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1º Grado Estudios Ingleses.

Lengua Inglesa II

Unit 17. “Collectors and Creators”


Noun + Noun
A couple of years – Un par de años
Economists say that we will be in crisis for a couple of years more.
A bit of a shame – Un poco vergonzoso
That comment was a bit of a shame.
Art technique– Técnica artística
They carry out very important art techniques here.
Bank manager – Director de sucursal bancaria
Becoming bank manager is something really difficult.
Bottle top – Tapón de botella
Some people collect bottle tops like a hobby.
City council – Ayuntamiento
The City council was restored the last summer.
Crowds of people – Muchedumbre
There were crowds of people from all over the world in the street during the
Handful of beads – Puñado de cuentas
I’ve got a handful of beads.
Hotel complex – Complejo hotelero
A large hotel complex will be built on the island.
Member of staff – Miembro del personal
The boy I met last week works in this factory as a member of staff.
Murder clues – Pistas de un asesinato
These murder clues are not reliable.
Phone lines – Líneas telefónicas
The phone lines were busy during the interview.
Radio interview – Entrevista radiofónica
In the radio interview, the most important facts of his life were discussed.
Rose bush – Arbusto de rosas
The car hit a rose bush head-on.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Six-year-old boy – Niño de seis años

The six-year-old boy disappeared when the show finished.

Slot-car racing – Carrera de coches de ranura

He won the first prize in slot-car racing.
Trainee cook – Aprendiz de cocinero
The chef who works in this restaurant started as a trainee cook.

Adjective + Noun
Absolute passion – passion total / absoluta
I knew someone once who had an absolute passion for making things out of wood.
Actual battle tactic – Tácticas de guerra reales / verdaderas
I am very keen on battles. I researched from the costumes to the actual battle tactics.
Beautiful wooden beads – Cuentas de madera preciosas
I collect some beautiful wooden beads from India.
Coloured glass beads and balloons – Cuentas de cristal y globos de colores
I especially love coloured glass beads and balloons, which I’ve got loads of.
Full-time – A jornada completa
Your wage will be higher if you work full-time.
Good fun – Gran diversión, muy divertido
That concert was good fun for me.
Living space – Área habitable
Local residents – Residentes locales
Local residents disagree with the government.
Pale blue – Azul claro / celeste
I prefer navy blue to pale blue for the title.
Pocket money – Dinero para gastos personales
I spend most of my pocket money on stamps.
Speaking test – Prueba (de expresión) oral
You have to do a speaking test if you want to pass Lengua Inglesa II.
Time-consuming hobby – Afición entretenida / hobby que demanda mucho tiempo
Drawing is a time-consuming hobby.
Whole minute – Minuto entero
Try to speak a whole minute in English with your partner.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Verb + Noun
(to) Collect beer mats / cinema posters – Coleccionar posavasos de cerveza / pósters de
My father prefers collecting beer mats to cinema posters.
(to) Make a living – Ganarse la vida
Making a living is so difficult these days.
(to) Make model planes / jewellery / hats – Hacer maquetas de aviones / joyas /
Tim is very fond of making model planes.
(to) Paint pebbles – Pintar guijarros
The girl’s hobby is painting pebbles.

(to) Perform a battle – Representar una batalla

My friends and I have already performed five battles in the open air.
(to) Take (pride) in sth / in doing sth – Enorgullecerse de algo / de hacer algo
She took great pride in making unique pieces of ivory.

Verb + Expression with preposition

(A hobby) appeals to somebody (intrans.) – Atraer / interesar (un hobby) a alguien
Which hobby appeals to you most, and why?
(to) Dress up– Vestirse elegantemente / disfrazarse
I spend my weekends dressed up in anything from metal armour to old uniforms.
(to) Spend (the time) on – Pasar (el tiempo) en algo
He spent hours and hours on his hobby.

Verb + Adverb
(to) Go straight to bed – Ir directamente a la cama
The woman turned up and went straight to bed.
(to) Get late – Llegar tarde
This worker is always very punctual, I mean, he never gets late.
(to) Walk heavily – Caminar pesadamente
She painted a polar bear, walking heavily through.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Adverb + Adjective
Hand-painted – Pintado a mano
It costs a lot because it is hand-painted.

Phrasal verbs
(to) Carry out – Realizar, llevar a cabo
The government carries out some public works in the city.

(to) Cope with – Poder con, hacer frente a, arreglárselas con

Our boss is taking steps to cope with the crisis.
(to) Get on (well) with – Llevarse (bien) con
Dogs do not get on with cats.
(to) Look into – Examinar, investigar
What might you discover if you look into a kitchen cupboard?
(to) Look out – Tener cuidado
Look out with my glasses!
(to) Look up to – Admirar, respetar
(to) Stay up – Estar en vela, no acostarse
The strikers stayed up all the night.
(to) Take up – Dedicarse a / Ocupar (espacio)
In her free time, she takes up making photograps. She took up this hobby four years
All my books take up a lot of space on the shelves.
(to) Turn up – Llegar, aparecer
The rock star turned up at the top of the stage.

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

Other vocabulary and vocabulary structures


Hammer Martillo Wooden De madera

(to) Appeal to Atraer, interesar Carved Tallado
Collector Coleccionista Beads Cuentas
Cliffs Acantilados Kits Equipos, herramientas
Sealed Sellado, cerrado Pebbles Guijarros
Postcard Postal Shell Concha
(to) Be keen on sth/sb Interesarse por Needle Aguja
Foreseeable Previsible Leather Cuero
Concrete (n) Hormigón Patient Paciente
Ladder Escalera (de mano) Outright Indiscutiblemente,
rotundamente (adv) /
indiscutible, rotundo
Blame Culpa Booklet Folleto
(to) Reach Alcanzar, lograr Haunted Embrujado
(to) Fill Llenar Assorted Surtido, variado
Freezing Helado (adj) Drawer Cajón
Inhabitants Habitantes Shiny Brillante, lustroso
Shore Orilla (del mar) Relieved Aliviado
Sorts Tipo, género Andel (noun) Asa, pomo, mango
Fork Tenedor Hopeless Desesperado
Bone Hueso Handful Puñado
Tin Lata Tiny Minúsculo, diminuto
Armour Armadura (to) Perform Representar
Accountant Contable (nombre) Plumber fontanero/a
Loud Fuerte, alto (volumen) Dull Pesado, apagado
Idyllic Idílico Pressure Presión
(to) Manage Arreglárselas Mainland Continente
Eccentric Excéntrico (to) Topple Volcar, derribar /
(to) Broaden Ensanchar Guest huésped
Shame Vergüenza Quarrel Riña, pelea

1º Grado Estudios Ingleses. 2010-2011
Lengua Inglesa II

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