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Occupational psychology questions

1. What is predictivist and constructivist approach of selection of an employee into an

organization. Give examples

research and practice are concerned with anticipating to what degree outcomes from specific selection
instruments, such as interviews or psychometric testing, will be predictive.

2. ___________________ is the second step in an employee life cycle

a. Induction and socialization
b. Managing performance
c. Retiring and leaving
d. Returning to work

3. _____________________ in occupational psychology is concerned with using particular tests in

predicting employee performance and believes that election tools are linked to positive
performance at work place
a. Induction perspective
b. Assessment center perspective
c. Predictivist perspective
d. Constructivist perspective

4. ___________________ is when one or more employees work is terminated .

a. Turnover
b. Redundancy
c. Role overload
d. Role erosion

5. No matter how you drive in a driving test you are not compared with others, instead how well
you drive is based on an established measure of acceptable performance. This is ___________
a. Ability referenced testing
b. Criterion referenced testing
c. Predictivist based testing
d. Constrictivist based testing
6. Big five test is a common ________________ test
a. Ability
b. Verbal
c. Personality
d. Interest

7. Psychological test that measures a person’s ability in numerical , verbal, reasoning and spatial
skills is termed as ______________
a. Spatial test
b. Ability test
c. Competency test
d. None

8. Comparing someones score to other people who also have taken the test categorizing into
below average, average or above average is termed as ______________________ test
a. Norm referenced
b. Meta analysis
c. Ability
d. Competency

9. While selecting an employee if the HR is trying to assess leadership and communication skills
which test will be good .
a. Norm referenced
b. Meta analysis
c. Ability
d. Competency

10. Work life balance is important for employees in recent years and much research is being
conducted about same in different occupational fields. True or false

11. Select multiple answers : which are important aspects of organizational change management
a. Systematic method of applying behavioural science knowledge to the planned creation
of strategies
b. reinforcement of organisational strategies, structures and processes for improving an
organisation’s effectiveness.
c. Changing the organization interiors and employees
d. Developing skills and competencies of employees and managing their resistance
12. Explain any two diagnostic methods being used in organizational development.

- The use of questionnaires is cost-effective and yields data that can be mathematically examined.
Employees' ordinarily hidden ideas and feelings may be revealed by the anonymity provided.
This strategy does not encourage personal interaction and debate, which are otherwise essential
to the process of changing hearts and minds.
- Sensing entails conducting unstructured group interviews to investigate group issues, concerns,
demands, and resource requirements. Typically, the group is a sub-sector of an organization.
Members from various parts of an organization can be sampled to provide OD researchers with
a sense of the organization as a whole as well as what the organization represents to its
members. Successful group interviews require some level of trust; otherwise, participants will
not reveal their true worries.

13. _________________ are different methods for changing organization culture

a. Education and communication
b. Administering personality and fitness test
c. Symbolic commitment
d. Negotiation and agreement

14. ____________________ is the term for organisations that have people as well as technology

Human-machine interaction

15. The study of designing tasks to fit the person is ______________________


16. List five factors in herzberg’s job characteristics model

- Skill variety
- Task identity
- Task significance
- Autonomy
- Feedback from the job

17. The personal choice that employees have in how they go about completing their work is
_____________ according to herzberg’s job characteristic model
a. Skill variety
b. Task identity
c. Task significance
d. Autonomy

18. In diversity management treating a person or group differently creating feelings of exclusion is
termed as
a. Exclusoive organisatioon
b. Inclusive organization
c. Socio exclusion practice
d. Discrimination

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