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© Reserved with the Publishers

First Edition: 2007

Twelfth Edition: 2020

Price: ` 70.00

Morning Star
(A Unit of MSB Publishers Pvt. Ltd.)
4626/18, Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
New Delhi - 110002

Printed in India at Sanjay Printer, Delhi.


Total English - X

Chapter 1 5 — 5

Chapter 2 5 — 10

Chapter 3 10 — 14

Chapter 4 14 — 18

Chapter 5 18 — 23

Chapter 6 23 — 27

Chapter 7 28 — 32

Chapter 8 32 — 35

Chapter 9 35 — 39

Chapter 10 39 — 44

Chapter 11 44 — 48

Chapter 12 48 — 52

Chapter 13 53 — 56

Chapter 14 57 — 60

Chapter 15 60 — 63

Aural and Oral English

Answers of Reading Passages 63 — 64

Chapter-1 5

A. Active and Passive Voice

1. His song must be listened to (by us).
2. An elephant was seen crossing the road.
3. They are taking too much for granted.
4. They said that he was a genius.
5. We were made to laugh by the joker.
6. Why were you deprived of your money by Arun?
7. Alas! His voice will be heard no more by us.
8. Everyone knew him to be a kind man.
9. He was accused of various offences by the citizens.
10. It is often felt by us that these situations need never arise.
11. It is reasonably believed that the children have been saved  by  them.
12. It was hoped by Vikram to succeed his father.
13. The cart is being loaded by labourers.
14. The easy solutions are to be avoided.
15. Give the command.
D. Test Paper-1
Guidelines for Question 1 to 5 are given in the book.

 

A. Subject verb Agreement

1. The proprietor and director has appointed her.
2. My cousins as well as I am present.
3. Either Meeta or her sisters are to be blamed.
4. The jury were divided in their opinions.
5. None of his books are read today.
6. The Midnight’s Children was written by Salman Rushdie.
6 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

7. The quality of the sarees was not good.

8. The size of the curtains is irregular.
9. Fifty thousand rupees is a good sum.
10. Neither of the two candidates was present.
11. Mohit, as well as his friends, has won the competition.
12. Twenty kilometres is a long distance to go on foot.
13. Many a woman was injured in the accident.
14. Neither the teacher nor his students are in the class.
15. One of the boys was appointed as the monitor.

C. Format of a personal letter

1. Staying away from home for the first time—unfamiliar surroundings—
new people—new routine—will take time to adjust—should make new
friends—attend classes regularly—take part in sports and  games—
record everyday experiences—develop a hobby—spend time usefully—
this will keep you engaged—will not miss home and family much.
2. Flight from Moscow (Russia) to Kolkata — Rajdhani Express from
Kolkata — arrival at New Delhi 10.30 a.m.— go to pre-paid taxi or
auto-rickshaw booth outside — fixed fares — to my residence  —
come out from the station and reach Connaught Place — from the
outer circle move on to the Kasturba Gandhi Marg — proceed till
the India Gate; Lodhi Hotel; Moolchand Hospital — turn left, pass
along the Lady Sriram College — 500 metres from there turn left
to the Highrise flats — My house P-225 is on the second floor.

D. Test Paper-2
Question 1
(a) Kalyani, an intelligent and smart girl — her father died when she was
five-years old — her uncles married her when she was eighteen — two
years after her daughter was born, her husband died — everybody
cursed her — Kalyani was a confident, optimist person — she left her
in-laws house and came back to her paternal home — she introspected
what she was good at — she found that she had a passion for making
pickles — she did a one-year course from a government food processing
institute — she started making pickles but had difficulty in selling it
the market without any packing — she started selling them in small
plastic bottles with a sticker Kalyani’s Pickles — slowly and steadily
her pickles picked up market — she employed more women from her
village — got her brand registered — her optimism and faith in herself
made her a leading women entrepreneur and a winner of several awards
for her outstanding achievement.
Chapter-2 7

(b) For the View: Advertisement a skillful way of disseminating

information about products and services to potential buyers — at
present, advertisements have multiplied to a bewildering extent —
the real worth of an article is of little importance; what matters is the
way in which public attention is drawn towards it, often misleading
the consumers — any mode of advertisement involves expenditure —
the advertisement expenditure adds to the cost of the product which
ultimately the consumers have to bear — in case the cost of advertising
is not added to the product price, then the cost involved is made up
by lowering the quality of the product — advertisements stimulate
wasteful expenditure and increase the burden on the consumers.
Against the View: Advertisements help the consumers in selecting
a product or service — advertisements induce the producers to
maintain the quality of their products, otherwise they will lag behind
in this age of cut-throat competition — advertisements bring profit to
the producers — offer a wide range of products to the consumers —
contribute towards the growth of the economy.
(c) I, along with my family went for a picnic — after whole day’s fun-filled
activities, totally exhausted by evening — had dinner and went to sleep
— after having slept for an hour felt my bed shaking vigorously — got
up, it was an earthquake — with great difficulty all my family members
pushed themselves through the fallen objects and reached an open
ground opposite my house — most of the neighbours were there —
noise all over — saw buildings fall — more tremors felt — chaos and
destruction everywhere — spent three nights in the open with little
food and water due to the fear of more tremors — nothing was left of
our building except the rubble — realised how momentary life is and
we waste our time hankering for material things only — from   that day
onwards followed the dictum ‘live for the day as if there  is no tomorrow’.
(d) A teacher has the greatest impact on a student’s character, knowledge,
values and this influence continues for years even after a student leaves
the school — during my eight years in this school, I was influenced by
so many teachers but the one who has left an indelible impression on
my mind is my English teacher, Ms. Anandita Moitra — her magnetic
personality, her soft but authoritative voice, knowledge of her subject
and above all, the warmth and motherly love for her students has left
on me such a great influence that I want to recast my life after her
own pattern — I was a village boy, came to live with my uncle in the
city — joined the school in Class VI, poor in English — laughed at
by my classmates — scolded by other teachers — depressed, wanted
to run back to my village — Ms. Moitra came into my life as a ray of
hope — encouraged me, taught me separately in school during free
periods — before the exam, gave me free tuition at her home — lent
me her books — I got the highest marks in English in the final exam
— English Literature became my favourite subject — Ms. Moitra left
8 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

the school a year ago — still in touch with her — admire her and draw
inspiration from her.
(e) Last Friday, it rained heavily in Delhi — it caused water logging
everywhere — as Vishal was returning home after tuition, he saw a
car stranded in water — he noticed that there was nobody in the car
except a dog — it seemed that the car had broken down due to water
logging and the owner had moved out leaving the dog inside — the dog
was jumping to move out and whining — with great difficulty Vishal
went near the car — luckily, it was not locked — Vishal opened the
door, took out the dog and wading through knee-deep water, rescued
the dog — he kept on waiting for the owner of the car for an hour — as
he saw the owner, Vishal had a heated argument with the owner for
keeping the dog inside the car — the man rushed to his car and ran
away, stating that Vishal could keep the dog if he was so concerned
for the dog’s safety — Vishal’s thoughts immediately went to his sister,
who always wanted to have a dog for her pet — he took the dog home
and gave it to her sister, who was extremely happy to have a pet.
Question 2
(a) Dear Pooja, I hope you and all family members have adjusted yourselves
to your new surroundings in a small town — I have come to know that
this place is very calm, serene and full of natural beauty — the place
also has a small population of twenty thousand only — after reading
all this from the Internet about this place, I wish to visit your place
during the forthcoming autumn holidays — I really want to spend few
days away from the humdrum of city life — I know there is no airport
nearby — please let me know the best way to visit your place — hope
to see you soon.
(b) Everyday, we the students, have to read a number of textbooks — this
creates a curiosity among us to know how these books are printed —
so we wish to visit your Printing Press to see how the books are printed
— request to permit a batch of 20 students and two teachers to visit
your Printing Press on August 20, 20.. — request for an early  reply.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) coyness (line 5) : feigning shyness or modesty.
(ii) tenacity (line 9) : determination.
(iii) brindled (line 9) : spotted.
(b) (i) Lord Oakhurst remembered his wife as a beautiful, charming and
innocent girl. Initially, she reacted with the shyness of a young
girl, who did not like an old, bald-headed, clumsy man.
Chapter-2 9

(ii) When she heard that Lord Oakhurst had an annual income of
£ 50,000, she jumped on to him and stuck to him like a tick
attaches himself to a spotted cow and with tears in her eyes
proclaimed that she was his.
(iii) Lady Oakhurst was quite happy on seeing the doctor and asked
him if he had brought her cream almonds.
(iv) Lady Oakhurst picked up an axe and with it open her husband’s
cabinet containing his private papers and eagerly took out his will
and began to read it.
(v) The doctor found out that Lord Oakhurst had bequeathed all his
property to a scientific institution that would work for extracting
alcohol from sawdust.
(c) Lord Oakhurst’s wife, married him for money. But after his death found
that he had bequeathed all his properly to a scientific institution. Sir
Everhard, Lord Oakhurst’s doctor, stole all the valuables but Lord
Oakhurst’s dogs pounced on him, buried their teeth in his lower limbs
and damaged his clothes.
Question 5
(a) 1. was affected 2. made 3. fermented
4. has become 5. working 6. to convert
7. is turned 8. packs
(b) (i) up (ii) of (iii) away (iv) by
(v) into (vi) over (vii) on (viii) for
(c) (i) The examination had begun before we reached the hall.
(ii) I do not care if Manav joins me or not.
(iii) We can’t wear cotton clothes since it is very cold.
(iv) He will be grateful to you for your help.
(d) (i)
Hardly had the train arrived, when all rushed into the
(ii) There was a collision between a bus and a car.
(iii) How long can I bear it?
(iv) Unless your father permits, you cannot come with us for
the picnic.
(v) We have never met since 2009.
(vi) The commander ordered the soldiers to march on and not to
give up.
(vii) Put your tools away lest people should fall over them.
(viii) I wish I were appointed to the post.
10 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

E. Bonus Points: Words Often Confused

1. The parcel has been already delivered.
2. We went to the picnic all together.
3. Now it is a different story altogether.
4. We are always spilling milk on the table.
5. Anne comes always late.
6. It is already eight o’clock. Let us go.


A. Tenses and Their Uses (1)

1. When you come to Delhi, I shall see you.
2. The farmer always works in his field.
3. Look! Someone is knocking at the door.
4. I drink at least five cups of tea every morning.
5. She is cooking in the kitchen at present.
6. We are going to Mumbai next week.
1. I have brought all your letters. Please take them.
2. Abha has been typing your letters since morning and she is only
halfway through.
3. I have been collecting stamps ever since I joined this school.
4. Now I have gathered so many stamps that I do not know where to
put them.
5. My towel is wet. Someone has used it.
6. I have used all the milk; nothing is left for you.
7. The old man has been standing at the bus stop for an hour. Tell
him that the last bus has gone already.
8. I have been working since morning and I cannot go home until late
in the evening.
9. He has finished his work and he is going home now.
10. Sheetal has been writing for three hours and soon she will have to
Chapter-3 11

D. Test Paper 3
Question 1
(a) It was a bright sunny morning — Ram Babu woke up and got out of
his bed, as he opened the window of his room he saw there were giant
cranes, lorries and trucks crawled all over the once serene farm of his
— the whole neighbourhood was shrouded in dust kicked up by this
activity — gradually, steel girders and huge concrete slabs were hoisted
and hammered into place — stark grey pillars contrasted sharply with
red trampled earth and distant green forest — after six months, there
arose a majestic flyover that carried a dual lane super highway — the
highway ran right through the heart of Ram Babu’s had farm — Ram
Babu lost his land and it seemed the sunshine from his life.
(b) For the View: (i) Pets are the best companions. They bring a smile
on the face of their owners and a spring in their step. Besides,
caring for a pet can provide a sense of purpose and fulfilment and
lessen feelings of loneliness and isolation in all age groups. —
(ii) pets help maintain the physical health of their owners; spending
time with an animal can help lower a person’s blood pressure and
cholesterol level through pet walking, grooming and even petting
which provides increased physical activity — (iii) pets can help
fight depression; many studies have shown that interacting with a
pet can have positive effects on those suffering from depression —
(iv) pets teach responsibility as they require a lot of attention. It teaches
a child or even an adult about what it takes to care for another life
and the thought and care behind it. (v) by adopting a pet, we save a
life and help it to lead a healthy life.
Against the View: (i) Adopting a pet is like having a perpetual toddler
around the house. It requires constant care and supervision and
therefore, demands lots of time and attention, which every family
cannot afford to give — (ii) pets, like children, poop and require
constant cleaning — (iii) pets like dogs and cats bite or scratch
which can lead to a high risk of infection. — (iv) pets are the carriers
of allergies, which can be harmful to the health of the owners —
(v) pets with fur shed it and can spoil the owner’s clothes, furniture
and car seat.
(c) Last Tuesday, I went to New Delhi Railway Station to receive my
mother — I had to spend an hour at the station, waiting for my mother
as the train was running late — looked around — the platform was
full of passengers, hawkers, vendors — people waiting anxiously for
coming and departing trains — announcements about the arrival and
departure of trains being made from the public address system — there
was noise, excitement, shouting, screaming — people were jostling to
get into and get out of the trains — some people had come to see off
12 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

their friends and relatives while others had come to receive them —

everybody seemed to be in a hurry — some people looked excited and
happy as they seemed to be going home or to their parents’ or making

a new beginning at a new place, some others looked normal as it was

a routine journey for them — finally my mother’s train arrived and I
received my mother happily and went home.

(d) The proverb ‘Look before you Leap’ means that one should think

and plan before taking any action, otherwise it would lead to endless
troubles — It is similar to jumping into a river without knowing
its depth and flow — Napoleon Bonaparte, the great conqueror,

took a rash decision of attacking Russia without considering
the fierce weather conditions and ultimately lost the battle —
I also took one such rash decision, when I passed class X —without

realising my aptitude I joined the science stream in class XI — found
the course burdensome and boring – got low marks in the First

the Arts stream.

r uk
Terminal Exams — decided to give up and with great difficulty joined
(e) This picture shows an aircraft that has crash-landed in sea — this
happened recently when an Air Niugin (Micronesia) passenger jet while
winding up a routine flight missed its target and landed short of the

runway — the plane landed in a lagoon off the runway in water so

shallow that the plane remained level and stable — the passengers and

crew escaped through a single exit door and were transported safely
by local fishing boats — the plane was flying in very low amid heavy

rain and poor visibility when the pilot made miracle landing — all the
passengers survived the crash.

Question 2

(a) Dear Sushant, need a favour from you — I am going to my grandfather’s


house with my family as my grandfather is unwell and has to be

hospitalised — cannot take my pet dog, Sheru with us — request

you to look after him while we are away — he is a three month old
pomerian — is leash trained and toilet trained — friendly and obeys
basic commands — needs to be fed twice a day.

(b) I, Rita Roy visited the Pacific Mall, Anand Vihar on January 15, 20....—

while shopping from one of the famous stores (Women World) left my

cellphone, most probably in the pocket of the ladies coat, which I tried
— the phone is iphone X and my mobile number is 8203456789 —
since the phone was not fully charged, it may still be there in the coat

pocket — I will be highly obliged if you please check with the owner
of the shop and inform me on mobile number 9876543210.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Chapter-3 13

Question 4
(a) (i) licence (line 4) : an official document that gives permission to
do something.
(ii) saucer (line 4) : small round dish on which a cup stands.
(iii) witches (line 7) : women having magical powers to do evil.
(b) (i) The ghost said it was his own fault for not getting a license because
he did things which a ghost was not supposed to do like drinking
tea from a saucer and not a cup, which was considered not only
a bad sign but almost a human trait.
(ii) The ghost considered changing shapes as a difficult task because
that required pronouncing some magic words before changing
into another shape and the ghost used to forget those words.
(iii) When the ghost tried to change into a headless chicken he changed
into a kitten and a little girl picked him up.
(iv) When the ghost tried to change into a tiger, he turned into a rat
and had the following consequences:
(a) a dog cut off half of his tail before he could escape; and
(b) he was expelled from the youth section of the ghosts’ Magic Circle.
(v) The boys were not scared on seeing the ghost because he turned
into a forest spirit and was improperly dressed like a fool as he
was wearing a shirt, pyjamas and shoes. They at first laughed at
him and then threw an over-ripe banana on him.
(c) Being a ghost was not all fun because like human beings ghosts were
supposed to get training in ghost-schools and obtain a licence. The
worst thing for ghost was to change shapes by saying some magic
words, which the ghost used to forget and landed himself in many
Question 5
(a) 1. doubled 2. shows 3. generated
4. had been processed 5. compared 6. worst
7. collected 8. treated
(b) (i) by (ii) into (iii) with (iv) away
(v) about (vi) up (vii) off (viii) along
(c) (i) As it was very hot, I could not go out.
(ii) The room is too small to accommodate all of us.
(iii) I borrowed this good book from my neighbour.
(iv) Aditi was too terrified to speak.
(d) (i) I suggested to my sister to go to the market the next day for
14 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(ii) As he was poor, he could not afford such an expensive  treatment.

(iii) In spite of being rich he is not proud.

(iv) Bina inherited a big fortune from her father.
(v) He pleaded his ignorance of law.

(vi) It is believed by them that he was involved in the crime.

(vii) I wish I had taken my doctor’s advice.

(viii) He not only passed the examination but also won the first prize.


A. Tenses and Their Uses (2)
r uk
1. My aunt will come (come) to India next month.

2. He was shouting (shout) loudly when I got up this morning.

3. I have been (be) to his house several times.

4. She realised that she had taken (take) the wrong decision.

5. What were you doing (do) when the door bell rang?
6. By the tenth of this month, I would have been (be) in this house

for one year.

7. He submitted the assignment which he had written (write).

8. Since when has Mr. Ghosh been (be) the Head of this department?

9. My father said that he had left (leave) the house before the  letter  came.

10. Where will you be going (go) on vacation next month?

B. Beginning and Ending



1. A day in the life of a student.


Opening sentence—Student life is the best period of one’s life.

Closing sentence—The day ended with new anxieties, hopes and
aspirations for the next day.

2. Mobile phones—a blessing or a curse?

Opening sentence—In the modern world, every person possesses a
mobile phone.
Closing sentence—Mobile phone is a necessary evil.
Chapter-4 15

3. There is no place like home.

Opening sentence—J. Howard Payne has rightly said, “Amid pleasures
and palaces though we may roam, be it ever so humble, there’s no
place like home.”
Closing sentence—Home is every civilised being’s dream destination,
a refuge from the world and a space of one’s own.

D. Test Paper-4
Question 1
(a) [The proverb “Never judge a book by its cover” means that one should
not judge a person by his/her outer appearance only.]
Last week went to my cousin’s house in the evening — suddenly the
weather turned bad, it started raining — reached with difficulty —
parked the car outside — went to the cousin’s flat on the third floor
— the door locked, cousin not at home — came back, tried to start
the car, it did not — nobody around to help — it was getting dark —
three boys coming from the opposite side of the road — they saw me
in trouble and one of them knocked at the window of my car — I was
scared, from their looks I thought that they were either thieves or
beggars — reluctantly, I opened the window — they offered to push the
car — they did so and my car started — thanked them and offered them
money — they refused and went their way — I realised the truth of
the statement that one should never judge a book by its  cover.
(b) For the View: (i) Boarding schools have a well-structured environment,
which teach the students how to manage time by balancing thier
social life and school work. (ii) Students in a Boarding school are
more efficient and display better skills in dealing with problems of life
because they learn from practical experience. (iii) in a Boarding school,
teachers and officials keep a close eye on the students. If there are any
problems, parents are notified rather than the child remaining secretive
and uncooperative with parents. (iv) Students in a Boarding School
lead a more active life than day scholars because they utilise their time
according to a set time-table and indulge in various physical activities
like playing games, swimming and horse riding — (vi) Students in a
Boarding school lead a more relaxed life as they are free from family
tensions and worries.
Against the View: (i) In a Boarding School, many students find it
difficult to adjust to their new environment. The physical separation
from family and friends affects their learning. (ii) Students in a Boarding
school stay from family and therefore, do not develop strong family
ties (iii) Students in a Boarding school do not have the support and
affection of their family members, so they do not learn the concept
of interdependence (iv) Students in a Boarding school lead a very
16 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

regimented life and find it difficult to adjust when they come out of a
Boarding school.
(c) Last decade eventful year of my life — joined the present school ten
years ago — the school has nurtured all my talents, be it in sports,
singing or studies — good in athletics, have won awards at the state
level tournaments — my singing talent admired by everybody in school
and at home — learning classical music from the age of five — have
won laurels in singing for my school — always wanted to be a doctor
— took up Science stream in Class XI — preparing for entrance into
medical college — hope to have a favourable future ahead as a doctor
along with singing as a passion.
(d) Forgiveness is certainly nobler than revenge because it relieves
the person who forgives from anger and negativity — once in school,
the teacher gave a science project in the class, to be presented in
the Science Exhibition — made a thorough research and planned a
project — discussed the project with a classmate — down with viral
fever, advised rest for a week — my classmate worked on my project
and presented it in the class — praised by every one — selected for the
Science Exhibition — when I came back after a week I came to know
about her project — felt bad, annoyed — at first decided to tell the
teacher but then decided to let go — the project got the second prize —
my classmate realised her mistake and asked for forgiveness — at this
moment, I realised the truth that forgiveness is nobler than  revenge.
(e) Naseer Khan is a cobbler, who is known in the colony as ‘Naseer
Chacha’ — he is the fourth generation of a family of cobblers, who
used to sit and work at the same corner of the road, where Naseer at
presently works — he comes early in the morning at around 6:30 and
after brooming his so-called small workshop, arranges all his tools —
the people going to school or offices are his early morning customers
— he greets everybody with a smile — his shoe making and repairing
skills are excellent and once a shoe or a sandal is repaired by him,
it lasts for a long time — when he is not repairing shoes, he makes
pairs of shoes, in fact customises the shoes for people, who do not
want to buy from market — Naseer Khan’s small shop is a landmark
for the colony — any new entrant, a visitor, a postman, a courier
boy, all come to him and enquire about people in the colony and he
answers everyone ungrudgingly — he has become an elderly member
of the colony, to whom people give gifts, sweets and money during
every happy occasion, be it Holi, Diwali, Eid, Christmas, birthdays or
weddings and he in turn showers them with lots of blessings.
Question 2
(a) Very ill — chickenpox diagnosed — complete rest and quarantine
advised by the doctor — request for leave of about two weeks — thanks.
Chapter-4 17

(b) Hope you all have settled down in your new place after uncle got a
transfer to this place — I know you have joined your knew school in
mid-session and are laggin behind as forty per cent of the syllabus
has already been covered — but don’t worry, everyday put in two
hours extra and try to cover up the syllabus — on weekends also try
to study as much as possible — ask for notes and assignments from
your classmates and do seek help from your teachers — feel free to
write to me if I can be of any help to you.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) concealment (line 9) : the act of hiding.
(ii) dashed (line 11) : smashed.
(iii) ingots (line 28): solid blocks of gold.
(b) (i) According to Dias, there was the news of the Incas’ treasure being
sent by a boat and the day on it which the boat started, there was
a storm. Nothing was heard about it after that.
(ii) According to Harry, the Incas had kept the entrance to a cave in
readiness to hide the treasure. But due to the storm, the boat
was dashed to pieces against the rocks and the boxes containing
the treasure sank to the bottom of the sea.
(iii) The Incas wanted to keep the treasure in a cave near the
(iv) The treasure sank at the bottom of the sea when the boat carrying
it collided against the rocks. The Incas thought it as the safest
place because nobody would be able to find the treasure in sea
and there would be no fear of its being stolen away like in a cave.
They would bring it out after the Spaniards had left.
(v) Bertie found the treasure lying among the rocks at the bottom
of the sea. It comprised score of ingots, which shone with a dull
copperish colour, among the rocks.
(c) Harry was sure that the treasure of the Incas was lying at the bottom
of the sea. Both Harry and Bertie descended into the sea, swam out
through the opening and climbing the rocks dived into the water twelve
feet below. They swam through the rocks and finally Bertie found a
number of ingots.
Question 5
(a) 1. wanted 2. disposal 3. adopted 4. mandated
5. shall give 6. bringing 7. stopped 8. saw.
18 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(b) (i) under (ii) down (iii) after (iv) over

(v) out (vi) up (vii) for (viii) without
(c) (i) Ankita is as pretty as Kalyani.
(ii) Everybody knows that the shopkeeper is cunning.
(iii) I do not know the reason for his not coming to school.
(iv) Though he is poor, he is not a cheat.
(d) (i) Tagore was more famous than many other artists.
(ii) Unless you tell the truth, you will be punished.
(iii) He asked if he could have a cup of milk.
(iv) If you give him some more time, he will complete this work by
(v) We organised a function so that we could raise funds for the
(vi) Who has not heard of the Quit India Movement?
(vii) I prefer small towns to big cities.
(viii) In spite of her being too young, they appointed her.


A. Sequence of Tenses

1. I will not help him until he asks for it.

2. She boasted as if she knew everything.
3. My uncle told me that he made a good profit.
4. He called me as many times as he wanted .
5. She wrote as fast as she could .
6. I knew the doctor who came here.
7. He pretends as if he is blind.
8. You will be glad to know that I have won the competition.
9. He assured me that he would repair my watch.
10. He works hard so that he might get the scholarship.
Chapter-5 19

B. types of composition
1. Life is full of pitfalls, so it is necessary to be always slow and careful
in what we do and what we speak — before we do any activity or
utter any word, we should think of the consequences of our actions
and words, both good and bad — a wrong act and a wrong word
can bring disastrous results — so we should watch both our acts
and words.
2. Looking through the window — various sights and sounds in city
— hawkers, beggars, office-goers, housewives, school students and
college-going youth — dresses and mannerisms — interesting study
in human nature and behaviour.
3. Advantages: Written examinations test what one has learnt during
the year — limited time — concentration — relevant answers —
impartial assessment — time-tested system — marks obtained a
permanent record.
Disadvantages: Only memory tested—unfair means like copying—
year’s hardwork ruined if one is ill on examination day, illness in
the family or accident—not ideal system of assessment—examiners
can be influenced—no test of real intelligence—must be changed.
4. My English teacher in Class IX—dressed well—soft-spoken—well-
versed in many subjects—also proficient in sciences—developed
love of English language and literature in me—recitation of John
Keats’ poems, especially ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’—strict but
helpful—no private tuitions—inspired me to read and come up in
life—wonderful human being.
5. I regularly go for a morning walk in the early hours of the day —
I walk down for a kilometre to go to a beautiful park, which has
a huge artificial lake — calm and serene atmosphere — beautiful
flowers — pleasant breeze — some people walk others run, still
others do yoga — I do breathing exercises and practise yoga — a
rejuvenating experience that keeps me active for the rest of the  day.
(You may also include other relevant details.)

D. Test Paper-5
Question 1
(a) Anuj and Amit, cousins studying in the same class, in the same school
— Anuj, an introvert, does not speak much — Amit, an extrovert,
speaks too much — Amit boasts of his achievements — Anuj believes
20 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

in action — annual science exhibition in the school — both Amit and

Anuj give their names for participation — work on their projects —
exhibition starts — Amit speaks highly of his model and claims that
he will win the first prize — Anuj does not say anything — the Chief
Guest and other guests arrive — Anuj’s model praised by everybody
— Amit’s model did not work, tried to rectify it — Anuj came forward
to help him — Amit realised that ‘actions speak louder than words.’
(b) For the View: Vegetarianism latest fad — good for health — reduces
risk of diseases like high blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes,
stroke and obesity — vegetarians healthier than meat-eaters —
vegetarian diet prolongs life and makes people feel better and more
energetic — more active — long life — killing animals for food is unjust
— enough proteins available in vegetarian diet.
Against the View: Vegetarian diet lacks essential nutrients like
Vitamin B12, which is found solely in animal products like meat, fish
and eggs — vegetarian diet also lacks ‘high quality proteins’ — those
on vegetarian diet supplement it with lots of butter and ghee, which
is not good for health — modern slaughter techniques minimise the
suffering of animals — vegetarianism leads to the increase in number
of animals and disturbs the ecological balance.
(c) Village fairs are common in India — I, along with two friends happened
to visit one such fair in a village in Punjab on the day of Baisakhi
(April 13) — the fair was held in a large ground outside the village
— large number of stalls selling a number of goods ranging from
household items, jewellery, clothes and eatables — men, women and
children in colourful attire making a bee-line to the fair — in one corner
a juggler was showing his tricks — in another corner, a snake-charmer
was playing his pipe to which a cobra was raising his hood — ‘bhangra’
and ‘giddha’, the folk dance for boys and girls, respectively was being
performed on the music of dhol — enjoyed every moment of the fair.
(d) Last Sunday participated in a rally against child labour — organised
by an NGO — people from all walks of life including celebrities joined
the rally — protesters carried banners, posters and placards — raised
slogans like Stop Child Labour, Save Childhood — I also carried a
banner depicting exploitation of children — felt bad for the children
made to work in dhabas, at homes as domestic help, in factories, etc,
— thanked God that I am the blessed one — pledged to help such
children in whatever way I can.
(e) The picture shows a boy sitting on the platform with his bag and
baggage — he is a village boy, Omkar, who was going to the city
for the first time to study in a college there — he was nervous and
Chapter-5 21

apprehensive thinking of the difficulties he would have to face in the

city — his greatest fear was that he could not speak English fluently
— when Omkar was contemplating, the man standing next to him
on the platform came to him and asked him why he was looking so
dejected — Omkar told him everything about himself — the man was
now an Officer in a government undertaking — he told Omkar that
30 years ago, he was in a similar situation as Omkar and was scared
of leaving his village for an unknown life in the city — but he did not
lose heart, worked very hard in the city and made a mark in life — his
words motivated Omkar, he got up looking rejuvenated, thanked the
man and boarded the train for his new journey of life.
Question 2
(a) Erratic electricity supply — darkness for hours — no fans in summer
— examination time — students unable to study at night — poor
performance in exams — increase in the number of cases of theft
because of darkness — require regular, uninterrupted electric supply
at all times, especially during exams — take measures to prevent power
theft in the area, especially in a number of factories — no use hiking
power tariff if there is no supply — request to take necessary steps.
(b) Wish to invite you to join a trekking expedition — will be going to
Mount Abu — a few other friends also coming along — made necessary
arrangements — ordered the equipment — promise lots of fun, playing
games and cooking too — anxiously awaiting your reply.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) collaborate (line 7): work together.
(ii) groping (line 8): reaching a thing or a place in the dark by feeling
with hands.
(iii) dashed (line 16): entered quickly.
(b) (i) First, the pony-carriage meant to take Theodoric to the railway
station did not arrive because it was not properly ordered. Second,
the man, who was supposed to assist him was not there.
He solved the difficulty by collaborating with the Vicar’s daughter
in harnessing a pony from an ill-lighted stable and going to the
railway station.
(ii) ‘Dual ownership’ refers to Theodoric’s body and the mouse that
had entered into his clothes. In order to remove the mouse from
22 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

his clothes, Theodoric made a curtain using the railway-rug,

undressed himself behind the curtain and got rid of the mouse
and turned the ownership of the clothes to their previous single
(iii) In order to protect himself from the possible gaze of the lady,
Theodoric made a small partition between himself and the lady
by hanging the railway-rug to the racks of the carriage.
(iv) Theodoric landed himself into an embarrasing situation while he
was trying to get rid of the mouse that had entered into his clothes.
It happened when the railway-rug, which he had used to form a
curtain to undress himself, fell down as soon as the mouse lept
out of his body and the only lady in the compartment opened her
eyes to look at him.
(v) Throughout the passage, Theodoric struggled hard to remove the
mouse that had entered into his clothes. He made all the efforts to
protect himself from the possible gaze of the lady, the only other
passenger in the railway compartment travelling with him. He felt
quite embarrassed when the curtain he had formed to undress
himself to remove the mouse, fell down and the lady opened her
eyes to look at him. But at the end of the passage, Theodoric came
to know that the lady was blind.
(c) On entering the railway compartment, Theodoric felt something
creeping over his body. He shook his body to remove the intruder,
but in vain. He made a curtain using a railway-rug to protect himself
from the gaze of the lady, in the compartment. He undressed himself
and got rid of the mouse.
Question 5
(a) 1. to control 2. published 3. shows 4. to cool
5. created 6. aiding 7. understanding 8. helps
(b) (i) on (ii) by (iii) in (iv) up
(v) through (vi) on (vii) up (viii) under
(c) (i) I would not have completed the task had Anu not helped me.
(ii) Mr Khosla cannot be late as he is very punctual.
(iii) Kindly tell me the reason why you have not completed your
(iv) We will wait for you until you come back.
(d) (i) The police not only watched his movements but also tapped
his phones.
(ii) Everyone will agree that she is honest.
Chapter-6 23

(iii) If you had not helped me I would not have succeeded.

(iv) He has lived here throughout his life.
(v) The Principal said, “I promise to look into the case.”
(vi) Inspite of having known him for long, I have not developed a
great respect for him.
(vii) John did not understand why Anita was annoyed.
(viii) Nobody in our team can run faster than Tom.


A. Direct and Indirect Speech

I. 1. I asked the guard when the next train would come in.
2. The spectators cheered Pankaj and said that he had played  well.
3. The students exclaimed that the paper was very tough.
4. The mother told Bunty that she had often told him not to tell  lies.
5. The mother told Rajan to hurry up, otherwise he would be missing
the school bus.
6. Rama said, “I have been very impatient.”
7. He said, “Let me have some food”.
8. The teacher told the class that he would prove then that earth  moves
round the sun.
9. He said to me, “I can defeat you in swimming.”
10. He said to me, “Do you know the way?”

II. 1. The mother said that it might rain that evening.

2. “Children, do not play on the road,” said the teacher.
3. Meera exclaimed that the tea was very cold and asked whether
she might warm it up.
4. Joe asked Atul whether there were enough pencils left.
5. The little girl told her mother that her sari was very lovely.
6. The teacher wished to have some tea.
7. Arun said to his sister, “Please wait here till I return.”
24 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

8. He said, “I wish she may have some money.”

9. Aruna said to me, “Do you play cricket?”
10. The teacher told me that he had never seen such an intelligent
boy like me.

B. Paragraph Writing
1. Last weekend woke up late on Saturday — had lunch with my  family
— went out for a movie with  friends — enjoyed the movie — woke up
early on Sunday morning — completed my pending assignments  —
watched TV in the evening — got refreshed to start the week ahead
with more enthusiasm.
2. Adversities bring out the best in man  — Mt. Everest conquered
by those who boldly faced the dangers on their way — Columbus
could discover America only because he faced the unknown wild
oceans — adversities are spurs that goad us to get up after every
fall and achieve our goals with renewed vigour.
(You may also include other relevant details.)

D. Test Paper-6
Question 1
(a) [This statement says that love of money prompts people to all sorts of
malpractices such as greed, dishonesty, hoarding, black marketing,
deception, miserliness and exploitation of others and finally leads them
to ruin their lives.]
Anand, a village body of humble background — studied in the village
school till class eight — got a scholarship and went to the city —
saw the huge gap in terms of wealth that existed between him and
his classmates — decided to be wealthy — worked hard — did his
graduation and post-graduation — got an MBA degree with gold medal
— selected by the top most company — huge salary, bungalow, car
— greed for money not satisfied — started working day and night —
neglected his family and friends — moved to a foreign country for better
prospects — got money but felt extreme loneliness — took to alcohol
and drugs — lost his job — came back to India — jobless and afflicted
with severe health problems — love of money brought his  downfall.
(b) For the View: Public examination system has become the most
dreaded part of our education system — a stressful activity which
has attained the status of a growing epidemic — leads to examination
fever and anxiety attacks among students — these examinations not
a test of application of acquired knowledge — encourage mindless
Chapter-6 25

cramming devoid of analytical reasoning — evaluation process

plagued with many drawbacks — accuracy and impartiality often
get compromised due to manual evaluation — no justification in
deciding the worth of a student on the basis of a few questions
asked and marks obtained.
Against the View: Public examination system tests the average
level of proficiency and provides a chance to the students to prove
their  merit — these examinations teach the students how to cope
with stress and perform during tense situations — offer valuable
lessons to students like hard work, dedication and focus — wrong
attitude of the parents and teachers — pressurise the students to
perform beyond their capabilities.
(c) Mrs Kiran Bedi, the first woman IPS Officer in India, is the person,
who has motivated me the most and has been a decisive factor in
changing my life — I had the opportunity of meeting her and talking
to her, when she was the chief guest at the Annual Day function at my
school — from that day onwards, I have decided that I will become an
IPS Officer — have changed my lifestyle — lead a more disciplined life,
give equal relevance to physical and mental training — devote extra
time to studies — preparing myself for achieving my ambition in life
of becoming an IPS Officer like my ideal, Mrs Kiran Bedi.
(d) I have always been a bookworm — not interested in any extra-
curricular activities in school — good at studies — a favourite of
all my teachers — Inter-house debate competition — half an hour
before the competition, the contestant from my house fell sick, had
to be sent home — unexpectedly my teacher asked me to take on the
responsibility — quite nervous as I had never participated earlier in
such a competition — somehow could not say ‘No’ — rehearsed the
topic with the help from my teacher — my legs felt like jelly — my
stomach was churning as I reached the podium — tried to recover my
calm and confidence  — spoke very well — my habit of reading books
came in handy while answering the questions — stood second in the
competition — praised by all — felt on top of the world — started
participating in every debate competition.
(e) The picture shows a farmer ploughing his fields — India is an
agricultural country where more than 60 per cent of its population is
engaged in agricultural sector — unfortunately, the farmers who fill
our plate with food are finding it difficult to get two square meals for
their family — agriculture in India is still dependent on weather —
most of the farmers complain of repeated losses due to unseasonal
rains, drought, floods and pest attack — a recent survey by the Centre
26 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

for Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), found that given an option,

majority of farmers in the country would prefer to take up some other
work — poor income, bleak future and stress are the main reasons why
they want to give up farming — hope the schemes meant for farmers
reach up to the last man.
Question 2
(a) I am writing to you to express my concern for the safety of visitors to
the zoo — deeply shocked to watch on TV the hair-raising incident of
how a 200 kg white tiger mauled and killed a youth after he fell into
the animal’s enclosure in the zoo — the incident highlights the need
to revamp the security measures for the visitors — need to have a
quick response team to handle such emergency situations — security
guards to warn the visitors — folded ropes and ladders at carnivore
enclosures — tranquilizer guns in case of an emergency — do’s and
don’ts printed on the tickets — request to take these measures in the
right earnest at the earliest.
(b) Badminton is my favourite game — fastest racket game in the
world  — it is played with a racket and a shuttle cock — it is a highly
competitive sport that requires lots of hardwork, stamina, agility and
determination — Saina Nehwal is my favourite badminton  player —
I play for my school and I am the captain of our school badminton
team — practice it daily — hope to play for my country one day.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) prevailing (line 5): current
(ii) consented (line 6): agreed
(iii) distinctions (line 7): divisions
(b) (i) The two unions that struck work at Sophie’s were — Household
Staff and Union of Cooks and Kitchen Employees. The household
staff struck work and her maid refused to do her hair. The Union
of Cooks and Kitchen Employees struck work and refused to serve
dinner to the guests.
(ii) Sophie’s maid believed in the capitalist principle of working for
the sake of money only. But she belonged to the union and struck
work because she had to live along with other servants, earn her
living and work for each other’s mutual benefits.
Chapter-6 27

(iii) Gaspar was a specialist in omelette making. He was hired by Sophie

to serve her special guest, the Duke of Syria with his favourite
Byzantine omelette.
(iv) Gaspar was dismissed from service to pacify the Strike Committee.
Gaspar’s dismissal as a cook led to the protest and strike by the
Union of Cooks and Kitchen Employees. This led to the cooks
refusal to serve dinner to her special guest, the Duke of Syria.
(v) When the guests were guided to the dining room, Sophie kept on
waiting for the announcement from the kitchen staff that dinner
had been served. But, the butler gave her the shocking news that
the kitchen staff had struck work in protest against the dismissal
of Gaspar and dinner would not be served.
(c) Sophie always employed union servants following her socialistic
principles. Her principles backfired when the Duke of Syria was
her guest. First, the household staff struck work to protest against
the appointment of Gaspar, an omelette specialist. When she
dismissed  Gaspar, the kitchen staff struck work protesting the
dismissal of Gaspar.
Question 5
(a) 1. taken 2. triggered 3. were studied 4. taken
5. became 6. searching 7. returned 8. claimed
(b) (i) about (ii) after (iii) on (iv) with
(v) into (vi) against (vii) up (viii) for
(c) (i) I got a scholarship in France to learn French.
(ii) Mona spoke too softly to be heard by me.
(iii) Being selfish the old woman never helped her neighbours.
(iv) I am less intelligent than Manoj.
(d) (i) Walk carefully lest you should slip and fall.
(ii) As soon as the bell rang, the students rushed out of the hall.
(iii) He always takes up the work which he can complete.
(iv) She has drawn a beautiful scenery.
(v) How did you succeed in finishing the job?
(vi) No other playwright was as great as Kalidasa.
(vii) The father forbade his son from using mobile phone  while  driving.
(viii) You did not forget to take your Admit Card.

28 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

A. Synthesis
A. 1. Having passed the examination, he won a scholarship.
Since the referee has arrived, they should get ready for the  match.
3. My friend is neither a judge nor a lawyer.
4. Since he has high fever, he cannot take part in games.
5. Even though I am rude sometimes, my friends love me.
6. He neither came to school, nor did he send in an application.
7. Although he was hurt, he helped the victims.
8. Either do your work diligently, or leave my service.
B. 1. It was so dark that they could hardly see each other.
2. It is too difficult a task for me to do.
3. As soon as he received my message, he came to see me.
4. Unless you work hard, you will not succeed.
5. The man whom we met in the bank is a cheat.
6. Besides being a painter, Tagore was a poet.
7. Do not steal since stealing is a crime.
8. You must pass the exam, since your future depends on it.
9. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.
10. He lost all his money; nevertheless he persevered.

B. Narrative Composition
1. Anshu Gupta, social activist and Ramon Magsaysay Award winner
visited my school — spoke about social responsibilities of students
— moral and ethical values — secularism — students’ duties towards
school, family, society — weaker sections and women —    simple,  fluent
language — easily understood — impressed by his social commitment.
2. Quarrel with a friend—complained against me to the principal
— accused me of theft — money found in his school bag by the
teacher — I was absolved of the charge — still wonder why my
friend did it to me — I will be more careful while making friends.
Chapter-7 29

D. Test Paper-7
Question 1
(a) Many things in a person’s life are predestined — human beings not
aware of such situations beforehand — sometimes such situations
turn out to be a blessing in disguise — got a call for an interview for
the job of a fashion designer in a reputed fashion house in Mumbai —
excited, seemed like a dream come true — prepared myself mentally
and physically for the D-day — booked an airline ticket for Mumbai
— started from home well in time — spate of unfortunate incidents
happened one after the other — caught in the traffic jam for more than
an hour — then the taxi ran out of fuel — and then the tyre got deflated
— reached the airport late — missed the flight — felt miserable — no
other flight ticket available — went back home, totally disappointed
— in the evening got the news that the flight I was to take, crashed
before landing — some passengers died and others received severe
injuries — felt relieved — thanked my stars — lost the job but got a
new lease of  life.
(b) For the View: Working women are better listeners than men and this
helps them to be better leaders — they are better consensus builders
and don’t have the need like men to direct everyone in what to do —
they have strong business ethics — they acknowledge and consider the
rights of others in the pursuit of fairness — they are far more patient
with employees than men — they are better at activating passion in
their employees and this passion builds loyalty among them — they
perform twice as well to get the same recognition and rewards as men.
Against the View: Working men are more competitive and aggressive
than women — men are more rebellious and therefore, capable of
challenging the status quo to promote a new direction independent
of position — working women are always under pressure and at the
risk of rejection and therefore, stressed — working women at times,
go overboard to prove themselves — women, because of their motherly
instinct, think with their heart than with their head and get carried
away — men have higher emotional quotient than women and therefore
manage their employees better — working women have to manage their
home and office and therefore, at times their attention gets divided.
(c) Being the Head Girl of the school, I was assigned the duty of organising a
Fancy Dress Competition — the participants were to be the students of
Classes VI to IX — since the competition was to be held on August 15,
we selected the theme of India’s Freedom Struggle — we hired a make-
up artist to give the exact look of the freedom fighters — we selected
the famous lines said by our freedom fighters and organised rehearsals
30 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

with the students — on the day of the competition the students dressed
as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Rani
Laxmi Bai, Subhash Chandra Bose, Sarojini Naidu, Bhagat Singh,
Chandra Shekhar Azad — they came to the stage one by one, spoke
their lines — every participant was applauded by the audience — prizes
given to the best of these participants by the Chief Guest.
(d) We should never leave anything for tomorrow what we can
today because procrastination is the thief of time — one delay
leads to another and so on — I learnt this lesson from personal
experience — I was in the habit of postponing things till the last
moment — once, I submitted my name for participating in an
Inter-School Debating Competition — I had 15 days to prepare for the
competition — I kept on postponing preparing for it till the last day —
started working on the topic — could not prepare it well — nervous and
tense on the day of the competition — in a state of nervousness I forgot
even what I have prepared — lost the competition — felt embarrassed —
promised myself that in future I will not leave any project till tomorrow
which I can do today.
(e) This picture shows a scene of floods in Assam — flood waters
overflowing the streets and roads — vehicles stranded — villages
submerged — number of people trapped in their houses — army called
in to rescue the stranded people — boats deployed by the army for
the rescue operation.
Question 2
(a) National Debating Competition to be held on November 14, 20..
at 11 a.m in the school auditorium — a number of schools from all
over India participating in the three day event — competition to be
held in three stages — quarter finals, semi-finals and finals — topic
for the debate “There is a need to change the mentality of men to
stop the violation of women’s rights” — request to be the judge at the
competition — two other judges — request confirmation.
(b) Dear mother, I want to confide in you my ambition in life — I know
that you and dad want to see me as a successful engineer, following
the footsteps of dad — I have gone through over this again and again,
but my inner voice tells me that engineering is not my cup of tea and
I want to be a model — though I have joined science stream, I have
no interest in either Physics or Mathematics — as you know I have
already done three modelling assignments and I am still getting new
offers — following your advice, I won’t take these assignments now,
but would definitely take them up after completing my exams — I want
to assure you that I foresee a great future for myself in modelling and
would make you and dad proud of me — I do not want to hurt you
Chapter-7 31

and dad but please do understand my problem — try to persuade dad

— love you both.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) token (line 5): symbol.
(ii) conception (line 15): understanding.
(iii) exhilarated (line 28): excited.
(b) (i) When the doctor saw the gift, he scratched his head, cleared his
throat and blew his nose because on the pedestal of the antique
bronze candle stand were two figures of women scantily dressed.
(ii) The doctor was hesitant to keep the gift on his table as he thought
that it would pollute his home. Besides, his room was often visited
by little children and ladies.
(iii) Sasha justified to the doctor that his gift was worth keeping stating
that the masterpiece should not be viewed through the eyes of
the rustics.
(iv) The lawyer said so because though it was a masterpiece it would
bring disgrace to him in the eyes of his mother, his clients and
servants as it carried the figures of two scantily dressed women.
(v) The lawyer could neither keep the gift nor throw it. So he sold the
gift to an old woman who used to buy bronze antiques. The old
woman was Smirnova, Sasha’s mother.
(c) Sasha gifted the doctor an antique bronze candle-stand. Its base
had two figures of women scantily dressed. The doctor gave away the
antique to his lawyer, who in turn sold it to Sasha’s mother. Sasha
then presented this candle-stand to the doctor as the second piece of
the set.
Question 5
(a) 1. prancing 2. sniffed 3. made
4. was running 5. had alighted 6. were concealed
7. embroidered 8. training
(b) (i) into (ii) with (iii) at (iv) on
(v) down (vi) through (vii) for (viii) by
(c) (i) He is too ill to walk to the bathroom.
(ii) We could not play football as it rained heavily.
(iii) It has been six months since my friend went abroad.
(iv) Having finished his work, he went to play.
32 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(d) (i) Though it rained heavily, a large number of students were  present.

(ii) Unless you wear thick clothes you will feel cold.
(iii) No other planet is bigger than Jupiter.
(iv) We had better call the fire brigade before the fire destroys  everything.
(v) Despite being selected for the post, he did not join the office.
(vi) Schools have counsellors as children have problems.
(vii) Except a prince no one can afford to live such a life of luxury.
(viii) It appears to be a good proposal.


A. Transformation of Sentences (1)

1. The mangoes are too costly for you to buy.
2. Mona was so poor that she could not pay her school fees.
3. The girl is so ill that she cannot come to school.
4. All trust an honest man.
5. Parents should be respected.
6. The police will arrest the criminal.
7. He is richer than I am.
8. No one can forget those happy days.
9. We were surprised by their attitude.
10. Dehradun is not as cool as Shimla.
11. Lucknow is bigger than many other towns.
12. No other continent is as small as Australia.
13. He was dismissed because he was negligent.
14. The rats proved troublesome to us.

B. Stories
1. The girls shriek and scream in fear—slowly the monster reveals
itself—a huge deformed creature—the older girl picks up a burning
log of wood—the monster recoils in fear—neighbours gather—
overpower the monster—the girls saved—the neighbourhood got rid
of the horrible monster.
Chapter-8 33

2. Favourite aunt called for me urgently — I rushed to her town—long

and difficult journey by scooter—stopped by the police—accused of
hitting a pedestrian—arrested by the police—timely arrival of an
uncle—saved—continued journey—reached aunt’s home—found that
I would inherit a fortune—happy.

D. Test Paper-8
Question 1
(a) We set off in the silence of early morning when everybody in the house
was fast asleep — on a secret mission — my brother and I went to a
nearby forest — search for a rare plant — hardships in the forest —
looked for the plant in every direction — disappointed — decided to
return — noticed the plant on a mound — pulled it out with great care
— back home before everybody woke up — planted in the courtyard
— already had one, but was withering away with only two leaves left
— grandmother seriously ill, had emotional and religious attachment
to the plant — she saw a new plant — looked better — got cured in a
few days.
(b) For the View: It is better to live in a joint family than a nuclear
family — (i) big family comprising grandparents, parents, uncles,
aunts and cousins, share joys and sorrows, help in times of need;
(ii) children well looked after, no discrimination; (iii) traditional way
of living; values of love, sharing and caring inculcated in children;
(iv) decisions taken by consensus.
Against the View: Nuclear family system is better than the joint family
system because — (i) it comprises parents and children alone, so
strong bonds and filial affection; (ii) individuality, freedom and privacy
(iii) greater potential for development; (iv) develops modern and
progressive outlook.
(c) Navratri celebrations in the neighbourhood — participated along with
other girls and boys — helped in the decorations and arrangements
— garba competition held — beautiful traditional outfits — our group
won — enjoyed a lot.
(d) There are some incidents which one can recall with happiness
throughout life — one such incident which I can recall is the one
when I became the Head Girl of my school — many contenders for the
post — my competitors in school ruled out my name as I had joined
in Class XI only, whereas they had been in the same school from
nursery — participated in every competition and won — became the
monitor of the class, then the prefect — proved my abilities in every
field — beat all the contenders to be finally selected as the Head Girl
of the school.
34 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(e) Children playing football on the footpath — suddenly one of the boys
kicked the ball and it went into the middle of the road — a boy ran
after the ball — a truck coming with speed from the opposite side —
the driver saw the boy from a distance and put the brakes to stop the
truck — the driver’s act saved the boy, otherwise would have resulted
in a fatal accident — children must be taught to play away from the
footpaths and driveways.
Question 2
(a) Inconvenience greatly due to absence of a bus stop in area — forced
to walk long distances for buses — late for schools and offices — urgent
need for a bus stop — request to set up one as soon as possible.
(b) Dear Rahul — I want to share with you the news that I have recently
bought a Dell computer — it has a 15 inches monitor, 4 GB Ram, Intel
(R) Core, i5-2310 CPU and 32-bit Operating System with Windows 10
— has made work quite easier — do my homework and other projects
easily — with the Internet facility and social networking sites I can
chat with my friends and be in touch with them — listen to music,
watch movies and play games — altogether an important machine to
work and enjoy.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) bequeathed (line 2): left (something) to a person by a will.
(ii) array (line 9): collection.
(iii) detested (line 13): hated
(b) (i) First, James wanted to fulfill his family’s desire that he should
get married. Second, James wanted to get married to share with
someone the legacy that he had inherited from his uncle.
(ii) James decided to visit Joan’s residence to propose her to marry
him. ‘In a positive state of mind’ indicates that James had no
second thoughts about marrying Joan at that time.
(iii) James disliked the questions about the strength of the tea and
sugar asked before being served.
(iv) Rhoda Ellam was James’ remote cousin. James decided to visit
her to delay his meeting with Joan during the tea time to avoid
being questioned about the strength of tea and the amount of
sugar before being served tea.
(v) Joan as well as Rhoda asked questions about the strength of the
tea and the amount of sugar in it while serving it.
Chapter-9 35

(c) James hated the questions asked about the strength of tea and sugar
before being served it. He decided to marry Rhoda instead of Joan
because Rhoda did not ask any question before serving tea. But after
marriage, James was confronted with the same questions by Rhoda
about tea which he detested.
Question 5
(a) 1. called 2. to bring 3. had stayed 4. had fallen
5. writing 6. had been standing 7. will send 8. awaking
(b) (i) of (ii) to (iii) down (iv) for
(v) off (vi) up (vii) for (viii) against
(c) (i) Unless you hurry up you will be late for the function.
(ii) Although Ravi worked hard yet he did not win the  scholarship.
(iii) I would not wade through the river because it is very deep.
(iv) There is no doubt that Smita is a good tennis player.
(d) (i) This remedy is better than any other remedy available.
(ii) As soon as he received my message he came to see me.
(iii) Of all the subjects, she is most interested in Mathematics.
(iv) Unless you go for the interview, you will not be selected for the
(v) She said, “Sorry I won’t be able to attend the meeting.”
(vi) The firemen put out the fire.
(vii) But for his help, I would have been ruined.
(viii) Little does anybody know about his plans.


A. Transformation of Sentences (2)

1. Students should study hard so that they succeed.
2. Time is too valuable to be wasted.
3. He met me many years ago.
4. Unless the thief apologises, he will not be pardoned.
5. Walking along the path, she lost her purse.
6. Meeta, who is wearing a blue saree, is my sister.
36 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

7. One should sympathise with the poor.

8. Nobody but a fool will believe you.

B. Descriptive Composition
1. A river flowing through the meadows—hills in the distance—relaxing
and refreshing landscape—plan for highway—trees felled—concrete
road in place of greenery—bridge over the river—noisy environment—
roadside eateries—calm and serene atmosphere not to be found—
quarrying in the hills—the place has become unrecognisable.
2. Plan to take the penfriend to Agra to see the Taj—Dream in
Marble—built by Shah Jahan in memory of his wife—every visitor’s
favourite spot—part of India’s cultural heritage—then to Fatehpur
Sikri—Akbar’s abandoned capital—Buland Darwaza—palaces—making
the visit memorable for the penfriend.
3. All-India Institute of Medical Sciences in Delhi—the biggest hospital
in India—all disciplines and specialities—too many patients—difficult
to go through the maze and contact doctors—scarcity of beds and
private rooms—latest research—excellent treatment—father seriously
ill—recovered in a few days.
(You may also include other relevant details.)

D. Test Paper-9
Question 1
(a) Life is a reflection of our actions — Mrs. Natrajan a pious and helpful
woman — not affluent, always willing to help others — at times,
found herself in difficulty for helping others — loved and respected
by everybody in her neighbourhood — only daughter got married in a
different city — Mrs. Natrajan fell ill, nobody to look after — neighbours
came to know — came forward to help her — got her admitted into a
hospital — a neighbour looked after her in the hospital — recovered,
came back home — welcomed by all — she got back what she had
been giving to others: love, respect and support.
(b) For the View: Indeed, more lessons are learnt on the sports field than
in the classroom — Swami Vivekananda once said that a football match
can prove to be more useful than a complex and endless debate on
Vedantic philosophy — the experiences gained on a sports field help to
develop the virtues of patience, self-confidence, discipline, teamwork,
leadership — it teaches respect for the limitations of time, the need
to work hard to achieve success, to remain unaffected by winning or
losing and coordination of the mind, body and spirit reflected in a split
second of brilliant reflex action — no intellectually dense theoretical
Chapter-9 37

discussion in the classroom can deal with such complex challenges

because what one does on a sports field is tough and uncompromising
reality and that cannot be tamed according to the sweet will of the
teacher or the student through hypothetical argumentation.
(c) Rising pollution a menace in all the cities — Delhi, the capital city
worst hit by pollution of all types — air, land and water —the poisonous
fumes emitted by the ever-increasing number of vehicles in the city
pollute the air — this poisonous air devoid of oxygen has resulted in
the increase of diseases like asthma and bronchitis — small children
are losing their immunity and falling prey to dreaded diseases — the
location of factories and small industries within the city, another major
cause of air and water pollution — the gases from these factories
belched out through the chimneys mix freely with the air we breathe
— the effluents discharged into the only river in the area — garbage
from homes dumped into the river — water becomes unfit for drinking
— it is high time the residents and the authorities wake up and take
quick action to check the rising level of pollution in our city.
(d) Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to
see what we believe — Sachin hailed from an extremely impoverished
household — his parents toiled as manual labourers to support
their family — Sachin was the eldest child of the family — as a child,
whenever he saw the Collector of his area, his aspiration to become like
him sore to heights — he had faith in himself that one day he would
become an IAS Officer — there were times when his family struggled
through crop failures, severe drought and high debt — but Sachin
never lost hope — he sold vegetables, worked in a factory at night and
studied in a government school during the day — though he could
have got admission in an engineering college, he could neither afford
it nor wanted to — he appeared in the Civil Services Exam twice and
could not clear the Mains Exam — many people in his village made
fun of him, callintg him ‘Collector Sahib’ but Sachin had deep faith
in himself — in his third attempt he not only cleared the Exam but
achieved all India second rank — to his luck, he got the home cadre
and became a Collector in his own State — it was Sachin’s faith in
himself that took him to such great heights.
(e) Looking at the family album — saw the photograph of a family picnic —
remembered the day I went for a picnic with my parents and younger
sister — early in the morning my mother prepared mouth-watering
dishes for us — went by car to a picnic spot on the bank of a river —
cool breeze was blowing — clear blue sky — arranged our picnic mat
with other belongings like food items, music player and games — sat
down, listened to the music — had our lunch — played football with
my sister — shooting of a film going on at the other side of the park
— went to see the shooting — enjoyed it — took autographs of the
film stars — had an enjoyable day — still have the autographs in my
old diary.
38 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

Question 2
(a) I would like to bring to your kind notice the need for setting up a public
library in Gandhi Nagar — there is no public library in the area — the
students of the area have to travel at least 20 km to have an access to
a public library in the area — besides the students, the elderly people
also need to have a library nearby where they can sit and read and
spend their spare time — request to set up a public library in the area,
catering to the needs of all the residents.
(b) Dear brother, realised from your last letter that you are not taking part
in any kind of sports — it is good to devote time to your studies but
you must spare time for sports — it will be useful for improving your
physical fitness and personality development — it will create a healthy
competitive spirit in you — it will teach you to remain balanced in both
the cases, victory or defeat —it will increase your mental alertness —
so start participating in your favourite sport from today itself.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) draped (line 8): covered
(ii) resemble (line 10): look like
(iii) solitary (line 15): only
(b) (i) In the beginning of the extract, on seeing the overcast sky Lencho
had expected a shower of rain. It did rain but Lencho’s hopes were
dashed when a strong wind blew away the rain and instead large
hailstones began to fall and totally destroyed his crops.
(ii) Lencho feared that he and his family would have to go hungry
that year because of failure of their crops. Lencho requested God
to send him hundred pesos so as to enable him to sow his field
again and survive till the  crop  comes.
(iii) Lencho put the envelope containing the letter to God into the
mailbox at a post office.
(iv) The postmaster did not want to shake Lencho’s faith in God. So
he collected a part of the money which Lencho had asked from
God, from his employees and friends. He put the money in an
envelope, signed it as God and handed it over to Lencho.
(v) Lencho had unwavering faith in God. When his crops were
destroyed by the hailstorm, he did not ask anyone for help  but  God.
When he got less money than what he had asked God, he did not
blame God but accused the post office people for cheating him.
Chapter-10 39

(c) In response to Lencho’s prayer to God for money, the postmaster  collected

money from his employees and friends. He put the money, which was
little more than half of what Lencho had asked for, in an envelope,
with a letter apparently signed by God, and handed it to Lencho.
Question 5
(a) 1. looking 2. saw 3. dressed 4. have done
5. listening 6. sobbed 7. will speak 8. make
(b) (i) down (ii) with (iii) away (iv) up
(v) out (vi) in (vii) with (viii) on
(c) (i) As soon as the bell rang the students rushed out.
(ii) The child is carrying a bag filled with books.
(iii) Dia is the cleverest of all the girls.
(iv) The train had left before my brother reached.
(d) (i) Little did we imagine that he would win the election.
(ii) It does not matter if we go or not.
(iii) Each of his friends is invited for the party.
(iv) Since I am your senior, I am expected to behave properly.
(v) The tourist enquired of me if we had any hotel in the city?
(vi) Having found the climate of Shimla favourable, she decided to
live there.
(vii) No other man I have ever met is as clever as he.
(viii) Neither he nor I knew where his sister was.


A. Adjectives
A. 1. Did you hear the latest news?
2. He is not fond of this kind of sweets.
3. My friend lives in the next town.
4. Who is more beautiful, Anne or Rita?
5. The Principal accepted the latter proposal.
6. Of the two brothers, Rakesh is the elder.
40 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

7. Sarita came later than I expected.

8. Can you do this without further delay?
9. Maya is my elder sister.
10. She is inferior to her in social position.
B. 1. A dirty black leather coat.
2. A green Indian cotton shirt.
3. A small black Japanese car.
4. A beautiful oval multicoloured carpet.
5. A brown handmade teak kitchen table.
6. An artistic expensive old gold necklace.
7. A thin brown countryside horse.
8. A dirty narrow dark room.

B. Argumentative Composition
1. For: Source of livelihood to trainers — animals are also looked
after — entertainment value for children.
Against: Animals in captivity — starved and ill-treated by trainers —
better off in zoo or in the jungles — alternative employment avenues
for trainers.
2. For: Society still patriarchal — economic control in male hands —
rights and privileges only for a small section — many women still
exploited; their role in society still that of doing household chores
and bearing children — old prejudices remain — equality still a
distant dream.
Against: Enjoy equal opportunities of education and employment  —
occupy the highest office in the country — modern women have
stormed all male bastions — excel in various fields — equal rights —
equal in all respects.
3. For: More comfortable and healthier lifestyle — quick transport
and communications — computers, IT, Internet —nuclear energy
for the benefit of mankind.
Against: If misused, destruction and devastation through nuclear
warfare — has to be controlled and judiciously used — otherwise, a
bad master — man becomes its slave — examples of nuclear threat,
terrorism, etc.
C. Letters
1. Reputed publisher of computer books at all levels—request to set up
exhibition of computer books on the occasion of the Founder’s Day
Chapter-10 41

of school—set up a stall with trained personnel to answer students’

queries—sell books at discount—early reply  requested.
2. Widely advertised ice cream brand on TV—students interested to see
how ice cream is made—hygienic conditions—ingredients used for
various flavours—interesting educational trip—mutually convenient
date and time to visit the factory—thanks—request for an early  reply.

D. Test Paper-10
Question 1
(a) Foreign journalist in city for researching history, culture and
traditions—visits an old monument—miscreants snatch purse and
camera—purse had passport and some money—needed passport
urgently—thieves run—caught by a policeman on duty after chase—
visit to police station—officer apologises—things returned to foreign
journalist—happy to get back her passport and camera—thanked the
policeman—miscreants put in jail.
(b) For the View: Coaching centres — an obsession with children — large
amount of money spent on fees — ‘teaching shops’, minting money
— most centres spoon-feed average students — kill their drive and
Against the View: Cut-throat competition in the academic world —
students worried — uncertain future — ability and competence not
trusted by parents — coaching centres provide intensive as well as
extensive practice — help the children to enter a prestigious institution
through proper guidance and coaching.
(c) Invited to my cousin’s wedding — participated in ceremonies like
mehndi and sangeet — enjoyed every moment of these traditional
fun-filled ceremonies — wedding day, lavish and extravagant function
— colourful pageantry and sumptuous feast — no expense spared —
grand marriage procession — fireworks and dancing — many affluent
people invited — lots of gold and cash gifted to the bride and groom
— a magnificent reception at a five-star hotel.
(d) Last Sunday, me and my cousins decided to watch a movie — after
half-an-hour of discussion, we zeroed in on ‘The Lion King’, the remake
of Disney’s traditionally animated 1994 film of the same name — all
of us got ready in no time and excitedly entered the PVR cinema at
Saket — the moment the movie started, we felt as if we have been
transported to the Savannas of Africa — as the sun rises over the
Savanna, animals of all species converge on Pride Rocks (the kingdom
of Lions) to celebrate the arrival of baby Simba (the cub) held aloft by
the mandrill Rafiki, the power of imagery takes the breath away — this
new version amplifies and deepens all that is good in the original — the
key lies in its visuals, the photorealistic computer-generated imagery
renders its African landscape and animals with astonishing realism
— the story revolves around the cub Simba, who is forced to leave
42 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

his kingdom after his father (Mufasa) is killed by his uncle (Scar) and
how years later Simba returns as a young lion to reclaim his throne
— with its message of revence for the interconnectedness of life ‘Lion
King’ is a deeply moving experience — after watching the movie, we
all became nostalgic and it reminded us of our childhood days when
we all watched its animated version on a VCR at home — overall an
enjoyable experience.
(e) On the occasion of Children’s Day a painting competition organised in
our colony — many children registered their names — on the appointed
day, children came to participate carrying their easels and paints — the
competition was to be held in two rounds — three children, two girls and
a boy selected for the final round — the final results declared — one  girl
topped, the boy stood second and another girl came third — given trophies.
Question 2
(a) Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I want to express
my concern for the drastic increase in crime against women in Delhi —
women do not feel safe in Delhi at any time, day or night — they cannot
move around freely without the fear of harrassment and violence — the
increasing number of cases of sexual abuse and harassment are proof
enough of the inadequate security for women — the government and
the judiciary are to be blamed for the rising crime against women —
delay in meting out punishment emboldens the wrongdoers which, in
turn, increases the threat against women — strict punishment should
be meted out to the culprits without any undue delay — the police
personnel and the public have to be more vigilant and responsible to
provide security to the women.
(b) Dear Richa, Hope your preparations for the Ist Semester Exams
are in full swing — as you know our dada and dadi’s 50th marriage
anniversary is next month — we are planning to make it as memorable
as their wedding day — on the due date, in the morning, a special
Puja will be performed in a temple, followed by a feast for brahmins
— thereafter, we will go to an orphanage and give lunch and gifts to
the inmates — in the evening, we will be organising a grand party in a
hotel, where dada and dadi will exchange garlands and rings followed
by dance, music and sumptuous dinner — by that time you will be free
with your exams and hope will join us for the grand Golden Jubilee
Celebration of our grandparent’s marriage anniversary — till then
study hard and do take good care of yourself.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) dominant (line 2): powerful.
(ii) peripheral (line 4): lower ranking.
(iii) outrank (line 29): be in a higher position.
Chapter-10 43

(b) (i) ‘Cadets’ are junior males who would later become dominant
males. ‘Peripheral males’ are those males who have left their
mothers and joined older members in the community. They cannot
become dominant.
(ii) In a typical baboon troop, peripheral males move on the outskirts
of the troop. When they sense any danger, they give warning signals
to the dominant males. The dominant males face the enemies
boldly and, using threats, they chase them away.
(iii) The dominant males are said to be formidable fighting animals because
they threaten and drive away their foes like lions and leopards.
(iv) The “ranking system” is the hierarchical organisation or the order
of importance assigned in the baboon trap. It is easily  maintained
by enforcing strict discipline. The large males stop fights between
females and juveniles. The former use threats to maintain
discipline in the troop. Besides, obedience plays a big  role.
(v) The passage states that an old dominant male can hold his position
even in his old age when he has lost his teeth and could easily be
defeated by a strong junior. This shows that the habit of obedience
dies hard.
(c) Discipline in a baboon troop is maintained through a ranking
system. The dominant males do not tolerate any dissension within
the group. Threats are used to maintain the ranking system. Rebellious
youngsters are put in their place through the use of force. The habit of
obedience helps to maintain discipline.
Question 5
(a) 1.
drawing 2. reduce 3. deliver 4. was
5. endowed 6. understanding 7. closed 8. became
(b) (i) off (ii) upon (iii) up (iv) away
(v) of (vi) at (vii) in (viii) of
(c) (i) My brother fell asleep while he was reading a novel.
(ii) He is a good singer as well as a good actor.
(iii) Sunil is the tallest boy in the class.
(iv) Though he speaks fast, he is a good leader.
(d) (i) No sooner did I hear a knock at the door than I switched on the
(ii) It rained heavily last night.
(iii) Only a fool would believe you.
(iv) One never knows where one’s luck lies, does one?
(v) When he realised his mistake, he apologised to her.
(vi) He said to us, “Are you going home?”
44 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(vii) In all probability it will rain today.

(viii) The more my uncle earns the more he spends.


A. Comparison of Adjectives
1. Kolkata is larger than many other cities.
2. No other month in Delhi is as cold as December.
3. She does not get up as early as I do.
4. Very few runners in school are as swift as Swati.
5. Diamond is the hardest substance.
6. Gandhiji was the most popular contemporary leader.
7. A dead horse is not as good as a living ass.
8. No other metal is as heavy as lead.
9. Jaya is stronger than Aruna.
10. A flower is not fresher than she is.
11. There is no other mountain as high as Mt. Everest.
12. He is not better than some other boys in the class.
13. Kalidasa is greater than all other Indian poets.
14. Very few sights are as beautiful as the rainbow.
15. That town is cleaner than this town.

C. Letters of complaint
1. Dear Sir/Madam — Subject: Complaint against faulty water purifier
and inefficient AMC — I purchased a Pureit Water purifier, model
number 567008 from your authorised vendor, Amrelieose on
March 12, 20.. — the contract promised visit by service personnel
every three months — the purifier is not working properly, the
water tastes bitter after purification — it has been eight months
since I purchased the water purifier — despite several requests
no one has reported so far — request you to look into this matter
urgently and do the needful.
2. Dear Sir/Madam — Subject: Complaint against receiving used pair
of shoes in a smaller size — I purchased a blue coloured pair of
Chapter-11 45

sports shoes in size 7 from your online site — regret to state that
I received a used pair of shoes as is seen from its sole and that
too in size 5 — I request you to replace the pair of shoes according
to my requisition or refund the amount into my account.
3. Dear Sir/Madam — Subject: Rude Taxi Driver — I booked a taxi
from Connaught Place, Delhi to Noida Sector 18 — the driver came
late — by mistake I left my wallet and some papers on the back
seat, before I left the taxi — I called the taxi driver, Umesh Kumar
— he was not only rude and abusive but put down the phone — I
request you to take action against this driver and try to recover
my wallet and papers.
4. Dear Sir/Madam — Subject: Pasting of election posters on signboards
— I would like to raise the issue of pasting of posters by prospective
candidates campaigning for local elections on signboards — due
to this people are unable to see road signs leading to chaos on
the roads, resulting in accidents — through the columns of your
esteemed paper request the concerned authorities to take legal
action against these candidates and get these posters removed at
the earliest.
5. Dear Sir/Madam — Subject: Menace of underage individuals riding
scooters and motorcycles — through the esteemed columns of
your paper would like to raise the issue of underage individuals
riding scooters and motorcycles on the roads in Tilak Nagar, Delhi
— most of these are minors in the age group of 14-16 years and
without any driving licences — this has resulted in a series of road
accidents in Tilak Nagar area, injuring many innocent people and
in two cases it even resulted in the death of the teenage riders
— request to the concerned authorities to take necessary action
against these underage individuals riding scooters and bikes and
protect the innocent citizens from this menace.

D. Test Paper-11
Question 1
(a) [The proverb “Leopards cannot change their spots” means that human
beings cannot change their innate nature, no matter  how hard they  try.]
Pankaj, a short tempered and careless boy — could not get along with
his family members and peers — his grandfather came to visit them
for a month — grandfather promised to gift a big amount of money
to the one among Pankaj and his siblings, whom he would find the
most well-behaved — Pankaj tried to act smart and started behaving
in a decent manner with his grandfather — he spoke politely with
his siblings and helped them with their homework — he even helped
his mother in the household chores — but he could not carry on his
pretence for long — one day, when he saw his younger brother using
a new pen, he ordered him to give it to him — when he refused, he
abused him and slapped him — when his mother intervened, he even
46 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

spoke rudely with her — his grandfather saw all this from a distance
and ruled out Pankaj as a contender for the gift saying, “Leopards
cannot change their spots.”
(b) For the View: Co-educational schools are better equipped to teach gender
equality than single-sex schools because: (i) they allow both genders to
mingle with each other and know how to co-exist and develop mutual respect;
(ii) help to overcome the fear of opposite gender; (iii) it allows for healthy
competition between boys and girls; (iv) play an important role in character
building as the presence of opposite sex teaches them to behave well;
(iv) it reduces any kind of discrimination based on gender.
Against the View: All girls or all boys school are not better equipped
to teach gender equality because: (i) chances of distraction due to the
presence of opposite sex are less; (ii) unwanted competition between
boys and girls is not there; (iii) since boys are physically stronger, there
are chances of torturing the girls in a co-education school; (iv) it is
easy to provide sex education in a single gender school; (v) students
feel more freedom in the absence of opposite sex.
(c) Returning home after a holiday in Vizag — reached airport early —
security check — went for coffee to balcony — noticed an airbus
hovering — it was in line with the runway — aircraft came closer to
ground — wheels descended — aircraft landed — landing and other
announcements — flurry of vehicles near aircraft — baggage trucks
— ladder to deplane passengers — catering trucks — fuel tankers —
passengers deplane and head to baggage claim — outside hustle and
bustle of passengers’ relatives, taxi drivers, attendents with placards
— passengers pick luggage and leave — in half an hour airport silent
again waiting for another take off or landing.
(d) Went on a picnic to Jaipur by bus—accompanied by two teachers
and 20 classmates — reached the Pink City around 10 o’clock in the
morning — visited all the historical monuments in the city — enjoyed
the typical Rajasthani food at Chokhi Dhani amidst the Rajasthani
folk dance and song — totally exhausted by evening — sat in the bus
for the return journey — as the bus was 20 kms from Delhi it broke
down — the weather turned bad, heavy storm accompanied by rain —
no mobile network, no communication with family — tense situation
— to ease the tense atmosphere, started playing antakshri — the rain
stopped after an hour — the driver and his assistant tried to rectify
the fault — feeling hungry and tired — saw an empty bus coming our
way — our teachers requested the driver to give us a ride till Delhi
— acceded to their request — reached home late at night — parents
relieved — a good picnic, marred by a breakdown.
(e) Cleanliness drive in the school — children given lessons on how to
keep their surroundings clean — visit by a famous Environmentalist —
lecture on the importance of recycling and reusing waste — segregation
of waste into degradable and biodegradable waste — different dustbins
installed in the cafeteria for segregating the waste — a big unit set up
in the school for making compost using the waste — a good beginning
Chapter-11 47

to teach the children the importance of cleanliness and how to

implement  it.
Question 2
(a) Sir, this to bring to your notice the inadequate parking facilities in
Gulmohar Park, Delhi — there are more than sixty shops in the area
but has no parking facility — most of the people park their vehicles
in front of their shops or in the streets, — this results in chaos on the
main roads and the streets as well — many untoward accidents have
taken place — long traffic jams — quarrels and fights, a daily routine
— remedies: no outside vehicles to be allowed inside the market, they
should be parked in the open space, a kilometre away from the market;
traffic should be made one-way; the proposed multi-level parking
should be built at the earliest.
(b) Dear Dad, Hope you and everybody at home is fine and of course
missing me — after reaching Manali, I along with a group of friends
checked in a famous resort — as we reached the temperatures were
dipping and snowfall was expected — there was a heavy snowfall,
which turned Manali into a winter wonderland, for which all of us had
gone to there — the snow-clad mountains, trees, roof-tops, appeared
as if nature has laid a silvery carpet everywhere and transformed the
land into a white marvel — we enjoyed adventure sports like skiing
and paragliding — but due to heavy snowfall, the roads got blocked
— people got stranded on the highway — electric supply remained
suspended for hours — after the snowfall, there were icy cold winds
blowing in the region, which made the temperatures to drop further
and led to biting cold — so the conditions after the snowfall were not
as bright as we expected — but overall, a satisfactory and enjoyable
trip — give my regards to dear mom and love to Rahul.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) homage (line 7): reverence.
(ii) benefactress (line 8): patron.
(iii) make-believe (line 21): fantasy.
(b) (i) Zamu-rishen consulted many doctors and tried a number of
treatments like mud-baths and drinking waters for eight years
to cure himself of rheumatism. Zamu-rishen’s rheumatism was
apparently cured by taking the three pills that Marfa had  given  him.
(ii) Zamu-rishen needed money to buy seeds to sow oats, to buy wood
to repair the roof of his house and to buy a cow. He asked for a
letter of recommendation for getting his daughter’s admission in
a boarding school.
48 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(iii) Marfa was surprised to see the unopened paper containing the
pills that she had given to Zamu-rishen to cure his  rheumatism.
(iv) The conspiracy refers to the deceit by Marfa’s patients, who used
to first praise her for curing them and after she became too excited
on hearing her praise, would request for things of their need.
(v) Marfa came to know the truth that all along her patients have
been trying to deceive her by flattery and thereby, extracting the
things they needed like land, wood, food, etc.
(c) Marfa, a doctor, met a patient, Zamu-rishen who praised her for curing
him of rheumatism with just three pills. When he left, Marfa saw a paper
containing the same three pills which she had given. She realised that
her patients had been deceiving her by flattery to get monetary benefits.
Question 5
(a) 1. brought 2. baked 3. Giving 4. did
5. violated 6. do 7. would take 8. placed
(b) (i) off (ii) across (iii) up (iv) in
(v) on (vi) over (vii) down (viii) out
(c) (i) He works hard to support his old parents.
(ii) The student was foolish to have told lies before the Principal.
(iii) Take an umbrella as it might rain.
(iv) Varun will come back either in July or in August.
(d) (i) He conducted the show as if he were a trained artist.
(ii) She prayed that God be with me.
(iii) They insisted on knowing what had happened.
(iv) As soon as I entered the train it started.
(v) His busy schedule prevented him from attending the meeting.
(vi) The team comprised ten singers and a music teacher.
(vii) Never did he imagine that he would become famous.
(viii) No sooner had I lit the candle than I saw somebody hiding
behind the curtain.


A. Adverbs
1. He has already become fluent in French.
Chapter-12 49

2. She still does not play cricket.

3. Has her brother always been a teacher?
4. I was hardly able to hear what she said.
5. Sometimes we deceive ourselves.
6. I have seen the report today.
7. He generally does good work.
8. I know them quite well.
9. They were able to hear clearly what she said.
10. Has he merely glanced through the newspaper?
11. He won’t ever give us our share.
12. He did fairly well in the interview.
13. Often he does not refer to a dictionary.
14. Do you usually make many mistakes?
15. The teacher has marked these papers properly.

B. Factual Writing
1. (a) A School Prefect: Link between teachers and students—listening
to students’ problems—conveying them to teachers—trying to
solve them at his own end—monitoring other students’ work and
discipline—more active than others—spending longer hours in
school—ahead of others in studies and extra-curricular  activities.
(b) A Policeman: Maintenance of law and order — strict  enforcement —
proper discipline — honest and hardworking — protection of
life and property of the citizens with sincerity.
(c) A Postman: Active and smart—careful while sorting and delivering
mail, parcels and money orders—walking long distances in
rural and remote areas in all weather conditions—important
for illiterate people—reading and writing letters for them—their
companion in joy and sorrow.
2. (a) Preparing a vegetarian meal—cut and clean vegetables—keep the
spices ready—put a little oil in a pan—put all the vegetables—
add spices—stir—knead flour for chapatis—right mix of water
and flour—prepare small balls—press them in round shape—put
them on the tawa—chapatis ready—serve hot.
(b) Publishing a school magazine put up notice—collect articles,
features, short stories, poems, cartoons, etc—get all typed,
edit—arrange for printing—hand them over—supervise printing—
prepare title cover—print and publish—await reactions.
50 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

D. Test Paper-12
Question 1
(a) Haste always leads to less speed and efficiency — Shruti an intelligent
but lazy girl — in the habit of delaying things till the last moment —
selected for presenting a project in the Inter-school science exhibition
— postponed the work till the very end — last date to submit the
project — tried to complete the project in haste — forgot many things
— ultimately submitted the project — project not up to the mark —
had she worked throughout instead of last minute, she could have got
the first prize.
(b) For the View: Plastic carry bags toxify food and other items carried
in them and make them unfit for consumption — plastic bags are
hazards for pets and stray animals; if swallowed, these bags block
the intestines of the animals, as a result of which the animals die
a painful death. It thus, results in indirect cruelty to animals —
fumes emitted by burnt plastic bags cause severe pollution which
many a time can prove fatal — carelessly disposed of, they choke
the entire sewerage and drainage system.
Against the View: Because of their light weight and flexibility, they
serve many purposes — plastic carry bags are used for packing
cloth, ready-made garments and other valuable articles; they are
elegant to look at and enhance the charm of the goods packed in
them — at present lakhs of people are engaged in the collection of
used carry bags, processing the raw material, manufacture and sale
of these bags; a blanket ban on the plastic bags will throw all of
them out of employment — plastic carry bags are an inexpensive
way of taking things home; they are a substitute for shabby cloth
or paper bags, which are often unhygienic and dirty. They should,
therefore, not be banned.
(c) Unexpected visit by an old friend — she had shifted to another city
three years ago — pleased to see her — had lunch together — spent the
afternoon reminiscing about the past — had the weekly unit test the very
next day — friend sorry for disturbing my schedule — she helped me
in preparing for the exam —did well in the exam — thanked my friend
and next day being Sunday, enjoyed it to the fullest with my friend.
(d) Some of the outings remain etched in our memory forever — one such
outing was the one I had two years ago — had gone to Shimla to my
grandparents house as my grandmother was sick — it was the month
of November, no tourists in Shimla — bored with the daily routine
— cousin asked me to accompany him for a walk in the evening —
reluctantly agreed to join him — as we walked up to a favourite tourist
destination, I saw my favourite actor standing there with his family
— could not believe my eyes — requested the security incharge to
allow us to meet him — the actor saw me and himself came to meet
me — asked me and my cousin to have a cup of coffee with him — sat
Chapter-12 51

with him for more than half an hour — enjoyed coffee, clicked selfies
with him and took his autograph — reluctant outing became one of
the most memorable outing for me.
(e) A boy returning from school — a man walking in front of him, talking to
someone on his mobile phone — the man’s wallet fell on the footpath —
the boy walking behind him took up the wallet — had lots of money in
it — the boy tempted to keep the wallet with him — the man unaware
of the fact that his wallet had fallen out of his pocket — the boy
went home, had to pay his school fees the next day — father, a poor
vegetable seller, unable to pay the fees — could not sleep the whole
night — decided not to get tempted and return the wallet — found the
man’s telephone number from his Id-Card in the wallet — called him
up, met him and asked for forgiveness and returned the wallet — the
man thanked the boy for the wallet, it had some important documents
like his PAN Card, ATM Cards, Credit Card and Id-Card — the man
tried to give some money as a reward but the boy refused it saying it
would hurt his father, who has been arranging money all these years
for his education.
Question 2
(a) Statement: This is to bring to your notice the bad condition of roads
in Nehru Nagar, Ghaziabad; — conditions of roads: most of the roads
replete with deep pits and pot holes — dangerous for vehicles —
accidents have become a regular feature on these roads — blatant
corruption by the contractors, who use substandard raw material
for construction and repairing the roads — besides, the construction
and maintenance work starts just before the onset of the monsoon
— good reason to blame nature and escape accountability for using
substandard material — the bad condition of the roads cause a lot of
inconvenience to the residents — cause traffic jams during the peak
office hours — request to take immediate action and help the residents
of the area.
(b) Newspapers — our windows to the world — current affairs, local and
international happenings — sports, science, films, etc., — unlike
television news, a permanent record of events — can collect clippings on
topics of interest — keeps us abreast of the latest happenings around the
world — helps in forming an opinion on a number of issues concerning
our daily lives — very useful — must develop the habit.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) decree (line 6): a decision made in court.
(ii) plaintiff (line 10): a person who makes a formal complaint against
somebody in a court.
(iii) impassive (line 29): emotionless.
52 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(b) (i) Justice Benaja wanted to handover the decree of divorce to Ransie.
Ariela stopped him from doing so because she wanted him to order
Ransie to give her an alimony of five dollars.
(ii) When Justice Benaja was going home, he was stopped by a man,
who pointed a rifle at him and asked him to give him all the money
he had.
(iii) Justice Benaja gave five dollars he had to the man.
(iv) Justice Benaja was mournful on seeing Ariela keeping the money
in her pocket because he had judged that it was Ransie, who had
taken the money from him at gunpoint and had given it to Ariela
as alimony.
(v) Justice Benaja took a sum of five dollars from Ransie for issuing the
decree of divorce. Ransie got back these five dollars from  Justice
Benaja at gunpoint and paid it to his wife as alimony.However,
Justice Benaja made Ariela to pay the sum of five dollars as fee for
getting married to Ransie again and finally got back the money.
(c) Ransie and Ariela went to court to get divorce as they could not get
along together. On getting the decree of divorce, they felt the pain of
separation. They realised the love they had for each another. They
promised to mend their ways and live a happy married life again.
Question 5
(a) 1. to write 2. Give 3. ordered 4. to make
5. were upset 6. was disturbed 7. had asked 8. read
(b) (i) into (ii) to (iii) out (iv) over
(v) on (vi) from (vii) against (viii) up
(c) (i) The child would have drowned had the porter not saved him.
(ii) When the phone rang I was cooking dinner.
(iii) Although my uncle is very old, he goes for a walk every day.
(iv) Unless you confess your fault I will not forgive you.
(d) (i) Had he been invited, he would have come.
(ii) As soon as he reached his school, he called up his mother.
(iii) The room was filled with a lot of furniture.
(iv) Unless you send your application, you will not be considered  for
the post.
(v) The books are being opened by the pupils.
(vi) Srishti reminded Uma not to forget to take her bag.
(vii) No other queen is more famous than the Egyptian
queen, Cleopatra.
(viii) How do you put up with his nonsense?

Chapter-13 53

A. Conditional Sentences
1. If she finishes work early, she can go home.
2. Ice turns into water if you heat it.
3. If we succeeded we would get a reward.
4. If you ___do
____not ____
___ this one, I’ll bring you another.
5. I could tell you the meaning if I knew Latin.
6. If Manas had tried harder, he would have succeeded .
7. I would not eat it if I were you.
8. If I had any sense, I would not have bought a second-hand  car.
9. Tell him to speak to me if you see him.
10. If I  had known that you were coming, I would have baked a  cake.
11. Unless you ___ pay
___ him a good salary, he will not work for you.
12. I would buy that house if I could afford it.
13. If I had asked you, you would have come  .
14. If he worked hard, he would be rich.
15. If I had repaired my car earlier, I would have driven you to  Ambala.

B. Personal Writing
1. Mixed feelings—sad at leaving home—new city, different people—
leaving old friends and teachers in school—familiar surroundings for
ten years—but now new subjects—but excited to enter into a new
world—waiting to meet new people and make friends—determined
to study well—take advantage of every opportunity that comes my
way—looking forward with optimism.
2. Reading: favourite pastime—gives insight into human nature and
behaviour—helps to understand people and tide over difficulties—story
of David Copperfield—harsh treatment by stepfather—started work
early as a child labourer—an old aunt adopted him—education—
young lawyer—happily married—lots of friends including evil ones
like Steerforth and Uriah Heep—David’s struggles and hard work
inspire me—hope to achieve success at the end of all hardships.
(You may also include other relevant details.)
54 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

C. Precision in Summary Writing

1. Napoleon said that all successful men faced hardships early in life.
But they overcame them with determination. One needs to be practical,
active, have fine judgement and be systematic to be  successful.
2. Viruses are parasites that invade plants and animals. They enter
the host body and either kill cells or stimulate cells to grow widely
or lie dormantly, inducing an infection later.

D. Test Paper-13
Question 1
(a) Antara, an intelligent and hard-working girl — fond of western
music — takes lessons in Western music daily after school — supposed
to perform on stage during the school’s Annual Day — saw an
advertisement for a singing competition based on Indian classical
music — the winner to be given a chance to perform on a TV Channel
— Antara decided to give a try  — everybody said that Indian classical
music was not her forte — but she was adamant — started practising
for both the programmes — two days before the Annual Function, she
lost her voice due to too much of practice — she could not perform in
any of the two programmes. A bird in hand is worth two in the bush.
(b) For the View: An open book examination is the one in which students
are allowed to bring their textbooks, notes or other reference material
during an examination and refer to them while giving the examination —
an open book examination promotes thinking rather than memorising
— provides the students a chance to acquire knowledge during the
preparation process of gathering suitable learning material rather
than simply recalling or rewriting it — enhances information retrieval
skills of students through finding efficient ways to get the necessary
information and data from books and other sources — enables the
students to quote accurately from the books — leads to lessening of
examination stress on the students.
Against the View: The number of books students are allowed to
carry with them in the examination hall is limited and fairly carefully
specified —  the students tend to spend too much time searching for an
item of information — the students are tempted to write much longer
answers than are necessary — the students do not develop their own
thinking skills and are dependent on books to answer their questions.
(c) Inter-school cricket tournament — selected captain of the school team
— excited as well as apprehensive — opposition quite strong — winning
for last two years — tough match — chances of winning slim — little
time left — nail biting finish — finally won — school proud — showers
of accolades.
Chapter-13 55

(d) This year Children’s Day (i.e., November 14) was special for our
school as it coincided with the Silver Jubilee of our school — school
tastefully decorated — a variety programme organised — the Union
Education Minister invited as the Chief Guest — welcome by the
NCC band of the school — fancy dress show, skits, dance and music
programmes — an exhibition of paintings by the students depicting
the life of Jawaharlal Nehru — books and gifts were distributed to the
underprivileged children.
(e) The picture depicts a General Store where customers were busy buying
commodities of their daily needs — suddenly, there was an alarm —
announcement made from the public address system that a thief had
entered the store — two boys hearing the announcement ran towards
the counter — told the manager to quietly follow them — showed him
a big box lying in a corner — the manager opened the box — a man
was hiding inside — on hearing the man’s story, found that he was a
poor man, who had not eaten anything for a week — wanted to take
something eatable from the store — waiting for the store to close down
at night and hid himself in the box — a harmless fellow — people offered
to buy food for him — refused — asked for a job — got employment in
the store as a guard.
Question 2
(a) Glad to inform you that I have got a scholarship to study science
in one of the prestigious institutes — a dream fulfilled — all the
expenditure for three-year course covered under the scholarship —
relieved, as no burden on parents — it’s the first step towards my
ambition to become a scientist — hope to work hard and achieve  my
goal — thanks for all your wishes — give my regards to your parents.
(b) Through the esteemed columns of your newspaper, I wish to express my
concern for the sharp rise in unemployment in my town — over the years
population has increased — no new industries or business expansions
have come up — no vocational colleges to build employability skills
among the youth — a large number of people migrating to the nearby
cities — the Central and the State government  must take effective
steps to create more employment opportunities for the youth.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) striving (line 8): trying hard.
(ii) fate (line 9): destiny.
(iii) vacant (line 10): blank.
(b) (i) Mrs. Mallard was possessed with the thought of freedom, that
would come to her after the death of her husband. This thought
brought a sudden change in Mrs. Mallard’s appearance. The look
56 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

of terror in her eyes vanished and they became keen and bright.
Her pulse became fast and she felt relaxed.
(ii) Mrs. Mallard had mixed thoughts at the death of her husband.
She felt sad and had the feeling that she would weep on seeing her
loving husband, lying dead. But more than this sad feeling, she was
relaxed at the thought of the freedom she would gain. She thought
that in future she would have no one to impose his will upon her
and she would live for herself.
(iii) When Mrs. Mallard opened the door at her sister’s call, she
appeared triumphant like the Goddess of Victory.
(iv) Louise died of a heart attack caused by shock on seeing her
husband, Brently Mallard, who had been pronounced dead by a
newspaper report.
(v) The surprising element at the end of the passage is the sudden
appearance of Brently Mallard, who was supposed to have died
in a railroad accident. Due to this sudden appearance of Brently
Mallard, his wife Louise had a fatal heart attack caused by shock
on seeing him.
(c) The news of Brently Mallard’s death possessed his wife Louise with
the feeling of having a free body and soul. She imagined the freedom
that would belong to her in the coming years when there would be
nobody to force his will upon her. She would live only for herself.
Question 5
(a) 1. known 2. took 3. hugging 4. was done
5. to cut 6. was surprised 7. was based 8. focussed.
(b) (i) into (ii) to (iii) about (iv) with
(v) out (vi) of (vii) over (viii) for
(c) (i) The ladder is not long enough to reach the terrace.
(ii) Since you are very ill, you have to see a doctor.
(iii) We will go for an excursion provided the weather is good.
(iv) Send me some money as I need it urgently.
(d) (i) We not only need an accountant but also a superintendent.
(ii) She exclaimed with pity that I missed her birthday party.
(iii) I have never seen a bigger mango than this.
(iv) Delhi is older than many other towns in India.
(v) The result took everybody in the country by surprise.
(vi) He seemed to have been motivated by ambition.
(vii) I wish I had come yesterday.
(viii) Harry wished that he could swim like a fish.

 
Chapter-14 57

A. Prepositions
1. at 2. into 3. beside 4. on 5. between
6. over 7. since 8. at 9. in 10. in
11. since 12. before 13. of 14. with 15. to

D. Test Paper 14
Question 1
(a) A willing heart can achieve any goal — Ajay, the son of a peon in a
school — used to visit his father sometimes to give him his lunch — had
a burning desire to study in the school where his father was employed
— studied hard, took help from his teachers in the Government school
— failed thrice in the entrance exam but did not lose heart — finally
succeeded in the Test and got admission in Class VI — put in extra
efforts to score good marks — with hard work and determination, he
passed class XII with the highest marks in his class — completed his
graduation and obtained a B.Ed degree and joined the same school
as a teacher.
(b) For the View: Yes, the government should ban all strikes in the country
because — during the period of strike, production comes to a standstill
— shortages of essential commodities — prices go up — a number of
man-hours are wasted — workers face monetary and psychological
problems, their jobs are threatened — huge loss of revenue — in case
of strike by teachers in schools and colleges, studies are affected, at
times exams are postponed — patients get affected when doctors go
on strike, risking the life of serious patients — tourism industry and
small businesses are affected — common man bears the maximum
brunt of these strikes — one’s right to protest cannot curtail the
rights of others — at times unscrupulous people use the workers and
employees to further their interests.
Against the View: In a democratic country, everyone has the right
to articulate their views and vocalise their just demands — strike is a
weapon used only in extreme circumstances, when all other democratic
means to negotiate have come to an end — strikes arouse the people
against the wrong doings of the management or the government —
strikes create awareness on certain issues by generating media attention.
(c) Indeed, a dream is not what we experience in our sleep but a dream
is that which does not let us sleep — dreams are what drive us to
succeed in life.]
This morning brought a new sunshine in our life — as the Sun rose
and the newspaper vendor dropped paper, a spirit of joy and happiness
58 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

echoed from every corner of my house — there was a huge picture of

my elder brother on the front page of the newspaper as he had topped
the NEET Exam for admission in medical colleges — congratulations
started pouring in on mobile phones and through personal visits by
neighbours, friends and relatives — it continued till evening — we were
all very happy but surprised at the result because nobody expected
that my brother would clear the exam in the first go and that too with
a top rank — later on, while talking to the press my brother revealed
that the day he took an old, dying man lying on the road to the nearby
hospital and how the doctors gave him a new lease of life, made him
decide that he would become a doctor — he worked day and night
to achieve his dream of becoming a doctor — in the hostel, he used
to study for hours together at night using a small emergency light,
without anybody knowing about it.
(d) It so happened that some relatives of mine were to visit my house last
Sunday — they were supposed to reach by Sunday afternoon — me
and my family members made all the preparations for their visit —
my mother prepared sumptutous lunch for them — my father was
supposed to receive them at the airport — as my father was leaving
for the airport, they called up to say that they had missed the flight
and had to cancel their visit — all of us felt very bad — suddenly
remembered that the elderly couple living next door had their 50th
marriage anniversary — bought a cake and flowers and took all the
dishes prepared by my mother to their house — called other neighbours
as well — celebrated their anniversary — had lunch with them — they
were too happy to celebrate their anniversary in this manner and
showered me any my family with lots of blessings — thus, a day which
would have been marred by the cancellation of a visit by my relatives
turned into a fun-filled enjoyable day — learnt a lesson that it is not
the situation but how we react to it is more important.
(e) Cleanliness drive — keep neighbourhood clean — school children cleaning
school surroundings — supervised by teacher — work experience in the
school — example for others to follow — similar efforts to be made in
every street and corner — inculcating dignity of labour.
Question 2
(a) The number of suspected cases of dengue increasing every day —
two people in the area have died of dengue — Causes: unhygienic
conditions in the area — puddles of water seen here and there — drains
choked with garbage, not cleaned for days together — breeding ground
for mosquitoes — remedies: drains should be cleaned regularly —
ditches on the roads to be repaired — spraying of mosquito repellants
in the area.
(b) Dear aunt, I am writing to you to guide me — final examination is just
a month away — I have not made any preparations at all because of
problems, which required immediate attention like dad’s sickness,
change of residence, rehearsals for the Annual Day function and hectic
practice sessions for Badminton Championship — tension rising with
Chapter-14 59

each passing day — please guide me how to study so as to cover the

huge syllabus and pass the final exams with good marks — promise to
study regularly from the next session along with participating in extra-
curricular activities — give my regards to uncle and love to  dear  Megha.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) ragged (line 1): wearing old and torn clothes.
(ii) undermined (line 10): weakened.
(iii) irresolutely (line 13): indecisively.
(b) (i) Due to his drinking habit the beggar had no strength to work. He
accepted the offer to chop wood because of his pride and shame.
(ii) The beggar unwillingly pulled a log of wood, placed it between his
feet and tried to chop it feebly with an axe. But the log flew off
and then fell down. He tried again little cautiously but the stick
of wood this time also fell to the ground.
(iii) The advocate regretted his decision of giving the beggar the task
of chopping wood because the beggar was an old, drunk and sick
man who could not do physical work in the cold.
(iv) The advocate recommended to his friend to give Lushkoff the job
of copying. Lushkoff gave up drinking, worked hard and rose to
the position of a notary.
(v) Olga completely changed Lushkoff’s life. When Lushkoff was given
the task of chopping the wood, Olga could not see his miserable
position and used to chop wood for him. Olga’s noble deed brought
a change of heart in Lushkoff, who gave up drinking, worked hard
and became a notary.
(c) Lushkoff a drunk, sick beggar, was offered the job of chopping wood
by advocate Skvortsoff. Olga, Skvortsoffs’ cook, moved by Lushkoff’s
miserable condition, helped him by chopping the wood for him every
day. This brought a change of heart in Lushkoff. He stopped drinking,
worked hard, and became a notary.
Question 5
(a) 1. had invented; 2. became; 3. played; 4. pulling;
5. went; 6. threw; 7. floated; 8. was born.
(b) (i) to (ii) upon (iii) away (iv) up
(v) under (vi) for (vii) down (viii) over
(c) (i) Mohit is not as smart as his brother.
(ii) Uma reached the town hall to meet us there.
(iii) Do not go out until your father comes.
(iv) The oranges were too sour to be eaten by us.
60 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

(d) (i) The earthquake proved to be devastating.

(ii) Unless you water the plants they will wither.

(iii) No other student in the class is as good as him.
(iv) The work will have been completed by the students before  Sunday.

(v) To serve in heaven is not better than to reign in hell.

(vi) Mr. Paul asked him how many prizes he had won in the competition.
(vii) As a result of my illness, my progress was slow.

(viii) It has been a week since she returned.


A. Articlesr uk
1. an 2. the 3. an, a 4. the 5. an
6. the 7. the 8. An, the 9. The, the 10. The

11. the, the 12. an 13. the, the 14. a 15. a


B. Characters
(b) The people next door—a large well-knit joint family—share their joys

and sorrows together—elders affectionate and considerate towards

the needs of others—young people obedient and respectful towards

the elders—children study and play together—always willing to help

neighbours—fortunate to have such people next door.

(c) My favourite visitors—father’s boss and his family—always arrive on


time, leave early—bring presents for mother, chocolates for us—the


lady helps the mother in the kitchen—children play with us—they

enquire about our welfare—no office talk—look forward to their  visit.
C. Selective Summary


Gold though heavier than lead, can be hammered so thin that light

can pass through it. It is indestructible. Of all the available gold, 75%
is used for jewellery.

D. tEST Paper-15
Question 1
(a) Priya an intelligent and nice girl — good at studies and extra-curricular
activities — her father transferred to a new place — joined a new
school — a group of arrogant and fashionable girls persuaded her to
Chapter-15 61

join them — reluctant initially but joined them — started following

their style — spending more time in dressing and partying rather than
studies — lagged behind in studies — passed with average marks —
realised the truth of the statement that it is better to be alone than in
bad company.
(b) For the View: Yes, animal testing aids researchers in findings drugs
and treatments to improve health and medicine — it helps ensure
safety of drugs prior to commencing trials on humans — animals are
used because they are considered to be the closest match with regards
to applying scientific data to suit human needs.
Against the View: Animals too have the right to live, but countless
animals are killed after their use — many of the tests never actually
see approval for human consumption, so the life of animals is taken
in vain — animal testing costs enormous amount of money, as the
animals must be fed, housed and cared for and treated with drugs.
(c) As the school-week comes to an end, plan for the weekend — on
Saturday mornings, I inevitably receive a phone call from my best
friend, Atul — he implores me to visit his place — I usually acceed to his
request — there we play computer games, exchange gossip, complete
our homework — in the afternoon go out to watch a movie — sometimes,
we manage to sneak out of the apartment with my friend’s fishing net
to catch fish in the nearby canal — my friend often accompanies me
to my house for dinner on Saturday nights — go to sleep late at night
— get up late on Sunday morning — have brunch with my family — go
out for shopping — try to pamper myself with an afternoon nap — in
the evening I go for my music classes — return home — have dinner —
when I get a gnawing feeling inside me, I know the weekend is over — a
sense of loss hangs in the air.
(d) Waiting on the pavement early in the morning, that too on a chilly
winter day is a gruelling experience — get up early — pack myself in
layers of warm clothes — biting cold outside — the chill freezes my
face, turning it red, the nose frozen first, starts to hurt, becomes numb
— the roads wear a deserted look except the students going to school
and milkmen and newspaper vendors on their daily errands — it seems
that birds are sleeping at an unknown location — reach the bus stop
— meet other students from my school — chat a while — bus appears
at a distance with its headlights glowing in the dark — bus stops and
we enter the bus, marking the end of another day’s ordeal of getting
up early in the morning to take the school bus — the winter morning
conditions are enough to awaken even a meditative soul.
(e) Live in a remote village bordering Nepal — a peaceful area — low
population density — most of the people know each other — the
serene and calm atmosphere broken when Army personnel marched
into the village — people taken by surprise — the Army surrounded
a house from all sides to flush out a gang of terrorists living there —
soon gunshots were heard from both the sides — it was only after an
62 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

hour that the operation by the Army ended — two terrorists were shot
dead and one was caught alive — later revealed that the terrorists
had forcibly entered the house of the Sarpanch of the village and were
holding his family at gunpoint — a neighbour became suspicious and
reported the incident to the Police — this led to the Army operation.
Question 2
(a) Height of carelessness — an important parcel sent a month ago — failed
to be delivered — negligence of the staff — request immediate action
against them — parcel should be delivered as soon as possible.
(b) Visited the historical Golconda Fort in Hyderabad — we were fortunate
to be accompanied by one of the oldest and finest guides, — he took
us around the ruins of the fort complex — he then showed us the
remarkable acoustic effect at the fort — he made a hand clap at a
certain point below the dome at the entrance, which reverberated and
we could hear it at the highest point almost a kilometre away — this
used to be done as warning note to the royals in case of an attack —
wonderful ventilation in the fort — overall a unique  experience.
Question 3
lease refer to Hints for Question 3 (a) and (b) given in Chapter 1 in
the textbook.
Question 4
(a) (i) Abject (line 2): wretched.
(ii) desolate (line 6): empty and without people.
(iii) adept (line 15): expert.
(b) (i) Alexander became reckless and malevolent when he became
a sailor because of the wretched conditions at sea and cruelty
of the captains, which made the sailors’ life miserable.
(ii) Alexander hatched a conspiracy to instigate the sailors to leave
the ship and remain on the island. He did so because he
believed that the Captain would accept their demands, if they
threatened him with their plan of leaving the ship.
(iii) “The crew played the Judas” means that the sailors  betrayed
Alexander Selkirk by revealing his (Alexander’s) part in the
conspiracy to the Captain.
(iv) When the crew of the Spanish ship rowed in, Alexander was
petrified and hid in the foliage. He did so because in those
days England and Spain were hostile to each other.
(v) The two points of difference in Alexander’s story and Defoe’s
version are: (a) Defoe’s story is of a man shipwrecked on an
island, whereas Alexander Selkirk was left behind by the Captain
on the desolate island as he was a bad influence on other
sailors. (b) Alexander Selkirk lived on the desolate island for five
years, whereas Robinson Crusoe lived alone for an unbelievable
twenty-eight years.
Aural and Oral English 63

(c) Alexander became adept at hunting. He made clothes with goat skin.
He ran barefoot after goats, which hardened the soles of his feet. He
escaped being caught by Spanish sailors by hiding in a foliage. He
read the Bible aloud, sang to the cats and learnt to milk the goats.
Question 5
(a) 1. to understand 2. dressed 3. given 4. cropped
5. saw 6. holding 7. followed 8. marching
(b) (i) back (ii) with (iii) on (iv) up
(v) since (vi) over (vii) out (viii) in
(c) (i) He, whose father is a judge, is my neighbour.
(ii) The captain took out his gun to disperse the mob.
(iii) The horse won’t harm you as he is not wild.
(iv) You will be cured if you take these tablets.
(d) (i) Everyone will agree that your friend did his best.
(ii) If the train had not been late they would not have to spend the
night in a hotel.
(iii) He became popular because of his courtesy.
(iv) No other ruler was more successful than Ashoka.
(v) We are making preparations for my sister’s wedding.
(vi) He forbade his son from playing on the road.
(vii) I wish I had listened to your suggestion.
(viii) The news is too good to be true.


Aural and Oral English

Answers of reading passages
1. Pavagada solar park
Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (a)

6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (c) 10. (b)

2. fani
Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (c)

6. (b) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (c)

64 Teachers’ Handbook (Total English-X)

3. The national war memorial

Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a)

6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (c)

4. migratory birds

Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (c)

6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (b) 10. (a)

5. malnutrition
r uk
Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.
1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a)

6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (c)


6. adaptations

Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.

1. (b) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (a)


6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (c)


7. biodiversity

Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)


6. (a) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (c)



8. dengue

Choose the most appropriate option and write (a), (b) or (c) in the circle.

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (b)

6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (a) 10. (b)


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