for this term. The rest of my HPE department are also really times that is probably a good thing. I was also promoted to my new role after
supportive and happy to work together. only one year of teaching so feel that is also recognition that I am doing the
right thing.

I have great confidence in the future of Catholic Education Northern In my work, I am always challenged to develop.
Territory. I have certainly been challenged to develop particularly in the areas of behaviour
management. When I started I would always point out negative behaviours but am
I think that under the new direction of Lucas we are heading in the right now trying to get into the habit of pointing out positive behaviours as well. Looking
direction, although there seems like there is still a lot of work to go in terms of into coaching may be an option to get some extra support and grow as a teacher.
getting quality teaching and learning happening in our classrooms it is most
certainly heading the right direction.

2. Induction and Ongoing Compliance

Training Mode of Period for training Date training last
training completed
Discrimination, Bullying and Harassment (All Staff) elearning In first year of employment then every two years

Due Diligence (All leaders) elearning In first year of employment then every two years

Work Health and Safety Awareness (All staff) elearning In first year of employment then every two years

Manual Handling (All Staff) elearning In first year of employment then every two years

Mandatory Reporting (Principals and CEO staff) elearning In first year of employment then every year.

Mandatory Reporting (School Staff) elearning In first year of employment then every year.

Disability Standards (All School Staff) elearning In first year of employment then every two years

3. Agreed Actions (to be completed at the end of the Check In conversation)

Focused Development Area or Resources and Support required Expected Completion

Provisional Registration to Full Find someone who has recently done her portfolio, had a look and have some examples. End of the Year
registration Update resources to suit the proficient level

Join ACHPER Look at going ACHPER for PE resources and help with lessons and planning Semester 1

Unpacking Australian Curriculum Candice and Australian Curriculum, looking at the new updated version via sessions. End of Year

Demcey Anderson _______________________________________ Date:

Team Member: Leader:

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