LI2 - Vocabulary - OFC - Unit 16.week 2

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1º Grado Estudios Ingleses.

Lengua Inglesa II



Noun + Noun
Beef stew – Estofado de ternera
Bubble gum broccoli – Brócoli con sabor a chicle
Cheese sandwich – Sandwich de queso
You can have an orange juice with a cheese sandwich for your breakfast.
Chocolate-tasting carrot – Zanahoria con sabor a chocolate
Flavoured vegetables like chocolate-tasting carrots went on sale yersterday.
Egg-shaped – Con forma de huevo
My friend has a funny egg-shaped head.
Fish fingers – Palitos de pescado
Some cooks usually add buttom mushrooms to tomato paste and then eat them with
fish fingers.
Half an hour – Media hora
I cannot wait someone more than half an hour.
Impromptu discussion – Discusión improvisada
The decision was taken after an impromptu discussion.
Junk food – Comida basura
For me junk food and fast food mean the same thing.
Once / Twice a week – Una / dos veces a la semana
I play tennis once a week.
Orange juice – Zumo de naranja
Pear tree – Peral
We used to have many pear trees.
Pizza sweetcorn – Maíz tierno con sabor a pizza
Portion of fruits / vegetables – Piezas de fruta / verdura
Children and adults should eat 5 portions of fruits and vegetables a day.
Prawn cocktail cauliflower – Coliflor con sabor a cóctel de gambas
Restaurant specialist – Especialista en restaurantes
Restaurant specialists usually control the order of each restaurant.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Rice dish – Plato (comida) de arroz

Paella is one delicious type of rice dish.

Shop window – Escaparate

All petrol stations have their shop windows prepared to sell things in the evenings.
Toffee apple sweetcorn – Maíz tierno con sabor a manzana de caramelo
Specialists in food invented toffee apple sweetcorn because they wanted children to eat
Tomato paste – Concentrado / extacto de tomate

Adjective + Noun
Amazing positive results – Resultados positivos asombrosos
Healthy diet causes amazing positive results in our body.
Natural / Artificial chemicals – Aditivos naturales / artificiales
It is well-known that some firms make use of artificial chemicals in their products.
Cooking magazine – Revista de cocina
English breakfast – Desayuno inglés
Fast food – Comida rápida
Flat bread – Pan de pita
Flat bread is one type of bread I like very much.

Flavoured frozen vegetables – Verduras congeladas condimentadas / sazonadas

Most people would rather have natural vegetables than flavoured frozen ones.
Fried egg – Huevo frito

Grated cheese – Queso rallado

Grilled meat – Carne a la parrilla
You can add some grated cheese to your grilled meat.
Healthy diet – Dieta saludable
A healthy diet consists in eating vegetarian food and non-fat bread.
Heavy meat dish – Plato de carne abundante / pesado
It is not healthy to eat heavy meat dish for supper.
Hot chocolate – Chocolate caliente
It is good to take some hot chocolate when you are very cold.
Increasing public awareness – creciente conciencia pública
Let’s revise the increasing public awareness of the problem of children not wanting to
eat their ‘greens’.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Japanese menu – Menú japonés

It is difficult to find English breakfasts in Japanese menus.

Last year – Año pasado

I was in London last year.
Long time – Largo tiempo
We did not see him for a long time.
Low heat – Fuego lento
You can cook on a low heat when you are not in a hurry.

Miniature fruits – Frutas en miniatura

Safeway recently introduced a children’s range of miniature fruits with softer skin.
Mashed potatoes – Puré de patatas
You can eat delicious beef stew with mashed potatoes, it is very tasty.
Natural additive – Aditivo natural
Non-fat bread – Pan que no engorda / sin grasas

Nutritional value – Valor nutritivo

The company affirmed that it had not altered the vegetables’ nutritional value.
Pay day – Día de paga
People used to be happy before and after a pay day.
Raw fish – Pescado crudo
Eating raw fish is bad for your health.
Real-looking fake food – Comida de plástico que parece real
I hate fast food because it is real-looking fake food.
Serious health implications – Consecuencias graves para la salud
Not eating enough can bring you serious health implications.
Traditional food – Comida tradicional
You can find many recipes of traditional food in a cooking magazine.

Typical national dish – Plato típico nacional

Paella is a typical national dish from Spain.
Unhealhy eating habit – Hábito de comida no saludable
Having fried eggs for breakfast is an unhealthy eating habit among British people.
Vegetarian food – Comida vegetariana
Wacky vegetables – Verduras extravagantes / estrafalarias
Miniature greens strike me as wacky vegetables.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Verb + Adverb
(to) appeal directly – Atraer directamente
The advertisements appeal directly to the consumer.
(to) find useful – Encontrar útil
I found it useful to study at home and not in the library.
(to) introduce recently – Introducir recientemente
The famous brand of shampoo was introduced in the supermarkets recently.

Adverb + Adjective
Extensively market-tested – Ampliamente probado a nivel comercial
These products have been extensively market-tested on children aged 7 to 10.
Fairly healthy – Bastante saludable
Doing exercise twice a week is fairly healthy.
Freshly grated – Recién rallado
This cheese is freshly grated and ready to be added.
Physically ill – Físicamente enfermo
Changing your diet can make you be physically ill.
Potentially serious – Potencialmente grave
Eating fast food can have potentially serious implications in the future.

Phrasal verbs
To be off – Acabarse, agotarse / ponerse malo (un alimento)
The soup that I ate yesterday is off today.
To carry out – Llevar a cabo
Finally, Tom decided to carry out his plan and told her everything.
To chop up – Cortar
You need to chop up your bread before eating it.
To give up – Abandonar, renunciar
I think none of us is able to give up eating fast food.
To go on – Continuar
After a long pause she went on telling me the story.
To leave over – Sobrar
When we went to a Chinese restaurant there was so much food that some dishes were
leaving over.
To talk about – Hablar sobre
She is talking about what happened in the lecture yesterday.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Other vocabulary
Fake - falso
Heat – fuego, calor
Flat - plano
(to) fry - freír
Unhealthy – no saludable
Flavoured – sazonado, condimentado
Grated - rallado
(to) grill - asar
(to) add - añadir
Non-fat – que no engorda, sin grasas
Wacky – estrafalario, absurdo, extravagante
Prawn - gamba
Toffee - caramelo
Beef – ternera (carne de vaca)
Stew – guiso, estofado
Mash - puré
Junk - basura
Amazing – asombroso
Sweetcorn – maíz tierno

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