3rd Grading Exam Kinder

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Prepared by: Syed Ramier R.Ganih III SUBJECT English



A. Content The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing
Standards with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types materials to serve
learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.

B. Performance The learner demonstrate understanding on how to evaluate narratives based on

Standards how the author developed the elements.

C. Learning Evaluate narratives based on how the author developed the elements.
II. CONTENT Evaluating narratives based on how the author developed the element



A. References

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learning
Materials Pages
3. Textbook pages

4. Additional
materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning PowerPoint, laptop, pictures, visual aids


A. Reviewing Previous 1. (Greetings / Prayer /Checking of attendance)

Lesson or presenting the
Last meeting we’re able to learn on how to present
new lesson
different viewpoints on an issue.
In presenting viewpoints on an issue, what are the - Explain our side
things you need to know? with facts
- Use own
experiences to
justify our side
- Provide support,
resources or
basis for these
Very Good.

B. Establishing a Purpose Class, who among you here has a favorite movie Me teacher!
for a new lesson character?
Wow! Nice.
Who are your favorite movie character? Batman
Nice. Well I have here some pictures of some movie Superman
character. I will show them to you and you will guess
who the character is in the picture.
Alright. Let’s start.
Who do you think is the character in this first picture?



How about this second picture, who do you think is


Now class, look at the first picture. What Courageous, powerful,
characteristics or traits can we infer from it? protective

That’s right.
How about the second picture? Violent, insane,
dangerous man
Who do you think is most likely fit to become a hero? Thor

A villain? Joker

Good job!
Okay class, before we proceed to our new lesson let’s
unlock first the meaning of the following words.
Unlocking Difficulties
Leap – to jump or cause to jump from a surface.
Stumble – to nearly fall by tripping or missing a step.
Dripping – a drop of liquid that falls from something
Odd – not usual or common
Timid – lacking in courage and self- confidence.
C. Presenting Today, you are going to read a short story.
examples/instances of Who’s excited to read a story? Me teacher!
the new lesson Alright! I feel so excited too.
But before we proceed, let me ask you something.
Class, do you pets at home? Yes, teacher.
What Pets do you have? Dog, Cats, Birds
Do we have to love and take care of them? Yes, teacher.
How do you take care of your pets at home? Feed them and keep
them clean.
Awesome! We have to take care of the animals
because they have been the human’s closest
companions for a very long time.
Now, let us read a short story entitled Kamela: The
Kind-Hearted Child (by: Melanie L. Padohinog)
In this story we will find out how Camilla treats
So class, when listening to a story, what are the things
Listen carefully and keep
you should do?
Great! You have to listen carefully and keep quite
while the story is being read for you to understand it.

(Reading the story entitled Kamela: The Kind-Hearted

It’s a very nice story isn’t it class?’
Now, let’s answer some questions:
Who are the main characters in the story?
Kamela, puppy and Kian
Caring, loving, helpful
How will you describe Camilla?
and kind
What does Kamela find along the way? Kamela found a dirty
puppy along the way.

What is Kian sorry for? Kian felt sorry for making

fun of the puppy.
Always remember that its’s not right to make fun of
any kind of animals.
D. Discussing new Now that we already read the short story, let’s discuss
concepts and practicing the elements of the story or a narrative.
Do you still remember the elements of the story or Yes, teacher.
new skills #1
Can you give me one? Character; Setting; Plot;
Theme; Point of view
Very Good.
This time, we will be able to discuss these elements
and learn on how to evaluate stories/narratives based
on how the author developed these elements.
1. Characters – refers to the people, animals, or
objects that talk and take part in the story.
Protagonist – the hero or the main character
Antagonist – the villain
From the story that we read a while ago, who are the Kamela, puppy and Kian
main characters?
2. Setting – the time and place of the action.
Example: One day, as she was entering their school
gate, she heard a soft cry.
What do you think is the setting in this example? One day - time
School gate- place
Very Good!
3. Plot – consist of several events. It is the storyline
plan or scheme that may be developed through the
following literary devices:
Chronological – sequential arrangement of events or
story mountain.
Flashback – Events that happened before the events
currently unfolding in the story are placed in the
beginning or inserted into the typical event sequence.
In medias res - means “into the middle of things. It is
narrating from the opening with a dramatic action
rather than the exposition.
4. Point of view – refers to the mode of narration that
a writer or author uses to “hear”, “see” and “feel”
what takes place in any piece of writing as well.
Three main types of Point of view
First Person - The author is involved in the story.
He/she may be the main character or one of the
character. The pronoun I and we are used.
Example: Call me Kamela. I am a grade 6 pupil who
lives a simple life together with my family.
Based on the given example, how can we tell that the The point of view is the
point of view is the first person? first person because the
pronoun I is used.
Second Person – The story is told from the pronoun
you perspective.
Example: Don’t forget that you are Kamela, a simple
girl who lives happily with your siblings and parents.
How how can we tell that the point of view is the The point of view is the
second person? first person because the
pronoun you is used

Third Person- The author is not involved in the story.

The pronouns he, she, it they, him, her, and them are
used. The point of view is the
Example: She is Kamela who lives simply with her third person because the
family. author or narrator used
How how can we tell that the point of view is the the pronoun she.
second person?

5. Theme – refers to the broad idea, message or
lesson that the text imparts to the readers.
Example: animals love, care and compassion.
The main aim in evaluating narratives based on how
the author developed the elements is to look in the
eyes of the author. Attaining the eyes of the author is
achieving genuine comprehension.
E. Discussing new Independent Activity
concepts and practicing Study each statement. Write True if the statement is
new skills #2 correct and False if it is incorrect.
______1. The setting includes the era, geographic
location and camera angles. 1. False
______2. The antagonist contrasts the protagonist’s 2. False
character to highlight the traits of the protagonist. 3. True
_____3. In media res refers to a kind of storytelling 4. False
wherein another story is narrated within the main plot 5. True
or storyline.
____4. The first-person point of view is a rare instance
where the reader becomes a character that the main
character interacts with.
____5. Analyzing the overall character portrayal,
setting of the story, and other situation within a story
can reveal the story’s theme.
F. Developing Mastery To continue and to know that you understand our
(leads to formative lesson today, we will have a group activity. I will group
assessment) you into two. I will read a short story entitled “ The
lion and the Mouse” and here’s what each group will
Group 1
Identify and evaluate each characters in the narrative
using the graphic organizer. Describe their traits
Group 2
Evaluate the narrative by writing its theme and point
of view.
(Processing of Outputs)
G. Finding practical Independent Activity
application of concepts Fill in the blanks with the missing words to complete
and skills in daily living the sentence. Choose the words from the box.

villain character
setting point of view
plot theme

1. ________ is the main point or central concept

around which the story is built.
1. Theme
2. A story element which includes heroes and villains
is the _________. 2. Character
3. The sequence of events in the story is called ____. 3. Plot
4. _____ is considered as the antagonist of the story. 4. Villain
5. ______ refers to the geographic location and time 5. Setting
of events. 6. Point of view
6. ______refers to the first or third person narrating in
the story.
H. Making Again, what are the elements of a story or narrative? Character
Generalizations and Setting
abstractions about the Plot
Point of View
Very good!
What is the aim of evaluating narratives based on how The main aim in
the author developed the elements? evaluating narratives is to
look in the eyes of the
author. Attaining the
eyes of the author is
achieving genuine

I. Evaluating learning Read the story about “The Crow and the Pitcher”.
Outcomes Evaluate the short narrative using the graphic
organizer provided below.

Title: _________________________

Characters” Setting: Plot: Theme:

__________ ________ __________ __________
________ ________ ________ __________

Point of view: ____________

J. Additional activities
for application or



A. No. of learners who

earned 80% in the

B. No. of learners who

require additional
activities for
remediation who scored
below 80%

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have
caught up with the

D. No. of leaners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did this work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal/supervisor can
help me resolve?

G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
discover which I wish to
share with other

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