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1º Grado Estudios Ingleses.

Lengua Inglesa II

Unit 18: “What’s in a Book?”


Noun + Noun
Baseball bat – Bate de baseball
He has the coolest baseball bat.
Detective novels – Novelas de detectives
I like detective novels, they are really enjoyable.
Factory noise – Ruido de fábricas/ industrial
We are going to move, I can´t stand this evil factory noise.
Fish’s size – Tamaño del pez
He was very surprised to see the fish’s size.
Friends’ collect – Colecta de amigos
I´m going to organize a friends’ collect the next Sunday.
Guided reef walk – Paseo guiado por los arrecifes
When the tide went out, we did a guided reef walk.
Non fiction – Sin ficción, que narra hechos auténticos
I won´t go to watch a non fiction movie.
Publicity campaign – Campaña publicitaria
This brand is starting the best publicity campaign I´ve ever seen.
Science fiction – Ciencia ficción
She prefers reading the classics to watching a science fiction film.
Soap bubbles – Pompas de jabón
She dreamt of a pool full of soap bubbles.

Adjective + Noun
Alternative books – Libros alternativos
I prefer reading alternative books such as drama, documentaries and discussions.
Amazing details – Detalles asombrosos
All of his books are full of amazing details about what life used to be like there.
Approaching hurricane–Huracán que se acerca/ se aproxima
I´ve heard about an approaching hurricane in the country.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Bad weather – Mal tiempo

We decided not to go to the beach due to the bad weather.
Beautiful shells and startfish – Bonitas conchas y estrellas de mar
We saw some beautiful shells and starfish in the reefs.
Black factory smoke – Humo negro de las fábricas
They closed their business because of the black fatory smoke.
Brief review – Breve reseña
You can see a brief review of the book in the weekend magazine.
Certain expression – Expresión segura, llena de seguridad
That´s the certain expression I was looking for!
Cramped hand – Mano apretada/ apretón de manos
My boss closed the business with a cramped hand.
Dark purple (swordfish)– (Pez espada) morado oscuro
The head and back of the swordfish was dark purple in the sun.
Difficult vocabulary – Vocabulario difícil/ complicado
Her essay uses really difficult vocabulary.
Enormous sadness – Tristeza enorme
Since the accident she lives with an enormous sadness.
Final humiliation – Humillación final / definitiva
That day we suffered the final humiliation.
First printed Scottish book – El primer libro publicado en Escocia
His Doctoral Thesis is a cultural-religious approach to the first printed Scottish book.
Good weather – Buen tiempo
There are more fish during good weather.
Great blade – Hoja grande
The old man saw the great blade of the fish’s tale go under the water.
Great determination – Gran resolución, determinación
He has a great determination when has to deliver a presentation in class.
Great success – Gran éxito
He has had a great success in his job since he chose that career.
Historical novels – Novelas históricas
Historical novels are their favorite ones.
Hunched back – espalda doblada /encorbada
If you don´t change you habits you´ll have a hunched back in a couple of years.
Interesting job – Trabajo interesante
I´m looking for a really interesting job, but still haven’t found what I’m looking for.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Inventive storyline – Argumento ingenioso, original

The storyline’s so inventive that he was kept guessing right up until the last few pages.
Large family – Gran / amplia familia
He wants a large family but she doesn´t want to have any children.
Large salary – Gran salario
I´m working here due to the large salary, but I don’t like the job.
Left hand – Mano izquierda
She doesn´t know how to do anything with her left hand.
Leisure time – Tiempo libre
If you don´t know what to do with so much leisure time, don’t hesitate to go to my
uncle’s library.
Lifelong ambition – Ambición de toda la vida
Being an architect has been her lifelong ambition.
(a) Light lavender (colour) – (un color) lavanda claro
In the sun the sides of the swordfish showed a light lavender colour.
Literate times – Tiempos de alfabetismo
My grandfather was born in literate times.
Long description – Larga descripción
I fell asleep with her long descriptions.
Main character –Papel principal
She will play the main character in the movie.
Major problem – Serio / mayor problema
Being alone is not her major problem.
Meaningful word – Palabra con significado
Every word she writes is truly meaningful.
Memorable description – Descripción memorable
His son made a memorable description of his father´s life.
New library – Nueva biblioteca
The newest library in Europe is in Amsterdam.
New restaurant – Nuevo restaurante
The new restaurant is on the corner.
Old man – Hombre mayor / Anciano
She takes care of that old man although he´s not her grandfather.
Physical pain – Dolor físico
My phycological pain is worse than the physical pain.
Proper respect – Respeto apropiado
You have to talk him with proper respect regarding his status.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Short story – Historia corta

She is writing a weekly short story for the newspaper. It is one of the finest written by
Small boat – Embarcación pequeña / barca
My father has bought a small boat for fishing.
Technological attractions – Atracciones tecnológicas
We are going to Japan, they have the best technological attractions.
Thin feather – Pluma fina
My friend William is used to writing with a thin feather.
Visual way – Visualmente
Films are very effective at telling stories in a visual way.
White cumulus clouds – Nubes blancas (con forma de algodón)
We saw the white cumulus clouds built like friendly piles of ice cream.
Wild ducks – Patos salvages
He saw a flight of beautiful wild ducks.
Yellow roses – Rosas amarillas
You should mix red, white and yellow roses for the bunch.

Verb + Noun
(to) Chase an animal (e.g. a fish) – Perseguir / ir a la caza de
He was chasing the fish in his boat.
(to) Ease one’s fingers – Aliviar los dedos
He rubbed his frozen hands to ease his fingers.
(to) pull a line – Tirar del hilo
The fisherman pulled the line with his left hand.
(to) See (no) trace (of) – (No) ver rastro (de)
He could see no trace of a black cloud in the sky.

Verb + Expression with preposition

(to) Apologise for – Disculparse por
She never apoligised for all the pain she caused.
(to) Award with – Recompensar con
She was awarded with a large amount of money when she had the accident.
(to) Be tied fast to – Estar atado a / unido firmemente
The old fisherman was tied fast to the boat.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

(to) Hang on to – Quedarse con / Agarrarse a

I could´t find anything to hang on to during the earthquake.
(to) Have time to sth/sb – Tener tiempo para algo o alguien
He enjoyed being out at sea because he had time to himself.
(to) Face up to – Reconocer / asumir
You should be more humble and face up to your limits.
(to) Rub one’s hand against – Frotarse la mano contra
The old man rubbed the cramped hand against his trousers.

Verb + Adverb
(to) Forecast ashore – Pronosticar en tierra
He could fish at sea, because bad weather had not been forecast ashore.
Hand-made – Hecho a mano
It takes such a lot of time because my clothes are all hand-made.
(to) Swim fast – Nadar rápido
The fish could have escaped if it had swum fast.
(to) Unknot slowly – Lentamente desanudar / desenredar (cabello)
His left hand was still cramped, but he was unknotting it slowly.

Adverb + Adjective
Badly injured– Gravemente herido
The Internet are some of the reasons why the book ought to be very “badly injured”.
Firmly joined– Firmemente atado / unido a
The wooden construction was firmly joined using screws and glue.
Lucky enough– Suficientemente afortunados
We were lucky enough to meet some famous writers.
Too dismissive (of) – Demasiado desdeñoso (para con)
We are too dismissive of traditions in out modern world.
Well developed– Bien desarrollado
I like the way the characters are so well developed and accurate.
Well researched– Bien investigado
All the wise man’s books are really well researched.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Phrasal verbs
Add up – Sumar
Can you add up this column of numbers?
Bring up (e.g. an issue) – Educar (niño), plantear (asunto)
I won´t bring up the issue! It´s not my bussiness.
Build up – Acumular (experiencia), forjarse (reputación), fortalecer, desarrollar
I´m working here to build up experience but next year I will change my job.
Chop up – Cortar, picar
Could you please chop up the onion?
Come across – Encontrarse por casualidad
I came across Tony last week.
Come in for – Ser objeto de
The novelist come in for a lot of criticism on his latest book.
Come out– Salir, desteñir (una mancha)
Those yellow roses have come out very early this year.
The stain of this T-shirt has come out.
Come through – Atravesar, abrirse camino
My blood went cold, as I noticed a dark figure coming through the fog towards us.
Come up against – Enfrentarse a, tropezarse con
We came up against a new problem.
Die out – Extinguirse, desaparecer
He told me that this kind of eagles had died out.
Go after – Perseguir
The dog went after the burglars but wasn’t fast enough to catch them.
Go down – Bajar, desinflarse, hundirse.
The child saw that the balloon had gone down.
Go out – Pasar
When the tide went out we went for a stroll.
Go through – Pasar por, atravesar
After all you’ve gone through, you must be exhausted!
The sofa wouldn’t go through the new doorway.
Go without – Pasar sin, arreglárselas
I can go without most things, but I do need coffee.
We will never go without books, because they have served us so well for so long.
Look for – Buscar
Is this the book you are looking for?

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Put by – Ahorrar, reservar.

I should have put by some money for the present.
Put up – Alojar, hospedar, levantar (una mano)
If you come to visit us we will put you up.
Sort out – Poner en orden, solucionar, explicar
He is going to sort out the situation when he arrives.
Stand for – Representar, simbolizar
That icon stands for the organization.
Take over – Asumir el control (de un país), tomar el mando
The captain took over the situation.
Take up – Llevar (una actividad ininterrumpida), reanudar
I´m going to take up tennis.
Throw up – Vomitar, devolver
The poor pregnant woman threw up her dinner.

Other vocabulary and vocabulary structures

English Spanish English Spanish
Ashore En tierra Reportedly Según se informa
Bizarre Extraño, To get rid of Librar de
Burst of anger estallido de ira

Cramped Apretado Rub Frotar

Crew Tripulación, equipo Smoothly Suavemente,
Sin problemas, con
mucha labia
Dismissive Desdeñoso Starfish Estrella de mar
Diver Saltador, Steadily Regularmente, sin
submarinista cesar, sin parar
Ease Facilidad Surface Superficie
To ensure Asegurar Tail Cola
Forearm Antebrazo Task Tarea
To gain Conseguir, adquirir Temper Humor, character
Grated Rallado Thatched De paja
To grip Agarrar Threat Amenaza
Injured Herido Treachery Traición
Lecture Conferencia, clase Troop Compañía (de artistas)
Leisure Tiempo libre, ocio Unworthy Indigno
Mood Humor Weigh Pesar
Peak Cima, cumbre Whereabouts Paradero, en que
Parte de


María Teresa Alemán Barrot (2008-2009 student)

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